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Marketplace Shops
Each of the shops below features a collection of businesses under one roof.
Blissful Seeds
Plants the seeds of blissful lives for adults with disabilities through employment and entrepreneurship. Blissful Seeds is a storefront and online store selling arts and crafts made by people with Autism and other developmental disabilities.
14777 Pomerado Rd., Poway, CA 92064 203-695-4665; www.blissfulseeds.org
Plant it Again Marketplace
Recycles plants and materials while supporting adults with disabilities. Sells succulents, tillandsia arrangements, products and art from local artisans with disabilities.
8855 Balboa Ave. #A, SD, 92123 858-276-7314; www.plantitagain.org
Shop on site or online for handmade items created from recycled materials by talented resident artists. Community Contribution Center accepts donated quality recyclables and new art supplies.
3609 Fourth Ave., SD, 92103 619-994-3218; www.revisionsandiego.com
Sheri’s at Teri Campus of Life
Charming boutique stocks shelves with everything from specialty culinary treats and hummingbird feeders to gardening goodies and student artwork.
555 Deer Springs Rd., San Marcos, CA 92069 858-356-4546; www.teriinc.org/sherisunique-boutique
SMUSD ATP Opportunity Store
Thrift store run by students in San Marcos Unified Adult Transition Program. Also sells student-created art products.
442 West Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA 92069 760-752-1299; FB @SmusdOpportunitystoreatp
Sophie’s Gallery and Gift Shop
Features handmade items by artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Artwork for sale includes paintings, mosaics, jewelry, textile arts and ceramics.
2119 East Madison Ave., El Cajon, CA 92019 619-442-5129; www.stmsc.org/ specialization/sophies-gallery
Do you know of a business owned by a person with disabilities that is not listed here? Email information to specialneeds@sandiegofamily.com for possible future inclusion.