San Diego Center for Children - Impact Report - 2020-2021

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Impact Report 2020–2021

1 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 Mission Protect the joy of childhood. Prevent emotional suffering. Incite change. Vision Inspire a world where all children and families live joyful and healthy lives. MISSION & VISION We strive to: • Promote the early identification of mental, emotional, and behavioral health challenges • Improve access to a comprehensive continuum of therapeutic and educational services to youth and families in need regardless of ability to pay • Provide evidence-based, trauma informed and culturally responsive holistic services • Support at-risk youth during their transition to adulthood Last year, we were able to empower the lives of 10,982 youth and family members through our nationally accredited mental health and educational services. Thank you for helping us continue our legacy as San Diego’s oldest children’s nonprofit. The generosity from our partners in the community allows us to continue to work with youth and families to overcome mental, emotional and behavioral health challenges by providing them with the necessary therapeutic and educational services to be successful.


Youth mental health indicators are moving in the wrong direction and have become a national crisis, and we are seeing the manifestations in all of our programs. Not only are we hearing from more families seeking help, but our staff is reporting a significant increase in the severity of the problems presented by the youth we serve. We are making every effort to meet the increasing demand and are thankful to our supporters who contribute in such meaningful ways to help further our mission.

The Pandemic has unveiled and magnified the pediatric mental health crisis our communities had already been experiencing. The need for the services the Center provides has never been greater. We are grateful for the support we receive as we redouble our efforts to provide quality, responsive and accessible care to the many youth and families in need. With the support of our community, the Center has been providing hope and healing for 134 years. We will continue to work to expand and build upon our continuum of services to strengthen the many children and families who are struggling with mental health challenges that have been exacerbated by the Pandemic.


Dear Friends and Supporters, As a partner and supporter of the Center, you know firsthand that it has continued to be a challenging time for so many and we are very concerned.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Together we will create the necessary change to have a lasting impact on the community we serve.

With Gratitude, Moisés Barón, Ph.D. Jacqueline Greulich president & ceo chairperson of the board of trustees

3 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 95% of youth were discharged to a lower or same level of care after treatment 100% family involvement during youth treatment 94% of youth avoided hospitalizationpsychiatric 24% of the youth we served are foster youth 10,982 youth and family members empoweredwere Our Impact Youth Served by Gender Ages 0-21 45% Female 51% Male 4% Other La Mesa Carlsbad SanSerraMarcosMesa Spring Valley Escondido Linda Vista Main Campus El Cajon Over 25 Master’s and Doctoral graduate students from 15 programs participated in our professional training programs in the areas of psychology, counseling, special education and social work. Youth Served by Race/Ethnicity Ages 0-21 39% CAUCASIAN 26% LATINX12% AFRICAN-AMERICAN 2%4%UNKNOWNASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER 1% AMERICAN-INDIAN16%OTHER/MULTI-RACIAL Our 8 Program Sites Every zip code in San Diego County • Receive referrals from throughout California • Contract with every School District in the County

n June of 2020 the Center embarked in a process to review and enhance our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices as an organization. A campuswide committee with broad representation was created to generate goals and recommendations to help us become a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable agency.IntheSpring of 2021, the IDEA committee created two separate workgroups to advance our DEI goals. One group focused on Recruitment and Retention while the second group focused on Training.

A diversity statement for SDCC was created and is now included in all postings for new positions.

• Board Development Committee initiated efforts to diversify Board of Trustees Training

• New Hire Orientation has been updated to include the Center’s DEI goals and expectations drafted new language to restate SDCC’s values which was approved by the IDEA Committee, Senior Staff, and then Ratified by the Board.

Compassion: SDCC encourages empathic practice for self and others by viewing all situations through a culturally humble and trauma informed lens.

SDCC Restated Values


• Black Staff Support Group was launched


Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Action

Initial Efforts on Recruitment and Retention

• A list of diversity and inclusion questions was developed to be used in recruitment of new staff


The IDEA Training Working Group made the recommendation to review our organizational values through a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The San Diego Center for Children has adopted the following values as the internal beliefs, ethics, and guiding morals to base all goals, objectives, interactions, and practices: Welcoming: SDCC promotes a positive, friendly, inviting environment where diversity is celebrated. Optimistic: SDCC focuses on the strengths of individuals and the communities we serve and builds on their successes while advocating for and modeling positive system change. Excellence: SDCC maintains a growth mindset, sets high standards, and holds us accountable in fulfilling best practices toward improving the lives of those we serve and our community, and promoting an antiracist and non-discriminatory environment. Wellness: SDCC promotes the health and well-being of the whole person and acknowledges the traumatic impact of adverse community environments, systemic oppression, and the need for diverse healing practices. Collaboration: SDCC promotes diverse representation in decision making by partnering with families, the community, and staff to reach common goals, empowerment, and equity for all.

5 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 Building In early 2020, amid the Pandemic, the San Diego Center for Children and Rady Children's Hospital initiated a partnership to launch much needed services in the San Diego community: Collaborative Care in Pediatric Practices, Intensive Family Services (for youth not having access to Wraparound through Specialty Mental Health), and an Intensive Outpatient Program. After one year, this pilot project was renewed given the positive outcomes during the first 12 months.


The Center provides a full range of in-person mental health services at 2 Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG) pediatric medical offices. Children and families identified by pediatricians in need of behavioral health services are referred to Center staff and interns embedded in those practices. Center staff conducts consultations, warm hand-offs, and timely screenings to identify the services that best meet the needs of youth and families. These services include: crisis intervention and stabilization, Family Needs Assessment and Family Action Plans, intake and therapeutic services, group therapy, case management and/or referrals to the appropriate level of care while providing support. Care in Pediatric Practices


Intensive Family Services (IFS)


Resilience AGE RANGE 7


IFS provides in-person and telehealth Wraparound services to families with the most significant challenges. Using a carefully designed and highly customized planning process, SDCC provides youth and families with support systems and relevant resources in their community and everyday environments with the ultimate goal to improve overall functioning and maintain youth in the least level of care. include: In-home assessment of youth and family needs; Goal setting for the entire family. Individualized and family-driven services provided in the community, home and/or school settings, or SDCC sites. Community-based case management, crisis prevention response, parent and youth coaching, therapy, and community linkage. to (36% female, 64% male)

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at SDCC is designed for youth ages 13-18 with significant mental health challenges. The program has been developed to meet the needs of youth discharged from more acute and/or restrictive levels of care such as hospitalization or residential, or as an option for those youth in need of more than traditional outpatient care. The IOP program is delivered at the Center’s main campus in Linda Vista three afternoons a week. In addition to the daily therapeutic groups for youth, a Multifamily Group is conducted on a weekly basis.


18% identified as LATINX 11 TOTALINTAKESNUMBER OF SERVICES PROVIDED: Average 91 service points per month, 13 per family each month PRIOR TO TREATMENT, these youth experienced a combined 36 hospitalizations during the 12 months prior to IFS WHILE IN IFS TREATMENT AND AFTER DISCHARGE , there have been only 4 hospitalizations AGE RANGE 12 to 18 years of age with an average age of 15.5 (79% FEMALE , 13% MALE , 8% TRANSGENDER) 23% identified as LATINX , 17% as ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER , and 6% as BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN 45 intakes 91% ATTENDANCE to treatment 89% successfully DISCHARGED to a lower level of care


Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

17 years of age with an average age of 12

Special Thanks ResMedSDG&E Foundation Rest Haven Children’s SoapyFund Joe’s Carwash


tudents who attend the San Diego Center for Children’s Academy have not had success learning in a traditional school setting due to behavior challenges and/or learning disabilities. A small student to teacher ratio and individual oneon-one instruction are important in helping to address the behavioral health challenges that significantly impact school performance for these students. During the Pandemic, the Academy transitioned to remote instruction and distance learning which greatly affected our students’ ability to learn. Challenges ranging from logging on to the computer and understanding how the camera works, to the internet not being available in all homes, students struggled to keep engaged and teachers worried about the consequences for future learning. The Academy was one of the first schools to return to in-person learning. As students returned to the classroom, the Academy saw a decrease in academic scores and an increase in negative classroom behavior. Thanks to generous support and partnerships, staff at the Academy’s intensive Math and Reading Lab were able to assess each student and identify their math and reading levels individually to address their specific need. The challenges are great but with the academictostudentsCentercommunity,supportivethestaffandcontinueworktowardsuccess.

Addressing the Loss of Learning

7 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021


Thanks to a generous challenge grant match from Price Philanthropies, the Center raised significant funds to support equity in education for San Diego’s most vulnerable.

The Center worked tirelessly to increase staffing and resources to provide the best chance for their academic success. However, providing these additional services came at a significant cost. The Center and Price Philanthropies partnered to create a challenge match grant for the community to help support the youth and the Center during this challenging time. Together, with our community supporters and partners, the challenge grant was successful in raising close to $300,000 in funds that directly supported foster youth education!


When the Pandemic began, foster youth receiving residential services from the Center began classes remotely from our facility. Given the significant needs of these youth, Center staff members needed to be physically present for supervision, emotional and behavioral support, technology and academic assistance to help them get through the virtual school day.

Partnering to support the mental, emotional, and educational needs of foster Resilienceyouth


The Fergusson Cottage is part of the Center’s Short-Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP), which provides 24/7 intensive care and oversight for at-risk children ages 6-18. The Center’s STRTP is the only licensed residential treatment program in the region for children ages 12 and under and serves youth with the most significant mental health needs. The vital improvements to the cottage were designed with the safety and security of children as a top priority. transition during COVID-19

Transition Aged Youth (TAY) at the Center helped in the dietary kitchen with food delivery and dish washing. Youth and staff also began planting and selling succulents during the Pandemic. Plant sales events took place on the Center’s main campus and all proceeds went to the Successful Transitions program which guides transition age youth in creating a personalized, meaningful plan for the future and building the skills and community connections they need to achieve their goals and well-being. These programs would not be possible without the help of the community. We are thankful for the continued support of In-N-Out Foundation, the JEM Project, Bank of America, and County of San Diego Board of Supervisors

The Center has not been immune to the workforce shortage experienced around the country. With safety the main priority in our residential treatment program, Center staff went above and beyond to maintain the proper coverage during this challenging time. Additionally, as outings and activities continued to be throughoutcancelledthe year, residential youth and staff found creative ways to be active, have fun and lend some extra helping hands in areas on the main campus.

The Center was delighted to have completed the muchneeded renovations to the Fergusson residential cottage in the fall of 2020. While the Pandemic delayed the occupancy and celebration of the newly renovated space, we are deeply grateful to the individuals, foundations, corporations and the County of San Diego who all contributed to help create a beautiful and safe space for youth to reside while receiving therapeutic treatment.

Maintaining and Enhancing a healing environment

9 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021


SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR CHILDREN 10  YOUR IMPACT It has been difficult for volunteers to physically be at the Center this past year, but that has not discourage them from getting involved. Our community continues to support the Center in very creative ways! Volunteers hosted community drives to collect supplies for our youth and staff, and food for families in need. Our volunteersamazing FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE OPPORTUNITIES AND TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED, PLEASE VISIT CENTERFORCHILDREN.ORGResilience

again May 9,


Reimagined134thAnniversaryCelebration once 2021

11 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 Cherishing the Joys of Childhood The Center’s 134th Anniversary Celebration once again took place virtually. With the help of our wonderful Honorary Chairs, Phyllis and David Snyder, the Center was able to successfully host this beloved annual event in a “reimagined” virtual format. Through video and technology, the Center was able to continue the tradition of highlighting our youth, families, and staff, as well as appreciate our generous supporters. This year's PATH Award recipient was Southwest Airlines and over $165,000 was raised to help support our programs and services countywide!

SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR CHILDREN 12  FUNDRAISINGEVENTS A experienceHolidayreimagined December 8, 2020 Resilience The Center hosted a reimagined and delightful holiday drive-thru toy collection. Guests experienced a decorated campus, tasty treats and photos with Mr. and Mrs. Claus all from their car! The holiday drive collected hundreds of toys, games and gift cards to help make the season bright for youth and families served by the Center.

13 IMPACT REPORT 2020-2021 Statement of Financial Position Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets 18,954,38818,954,3885,619,88313,334,505 20,019,40420,019,4048,707,35811,312,046$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6/30/2021 6/30/2020 Statement of Activities for June 30, 2021 FundraisingOverheadServices Total expenses 25,656,70923,067,5302,196,431392,748$ $ $ $ Expenses Fees for services - county & school districts Fees for services - non-government OtherFundraisingincome Total revenue and support 27,679,16819,385,9643,291,5521,563,3063,438,346$ $ $ $ $ Revenue and Support Change in net assets Net assets beginning of year Net assets end of year 13,334,50511,312,0462,022,459$ $ $ 8% Overhead90% Services 2% FundraisingExpenses70% Fee for servicescounty and school districts 6% Fundraising 12% Other income Financial Stability Revenue & Support12% Fee for servicesnon-government

SAN DIEGO CENTER FOR CHILDREN 14  Board of Trustees Jacqueline Greulich, Chairperson Student and Career Services Manager  University of San Diego School of Business  Gwynn Thomas, Vice-Chairperson Vice President HUB International Veronica Rubio, Treasurer  SeniorUmpqua Bank  VicePresident, Senior Private Wealth Advisor  Meg Schneider, Secretary Director of Development and AdvancementSt.MartinofTours Academy  Joseph Binning MEPCorPresidentInc. Stephanie Cone, MD Consultant,PediatricianThe JEM Project Foundation Lisa Goodman Vice President of Wealth Management Reilly Financial Advisors Mindy Mattison Speech and Language Pathologist, Retired Patricia Riley  Attorney at Law Marriage and Family Therapist Eliot Peters Managing Director RA Capital Advisors Dustin Sutton Real Estate and Business Development Founder,Manager Black Commercial Real Estate Network Barbara Ybarra Public Affairs Consultant Moisés Barón, Ph.D.,   President & CEO  San Diego Center for Children Advisory Council Jodie Brokowski, Esq. General Children’sCounselSpecialists of San Diego Tim Carter Director, Alternative Funding Solutions Employee Benefits Division Barney & Barney, Marsh & McLennan Agency Peter Kane Former San Diego Center for Children Board of Trustee Member Principal and Owner Kane HR Consulting Linda L. Katz Community Leader & Civic Activist Richard Kintz, Esq. CorporatePartner Practice Group Sheppard Mullin (of counsel) Angie Lasagna Community Volunteer James Lauer Attorney at Law Referee Juvenile Court (retired) Lidia S. Martinez PartneriAdelante! Strategies John Mattison, MD Operating Partner/Chief Medical Information Officer Arsenal Capital Partners Assistant Medical Director, Chief Health Information Officer, Emeritus Kaiser Permanente, Southern California Phyllis Snyder Active Community Leader Rest Haven Children’s Health Fund Rady Children’s Hospital Senior Leadership Moisés Barón, Ph.D. President & CEO Diana Landis Chief Financial Officer Cheryl Rode, Ph.D. Vice President of Clinical Operations Janelle Battaglia, LCSW Director of Business Development Kristin Carpenter Director of Human Resources Pam Hansen, LCSW Senior Director of Specialty Clinical Programs Misty Howard Director of Quality Assurance James McElroy, M.Ed. Principal of San Diego Center for Children Academy Ervey Salinas, LMFT Senior Director of Residential Programs Kristi S. Worley Director of Philanthropy Leadership Team

TRAUMA INFORMED ORGANIZATION Funding for a portion of our programs provided by the County of San Diego 3002 Armstrong Street, San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 277-9550

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