MIDWEST EDITION diaspora Spying on NJ Muslims was legal, rules court FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2014
page 22
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an-Americans vie for top political jobs in the US; elections slate MIDWEST EDITION | EAST COAST EDITION | Volume 4 • Issue No.242 FEBRUARY 28, 2014 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST A NEWS WEEKLY | hiINDiALIVE.COM
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(Top L-R ) Neel Kashkari, Kamala Harris, Ami Bera, Ro Khanna, Vanila Mathur Singh; (Above L-R) Upendra Chivukula, Manan Trivedi, Amardeep Kaleka, Swati Dandekar and Manju Goel.
Political aspiration
California, while Ro Khanna, a former top Obama administration official, is challenging sitting Democrat Mike Honda in the 17th District. Challenging Democrat Khanna, former deputy assistant secretary of commerce, is yet another Indian-
Bobby Jindal and Nikky Haley are already holding the Governors’ jobs
American, Vanila Mathur Singh. An associate professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, she has entered the fray from the Republican Party. Democrat Upendra Chivukula, the first Indian-American lawmaker
on the rise official to join
At least 10 Indian-Americans vie for top political Vikram Pandit page 7 jobs in the US; elections slated for November
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itigroup’s former IndianAmerican CEO Vikram Kush (right) and Sophia. Pandit is partnering with the co-author of the popular $5 OFF ‘Freakonomics’ book series to per oz with Biggest selection of 22K Gold Jewelry & Diamond Jewelry launch a new consulting business, this coupon (24K Bars/Coins) We also carry Silver Items, Beads, & Astrological Stones according to a media report. 2625 W Devon Ave, Chicago, IL 60659 Aimed at helping companies improve their c ultures and use of WASHINGTON: An epic duel running Tel: 773-262-4377 into an astounding 66 rounds between technology, Pandit’s new firm a 13-year-old Indian-American boy called TGG, is promoting “a novel and an 11-year-old girl in Missouri approach to address the challenges ended in a tie as the Spelling Bee that large complex organizations organizers actually ran out of words. face in compliance, fraud, corrupThe battle at a branch of the tion, and culture and hi INDiA weekly newspaper distribute free copies for readers, community for benefit of our readers as well as advertiser. hi INDiA reserves it’s right to distribute copies limited to 1 free copy per reader which is available in the stores near to your area, However if you need more copies, reader can callLibrary us and weSunday will send you the copies via r mail Kansas City Public e orpdeliver u t toa you t i @o$2.00 n , per ” copy. We distribute our Vikram Singh copies only at major Indo-Pak stores, where we have obtained the permission from the owner of the location. We reserve the right to protect our copies from illegal activities like, picking up more than one copy for other than reading purposes. We watch our inventory at the was stores constantly and we will notify authorities of any and all illegal activities as well as will file law-suite between Kush Sharma, a sevaccording to the for the punitive damages. enth-grader at Frontier School of InnoWall Street Jourfor American Progress vation, and Sophia Hoffman, a fifthnal. “We think AMI G PATEL, AGENT
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