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HiIndia Newsdesk
government to wave communicateThe with theperson Shaheen protestors politics”. Senior AAP leader Sanjay According to the British first secretary “Australia hopefully will partisof“ready that first first toBagh test positive forand All relatives and people who had clear all their doubts regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Singh asked on whose directions of high priority deals that we are pursuing.” locally transmitted coronavirus, a taxi been in contact with him were also free
/hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 2020 @hiindia driver, has beenFRIDAY, declaredFEBRUARY completely 7, of the virus, he said. Neither Raab nor /hiindiNews Payne gave any 773.338.0222 1 HiIndia Newsdesk cleansed of the disease and discharged timetable for the start of free trade talks. The man was among nine virus British Foreign Secretary Dominic from hospital. patients who had now been cured and Australia is in the midst of talks with Raab hopes a free trade deal with Four Thai evacuees from Wuhan discharged. The number of patients the EU for a trade deal, but Payne said Australia will be one of the first such who had a fever have also been tested remaining in local hospitals had the talks with Brussels would not slow pacts to be secured, now that Britain and found 7, negative for the disease. dropped to 16, Mr Anutin said. “The the progress of a British deal. MIDWEST EDITION | EAST COAST EDITION | Volume 12 • Issue No. 555 FEBRUARY 2020 has left the European Union, he said remaining patients are recovering and Public Health Minister Anutin Although Australia has strong on Thursday. are likely to be declared cured in the Charnvirakul said on Wednesday the ties with Britain as a former colony, After formally leaving the EU on near future. Those who developed first person to be infected in Thailand the trading relationship has waned Jan. 31, Britain entered a transition serious symptoms also suffer from other had been treated, cleared and discharged significantly over the last 50 years. period that allows it to negotiate future diseases and are old,” the minister said. by Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases ties with Brussels and begin talks with other major economies, such as the United States and Japan. “We have a trade relationship already For Valentine’s worth 17 billion pounds, but we have the day, Domino’s has potential to do so much more,” Raab told reporters in the Australian capital a $9,000 pizza of Canberra. The figure is equivalent to engagement ring $22 billion. “Australia hopefully will be part of that first wave of high priority deals that The lavish ring, which has a pizza slice on top of we are pursuing,” added Raab, speaking it made out of ‘cheese’ and ‘pepperoni’ rubies, was after he met Australian Foreign Minister designed by Domino’s and is expected to be placed on Marise Payne. one woman’s finger come Valentine’s Day.
The Shaheen Bagh protest
a Bahuj A th After any link A
Modi govt ready to talk to Shaheen Bagh 3,700 Ravi people onShankar cruise ship Prasad protestors: quarantined off Japan after 10 test positive for coronavirus
Afghans hold anti-Pak protest in Kabul, say 10 leave Kashmir alone
Diaspora News
Coronavirus kills MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 565, WHO says $ 676 million needed in 3 months to Two fightIndian-origin virus women appointed as Official data showed that an additional 20,629 people in New York court judges
Satya Nadella expresses reservations about CAA, Amartya Sen calls for unity against Act Cruise ship Diamond Princess is seen anchored off the Yokohama Port, after ten people on the cruise liner have tested positive for coronavirus in Yokohama, south of Tokyo, Japan
HiIndia Newsdesk
Wuhan, Hubei’s locked down capital city, are in quarantine at home amid the outbreak. The city has recorded 8,351 confirmed cases, accounting for about 50 percent of 8the – Page total confirmed cases in Hubei.
Around 3,700 people are facing at least two weeks locked away on a cruise linerElderly anchored off Japan healthBagh officials women protestafter at Shaheen on Saturday. HiIndia Newsdesk confirmed on Wednesday that 10 people on the ship had HiIndia Newsdesk Kabul [Afghanistan], Feb 6 means (ANI): ‘white ‘Shaheen‘ in Urdu Bagh of varying ages, faiths and social tested positive for coronavirus and more cases were possible. Afghans onfalcon Wednesday .protested It is known for its While the infected patients were transferred by Japan’s classes, are seen as role models by I royal think whatorishawk’ happening Judge Archana Rao hasacross been the country who, are outsideflight theand Pakistan Embassy in its ferociousness. protestors coast guard to hospitals on the mainland, the remainder of appointed to the Criminal Court is The sad... It’s just bad...I Kabul against Islamabad’s continued now happily emulating their style of metaphorical significance of while Judge Deepa Ambekar the passengers and crew on board the Carnival Corp ship interference in Bagh Afghan affairs (right) hasprotest. been reappointed to protests, as opposed The sit-in would love to not seeand a beenwere placed in quarantine. Shaheen could have the Civil Court in New York also inmore Jammu and Kashmir. to the marching protests, evoke a strong apt than at this hour when “Iwomen fighting ferociously protest along the lines of nonwant tohave takebeen sufficient care of the healthofofsilent passengers Bangladeshi immigrant Thethe protesters, carrying placards sense of persistence and resilience. resident women of this decrepit, like falcons to combat bigotry, protests. Shaheen New York City Mayor Bill de and crew and make every effort to identity prevent theviolent spreadGandhian of the like ‘down with Pakistan’ and The protesting women could sense the who comes to Indialower andmiddle-virus,politics has appointed two Indian- – FINANCE congested, unplanned alsoMinister misogyny.Katsunobu UndeniablyKatoBagh’s women are nowTAXATION seenBlasio as the – ACCOUNTING ” Japanand Health told reporters origin women attorneys as judges ‘Pakistan is enemy’ , were demanding obduracy of the incumbent government class Muslim have made in it Tokyo. they have shown exemplary courage and torchbearers of the protest to save the Advisory & Business Consulting Financial creates the settlement nextofunicorn to the criminal civil courts in the release inand denying the citizens their to IRS/AUDIT REPRESENTATION – Domestic &Int'lright Issues into of theManzoor epicentrePashteen, a massthe agitation The resilience in the face of stiff opposition Indian constitution from neo-fascist decision means that passengers on Carnival’s – Page 9 the city. Judge Archana Rao has OVDP Representation chief ofin Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Sr. Residential Mortgage Consultant, NMLS# 697450 voice their concerns; hence they decided or becomes on India their citizenship rights.the from Princess, the state and agencies. Their forces. eightDiamond whoits had embarked for a planned been appointed to the Criminal Direct: 847.877.9362 -- a movement for the protection of to register protests through18aExecutive sit-in. Ct. sit-in protest has now become a motif Court while Judge Deepatheir Ambekar eFax: 877.519.0508 day round trip that was due begin on Tuesday, will instead For more than a month now, Muslim These resilient women of Shaheen – Page 10 next CEO of inInfosys,” Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas diesSanjit at 103 ethnic Pashtun people Pakistan. SouthB. Barrington IL 60010 Shah, CPA, MBA, CGMA DThakkar@WintrustMortgage.com has been reappointed to the Civil spend at least 14 days off Yokohama port near Tokyo. Licensed CPA (IL), MBA (Kellogg School of Management) www.WintrustMortgage.com Pashteen, the 27-year-old activist, Court in New York. The Mayor The US leading man, producer and director came to Over 20 years of Business & financial Management Experience Satya Nadella Satya Nadella , Microsoft Wintrust Mortgage is a division of Barrington Bank & Trust Company, N.P, a Wintrust Community Passengers on the CEO ship took to social media to detail WWW.CPAMBASOLUTIONS.COM madein 28the judicial appointments and lost his was arrested along with nine prominence late 1940s and never popularity, Bank NMLS #449042. 2015 Wintrust Mortgage 150301270MS IN SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella intheir Indiapredicament, or becomesSPECIALIZE the next CEO bounds. I’minshaped by Info@cpambasolutions.com posting photos of officials masks andmy Indian reappointments to Family supporters in Peshawar last month taking on nearly 100 movies overCourt, a six-decade career that created ripples on Monday with his ofgowns Infosys,” Satya Nadella stated at Tax heritage, growing up in a multicultural Criminal Court Civil Court. Sales Payroll Income Tax Corporation Taxand Incorporation of conducting health checks, room service meals, empty andcomments sent to jail on a 14-day judicial endured beyondReturns a severe stroke in his later years. regarding the Citizenship a Microsoft event in the US. “Every Entity India and FBAR my immigrant experience Appropriate FACTA Multi State Sales Tax Audit “These appointees will represent corridors, and a barren deck. remand. Amendment Act (CAA) stating that he country will and should define its in the United States. My hope is for an New that Yorkerswas proudly and work EFILE, CLIENT QUICK &the EXPERT Delhi PoliceADVICE accusing his The Delhi police hasRESPONSE claimed election. Shaheen fallsPORTAL, borders,Assembly protect national security andBagh India where an immigrant can aspire is saddened by what is happening. tirelessly to provide oversight of our party. “Before the police revealed set immigration policy accordingly. The870 toarea found a prosperous start-up lead Schaumburg, Kapil Baisala, whooropened fired at the in the Okhla constituency. “I think what is happening is sad... E. Higgins Rd, Suite 132, 60173 courts, ” de BlasioIL said. “Their work And in democracies, that is something a multinational corporation benefiting Office: 224-3536460 E-Fax: 224-935-4284 Email: info@horizonaccountinginc.com it (Baisala being an AAP member), It’s just bad...I would love to see a Shaheen Bagh protest site last week, in ensuring that we are has become the epicentre of anti-CAA is essential that theprotests people and their governments Indian society the economy at Aadmi Jitendra Shah: 847-650-8102 or Kishor Patel,aCPA :city 630-398-1649 Bangladeshi immigrant who comes how did BJP’s creating for all. ” Delhi president Manoj is a and member of the Aam Party. fairer in the national capital and the will debate and define within those large,” Nadella. to India and creates the next unicorn Tiwari come to know about it?” Singh The shooter’s family, however, has agitation has been thrusted by political Buying or Selling Your Home or Business asked. Deputy Commissioner of Police parties into a poll issue. CALL FOR BUSINESS LOAN >> $100K TO $10 MILLION (Crime Branch) Rajesh Deo said Union Minister Ravi Shankar You can buy home only 3% down that Baisala and his father joined the Prasad Buying home just needon Saturday said that the PLEASE CALL AAP in early 2019. Baisala’s family, 550 credit. government is ready to talk to the in emergency cases) on the same day, a HiIndia Newsdesk however, refuted the police’s claim. Shaheen Bagh protestors. Ravi Shankar 773-338-0222 report by the Gulf News said. On the occasion of Pravasi Bharatiya Kapil Baisala’s uncle Fatesh Singh After almost two months of the The Prasad in a tweet on Saturday said Consul General said that same Raj Patel on Thursday, Consul Divas, celebrated told PTI, “I have no idea where these rajeshpatel@remax.net • www,rajrealtorhome.com • anti-Citizenship Email: advt@hiindiaweekly.com Realtor, ABR, SRS, PSA Amendment Act that service the Narendra government day issuance for tatkalModi passports General of India in Dubai Vipulwww.rpatel.illinoisproperty.com 630-205-6353 photographs are circulating from. (CAA) protest in Shaheen Bagh, the “ready can be is availed onlytoifcommunicate the application with the Kapil Baisala after being taken into My nephew Kapil had no association is submitted before noon at the office Centre has finally said that it is ready Shaheen Bagh protestors and clear all police custody. of BLS International, the outsourced with any political party nor does any to talk to the protestors.The proposal their doubts regarding the Citizenship service provider for Indian passport and denied this claim. AAP has responded other member from the family. My for a dialogue comes just a week Amendment HeCentre, added that the visa applications, in AlAct”. Khaleej by saying that the BJP is using the brother, Gaje Singh, (Baisala’s father) before Delhi is slated to vote for the talks “should be in a structured form”. Bur Dubai. Delhi police (which comes under fought assembly elections in 2008 on The missionsaid receives about 850 Ravi Shankar Prasad in a tweet on Saturday that the Narendra Modi the Centre’s control) to play “dirty a Bahujan Samaj Party ticket and lost. passport applications daily. government is “ready to communicate with the Shaheen Bagh protestors and politics”. Senior AAP leader Sanjay After that no one from our family had Last year, the consulate issued clear all their doubts regarding themore Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Singh asked on whose directions any links with any political party.” than 200,000 passports, over
At Shaheen Bagh, Muslim Women Take Their Place as Heroes of the Movement
Kirk Douglas dies at 103
Modi govt ready to talk to Shaheen Bagh protestors, Delhi Police Says Shaheen Bagh Shooter clear doubts on CAA: Ravi Shankar Prasad Was in AAP; Family Denies Claim
Tatkal passport to be issued on same day as application, announces Indian consulate in Dubai
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Consul General of India in Dubai Vipul
announced that the Consulate will start issuing tatkal passports (issued
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