hi INDiA | May 5th, 2017 | Midwest

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FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017


.COM A ‘Bonded’ career: Roger



cinema news


cinema news A ‘Bonded’ career: Roger Nigam Moore as 007 and more‘Don’t want ‘Baahubali’ world to end’ Angry Sonu MIDWEST EDITION | EAST COAST EDITION | Volume 7 • Issue No. 411 MAY 26, 2017 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST www.hiindia.COM bids adieu to Twitter A ‘Bonded’ Angry Sonu ‘Don’t want W H career: Roger Nigam bids ‘Baahubali’ Moore as 007fear of heights, and disliking getting wet, Despite a phobia of firearms, adieu to Moore appeared the most — seven times — as James Bond to end’ world and more Twitter x

Angry Sonu Nigam bids adieu to Twitter

south cinema

As wet, the blockbuster film franchise comes to an end, audiences can still continue rooting for Despite a phobia of firearms, fear of heights, and disliking getting the characters from the world of ‘Baahubali’ via comics, animation series and novels Moore appeared the most — seven times — as James Bond



ith his suave, debonair mien including the incredulous raised eyebrow, his refined accent and smooth voice, he was a natural choice to portray the world’s most famous British spy after the first actor gave up. Despite a phobia of firearms, fear of heights and disliking getting wet, Sir Roger Moore would go on to appear the most — seven times — as James Bond, which completely overshadowed the rest of his long acting career. In fact, it is hard to think of any cinematic portrayal of Moore outside a 007 film. Be it fleeing assassins in an autorickshaw amid tumult of an Indian street, skiing away from pursuers through an icy mountain, fighting off a gigantic, steeltoothed man in the Egyptian desert or outer space, telling the priest in a confessional “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned” only for the disguised Q to retort: “That’s putting it mildly, 007”, or cuddling up a Russian spy under the eyes of two

Moore as 007 and more VIKAS DUTTA, DELHI

Roger Moore in his most-famous pre-James Bond role. (Photo: IANS)


sets of shocked high officials, everyone would have their favorite Moore as Bond moment. But Moore, who was both appreciated and attacked for his approach to the role, was not in much awe of it. “To me, the Bond situations are so ridiculous, so outrageous. I mean, this man is supposed to be a spy and yet, everybody knows he’s

a spy. Every bartender in the world

And while detractorsHARICHARAN said he PUDIPEDDI, MUMBAI: Singer Sonu Nigam this CHENNAI didn’t look “tough”, he was no week announced he will quit Twitter weakling, once beating up Lee and has urged all “logical and sensie’s the bleman of tothe Marvin while they were filming patriots” do the same, followmomentinginthe Indian cin- of singer Abhi“Shout at the Devil” (1976). Marsuspension ema. Filmmaker S.S micro-blogging vin, a legendary hell-raiser, later jeet Bhattacharya’s Rajamouli, basking in admitted that Moore was “built account. the phenomenal success like granite” and that “nobody will “I quit Twitterof today in defiance of Baahubali ever underestimate him again”. 2: Thethis Conclusion, one sided sham,” Sonu Nigam believes the worldtweeted. of Baahubali But there was more to Moore. goes the beyond is socould disagree After giving up playing secretfilms and Hethere said: “One more to explore. So, helanguage but isn’t agent who defeats evilmuch masterminds, with Abhijeetda’s doesn’t wantthe it to end. around he tried to help children Shehla’s accusation that BJP has a As the blockbustersexfilm franchise provocation enough to world as a Unicef Goodwill Ambasracket, which has set new box office sador (succeeding his— friend Audrey supporters?” to is deleted, why Hepburn in the role).records for Indian films“If— hiscomes account an end, audiences The only son of London police- can notstill her?continue And the other morons the to every achievrootingand for the the characters fromabuses man George Alfred Moore who hurl... With child-like enthusiasm, Rajamouli said: “The world of ‘Baahubali’ is so world of Baahubali via anifascinating. I wish it doesn’t end. It shouldn’t end and I will pray for it.” Calcutta-born Lillian, Moore was er?”comics, he asked. and novels. born on October 14,mation 1927. series Called Twitter suspended the account of character in the world of “We created the world of and too,” Rajamouli told IANS. for national service in 1946, he Abhijeet over sexist offensive With child-like enthusiasm, he Baahubali... Some really powerful Baahubali for our actors to underserved in Germany and rose to the remarks, which stirred up a storm added: “The world of Baahubali is so scenes which needed to be told. stand their character better. When rank of Captain, which his time online. In a series of tweets, Abhifascinating. we look at in Baahubali and Bhalreportedly also included a stint jeet abused some women users, I wish it doesn’t end. It Unfortunately, film medium has its shouldn’t end and I will pray for it.” own limitation and not all stories brothers, JNU whatstudent-activist military intelligence.laladeva, the warringparticularly theTwiturge to tell those stories work very well in it. The story of in the film Shehla is just Rashid, a minor Moore developedwetheseemannerfollowingIt’s which parthim of their isms that would serve well lives. as Interthe tookBaahubali the action. which couldn’t be included in the Sivagami, for instance, is so powerfilms, that persuaded Rajamouli and ful and exhaustive, we realized it there is so When muchShehla moreopenly discussed James Bond. When universe, Sean Connery his teamBJP to explore other mediums. will work wonders as a novel,” worth knowing The involving aboutthem. sex scandals refused to do any more Bond films about “There same applies to other characters leaders, she was “abused by Abhi-are backstories for each Rajamouli explained. after “You Only Live Twice”

‘Hope ‘Baahubali 2’ crosses over Rs 20bn’

CHENNAI: Double Oscar-winning music composer A.R Rahman this week said he wishes S.S. Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali 2: The AR Rahman Conclusion” mints over Rs 20 billion at the box-office. Having already earned over Rs 15 billion from its theatrical release so far, the film is continuing its golden run. “To Rajamouli, Keeravani and the whole team of Baahubali 2. Just finished watching it in Chennai. I hope it crosses Rs 20 billion and above at the box-office,” Rahman had written on his Facebook page. He went on to add: “You guys have opened the floodgates for south Indian cinema to the world and given it a new identity.”

Sivagami’s story has been turned into a three-part novel. The Rise of Sivagami by Anand Neelakantan is the first book in the trilogy. Talking about the Baahubali universe being expanded into an animation series titled Baahubali: The Lost Legends, Rajamouli said he’s a big fan of the medium. “I’m a huge fan of Disney’s films. Lately, I have been fascinated by 3D animation and I’m glad we could visualize Baahubali universe through this medium. Even though it doesn’t cater to a larger audience as cinema, it’s widely popular and fast catching up in India,” he said, taking pride in partnering with Graphic India and Amazon Prime Video for this initiative. Asked if he would like to direct an animation film outside the world of Baahubali, the director said: “As exciting as the idea sounds, it took us five years to take Baahubali to the audience. It’s going to be a very time-consuming process and I don’t think I can afford so much time on a project again.”

And while detractors said he MUMBAI: Singer Sonu Nigam this didn’t look “tough”, he was no week announced he will quit Twitter weakling, once beating up Lee and has urged all “logical and sensiMarvin while they were filming ble patriots” to do the same, follow“Shout at the Devil” (1976). Maring the suspension of singer Abhivin, a legendary hell-raiser, later jeet Bhattacharya’s micro-blogging admitted that Moore was “built account. like granite” and that “nobody will “I quit Twitter today in defiance of ever underestimate him again”. this one sided sham,” Sonu Nigam But there was more to Moore. tweeted. After giving up playing the secret He said: “One could disagree agent who defeats evil masterminds, with Abhijeetda’s language but isn’t he tried to help children around the Shehla’s accusation that BJP has a world as a Unicef Goodwill Ambassex racket, provocation enough to sador (succeeding his friend Audrey supporters?” character, Nikhil had told IANS: me feel like a different person Hepburn in the role). “If his account is deleted, why “The character is that I can’t get altogether.” excited The or angry only or even emotionAlso starring policeRitu Varma, Ven- not her? And the other morons son of London al. It will affect my heart. I had to nela Kishore and Priyadarshi Pulholdman this thought and act accordlikonda, the film is directed by George Alfred Moore and the who hurl... abuses to every achievFRIDAY, BY ASudheer STAFF WRITER 26 MAY, 2017 ingly. It wasn’t easy because it made Varma. 2 Calcutta-born Lillian, wasarrests er?” he asked. ANTA ANA,CAMoore -- Immigration increased14, by nearly 40 per cent in early born on October 1927. Called Twitter suspended the account of Rajinikanth’s next film as newly-emboldened agents under for national2017 service in 1946, he Abhijeet over sexist and offensive President Trump more than ‘Kaaladetained Karikaalan’ minutes of the in narration, it wassuspected served Germany and the 40,000 people ofrose beingto in the country remarks, which stirred up a storm good enough for me to come on CHENNAI: Superstar Rajinikanth’s illegally--with immigrants board,” he saidof about the rumoreda renewed next Tamilfocus film, produced by rank Captain, which histoonbetime online. In a series of tweets, Abhiwithout criminal convictions. Rs 1.5 billion project. his son-in-law Dhanush, has been reportedly also included stint in jeet abused some women users, Rahman added: “Sanghamitra officially titled Kaala Karikaalan. The numbers released byaActing Immigration not only has great story but Sundar Actor Dhanush unveiled the film’s military intelligence. particularly JNU student-activist and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas has good vision for music too”. title and first-look poster this week. “Nothing as compelling asprovide Sang- a snapshot Sharing the of poster on his Homan how theTwit-new Shehla Rashid, following which Twitdeveloped the mannerhamitra Moore came my way in is recent page, Dhanush the film President carryingter through on wrote his campaign times. The project is in rights is titled Kaala Karikaalan. isms that would serve him well as ter took the action. to make immigration enforcement hands,” he said, promises heaping praise on The title was released in Eng- a top priority. the James makers - SriBond. Thenandal Studios. Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. When lish, Sean Connery When Shehla openly discussed The film features Shruti in the role be directed by Pa. Ranjith, for Overall, 41,300 Topeople were arrested about sex scandals involving BJP toTalking do any helmed of arefused fierce warrior. about more who hadBond previously films deportation. Nearly 11,000 had no criminal Rajinikanth’s Kabali, the project being in Cannes for the first time, after “You Live conviction, more will than number leaders, she was “abused by AbhiShruti told IANS on phone:Only “The start double rolling Twice” laterthe this week. atmosphere is lovely and there’s so without criminal convictions — IANS of immigrants (1967), was on the shortjeet and hundreds of Sanghi trolls”. much of excitementMoore around. arrested during a comparable period last year. list to succeed him. Even so, deportations carried out were down

IMMIGRANT ‘Keshava’ mints ARRESTS ‘Hindi Medium’: Winning Rs 114mn in 3 days combo of performances, writing UP UNDER E A TRUMP Immigrant arrests up under Trump Shruti, Rahman thrilled about CannesS debut Long Island award for Dilip Chauhan

offers him martinis that are shakith his What suave, en, not stirred. kind of serious spy is recognized everywhere debonair mien he goes? It’s outrageous. So you have to treat the humorthe outraincluding geously as well. My personality is entirely different than previous incredulous raised Bonds. I’m not that cold-blooded eyebrow, his refined accent and killer type. Which is why I play it mostly for laughs,” he once said. smooth voice, he was a natural choice to portray the world’s most BRIEFS famous British spy after the first up. Despite a phobia of ‘All I Want’ wins at short filmactor fest ingave Cannes firearms, fear CANNES: All I Want, an Indian film “Personally I feel there were much of heights and dislikdirected by Venika Mitra, has won at better films than my film. I was rootingfilms.getting wet, Sir Roger Moore a ducation is purportedly Beyond Borders Diversity of Cannes ing for those It’s a great feeling success and in Short Film Showcase — an event to be a winner and to have your work would go on to appearticket theformost — India, one of the criteria independent of the ongoing 70th liked by so many people. I hope that I a sought after school is live up toseven these expectations in my — as for Cannes Film Festival here. The filmtimes James Bond, English as the medium of instrucnext project as well. I’m deeply gratemaker is happy. tion. For many parents, getting “I am very surprised to know that ful to all my crowd funderscompletely of the which overshadowed admission for their children to the out of the entire bunch of wonderful film,” she added, rest his long the right acting school with career. the best of facilifilms, my film was declared the winThe story of the film Allof I Want ties is of paramount importance ner of the festival. I was shocked and which has won the award talks about it is hard thinkTheoffilm,any and a to nightmare. Hindi checked my award on stage twice a purposeful, In singlefact, minded and Medium, showcases this issue with before accepting it,” Mitra told IANS in unwavering pursuit of a street urchin cinematic portrayal of Moore outthe right amount of flair. an email. Ratan to buy one mango. Despite being moralistic and side a 007 film. loaded with messages, the film isn’t SRK wishes luck to Pitt for ‘War Machine’ or preachy. Itin is in an fact a Be it fleeingboring assassins MUMBAI: Indian superstar Shah romantic and an immensely flix,” Shah Rukh said. autorickshaw tumult anthe entertaining film thatof decries Rukh Khan has wished good luck to Pitt landed here on Wednesday amid importance of speaking English in Hollywood star Brad Pitt and director morning on a surprise visit avoiding Indian street, skiing away from the dreadfully pretentious Indian David Michôd for their forthcoming paparazzi to promote “War Netflix film “War Machine”. Machine”. pursuers throughsociety. an icy mountain, Romantic, because the film Shah Rukh shared a series of “War Machine” is a satirical comewith an apt tone setter of photographs of himself along with dy with Pitt essaying the role of US fighting off a opens gigantic, steelRaj — a tailor by profession falling Pitt and Michôd from the press meet General Glen McMahon, who is in love with his musedesert Mita. He he was hosting for the two internatough buttoothed over-confident with the in the man Egyptian commits that he would ensure that tional guests. only aim to lead his army to victory or outer telling theallpriest Mita is happy the time. in Years “My best to David and Brad for in Afghanistan, and win thespace, war. later, how he complies with Mita’s the release of ‘War Machine’ on Net—IANS a confessional “Forgive Father, latest desireme, - to get her only for I have sinned” only for the disguised Q to retort: “That’s putting it mildly, 007”, or cuddling up a Russian spy under the eyes of two

Iran must never NAMASTE E CHICAGO.. AN INDIAN have SUMMER IN CHICAGO n-weapons (1967), Moore was on the shortlist to succeed him.

jeet and hundreds of Sanghi trolls”.

Actor Naga enjoying attention on marriage


Film: “Hindi Medium”; ctor Nikhil SiddharthaDirector: Saket Chaudhary; Cast: Irrfan Khan, Saba starrer Telugu revenge Qamar, Jaspal Sharma,drama Keshava grossed Rs. million Deepak Dobriyal,114 Swati Das, in its opening weekend worldwide, the makers Dishita Sehgal, Amrita announced this week. Singh, Tillotama Shome, CHENNAI: Actor Naga Chaitanya, In an official statement, the SanjaySamanSuri and Neha makersDhuannounced that the film who is set to marry actress pia; Rating: tha Ruth Prabhu in October, says he***1/2took a terrific opening, grossing is enjoying all the attention coming his way as he believes thisKhan phaseplays the ever-obligIrrfan

Rs. 114 million from three days worldwide. Made on the lines of Badlapur and Payback, Keshava is the story of a guy who wants to avenge the death of his parents, but with a twist. The film’s protagonist suffers from a rare medical disorder, Dextrocardia, which means his heart is on the right side of his body. On playing the challenging

won’t last long. ing husband with natural ease. He Roger Moore most-famous pre-James Bond role. (Photo: IANS) “Whereverin I go,his I’m asked about captures Raj Batra’s endearingly my marriage. Honestly, rusticthere’s spiritno with such aplomb that

CHENNAI pressure anymoreofficials, because ahisspy. Every bartender in the world sets of shocked high you are everyone everywith him inIANS, bodya knows. this phase... The film is undoubtedly great I believe endeavour. ouble Oscar-winning people constantly tofavorite offers himcommartinis that are shakone would have their canvas with a strongwhere message. SabawantQamar, the Pakistani poser A.R. Rahman and know about my marriage...it won’t her role luminous daughter Pia admitted to an actress, makes en, not stirred. What kind of seriMoore as Bond moment. last long. Nobody iswith goingher to ask “elite,” English Medium school, brilliant portrayal actress of the Shruti Haasan are thrilled to have their maiden next year,” ChaiformsBut the crux of the me tale.this question wannabe societyboth lass, Mitu. She made ous spy is everywhere Moore, who was appearance at the 70th edition recognized of tanya IANS over Part of the genius oftold Hindi hasphone such from lightness, grace and natthe prestigious Film Festival. Hyderabad. Medium is that it unfolds this relaural affinity for that she glows he andCannes goes? It’s outrageous. So you appreciated and attacked his Both are is awaiting the release tionship at a deliberate The paceactor makmatches Irrfan in histrionics, espe- representing their upcoming trilingual historic drama of Kalyan Krishna-directed Telugu have to treat the humor outraapproach the role, nottriesSanghamitra, inconvincing ing education andto its admission ciallywas when she romantic-drama Veduka process just a by-product the Rarandoi him that whatever she is doing isa story set in the eighth century AD. The first Chuddam, will the screens geously as look well. My personality is much awe of it.of which telling. somehow for Pia’s benefit. posters of the film were launched this week. entirely different than toprevious “To me, the Bond are I’m so overwhelmed be surroundin Cannes this week. Talking about the situations project, he said The project sees Rahman team ed by wonderful people,” Rahman it’s been his father Akkineni NagarBonds. I’m nottoldthat cold-blooded so ridiculous, I director Sundar C for the IANS over phone from Cannes. up with juna’s wishso that heoutrageous. stars in an outfirst time. “It’s a very ambitious film. Six and-out commercial film. —IANS a is my killer type. Which play it mean, this man is supposed to be “This first time at Cannes. months is backwhy when I Iheard just 30 spy and yet, everybody knows he’s mostly for laughs,” he once said.


FRIDAY, 26 MAY, 2017

LIVE, LOVE, CELEBRATE Introducing Zofeen Maqsood’s New column LIVE, LOVE, CELEBRATE. A place where we will toast the community’s real heroes and celebrate our lives and culture every week inbox us if you feel someone’s achivement’s community should know. editor@hiindiaweekly.com | 773 338 0222


‘All I Want’ wins at short film fest in Cannes CANNES: All I Want, an Indian film directed by Venika Mitra, has won at Beyond Borders Diversity of Cannes Short Film Showcase — an event independent of the ongoing 70th Cannes Film Festival here. The filmmaker is happy. “I am very surprised to know that out of the entire bunch of wonderful films, my film was declared the winner of the festival. I was shocked and checked my award on stage twice before accepting it,” Mitra told IANS in an email.

“Personally I feel there were much better films than my film. I was rooting for those films. It’s a great feeling to be a winner and to have your work liked by so many people. I hope that I live up to these expectations in my next project as well. I’m deeply grateful to all my crowd funders of the film,” she added, The story of the film All I Want which has won the award talks about a purposeful, single minded and unwavering pursuit of a street urchin Ratan to buy one mango.

SRK wishes luck to Pitt for ‘War Machine’ MUMBAI: Indian superstar Shah Rukh Khan has wished good luck to Hollywood star Brad Pitt and director David Michôd for their forthcoming Netflix film “War Machine”. Shah Rukh shared a series of photographs of himself along with Pitt and Michôd from the press meet he was hosting for the two international guests. “My best to David and Brad for the release of ‘War Machine’ on Net-

flix,” Shah Rukh said. Pitt landed here on Wednesday morning on a surprise visit avoiding paparazzi to promote “War Machine”. “War Machine” is a satirical comedy with Pitt essaying the role of US General Glen McMahon, who is tough but over-confident with the only aim to lead his army to victory in Afghanistan, and win the war. —IANS

from late January to late April compared to a year ago despite Trump’s stepped-up immigration enforcement effort. The increase in arrests of people without criminal convictions has generated outrage across the US from Trump opponents who believe otherwise law-abiding families are being rounded up. The report was made public as the Trump administration seeks to promote its accomplishments despite a growing scandal over the firing of the FBI director and the sharing of intelligence with Russian officials.

‘Hindi Medium’: Winning combo of performances, writing

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BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK – The body of American student was fo after he went missing e week. Aalaap Narasipura, 20, was electrical engineering at Cornell Univ had disappeared since May 24. He graduate this December. The Cornell University Po Narasipura’s body was recovered on from Fall Creek, a gorge located near It The circumstances of Narasipu remain under investigation, but the p they don’t suspect any foul play. BYauthorities A STAFF W State and local from agencies searched Narasipura’s OUSTONr academic spaces and regular routes o Attorney’s well as adjacent natural areas and gorg Northern D the Ivy League university. on May 18 They did not find any eviden man was sentenced to 10hi whereabouts until coming across his role in the conspiracy Fall Creek.


--30,500 of those arrested had criminal convictions, compared with 25,800 for the earlier period. Immigration enforcement operations have generated headlines nationwide since Trump signed an executive order on January 25. Many of them targeted violent offenders with felony records on crimes ranging from assault to murder. But other immigrants have also been caught up in enforcement efforts, including people given leniency under the Obama administration.

ducation is purportedly a ticket for success and in (L-R) Virendra Patel, Dilip Chauhan Saket & NassauChaudhary; County Comptroller George Maragos Director: India, one of the criteria Cast: Irrfan Khan, to the South Asian-American community. congratulated each other andSaba were excited BY A STAFF WRITER for a sought after school is He currently serves as a Senior Advisor to the to beQamar, recognized. Ashley Edwards, who was ONG ISLAND, -- It WRITER certainly Jaspal Sharma, English as the medium of instrucBY ANY STAFF Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos. crowned Miss Long Island 2017, was also in was a night to remember at the HREWSBURY, MS – The police in tion. For many parents, getting Deepak Swati Das, attendance at theDobriyal, event. Chauhan currently sits on the Boards of recent annual Star Network of Shrewsbury, Mass., Kings are investigating admission for their children to the Dishita Sehgal, Amrita a letter sentand to some residents urging Dilip Chauhan was recognized as one of Service Now for Adult Persons (SNAP) and Long Island Awards Networking right school with the best of facili- Event. them not to vote for a Muslim South Asian American Voice. In recognition the most prominent and dedicated advocate Singh, Tillotama Shome, candidate for the town’s governing board.for the South Asian-American community. of his accomplishments in his community, ties is of paramount importance Nearly 500 people from all walks of life Sanjay Suri and Neha DhuPakistani American Rashid Shaikh claims Congresswoman Grace Meng designated He has touched the lives of so many people Leonard’s Palazzo in Great Neck and a nightmare. The film, Hindi gathered at he was the intended target of the letter. through pia;hisRating: ***1/2 November 12, 2016 as Dilip Chauhan Day unwavering support for those in from Nassau and Suffolk Medium, showcases this issue with to recognize 45 men The letter was found in several mailboxes within the 6th Congressional District. his community. Counties fora their exemplary work in business day prior to the May 2 Shrewsbury board the right amount of flair. More ever, Chauhan’s stellar service recently and the community. of selectmen election—an election during Through his ‘Gateway to South Asian Irrfan Khan plays the ever-obligDespite being moralistic and earned him New York State and City Hall’s American Community Presentation’, Chauhan which kicked Shaikh failed to win one of the two The evening off with a cocktail hasing connected countless vacant seats. and Shaikh, naturalized husband withcorporate, naturalnonprofit, ease. He Political Rising Star ‘40 under 40’ award among loaded with messages, the film isn’t hour in which honorees theiraguests could citizen, as aeach townother. meeting member, a other prestigious honors. leaders academic, faith-based, and government andre-elected get to know Many captures Raj Batra’s endearingly boring or preachy. It is in fact a mix, minglewas post he has held since 2008. romantic and an immensely The anonymous letter stressed to therustic spirit with such aplomb Rashidthat Shaikh (2nd from left) residents that the community doesn’t want youno are onepoliticians.” with him in his for 20 years and is married, with three entertaining film that decries the to Muslim any Muslim person ruling it, adding, “Say children. The film is undoubtedly a great Shaikh has been part of the community endeavour. importance of speaking English in canvas with a strong message. Saba Qamar, the Pakistani the dreadfully pretentious Indian BY A Pia STAFFadmitted WRITER to an actress, makes her role luminous daughter society. ERSEY CITY, NJ -- SixMedium Indian Americans English school, with her brilliant portrayal of the Romantic, because the film “elite,” in Jersey weretale. arrested in theCity, cruxN.J., of the wannabe society lass, Mitu. She opens with an apt tone setter of forms with an IRS telephone scam Part of the genius of Hindi has such lightness, grace and natRaj — a tailor by profession falling connection that scored the group more than $100,000. is that it unfolds this rela- ural affinity that she glows and in love with his muse Mita. He Medium According to Middlesex County tionship at aCarey, deliberate pace 24; mak- matches Irrfan in histrionics, especommits that he would ensure thatProsecutors Andrew Ronak Butani, ing education and its23;admission cially when she tries convincing Mita is happy all the time. YearsJay Kakadiya, 24; Akash Chovatiya, Divyesh 23; Jagdishjust Patel,a22; and Brijesh Parmar, by-product of the him that whatever she is doing is later, how he complies with Mita’sPatel,process charged with multiple counts of money latest desire - to get her only26, were telling. somehow for Pia’s benefit.


Texas-based Indian Amer Tilak Jewelers. According to a Dep press release, Dominiqu The Pakistani American said Houston, Texas was sent letter by hasUS lies District about hisJudge personal Edli found hurtful. a total of 120 months He discovered the letter wh following his guilty plea Facebook page local residents usei Pearson, who issues. has bee about personal and town he was in Decem The letterarrested had a strong effe family, who were verycount upset with its guilty to one of con Additionally, his youngest son, a with commerce by robbe grader, stayed home from schoo of using, carrying and bra election day because of it. during and in relation to, a The writer also claimed Sh brandishing firearm inth seeking the seat to amanipulate crime of violence. bylaws and building department fo financial benefit. Pearson was charge Shaikh saida February he is disappoin others in 2016 no town official has publicly denou Nine of the 12 indi letter. guilty in connection with robbery of Tilak Jewelers face trial in January 2018 not yet made an appearan

Letter against Muslim candidate under len



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“It is unfortunate that he basically is using the pain and destroying our families as a way by which to give red meat to his base.” Film: “Hindi Medium”; The President “puts this out to distract from the real affairs of our country,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. “It is unfortunate that he basically is using the pain and destroying our families as a way by which to give red meat to his base.” Some highlights in the numbers: --41,300 immigrants were arrested on suspicion of being in the country illegally between Jan. 22 and April 29, up from 30,000 during a similar year-earlier period.

Missing student’s body recovered

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laundering and conspiracy. The scam netted the group roughly $120,000. Local, county and federal investigators discovered that the group of Indian Americans called people and told them that they owed hefty sums of money in taxes. If they didn’t pay up, they would be arrested, the fake IRS callers would say. Colleena in NYC! on Thurs 1st Authorities said thatShakti the callers would Shaggy live at Mazi Nightclub - INTL’ gift card Saturdays numbersonover to make 7:00 pm Sat the 3rd phone June-10:00 pm at tell the people onJune the -other endatofNola the Rehearsal line to Studio, Weststores 54th inStreet New York,purchases. NY Mazi Nightclub, 130-35 91st Avenue, purchase gift cards250 at retail New Jersey, 10019 NY 11418 . Call: (845) 309-1317 New York and Connecticut. Once purchased, The Queens, group allegedly also told victims in the callers instructed the people to read the some cases their family members had been

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residents in Salem counties on the nigh The message, which power plant warning wa two New Jersey counties, television, prompting th calls from panicked residen County dispatchers. YuvalayaOfficials presents say Bharatan the alert w Sanjoy Banerjee with Namami Karmakar Workshops on Wed 31st May to S were conducting their - Melodies Lineage on Frifor 9thlawyer June- fees orJune- they 2 pm-5 pm at Lucid Body arrested and of needed money the PSEG 7:00 pm at The Rubin Museum of Art, Cap21exercise Studios,with 230 Lexington Ave,S bond. 150 West 17th Street, New York, NY Station. West Nuclear 18 Street,Power 6th Floor, New Th Yor CareyCall: said718-340-8346 people in India were involvedCall: Rama 10011. 646-279-6040 out inBerror, the Cumberla in the scam. of Emergency Managemen “The message was n the County level but from Jersey,” Cumberland Cou since 2002: “My customers are lucky.” BY A STAFF WRITER director and OEM coord Sr. Residential Mortgage Consultant, NMLS# 697450 AVERHILL, MS-Inderpal Most recently, Gill sold a $1 million said. Gill, Indian American owner lottery ticket on May 10 to the Donbern Cumberland County O of the Qwik Mart in Haverhill, Nominee Trust of Quincy, which was a winner its SwiftReach reverse 911 Massachusetts, has sold six tickets in the “$10,000,000 Multiplier Spectacular” eFax: 877.519.0508 the false alarm. After a little 18 instant Executive Ct. worth $1 million. game. more than 69,000 calls w SouthB. Barrington IL 60010 Sanjit Shah, CPA, MBA, CGMA East Coasters hoping to get rich quickly Trustee David Spillane chose to receive a DThakkar@WintrustMortgage.com than half answered, OEM might make a stop at the Qwik Mart in payment $650,000, after the taxes Licensed CPA (IL), MBA (Kelloggone-time School ofof Management) Officials say residents www.WintrustMortgage.com Haverhill, Massachusetts, where six lottery were paid. Gill himself got a bonus of $10,000 nothing to worry a tickets worth $1 million have recently the lottery. Over 20been years of Business & financial from Management Experience have no warning or emergenc sold. a division of Barrington Bank & Trust Company, N.P, a Wintrust SignsCommunity outside the Qwik Mart note that the apologized for the mistake WWW.CPAMBASOLUTIONS.COM Says Gill, who has owned the Qwik Mart store has created five millionaires.


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False N-plant worries resid

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