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IRS’s alert against scamdiaspora phone calls



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Nikki Haley’s prospects improved as she signed off on legislation re Confederate flag from Columbia and oversaw a state battered by a ARUN KUMAR, WASHINGTON



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वृद्ध मतदाताओं और ववकला​ांग मतदाताओं को आवधकाररक नोरिस



15 मार्च, 2016 प्राथवमक र्ुनाव

VOTERS WITH DISABILITIES March 15, 2016 Primary Election

कम सुनने वाले या बवधर मतदाताओं के वलए नीर्े सूर्ीबद्ध सुववधाओं के वलए TTY फ़ोन: 312-269-0027

मतदाता पांजीकरण: जो वृद्ध मतदाता और ववकला​ांग मतदाता ककसी आवधकाररक पांजीकरण स्थल पर व्यवगगत रूप से पांजीकरण कराने में असमथच हैं, वे 16 फ़रवरी तक www.chicagoelections.com पर मतदान हेतु

TTY Line for Deaf or Hard of Hearing for All Services Listed Below: 312-269-0027

ऑनलाइन पांजीकरण कर सकते हैं। डाक पांजीकरण फॉमच chicagoelections.com पर उपलब्ध है। 312-

Voter Registration: Elderly voters and voters with disabilities who are unable to register

269-7900 पर फ़ोन कर के फॉमच आपको भेजे जाने के वलए पूछें। इसके अवतररग, 17 फ़रवरी से र्ुनाव के कदन

in person may register to vote online at chicagoelections.com through Feb. 16. The

तक व्यवगगत रूप से पांजीकरण उपलब्ध है। Chicagoelections.com पर अवधक जानकारी प्राप्त करें । समयपूवच मतदानः सभी समयपूवच मतदान स्थल पूरी तरह से सुलभ हैं। अवधक जानकारी के

mail-in registration form is available at chicagoelections.com. Call 312-269-7900 to ask to have a form mailed to you. Additionally, in-person registration is available from Feb.


chicagoelections.com पर जाएँ या कफर 312-269-7900 पर फ़ोन करें । समयपूवच मतदान र्ुनाव से 15 कदन पहले से लेकर र्ुनाव से एक कदन पहले तक उपलब्ध है।

17 through Election Day. Learn more at chicagoelections.com. Early Voting: Early Voting sites are fully accessible. Learn more at chicagoelections.com or by calling 312-269-7900. Early Voting is offered during the

डाक द्वारा मतदान: कोई भी मतदाता डाक द्वारा मतदान के वलए आवेदन कर सकता है। मतदाताओं को

period from 15 days before the election through the day before the election.

अब डाक द्वारा मतदान करने के वलए ककसी कारण या सफ़ाई की ज़रूरत नहीं है। कानूनन, डाक द्वारा मतदान

Vote By Mail: Any voter may apply to Vote By Mail. Voters no longer need a reason or

के वलए आवेदन पत्र र्ुनाव से पा​ांर् कदन पहले तक स्वीकार ककए जा सकते हैं। विकागो र्ुनाव बोडच मतदाताओं से समय सीमा के पहले ही डाक द्वारा मतदान के वलए आवेदन पत्र प्रस्तुत करने का आग्रह करता है। अवधक जानकारी के वलए या डाक द्वारा मतदान हेतु अपने अनुरोध को दजच करने के वलए

excuse to Vote By Mail. By law, applications to Vote By Mail can be accepted through

chicagoelections.com पर जाएँ या 312-269-7967 पर फ़ोन करें । भाषा सहायता: कानूनन, र्ुनाव आयुगों का बोडच अांग्रेज़ी, स्पैवनि, र्ीनी और हहदी में मतदान करने के ववकल्प उपलब्ध



सभी क्षेत्रों


और सभी समयपूवच

मतदान स्थलों




the fifth day before the election. The Chicago Election Board encourages voters to submit applications to Vote By Mail ahead of that deadline. Learn more or file your request to Vote By Mail at chicagoelections.com or by calling 312-269-7967. Language Assistance: By law, the Board of Election Commissioners provides balloting options in English, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi. In all precincts and all early voting sites, the touchscreen voting equipment will allow voters to select between English,

उपकरण मतदाताओं को दृश्य और श्रव्य मतपत्रों के अांग्रेज़ी, स्पैवनि, र्ीनी और हहदी सांस्करणों में से ककसी का

Spanish, Chinese and Hindi versions of visual ballots and audio ballots. On Election

र्यन करने की सुववधा देते हैं। र्ुनाव के कदन भाषा सहायता के वलए लवक्षत क्षेत्रों में, वद्वभाषी र्ुनाव

Day, bilingual Election Judges and paper optical-scan ballots in precincts targeted for

न्यायाधीि एवां काग़ज़ी ऑवटिकल-स्कै न मतपत्र भी उपलब्ध रहेंगे।

language assistance will be available Vote By Mail for Those Permanently Disabled or Incapacitated or Residents of Nursing

स्थायी रूप से ववकला​ांग या अक्षम या नर्ससग होम वनवावसयों या लाइसेंसदार देखभाल स्थल के वनवावसयों द्वारा डाक द्वारा मतदान: जो पांजीकृ त मतदाता स्थायी रूप से ववकला​ांग या अक्षम हैं या ककसी लाइसेंसदार नर्ससग

Homes or Licensed Care Facilities: Registered voters who are permanently disabled or incapacitated or reside in a licensed nursing home or care facility may request an Affidavit and Application for Disabled Voter or Resident of Nursing Home or Care

होम या देखभाल स्थल में वनवास करते हैं, वे एक िपथ पत्र और ववकला​ांग मतदाता या नर्ससग होम

Facility, Form 504DVI. This certification requires the signature of the applicant’s

वनवासी के वलए आवेदन पत्र 504DVI का अनुरोध कर सकते हैं। इस प्रमाणीकरण में आवेदक के वर्ककत्सक

physician and the date of the medical license. Once this certification has been

के हस्ताक्षर और वर्ककत्सा लाइसेंस की तारीख़ की आवश्यकता होती है। जब यह प्रमाणीकरण पूरा हो जाए तो

completed, it should be returned to the Board of Elections, Vote By Mail Department, 69

इसे Board of Elections, Vote By Mail Department, 69 West Washington Street, Suite

West Washington Street, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60602. The applicant will then receive a Disabled Voter’s Identification Card, Form DVI, and will also receive a a Vote

800, Chicago, Illinois 60602 को वापस भेजें। इसके बाद आवेदक को एक ववकला​ांग मतदाता पहर्ान

By Mail ballot application for all elections during the next five (5) years. These requests

काडच, फॉमच DVI प्राप्त होगा, और साथ ही अगले पा​ांर् (5) साल के दौरान होने वाले सभी र्ुनावों के वलए एक

must be made at least five days before the election by contacting the Vote By Mail Department at 312-269-7967.

डाक द्वारा मतदान मतपत्र आवेदन पत्र भी प्राप्त होगा। ये अनुरोध 312-269-7967 पर डाक द्वारा मतदान ववभाग से सांपकच करके र्ुनाव से कम से कम पा​ांर् कदन पहले ककये जाने र्ावहए।

Aids for Voting: Voting aids are available to help those with impaired dexterity or vision.

मतदान के सहायक उपकरण: मतदान के सहायक उपकरण उन लोगों के वलए ववकवसत ककये गए हैं वजनकी हाथ से काम करने की वनपुणता या दृवि क्षीण है।  िर्स्रीन मतदान इकाई में ऑवडयो वनयांत्रक इकाई और ऑवडयो मतपत्र नेत्रहीन मतदाताओं को

referenda through headphones and make their choices and cast their ballot by use of a hand-held controller unit. The controller can also be affixed to the arm

मतदान वनदेिों, कायाचलयों, उम्मीदवारों और जनमत सांग्रहों को हैडफ़ोन द्वारा सुनने की सुववधा

 

देते हैं और हाथ में पकड़े जाने वाले वनयांत्रक उपकरण का उपयोग करके अपने ववकल्प का र्यन करने में और अपना मतपत्र डालने की सुववधा देते हैं। इस वनयांत्रक उपकरण के साथ सांलग्न वेल्रो परियों का उपयोग करके यह इकाई कु सी या व्हीलर्ेयर के हत्थे से भी जोड़ी जा सकती है। वसप ऐंड पफ़ उपकरण का उपयोग ऑवडयो वनयांत्रक के साथ सांयोजन के रूप में ककया जा सकता है। वसप ऐंड पफ़ उपकरण मतदाता को ऑवडयो मतपत्र में नेववगेि कराता है। व्हीलर्ेयर सुलभ मतदान बूथ प्रत्येक मतदान स्थल में उपलब्ध हैं और व्हीलर्ेयर का उपयोग करने वाले लोगों को काग़ज़ी ऑवटिकल-स्कै न मतपत्र या िर्स्रीन पर वनिान लगाने की सुववधा देते हैं। जो मतदाता देर तक खड़े रहने में असमथच हैं, वे भी इस यांत्र और प्रदान की गई कु सी का

 

उपयोग कर सकते हैं। मतपत्र माकच र वग्रपसच मतदाताओं को काग़ज़ी मतपत्र के वलए मार्ककग कलम को आसानी से पकड़ने की सुववधा देते हैं। बड़े मतपत्र व्यूअर काग़ज़ी मतपत्रों की छपाई को बड़ा करने के वलए वडज़ाइन ककए गए आवधचक लेंस होते हैं। िर् स्रीन पर अक्षराकृ वत भी ववस्ताररत की जा सकती है। खड़े या बैठे हुए मतदाताओं के वलए स्रीन ऊपर नीर्े झुकाई भी जा सकती है। द्वार घांरिया​ां: वजन मतदान स्थलों के दरवाजे भारी हैं उनको दरवाज़े की घांरियों से सवित ककया जाएगा, वजन्हें मतदान स्थल के प्रवेि द्वार के बाहर रखा गया है। मतदाता द्वारा घांिी बजाए जाने

पर कोई र्ुनाव न्यायाधीि बाहर आकर मतदाता के वलए दरवाज़ा खोलेंगे। दहलीज़ रैं प उन मतदान स्थलों पर रखे जाते हैं जहा​ां दरवाज़े की दहलीज़ ऐसी है वजसमें ककसी व्हीलर्ेयर वाले मतदाता को प्रवेि करने में करठनाई होती है।

Audio Controller Unit and Audio Ballots in the touchscreen voting unit allow a visually impaired voter to hear the balloting instructions, offices, candidates and

of a chair or wheelchair by using the Velcro straps attached to the unit. 

A Sip and Puff Device can be used in conjunction with the audio controller. The sip and puff device will navigate the voter through the audio ballot.

A wheelchair accessible voting booth is in each polling place for voters who want to mark paper optical-scan ballots or use the touchscreen. Voters who are unable to stand for long periods of time also may use this unit and a provided chair.

Ballot Marker Grippers allow voters to easily hold the marking pens for paper ballots.

Large Ballot Viewers are magnifying lenses designed to enlarge the print on the paper ballots. The typeface on the touch screen also can be enlarged. The screens also tilt up or down for voters who are standing or seated.

Door Bells: Polling places that have heavy doors will be equipped with door bells, which are placed outside the entrance to the polling place. When the voter rings the bell, a judge of election will come and open the door for the voter.

Threshold Ramps are placed at polling places where the door threshold is such that a voter in a wheelchair may have difficulty entering.

Information and Services Notice: This notice is printed in very large type, in order that visually impaired voters can be assisted. This Notice is to be posted on the wall of the polling place. Where needed, an Alternate Entrance Sign will be posted at polling places to give notice to voters with disabilities where they may gain clear access to the polling place.

जानकारी और सेवाओं का नोरिस : इस नोरिस को बहुत बड़े आकार के अक्षरों में छापा जाता है ताकक

Curbside Voting: Voters may request assistance if they are unable to gain access to

नेत्रदुबचल मतदाताओं की सहायता हो सके । इस नोरिस को मतदान स्थल की दीवार पर लगाया जाता है। जहा​ां ज़रूरी होगा वहा​ां मतदान स्थलों पर एक वैकवल्पक प्रवेि सांकेत लगाया जाएगा ताकक ववकला​ांग मतदाताओं को सूर्ना वमल सके और वे वहा​ां मतदान करने के वलए रूकावि के वबना पहुँर् सकें ।

their polling places because of structural features of the building. A Request for a Ballot

कबचसाइड मतदान: यकद मतदाता इमारत की सांरर्नात्मक वविेषताओं की वजह से मतदान स्थल में पहुांर्ने में

toward the polling place can no longer be continued; but, in no case shall a ballot be

by a Voter who is Unable to Enter the Polling Place must be completed and submitted before Election Day. By using this form, a voter may request that two (2) judges of election of opposite political parties bring a ballot to a location where forward motion

असमथच हैं तो वे सहायता का अनुरोध कर सकते हैं। मतदान स्थल में प्रवेि करने में असमथच मतदाता को र्ुनाव के कदन से पहले ही अनुरोध पत्र भर कर प्रस्तुत कर देना आवश्यक है। इस प्रपत्र का उपयोग करके कोई मतदाता, ववरोधी राजनीवतक दलों के दो (2) र्ुनाव न्यायाधीिों से उस स्थान पर एक मतपत्र लाने के वलए अनुरोध कर सकता है, जहा​ां से मतदान स्थल के वलए और आगे नहीं जाया जा सकता। लेककन ककसी भी पररवस्थवत में मतदाता को उस इमारत से 50 फु ि से अवधक दूरी पर मतपत्र नहीं पहुांर्ाया जाएगा वजसमें वह मतदान स्थल



delivered to the voter beyond 50 feet of the entrance to the building in which the polling place is located. At this location, an application for ballot must be completed by the voter and verified by the judges. The voter will be allowed to cast their ballot privately. Chicago voters must make this request for curbside voting, in writing, to the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, 69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60602, no later than 5:00 PM the day before the election. The Board will notify the judges of election for the appropriate precinct polling place of this request.

इस स्थल पर मतदाता द्वारा मतपत्र के वलए आवेदन भरा जाना र्ावहए और न्यायाधीिों द्वारा उसका सत्यापन ककया जाना र्ावहए। मतदाता को गोपनीय रूप से अपना मतपत्र डालने की अनुमवत दी जाएगी।

General Inquiries for Voting Accessibility & Assistance

विकागो के मतदाताओं को यह अनुरोध वलवखत रूप में Chicago Board of Election Commissioners,

hard of hearing: 312-269-0027

69 W. Washington St., Suite 600, Chicago, Illinois 60602 से र्ुनाव से पहले वाले कदन सायां 5 बजे से पहले करना होगा। पररषद उपयुग क्षेत्र के मतदान स्थल के र्ुनाव न्यायाधीिों को इस अनुरोध के बारे में सूवर्त करे गी। मतदान अवभगम्यता और सहायता के वलए सामान्य पूछताछ: विकागो के मतदाताओं के वलए, kchin@chicagoelections.net, 312-269-7858, TTY फ़ोन (बवधर या कम सुनने वालों के वलए): 312-269-0027

For Chicago voters, kchin@chicagoelections.net at 312-269-7858, TTY Line for deaf or

Board of Election Commissioners for the City of Chicago विकागो के र्ुनाव आयुगों का बोडच Marisel A. Hernandez, अध्यक्षा/ Chairwoman William J. Kresse, सवर्व/आयुग/ Secretary/Commissioner Jonathan T. Swain, आयुग/ Commissioner Lance Gough, कायचकारी वनदेिक/ Executive Director कदना​ांक: 15 जनवरी, 2016/Dated January 15, 2016











Obama vows for ‘focus on future’ In his final State of the Union address, the US President touts his signature health care law, saying there must be ways Democrats and Republicans can work together

Paid leave and raising the minimum wage were also mentioned as policy objectives, along with making higher education more affordable and improving education.

He urged for the importance of work on climate change. “If anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it,” he said. “You’ll be pretty lonely, because you’ll be debating our military, most of America’s business leaders, the majority of the American people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nations around the world who agree it’s a problem and intend to solve it.” Speaking about the IS and its fighters, he said they are dangerous, but they do not threaten the country’s national existence. He urged for Congress to pass authorisation of military force against the so-called IS. “But the American people should know that with or without Congressional action, (IS) will learn the same lessons as terrorists before them. If you doubt America’s commitment?-or mine?-to see that justice is done, ask Osama bin Laden,” he said.

“The latest test demands a response,” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Eliot Engel, a co-sponsor of the House bill, according to The Washington Post.

“We need to act unilaterally to make clear to the North Koreans (DPRK) that their actions have consequences.” The Senate is expected to consider similar legislation in the coming weeks.



S President Barack Obama vigorously defended his legacy while striking an optimistic tone for the future in his final State of the Union address on January 12. He pushed back against the negative tone of the current presidential race, arguing the US has the “strongest, most durable economy in the world”, BBC reported. His focus was on cementing his legacy rather than unveiling new policies. The speech highlighted his team’s accomplishments such health reform and rapprochement with Cuba. “For my final address to this chamber, I don’t want to talk just about the next year,” he said. “I want to focus on our future.” Government benefit programmes like Medicare and Social Security should be strengthened, not weakened, he said.

Authorize using force against IS: Obama WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on January 12 called on Congress to authorize the use of military force against the extremist group Islamic State (IS). “If this Congress is serious about winning this war, and wants to send a message to our troops and the world, you should finally authorise the use of military force against ISIL,” Obama said in his final State of the Union address, using an alternate acronym for the IS. Addressing a joint session of Congress, Obama admitted that Al Qaeda and IS pose “a direct threat” to Americans, saying that even a handful of terrorists who place no value on human life can do a lot of damage, Xinhua news agency reported. However, he stressed that the IS does not “threaten our national existence”. Leading a coalition of more than 60 countries, the US has been fighting against the IS for more than a year, carrying out nearly 10,000 air strikes, he told the lawmakers. The military action was taken under authorization provided after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In the address, Obama reaffirmed his pledge to destroy the IS, vowing that the group’s militants have to be “rooted out, hunted down and destroyed’.

He urged for Congress to pass authorisation of military force against the so-called IS.

Obama touted his signature health care law and said there must be ways Democrats and Republicans can work together to boost economic security, despite dis-

agreements. For the current year, he urged Congress to pass legislation on criminal justice reform and prescription drug abuse.

US House passes harsher sanctions against Pyongyang IANS, WASHINGTON


S House of Representatives on January 12 easily passed legislation to impose harsher sanctions against North Korea in response to its nuclear test. The measure, passed by a vote of 418 to 2, would require the president to sanction those engaging in transactions with Pyongyang related to weapons of mass destruction, arms, luxury goods, money laundering, counterfeiting and human

rights abuses, The Washington Post reported. It also gives the president authority to sanction anyone engaging in financial transactions to support the Korean nation banned activities and the country’s developing cyber threat industry. North Korea announced on Wednesday that it had successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. But the White House disputed the claim, saying that initial analysis indicates that the nuclear test is “not consistent” with a hydrogen bomb.

Hillary Clinton ties or trails Republicans in new poll ARUN KUMAR, WASHINGTON


ith less than a month to go before the first nominating contests in the US presidential race, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz lead the Republican pack, while Hillary Clinton has a commanding lead among the Democrats. But in hypothetical head-to-head matchups, Clinton currently ties or trails the Republicans in each of the possible 2016 matchups tested, according to a new Fox News poll. Real estate mogul and reality TV star Trump tops Clinton by three points (47-44 percent) and former

Hillary Clinton

Florida governor Jeb Bush ties at 44 percent each. But Senators Marco Rubio (5041 percent) and Ted Cruz (50-43

percent) perform best against the presumptive Democratic nominee. Rubio has a nine-point advantage and Cruz is up by seven. Among Republican primary voters, Trump leads with 35 percent. Next is Cruz with 20 percent support. Rubio is third at 13 percent, while retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is at 10 percent and Bush gets four percent. Last month, it was Trump 39 percent, Cruz 18 percent, Rubio 11 percent, and Carson 9 percent. On the Democratic side, former secretary of state Clinton commands 54 percent support for the nomination among Democratic primary voters, far outperforming Ver-

mont senator Bernie Sanders at 39 percent. Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley gets 3 percent. While most Democratic primary voters are satisfied with their candidate choices (62 percent), many wish they had other options (38 percent) — including 42 percent of Sanders supporters, and even 33 percent of Clinton supporters. If the two current front-runners were to prevail as their respective party’s nominees, voters would watch both with a high degree of suspicion: 62 percent say Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, and 55 percent think the same of Trump.










india news






india news

Pathankot: Pak acts against terrorists India yet to get an “official” brief as Pakistan cracks down on several Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) activists, seals its offices in response to Pathankot Air Base attack IANS, ISLAMABAD/NEW DELHI


akistan said on January 13 that it had arrested several Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) activists and sealed its offices as part of a crackdown following the terror attack on an IAF base in India. India has blamed the JeM, a terrorist group which is known to have links with the Pakistani security establishment, for the January 2 attack on the Indian Air Force

station at Pathankot in Punjab. An official statement here also said that Islamabad needed more information from New Delhi on the alleged Pakistani links to the pre-dawn attack which left seven Indian security personnel dead. Pakistan was considering sending a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to Pathankot in consultation with India, it added. The statement said “several individuals belonging to JeM have been apprehended. The offices of

Supreme Court says no to Jallikattu NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has declined to vacate its order barring the bull taming sport Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu that is held during Pongal festivities beginning on January 14. An apex court bench comprising Justice Dipak Misra and Justice N.V. Ramana declined to lift an earlier order that put on hold a central government notification allowing Jallikattu and bull races. Rejecting the contention of petitioner Ramakrishna, the judges said Jallikattu, an ancient sport, is held in rural parts of Tamil Nadu during they were not inclined to vacate the Pongal festival. Supreme Court order of Tuesday prohibiting Jallikattu on grounds of to enable the conduct of Jallikattu.” cruelty to the bulls. “It is very important that the sentiJallikattu, an ancient sport, is held ments of the people of Tamil Nadu, in rural parts of Tamil Nadu during who have a deep attachment to the conduct of the traditional event of Pongal festival. It involves young men clinging on to the hump of bulls Jallikattu, are respected,” she added. “On behalf of the people of Tamil to win prize money. Earlier, Tamil Nadu, I urge you to take immediate Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa action in this regard.” urged the central government to immediately issue an ordinance to Observing that Jallikattu amountpermit Jallikattu, hours after the ed to heaping cruelty on animals, an Supreme Court stayed the bull tamapex court bench headed by Justice ing sport citing cruelty to the animal. Dipak Mishra said the sport cannot Jayalalithaa said in a letter to be permitted in the 21st century. Prime Minister Narendra Modi: “I Animal rights activists say there strongly reiterate my earlier request can be no justification for anything to promulgate an ordinance forthwith where animals are treated harshly.

India has blamed terrorist group JeM for the January 2 attack on the Indian Air Force station at Pathankot in Punjab. (Photo: IANS)

the organization are also being traced and sealed. Further investigations are underway”.

Pakistan was considering sending a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to Pathankot in consultation with India. The announcement followed a high-level meeting Prime Minister

Nawaz Sharif chaired to review the progress in the investigation against alleged Pakistani masterminds of the terror attack. India says that all six terrorists who raided the IAF base and got killed were Pakistanis and were allied to the JeM. The meeting was also attended by army chief General Raheel Sharif and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar. The statement said considerable progress had been made in the probe being carried out “against terrorist elements reportedly

linked to the Pathankot incident. “Based on the initial investigations in Pakistan, and the information provided, several individuals belonging to JeM have been apprehended. The offices of the organization are also being traced and sealed. India says it has provided “actionable intelligence” to Pakistan to act against those who masterminded the Pathankot attack, one week after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi flew to Lahore and met Sharif. There were media reports that Pakistan had also arrested JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar.

My sadness ends now: Ghulam Ali IANS, KOLKATA


akistani ghazal maestro Ghulam Ali, who has over the years enthralled millions across the globe with his baritone voice, expressed gratitude and elation to be able to perform in the eastern metropolis, following cancellation of his concert in Mumbai. “I am very happy today. I have been coming to Kolkata for 30 to 35 years. But this time it feels like I have come back after 50 years. I was so sad and today my sadness ends,” Ghulam Ali said at the start of the concert at the Netaji Indoor Stadium here. Performing with his son Aamir, Ghulam Ali hailed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee as a form of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom and music. “I am grateful to her. She has done us a favour in the form of Saraswati,” Ghulam Ali said with a a smile. Banerjee reinforced her views on universal brotherhood and requested the 75-year-old singer to visit the city again. She welcomed him with a shawl and scarf.

Ghulam Ali performing in Kolkata. (Photo: IANS)

The maestro had first performed in Kolkata in 1981. “Gana wana mujhe nahi aata (I don’t know how to sing). I only know how to listen,” he said, reminiscing how he was tutored by the legendary Bade Ghulam Ali and his three brothers. “I used to be after them (to learn),” quipped the singer, whose famous ghazal renditions are “Chupke Chupke Raat Din”, “Kal Chaudhvin Ki Raat Thi”, “Hungama Hai Kyon Barpa”, “Kiya Hai

Pyar Jise” and many others. Attired in embroidered white kurta-pajamas and a shawl, Ali, complimented the audience for their patience and silence as they immersed themselves in his shayaris and ghazals including the famed “Dil Mein Ek Lehar Si Uthi Hai Abhi”. After cancellation of his concert in Mumbai due to threats by the Shiv Sena, Ghulam Ali in November had expressed disappointment asserting “never to return to India.














INDIA FEATUREindia feature


Pak Army will play spoiler, says history The role of the ISI (read Pakistan Army) in planning the Pathankot Air Base terror attack is becoming increasingly clear TARUN BASU, NEW DELHI


n a tumultuous fortnight, during which many an illusion was shattered at the turn of the year, some home truths emerged in the chronically accident-prone ties between India and Pakistan. One, contrary to what was speculated, the decision to drop by in Lahore was taken at the spur of the moment by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while he was in Kabul. Senior officials, preparing for the last leg of their trip to New Delhi, were taken aback when it was conveyed to them by prime ministerial aides that he was all set to tweet on his impending visit to Pakistan — an announcement Modi thought he needed to make himself in order to surprise the world. Second, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took care to include none from his own foreign or security officialdom in his delegation that held impromptu talks with the Indian delegation at Raiwind. The Pakistan Amy, represented in the government through the new National Security Adviser, Lt Gen Naseer Khan Janjua, was not welcome at the gathering of the Sharif clan that was in the midst of a family celebration occasioned by his granddaugh-

ter’s wedding. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry happened to be playing golf in Lahore on Christmas Day but his services were only requisitioned for the media briefing after the talks where Modi was accompanied by his senior officials, including National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar. In the end, both unconventional acts of two leaders aspiring for greater glory boomeranged on them, as they both apparently miscalculated its potential blowback. The Pathankot assault, which could not but have been on the drawing board of options of the attack masterminds for some time, threatened to take that one bold but uncalibrated step into a two-step reversal and could have potentially become yet another South Asian flashpoint had the marauders succeeded in destroying some air force assets or had inflicted casualties on the 3,000-odd families at the air base. While Modi fast-forwarded his visit to Lahore in an almost impulsive fashion, in what was then lauded as an act of statesmanship and diplomatic derring-do, in retrospect Modi could not but have been red-faced when he got the news about the Pathankot attack within barely a week of his triumphant return from Lahore. It was obvious to mature practitioners of international diplomacy that Modi, a man in a hurry to create history in a relationship that

has confounded the world and become one of the trickiest (and deadliest) global problems in modern times, tried to short-circuit the sometimes arduous, trying and painstaking processes that go into preparations for summit meetings in order for them to produce measurable results for the countries involved and their people. The role of the ISI (read Pakistan Army) in planning the Pathankot operation is becoming increasingly clear, a thinking endorsed by no less an authority than Bruce Riedel, a counter-terrorism specialist and former CIA analyst. It was a clear signal to Sharif that any political adventurism, without taking the army into confidence, would not be appreciated and would be undermined and sabotaged — if so required. The Pakistan Army, an institution that has always been central to the politics of Pakistan, has played a key role in its defense and foreign policy. As Stephen Cohen, in his seminal work on “The Pakistan Army” (Himalayan Books), noted, the Pakistan Army “always regarded itself as the special expression of the idea of Pakistan. Because the military continues to hold one rein of political power in Pakistan, it continues to exercise its right and influence by what Cohen calls “injecting directly into the Pakistan foreign-policymaking process” its “partial perspectives on foreign affairs”. And the result was for Pakistan, India and the world to see.

(Unified Marxists-Leninists) [CPN-UML], however, made it clear that the proposed changes in the Constitution to address the issues raised by the Madhesi parties were against his own conviction and he was only agreeing to them for the sake of democracy in the country. He maintained that

there was no discrimination in the new Constitution, promulgated on September 20 last year, and the effort therein was to develop a competitive society with provisions to bring the backward communities to the forefront. He said that under the new Constitution, there was 45 percent reservation in stipulated areas for Backward Communities and they could also be part of the open competition. Referring to the over fourmonth old agitation by Madhesi parties over provisions of the new Constitution, he said the “supplies were stopped unnecessarily”. Oli has alleged that the shortages were the result of an “embargo imposed by India”. However, New Delhi maintains that supplies of essential commodities have not been able to move across the border because of the Madhesi agitation.

Terai resolution before India visit: Nepal PM PRASHANT SOOD, KATHMANDU


epali Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli has expressed confidence that his country’s new Constitution would be suitably amended to address the concerns of the Madhesis agitating in the Terai and a solution found to the issue before his visit to India next month. “We have presented a bill in parliament... The Constitution is going to be amended,” Oli told IANS in an interview at his office in Singha Durbar here. “We have agreed to treat special privileges as fundamental rights. This is democracy... Sometimes in a democracy, such things happen

and we have to tolerate (them),” Oli observed while talking about the more than four-month-old anti-Constitution agitation by Madhesi political parties and indigenous groups. The Madhesis have been agitating for the past more than four months in the Nepali Terai against “discriminatory provisions” of the country’s new Constitution, which was promulgated on September 20. The protestors blockaded the India-Nepal border entry points hindering movement of vehicles carrying supplies of essentials to the landlocked Himalayan nation -- and thus resulting in acute shortage of

food, fuel and medicines, among others. Asserting that the fuel and gas crisis in Nepal in the wake of the Madhesi agitation was slowly improving, Oli hoped that the situation will be “completely normal” within a few days. Oli, 63, who is also chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal










diaspora x





Haley next Republican Vice Presidential pick? Nikki Haley’s prospects improved as she signed off on legislation removing the Confederate flag from Columbia and oversaw a state battered by a tragic massacre ARUN KUMAR, WASHINGTON


outh Carolina’s IndianAmerican governor Nikki Haley’s choice to give the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address fuelled speculation about her as a potential vice presidential pick. Born Nimrata “Nikki” Randhawa, to Sikh immigrant parents from India, Haley at 43 is the youngest governor in the country. She gave the Republican response to Obama’s final annual address to the Congress on January 12 night. “All this comes on the back of a strong year that saw her prospects in the veepstakes improve as Haley signed off on legislation removing the Confederate flag from Columbia and oversaw a state battered by

Short Takes Louisiana Guv Bobby Jindal demits office NEW YORK: Indian-American Bobby Jindal has demitted office as Louisiana governor at the end of his second four-year term, the media reported on January 12. He has been replaced by Bel Edwards, the only Democratic governor in the Deep South. The 44-year-old, in an interview over the weekend, did not rule out another bid for the elected post, and added that as of now, he has decided to work with America Next, a think-tank.

PIO community lauded at PBD WASHINGTON: The transformational role played by the Indian American community in the development of India-US relations and its future potential were underscored by India’s Ambassador to the US Arun K. Singh. Opening an event to celebrate the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas at the Indian embassy here on January 8, he also highlighted the importance of the day. The event was well attended with enthusiastic participation by the Indian American community members representing various sectors including the government, business and professionals.

South Carolina’s Indian-American governor Nikki Haley. (File Photo)

a tragic massacre and a massive flood,” the Politico said in a report. In August, at the RNC summer meeting in Cleveland, Haley was invited to be its luncheon headliner, the influential daily added. In recent months, Haley has fos-

tered a close relationship with Christie as well as with two other Republican White House hopefuls: Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, it said. Over the course of the primary campaign, she has been exchang-

ing text messages with all three candidates. Haley’s selection, the Observer said, is seen as part of the Republican Party’s attempts to win over female voters, who will have a chance to elect the first female president if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. But she called such talk a “waste of time”. When asked about being given such an honour, she smiled and said she was humbled by it. “You have to know I always go back to that 5year-old Indian girl that lived in Bamberg. That just wondered what was out there,” Haley said. Haley was first elected South Carolina governor in 2010, becoming both the first woman and the first Indian-American to hold the top office in the state. She was re-elected in 2014.


ministry of external affairs,” she added. “The prime minister has kindly accepted my proposal. So

Why is the US turning Indian students back? ARUN KUMAR, WASHINGTON


all it pre-election rhetoric or post Paris and St Bernardino paranoia, Indian students coming to the US have been caught in a bind, with many deported or denied entry for no fault of theirs. They all came with valid F-1 student visas issued by US missions in India with the requisite I20 forms from educational institutions certifying their admission,

but have been sent packing back home at the port of entry. There are no official figures available, but an estimated 60 to 70 students have been turned back so far. The process of deportation continues despite New Delhi making a strong plea to Washington to honor their visas. It all started from San Francisco about two weeks after the December 2 terrorist attack in St Bernardino by a Pakistani couple, with Air India asked to fly back 14

The initiative aims at reaching out to Indian youth across the globe to understand the dynamics of corporate India

Indian students who had come to join two allegedly “blacklisted” dodgy schools. Both Silicon Valley University (SVU) in San Jose and Northwestern Polytechnic (NPU) in Fremont have denied being “blacklisted” or “under any sort of governmental investigation or targeting”. NPU has even blamed the whole mess “on the actions of Air India” which after the first deportations declined to seat US-bound students claiming it had been informed by the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) about the two schools being under the scanner. NPU suggested that Air India was not allowing its students to

board as it has to fly back at its own cost any individual denied entry to a country. Air India is reported to have now resumed bringing in Indian students provided they commit to pay for their return in case they were not allowed to enter. Over the last couple of weeks, several students coming through Chicago or New York and on other airlines to join other schools, some of them well reputed, have also been turned back. Yet, according to diplomatic sources, the US has denied any large-scale denial of entry of Indian students and claims that CBP agents decide each case on its own merit whether it is genuine or not.

The MOIA was established in May 2004 as the ministry of non-resident Indians’ affairs. Sushma Swaraj

WASHINGTON: Indian diaspora/NRI students will be offered 60 paid short term internship positions in 23 Indian companies in major Indian cities during the summer of 2016 under a public-private partnership. The Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre (OIFC), set up by the Indian government in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), launched the India Corporate Internship programme for Indian diaspora students during the Regional Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas in Los Angeles in November 2015.

multitude of Indian nationals settled abroad, was established in May 2004 as the ministry of non-resident Indians’ affairs. Later, it was renamed the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs in September 2004.

the MOIA will now be part of the ministry of external affairs,” the minister announced. The MOIA, dedicated to the


Internships in Indian firms for students

Internship positions are being offered at Apollo Hospitals, Blue Star, Flipkart, Forbes Marshall, Godrej group of companies, Infosys, Kirlosker Brothers, TATA group of companies and Wipro among others. Major Indian cities covered include Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune. The internships will include monthly stipends and accommodation, according to CII. The initiative aims at reaching out to Indian youth across the globe to understand the dynamics of corporate India as well as take part in India’s transformation. It aims to provide an opportunity for students of Indian origin to learn from the stalwarts of the Indian industry, work in a multicultural environment and re-connect with their roots in India. They will work in diverse sectors such as Aerodynamics, Automotive, Banking & Financial services, Healthcare, Incubation centres for Indian start-ups, IT, Manufacturing Power, Retail & e-commerce and Social Enterprises.

Overseas Indians ministry to merge with MEA nion External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on January 7 said the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) will be merged with her ministry. She said her merger proposal was accepted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “As minister for external affairs and overseas Indian affairs, I realised that substantial work of MOIA is done through our missions abroad,” she said in a tweet. “Therefore, I proposed to Hon’ble prime minister that MOIA should be merged with the








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international international x

Terror hits Istanbul

Syrian suicide bomber blamed for the incident; US deplores IS-claimed Istanbul attack US slams Istanbul terror attack



t least 10 people were killed and 15 others wounded in a powerful bomb explosion that rocked Turkish city Istanbul’s historic Sultanahmet Square this week. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed the attack on a Syrian suicide bomber, a media report said. The blast, so loud that it could be heard in the neighboring districts, took place around 10.15 a.m. local time at the square which is a renowned tourist hub, Xinhua news agency reported quoting an Istanbul governor’s statement on January 12. “I was there when the explosion happened. The earth below my feet was shaken. Everyone was running... Within five minutes, the area was full of police and ambulances,” an eyewitness told Xinhua. Addressing a gathering of ambassadors in capital Ankara later, President Erdogan blamed a Syrian suicide bomber for the

At least 10 people were killed and 15 others wounded in a powerful bomb explosion in Istanbul. (Photo: Xinhua/IANS)

attack, noting that there were foreign citizens among those killed. “This incident once again has shown us that we have to stay united against terrorism,” he added. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu held an emergency meeting in Ankara with the interi-

or minister and security chiefs after the bombing. Turkey has faced a series of deadly attacks. In July 2015, a bomb attack in the border town of Suruc left 34 pro-Kurdish and Left-wing activists killed. In October, twin suicide bombings hit Ankara, claiming a toll of

103 lives. Both were blamed on the Islamic State (IS) militant group. On January 6 last year, a woman carried out a suicide bombing attack on a police station in Istanbul’s Sultanahmet area, leaving an officer dead and another injured.

WASHINGTON: The US has strongly condemned the suicide bomb attack in Istanbul, Turkey, while pledging to strengthen cooperation with its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally to fight terrorism. “The US condemns in the strongest terms today’s terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey,” Ned Price, spokesman for the White House national Security Council, said in a statement. Price called the bombing a “heinous attack”, adding that “our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of all those who have been killed and with those injured.” “We stand together with Turkey, a NATO ally, a strong partner, and a valued member of the counterISIL colation, in the face of this attack and pledge our ongoing cooperation and support in the fight against terrorism,” said Price, using an acronym for IS.

‘Pak military behind Indian Pak top terror safe consulate attack in Kabul’ havens: Obama W P ARUN KUMAR, WASHINGTON


akistani military officers were behind the January 3 terror attack on the Indian consulate in Afghanistan’s Mazare-Sharif, a senior Afghan police official said this week. Sayed Kamal Sadat, police chief of Afghanistan’s northern Balkh province, said the attackers, “officers from across the border, were well-trained military men who fought Afghan security forces in the 25-hour siege”, Tolo News reported. “We saw with our own eyes and I can say 99 percent that those attackers were from Pakistani military and used special tactics while conducting their operation,” Sadat was quoted as saying. “The attackers were military personnel. They were educated and well prepared and had intelligence. They fought us and only by Allah’s grace were we able to control them and eliminate them.” On January 3 night, the terrorists attacked the Indian consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif. Among the weapons carried by the attackers

On January 3 night, the terrorists attacked the Indian consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif. (Photo: IANS)

Six die in attack near Pak consulate KABUL: At least six policemen were killed in a terror attack apparently targeted at the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad city in Afghanistan, media reports said. Afghan security forces battled gunmen barricaded in a house near the consulate, which the attackers had apparently tried to enter, a Pakistani news report said. (IANS)

were rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), Indian external affairs ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup confirmed at a media briefing in New Delhi on January 13. After being kept at bay by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel posted at the consulate, all the four terrorists were later killed by the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF). One Afghan security personnel lost his life and nine others, including three civilians, were wounded in the incident.

arning that parts of the world including Pakistan may become safe havens for new terrorist networks, President Barack Obama made protecting the American people and going after them his top priority. But in a powerful speech on January 12 night, he rejected Republicans’ suggestion that the spread of the Islamic State across much of the Middle East and the group’s apparent widening of its target list to Europe and the United States posed a threat to America itself. He mocked the contention that fighters on “on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages” represented an existential threat to America. “As we focus on destroying ISIL, overthe-top claims that this is World War III just play into their hands,” Obama said delivering the last State of the Union address of his presidency to the US Congress. “They do not threaten our national existence. That’s the story ISIL wants to tell; that’s the kind of propaganda they use to recruit,” Obama said, warning against push-

ing away vital Americans allies in the Middle East by “echoing the lie” that the group represents Islam. “Our foreign policy must be focused on the threat from ISIL and Al Qaeda, but it can’t stop there,” he said. “For even without ISIL, instability will continue for decades in many parts of the world - in the Middle East, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in parts of Central America, Africa and Asia. “Some of these places may become safe havens for new terrorist networks; others will fall victim to ethnic conflict, or famine, feeding the next wave of refugees,” Obama warned.



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south special south special x

Coconut tree is no tree?

Goa government is nuts, says opposition According to Forest Minister Rajendra Arlekar, the coconut tree does not qualify as tree botanically MAYABHUSHAN NAGVENKAR, PANAJI

Activists protest as Goa strips coconut of tree status


eautifully poignant coconuts trees swaying gently in the evening breeze aren’t a rare sight in Goa as you drive along the coastal state. Only, according to a decision taken by the Goa government last week, the coconut tree is not a tree any more. The decision has evoked a fresh bout of criticism of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led coalition government in Goa. While the opposition and activists have alleged that the cabinet decision would encourage cutting down of large plantations of coconut palms to make way for real estate development, the government claims the coconut was wrongly defined as a tree by earlier governments in the first place. “On the one hand, the BJP wants to protect the cow saying it is a holy animal, but is giving a free licence to cut coconut trees, which is also holy and called a ‘kalpvriksha’ in Goa. By saying the coconut is not a tree, the government is making way for easy slaughter of coconut palms for real estate development,” independent legislator from Fatorda, Vijai Sardesai, told IANS. The coconut tree in tropical Goa

‘Will not be cowed down by IS threats’ HYDERABAD: MIM president Asaduddin Owaisi on January 7 said that he will not be cowed down by threats from Islamic State, and continue to Asaduddin Owaisi speak out against it as it has nothing to do with Islam. A day after somebody tweeted on his wall asking him to shut his mouth and leave democracy, the Hyderabad MP, who moves around without any security, said he would not seek protection in the wake of threats. “I receive such threats everyday. I will live as long as Allah wills,” he said. Stating that IS’ ideology is devilish and based on hatred, Owaisi said there was need to finish this ideology. “They don’t know mercy. They don’t know the meaning of mercy. They massacred 1.5 lakh Muslims including scholars,” he said.

Goa legislators and other environmentalists hug coconut tree and blocked the National Highway NH17 in Goa on January 11 (Photo: IANS)

is often referred to as the kalpvriksha, a mythical wish-fulfilling tree which finds reference in Vedic scriptures, due to its immense utility value. Its fruit, plucked tender, is a refreshing drink, once ripe, its white pulp is a common ingredient in Goan curry. The shell is used for handicraft, the fronds once woven are still used as roof thatch and as rain shelter. Fresh sap tapped from the tree is a popular drink called toddy, which, once fermented, is used to cook sanna (local sweet idlis) and once distilled, transforms into a potent alcoholic brew called coconut feni.

The main stock of the tree once cut and cured is used in roof beams in traditional Goan homes. But according to the cabinet decision taken by the government last week, the coconut tree is no tree at all. According to Forest Minister Rajendra Arlekar, the coconut tree does not even qualify as a tree botanically. “It was included in error as a tree by the (Congress-led coalition government) in 2008. We are correcting the anomaly,” Arlekar said. In this connection, he referred to the Goa Daman and Diu Preservation of Trees act 1984.

PANAJI: A group of Green activists, agitated over the Goa government officially stripping the coconut palm of its universal recognition as a tree, on January 11 staged protests on the National Highway 17 in North Goa and disrupted traffic. Led by Prajal Sakhardande in Guirim village, the protestors condemned the move by the BJP-led coalition government last week to “de-recognize” the coconut tree as a tree. They said they were inspired by the Chipko movement led by Sundarlal Bahuguna in the 1970s against tree felling in then Uttar Pradesh. Sakhardande said the government’s move was necessitated by

vested economic interests. “The act of the Goa government makes it extremely easy to cut a coconut tree and will result not only in destruction of the trees but in Goa’s socio-cultural identity too,” Sakhardande said before police removed the protestors from the highway. Later, the 50-odd protestors hugged the trees along the NH-17, as a symbolic mark of protest just like it used to be done by men, women and children in the Chipko movement during the 1970s. Sakhardande demanded that the coconut palm should be re-included in the state’s official list of “trees”.

Andhra promises to check cock fights during Sankranti IANS, HYDERABAD


he Andhra Pradesh government on January 11 said it will take strong action against anyone organizing the traditional cock fight games during the Sankranti festival. The state government filed an affidavit in the Hyderabad High Court when the matter relating to cock fights came up for hearing. The government told the court that it would take all steps to check cock fights. On the direction of a division bench, the government filed an affidavit in this regard. The court wanted to know from the government as to what action it proposed to take against those organizing cock fights and other games violating the ban. Sankranti festival spread over three to four days is scheduled to be celebrated next week. The joint high court for both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh was dealing with a petition which alleged that arrangements were

being made to organize cock fights on large scale and police were not taking action to prevent this. The high court last year directed police to take action against those

cruelty during the festival. A BJP leader and two others from Andhra had challenged the high court order on the ground that cock fights are part of tradi-

On the direction of a division bench, the government filed an affidavit in Hyderabad High Court this regard organizing cock fights with betting, sale of liquor, gambling and subjecting animals and birds to

tion and culture. They argued that without this, the festival will lose its significance.

The petitioners claimed that the ban will also affect the revenues which the state gets from visitors, including NRIs, during the festival. According to them during 2012-13, 3,452 NRIs came to these districts and spent nearly Rs.600 crore to see the cock fights and during 2013-14 a total of 3,561 NRIs came and spent nearly Rs.634 crore. Powerful politicians of all hues, celebrities and businessmen, participate in the betting. The fights between the specially bred and trained cocks are organized in fields as thousands watch them. Three- to four-inch knives are tied to the cocks’ legs and the fight continues till the death of one of the two cocks in each round. Though police deny the permission to conduct such fights, the organizers always have the last laugh thanks to the support from powerful politicians. Every year, police seize specially bred cocks and money at various places but the cock fights continue to thrive due to political patronage.








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SOUTH CINEMAsouth cinema x

Don’t think about stardom anymore: Nagarjuna Akkineni Nagarjuna says he’s at a position in his career where he doesn’t bother about stardom anymore and would concentrate on doing good films. set against a village backdrop. “It’s been a while since we had a film set completely in a village. Although villages are fast catching up with the cities, there’s still something special about shooting there, like its serene environment. It was an amazing experience,” he said. As much as Nagarjuna is excited



ctor Akkineni Nagarjuna says he’s at a position in his career where he doesn’t bother about stardom anymore. Instead, he says he would concentrate on doing good films, even if it means waiting for over a year for a release. Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana, which releases worldwide on January 15, is his first release since 2014 Telugu drama Manam. “I don’t think about stardom anymore. I’m way past that phase. The only thing that matters to me now is doing good films. I may not have had a release in 2015, but the wait has paid off with Soggade, which has come out really well,” Nagarjuna told IANS. Directed by debutant Kalyan Krishna, the film also stars Ramya Krishnan and Lavanya Tripathi in important roles. Talking about the film in which he plays dual roles, he said: “I play the father and son. This is a fun film with a ghost angle. I also come as a ghost, but I won’t be scaring anybody. This is not your regular

Murugadoss’s next project from February CHENNAI: Filmmaker A.R Murugadoss’s much-anticipated yet-untitled Tamil-Telugu bilingual with superstar Mahesh Babu will go on the floors next month, a source said. “The project will be officially launched next month and will subsequently go on the floors as well. It will be wrapped up in six months,” a source close to Murugadoss told IANS. The source further added that the pre-production work has already begun. This would be the first time Mahesh and Murugadoss would be joining hands for a project.Popular lensman Santosh Sivan would crank the camera. While Mahesh Babu is currently busy wrapping up Telugu family drama “Brahmotsavam”, Murugadoss awaits the release of Sonakshi Sinha-starrer “Akira”.

“This is not your regular horror film. It’s lovely story of father returning as a soul to help his son.”

horror film. It’s a lovely story of a father returning as a soul to help his son”. While the project was supposed to be finished earlier, Nagarjuna said the delay was inevitable. “Quite early on, Shruti Haasan walked out of the project for unknown reasons. We had to wait for three months until Tamannaah Bhatia came on board as her

replacement. Though we completed shooting in September, we spent the last few months on postproduction,” he added. “Once I finish shooting a film, I usually sit on it to see how we can make it better. This is something I’ve been doing for many years on all my projects,” he said. In a long time, Nagarjuna has starred in a film that’s completely

about the release of Soggade..., he’s also concerned about going head on with three more releases - Nannaku Prematho, Dictator and Express Raja. “I find this trend very unhealthy, because it will force us to share our success. I had announced the release date of my film nearly three months ago and had even paid advance to theatres and blocked screens. Since I had planned in advance, there was no way I was going to step out of the race,” Nagarjuna added.

BRIEFS: Manisha roped in for Bala’s multi-starrer CHENNAI: Actress Manisha Koirala has been brought in for an important role in National Awardwinning filmmaker Bala’s next Tamil multi-starrer project. Manisha Koirala The yet-untitled project is slated to go on the floors starting July.“The film so far features Vishal, Atharvaa, Arya, Arvind Swamy and Manisha. The makers are also in talks with Anushka Shetty,” a source told IANS. The film is rumored to be titled “Kutra Paramparai”, and will be produced by Bala’s home banner B Studios.

Ashna Zaveri plays college girl in her next CHENNAI: Actress Ashna Zaveri, who is currently shooting for Tamil romantic-drama Meen Kuzhambum Maan Paanaiyum, essays the role of a college girl in the film that costars Kalidas Jayaram in the lead. “I can’t divulge much information about my role or the film. I play a college girl. Kalidas and I share a Tom and Jerry kind of relationship,” Ashna told IANS. The film throws the spotlight on the relationship between a father and son. Veteran actor Prabhu plays the father while Jayaram plays his son.

Sukumar helped me discover the actor within: Rakul Preet Singh IANS, CHENNAI


akul Preet Singh, who worked with filmmaker Sukumar in the forthcoming Telugu release Nannaku Prematho, said the experience helped her discover the actor within and perform beyond her expectations. “Working with Sukumar was amazing. He’s someone who trusts his actors and allows them to experiment with dialogues and scenes. When you’re working with him, you learn a lot subconsciously and that helped me in discovering the actor within,” the former model told IANS. Rakul believes she has given her career's most natural performance in the film. “Sukumar comes from a very different school of working style. He never shoots with set dialogues and scenes. Most of it is improvised on the spot. He’d tell me, ‘Rakul, if this is your character, how would you behave? Show

me’,” she said. “Instead of making us act, he’d make us become the characters we play. He’d remind me of how I did something over breakfast in the morning and then ask me to include it in my performance,” she added. Paired with actor Jr. NTR for the first time, Rakul plays the daughter of a multibillionaire in the film. “It’s a character I haven’t played before, so there was no reference to it. The testing part was to look believable in the role, because unlike any other character, a billionaire’s daughter carries herself very differently, be it the way she dresses or even walks,” she said.







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20 x





cinema news entertainment

‘The Revenant’, ‘Mozart in the Jungle’ rule Golden Globes The best motion picture comedy or musical award went to “The Martian”, leaving behind films like “The Big Short”, “Joy”, “Spy” and “Trainwreck”. IANS, LOS ANGELES


ovies The Revenant and Mozart in the Jungle emerged as the top winners at the star-studded 73rd edition of the Golden Globe awards, which took place here. The Revenant, a biographical Western film set in 1823 Montana and South Dakota, bagged three awards — best drama film, best actor in a drama for Leonardo DiCaprio and best director for Alejandro G. Iñárritu — at the function held here on Sunday night, reports variety.com. In the TV realm, Amazon Studio’s Mozart in the Jungle won under the category of best comedy series and best actor in a comedy series for Gael Garcia Bernal. The series is inspired by the Mozart in the Jungle: Sex, Drugs, and Classical

Vir Das signed up by US comedy firm

A still from the movie The Revenant

Music — oboist Blair Tindall’s 2005 memoir. The best motion picture comedy or musical award went to The Martian, leaving behind films like The Big Short, Joy, Spy and Trainwreck.

Winning the best TV series — drama, Mr. Robot beat the likes of Empire, Game of Thrones, Narcos and Outlander. The series also won the best supporting actor in a series, limited-series or TV movie

B-Town pays tribute to ‘legendary’ David Bowie IANS, MUMBAI

B MUMBAI: Comedian-actor Vir Das has been signed up by America’s one of the largest comedy management companies, Levity Entertainment Group (LEG). LEG is a vertically integrated entertainment company with four divisions: live, production, talent management, and digital. It has worked with world-renowned comedians such as Jamie Foxx, Jeff Dunham, Trevor Noah, Daniel Tosh, Tracy Morgan, Amy Schumer and Gabriel Iglesias. “It’s honestly great to have the best management firm and agency in the country handling my career. There’s a global spot for an original Indian voice out there in comedy, television and film. Levity CAA (Creative Artists Agency) and I agree that we need to take that spot together in 2016,” Vir said in a statement. Last year, the 36-year-old performed in the US at venues like the Carolines on Broadway and Hollywood Improv.

for Christian Slater. Wolf Hall received the award for best TV movie or limited-series, leaving American Crime, American Horror Story: Hotel, Fargo and Flesh and Bone behind. Son of Saul, a Hungarian movie set during World War II, was cited as the best motion picture in a foreign language title. The team of the animated film Inside Out was overjoyed to win the best animated film title. The film was in competition for the award alongside Anomalisa, The Good Dinosaur, The Peanuts Movie and Shaun the Sheep Movie. Bagging two awards for Steve Jobs, Aaron Sorkin won under the category for best screenplay — motion picture and actress Kate Winslet won the best supporting actress in a motion picture award. Actor Sylvester Stallone was given a standing ovation by the audience

ollywood celebrities like Madhur Bhandarkar, Shekhar Kapur and Vishal Dadlani have mourned the death of legendary singer-songwriter David Bowie, who battled with cancer for 18 months. The singer died on January 10 just two days after his 69th birthday. Here is how the tinsel town celebs paid tribute on Twitter to the rocker:

Shekhar Kapur: My fav #DavidBowie song... blew us all away when it first came out Ground Control to Major Tom Anil Kapoor: Today a legendary

songwriter and performer has left us. But his legacy will live on. Rest In Peace #DavidBowie. Madhur Bhandarkar: Fond memories of picturizing a fabulous remix of the song Lets Dance by #DavidBowie, for Page3 movie in 2005. RIP #DavidBowie. Ranvir Shorey: Sad to see you go, @DavidBowieReal. Style Icon. Musical genius. Legend. RIP. Vishal Dadlani: The great ones check out with their boots on. #DavidBowie #Lemmy #RIP.

as he won the best supporting acto in a motion picture for Creed. Th Rocky Balboa actor was competin with actors Paul Dano (Love & Mercy), Idris Elba (Beasts of N Nation), Mark Rylance (Bridge Spies) and Michael Shannon (9 Homes). The award for the best actress in motion picture - drama was won b Brie Larson for Room, beating con tenders like Cate Blanchett (Carol Rooney Mara (Carol), Saoirs Ronan (Brooklyn) and Alicia Vikan der (The Danish Girl). Actors Jennifer Lawrence an Matt Damon took home the award for best actress and best actor in motion picture — comedy for Jo and The Martian. Actress-singer Lady Gaga wo her first nomination and victory a best actress in a limited series for he role as the countess in America Horror Story: Hotel.

‘Wazir’ mints Rs.21.01 crore in opening week

MUMBAI: Director Bejoy Nambiar’s drama thriller Wazir, starring Amitabh Bachchan and Farhan Akhtar, has collected over Rs.20 crore in its opening week. The movie released on January 8 and made Rs.5.61 crore on its opening day. Wazir collected Rs.7.16 crore on Saturday and Rs.8.24 crore on Sunday, making its domestic weekend collection to a cumulative of Rs.21.01 crore.

Wazir’: Intelligently crafted emotional thriller Film: “Wazir”; Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Farhan Akhtar, Aditi Rao Hydari, Manav Kaul, Neil Nitin Mukesh, John Abraham, Anjum Sharma, Mazel Vyas and Seema Pahwa; Director: BEJOY NAMBIAR; Rating: ****


azir from Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s stable and directed by Bejoy Nambiar is a dramatic thriller that is artistically crafted with a gripping screenplay and brilliant performances by its ace star cast. An original story by Chopra, it is intelligently and emotionally confronting. It is a revenge story

where the strategies in the game of chess are cleverly used as an allegory and keep you riveted to the screen till the end. The screenplay co-written by Abhijat Joshi and

Chopra is interestingly layered and unfurls the mystery at the opportune moment, making it an intensely intriguing film. It is a tale of the bonding between two dis-

parate individuals, Pandit Omka nath Dhar, an effervescent old ma with a zest for life and chess, an Anti-Terrorism Squad Office Danish Ali, in their common grie Every character is well-etche and designed to interlock the plo effectively. Amitabh Bachchan a Pandit Omkarnath Dhar, onc again in a new avatar, delivers power-packed performance with broad spectrum of emotions. Farhan Akhtar in an equall dynamic role as an ATS officer an forlorn father, renders a sincer and credible portrayal. Manav Kaul as the politicia Yazaad Qureshi is convincing. •Troy Ribeir









Hrithik gifts himself Rolls Royce on birthday?

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ctor Hrithik Roshan, who believes one should enjoy the “material as well as spiritual” sides of life, is said to have gifted himself a Rolls Royce on his 42nd birthday on 10th Jan. Asked about owning a Rolls Royce, Hrithik, said: “In life, one should enjoy both sides, material as well as spiritual equally. That is the true balance one should try and maintain.” “Some think that material is not important, but that is not true. One should party, go to gym, spend good time with friends and enjoy. I do all this,” he said. Since this birthday started on a “very happy note, so this year will be full of happy things,” he said.

PC wins People’s Choice Award


ollywood actress and former Miss World Priyanka Chopra made India proud yet again. She won a People’s Choice Award 2016 for her international acting debut as FBI agent Alex Parish in American TV thriller series Quantico. She is said to be the first South Asian actress to win the honor. Priyanka was named the Favorite Actress in a New TV series at the gala on Wednesday night here.

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Shraddha eager to try stunts in films

Akshay to appear on ‘India’s Best Dramebaaz’


ctor Akshay Kumar will be seen promoting his forthcoming reality drama film Airlift in the TV show India’s Best Dramebaaz. “On the sets of @ZeeTV’s India’s Best Dramebaaz today (Saturday),enjoying all the #dramebaazi! These kids will #Airlift your mood! @AirliftFilm #IBD,” Akshay posted on Twitter. Filmmaker Sajid Khan, who is seen on the judging panel of the show alongside actors Vivek Oberoi and Sonali Bendre, also took to the micro-blogging site to share a photograph of himself with Akshay and his “Airlift” actress Nimrat Kaur. “#indiasbestdramebaaz airlift-

ed by my friend @akshaykumar and @NimratOfficial,” tweeted Sajid, who has worked with Akshay in films like “Heyy Babyy”, “Housefull” and “Housefull 2”.


ashiqui 2” actress Shraddha Kapoor, who performed a gravity-defying stunt for a promotional event recently, is eager to do similar stunts for her films. “I was very excited because where do you get a chance to hang off the top of a building? So I wanted to try it. It’s very rare to get such an opportunity. Now I’ve had a taste of it,” said Shraddha Kapoor told the media after performing a stunt for Lakme 9 to 5 Weightless Mousse Foundation. “My confidence has gone up, so why not do it in my movies as well,” she added. Shraddha’s pictures, while she was rehearsing for the stunt, had gone viral and she had even tweeted about it. On Saturday, Shraddha performed her stunt without any fuss, smilingly dressed in a pink outfit. Reportedly, Shraddha went up the 34th floor of a five-star hotel here for the stunt. “I think it’s the first time that anybody is doing anything like this for a brand association,” she said. “It’s very exciting to have a launch of this kind to get a visual representation of this fabulous product,” the actress said.








community news - midwest 2


IRS’s alert against scam phone calls

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the US government agency responsible for tax collection and tax law enforcement, has continued to advise consumers to guard against scam phone calls from thieves intent on stealing their money or their identity. Criminals pose as the IRS to trick victims out of their money or personal information. Here are several tips to help you avoid being a victim of these scams: Scammers make unsolicited calls. Thieves call taxpayers claiming to be IRS officials. They demand that the victim pay a bogus tax bill. They con the victim into sending cash, usually through a prepaid debit card or wire transfer. They may also leave ‘urgent’ call-back requests through phone ‘robo-calls’ or via phishing email. Callers try to scare their victims. Many phone scams use threats to intimidate and bully a victim into paying. They may even threaten to arrest, deport or revoke the license of their victim if they don’t get the money. Scams use caller ID spoofing. Scammers often alter caller ID to make it look like the IRS or another agency is calling. The callers use IRS titles and fake badge numbers to appear legitimate. They may use the victim’s name, address and other personal information to make the call sound official. Cons try new tricks all the time. Some schemes provide an actual IRS address where they tell the victim to mail a receipt for the payment they make. Others use emails that contain a fake IRS document with a phone number or an email address for a reply. These scams often use official IRS letterhead in emails or regular mail that they send to their victims. They try these ploys to make the ruse look official. Scams cost victims over $23 million.

Indra Nooyi Yale’s top alumni donor



The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has received reports of about 736,000 scam contacts since October 2013. Nearly 4,550 victims have collectively paid over $23 million as a result of the scam. The IRS will not: Call you to demand immediate payment. The IRS will not call you if you owe taxes without first sending you a bill in the mail. Demand that you pay taxes and not allow you to question or appeal the amount you owe. Require that you pay your taxes a certain way. For instance, require that you pay with a prepaid debit card. Ask for your credit or debit card numbers over the phone. Threaten to bring in police or other agencies to arrest you for not paying. If you don’t owe taxes, or have no reason to think that you do: Do not give out any information. Hang up immediately. Contact TIGTA to report the call. Use

their “IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting” web page. You can also call 800-366-4484. Report it to the Federal Trade Commission. Use the “FTC Complaint Assistant” on FTC. gov. Please add “IRS Telephone Scam” in the notes. If you know you owe, or think you may owe tax: Call the IRS at 800-829-1040. IRS workers can help you. Phone scams first tried to sting older people, new immigrants to the U.S. and those who speak English as a second language. Now the crooks try to swindle just about anyone. And they’ve ripped-off people in every state in the nation. Stay alert to scams that use the IRS as a lure. Tax scams can happen any time of year, not just at tax time. For more, visit “Tax Scams and Consumer Alerts” on IRS.gov. Each and every taxpayer has a set of fundamental rights they should be aware of when dealing with the IRS. These are your Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Appeal to demolish all ‘walls of hate’ BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL-- Moin Haque, a well-known businessman from Chicago, and his wife Saima Haque organized a Breakfast Event with the objective to bring a large group of AsianAmerican Community Leaders and Illinois State Representatives under one roof. The purpose of this “Dialogue for Democracy” was to understand each other’s perspectives and also to find ways and means to ensure that democratic institutions in the US are led by the silent majority, rather than hijacked by the most vocal minority. ‘Lou’ Lang, who represents the 16th District of Illinois State and serves as House Deputy Majority Leader, said that while he was concerned about the welfare of people, he was keenly interested in knowing the unique aspirations of each and every community, including those of the Asian-Americans. He advised talented people from different communities to join the political system of our Nation as their political career and contribute to it. “Otherwise, those candiates who have a view to serving their vested interests, will dominate and control this important organ of the society”, ‘Lou’ Lang added. Stephanie A. Kifowit, who represents the 84th District of Illinois State, said that a small number of people, who represent a tiny minority, are creating much hate in society and thereby eroding the freedom of religion, freedom to associate, and freedom to enjoy life, all the attributes which make the US a

Indra Nooyi BY A STAFF WRITER EW HAVEN, CT -Indra Nooyi, the Indian-born PepsiCo chairperson & CEO, has become the Yale School of Management’s biggest alumni donor with a ‘landmark gift’ to endow the deanship at her alma mater. Chennai-born Nooyi, 60, who graduated from the school in 1980, has made the gift to also inaugurate the Fifth Decade Innovation Fund. The fund is an ambitious initiative designed to advance the school’s aim of developing leaders with the broad global mindset and multi-disciplinary approach to business that is needed to succeed in 21st-century capitalism, the school said. With this gift, Nooyi becomes the most generous graduate of Yale School of Management in terms of lifetime giving to the school. She is the first woman to endow the deanship at a top business school. “My gift to this wonderful institution pales in comparison with the gift that Yale gave me-the fundamental understanding that leadership requires an expansive worldview and a deep appreciation of the many points of intersection between business and society,” said Nooyi. “Business issues are never just business issues, and my most ardent hope is that this endowment will teach future generations of leaders that the most successful companies of tomorrow will do more than make money.” “They will make a difference and create shareholder value by improving the quality of life in every market in which they operate,” said Nooyi. Edward A. Snyder, the inaugural Indra K. Nooyi Dean, has led the Yale School of Management since 2011 and was recently appointed to a second five-year term as dean.


6 Indians die in road mishap in Oklahoma BY A STAFF WRITER ULSA, OK -- Six people of Indian origin from Kansas, Missouri, were killed on the night of January 8 in an awful mischance on US Roadway 69, in Mayes County, close Chouteau, in country Oklahoma, when their Honda Odyssey minivan lost control on the smooth street and slammed into a semitrailer head on. An adolescent male in the minivan survived the accident and was admitted to the Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa. The driver of the trailer sustained minor injuries. Sources said the six victims--two toddler boys, two men in their mid-thirties and two young women—belonged to two Indian families. The police said the casualties were all wearing safety belts. Specialists said it was drizzling and the minivan was speeding too fast for the wet roads. Agents said the zone of the interstate between the towns of Mazie and Chouteau was particularly hazardous amid the awful climate. An Oklahoma Highway Patrol report said the seven people were in a southbound van on US. 69 close to Chouteau when the driver lost control, crossed the middle and rammed into a northbound tractor-trailer rig. Three of the travellers were stuck in the vehicle for about two hours and their bodies were extricated by the Chouteau Fire Department. Two other victims were thrown out of their vehicle during the mishap.


(L-R) Aadil Farid, Moin Haque, Sadia Gul, Stephanie A. Kifowit, who represents the 84th District of Illinois State, ‘Lou’ Lang, who represents the 16th District of Illinois State, Shafeek Abooubaker, Aiman Beg, Shoaib Khadri & Ashfaq Hussain Syed

great Nation. Aadil Farid, an eminent Community Leader, said that the cultural, religious, ethnic, gender, social, economic, linguistic, and racial diversity is the hallmark of the US society. “The networking among different sections of society results in better communication and strengthens democratic institutions”, Farid opined. Aiman Beg, another renowned Community Leader, in his welcome address, said that 2016 was going to be a very important year considering the Presidential, State, and other Local elections. He further said that all sections of society, including the Asian-Americans, had a significant stake in the results of these

elections. Ashfaq Hussain, a senior banker and a well-known community leader, called upon continued interaction, across different sections of society, in order to demolish the walls of hate. Moin Haque, in his vote of thanks, said that his initiative to hold the Breakfast Event was only a humble beginning. “There is an urgent need to multiply these efforts towards creating a more informed, enlightened, and loving society”, he added. The Illinois State Representatives, Community Leaders, and the participants unanimously thanked Moin Haque and Saima Haque for hosting the Breakfast Event.









India House-Desi Junction bash on New Year eve

Role of Indian cos in US Midwest lauded

Ravi Rawat from India House and Jassi Parmar from Desi Junction presented New Year Eve Bash -2016

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- India House, in association with Desi Junction, a Worldwide On-line Radio Station, presented a grand New Year Eve Bash -2016 at Pearl Banquets in Roselle, IL. The glitzy event was attended by over 600 people. Captivating music and dance performances by professionally-trained local talent and comedy programs aimed at entertainment of entire family captured the hearts of the audience. The event turned out to be a complete package in terms of high-end entertainment, state-of-the-art decoration, attractive lighting, balloon drop, champagne toast at midnight, and above all, the wholesome food. The specialized, professional, and enthusiastic team of Desi Junction put together a vibrant and mind-boggling entertainment program, consisting of soulful singing, electrifying dancing, and hilarious comedy. The highlight of the evening was a highenergy quwalli parody, which was presented by a Desi Junction team. Chicago Bollywood Dance Group, Megha Mathur, and Maegha


Saraf presented gripping dance performances. Ankit Mahajan, while welcoming the guests, wished them health, happiness, and prosperity in 2016. He said that the true celebration involves specification of the goals for the New Year and initiating action towards achieving them. The lead organizers of the event, Jassi Parmar, Surender Mathur, Aslam Qureshi, Ravi Rawat, Pritesh Gandhi, and Gulya were pleased with the overwhelming success of the event. MC Jassi Parmar, nicknamed ‘the showman of Chicago, entertained the audience with his unique compering. He profusely thanked India House Partners, Ravi Rawat and Jagmohan Jayara, and his excellent team, for making exceptionally great arrangements for the event. India House and Bombay Chopsticks served about 100 varieties of finger-licking food items from cuisines from different countries. The event was sponsored by Air India, Level Construction, Apex Cosmetics and Spa, A1 Motors, New York Life, Insurance World, Swap Motors, and many others.


Dr. Ausaf Sayeed Consul General of India in Chicago with Prominent Community leaders from various organizations

BY A STAFF WRITER HICAGO, IL -- The bilateral trade between India and the US Midwest in 2014 was a staggering US$ 6.346 billion. This mindboggling trend continued unabated even in 2015 and for the 11-month period, January-November 2015, it was as high as US$ 5.72 billion, which constitutes around 10% of the total trade between India and the US. Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of India in Chicago, also said at the “Pravasi Divas” and “Meet the Media” events that Illinois was the largest trading partner of India in the US Midwest with a total trade of US$ 2.01 billion in 2014, which, he said, included India’s exports of US$ 1.364 billion, registering an increase of 14.4% in exports. The events were organized by the Consulate General of India on January 8 on its premises in Chicago. Dr. Sayeed congratulated the IndianAmericans for contributing to the economic growth of the US Midwest and hoped that this trend would get further strengthened in future. “There are 80 Indian Companies operating in the US Midwest, which have


made cumulative investments of US $ 2.3 billion and have created 13,841 jobs”, he added. Dr. Sayeed said that during 2015, the Consulate has rendered a total of 77,642 services, the breakup being 36,267 visas, 15,898 passports, 13,896 OCI cards, 211 Emergency Certificates, 278 PIO Cards, and 11,092 miscellaneous consular services. In order to mark the Vishwa Hindi Divas (World Hindi Day) falling on January 10, a special message from Narendra Modi was read out. The efforts of the Consulate towards promotion of Hindi in Chicagoland were also highlighted. Dr. Sayeed introduced Desh Bandhu Bhati, Consul (Commercial, Political and Visa) and Rajeshwari Chandrasekaran, Consul (CG’s Office), who joined recently. As part of the Parvasi Bhartiya Divas, three local organizations, “Pratham”, “ B h a r a t h i T h e e r t h a” a n d “ In d i a Development Coalition of America” shared their experiences of working on socioeconomic and developmental projects in India. O P Meena, Consul (Community Welfare), welcomed the gathering and also proposed a vote of thanks.

Lab employee held for groping girls BY A STAFF WRITER LANO, TX- A man working at an outpatient lab for Children’s Medical Center of Plano was arrested after allegations of inappropriate touching while drawing blood from three teenage girls. Mohammad Ali, 45, of Plano is facing three counts of indecency with a child. He was being held at the Collin County Detention Center on $30,000 bond when this report went to the press. Plano police spokesman David Tilley said investigators opened their case on December 29 with allegations from one teenage girl and found two more possible victims. The concern is that there may be more girls out there, Tilley said. “All three allege it was inappropriate touching outside their clothing,” Tilley said, adding that Ali allegedly told one girl “he was massaging her to get the blood flowing.” The three incidents under investigation occurred in October, November and December. The girls are between 13 and 15 years old. Ali began working as a phlebotomist at the lab located at 7601 Preston Road last March. Ali was initially placed on administrative leave from the hospital but has since been terminated. According to a probable cause affidavit, an employee initially questioned Ali about his


Fundraiser for Raja Krishnamoorthi on Devon at Masti Grill on Fri Jan 22nd, 6:00 pm at Masti Grill, 2948 West Devon Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659,. Tickets: $100/individual and $150/two people

TAGC Sankranti & Republic celebration on Sat Jan 23rd, 10:00 am. at HTGC Rama Temple, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, IL 60439 Call Mr Sai Gangoti 847-630-3067

Chicago Tamil Sangam presents Pongal Vizha 2016 on Sat Jan 23rd, 5:00 pm at Bartlett High School, 701 West Schick Road, Bartlett, IL 60103. Call Mani Gunasekaran 815 545 0791

Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta of Illinois presents Sankranthi Celebrations on Sat Jan 30th, at 3:00 pm The Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, 10915 Lemont Rd, Lemont, IL 60439

Mohammad Ali

behavior, and he denied doing anything wrong. After the investigation began, according to the affidavit, a coworker found a handwritten piece of paper on Ali’s desk that listed a pornography website and the words “kitten addicted.” Po l i c e a r e a s k i n g t h a t p a r e n t s talk to their children if they visited the lab last year. Anyone with information on the allegations should call the Plano Police Department Tip Line at 972-941-2148.










Hooper siblings shine at National tourneys BY A STAFF WRITER OODBRIDGE, CA -- Indian American siblings Vikram and Anjali Ghadiyaram both competed and excelled in their respective high school basketball tournaments in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Orlando, Fla., over the holiday break. Vikram, a 6-foot-4 forward, led Irvine, Calif.-based Woodbridge High School to a championship at the Las Vegas Prep Championship tournament held from December 26 through December 29. Woodbridge, led by Ghadiyaram, topped Henderson, Nev.-based schools Liberty, 71-66, and Foothill, 58-54, and Las Vegas High 57-48 before ousting Lake Forest, Calif.-based El Toro High 44-43 in the championship round. Ghadiyaram, an 18-year-old senior, led the way in the championship, accounting for one-third of his team’s points with 15. He added three rebounds, two assists, two steals and a block to his statline on his way to being named tournament MVP. Meanwhile, 15-year-old sophomore Anjali traveled with her team to Orlando to take part in the KSA Events Holiday girls basketball tournament from December 28 through December 31. The 5-foot-8 shooting guard/small

Sivakiran Bandi BY A STAFF WRITER HAPLE HILL, NC -- Sivakiran Bandi, an MTech Computer Science Telugu student at the North Carolina University, has committed suicide by hanging himself in his campus dorm room. Sivakiran, who hailed from Ramanthapur, Hyderabad (India), completed his bachelors from the reputed IIIT Hyderabad and left for the US for higher studies. He had been undergoing severe pressure ever since he scored less grades at his university. The police questioned Sivakiran’s brother, who also lives in the US. A community leader informed Siva kiran’s parents about the suicide. The Telangana Development Forum in America made arrangements to send the body to Hyderabad. This incident has further raised concerns over the challenges being faced by the Telugu students in the US, following the strict immigration rules. Most parents borrow huge leans from banks and other sources for their children’s higher education, which in turn puts a lot of pressure on the students.


BY A STAFF WRITER ACRAMENTO, CA – Some 800 people from many ethnic and religious backgrounds carrying signs saying ‘Sacramento-United Against Hate-United For Peace’ gathered at the steps of the California State Capitol building here on December 19. The rally was held to both condemn the recent terror attacks in San Bernardino (and Paris), and to also to appeal to the community to unite against all kinds of intolerance, especially targeting the Muslim community. The sponsors of the rally included the Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento, Area Congregations Together, MLK365, the NAACP, the Coalition of Tolerance, the Florin Japanese American Citizens League, the Sikh community, Jewish Voice for Peace, OCA, APAPA, HIP, COSVIO, CAIRSacramento Valley, American Muslim Voice, Pakistani American Association and PASCO. The event served a dual purpose. It showed Sacramento’s solidarity with the victims of San Bernardino, condemning terror in all forms. It also raised a voice against hate in reaction to such incidents and in support of the American Muslim community and people who may look like them (Sikhs) who might be targeted. The rally closed with a prayer by Imam Azeez.



Indian student hangs himself in his dorm

800 attend rally against hate in Sacramento

Anjali Ghadiyaram forward helped her team take third in the tournament opening with a win over Islip Terrace, N.Y.-based East Islip High 42-22 before losing 51-34 to Suffolk, Va.-based Nansemond River High. In the team’s final match of the tournament, they were able to secure third place with a 53-35 win over Plum High from Pittsburgh, Pa. Stats for the contests were not immediately available. Despite not winning the tournament, Anjali’s efforts earned her tournament MVP.

Vikram Ghadiyaram Vikram has been playing club basketball since fifth grade, beginning with NIT and coached by now-Cypress College coach Drew Alhadeff. He had also played football through his sophomore year before focusing solely on basketball. Anjali, like her brother, has been playing since she was a kid, beginning in the fourth grade. She made varsity at Woodbridge as a freshman and has been one of the team’s stars. Her game is predicated on her basketball acumen and shooting from a distance.

Dentist held for sex assault on patient BY A STAFF WRITER ROOKLYN, NY-- A dentist wanted for sodomizing a patient while under anaesthesia was arrested at Kennedy Airport after he returned from a trip to Pakistan. Bilal Ahmed, 43, is accused of putting his penis in the mouth of the male patient who awoke during a procedure to repair a chipped tooth, according to an arrest affidavit unsealed in Brooklyn Federal Court. The alleged attack occurred on May 21, 2014 in Ahmed’s Washington, D.C., dental office called “Universal Smiles.” Ahmed, of Rockville, Maryland, was released on $250,000 bail after his wife showed up with $50,000 in cash in a shopping bag to post for his release. A male dental assistant was present in the room when Ahmed administered the nitrous oxide, known as “laughing gas.” When the


Bilal Ahmed victim woke up later, the assistant was gone, police, the victim placed a recorded phone the breathing mask was partially askew, and the call to Ahmed and brought up the subject of dentist was zipping his pants, the affidavit states. the sodomy. The dentist began laughing and The victim returned to the office “because suggested the victim had been hallucinating, the affidavit states. of complications” from the procedure and was Ahmed graduated from the University allegedly invited to dinner by Ahmed. of Maryland and speaks English, German, After reporting the incident to the D.C. Russian, Spanish and Urdu

Indian held for wire fraud in New York

BY A STAFF WRITER EW YORK, NY -- A former partner at the McKinsey & Co consulting firm has been arrested on charges that he engaged in a scheme to submit fraudulent invoices and expenses to the company and clients, including State Farm, for more than $999,000. Navdeep Arora, who had been a senior partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, has been by the Federal Bureau of Investigation after arriving in New York following a flight from London, according to court papers. He was named in an indictment filed in federal court in Chicago along with a former internal State Farm consultant, Matthew Sorensen, who the indictment said participated in the scheme. Arora joined KPMG in 2014 after leaving McKinsey. It was unclear if Sorensen also was


in custody. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago is overseeing the case. The indictment said Arora oversaw services McKinsey provided State Farm, while Sorensen assisted State Farm in determining whether to hire outside consultants such as McKinsey. The indictment said that beginning in 2004, Arora fraudulently charged McKinsey and State Farm for expenses in order to reward Sorensen and an unnamed co-schemer for helping McKinsey get State Farm consulting work. Fraudulent invoices to McKinsey, State Farm and another McKinsey client for unperformed work resulted in $490,975 in fees being paid, the bulk of which Sorensen retained, the indictment said. Arora also submitted fraudulent expenses to McKinsey, State Farm and other clients for

domestic and international trips for himself, Sorensen and others to cities including Miami, Las Vegas, New York, Prague and London, the indictment said. Arora also fraudulently submitted expenses for personal hotel, meal and theater tickets to McKinsey and its clients while in Chicago, where he lived, claiming they were business expenses, the indictment said. McKinsey spokeswoman Rachel Grant said the firm discovered this situation in 2011, notified the client, “terminated the employee involved” and cooperated with authorities who investigated the case. State Farm spokesman Phil Supple said the insurer also cooperated with investigators. He said State Farm had not employed Sorensen in more than three years and had not had a contractual relationship with McKinsey since April 2012.








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Teacher arrested for hitting disabled boy

Kamaljot Kaur

BY A STAFF WRITER NTIOCH, CA – The California police arrested a 26-year-old teacher’s aide last week after a video of the teacher beating a nine-year-old child with special needs surfaced online. Kamaljot Kaur was arrested at her home after the police interviewed staff members and student witnesses who said they saw Kaur assault the young boy from Oakland at Tobinworld II, a school for special-needs students. The harrowing video footage on Facebook reveals Kaur hitting the young child with force as he is being held in the air by two males who appear to be laughing. Another clip shows the teacher charging at the boy while he is at his desk and pushing him to the ground, and in another clip, the boys tries to hide behind a chair. ‘After conducting interviews and reviewing the cell phone recording of the incident, officers determined that a felony child abuse had occurred,’ Antioch police Cpl. Powell Meads said. School officials said they became aware of the video by an anonymous caller. The school has students aged 5 to 22 who suffer from autism or emotional or developmental disabilities. The school receives funding from public districts but it is not a public school. Tobinworld II, one of five of the Tobinworld schools, has around 110 students.A parent, Tim Sickler, said the principal of the school should ‘resign immediately’. This is not the first time the school has been in trouble. Department of Education spokesman Peter Tira suspended enrolment at Tobinworld II and Tobinworld III in August because the schools hired employees without proper background checks. The state authorized the schools to enrol students in October. Another parent claimed that in 2013 the vice president of the school along with a teacher and three aids restrained a nine-year-old boy and caused him to fall and get a bloody nose.


Indian teenager wins math competition BY A STAFF WRITER ORY, MI -- Ankan Bhattacharya, an Indian American high school junior at International Academy East in Troy, Mich., was announced as the winner of the American Mathematical Society’s “Who Wants to be a Mathematician” competition. The January 7 event at the Joint Mathematics Meetings at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle featured 10 contestants from throughout the United States, including Indian Americans Sameer Pusapaty, Karthik Karnik, Abishek Hariharan and Bhattacharya. For winning the competition, Bhattacharya was awarded $10,000 – half for himself and the other half for his school’s math department. Prior to winning the mathematician competition, Bhattacharya had won honorable mention at the 2015 USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad. He loves programming and playing video games. The winner also added that math has always been his favorite subject, saying in his profile that, “When I was small, like maybe 3 or 4,


Ankan Bhattacharya

I used to get these huge books that my dad (whom he calls a math whiz) had and just look at the page numbers — just stare at them and flip through them.” Despite making it deep into the tournament and winning, the junior remained humble, giving thanks to his math teachers at International Academy East.

Tiwari, who is originally from Madhya BY A STAFF WRITER Pradesh (India), presented her new research ASHINGTON, D.C. -- An at the Radiological Society of North America Indian American meeting recently. scientist in “With Obama administration’s the US has push for personalized therapy, a developed a new MRI-based pressing need in precision medicine technique to predict survival of is to identify patients with GBM patients with aggressive brain who are suitable for specific tumors and help them provide clinical trials based on their tumor personalized therapy. characterization, instead of a ‘oneDr. Pallavi Tiwari’s work size-fits-all’ treatment,” a media is based on recent clinical release said. findings that 90 per cent of Unfortunately, this has not the Glioblastoma Multiforme been feasible so far in the absence recurrences occur close to the of reliable non-invasive and tumor margin, suggesting that Dr Pallavi Tiwari quantitative measurements regarding malignant cells are present at the patient prognosis (likely outcome of the disease) periphery of the tumor but are not visually in GBMs, Tiwari noted. discernible. GBM is the most common and most Tiwari and her team have shown on aggressive cancer that begins within the brain. 62 patients that these computer-extracted features from tumor margins and its “Less than five per cent of all GBM patients surrounding areas on MRI are together live for more than five years,” Tiwari, a leading predictive of GBM outcomes, the press cancer researcher working at Case Western release said. Reserve University, said. So far, such an approach of investigating She said that despite several advances in drug imaging features from normal-appearing discovery and clinical trials for cancer treatment, areas outside of tumor margins has not been all GBM patients still follow the same “one-fitsinvestigated. all” treatment regimen.


Shradhaa Foundation present A musical Tribute to soldiers on Sun Jan 24th at 6:00 pm at Deewan Banquet Hall, 560 Stelton Rd, Piscataway Township, NJ. Tickets VIP $100, Special, $60, Gold Sponsor $2000, Silver Sponsor $1000,

BY A STAFF WRITER ASSACHUSETTS- An Indian American singer, Sonika Vaid, 20, from M a r t h a’s V i n e y a r d , Massachusetts, is being touted as an early favorite to win the last season of American Idol, after just one soulful rendition which wowed the judges on the show. Vaid impressed the judges – Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr – with her beautiful cover of ‘Look at Me’, the hit by former Idol winner Carrie Underwood. “This is one of the only times this particular season that I saw somebody that I actually think can win this thing,” said Connick. “You sang beautifully. Perfect performance. I was totally engaged. Terrific job.” Lopez also congratulated Vaid, saying: “I love it, I love it a lot.” Urban added: “How beautiful that you just let it go, too? You didn’t stack it with a bunch of clever runs. You just sang.” No sooner had the episode been broadcast than Vaid was making headlines as the potential favorite to win. “The sayonara season of American Idol has only just begun, but we may already have a winner,” a newspaper report said. In a television interview, Vaid said that she had been singing since she was three years old, and grew up performing at a park near her home for special events. Vaid lives in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, with her Indian parents, who emigrated to the United States. She was born in Boston, MA, and now lives in Weston, MA.



in the East Coast area

JASHN presents Pongal celebrations on Sat Jan 23rd, 4:30 pm at Anjappar Chettinad Restaurant, 39 Emmons Dr, Princeton, NJ. Tickets: Adults $35, Teen (13-18) $25, Child (5-12) $18 - kids

American Idol judges praise Indian singer

Sonika Vaid

Indian scientist creates software for cancer-hit



Science of Spirituality presents Satsang in Hindi-Sacha Sukh on Sun Jan 24th at 10:30 am at 15 Market St, Perth Amboy, NJ. Call Ashok Punjabi 732-207-7592

Aarjay presents Desi Divorce Night NY/NJ on Sat Jan 9th at 7:00 pm at Hudson Terrace, 621 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036

Telugu Fine Arts Society presents Sankranthi celebrations 2016 on Sat Jan 23rd, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Sri Venkateswara Temple Auditorium, Balaji Temple Drive, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Call Srinivasa Gandi 732-221-8017. Competitions Registration fee Members $10, Non Members $15






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Messi wins record fifth Ballon d’Or The Argentinean received 41.33 percent of the votes, followed by Ronaldo (27.76 percent) and Neymar (7.86 percent) IANS, ZURICH


ionel Messi won an unprecedented fifth FIFA Ballon d’Or award, given to the footballer of the year, at a gala ceremony here on January 11, ending his great rival Cristiano Ronaldo’s two-year hold on football’s top individual prize. Either Messi or Ronaldo, who became a three-time winner last year, have won the past eight awards. The FC Barcelona and Argentine superstar’s reclaimed the prize from three-time winner Por-

tugal’s Ronaldo and he now leads 5-3 in their career duel for the annual FIFA prize. Messi also shook off the challenge of his Barcelona team-mate Brazilian Neymar who was included on the three-man shortlist for the first time. He was handed over the award by former AC Milan and Real Madrid star Kaka who himself won the award in 2007. Messi received 41.33 percent of the votes, followed by Ronaldo (27.76 percent) and Neymar (7.86 percent). Messi inspired Barcelona to regain the Champions League

Wawrinka clinches fourth Chennai Open title CHENNAI: Swiss star Stan Wawrinka successfully defended his men’s singles title once again at the 20th edition of the $425,535 Chennai Open with a comprehensive straight sets win over Borna Coric of Croatia at the SDAT Tennis Stadium here on January 10. The reigning French Open champion took barely an hour and 27 minutes to drub World No.44 Coric in the final with the scoreline reading 63, 7-5 on the outdoor hard court. This is World No.4 Wawrinka’s third win in as many meetings over the 19-yearold Croat. This is also the top seed’s fourth title here, having won in 2011, 2014 and 2015 apart from the men’s doubles crown he clinched with Frenchman Benoit Paire in 2013. Wawrinka had a clear and easy journey in the first set, managing to win all his service games despite giving away five breakpoint opportunities, which Coric failed to convert. In exchange, the Swiss got one breakpoint chance in the sixth game which he converted — enough to take the lead by sealing the set in his favor. The 30-year-old’s serve came in very handy in the first set of the summit clash as Wawrinka fired in as many as 10 aces to none of his World No.44 opponent. Overall, Wawrinka won 40 of the 70 points played in the set.

Lionel Messi after winning his record fifth Ballon D’or in Zurich on January 11. (Photo Courtesy: Facebook)

Messi inspired Barcelona to win the Champions League title among five trophies in 2015 title among five major trophies in 2015, scoring 52 goals in 61 games with 26 assists. “It’s a very special moment for me, winning another Ballon d’Or

after being in the audience watching Cristiano win the last two years. I want to thank all who voted for me and my teammates who without none of this would be possible. I want to thank football for everything it has brought me — both bad and good, it has helped me grow. Thank you,” Messi said after winning the award. The Catalan clubs’s coach Luis Enrique was chosen as the men’s “World Coach of the Year” while

America’s Jill Ellis won the World Coach of the Year award for women’s football. La Liga dominated the FIFA FIFPro World XI with eight entries, four each from Barcelona and Real Madrid Brazilian Wendell Lira won the Puskas Award for the best goal. American Carli Lloyd was named Women’s World Player of the Year. Lloyd, 33, led the United States to victory in the Women’s World Cup in July.

It will be India’s batting vs Australia’s bowling VETURI SRIVATSA, NEW DELHI


Stanislas Wawrinka celebrates after winning the ATP Chennai Open 2016 on January 10. (Photo: IANS)

The teenager gave tougher competition to Wawrinka in the second set by not losing his serve till the 10th game. But Wawrinka’s experience helped him convert a breakpoint chance in the 11th game. “I’m really happy to win the match the way I played today. Again it was in two sets as it has been all tournament. The crowd was amazing. They give amazing support every year,” said the Swiss, who takes home $75,700 in prize money and 250 ranking points.

he Indians have arrived in Australia to provide the fans some serious contest in limited-overs cricket after a summer of lopsided Tests, with New Zealand and West Indies failing to make a fist of it. The Black Caps may dispute the appraisal, pointing to the goof-up of the third umpire who the ICC felt “followed the correct protocol, but made an incorrect judgment”, in the historic day-night Adelaide Test when they were well placed. They are looking forward to the return Tests at home next month to prove that they are not as bad a side as they are made out to be. India have had some spectacular victories in One-Day Internationals (ODI) in Australia, but these are few and far between and precisely the reason they are well documented and remembered. Of the 43 matches, the Indians won just 10, and winning the best-of-three finals over the world champions 20 in 2008 is their best performance. The talk at home is more about Dhoni saving his job and with it his place in the side after the series. The transition has to take place, but not

Australian batsman Steve Smith (File photo: IANS)

India loses by five wickets in first ODI PERTH: Australia chased down a strong total of 310 to register a commendable five-wicket victory over India in the opening game of the five-match One-Day International (ODI) series at the WACA Ground here on January 12. Hosts skipper Steve Smith (149 off 135) and George Bailey (122 off 120) helped them chase down the challenging total with ease to reach 310/5 in 49.2 overs.

as speculated. What has to be realized is he alone cannot win with his captaincy or batting, his forces rising to the occasion is as important. All eyes are on Dhoni’s deputy and heir apparent Virat Kohli, batting at a key position. His record down under is marvelous and Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan and Ajinkya Rahane will have to play around him. The composition of the squad is such that India will have to go with a pure batsman Manish Pandey at five and not Gurkeerat Mann, though he can double up as an additional spinner.









Here comes ‘green’ coffee for super health Scientists have come up with a new invention - parbaked coffee bean where coffee beans are baked at less temperature for super health IANS, LONDON


ou love green tea for its health benefits but what about having a cup of “green coffee”? Well, US scientists have come up with a new invention - parbaked coffee bean where coffee beans are baked at less temperature for super health benefits. According to biophysicist Dan Perlman from Massachusetts-based Brandeis University, this method of roasting green coffee beans enhances the health benefits of coffee. Perlman is currently developing the flour milled from parbaked beans both as a food ingredient and a nutritional supplement. “It is a world of difference from the traditional coffee bean,” Perlman said. Research has shown that drinking coffee is good for you. A recent Harvard University study found that people who drank three to five cups a day had a 15 percent lower chance of prematurely dying

than non-drinkers. One leading explanation involves a natural chemical compound called chlorogenic acid (CGA). An antioxidant, CGA is thought to be beneficial in modulating sugar metabolism, controlling blood pressure and possibly treating heart disease and cancer. Unfortunately, when coffee is


roasted the traditional way -- typically above 200 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes -- the CGA content drops dramatically. Perlman wondered what would happen if the coffee bean was baked for less time and at a lower temperature. This took some trial and error until he got it right. In the end, he determined that parbaking the

beans at 200 degrees Celsius at approximately 10 minutes worked best. The concentration of CGA in the bean, around 10 percent of the bean’s weight, barely dropped. Perlman cryogenically mills the bean in an ultra-cold and chemically inert liquid nitrogen atmosphere to protect the bean’s beneficial constituents from oxidation. At the end of the process, you get a wheat-colored flour. Its taste is nutty, pleasant and mild. Perlman sees his coffee flour being blended with regular flours for baking, used in breakfast cereals and snack bars and added to soups, juices and nutritional drinks. “To compensate for the CGA lost during traditional coffee roasting, it would be possible to blend parbaked beans with regularly roasted ones,” he noted. According to Perlman, parbaking is far less expensive than the extraction methods used to produce the green coffee bean extract supplements currently on the market.

How pneumonia is linked to lung cancer NEW YORK : Smokers hospitalized for pneumonia are at higher risk of getting diagnosed with lung cancer within one year, says a new study. The findings suggest that screening heavy smokers admitted to the hospital for pneumonia could

facilitate the early diagnosis of lung cancer and thereby reduce the incidence of mortality. “We discovered that smokers hospitalized with pneumonia are diagnosed with cancer after the infection because often the cancer masquerades as pneumonia, physically obstructing the airway and creating such an infection,” said lead researcher Daniel Shepshelovich from Tel Aviv University in Israel. The team examined the files of 381 heavy smokers with community-acquired pneumonia at a hospital in Israel between 2007-2011. The researchers found that out of 381 admissions of heavy smokers with pneumonia, nine percent were diagnosed with lung cancer within a year of being hospitalized.

Head-down yoga postures fatal for glaucoma patients: Study avoided by glaucoma patients,” said Robert Ritch, senior study author or people suffering from glau- and Director, Glaucoma Research, coma, certain yoga positions - NYEE. Damage to the optic nerve especially head-down postures occurs in glaucoma when - and other exercises like push-ups patients and lifting heavy weights may be fluid pressure dangerous, a team of US researchers inside the eye rises. Elevated has warned. Glaucoma patients may experi- intraocular pressure ence increased eye pressure as the (IOP) is the common known risk factor. result of performing several “The risk of increasdifferent head-down ing IOP and possibly positions while pracdamaging the optic ticing yoga, Head down nerve,” Ritch claimed the postures, pushnoted. In the researchers from ups and lifting s t u d y , New York Eye researchers and Ear Infirheavy weights asked healthy mary of Mount may be participants Sinai (NYEE). dangerous with no eye-related Four inverted yoga disease and glaucoma positions - facing dog, patients to perform four standing forward bend, plow and legs up the wall - were key inverted yoga positions. Both the participants showed a to the research. “While we encourage our patients to live active and rise in IOP in all four yoga posihealthy lifestyles, certain types of tions, with the greatest increase of activities, including pushups and pressure occurring during downlifting heavy weights, should be ward facing dog. IANS , NEW YORK

Why people overeat in winter IANS, LONDON


eople have evolved to have subconscious urges to overeat and limited ability to avoid becoming obese especially in winter, a University of Exeter study has found. This is because in our past, being overweight has not posed a significant threat to survival compared to the dangers of being underweight. The urge to maintain body fat is even stronger in winter when food in the natural world is scarce. This explains why we enjoy eating so much at Christmas. There is not yet an evolutionary mechanism to help us overcome the lure of sweet, fatty and unhealthy food and avoid becoming overweight

for understandable and sensible reasons, according to researchers. “You would expect evolution to have given us the ability to realize when we have eaten enough, but instead we show little control when faced with artificial food,” said lead author Andrew Higginson from University of Exeter in Britain. Because modern food today has so much sugar and flavor the urge humans have to eat it is greater than any weak evolutionary mechanism which would tell us not to. Researchers used computer modelling to predict how much fat animals should store, a perfect strategy to maintain the weight. This suggests that New Year’s Day is the worst possible time to start a new diet.









obile devices have become vital tools for parents and they spend 1.3 times more time on Facebook than nonparents, a study by Facebook IQ said. “Having a child changes everything, including parents’ relationship with their mobile phones. Moms’ and dads’ mobile phones have become their lifeline to managing schedules, keeping tabs on teens and sharing their kids’ key milestones,” Facebook IQ said in a blog post on Monday. “By observing behavior on Facebook, we see that parents overindex on mobile usage. In fact, parents globally spend 1.3X more time on



Luxury travel rising among Indians: Yatra


day use and are available in various colors, cuts and sizes to match up with any version of you. POP COLORS: Candy colors, shocking pink, and electric blue are considered among the most sensual colors. Pair these bright colored pieces with a white tank top or sheer top. HARNESS BRAS: These strappy bras can be worn alone or pair perfectly with easy loose tank tops or open back tops. Be it a sophisticated black piece with soft jersey cups or a colorful, multi-strapped design, these harness bras are the ultimate alternative to the modest camisole giving new life to a blouse or sheer top.

and mobile devices at later stages in life. Interestingly, more than 50 percent of parents said their child or children have more impact on purchasing decisions than they did while growing up. The study also revealed that while parents are sharing more decisions with their children, they are also learning to prioritize their

own needs so they can be better equipped to tend to their family. “Parents are increasingly realizing that if they take care of themselves first, they will be able to deal with their daily responsibilities and stresses and tend to their family’s needs in a loving and energetic way,” the blog further read.

Add a dash of elegance to your jewellery this season IANS, NEW DELHI


e they inspired by fairy tales or the 1980s fashion, lingerie with such styles are going to be in vogue this year, says an expert. Neha Kant, founder, Clovia.com shares a few lingerie trends of 2016: FAIRY TALE LINGERIE: Inspired by the stories of Disney princess like Cinderella and Rapunzel, the fairy tale styles are now being given a sexy twist, taking away some of the delicateness of these characters and adding some playfulness. The intricate detailing and use of soft fabrics such as silk, satin and frills have been brought together in a sophisticated piece of lingerie. VINTAGE COLLECTION: The high-cut bottoms of the 1980s and the sporty, minimalist aesthetic of the 1990s are gradually coming back into vogue. The Cuban heel stockings and the stylish waist cinchers are being aesthetically elevated and reimagined by various designers. ORGANIC LINGERIE: From braand-underwear sets to sporty tape bras paired with high-waisted briefs, the latest lingerie made from organic cotton lets your skin breathe, giving comfort to your intimate wears. These chemical-free and organic collections are designed for every-



Facebook mobile than non-parents,” the blog added. The social network’s research arm interviewed parents aged 25 through 65 in eight markets — Australia, Brazil, “By observing Canada, Germany, behaviour on Mexico, Spain, Facebook, we Britain and the see that parents US and analyzed overindex study noted. Facebook and According to the Instagram data on mobile study, 83 percent of with the help of usage.” parents said they have Ipsos MediaCT and access to more informaSound Research. tion than their parents did. Millennial parents (aged 18 While, 70 percent of millennial through 34) were 30 percent more likely than baby boomer parents parents said they are more (50 through 65) to use their informed than their parents were, mobile devices to make more 76 percent of baby boomers said informed purchase decisions, the they gained access to the Internet

Fairy tale, vintage lingerie styles to rule 2016


NEW DELHI: Luxury travel is on the rise among Indians, travel portal Yatra.com said. According to Yatra.com’s winter survey, the propensity of Indians to spend on travel has increased and more than 30 percent respondents were ready to spend above Rs.50,000. “We have seen a number of takers opting for not only domestic but also international destinations for their winter vacations,” Yatra.com president Sharat Dhall said in a statement.


t is the season for bold, statement jewellery that can elevate your party dress into something positively festive. Up the elegance quotient of your dress with string necklaces, bangles and rings, says an expert. Hardik Kapoor, founder of jewelsify.com, lists a few statement-making options to inspire you to ring in 2016 with festive style. Statement jewellery: Add the edge to your dress with string necklaces. Colourful gemstones are a refreshing choice that will have a lot

of appeal this year. These bring out passion and enthusiasm of youthfulness. There is also a rise in demand of jewellery for men and that trend will cascade down to the next year. It could be anything from rings and bracelets to cufflinks and chains.

Ban or no ban, India watching more porn: Survey IANS, NEW YORK


he verdict is out. Ban or no ban, India is watching more porn than ever. In 2015, India knocked out Canada to grab the third position, after the US and Britain, in visiting one of the world’s largest adult websites Pornhub. In its annual review of how people around the world watch porn, Pornhub found that while the US added 11 seconds to their average time spent on watch-

ing porn, India - at 9 minutes 30 seconds - recorded a higher average time with a one-minute increase in the duration of each visit. “More

and more, we are finding that our users are opting for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets when they visit Pornhub,” the website noted. PornHub received 21.2 billion visits in 2015 - 40,000 visits every minute or 2.4 million per hour. “In fact, visits from smartphones alone now account for 53 percent of traffic shares, up from just 45 percent last year. Only 36 percent of Pornhub traffic originates from desktop computers worldwide.”




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Call:913-481-8675 or Email: snvm.patel@gmail.com


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847-962-7641 or 224-656-2020


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Italian Restaurant & Pizza with sports bar, Heading : Arial Black 14 Font White color dining room, & banquet/party room.12000 sq.ft. facility. inside text : Arial 11 Font Black color Carry-out/Dine-In/Delivery. High volume restaurant, grossing over $2 Million year. $18,000 rent per month, asking $1,200,000

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Call: 773-263-4062


Motel in Iowa looking for Housekeeping and front desk help . Accommodation will be provided. Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color

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Call Ray: 319-512-9039


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For our farming facilities which is about 300 miles Heading : Arial Black 12 Font Black color away from chicago , Transpostation temporary, accomodation provided. Ideal for couples Contact @ 14 773916-color 4040 Heading : Amit Arial Black Font White

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Please Call Paul @ 913-948-1196

Call: 347-321-3381

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Please call: Manny @ 847-921-9200

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Located in Kansas City, Missouri For More information


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rNftdtu rJM;thbtk dwsht;e vrhJthlu Dhftb btxu jeJ-Rl cnulle sYh Au. hnuJtle mdJz ytvJtbtk ytJNu.

Call: 773-263-4062








Consulate General of India Chicago Republic Day Celebration

On the occasion of the 67th Republic Day of India, the Consulate General of India, Chicago will organize the Flag hoisting ceremony at the Consulate Premise, 455 N Cityfront Plaza Drive, NBC Tower Building, # Suite 850, Chicago - Illinois - 60611 on Tuesday 26th January,2016. The details of the programme are as follows:

09:45 AM -10: 00 AM: Arrival of Guests 10:00 AM – 10:02 AM: Call house in order & Welcome of the Guests 10:02 AM – 10:05 AM: Flag hoisting by Consul General Followedby National Anthem of India 10:05 AM– 10:20 AM: Reading of the President of India’s Address tothe Nation by Consul General on the eve of 67th Republic Day of India 10:20 AM – 10:25 :Vote of Thanks •Light refreshments would be served All Indian nationals, Persons of Indian Origin and Friends of India are cordially invited to attend the Republic Day Celebration at the Consulate Premises on Tuesday 26th January, 2016. ******

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