How Africa is Fighting the Pandemic? The Global Health Security Index in 2019 ranked different countries considering their readiness to fight the pandemics. As per their rank report, the US was recognized as the most prepared country, wherein, on the other side, most African countries were marked as less competent to combat this novel health threat. Further, taking this aspect of Africa’s lack of preparation to fight the novel coronavirus pandemic, many assumed it could have death cases over 9 million because of COVID-19. From the past few months, Africa has shown unpredictable response to the pandemic. However, many are still unable to know the real strategy behind such immediate response of African regions to the pandemic. Crucial steps taken by African regions to protect their people from the spreading of the deadly COVID-19 virus are as follows – Continental collaboration Over the past 10 months, we have observed that borders could not stop the spread of this disaster, then it might be in the Health sector or any Economic sectors. A native source Jayesh Saini, Nairobi, stated in a report that, as the economic disaster spared no country, the global economy has decreased by 5.1% by this financial year. Responding concertedly to this global pandemic crisis, African countries had agreed to collaborate at continental levels. According to the reports from Jayesh Saini News, Africa CDC, on February 22, assembled an emergency meeting with 55 Health Ministers across the continent to discuss the COVID19 pandemic situation and further, accepted the strategy made in that meeting. This strategy included taking preventive measures over the transmission of the virus and reducing community spread to stop the present scenario that already stressed the entire Healthcare systems all across the continent. Such continental leadership has influenced member states and showed a collective response to the pandemic. Regional collaboration Such Continental approach influenced the African authority to collaborate with the regional as well. One such example is of associating within the East African Community (EAC). Its prime focus was to prevent the spread of the virus across African countries. The EAC focused on setting up a Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System to track COVID-19 cases across the border. Jayesh Saini in Nairobi says that many landlocked countries in the region across the border helped with the transport facility by delivering the necessary goods, such as medicine by truck travels. Therefore, to prevent a cross-border epidemic, the EAC formed Regional Electronic Cargo and Drivers Tracking System helped these countries to share the COVID-