YO U R G U I D E TO H E A LT H Y L I V I N G I N T H E S A N D H I L L S A R E A • M AY 2 0 1 5
What is Certified Naturally Grown? • Meet Sustainable Neighbors
may 2015 nutrition Certified Naturally Grown.............................. 4
Certified Naturally Grown, page 4
Celebrate Mom: Crepes with Lemon Curd.. 6
wellness Holistic Health Summit and Expo ...............8 Living with Bell's Palsy.............................10
Holistic Health Expo to Offer Insight on Managing Stress, Living with Purpose , page 8
Detox & Cleanse for Wellness..................12
living Give New Life to an Old Teacup...............14 How Green is Your House?......................16 Tips & Tricks for Herb Gardeing................18
explore Area Farmers Markets..............................19 Meet Sustainable Neighbors....................21 Classifieds...............................................23 Resource Guide.......................................24 Calendar of Events..................................26
Area Farmers Markets Offer Much More than Produce, page 19
“These farmers were proud of how they were
producing food, and it mattered to them; it was part of who they were...” — Alice Varon, of Certified Naturally Grown
May 2015
down on the farm Your Guide to Healthy Living in the Sandhills
Editor & Publisher Joy Godwin Crowe Associate Editor Karen Gilchrist Contributing Writers Kelli Edwards Sueson Vess Patti Ranck Cory Worrell Marketing & Advertising Joy G. Crowe Mike Cole (Lee Co.) Erin Davidson (Cumberland Co.) Published by Main Street Media 213 Skyland Plaza, Ste 1370-163 Spring Lake, NC 28390 For more information or to become an advertiser, please call 910.551.2883
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Copyright Š2015 by Main Street Media and Sandhills Naturally. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Main Street Media is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork or other material. Information in this publication is not meant to diagnose, treat or prescribe for medical conditions. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors and publisher.
Proud member of
Proud member of
As this issue goes to press, I am coming home from a great weekend experience at a farm just north of the state line. A retreat for military families, this experience was a chance to reconnect with our spouses and children without the distractions of our modern-day life. No TVs, no Internet, not even cell phone service. The retreat was at a working farm, complete with an amazing and very old farm house, barns full of hay, cows and farm dogs. Days were spent fishing, hunting, exploring, swinging and having plain ole fun in the outdoors. The surroundings were serene and pure, and the people hosting were genuine. More than just a chance to unwind and relax, this trip to the farm was also inspiring and rekindled a desire to one day possibly have a little farm to call our own. With this issue, farming is front and center as we explore area farmers markets, the Certified Naturally Grown program and an area organization called Sustainable Neighbors. Will Rogers, humorist and actor of the 1920s and '30s, once said, "The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't still be a farmer." Despite the growing popularity of farmers markets, "farm to table" restaurants and CSA subscription boxes, it's a sad truth that on most small farms, at least one of the owners has to hold a job (or two) off the farm to make a living wage. In fact, 91 percent of all farm households rely on multiple sources of income, according to an article last year in the New York Times titled "Don't Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers." Organic farming is a risky venture, and certification comes with a high price tag both in dollars and time, but Certified Naturally Grown is working to help the small farmer that is using natural and organic practices but doesn't have that green and white "certified organic" label. Another organization, Sustainable Neighbors, is working to help farmers connect with consumers, and even to help those in low-access areas create their own small plot urban farms. As we celebrate our tenth issue of Sandhills Naturally, people are still just finding out about the publication. If you are enjoying Sandhills Naturally, be sure to tell a friend and pass them a copy. If you frequent a business that is a natural fit for this publication, tell them they should be in it! Like us on Facebook (sandhillsnaturallync), check out our digital edition online and help spread the word. Leave us a comment on our facebook page and on our website. If you would like to help support Sandhills Naturally by being a sponsor or a distribution location, please let me know.
Joy Godwin Crowe, Publisher
May 2015
certified naturally grown THE GRASSROOTS ALTERNATIVE TO CERTIFIED ORGANIC By Karen Gilchrist Before 1990 and the passage of the Organic Foods
small farmers, of
Production Act (OFPA), creating the National Organic Program
Certified Naturally
(NOP), each state could implement its own standards for
Grown (CNG), a
organic food production and processing. Naturally, wide
grassroots nonprofit
variance in the meaning of organic from state to state
“organization offering
complicated organic trade and confused consumers as to what
certification tailored for small-scale,
constituted an organic product. Placed under federal jurisdiction
direct-market farmers and beekeepers using natural methods.”
within the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural
“That’s actually the very reason why the organization was
Marketing Service (AMS), the NOP defines organic as indicating
founded,” said Alice Varon, Executive Director of Certified
“that the food or other agricultural product has been produced
Naturally Grown. "These farmers were proud of how they were
through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological,
producing food, and it mattered to them; it was part of who
and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources,
they were, and it was important to be able to reflect that in
promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic
some official capacity, but they wanted something besides, ‘I’m
fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering
assuring you’ – besides their own word. It’s just validating to
may not be used.”1 Additionally, the NOP “develops,
have that certification label as an affirmation.”
implements, and administers national production, handling, and
CNG has been around for 12 years, starting as a regional
labeling standards for organic agricultural products, and also
program for local farmers in the Hudson Valley of New York.
accredits the certifying agents (foreign and domestic) who
“But then when word got out about who we are and what we
inspect organic production and handling operations to certify
did,” Varon said, “farmers around the country wanted to
that they meet USDA standards.” 2
participate because they also were very committed to organic
After NOP was
practices and wanted to
implemented in 2002, those
convey that to their
who had referred to their
customers and felt like the
farming practices as organic
National Organic Program
for years could no longer do
just wasn’t a good fit for
so, without certification from
them. So organically we
NOP. And that little green
grew into a national
and white label doesn’t
organization that includes
come cheaply or quickly,
750 farms and 47 states. We
ranging in cost from a few
have pockets where we’re
hundred to several thousand
really strong, and one of
dollars, including application,
those areas is the
annual renewal, assessment
Southeastern United States,
of annual production or sales
generally speaking.”
and inspection fees, and a
CNG uses a
three-year transition period –
Participatory Guarantee
a daunting venture,
System or PGS approach,
especially for smaller farms
employed by farmers
and startups. Thus the
worldwide. This method
creation by small farmers, for
minimizes paperwork and
May 2015
certification fees and uses a peer-inspection process built on
"Customers think
local networks of community-based farmers, like “farmer's
it’s important because
markets, roadside stands, local restaurants, community-
there’s a lot of folks
supported agriculture (CSA) programs and small local grocery
coming into farming
and just learning about
The CNG standards and requirements are based on the
how to run a farm, and
USDA NOP rules, but the main difference between the two
they might think a
programs is the cost to farmers and required paperwork.
certain group of
“There is no fee to apply,” said Varon. “We want folks to
practices are organic,
jump in. In a way, the application itself is a self-assessment
and they’re not being
because in answering the questions, sometimes the way it’s
deceptive or anything.
programmed, it’ll automatically give you feedback if something
It’s just a matter of being on a really high learning curve, which
you’re doing doesn’t meeting the CNG standards. Some have to
is just inherent in farming. This helps farmers really adhere to
go back and change their practices before they complete the
sustainable practices and also have a network of other farmers
application. Annual certification dues and the inspection are
they can easily call on to ask questions like, ‘How do I handle
done typically by another farmer in the area on a volunteer
this pest that appears to be taking over my kohlrabi? I want to
do it sustainably without synthetic chemicals. What do you do?’ A great resource for that kind of question is another farmer
And CNG offers a scholarship program. “We introduced the scholarship fund the same year that we set the minimum dues at $110. For the first six years or so, it was a pay as you can, but we realized that wasn’t financially sustainable for the organization,” Varon said. “We set up the scholarship fund specifically for farmers who were just in their first few years of production and those facing unusual hardship, whether it’s a hurricane, injury on the farm, health issue of the spouse. We don’t want that to impact their ability to succeed. It’s funded pretty much exclusively by other farmers. Most scholarships are granted because people are respectful and they really only apply if they need it. We want people to participate regardless of their financial needs. We ask that they chip in $50, but we do also give full scholarships.” Varon emphasizes that both customers and farmers benefit from the program. “One of the valuable things that CNG provides – yes, it’s a food label, yes, it’s a program to help farmers market their produce – but it really comes out of a tradition that’s more about building a movement and bringing people into a participatory process. One of the main differences between Certified Naturally Grown and Certified Organic is the inspection process, which is carried out by other farmers in the program. This is of great benefit to the movement because it provides opportunities for farmers to learn from each another. It also is a way for customers to get involved because they also can participate in the inspection process and learn more about how their food is produced.
who has dealt with the exact same thing. It’s a very knowledgeintensive occupation, so having a network of farmers that you’re part of can be very valuable, and the certification process strengthens that network and introduces new connections among farmers. This increases the likelihood that they will succeed. “I think one of the very important things about the CNG, in addition to the marketing and the connections that it makes between food producers and their customers, is that it is an important signal to customers about how their food is produced, especially in a farmers market context because a lot of people go to the farmers market thinking, oh look at all of this beautiful local organic produce, and the fact is that not all farmers at the farmers market are using organic practices. So, it’s an important signal to customers about who has actually gone through a certification process and had their practices verified by someone else. That’s important not only for the customer to know what they are getting, but also to raise awareness more generally. Having a CNG designation can start interesting conversations at the farmers market that help raise awareness and build community. It’s an occasion to have a conversation about what’s going on in their community, how food is being produced. “CNG has been around for 12 years, and farmers have a good sense of who we are and why we exist. Our next frontier is people who already are concerned about their impact on the continued on page 7
May 2015
celebrate moms
CREPES WITH LEMON CURD MAKE A PERFECT MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH By Sueson Vess Honoring your mom, someone who is like a mom or the memory of mothers is traditionally celebrated on the second Sunday in May. My mother passed on some years ago, and now I celebrate with the mothers of my grandchildren and all the amazing nurturing women in my life, regardless of their child-bearing status. And I take a day off and allow others to care for and cook for me. This can be a tall order with special food needs and desires like gluten-free, dairy-free, low sugar, local… Here is a recipe for a crêpe that can be used to make a sweet or savory dish and a homemade lemon curd sweetened with honey. Join me Saturday, May 9, at the Southern Pines Farmers Market for a free sample of these crêpes, filled with lemon curd and topped with local strawberries or attend a cooking class at FirstHealth on Thursday, May 14, and learn how to make these recipes and a paleo, grain-free version of crêpes.
Photo by Cory Derusseau.
refrigerate for 15 minutes to three hours. Batter will be thin.
GLUTEN-FREE/DAIRY-FREE CRÊPES Crêpes are so versatile. Fill them with a variety of sweet or savory fillings. Stack crêpes with a filling of your choice to create a multi-layered crêpe cake. Filled with dairy-free lemon curd and topped with fresh berries, crêpes become a perfect Mother’s Day dessert.
iron, nonstick skillet or crêpe pan with a small amount of oil. Place pan over medium heat. 3. Stir the batter. Pour 3 to 4 tablespoons into the pan, tilting to coat the bottom of the pan. Batter should form a very thin layer. Cook just until the top is set and the edges are
Makes eight 8" crêpes
slightly browned. Turn the crêpe over and cook the other side
1/2 cup gluten-free flour blend*
until it is lightly browned. Continue cooking the rest of the
1/2 cup milk or nondairy substitute
crêpes, stirring the batter occasionally. If batter becomes too
1/4 cup warm water
thick, add additional water.
1 1/2 tablespoons honey or sugar
4. Stack finished crêpes until ready to serve or refrigerate
Pinch of sea salt
or freeze for later use. Reheat wrapped crêpes in a preheated
2 large eggs 2 tablespoons sunflower oil or melted coconut oil Additional oil for cooking
325-degree oven for 10 minutes. LEMON CURD Pucker-up! This tart lemon curd is dairy-free and
*Gluten-free flour blend:
sweetened without processed sugar. Make this with lemon,
1 cup potato starch flour
lime, orange or a combination of your favorite citrus fruit. Enjoy
1 cup tapioca flour
lemon curd folded in a crêpe, spread on a biscuit or as a cake or
1 cup rice flour
pie filling.
1/4 cup sweet rice flour
MAKES: 2 cups
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour batter into a pitcher, cover and 6
2. Using a paper towel, wipe the inside of an 8-inch cast
1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon kudzu (kuzu starch) (May use
May 2015
NUTRITION arrowroot or corn starch) 3 large pasture-raised eggs 1/3 cup honey (may use more to taste) 3 tablespoons coconut oil (may use ghee or butter) Grated zest of one lemon 1. In a medium stainless-steel or enamel saucepan (off the heat), combine lemon juice and kudzu starch until kudzu has dissolved and lemon juice is milky. Whisk in the eggs and honey. 2. Cook over medium-low heat, whisking continually until mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. 3. Add the coconut oil, whisking to combine.
keep about one week in the refrigerator. Sueson Vess is a professional chef, author/food writer and educator helping people eat healthier, especially those with celiac disease, autism spectrum disorders and others with chronic illnesses. Special Eats provides catering services, educational presentations and monthly cooking classes at FirstHealth Fitness Center. Sueson’s cookbooks include “Special Eats: Simple Delicious Solutions for Gluten & Dairy Free Cooking,” now in its 6th edition, and “Living Without Magazine’s Best Gluten-Free Cookbook."; 800.981.5029; Facebook page: Special Eats. Sueson’s homemade bone broth is available at Nature’s Own, Southern Pines.
4. Remove from heat, and stir in lemon zest. 5. Refrigerate for several hours to thicken. Lemon curd will continued from page 5 environment and what they’re eating, and they should know about us. I talk to a lot of people who are very conscientious, and I describe CNG, and they say, “How is it that I’ve never heard of this yet? This is so amazing. This should exist.’ And it does exist! That’s just a function of us being a grassroots organization. We don’t have a big advertising budget. Mostly we’ve grown through word of mouth. A farmer sees it and says, ‘Well, that seems like a really good program and a good fit for me.’” CNG provides further support to farmers through a new free marketing program, Stand Out in Your Field (www., supported by a grant from the Farmers Market Promotion Program. Some lucky farmers, based on applications due this past March, will receive free services, including “farm logo development and assistance creating a marketing video.” The site will provide a platform to share best practices and marketing tips, an approach that ties in very well with the CNG program’s philosophy of encouraging farmers to share knowledge and advice, continuing to network and build community. For more information about CNG, contact Alice Varon, Executive Director at 845.687.2058 or email alice@ 1 National Organic Program,; 2National Organic Program,
Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime resident of Southern Pines. You can reach her at karen@
May 2015
holistic health expo to provide insight on managing stress and living with purpose DR. SANJIV CHOPRA TO BE KEYNOTE SPEAKER by Joy G. Crowe Stressed out? Struggling to find your purpose? Interested
the practice of connecting to the true self, and also to dare
in living a more healthy life? The perfect opportunity is coming
to dream big and live a life of integrity so that others will be
up to help you better your mind, body and spirit.
inspired to embark on their own leadership journey.
On Saturday, May 16, the Holistic Health Summit and
Another key speaker is Dr.
Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Charlie Rose
Andrew Shatté, research professor
Agri-Expo Center in Fayetteville. The free summit, presented by
at the University of Arizona College
The Society to Educate People (STEP), aims to help those with
of Medicine and a fellow at the
an interest in holistic health learn more on the subject with
Brookings Institution’s Center for
top-notch speakers that are well respected in the holistic health
Executive Education. His topic of
discussion — “Managing Stress:
Dr. Sid Gautam, creator of the event (and professor
Don’t Let it Manage You!” —
emeritus and founder of the Center for Entrepreneurship at
should have broad-reaching applica-
Methodist University), said, “Last year, we organized our first
tion to the summit attendees. He’ll
Dr. Andrew Shatté
Dr. Andrew Shatté Sanjiv Chopra cover how to create a new internal operating ever Holistic Health Summit. It was veryDr. successful and attracted system that’s not
Research professor at the University of Arizon College of Medicine, and a fellow at the Brookin Continuing Medical Education at with your stress while being more productive and in control, Institution’s Center for Executive Education Harvard Medical School
Professor of medicine faculty dean over 600 people. This year’s event promises to be evenand better stuckfor on “overwhelm”; how to happily and healthfully coexist according to Dr. Gautam.
“Our first keynote speaker will
how to navigate your personal beliefs that magnify stress and
be Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, awardsurprising ways to add more Topic: joy to your life. Managing Stress: Don’t Let It Topic: Dharma, Happiness and Living winning professor at Harvard Programming for the day will also include an “Ask the Manage You! with Purpose Medical School. Dr. Chopra is the
Doctor” session. A panel of locally practicing physicians will
How to create a new internal operating Without health, we are impoverished. The younger brother of the modern answer questions from the attendees. be on available system They that’swill notalso stuck overwhelm constant pursuit of a healthy body is vital for age guru Dr. Deepak Chopra. He is after the programs to mingle and talk with the participants. How to happily and healthfully coexist complete and holistic wellbeing a brilliant and much sought-after your temple— while being more The Holistic Health Summitwith and your Expostress will also have Your body is your vessel—indeed and inbody-building, control each day for this life explains and will Dr. serve you as well asdemonstrations you speaker,” Gautam. in yoga, pilates,productive Tai Chi, Zumba Your personal thinking traps and beliefs choose to honor it “He says, ‘No matter where we martial arts and self defense. The public is invited to come that magnify stress and how to navigate and expand the mind through the practice of Dr. Sanjiv Chopra Calm may travel in life, we are equipped learn, experience and participate in activities and seminars on them being grounded and connecting to the true self with three things: Our mind, body and spirit. As we encounter meditation, Pranayama, acupuncture, andways natural herbsmore and joy to your Surprising to add Dare to dream big, and live a life of integrity so Research professor at the University of Arizona Professoraofmyriad medicine and faculty dean for of challenges, we must learn towill nurture and respect spices. opportunity to look, and about — because life is taste not just that others be inspired to embark on theirAttendees will have the life College Continuing Education stress!various herbs own leadership journey. each ofMedical these facets of our at being. The mastery of this triuneof Medicine, and a fellow at the Brookings asksubtracting questions about Institution’s Center for Executive Education Harvard Medical School
Dr. Sanjiv Chopra
Dr. Andrew Shatté
is essential for those seeking to carve out a path of their own
choosing where they are captain of their own unique destiny.’”
and spices.
“During the last two decades,
Topic: Managing Stress: Don’t Let It c: Dharma, Happiness and Living Dr. Sanjiv Chopra is professor of medicine and faculty dean there’s been a big surge in the use Manage You! with PurposeMedical Education at Harvard Medical School for Continuing of natural herbs and spices. We will
How to create a new internal operating thout health, impoverished. and we willare present “Dharma, The Happiness and Living with Purpose.” have demonstrations of how these system that’s not stuck on overwhelm nstant pursuit of a healthy body is vital for His talk will expound on the idea that without health, we are herbs and spices are used as alter How to happily and healthfully coexist mplete and holistic wellbeing so the constant pursuit of a healthy body is with vital your stress while being more native medicine around the world,” ur body is impoverished, your vessel—indeed your temple— for complete and holistic wellbeing. His inspirational message productive and in control each day explained Dr. Gautam. “The day this life and will serve you as well as you Dr. Sid Gautam Your personal thinking traps and beliefs oose to honor it will encourage the audience to expand the mind through will conclude with a session on that magnify stress and how to navigate m and expand the mind through the practice of them ng grounded and connecting to the true self 8 May 2015 Surprising ways to add more joy to your re to dream big, and live a life of integrity so life — because life is not just about t others will be inspired to embark on their
Pranayama, the science of breath regulation, and meditation.” The event is presented by The Society to Educate People (STEP), a nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Sid Gautam in 1978. STEP is dedicated to the assembly and dissemination of knowledge that results in the upliftment and betterment of humanity. It’s mission is to inspire and encourage individuals to embrace a life of health, wellness and fitness through awareness of natural and organic products, advanced medicine research, education, nutrition, exercise and lifelong benefits of
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living a healthy lifestyle. The event is free, but seats are limited and participants are encouraged to arrive at the event before 10 a.m. You must register online at For more information, or if you need to reserve your spot by phone, please call 910-867-0070. Joy Crowe is the publisher of Sandhills Naturally and Kidsville News of Harnett & Lee County. You can reach her at
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living with bell’s palsy (my story) By Corinthia Worrell, COT
It was a typical Sunday morning. I climbed out of bed to let the dogs out, then headed to the kitchen for a drink of water. All of a sudden, water fell to the floor. My mouth and lip did not move and were completely numb. I ran to the bathroom and realized that half of my face was completely shifted to the right. I could not smile nor close my left eye. Immediately I thought I was having a stroke. Words cannot express the anxiety and panic feeling you have when you realize you cannot move a part of your body, no matter how hard you try. Heading straight to the emergency room, they quickly took me back, collected some blood samples and then calmly told me, “You have Bell’s Palsy.” Of course, the first words out of my mouth were, “Will it go away?” The scary thing about Bell’s palsy is that there is no magical treatment or medications guaranteed to help. The general cause of Bell’s palsy is unknown. It may result from problems in the body’s immune system, it may occur if blood flow to the nerve is blocked or constricted or it may involve inflammation caused by viral infections. With absolutely no reassurance of a cure, the doctor said if I had no improvement after several weeks, he would order an MRI. Well, as luck would have it, there was absolutely no improvement; in fact, my symptoms seemed to have worsened. I could not close my left eye at all, my whole face was shifted to the right, I could not eat or drink without food or water falling out of my mouth, my speech was slurred and the worse part was people would stare at me as if to ask “What is wrong with you?” To follow protocol, I had an MRI and MRA of the head where they found a slight spot on my seventh cranial nerve, which affects the muscles of the face. The doctor said that because of the location of the damage, it would be a long time for the nerve to regenerate and heal. It was then I realized I had to find a way to live with this. I immediately began physical therapy every day, doing facial exercises in a mirror. During the day I had to apply artificial tears every hour and manually blink my left eye to prevent any dryness and blurry vision. At night, I applied a thick eye lubricant and a patch and taped my eye closed. I continued this for two years without much improvement. At least at that time, I had a job where I was not in the public eye, but I soon became very withdrawn, never leaving the office during the day, and I would rarely leave my house on the weekends. After two years of living this way, I found some hope. I
began E-stim therapy (an E-stim unit is an electrical device that sends currents through unbroken skin via small electrodes that target muscles). All my facial nerves were mapped out for me, and three times a day, I applied electrical stimulation to these targeted areas. This was very painful, especially near the eye and nose, but I was determined to try anything. Within months, I noticed slight movement in my mouth and my eye. Over time, combined with the regular physical therapy, I finally could close my eye completely and was able to smile somewhat. Once I achieved this, I stopped the E-stim treatment, as it has been suggested that electrical stimulation may interfere with neural regeneration and if not done correctly, could cause Synkinesis (the result from miswiring of nerves after trauma). E-stim is usually not recommended for the facial muscles due to their small size and close proximity to each other, and it could produce abnormal motor patterns, but in my case, it worked. Seven years have passed since that dreadful morning and my life is pretty much back to normal. I never did fully recover from my Bell’s palsy. Most of the facial movements on my left side are now due to retraining my facial muscles to move from physical therapy. When I am tired or stressed, it is still hard for me to close my left eye and blink. I will never have a full smile back, as I am still lacking some movement on the left side of my mouth, but all and all, I am so appreciative that I can close my eye and smile on my own. It has taken years to regain confidence to speak to people face to face again and is something I still work on everyday. It amazes me all the things we take for granted, until you lose it. In some aspect, I think the Bell’s palsy has made me a better person. I now wake up everyday thankful and appreciative of everything in my life and
May 2015
no longer sweat the small stuff.
"Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world." —Maria Montessori
American Academy of Ophthalmology (How Is Bell’s Palsy Treated)? In over 80 percent of cases, Bell’s palsy disappears on its own. This recovery process typically begins within three weeks of the disease’s onset and is complete after two to three months. While symptoms improve, a small amount of subtle facial paralysis or movement irregularity may remain. In less than 20 percent of cases, symptoms of Bell’s palsy do not get better. Your ophthalmologist (eye M.D.) may have you use eye lubricants or eye drops to prevent complications. Be sure that you carefully follow your doctor’s instructions about eye drops or other treatments. This is important because when your eyelid cannot close properly, your eye becomes vulnerable to irritation, dryness and other problems. In some cases, your ophthalmologist (perhaps in collaboration with your primary care physician or internist) may prescribe drugs called corticosteroids or antivirals to assist the healing process. For more information on eye health, visit our website at
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May 2015
detox and cleanse for wellness HOW ESSENTIAL OILS CAN HELP By Kelli Edwards Although you can go on a detox diet at any time,
digestive upset or have a tough time eliminating?
springtime has traditionally been regarded by naturopaths as
• Do you get lower back pain or other aches and pains?
the most important time of the year to detox. Magazines and
• Do you have dark circles under your eyes or a puffy face?
newspapers are generally full of detox diet advice every January
These are some of the possible signs of toxicity, but this list
to combat the excesses of Christmas, but practitioners of
is far from exhaustive. Detoxing is important for everyone. Even
Chinese medicine also say we should wait until spring to detox.
if you eat “clean,” which means eating food in its most natural
They say that the body’s energies have cycles, and the
state, we all have some level of toxicity due to environmental
energies come to the surface at springtime, making it easier
factors that we can't always control. In addition to the foods
to detox. We are certainly more likely to prefer fruit and cold
we ingest, toxins can find their way into our bodies through
salad foods when we are warmer. New spring vegetables with all their valuable nutrients become available, so it makes sense to wait to make use of them. If you want to stay healthy
"We are much better off taking a daily approach, and being supportive, to the cleansing organs that are designed to detoxify our bodies." — Dr. David K. Hill
in this increasingly toxic world,
household cleaners, makeup, perfume, shampoos and conditioners, plastic containers, pathogens and
then it seems essential to detox
unwanted bacteria
and cleanse to prevent the build up of toxic chemicals in your
in food and soil, chemicals from the paint in your home and the
body. The body has a very complicated and sophisticated detox
carpet on your floor and a host of environmental pollutants.
system which works on your behalf every day, but the sheer
The liver has to process all these toxins. See, for many, we
amount of toxins you are now exposed to means that it has
eat healthy and use toxic-free lotions and makeup, and we still
become overwhelmed.
have autoimmune issues, weight gain, exhaustion and poor
Let’s get back to the basics.
elimination. The truth is this: we live, eat and breathe toxins,
Essential oils are natural extracts from the seeds, stems,
and it is our daily job to get rid of these toxins naturally. I often
roots, flowers, bark and other parts of the plant. In the modern
say, "The route of cleansing is: Clear the bowels; Clean the
world, we are used to going to the doctor and getting a
blood/lymph; Rebuild. Look to Essential Oils, Herbs and Diet."
symptom taken care of with a pill, and most often this pill,
Detoxification couples a combination of whole-food
which may (or may not) fix the symptom, leads to more toxicity
extracts to provide support for the body's cleansing organs (the
in the body. The good news: You can stop chasing symptoms
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin) with essential oils for additional
and go after the root cause. For me, having struggled with
support for the liver. My favorite protocols include
autoimmune and health issues, even though I looked really healthy, I was not detoxing properly. Here are signs of toxic overload:
• Zendocrine blend can be replaced with 4 drops each of
• Do you feel bloated?
geranium, rosemary, grapefruit and clove in a capsule.
• Have you gained weight that you cannot get rid of?
Time period: can be taken indefinitely on a daily basis or as a periodic cleanse for two weeks every three months.
• Do you have trouble sleeping or feel tired even after a good night’s sleep? • Does your head feel congested? • Do you feel cloudy in your thinking? • Do you experience heartburn, acid reflux, 12
• 2 tablets daily of Detoxification Complex (a proprietary doTERRA blend) with 5 drops of blend in a capsule daily.
LEMON LIVER DETOXIFICATION For some, this is part of their life for increased energy, emotional stability and pain. • 1 tablespoon of organic lemon juice • 1 drop each of lemon and peppermint essential oils
May 2015
WELLNESS • 1 dropcoriander essential oil if necessary for addictions
the cleanse. Also consider a period of preparation with a
• 2-4 ounces of purified water
nutritional cleanse as described above.
• Daily, drink first thing in the morning
GI Cleansing Formula is a combination of essential oils and
Time period: indefinite
caprylic acid for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. It includes
In addition to this, the body also has the ability to
oregano, melaleuca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint and thyme
encapsulate toxins in fat in what is called apidose cells which, in turn, the body can eliminate. Dr. David Hill suggests the Metabolic Blend can help the body eliminate apidose cells the body has formed to encapulate dangerous toxins in
essential oils. • 3 GI Cleansing Formula capsules daily for 10 days. Best
"The Liver is the Foundation of Health" — saying of Chinese medicine
the body.
taken with meals. If you have uncomfortable reactions, reduce the number of daily capsules. • Follow with Probiotic Defense Blend to build healthy
• 1-2 drops Metabolic
digestive functions.
Blend per 8 ounces of water
Time period: 3 beadlets per day, with meals, for 5 days.
• 2 to 4 glasses per day
Wait 15 days; repeat. Do this 3 times (repeat 15-day protocol
Time period: indefinite
for 3 months).
This is soaking the body in a hot bath with Epsom salts and
This is a cleanse similar to the GI cleansing formula but
essential oils. Be sure and mix the oils well before entering the
using individual essential oils. It also is highly effective against
bath. Couple with drinking lots of liquids (water, water with
Candida or yeast infections that affect many.
Lemon or metabolic blend, etc.).
• 5 drops each melaleuca, lemon and oregano essential oils
• 1 cup Epsom salts
in a vegetable capsule.
• 4 drops each lavender, geranium, lemongrass essential oils
Time period: 2 capsules per day for 2 weeks, rest 2 weeks and then 1 capsule per day for 2 weeks. Follow with Probiotic
• 1 tub of hot water • Soak 30 minutes or a long as comfortable. TIme period: daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the health needs of the individual I am an advocate of baths to do a lot of things, and this detox bath is the one I used to help cleanse my body of toxins when I first was introduced to essential oils. It helped me, and
Defense Formula. Kelli Edwards, owner of Pure Phoenix Cleanse & Wellness, is a health enthusiast with a passion for helping people achieve optimum health. She helps people through yoga instruction, as a colon therapist and as an advocate and educator on essential oils. She loves taking care of her family, enjoys reading and learning about all aspects of health, creating new recipes, yoga, dancing, music and nature.
I believe it is beneficial for everyone. I do this a couple of times a year followed by Probiotic Defense Formula and GI Defense Formula
Natural Parenting in a Modern World Cloth diapers, nursing supplies, slings & wraps, gifts, toys & more.
HERXHEIMER REACTIONS Since isolated cleanses are oftentimes an aggressive approach to cleansing body organs, they can release massive quantities of toxins that have been within the body, especially from those that have had health problems. These released toxins can cause uncomfortable reactions as they exit the body through the bowels or skin. Some may experience digestive disruption, others rashes or other skin disorders. The general advice is to slow the cleanse by reducing or spacing the cleansing agents to find a comfortable level, but to continue
May 2015
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give new life to an old teacup GET CRAFTY AND CREATE A MEMORABLE MOTHER'S DAY GIFT By Patti Ranck I must admit, I have somewhat of a mild vintage tea cup fetish (understatement). This has been going on since I was a tiny tot enraptured by my Grandmother’s ritual of 4:00 Sunday tea time. As she had a dramatic flair for making things fun, it was always served with great ceremony, conversation and song; always from an old enamel whistling tea kettle; always in porcelain tea cups with a pink roses design; always on a table covered in crocheted doilies and ALWAYS accompanied by shortbread cookies. Years later, my parents continued the tradition with my children and nightly tea time and cookies. Some of our happiest memories occurred with a tea cup in our hands. To this day, my favorite zen pastime is sitting under the trees with tea or coffee in a favorite old “memory” cup. Hence my love of, you guessed it, tea cups — not just aesthetically, but the meaning and the memories they bring forth. Now, tea cups are not just useful for drinking tea. Oh, no. In my first year of college, I had an old tea cup on my window sill with a tiny little cactus growing in it. On my desk was another with paperclips. The bathroom had a cup filled with lavender bath salts. I won’t tell you the year, but suffice it to say, it was a looong time ago. And here I am, still loving these durn tea cups. So, Vintage Lovers Unite! Let us surround ourselves with beautiful things that make us feel happy — and get a little crafty in the process. This is so simple, you won’t believe it. Some uses for the little thrifty, repurposed DIY I am about to share are: bird feeder, cone-style incense burner, tea light holder (best for this is the mini led votive type so it doesn’t overheat the cup or risk burning the twine), or planter with a little cactus or succulent or ivy in there! Gather some of your old collected tea cups (not the valuable ones) that you are willing to repurpose into a new life form. Or, get thee to Goodwill or a yard sale and pick up a few. There are many treasures to be had! If
there are scratches, chips or mismatched saucers, so much the better to give that interesting rusticelegant-bohemian vibe. (Wow-all that from a little tea cup? Ha-yup!) Ok, enough nonsense. On to the DIY. You will need 1. Tea cup/saucer - I used 2 saucers for one of mine, just because I liked the way it looked — do what you like. It’s your DIY! 2. Jute or hemp cording — I like to use either of these because of the sustainability factor, because they are not too stiff and are easily knotted. And I also, personally, like the juxtaposition of the rough twine against the refined porcelain. 3. Tape measure 4. Hanger 5. Scissors 6. Glue gun/low temperature (some of the older porcelain does not hold up well under higher heat. Experience is the best teacher — just sayin’.) Gotta work fast, though; it dries quickly. *Note on this: per Wikipedia: “hot melt adhesives…VOC’s are reduced or eliminated…no odor…drying or curing time is eliminated…can usually be disposed of without special precautions.” The only other adhesive I found that was safe and possibly strong enough was Eco-Bond, but that only comes as a household caulking and is not as suitable for a small job like this. Feel free to investigate and try other sources. If you find any you like, I’d love for you to pm me on Facebook or email me with the info. Always happy to get other’s input; I find out the coolest stuff that way! 7. Something to protect your workspace. I have an old, very large glass cutting board that I use only for craft projects, andI have nothing to throw away at the end, but I do enough crafty work to warrant keeping this around the house — if you can too, that’d be great. *Totally optional: Any embellishments such as beads, buttons, lace strips, ribbons or any other odds or ends of things you’ve saved (then again, sometimes simplicity is best, your call)
May 2015
Make sure your cup and saucer are cleaned free of debris and completely dry. We’re doing the simple version. • First, put glue on the bottom of the tea cup. Fill in the center a bit if there is an indentation underneath, let cool a bit, then go over with a little more glue and put a circle of glue around the bottom of the base of the teacup. Work as quickly as possible! Hot glue dries extremely fast. Center it as much as possible and press down firmly onto the saucer. Set aside and work on the holder. (Keep in mind: This will always be fragile. Always lift from the base or saucer.) • For each hanging tea cup, cut four strands of twine/jute each at least 6’ long (if your plate or other container is much larger, the twine will have to have a much greater length, but for what we’re doing here 6’ is plenty). • Fold in half and make a knot leaving a loop in the end (this will be the top that will hang from your hook). I like to hang it from a hanger at this point; it helps me keep better track of the different strands as I work and not get them confused or tangled as much. • Separating the twine into sections of two each, measure at least 10” down and make a knot in each section (if you want to add a bead or more at this point, be sure to thread it/them on the twine BEFORE you make the knot to hold the bead in place) The last two pieces of twine will be joined together with
another knot. This will result in forming an enclosed circle of the knotted twine. • Now you will take one strand from each knotted double strand and put it with the strand opposite and knot those two 3” down from the first knot (if this sounds awkward, refer to the picture). It will form a V shape. Continue this around as with the first set of knots. The final knot joins the “circle” • Then, hold all strands together (reminder: if adding a bead, do it now, and it must be a larger bead with a big enough hole to accommodate all 8 strands of twine). Make a single knot of all strands approximately 4” in distance from the last row of knots. • Done. Open the knotted twine so you can carefully place the tea cup/saucer in the “cradle” (as I call it), just as you would a hanging planter. Good! Ready to fill and hang! Now you have a one-of-a-kind gift or unique decorative item for your home or porch. And you can impress everyone when you tell them that you made it yourself! And they’ll never know how simple it was — unless, of course, they read this article, too. Then you can just swap DIY stories over a lovely cup of tea! Patti Ranck is an artist & a dreamer who blends her love of nature & her passion for repurposing into the celebrations of life. She can help you create your one-of-a-kind celebration. or 910.638.8322
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how green is your house? AN ECO-FRIENDLY APPROACH TO HOME CARE
(Family Features) Living an eco-friendly lifestyle starts at
systems also helps drive more efficient energy use throughout
home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, residential
the house. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified products, which are
use accounts for more than one-fifth of the nation’s total
designed to save energy without sacrificing on performance.
energy consumption. Adopting an earth-first, energy-saving
Where possible, make purchases that will perform double duty,
mindset will let you make adjustments around your home
such as high-efficiency washing machines that can save on
so that you can feel
both energy and water
good about your family’s
usage. Fuel sources
contributions to protect the environment.
Choosing the right
Green energy
energy source can also
Improving your home’s
help lessen your impact
energy efficiency is not only
on the environment.
good for the planet; it’s
For example, using
good for your wallet. After
all, wasted energy is money
appliances in your
lost in monthly utility bills.
home can significantly
Numerous factors influence
reduce greenhouse gas
a home’s energy efficiency,
emissions. According
or lack thereof. Air leaks,
to a recent study
outdated appliances or
sponsored by the
inefficient heating and cooling systems can all negatively impact
Propane Education & Research Council, propane-powered
your home’s energy usage.
furnaces emit 73 percent fewer greenhouse gases than
Structural improvements
electricity. Similarly, propane-powered storage water heaters
Correcting any structural issues can go a long way toward
emit approximately 39 percent less greenhouse gas than electric
making your home more efficient. Give your home a thorough inspection to identify and repair leaks and cracks around windows, doors and duct work. Remember that poorly sealed attics and basements are also common culprits of energy loss. Appliances and major systems
storage models. For more information about using propane and propanepowered appliances in your home, visit Green upgrades Shopping smart to incorporate high-efficiency appliances
Upgrading your appliances and temperature control
and electronics into your home is just a first step. There are
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many other ways you can make such products even more sustainable: • Rely on LED light bulbs, which use a
has a green message on its label. Ultimately, it’s important to consider all aspects of the product’s development, from
fraction of the energy and last significantly
research and manufacturing to packaging and
longer than traditional bulbs.
distribution. For example, an earth-friendly
• Use light timers to turn off lights when they aren’t needed. • Make a habit of powering off lights and other electronics when you leave the room. • Set a programmable thermostat to
cleanser packaged in a bottle using recycled plastic is more green than one that is not. Recycle like a pro Living green isn’t just about saving energy. Sustainable living also means putting
adjust temperatures when you’re away from
earth-friendly practices in place throughout
your home, such as recycling. With these tips
• Wash only full loads of laundry, and use cold water when possible. • Air-dry dishes, rather than using the heated drying cycle of the dishwasher.
you can make recycling easier for the whole family. • Establish collection bins to make it easy to gather all your recycling in one place. The
Buying Green
number of bins you need depends on your
Understanding just what makes a product
city’s guidelines for sorting. If no sorting is
green can be confusing. According to the U.S.
required, a single bin will do. Otherwise, use
Environmental Protection Agency, greener
different colored bins to make it simple to sort
products are those that are shown to have less
paper, aluminum, glass, etc.
health or environmental impacts than similar products that have the same function.
• Most families find the kitchen is a primary source of recyclable goods. If space is
The EPA has made it easy to identify
at a premium, keep a smaller collection bin in
earth-friendly cleaning supplies by introducing
the kitchen that can be easily transported to
a Design for the Environment label that
a sorting station in a larger area, such as the
designates products deemed safer for personal
health and the environment. Other categories of green products may
• Don’t forget to recycle in other rooms, too. Many common bathroom items, such
be harder to identify. You can rely on EPA
as shampoo and soap bottles, and even
labeling programs such as ENERGY STAR for
cardboard toilet paper tubes, can be recycled.
household items such as windows, doors and
• Remember that recycling can also
many major appliances, and WaterSense for
come in other forms, like donating unwanted
water-specific products such as toilets, faucets
clothing to charity or using leftover water
and showerheads.
to quench thirsty plants or freshen the dog’s
When evaluating whether a product is
“green,” be wary of eco-labels, which are
• Be sure to rinse away any food or liquid
not regulated and may contain misleading
residue from containers to manage odors and
information designed to downplay a product’s
keep your recycling area tidy and odor free.
true impact. The Federal Trade Commission created the Green Guides to set standards for truth in advertising; however, there is broad
• Maximize your bin space by compressing cans and bottles. Source: Family Features
scope, and consumers may still need to do some research to understand why a package
May 2015
tips & tricks for herb gardening An herb garden is a wonderful thing. Herbs can be grown indoors or outdoors. Indoors has the advantage of a year-long growing season as well as ease of use (no heading outside to weed!). The disadvantage of growing herbs indoors is that they are generally less productive and less flavorful. Of course, the opposite
8. Add comfrey to the compost pile. Its leaves are rich in nitrogen and help break down organic materials. 9. Mints need more water than most herbs. They want fairly moist but not soggy soils. 10. Mulching around herbs will discourage weeds and maintain the moisture level of the soil.
is true for plants grown outside — more work, but higher yields and, generally,
11. In many cases, adding garden
more flavor. Whether you choose the
compost to the upper surface of the soil in
great outdoors or the window sill in your
the spring is all the fertilization herbs will
kitchen, the needs of your herbs are
need for the year. 12. If you’re interested in companion
the same: plenty of sunshine and good, well-draining soil. Try the following tips
planting, try basil next to tomatoes. It really
and tricks to keep your herb garden going
helps to slow down the bugs. 13. In general, collect herbs for
cooking right before they flower. This is
1. To encourage parsley to sprout
when they have the most flavor.
more rapidly, soften the seeds by soaking
14. Seeds often take longer to dry
them overnight in warm water.
than the leaves, up to 2 weeks for larger
2. Thyme plants should be started from seed every two to three years. Older
seeds. Place seed heads on dry paper cloth.
plants are poor in quality for cooking or
When they really start to dry out, rub the
other uses.
seeds gently between your palms removing dirt and hulls. Then spread the clean
3. Harvest mint often to encourage vigorous growth — but grow it in a
seeds in thin layers on cloth or paper until
container or it will take over your garden.
completely dry. 15. Another way you can dry herb
4. The best time to harvest herbs is
seeds is by hanging the plant upside down
early in the morning on a sunny day.
inside a paper bag (make sure its paper!
5. Make successive plantings of
Plastic will hinder drying). The bag will catch the seeds as they dry
chervil if you want to harvest it all summer. 6. Rubbing lavender leaves with your hands can remove strong
and fall from the pod. 16. When storing herbs, don’t use a paper or cardboard
odors, like garlic or onion. 7. Many herbs like dill and sage self sow if the flowers are not
container. This material, over time, will absorb all of the aromatic flavor.
17. If you don’t trust your seed-starting skills, one of the best places to get organically started herbs and other transplants is your
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local farmers market. Quite often the person selling them is the person who grew them in the first place. 18. Anise and basil are just some of the herbs known to attract beneficial insects to your garden. 19. Herbs are a great candidate for your first foray into formal gardening. Try an English knot garden with your favorites. 20. Do not use garden soil as a potting mix in containers. It may drain poorly and is likely to contain insects, diseases and weed seeds. Reprinted courtesy of Planet Natural. has been providing products for a healthy home, lawn and garden since 1991.
May 2015
area farmers markets invite you to meet your farming neighbors by Karen Gilchrist In an article appearing in the National Journal just one year ago, the number of farmers markets, according to the Agriculture Department, almost doubled from 2008 to 2013, increasing from 4,685 to 8,144 – a pretty impressive increase, given that only about 1,755 farmers markets existed in the U. S. in 1994. And the “value of the food sold at farmers markets rose from about $1 billion in 2005 to nearly $7 billion in 2012,” according to the Farm Futures website.1 That’s a lot of tomatoes. Many factors can account for the increased interest in farmers markets, starting with the locavore movement and people focused on consuming food produced locally rather than sourced from great distances. Consumers cite additional reasons, including the desire to buy a wide variety of very fresh and even organic produce, to meet the farmers who produce their food and to engage in a family-friendly social event that builds community. The Sandhills Area is blessed with bountiful opportunities to purchase farm-fresh produce and meats, whether from an established farmers or roadside market, consumer-supported agriculture organization (CSA) or directly from the farm. Local residents can find two well-established markets in Lee and Moore counties. The Sanford Farmers Market, established in 1975, takes place on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon in May 2015
downtown Sanford at Depot Park, opening the first Saturday in April and closing in November. Beginning in July, the market will also be open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Enrichment Center on Third Street. Joe Andrews, Public Information Officer for the market, notes that vendors must live within a 75-mile radius of Sanford and must grow or make their own products. “We have a variety of seasonable vegetables,” said Andrews. “Right now we have hot house tomatoes, asparagus, green onions, lettuce, farm fresh eggs, pork and baked goods. The prices are about the same as you would expect to pay at a nicer grocery store.” Along with meat and vegetables, the market also offers handmade soap. Andrews explained that the market grew a whole lot last year. “We made a concerted effort to expand the market.” The market presently has 45 vendors who pay $25 a year and $5 a week to offset the cost of parking. “We are looking for new members, and we’re open to other crafts. The sellers must make them, of course. Periodically the market hosts live music, and we are open to nonprofits setting up to discuss causes as long as they are not political. So if a church group wanted to have a bake sale or a choir wanted to perform, they can’t just show up, but they can schedule it with me,” Andrews said. Interested vendors can email The Sanford Farmers Market Facebook page lists available products as well as highlights
members. Call 919.343.8440 for more information. Moore County residents have several options for market day, including the Moore County Farmers Market ( moorecountyfarmersmarket) and Sandhills Farmers Market ( The Moore County Farmers Market has existed in some iteration since 1976, when it was open six days a week. It moved to one of its present sites in 1999, the National Guard Armory on Morganton Road in Southern Pines, for Thursday’s market, which is open year round from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In 2007, the market added the First Health hospital location in Pinehurst on Mondays from 2 to 5 p.m., and in 2008, the Downtown Park location in Southern Pines on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Harry Webster, who has managed the market since 2006, noted that the market has grown considerably. “We started with five vendors on Thursday. We now have 36 and no physical space to add more. We went from five vendor days a week to 40 vendor days a week” (not all vendors attend all three markets). Vendors, who must grow their products within 50 miles of downtown Southern Pines, pay $30 a year membership fee and $6 a week to cover insurance, the annual meeting, the expense associated with accepting SNAP benefits, advertising and contributions to some improvements of Downtown Park. Among the products sold at the market are fruits and vegetables; grass-fed beef and lamb; pastured pork and chicken; fresh eggs; goat cheese; baked and canned goods; local honey; cut flowers; herb, flower and vegetable plants; jewelry, birdhouses and other crafts. “We have been doing the SNAP program for three years. We also do the WIC program. Once a month at the Saturday market, we have a local chef do a cooking demonstration using local products. And we have a musician each Saturday.” Like many farmers markets, the MCFM offers a family-friendly environment that encourages community. A recent addition in 2009 to available markets in Moore County is the Sandhills Farmers Market in Pinehurst (, held on Saturdays 20
from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. and Wednesdays 3 to 6 p.m. in the Village of Pinehurst parking lot April 15-September 15 this year. Among the items listed on the market’s Facebook page as seasonally available are “local strawberries, asparagus, greens, broccoli, peaches, corn, okra, peppers, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, onions, peas green beans, squash, organic blueberries, blackberries, muscadines, beets, pasture-raised pork, beef and chicken, free-range eggs, artisanal baked goods, jams, jellies, plants, herbs, flowers, honey, furniture, photography, bird houses, trellises, goat's milk soaps, kiln fired pottery and more.” For more information, call Carla St. Germaine at 910.687.0377. Fayetteville in Cumberland County hosts its City Market (, 910.433.1944) at 325 Franklin Street at the Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local History Museum on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Products include “local produce and artisans, blended teas, handmade pottery, soaps, soy candles, glass beaded jewelry, hand-blown glass, tie dyes, crystals, water colors, custom designs, cookies, muffins, specialty coffee, music and more. Additionally, the Fayetteville Farmers Market Association, some of whose members also sell at the City Market, has hosted pop-up market sites on Ramsey Street and once a month on Fort Bragg to coincide with a free 5k walk/run. Just recently, the head of the Fayetteville Farmers Market Association, Vince Evans, announced plans to locate a market on North Ramsey Street near the Fayetteville Outer Loop where farmers could sell produce every day.2 In addition to the markets listed here to explore, one can find other market, farm or roadside stands via Internet search of sites such as Farmers Market Directory Search, http:// aspx; Local Harvest, or North Carolina Farm Fresh, asp. (Note: Not all sites are regularly updated by the farms or markets, so be sure to double check to ensure the market or farm is still open.) Good food – and more – awaits your locavore adventure. Search for Farmers Markets in Your Area: • Farmers Market Directory Search, farmersmarkets/default.aspx • Local Harvest, • North Carolina Farm Fresh, Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime resident of Southern
May 2015
sustainable neighbors "MAKING SUSTAINABLE ATTAINABLE" by Karen Gilchrist When one thinks of our Sandhills area, especially in light of our recent and rather damp spring, desert is not a word that might easily come to mind. In its more familiar usage, desert invokes images of hot, dry and dusty dunes; parched lips and mirages. No doubt our region has endured some drought conditions in the past, but certainly not desert-like. However, another type of desert is far too common in parts of the Sandhills – and beyond: a food desert. According to the USDA, “Food deserts are defined as urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. Instead of supermarkets and grocery stores, these communities may have no food access or are served only by fast food restaurants and convenience stores that offer few healthy, affordable food options. The lack of access contributes to a poor diet and can lead to higher levels of obesity and other diet-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease (http://apps.ams. Marsha Howe, founder and director of Sustainable Neighbors and originally from California, “where more than a third of our food grows, and it’s easier to get stuff,” had never been to the East Coast. “It’s been an adventure,” she said. “When I came here, that was the first time I really understood what a food desert was. The whole area of Fayetteville is a food desert. “I came for a visit, but when I got here, I got connected. I was looking for people who thought like I did, interested in great food that we create ourselves. So that’s why I put up the Meetup page ( And as this has evolved, we are all sort of looking for each other, wherever we are.” Howe’s goal, as detailed on the Sustainable Neighbors
May 2015
Spence Family Farm is a regular at the Murchison Road Community Farmers Market website (, “is the healing of people, the land and the local economy through consumer education, sustainable growing practices and the development of profitable local ‘plot to plate’ enterprises. She is dedicated to the education of consumers and local growers for increased access and consumption of local, naturally grown, seasonal foods as a catalyst for healthier families.” “Our tag line is ‘Making Sustainable Attainable’ because I really feel that we all can take strides to be more sustainable,” said Howe. “It doesn’t have to be that hard to make the changes, and truly, real food heals – the only real help we have, not prescription medicine to treat symptoms. We need a
Born out of a love for deep transformation and service, Southern Pines Yoga Co. is committed to meeting you where you are and taking you forward to where and who you want to be. We value all schools of yoga and aim to offer classes and workshops accessible for people in all stages in life. Classes offered seven days a week.
169 Beverly Lane, Southern Pines, NC 28387 The Shops of Southern Pines ~ Next to The Fresh Market 910.246.0065 •
So far the market has six farmers participating pretty lifestyle of adding and increasing and loving and enjoying over consistently, and Howe notes that most are growing without real whole food. I feel that it’s a simple answer. I’m convinced regular applications of pesticides. FSU hopes to do training that’s the way it is, to know where our food comes from, to for farmers who want to learn more and become successful. grow it or get it from someone locally who grows it.” “The market wants cleaner food, and it’s cheaper to do organic Howe started Sustainable Neighbors in January 2012. “It’s practices,” said Howe. just a great group of people “It’s really unique. that have come together, Our goal is to have small groups of people most farmers right here offer of the time, but I think what food that they grew or we’ve put up is inspiring that another local farmer people, whether they get to with whom they work the Meetup or not, just to grew so that we can visit be thinking about the things the farm and know what’s that they can do in their going on.” Sustainable own yard, and have a new Neighbors is basically a relationship with food.” piece of that education, Howe’s mission is working with farmers, “to educate, connect and growing a program. nourish…then healing And Howe doesn’t happens.” Included in worry that there could be the group’s activities are too many farmers markets small-scale urban farming in the Fayetteville area. workshops and garden “There’s plenty of tours, Kitchen Table Wisdom Jim's Bees produces local honey and sells it at the Murchison Road room for more popcooking workshops, Farm up farmers markets in Hands workdays, survival skills Community Farmers Market. Fayetteville because they classes and more. One of are convenient to neighborhoods, and so I could see that we the exciting outcomes of her connecting with neighbors is the would never have a problem having enough space.” Murchison Road Farmers Market, which opens on Wednesday, As Howe states on the Sustainable Neighbors website, May 13, from10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will feature weekly cooking “We are all about connecting and building a truly local food demos. system here in Fayetteville. When our priorities value people “It was actually started by students at FSU (Fayetteville and the planet, the profits reach far beyond just financial State University) who realized they were in a food desert,” economics to reap lasting generational benefits for community Howe said, “and one of them was going to be graduating, and resilience.” she lived in that neighborhood her whole life, and when she became more aware of that, a few of them got together, and Karen Gilchrist is a writer, yoga instructor and longtime resident of they had some great staff at school.” Southern One staff member in particular who “helped these students really get together,” compared the excitement that she felt to feeling as though “my hair was on fire!” Howe knew EXPLORE: exactly what she meant. Sustainable Neighbors “That’s kind of what happened to me. I am passionate PO Box 58541, Fayetteville, NC 28305 about educating people, to get to solutions. It’s been a privilege, being in a working group as a community. FSU is 910.817.0083 collaborating with other partners to help get it running and keep it running. The market received an $80,000 grant to keep it going, and a big piece of that grant is to go into the neighborhood and educate.” 22
May 2015
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resource guide ANIMAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic Offering affordable spay and neuter for the Sandhills area. Call for an appointment, 910.692.3499 (FIXX), 5071 US Hwy 31, Vass. Donate at Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming. Your neighborhood pet store with full service grooming, self wash room, grain free foods, treats, toys and more. 910.860.1200, 1216 Ft. Bragg Rd., Fayetteville. CHILDREN & EDUCATION The Griffin Academy: A Montessori Learning Experience. The only nonparochial, non-profit Montessori school serving students in Harnett and Lee County. Now enrolling for Fall 2015. Moving to the Spout Springs area of Western Harnett County! 919.499.1032, CHIROPRACTIC CARE Southern Pines Chiropractic, Dr. Joseph Wahl. Offering full-service chiropractic care, licensed massage therapists and nutritional counseling. 361 N. Bennett St., Southern Pines. 910.692.5207, www., COLON HYDROTHERAPY Pure Phoenix Cleanse & Wellness Center, offering Colon Hydrotherapy and Ionic Foot Detox. 305 Owen Dr., Fayetteville. 910.849.8891, purephoenixcleanse@ ESSENTIAL OILS Joy Crowe, Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils. IPC# 1318413. 910.551.2883, Kelli Edwards, Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils. IPC#446470.
910.644.2307, detoxdiva EVENT PLANNING Indigo Earth Events, LLC - Party Sustainably! Offering "green" event styling, custom decor, rentals for weddings/social/corporate events. By appointment, 910.638-8322, www. EYE HEALTH Cape Fear Eye Associates offers complete eye and vision care — from children’s eye exams and pediatric eye muscle surgery to cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment and LASIK. 1726 Metro Medical Dr., Fayetteville. 910.484.2284 or 800.829.2284, HEALTH & FITNESS First Health Fitness, 170 Memorial Dr., Pinehurst. 910.715.1800, Corinne Henderson, Independent Representative for Advocare, offering energy, weight-loss, nutrition and sports performance products. 508.954.6415, Living Balance Studios, Offering Yoga, Pilates, PiYo, Yoga Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage. 201 S. McPherson Church Rd., Ste. 225, Fayetteville. 434.409.6415,,, GARDENING Independent Dealer for AGGRAND all natural & organic fertilizer products. Studies show 25% - 33% increase of growth. Great for farms, golf courses, orchards, and vineyards. Call for more info (800)781-8840 or info@ Visit www. for great business opportunities. HEALTH & WELLNESS Guiding Wellness, Inc., Wellness Consulting~Holistic Life Coaching and Therapy. "A holistic-centered therapeutic environment committed to the discovery, recovery and maintenance of living in balance." 3710 Morganton Rd., Ste. 110, Fayetteville. 910.864.6257, MASSAGE THERAPISTS Michael Edwards, Intuitive Energetic Healer at Deeproots Bodywork, 5004 Spruce Dr., Fayetteville. 910.644.5181 ReNewU Wellness Spa, Gina Allen, L.M.T. # 6737, Specializing in Russian Medical & Deep Tissue Massage. Check our facebook page for menu of services and specials. 100B Wicker St., Sanford. 910.964.3194, ReNewYouWellnessSpaSalon Sandhills Therapeutic Effects, Amie O'Connor, LMBT. 237 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. 919.478.5647, www.facebook. com/sandhillstherapeuticeffects, NATURAL FOODS Nature's Own Natural Foods Market offers a wide selection of natural, organic and herbal food products, teas and remedies, hard-to-find herbs, roots and spices, supplements & more. The Kitchen lunch counter and Juice Bar. 195 Bell Ave., Southern Pines. 910.692.3811, NATURAL PARENTING Natasha Doula Birth Marks. Trained, licensed and certified Birth and Postpartum Doula. Also offering Prenantal
May 2015
resource guide
and Postnatal Yoga Summer 2015. 214.206.6046, NatashaDoulaServices@,
2nd Floor, Suite 332-334, Fayetteville. 910.484.9098,,
Prana Doula, Ashley Keith, RPYT, CD, LCCE, Lamaze-certified birth doula, childbirth education & pregnancy yoga. 222 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. 910.585.4084,
VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS Whole-food based nutrition, through Juice Plus+, including juice powder concentrates from 25 different fruits, vegetables and grains. And grow your own good health with the Tower Garden! and
Sugar Plums Mom, Cloth diapers, nursing supplies, slings and wraps, toys & more. 910.684.8016, 222 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. NATURAL SKINCARE Call Sandhills Naturally to list your business here. 910.551.2883 PRODUCE DELIVERY Sandhills Farm to Table. Eat fresh, locally grown produce. Now taking subscriptions for spring co-op boxes. 910.722.1623,, RESTAURANTS Call Sandhills Naturally to list your business here. 910.551.2883 SUSTAINABLE LIVING Sustainable Sandhills is a nonprofit on a mission to preserve the environment of the Sandhills through education, demonstration and collaboration through four core program areas: Clean Air, Clean Water, Green Schools, Green Business. 351 Wagoner Dr.,
May 2015
WOMEN'S HEALTH & WELLNESS Baby+Company Cary Birth Center Personalized out-of-hospital birth and maternity care. Preconception & Well Woman Care. Educational and wellness opportunities from Breastfeeding Basics to Prenatal Yoga. Call to schedule a free tour and consultation. 226 Asheville Ave., Cary. 919-852-1053, info@babyandcompany. com, YOGA STUDIOS Bikram Yoga. 190 Bell Ave., Southern Pines. 910.246.2007, Southern Pines Yoga Company, 169 Beverly Lane, Southern Pines. 910.246-0054, 639.1089, 910.
WRITING & EDITING SERVICES Plays with Words: Writing, editing and proofreading. Over 25 years' experience. Karen Gilchrist, 910.638.6397, This Resource Guide is a directory of local natural health and wellness practitioners and supporters of green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in our Resource Guide, call Joy at 910-551-2883 or email joy@
Come Grow With Us. Thank you for reading our publication! Do you have a local business that could benefit from reaching 20,000 people each month — those that share your interest in natural health and wellness and sustainable living? If so, we'd like to help you. For more information, call 910-551-2883.
calendar of events • may
FRIDAY Celebrate National Public Gardens Day with free admission to the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. This annual event was created to raise awareness of the important role botanical gardens and arboreta play both in their community and on a national level. Download this special admission coupon at and show the coupon for admission. Cape Fear Botanical Garden, 536 North Eastern Blvd., Fayetteville. 910.486.0221, www.
SATURDAY Nature Tales: Are You My Mother? 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Our FREE preschool story and nature time is presented in partnership with Cumberland County Public Library. Two sessions: 9:3010:30 a.m. session is for two- to four year-olds; the 10:30-11:30a.m. is for five- and six-year-olds. Pre-registration is required. Register online or by phone: 910.486.0221. Cape Fear Botanical Garden, 536 North Eastern Blvd., Fayetteville. 910.486.0221, www.
great music. For more info check out or
tree, and have birthday cake afterwards! Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167
Hiking With Your Canine Companion, 2 p.m. Hiking with a dog is different than hiking with another person. Join K9 Obedience Trainer and Natural Canine Behavior Specialist DJ Wright for a fun and educational program on pet etiquette in parks including Raven Rock State Park. Dogs are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meet at the Amphitheatre behind the Visitor Center. Raven Rock State Park, 3009 Raven Rock Rd., Lillington. 910.893.4888
FRIDAY Basic Orienteering and Map Reading, 2 p.m. When the first explorers came to this land came hundreds of years ago, they needed a skill set that involved being able to navigate the land. Come and learn some basic orienteering and map reading skills that you can use everywhere you go. Bring a compass. Meet at the Visitor Center. Raven Rock State Park, 3009 Raven Rock Rd., Lillington. 910.893.4888 or raven.rock@
SATURDAY Holistic Health Summit & Expo, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Featuring keynote speakers Dr. Sanjiv Chopra and Dr. Andrew Shatté. Demonstrations and presentations on yoga,Tai Chi, meditation, acupuncture, natural herbs and spices. Free event but seats are limited. Register at Charlie Rose Agri-Expo Center, 1960 Coliseum Dr., Fayetteville.
SUNDAY Mother's Day Wildflower Walk, 3 p.m. April showers bring May flowers. So bring Mom out to celebrate her day with a walk through the woods to see what's blooming this time of year. We'll hike for about a mile, so bring water, sunscreen, bugspray and the whole family. Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167
Sense Hike: In celebration of National Kids to Parks day, children and parents will have a chance to experience nature using 4 out of 5 of your senses here at the park. What can you hear? What can you see? What can you smell? 6-7 p.m. Please meet in front of the park office. Carvers Creek State Park, 2505 Long Valley Rd., Spring Lake. 910.436.4681
Second Sunday in Downtown Sanford, 12-4 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of music, vendors and fun! Browse along the streets of downtown Sanford where you will find some of our local businesses open and some of your favorite vendors present. While shopping, listen to some
SUNDAY Party for the Pine! 3 p.m. Come celebrate the birthday of the World's Oldest Known Living Longleaf Pine! 467 Years Old! We will meet at the Visitor Center, then carpool (4 miles) to the Boyd Tract where we will celebrate with a guided Park Ranger visit to the
SUNDAY Woodpeckers of Weymouth, 3 p.m. Throughout the year you might see 8 different species of woodpeckers at the park. Learn how to tell them all apart and what makes each one unique. We’ll start inside for a presentation and then go outside for a short walk to see these awesome birds. Bring binoculars! Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167 3 Mile History Hike: 5-7 p.m. We will be walking and exploring the historical Rockefeller farm buildings not yet open to the public. Bring a bottle of water and your walking shoes! Please meet in front of the park office for this event. Carvers Creek State Park, 2505 Long Valley Rd., Spring Lake. 910.436.4681
THURSDAY Spring Concert Series at the Garden featuring Connie McCoy Rogers & Mo Jazz. Gates open at 6 p.m. Entertainment begins at 6:30 p.m. Bring your family, friends, chairs or a blanket. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Garden Members: FREE; General Admission: $10; Military (with May 2015
calendar of events • may ID): $9; Adults 65 & Older: $9; Children ages 6-12: $5; Children 5 and under: FREE. Cape Fear Botanical Garden, 536 North Eastern Blvd., Fayetteville. 910.486.0221,
able to grasp and hold safety handles. Reservations are required. For more information, call 910.433.1547. Clark Park & Nature Center, 631 Sherman Dr., Fayetteville.
Rockefeller House Tours: Call for dates and times of Tours of the Rockefeller House. Staff will be leading a free historical tour through Mr. Rockefeller’s winter get-away. The park staff will be leading 10 people through at a time. You must sign up in advance for the tours. If you need a ride to the Rockefeller House, you must attend the Tuesday tour. Carvers Creek State Park, 2505 Long Valley Rd., Spring Lake. 910.436.4681
FRIDAY Canoe Hike: 5-7 p.m. Come and join us to learn the basics of canoeing and to then use those skills to maneuver through the cypress swamp. Please sign up with the park office. Only 10 will be allowed to sign up. We will meet at the Rain Shelter. Carvers Creek State Park, 2505 Long Valley Rd., Spring Lake. 910.436.4681
SATURDAY All About Invasives,1:30 p.m. Are there such things as “bad” plants? What’s an “exotic” species? How can adding new plants to our environment actually hurt biodiversity? Delve into the world of non-native, invasive plants. Optional hike to identify runaway invaders along the Holly Road trail will follow (a brief drive may be required). Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167
SUNDAY Snakes of the Sandhills, 3 p.m. Snakes are creatures of great beauty that inspire awe and caution. Join us to learn about the various snake species found in the Sandhills. We will have live specimens to view and learn about. Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve, 1024 Ft. Bragg Rd., Southern Pines. 910.692.2167 • ONGOING EVENTS & EXHIBITS • Cape Fear River Trail Golf Cart Tours. For seniors and persons with permanent limited physical abilities, interpretive golf cart tours along the Cape Fear River Trail are available for individuals or groups of up to five people. Riders must be
May 2015
Every Wednesday night, Kirtan Night at Breathing Space, 1404 Raeford Rd., Fayetteville. 910.977.4476, 7:30-9 p.m. It's free, and it's fun. Every Wednesday night, Wisdom Wednesday Services, 6:30-8 p.m., Center for Spiritual Living, Cliffdale Library, Fayetteville. 910.644.6608. Every Thursday, 9 a.m. Hike for Your Health at Raven Rock State Park. Must be able to hike 2 to 5 miles on trails that can be flat, hilly and include steps. Ages 12 and up. Please call 910.893.4888 to register. Second Thursday of each month. Naturalist Thursdays. Curious about nature? Kids 12 and under who attend 4 or more different naturalist programs at any park will receive a “Junior Naturalist” award. Call to register. All ages; 3:304:30 p.m.; Free. J. Bayard Clark Park & Nature Center, 631 Sherman Dr, Fayetteville. 910.433.1579 Every 4th Friday, 6-10 p.m., Downtown Fayetteville. 4th Friday is a true celebration of the arts and downtown
Fayetteville. fourthmain.php 910.323.1776 Every Saturday, Noon-4 p.m. Free Wine Tasting, Elliotts Provision Company, 905 Linden Rd., Pinehurst. 910.255.0665. Every Sunday at 1 p.m., Free Piedmont Biofuels Tours, Lorax Lane, Pittsboro. Tours are of the biodiesel plant and begin promptly. Rain or shine. • FARMERS MARKETS • Fayetteville City Market, Wednesdays 2-6 p.m.; Saturdays 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Fourth Friday 6-10 p.m. Fayetteville Transportation & Local History Museum Grounds, Fayetteville. www.facebook. com/CityMarketAtTheMuseum 910.433.1457 Murchison Road Community Farmers Market, Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., parking lot at Bronco Square (across from Fayetteville State University), Fayetteville. Sanford Farmer's Market, Every Saturday, 9 a.m.-Noon, Depot Park, Sanford. Tuesdays, 10 a.m. -Noon at the Enrichment Center on 3rd St. All products locally grown or hand crafted! 919.343.8440 Moore County Farmers Market, Thursdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., year round at The Armory Sports Complex, 604 W. Morganton Rd., Southern Pines; Mondays, 2-5 p.m. at First Health in Pinehurst; Saturdays, 8 a.m.-Noon, Downtown Park in Southern Pines. Sandhills Farmers Market, Saturdays 10 a.m.-1 p..m., Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m., at the Village of Pinehurst parking lot. Items are accepted for the calendar on a space-available basis. Please send the information on your free event to joy@ for consideration. 27
It takes 10 calories of fossil-fuel1 energy to produce a single calorie of modern supermarket food! Switch to fresh snacks and ingredients for a lighter “foodprint”—your tastebuds and your planet will thank you.
Foods grown organically skip the pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth hormones and are not genetically modified!2 Organic not only reduces greenhouse gas but it also builds carbon-storing soils.3
Fruits and veggies that are ripe & in-season have the most flavor and nutrients.4 By choosing these you are supporting a system that works with our Earth, not against it.
The average conventional food product travels 1,500 miles.5 Support your local food system with a CSA, trip to the farmer’s market, or look for signs at your local grocer. Coolest of all? Try growing your own.
MINIMIZE PAC KAG I N G Packaged foods may seem cheap, but in fact processing and packaging account for 26 cents of every food dollar.6 Opt out of oil-based plastics with fresh snacks.
Shorten the journey from farm to you! Eating whole, real foods provides your body with energy while reducing energy-intensive production methods.
Feed people not landfills by cooking what you need, loving your leftovers, and composting what’s left. Food makes up 21% of waste going into municipal landfills creating planetwarming Methane gas (CH4).7
Animal confinement operations (beef, poultry, pork & dairy) contribute to air and water contamination8 as well as to CH4, N2O, and CO2 emissions.9 Reduce your intake, and select organic, grass-fed products.
1.; 2.; 3.; 4.; 5.; 6.; 7.; 8.; 9.
May 2015