How to Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile?
Having a good Linkedin Profile is required for getting good jobs in it companies. So here are few tried and tested career advice on how to enhance your LinkedIn presence and get the maximum out of the social site.
1) Your Profile Should Be Complete : If you are using Linkedin profile you would have noticed a little prompt at the top for filling up your details about your professional life. Consider your profile like a resume. It is very clear that you will not send job applications with only previous job titles and no summary so do not repeat the same in Linkedin Profile. Do not be very much descriptive but just be crystal clear with your keywords. 2) Keep That In Mind It's Not Facebook : The difference between Office and the pub is the difference between LinkedIn and Facebook. Do not use your stylish photo as a display picture for your LinkedIn profile. No posts or videos of any fun time activity in your LinkedIn timeline would be welcoming. Please do include a profile picture as there is 14 times more chance of getting viewed and liked.
3) Do Some Activities : You are under a progressive career so do not mess with it by being passive as you are in a social networking website you need to be active in conversing and sharing your pages, events, work, etc. Only then you will get noticed. 4) Don't burn bridges It is good to have connections with your ex employees as it acts like letter of reference. Referrals and Endorsements reveals the strengths and skills to your future employees. These connections are valuable and you never know when will it be helpful for you. There are various walk in interview job openings for you and just groom your LinkedIn profile to get hired in this field.