India News
fter a long wait, television’s most popular reality show Bigg Boss is back with its fourteenth season. The grand premiere aired on Saturday with host Salman Khan taking charge and introducing the new lot of housemates. The Bollywood superstar shared how the team had been working extra hard during the pandemic, to bring to the audience their daily dose of drama. The new season opened up with Salman promising that Bigg Boss 14 will give 2020 a befitting reply. Giving the viewers a shock, the channel used old footage from award shows to give a feel of the in-studio audience. One could see Anil Kapoor, Karan Johar, Farah Khan, Diljit Dosanjh among others cheering for Salman. The host also took the opportunity to talk about the importance of taking precautionary measures. As he promised a bigger,
Freedom of speech SPEECH ‘most abused’
An exasperated Supreme Court on Thursday observed that the “freedom of speech may be the most abused freedom in A never-endingrecent introduction episode times”. The comment came as the court rapped the Centre for filing an “evasive” affidavit through a “junior” on a plea that alleged that some media outlets were “demonising” Muslims over the spread of the pandemic.
Bigg Boss 14: The contestants who stood out in the premiere episode were Pavitra Punia, Eijaz Khan, Nikki Tamboli and Rahul Vaidya. The ones who also seem to have potential are Rubina Dilaik, Abhinav Shukla, Jasmin Bhasin and Shehzad Deol.
HiIndia Newsdesk better and more entertaining season, he also gave a glimpse of the empty studio, informing the audience that this time, he An exasperated Supreme Court on Thursday observed that the would be connecting with some of them digitally. “freedom of speech may be the most abused freedom in recent times”. Host Salman Khan then welcomed the ‘Toofani Seniors’ – Hina Khan, Sidharth Shukla and Gauahar Khan. The trio promised The comment came as the court rapped the Centre for filing an to make the season more challenging for the contestants. While “evasive” affidavit through a “junior” on a plea that alleged that Gauahar is in charge of the kitchen, Hina is responsible for everyone’s personal belongings. Sidharth will look after the some media outlets were “demonising” Muslims over the spread bedroom this season. After 14 days, the ‘Toofani Seniors’ will pandemic has had a deep impact on our mental health. An increasing number of The COVID of theanxiety pandemic. decide which housemate (all the housemates’ status is now TBC people are reporting and disturbed sleep. A report published by American Academy “Well, (the Union government) are entitled to make or To Be Confirmed) gets to continue the game. of Neurology says that they some specialists have termed it “COVID-somnia”. Doctors here are any
All you who need sleep tonight
| Volume • Issue 588 October 9, 2020 | THE NATION FIRST Indian-Americans raise USDNATIONAL 3.3 EDITION After Pic Of13 Sanjay DuttNo. Goes SUHANA KHAN Fans Wish Him A Speedy Boy Billionaires INDIAN-AMERICANS RAISE USDBiden India Viral, My All you who My work is on mnBad in fundraiser for Joe Recovery
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reporting a sharp increase inlike patients sleep(lawyers) disorders. The to tacklingbut insomnia is argument you with people alsokeymake… this freedom mastering our fears and anxieties. It can bemost done through strengthening the body and mind of speech may be the abused freedom in recent times, ” Chief through exercise, diet and discipline.
Mindful exercising for active stress
Studies have shown that regular mindful exercise reduces symptoms of insomnia and decreases anxiety and depression. It reduces production of stress hormones, leads to decreased hypervigilance and has a calming effect on the mind.
need sleep mostly derived tonight exercising stress from the Conventional infinite : for passive A.R. REHMAN The COVID pandemic has had a deep impact on our mental health.
Many of us continue to work from home, some with much reduced workload. Reduced activity, longer hours indoors and social isolation have affected the biological clock (circadian rhythm) of many. Staying awake till late An night, television number of people increasing and exposure to anxiety-provoking news have are reporting anxiety and disturbed perpetuated insomnia.
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Farm protests in Punjab, Haryana bleed govt bodies
sleep. A report published by American Academy of Neurology We recommend developing mindful eating habits. Avoid intake of stimulants such assays coffee,that chocolate some specialists have and sugary drinks (cola, processed juices) four termed it “COVID-somnia”. hours before bedtime. Binge-eating at night, Diet and discipline
INDIA’S COVID-19 TALLY CROSSES Zero m BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES INDIA 6.9 MILLION MARK; ACTIVE CASES FURTHER FALL BELOW 900,000 snacking on processed food are all “un-mindful diet”.
How risky is keto
India is a refresher course on how some individuals can hold and wield too much power, that they seem to beyond reproach. The documentary series brings home that truth and how.
Indian-Americans reportedly raised over USD 3.3 million in a single night for Contrarypresidential to the peoplecandidate it features Joe — the big, bad is noteworthy. Democratic Biden.
flamboyant newsmakers of Indian business — the HiIndiaIndia Newsdesk documentary series Bad Boy Billionaires: dropped rather quietly on Netflix today. The three episodes of the Around USD 2 million was written in by The former vice-president was introduced documentary series feature the stories of Vijay Mallya, “big donors” andand USD 1.3 million tothe over Nirav Modi Subrata Roy whocame have in been in news200 attendees at the virtual fromfor smaller donors, said Ramesh Kapur,and defrauding fundraiser by Vivek Murthy, the former charges of fraud, money laundering a member of thebanks. Biden-Harris National USaround surgeon general, who is among those the public sector A fourth episode revolving Finance Committee 2020, who participated community IT giant Ramalinga Raju is currently unavailable on the is pushing for a cabinet position streaming service.adding he believed in the fundraiser, in a possible Biden administration. Murthy let’samount make it clear — whichhow Biden had helped with his this For wasstarters, a record raisedthat bythe theseriesrecalled We get a snea;k peek into the world of Vijay Mallya, has a separate director for each individual episode — community at any single-night fundraiser. rocky confirmation process the he craved glamour and and hishearing lavish parties andinhow doesn’t shed any new light on these three newsmakers. Biden acknowledged that he knew and Republican-controlled liked beingUS theSenate. centre of attention. The episode with Everything that the makers showcase is very much understood this was because of Kamala Some IndianMallya Americans who wanted to as we hear from his is particularly well done, available in the public domain. But what it does is, Harris, his all Indian-American “do more write Kiran cheques” also sonjust Sid Mallya, Majumder-Shaw (a family friend) bring that informationnominee togetherfor coherently and than and many people who were close to him. Industry vice president, Kapur said. took the opportunity to press the former weave a pretty engrossing narrative. Divided into three experts and other journalists who followed this story The separate Indian-origin donors also allegedly vice-president on his campaign’s position episodes, the one with Mallya is called ‘The are featured in the episode. We go through the whole pressed campaign its is aptly on Kashmir, CAA and the “lack of equal Kinghis of Good Times’, to themoderate one with Modi titled gamut, as wewho see the meteoric ‘Diamonds aren’t forever’ , and the one featuring Roy is of positions on Kashmir and the Citizenship treatment” Hindus, don’t have rise of Mallya, and his and the Rs 9000 crore loan that he had called ‘The world’s biggest . The (Amendment) Act, as alsofamily’ to add anseriesa crunches dedicated eventual sectioncrash on the campaign defaulted upon. A similar inches newsprint and and hours section titled “Joe’s Vision”. storyline is woven for Nirav agenda for and the inches Hinduofcommunity on hours its platform’s Modi, this jeweller who had risen out of nowhere, and of news footage into a ‘Cliffs Notes’ version of what web platform. was even featured on the cover of Sothebys. really happened. It’s how the narrative is stitched that
Mallya is called ‘The King of Good India is a refresher course on how some Times’ , the one with Modi is aptly titled ‘Diamonds aren’t forever’, and the one individuals can hold and wield too featuring Roy is called ‘The world’s much power, that they seem to beyond biggest family’. reproach. The documentary series brings home that truth and how.
ppeal to PM Boris Johnson over English language test
ver 200 ter sent r Boris
Justice S.A. Bobde, heading a bench that included Justices A.S. Bopanna and V. Ramasubramanian, said. He did not specify if he was referring to the media’s alleged portrayal of Muslims as deliberate spreaders of the coronavirus, or to the government’s affidavit that the court had found to contain “nonsensical averments”, or to a general trend.
"We were innocent but our visas were refused or revoked and the government gave us no way to defend ourselves. Our futures were destroyed and we were left to fight a years-long legal battle costing each of us tens of thousands of pounds," reads the letter. "We write to you because it is within your power to right this wrong, to put an end to our detention, deportation and humiliation. Allow us to prove our innocence by establishing a free and transparent scheme - independent of the Home Office - through which we can get our cases to be reviewed and clear our names," the letter adds. "The coronavirus pandemic has made our situation even worse. Our support networks have collapsed, the charities we rely on have been closed, our friends and families are unable to help as they are struggling themselves. We are terrified of catching the virus and being hospitalised, or dying with a black mark still against our names. This is not the future we wanted or worked for," the students wrote.
Former Amazon executive charged with insider trading in US
HiIndia Newsdesk San Francisco– The US Securities and Exchange Commission has charged a former finance manager at Amazon and two family members with insider trading in advance of Amazon earnings announcements between January 2016 and July 2018. The family reaped illicit profits of approximately $1.4 million from their unlawful trading in Amazon securities, the SEC said in its complaint on Monday. According to the SEC’s complaint, Laksha Indian in train Bohra worked as a senior manager Mumba Amazon’s tax department, where she prepared and reviewed calculations used to finalise numbers included in Amazon’s quarterly and annual earnings that were filed with the SEC. Beginning in January 2016 and continuing through July 2018, Laksha Bohra allegedly acquired, and tipped her husband Viky Bohra with highly confidential information about Amazon’s financial performance. The complaint alleges that Viky Bohra and his father, Gotham Bohra, traded on this confidential information in 11 separate accounts maintained by different members of the Bohra family.
Mumbai Police chief says no vendetta against any channel, complaint filed by private firm
Actor Misti Mukherjee's unfortunate demise raises questions on the health risks of dieting
New Delhi: Sanjay Dutt, who Whilefrom dieting is a common practice amounts of fat alongside proteins and fewer is currently on a break these days, death due to a certain carbohydrates. When a person continues to work because of health related kind of diet was previously unheard do this, it affects the kidneys.” issues, occupied a spotof.on the Until it was learnt that actor Adding to it, Sharma says: “We see people list of trends after aMisti recent Mukherjee’s demise was doing keto with processed cheese and butter, photograph of him surfaced onof kidney failure caused which when done for prolonged periods of because by the social media. The actor, who‘keto diet’ — which has time, can increase the risk of high cholesterol; gained a lot of popularity in the also high protein can put pressure on kidneys. flew to Dubai on a chartered When we eat a high amount of protein while recent past. HiIndia Newsdesk flight with his wife Maanayata, A statement made by her family doing a keto it may overload the kidney.” met his kids Shahraan and reducing carbohydrates and farm laws continue, claims the actor AS — who is survived Drastically INDEFINITE protests by farmers against Iqra after months there. In the by her parents and brother — “was overloading the kidneys can lead to some toll plazas, railwayofjunctions, and fuel stations in the aforementioned photograph, problem in elimination all the waste in a lot of pain”. revenue losses at products of protein metabolism. rtificial sweeteners which has been shared by keto Punjab What is the diet? are mounting. The protests have already caused the Railways Dr Shah suggests a person should follow the satisfying your swe It entails the consumption of high many fan clubs, the actor can diet only forcrore, six months. If they continue, they downside of of excess a revenue loss Rs 200 data from the Ferozepur Division amounts of fat with adequate amounts of be dressed in a powder blue need to take a break for 1-2 months at least, increasingly used in and fewer carbohydrates. Also t-shirt and dark protein blue pants Railways Further a refund of Rs drin and thenrevealed. get on with the same. till October diet7,sodas and powdered known as KD, this the diet isIndian particularly as he poses with followed a fan. The bakedmeantime, goods. But whether Are made there any diets that can by diabetics it canbeen 55 because lakh has toother passengers. Thelead NHAI, hasusing t picture raised concerns gain — a problem that many peo cause about massive reductions in blood to organ failure? during the8coronavirus lockdow suffered a loss of 7.5says coreanyapproximately till October in Punjab the actor's health sugar among andhis insulin levels. DrRs Shah diet which contains Nutritionist Sharma, however, consuming fewer carbohydrates for a longer open question. fans. Sanjay Dutt's fans wishedRuchi due to farmers blocking various toll plazas in the state. Toll plazas Now some studies are providin out the keto diet is “primarily period of time can cause failure. “However, the actor a speedypoints recovery. have found thata artificial used to help reduce seizures in children’s that have been blocked in Haryana havediet’ made suffer loss ofsweet another specific diet is the ‘paleo also NHAI "Get well soon, Baba," many suffering from epilepsy”. “Avoiding known as the ‘stone-age diet’. It is a modern a tool to help people kick their fans wrote on Instagram. for some people, replacing another Rs 3.5 crore, taking the highway authority’s total loss since sug carbs and substituting it with proteins fad diet which requires one to mirror the kind sweeteners can indeed help sta "I can't believe this," added and fats has become a leading dogma of diet followed during the Paleolithic era.” 1 lose to RsHe11alsocore in both states. among those who October are looking to another fan. mentions that “consuming sugary they can also have effects on hor
A 12,134 new COVID-19 cases in Maharashtra
weight quickly,” she says.
Delhi reports 2,860 new COVID-19 Chennai Super Kings think of CSK as a cases, 39 batsmen deaths
How does a keto diet lead to kidney failure?
Dr Pradip Shah, Consultant Physician at Fortis Hospital, Mulund tells “This is a rare case and usually happens when there is a pre-existing disease and someone then continues to follow the diet. Keto diet requires one to eat high
beverages such as aerated drinks or soft drinks and highly-processed food frequently, can harm the kidneys”. Not only that, preservatives in food items contain phosphorous and sodium, which affect the kidney to a larger extent, he warns. While many different diseases, toxins and drugs can lead to renal failures, by far the most common causes of kidney diseases are diabetes and high blood pressure which can damage the delicate blood vessels and tissues of the kidneys.
other aspects of metabolism tha concerning, and they caution ag routinely for long periods of tim “The idea we need to get rid of is zero calories they have zero meta Yanina Pepino, an assistant profe of food science and human nutri Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, that they are metabolically act how frequently you use them, so effects than others.”
government job: Virender Sehwag
5,145 new COVID-19 on Wednesday.Chasing a target of 168 against Kolkata Knight cases, 31 deaths inthe MS DhoniRiders (KKR), led side was in a comfortable Andhra Pradesh position during the chase,
Virender Sehwag took a dig at Chennai Super Kings (CSK), who reached the final of the Indian Premier League (IPL) last year, after the franchise passengers wait to be tested for Covid-19 in a crowded station in suffered their fourth defeat of the ongoing IPL 2020 campaign
needing just 79 runs from the last ten overs at one point.
In the last 24 hours, India registered 70,496 fresh coronavirus (Covid-19) cases and 964 deaths, which pushed the overall tally and death toll to 6,906,151 and 106,490, respectively. The country’s active cases- which have been below one-million for seventeen consecutive days - further dropped below 900,000 on Friday while over 5.9 million people have recovered from the disease so far. The difference between active cases and recoveries has now climbed to 5,012,477.
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