hi INDiA East Coast Edition 04.11.14

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The new FIA

year’s Republican landslide, Bush who went on to win the six in years office-bearers presidency taking oath thelater presence had in 2008 also

“I am grateful these accomplished men and women have agreed to join this Administration, and I’m confident they will serve ably in these important roles,” Obama said naming ten persons, including Sabharwal, to key administration posts on April 3. At over two dozen, Obama administration boasts of having the highest number of Indian Americans in key jobs than any

since joining the race in January

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of the Guest of Honor and VIP Guests he’s also trailing Tim Donnelly, a tea

EAST COAST EDITION party Republican.


FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014

In California’s nonpartisan primary system, the top two finishers square off in the general election. Kashkari told CNN: “I play to win at everything I do.” He has raised $1.3 million since joining the race in January, CNN said. But his opponent Brown is sitting on $20 million.


Soros After a slap, Kejriwal fears Fellowships British Sikhs urged reception forto4boycott students threat to life ary this year, into alleged assistance by a British officer to Indian authorities during Operation Bluestar in the Golden Temple in 1984. The report by British Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood in February found that the nature of the British assistance was purely advisory, limited and provided to the Indian government at an early stage. The NSO, headed by Lord Indarjit Singh of Wimbledon, described the British Government’s review of Operation Bluestar as “deeply hurtful to Sikhs”, and insensitive to others concerned with human rights. “UK Sikhs are deeply disappointed by the UK Government’s attitude to Sikh human rights,” said NSO in its statement.


(FromLeft) Left)Arnav Arnav Chhabra, Iyer, Ramya Parameswaran and Sana (From Chhabra,Sandeep Sandeep Iyer, Ramya Parameswaran andRaoof. Sana Raoof.

Not from Congress? You are not BJP manifesto secular! dwellsNotonfrom

ELECTION our Indian-American students SPECIAL have been named recipients of IANS, NEW YORK


The fellowships for New Americans are grants for up to two years of graduate study in the US

immune cells. A few years later, as an undergraduate at Stanford University, her study of cancer in genetically engineered mice earned her the Firestone Medal, given to Stanford University’s top undergraduate thesis. Sana Raoof will study resistance mechanisms to targeted therapies for non-small cell lung cancer. Her award helped her to earn an MD and a Ph.D. in molecular oncology. She represented Harvard at the World Debate Championships in Botswana, hoping to sharpen her persuasive skills to fight tobaccorelated illness through policy.

BJP manifesto dwells on development, Hindutva

this year’s Paul and Doris Soros Fellowships for New Americans. The fellowships for New Americans are grants for up to two years of graduate study in the U.S. Arnav Chhabra received the award to support work towards a Ph.D. in medical engineering and medical physics. Sundeep Iyer has been integrating academic research with real-world litigation and hopes to become an effective voice in safeguarding




.COM Soros Fellowships for 4 students

Neel Kashkari

LONDON: Sikh groups in Britain have urged the community to boycott the annual Downing Street Baisakhi reception by the British prime minister this month to protest against the findings of the government’s probe into Operation Bluestar in Amritsar city’s Golden Temple in 1984. The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO), a Sikh body that links 130 UK gurdwaras and other UK Sikh organizations, has urged the Sikhs in Britain to shun the Baisakhi celebrations, marking Sikh New Year, at 10 Downing Street this year, The Huffington Post reported. The British government under Prime Minister David Cameron had launched an investigation in Febru-

at First Data Corporation/Western Union. From 1997 to 2003, he held several positions at GE Capital, including Managing Director. From 1992 to 1996 he worked at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, most recently as Principal Banker. Sabharwal received a BS from The Ohio State University and an MS from the London Business School.

democracy. His research was used in several federal voter rights cases, and his work has been cited in The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico and National Review. Ramya Parameswaran, an MD/Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago, researches nanoscale biomaterials that can interface with

election special

india feature

The way Congress party has abused the term ‘secular’ over the last six decades, it has done more harm to the Talking of development, the manifesto does Muslims than good, says Talking of development, the manifesto not miss out on the issues of construction the author does not miss out on the issues of of Ram temple, repealing Article 370 and construction of Ram The temple, repealing way Congress party has abused of the cow Article 370 and protection the cow the termof ‘secular’ over the protection last six


development, Congress? Hindutva You are not secular!

(L-R) L.K. Advani, Rajnath Singh, Narendra Modi and M. M. Joshi releasing BJP election manifesto in New Delhi on April 7.


Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid Ahmed Bukhari has appealed to Muslims to support the Congress.




hat kind of a deal the Congress struck with Shahi Imam Ahmed Bukhari in Delhi is not known. But the gist of what transpired in the meeting between Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Bukhari is that the former asked the Shahi Imam not to let the secular vote get divided. What the Congress means by “secular vote” is open to scrutiny. If by secular vote the Congress means the Muslim vote (Bukhari in any case has only some clout among Muslims), it is objectionable because it tends to say that only the Muslim vote is secular and the Hindu vote is not. However, in this case the “secular vote” is more a euphemism for the


decades, it has done more harm to the ties to minorities. In a surprise clarimarized as “good and the Muslims thangovernance good, says author

development” by party’s prime minSPECIAL LOWEST isterial AIRFARES candidate Narendra Modi. It however did not miss out on FROM ALL USA TO issues of the the CITIES core ideological

up symbol issuesagainst ranging other party a ConMuslim vote that the Congress aking economic to gress candidate, you revival are an “agent” wants en bloc. This is ironical as the from “secular of the BJP outcows to beat the Congress wants a community’s vote protecting and Ram — and hence it can be called a forces”. I happen to live in a densemuch area delayed ly Muslimthe populated of Old communal vote — while pretend- temple, manifesto Delhi of the on Congress April can7 andBJP have seen ing to be secular.

fication from the stage after the

manifesto gle point message for the Muslim be seeing a ray of hope in release, these oth- Modi assured he would times. “never do anything with electorate: Don’t divide the “secular erwise disillusioning vote”. The issues of development, Bukhari must notintent”. have suddenly wrong schools, employment opportuni- woken up one fine morning to the “I will never party, mentioning construction of ties, Muslim representation in idea of meeting the Congress presi-do anything for myself ever and Itowill never do anyRam removal of Articledent. 370It is very grade temple, A government jobs, inflation difficult normally and widening disparity an appointment withwrong her or intent... I assure thing with giving specialeconomic status to Jammugetand hardly find a mention in Congress even her political secretary. There Kashmir in the constitution and you,” he declared, without elaboracandidates’ speeches made to Mus- must have been some behind-the Travel Agency is notits responsible anyleft Airline tion though meaningforwas to protection lim voters. of the cow and its progescenes moves; some carrots must schedule change, milage credit“In two tragic, is modhave been varying dangled forinterpretations. the Shahi ny.What’s The interesting, party alsoandpromised that they succeed most of the times Imam’s sake. to have proper travel documents, valid Ensure words, I will say: good governance ernizing ‘madrasas’ (seminaries) and in garnering Muslim votes. The horror of the 2002 Gujarat visa/ travel insurance etc... andthe development.” working for giving equal In the current scenario, whenopportunithe riotspassport/visa/transit have won Congress MusWe recomment to reconfirm your filghts ground is slipping from under the lim votes in two Lok Sabha electhat the Grand Old to departure Congress feet, and the writing is tions. Now schedule before 72 hours almost clear on the wall, the Con- party is battling major corruption gress’ only hope is perhaps the “sec- charges of the last 10 years, it is ular” Muslim vote. They have taken again raking up the issue. this vote for granted in the past. Before deciding who to vote for, Now that none other than Naren- Muslims should compare their ernment the centre.theSpeaking at insimilar in Gujarat, we have set dra Modi isatspearheading BJP standing society and vis-à-vis the campaign, the Congressinbrass Sachar findings. Ratkudiya Palimust district of Committee up solar power plants. In Rajasthan,


promised “immediate and decisive action” to revive the country from The issues of development, schools, the “decade of decay” of the UPA. employment opportunities, Muslim manifesto, which jobs, was representation inThe grade A government released part ofin the inflation, etc hardlyeven findasa one mention country went to the polls, was sumCongress candidates’ speeches

Modi attacks Vadra over land deals

The Congress stand seems to be: didates, from former Delhi minisIf you are contesting on the Con- ter Haroon Yusuf to Congress gress ticket, you are secular; if on heavyweight Kapil Sibal, taking this the BJP ticket, you are communal, line election after election. Irrespective of whether it is a a hate monger and, in the present IANS, JHAJJAR or a Lok Sabha election, scenario, a Narendra Modi stooge. municipal Also, if you are contesting on any the Congress candidates have a sin(HARYANA)/JAYAL/RATKUDIYA

BJP manifesto communal, say Cong, Left NEW DELHI: Political parties including the Congress, Left and AAP branded the BJP’s much-awaited manifesto as a “communal” document with the Congress going to the extent of saying that it was “copied”. “It seems that it is the same manifesto (as the Congress one), only the name has been replaced,” party spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi

said. Communist Party of India leader Gurudas Dasgupta raised the point of Ram Mandir that the BJP has again promised to built. Communist Party of India-Marxist leader Prakash Karat said: “BJP manifesto is communal and divisive. It shows how dangerous the mix of Hindutva and corporate power could be.”

Article 370 cannot go: Umar

come to power. The BJP has been in power in the past also. Please remind me what steps the BJP (RAJASTHAN) Rajasthan, Modi hit out at they (the Congress) put up boards took to address these Vadra over his alleged land of solar power but it became issues — common civil JP’s prime ministerial candideals in the state during the damaad (son-in-law) power.” code, Ram Mandir, artidate Narendra Modi on chief ministership of Ashok “We heard of all types of power cle 370? April 7 attacked Congress but here we hear damaad power,” Gehlot. “To come to power, president Sonia Gandhi’s son“Gujarat and Modi said. “In the name of solar the BJP uses these hanin-law Robert Vadra over his Rajasthan are very power, you took land and gave land dles. The moment the alleged land deals and BJP arrive at their destiaccused Congress of not In the name of solar power, you took nation, they put them on fulfilling promises in land and gave land to your soninIANS, NEW DELHI Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has its manifesto. SRINAGAR Contending the constitu- the backburner. plastered the city with posters of its law for his benefit “As far as article 370 is concerned, it tion’s article 370 granting special status Addressing rallies t was hard to miss the well- prime ministerial nominee Narendressed man holding aloft the dra Modi screaming out to for to Jammu and Kashmir cannot be abro- cannot be revoked without-re-opening invoteHaryana and trademark AAP broom, standing a “Modi Sarkar”. gated without reopening the question of the entire question of the accession of Rajasthan, Modi to your son-in-law for his benefit,” on a road divider in South Delhi. Though not as visible as its counits accession to India, Chief Minister Jammu and Kashmir to India. If the BJP sought he alleged. Donning the ‘Main Hoon Aam terparts, the Congress too is pro- support for Aadmi’ cap, the supporter was moting its achievements. Bharatiya Omar Abdullah said on April 7 that BJP’s is prepared to re-open that question, we Janata Amidst chanting of slogans Modi silently campaigning for the 16According to PankajParty Gupta, three main manifesto promises are to are ready to discuss the issue.” candidates and Lao, Desh Bacho, Modi termed the month-old party near Lajpat Nagar. national secretary, Aam Aadmi hoodwink voters and it is not serious “All this talk about development is Congress manifesto as a Dhokha With the polling date drawing Party: “It is very easy to those recognizeof its allies to closer, political parties are not leav- our party members and supporters about fulfilling them. negated when Amit Shah stands up and provide a strong govPatra (bundle of lies). ing any stone unturned to woo the even from a distance because the Speaking to media persons on the says that this is for revenge. If revenge is voters. From street plays and musi- caps and brooms have become a “What you see on television or head of BJP Delhi’s Right to Inforsidelines of a National Conference (NC) their motive, then I think this country has cal performances to interactive ses- powerful symbol of our party and read in newspapers is different from mation cell, explained. What you see on sions over a cuppa are some of the ideology.” what you experience live. In our Nagpal added that such activities election rally here, Abdullah said: “This is a lot to fear from this personality cult that television or read in hi INDiA weekly newspaper distribute free copies for readers, community for benefit of our readers as well as advertiser. hi INDiA reserves it’s right to distribute copies limited to 1 free copy per reader Amid this visible clout of expanunusual, yet impactful, methods plays, when the audience sees a man have a direct impact on the voters not mail the first the BJP trying has per beencopy. developed,” said. our which is available in the stores near to your area, However if is you need more copies, reader can call us and we will send you the copies via or time deliver to is you @ to $2.00 WeOmar distribute newspapers

Wooing the voter: Anything to catchB the eye and the ear



Congress, BJP manifestos have similar themes

siveIndo-Pak campaigning, the BJPwhere is also we have obtained the permission they are employing to catch and gets them thinking. crying because cannot afford of to the copies only attheir major stores, fromhethe owner location. We reserve the right to protect our copies from illegal activities like, picking up more than one IANS, NEW DELHI on traditional means imagination. theyauthorities see is very muchof hap-any and all illegal activities as well as will file law-suite for the punitive damages. feed his children, or a woman different from what copy for other thanrelying reading purposes. Welikewatch our inventory at the stores constantly andwho weis will“What notify While the AAP is “silently” touch- ‘nukkad natak’ (street plays) and vulnerable to rape, it leaves a lasting pening in their lives, and hence they you experience live ing the voter’s emotional chords, the puppet shows. can relate to the situation.” impression,” Rajeshwar Nagpal, he Congress and BJP mani-


festos for the 2014 general elections have talked about

India Inc. reacts cautiously NEW DELHI: India Inc. reacted cau-

would impress upon the BJP to recon-


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