Immigration, Refugees, and citizenship Canada (IRCC) has updated the requirements in order for the applicants, which allow grandparents and parents of Canadian Permanent residents to come to Canada as visitors for a longer period through SSSS Immigration. The super visa allows multiple entries to Canada for up to 10 years. The difference between Super Visa and Visitor visa, the Super Visa allows you to stay in Canada for up to 2 years while a 10 year Visitor Visa holder only has 6 months per entry. Super Visa is a popular option for those immigrants who want to see their parents or grandparents for an extended period, as Canada helps them build a better future. While Canada offers The PGP which stands for Parent and Grandparents Program. But the Parent and Grandparent Program is currently not taking new applications. So we would suggest our readers see the Super Visa as a backup. The applicants must meet specific conditions which are set by the Visas office.
NEW REQUIREMENTS: Immigration officers consider a lot of things upon looking if the applicant can come to Canada. The applicant must be a visitor and MUST leave Canada after their visit.
Meet certain conditions. Be the grandparent or parent of a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident. An invitation from the host. Be allowed to enter Canada. The child or grandchild must meet the minimum income threshold.
By: SSSS Immigration