Thermal scanners at Hankou Railway Station, Wuhan. Transport in the city will be closed down on Thursday as authorities try to curb the spread of the new coronavirus
Pandemic Fears Grow Over
he World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday postponed a decision to declare a global public health emergency over a new viral illness which has spread across China and reached the United States. “The decision about whether or not to declare a public health emergency of international concern is one I take extremely seriously, and one I
am only prepared to make with appropriate consideration of all the evidence,” said
Captain Tania Shergil
WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. An emergency meeting of experts will DSP Davinder Singh consider further evidence on whether to determine a global public health emergency on Thursday. Counter-insurgency man known in police Wuhan, China, is cut off fromcircles the as corrupt, unscrupulous outside world in an unprecedented MIDWEST EDITION | EAST COAST EDITION
quarantine after a deadly virus killed 17 and infected 571
| Volume 12 • Issue No. 553 JANUARY 24, 2020
Multiple Cities in China Sealed Off as Coronavirus Outbreak Spreads
of the system that consists of several senior officers. “We have all been training for few months now, and then when to comes down to the Dhe Centre-run A person’s stature doesn’t “Ever since I was a little day, we have practiced so hard, Dr Ram Manomatter much in the Army, girl, I always wanted to join and we are confident when we har Lohia (RML) it takes “jigra” or courage, fauj (Army), I had always get down to the ground,” she Hospital has been said Captain Tania Shergill, seen my father getting ready, said. declared as a nodal Hospithe tall woman officer who wearing his uniform. So I Captain Shergill was the will lead a contingent at always had it at the back of first woman ever to have led a tal to manage the cases of A row of Chinese soldiers block the entrance to the central Hankou Station in Wuhan, China,Republic after the governmentDay put the city in lockdown. the parade, my mind that one day I will contingent on the Army Day. novel coronavirus (nCoV) detected in India.The toldChina NDTV an ofinterview earn thebeuniform,” she said. has told thein residents Wuhan that they would no longer allowed Shefirst saysUSleading Officials confirm case of contingents coronavirus ifdevelopment to leave, as authorities step up efforts to halt the spread of a new coronavirus that comes amid an today.Captain Shergill, a 17 peopleThis would be the sec- gives officers a Tuesday. sense of responoriginated in the city in December and has now killed and infected 571. said on outbreak of the novel corona“Without a special reason, city residents should ” the central The manalive, returnedyou to thefeel Seattle fourth generation officer in not leave ondWuhan, time in a row that a sibility. “You feel city’s special command centre to combat the virus said on Thursday, according to area in the middle of last week after virus (nCoV) in China and state media. The move is meant to “effectively cut off thewoman virus spread, resolutely travelling to the Wuhan area, where the family, says her affinity officer will lead the grateful, you feel happy thatthe curb the outbreak and guarantee the people’s health and safety,” the notice said, coronavirus outbreak began. The man reports that Indian nurses in towards Army contingent. Captain Shergill you are down according to the the official Xinhuadeveloped news agency. is in his 30s and is in good condition on the ground at a hospital in Everett, outside Seattle. Saudi Arabia suspected to have Stations and the airport were closed from 10am (02:00 GMT) with buses, the atmetro an earlyferries age. says she is a “very small” part and leading theUScontingent”. system, and long-distance shuttle buses also suspended. All public The is the fifth country to report have tested positive in Saudi
gatherings were cancelled in the city of 11 million residents. China confirms spread of coronavirus, surge in new infections (1:37) The decision came as hundreds of millions of people are travelling across China for the Lunar New Year holiday, which starts on Friday, and state television said the number of confirmed infections had risen to 571. Most patients are in Wuhan and the surrounding province of Hubei, but cases have appeared elsewhere in China and countries including Thailand, South Korea and the United States.
is making all important actions for preventive measure. However, as of now, no case of coronavirus has been reported in India so far.” “As a part of preventive measure against coronavirus infection, people are advised to cover their mouth with mask, maintain a good standard of hand hygiene and should avoid travelling in crowded places. Any kind of fever, cough, cold and illness should seeing the illness, following China, Thailand, Japan and South Korea.Late Arabia for the deadly diseasebe reported immediately to the last week, US health officials began nearest doctor,” said Dr Bhascreening passengers from central Speaking to ANI, Dr MeenChina at three US airports. Officials radwaj. The Health Seceratry around the world have implemented akshi Bhawadwaj, Medical similar airport screenings in hopes of Superintendent of RML said, Preeti Sudan on Wednesday containing the virus during the busy Lunar New Year travel season. – ACCOUNTING – FINANCE “We haveTAXATION built up a dedicated informed that as on January isolation coronavirus isolation 12,828 Consulting passengers from 60 Financial Advisory &22, Business IRS/AUDIT – Domestic Issues ward. Our team of REPRESENTATION doctors flights have been&Int'l screened for OVDP Representation Sr. Residential Mortgage Consultant, NMLS# 697450 and nurses have been instructnovelcorona virus symptoms, Direct: 847.877.9362 ed to monitor such patients, and no passenger has18been eFax: 877.519.0508 Executive Ct. SouthB. Barrington IL 60010 Sanjit Shah, CPA, MBA, CGMA DThakkar@WintrustMortgage.com if need arises. Also, the Centre detected in India so far. Licensed CPA (IL), MBA (Kellogg School of Management) www.WintrustMortgage.com
THE COMMANDS THIS 4TH GEN A United States citizen who recently returned from a trip to central China has been diagnosed with the new virus that has sparked an outbreak and stringent monitoring around the world, a spokesman for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
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