San Diego Family July 2024

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in every issue Inside articles Volume 43 • Number 4 • July 2024 Since 1982 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 42 YEARS 42 YEARS 42 YEARS 4 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024 10 Publisher’s Letter and Our San Diego Families San Diego Family staff share what having a retro summer means to them 12 Short & Sweet News | Notes | Tips 24 July Calendar SeaWorld Summer Spectacular, Fourth of July festivities and more family fun 14 How to Have a Retro Summer Iconic childhood games, nostalgic activities and more 16 Going for the Gold! Family fun with the Summer Olympics 18 Urban Hiking with Kids 7 adventurous walks through San Diego 22 The Toys of Summer 2 Products that encourage outdoor and water play 25 Celebrate with a Bang Where to see fireworks around town Summer Camp Guide Visit On the Cover: Five-year-old Avery of El Cajon looks forward to playing at the beach, going camping and setting up a lemonade stand in her front yard this summer. Cover photo: All Colors Photography SAN DIEGO FAMILY COVER KIDS WINNER
SeaWorld Photo courtesy of Bahia Resort Hotel Image credit:
July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 5

on the web

Get to know, where you’ll discover these articles and a plethora of awesomeness for parents.

Things to Do: Seasonal Happenings

• Celebrate July 4: Activities, Crafts & Recipes

Things to Do: Travel

• Family Road Trip: 6 fun stops along California’s Central Coast

For the Kids: Crafts for Kids

• Star-Spangled Sun Catcher

• Eiffel Tower Dot Painting

Can’t find what you’re looking for on our website? Enter key words in the search bar and browse our articles.

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To enter these contests, visit, go to “Contests,” then “This Month’s Contests.”

Rediscover the joy of play at Fleet Science Center’s Pause|Play exhibition! Dive into science, laughter and nostalgia with interactive stations that ignite curiosity for all ages. From the physics of swinging to the mystery of shadows, see what you can learn when you take the time to play. The Fleet Science Center is open from 10 am to 6 pm throughout July. Catch one of the amazing documentaries in the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater: Cities of the Future, Deep Sky, Blue Whales and for a limited time only, the return of Pandas

Enter for your chance to win a Household Membership Annual Pass or a family 4-pack of tickets to the Fleet Science Center. Contest ends July 31.

Do you have a budding golf enthusiast at home? Here’s your chance to win a high-quality golf set specifically designed for children ages 2-8 from our Summer Toy Review on page 22. Shorties Golf Set clubs are made from the same premium materials as adult golf clubs, but are appropriately sized just for kids. Contest ends July 31.

Experience the homemade frozen bliss of Cali Cream, a local family-owned ice cream shop on a mission to make people happy and create lasting memories for families every day. With a variety of 55 delicious flavors daily, Cali Cream is the “best ice cream on the planet!” Take the family to the location in Encinitas or downtown in the Gaslamp Quarter and see for yourself. Cali Cream is so fresh that they are 7 days or less from Cow to Cone. Enter for your chance to win a $50 gift card to Cali Cream. Contest ends July 31.

San Diego Family Magazine San Diego Family sandiegofamilymagazine SanDiegoFamily 6 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
credit: Alyssa Navapanich

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 7 A K–8 Inquiry Based Charter School where students: Applications now being accepted for the 2024-25 school year 2, 3 & 5 day schedule options Extended Care: 6 a.m.–6 p.m. INNOVATIONS ACADEMY 5454 Ruffin Rd., San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 271-1414 A private school experience at a public school price.
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Cover photo: All Colors Photography

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Find editorial guidelines at (“Editorial” at the bottom of the home page). Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.

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Pick up a free copy of this month’s issue at Albertsons, select Vons and CVS stores and select public libraries throughout the county.

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San Diego Family Magazine is published monthly by San Diego Family Magazine LLC. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication.


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It’s All About Summer Fun!

To begin, let’s commemorate Independence Day on July 4. This special day marks the United States of America’s adoption of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Show your pride by wearing red, white and blue; and don’t forget to fly the American flag.

For a healthy summer, staying active outdoors is essential. Eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, relax and, of course, have fun! While you are at it, indulge in a good book. Connect with friends and take a walk on an urban trail in San Diego; find information on page 18. These ingredients are the recipe for a fantastic summer.

It’s also fun to play classic games and engage in backyard activities from the past. Check out page 14 for ideas; then play with your kids. No summer is complete without new outdoor toys. Discover our latest recommendations on page 22. Find the complete list of summer toys at

The Summer Olympics begin on July 26 in Paris. This year, there will be exciting changes, including in the opening ceremony. Get your family involved by referring to page 16.

Out & About: San Diego with Kids 2024-25 offers even more summer fun. This annual guide, provided by San Diego Family, showcases locations throughout San Diego County that can be visited year-round. Copies of the free guide can be picked up at Albertsons, select CVS stores, airport information stands, and at San Diego Family’s community events, such as Day of Play on July 12 (see ad on page 11). Keep Out & About with Kids in your car’s glovebox all year so it is always handy. If you come across a fun place during your adventures that is not listed, share it with us at Take a photo of your family having fun there and share it with us as well.

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Mission Statement

To enhance the quality of life for San Diego County families by providing information and resources that support the importance and pleasure of parenting.

Our San Diego Families

What nostalgic memories come up for you when you think of lazy days of summers past?

San Diego Family staff share what having a “retro summer” means to them.

Giovanni Baldan

San Diego Family marketing representative

When I was a kid, all the neighborhood kids went out in the street to play tag football, street hockey, basketball (one hoop on the block), stickball and kickball. We’d yell, “Car!” when one approached. When my kids were young, I introduced kickball to them and all the kids in the neighborhood. They loved it!

Tony Andrews

San Diego Family marketing representative

We’ve taken our kids to the Del Mar Fair every year! This photo of my wife and kids was taken in 2004. As a kid, we played baseball (using a manhole as home plate), basketball, handball against the garage, and hockey with tennis balls. We tied Big Wheels together and rode around the neighborhood like a train. We played retro games like Simon Says, Mother May I and tunnel tag. So many great memories!

Lisa Gipson

San Diego Family managing editor

My childhood summers in Palo Alto consisted of climbing trees, riding bikes and skateboards, making daisy chains, going to art camp, visiting the community pool, sleeping in the backyard, and taking road trips from the Bay Area to San Diego to visit grandparents.

10 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Publisher’s Letter
July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 11 DAYOF PLAY DAY OF PLAY • Family Resources • Networking • Shopping • Games • Activity Stations • Giveaways & Crafts • Character Meet & Greets Resources Your Family Needs Family Fun ALL Kids Deserve! Friday, July 12 • 11 am - 2 pm Miramar Hourglass Rec. Center 10440 Black Mountain Rd. 92126 FREE Tickets! — sign up at Sensory Time from 11 to 11:30 am for our families who may need a quieter event environment. 8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 Fax (858) 777-9199 Jewish Montessori Preschool in La Jolla Classes are filling up quickly! For more information, contact us at (858) 452-3030 or Beth Montessori adheres to the principles of Association Montessori International (AMI) • Children ages 9 months to 6 years • Proven Montessori Method and Philosophy • Learning through hands-on experience • Integrated secular and Judaic curriculum • Bilingual Program • Skilled teachers, trained in early childhood development • Secured, state-of-the-art facilities Raise Hope and Foster Dreams! Provide support and guidance for a teen who needs you today! Become a foster parent. 1-877-792-KIDS (5437) County of San Diego Child and Family Well-Being

Short & Sweet

Free Summer Meals for Kids

Feeding San Diego partners with sites around the county to provide no-cost meals to families that need them. Families with kids under 18 can pick up meal boxes (containing five breakfasts and five lunches) through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Boxes are available on a first-come basis.

School pantries and mobile pantries provide no-cost dry goods and fresh produce throughout the summer. Find SFSP meal sites, school pantries, mobile pantries and distribution days at Days and times are subject to change, so be sure to check the website before going.

Water Safety for Kids

Did you know? Drowning is a leading cause of injury-related death among children. Whether parents are comfortable in water or not, it’s critical to become familiar with important swimming safety tips—and review them with children—before spending time at the beach, pool, lake or other body of water. Learn water safety (and much more) from nonprofit Safe Kids Worldwide at

Just in time for summer, the new annual edition of Out & About: San Diego with Kids is now available online and in print! Discover hundreds of fun family adventures such as local attractions, hidden gems, onthe-water experiences, San Diego’s best frozen treats, animal encounters and playgrounds, and much more. Plus, Accessible San Diego, local spots that offer accommodations for families with disabilities. Visit for the digital edition. Enter your zip code at pick-up-a-copy for the nearest spot to grab a free printed copy.

Editor’s Picks

Yes, National Ocean Month and World Oceans Day were in June, but taking time to celebrate, appreciate and care for the ocean is timeless. What better time to recognize its beauty and importance than July, when San Diego beaches are packed with locals and summer travelers.

Maya Gabeira, a Brazilian big wave surfer who broke her own Guinness World Record by surfing a wave in Portugal that was 73.5 feet high, shares her love of (and concern for) the ocean in Maya Makes Waves. Beautifully illustrated by Ramona Kaulitzki, this picture book will delight and inspire ocean-loving families.

Tell Me About

Oceans, a board book written by Lisa Varchol Perron, is perfect for inquisitive little ones who have so many unanswered questions about the ocean. Parents may even learn a few things!

What Goes in the Ocean: A seek-and-find board book by Dori Elys captivates toddlers as they search colorful pages to identify sea life that belongs in the ocean and items that should remain on the shore. Includes fun facts about coral reefs, kelp forests and more.

Read. Learn. Create. Learn about and register for San Diego County Library’s summer reading program, which runs through Aug. 31, at

12 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Lisa Gipson
July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 13 We are looking for surrogates now! Call us today (844) 557-2412 • REQUIREMENTS • US citizen or permanent resident • Between the ages of 20-40 • Body Mass Index no greater than 32 • Proven live birth capability without complications • Good physical and mental health Hey Moms! Have you ever thought about changing someone’s life forever? Make a difference and give the gift of life! Become a surrogate and earn up to $80,000! 619-209-2990 Photo by Zena Holloway • Get in the pool today! FREE Introductory Lesson* *Check for available times & enroll today. • Peace of Mind • Confidence • Great Exercise • So much FUN! • Infant to adult • 3-to-1 student/ teacher ratio • Warm 90o indoor pool AQUA PROS SWIM SCHOOL “A Montessori  Student is a Future Citizen of the World” ENCINITAS COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Preschool/Elementary/Middle Lic. #372005943 Two Locations in Encinitas Encinitas 760-942-1111 BETH MONTESSORI Infants/Toddler/Preschool/Kindergarten Lic. # 376700496 8660 Gilman Dr., La Jolla 92037-2202 La Jolla 858-452-3030 MISSION BAY MONTESSORI ACADEMY Preschool/Elementary Lic. #372005444 • AMS Affiliated School 2640 Soderblom Ave., San Diego 92122 La Jolla, Pacific Beach, University City 858-457-5895
Discover the World Montessoriof

How to Have a Retro Summer

The kids are out of school and perhaps you haven’t quite switched

gears yet. It’s time to simplify and encourage as much outdoor play as possible. We recommend having a retro summer!

So, what exactly does it look like to have a retro summer? Do we exclaim, “That’s totally rad!” every time something awesome happens? Do we don our favorite vintage clothing and spend our days listening to The Drifters and The Beach Boys? Sure, if that’s what floats your boat. But in terms of families planning their days, it means don’t. Or at the very least, don’t plan as much as you do during the school year. Having a retro summer means slowing down, relaxing and having old-school fun. If you’ve forgotten what that looks like, we share tons of ideas here.

It also means unplugging. Yep, I said it. Be one of those brilliant parents who changes the Wi-Fi password daily and makes it available to the kids only when XYZ happens. In this case it might be two hours of outdoor play or four items on our list before getting an hour of video games. Some may argue that playing video games IS slowing down and relaxing, and they would be right. But too much of that type of relaxing has long-lasting detrimental consequences and doesn’t fall within the nostalgic, engaged, intentional


As a parent who has worked in some capacity the entirety of my kids’ childhoods, I know how difficult it is to not have summers off. You do what’s needed to make sure the kids are taken care of while you work, whether its summer camps, babysitters, grandparent visits, etc. Summer fun doesn’t have to be all day every day, so don’t be discouraged. You can still switch your school-year routine into summer mode. Why not do one activity on our list a few times a week? Eat dinners in the backyard, at a park or beach. Read a new chapter book together at bedtime. Visit a local farmers market each week. You could even embrace the retro theme by grabbing a meal at a local diner such as Clayton’s Coffee Shop in Coronado, Corvette Diner in Point Loma or the Chicken Pie Shop in North Park. The kids will appreciate small, unexpected changes to the norm.

14 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Lisa Gipson

retro summer we’re going for here. Life is hectic during the school year; days are filled with structure, homework, afterschool activities and high expectations. Summer is an important time to slow down, let kids play and just be.

You’ll probably get pushback at first. You may hear phrases like, “I’m bored,” “There’s nothing to do,” and even “You’re ruining my life,” and that’s OK. Remain calm; don’t give in and definitely don’t “fix” it. Boredom leads to creativity and magical moments. The kids will figure it out.

By all means, plan day trips and fun outings! If you don’t know where to start, flip to our calendar on page 24 and pick up the new edition of Out & About: San Diego with Kids

If you’re a parent who MUST have something on the calendar every day, schedule days to be bored. You might call them “slow-down days;” it just sounds better. Keep the calendar light to foster flexibility and spontaneity. Whatever retro looks like for your family, be sure to nurture social connection and prioritize quality time together—with golden oldies or disco music in the background, of course.

Retro Summer Checklist

Go on a picnic

Run through sprinklers

Blow bubbles

Make snow cones or root beer floats

Have a water balloon toss

Set up a lemonade stand

Have a backyard barbecue

See a drive-in movie in South Bay

Watch the sunset

Read books

Climb a tree

Fly a kite

Make homemade ice cream

Make a cootie catcher

Make friendship bracelets

Have a water balloon toss

Roast marshmallows

Write in a journal

Build a fort

Ride bikes

Camp in the backyard

Go to the beach

Toss a Frisbee

Have a bonfire

More Summer Fun

21 Ways to Make S’mores things-to-do/dining-andrecipes/21-ways-to-makesmores


Iconic Childhood Games

It’s possible your kids don’t know half these games, so teach them! Instructions are online, if needed. And don’t forget about the quintessential neighborhood hula hoop competition with a side of Twister, croquet and bean bag tic-tac-toe.

Fun Versions of Tag

• Freeze tag

• Tunnel tag (aka Underdog tag)

• Flashlight tag

• Rainbow tag

• Blob tag

• Band-aid tag

• Octopus tag

• Sponge tag

• Squirt gun tag

Relay Races

• Three-legged race

• Egg-and-spoon race

• Sack races

• Dress-up relay

• Obstacle course race

• Wheelbarrow race

• Crab walk relay

• Leapfrog relay

• Over-under sponge relay

Tried and True “Old School” Games

• Kick the can

• Sharks and minnows

• Simon Says

• Red rover

• Kickball

• Sardines

• Capture the flag

• Four square

• Jump rope or Double-Dutch

50 Summertime Activities for-the-kids/indoor-outdoorgames/50-summer-timeactivities-for-kids

Fun Scavenger Hunts for Kids things-to-do/out-about/ scavenger-hunts-for-kids

Epic San Diego Parks & Playgrounds things-to-do/out-about/ best-parks-playgroundssan-diego

Lisa Gipson is San Diego Family’s managing editor. You won’t find her climbing trees this summer, but she will absolutely be watching sunsets, making friendship bracelets and serving up root beer floats.

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 15


Family fun with the Summer Olympics

Oooh la la! While most of us won’t make it to Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the festivities at home. For two memorable weeks—beginning with the televised opening ceremony on July 26, through closing events on August 11—your family can cheer on Team USA and the world’s top athletes while embracing the magical spirit of the Olympics.

We’re sharing fun facts about the upcoming games, along with familyfriendly ideas to make the most of them. It’s a perfect time to explore international cultures, don your red-white-andblue, learn about French cuisine and traditions, try out new sports, and even discuss the impressive dedication and perseverance of Olympic athletes. Here are ways to go for gold this summer. Fun Facts

• Mark your calendars: The opening ceremony on July 26 promises to be spectacular! It will be the first in Olympic history to occur outside of a stadium—taking place on the Seine River in the heart of Paris.

• An estimated 10,500 athletes are expected to compete in this summer’s games.

• The official mascots are anthropomorphized objects known as the Olympic Phryge and Paralympic Phryge. A phryge is a soft red cap, historically worn as a symbol of freedom in the French Republic.

• All Olympic and Paralympic medals will contain iron from the original Eiffel Tower.

Explore Summer Olympic Sports

With 32 sports on the roster, there should be plenty of action. Traditional summer sports include track and field, aquatics, gymnastics, basketball, cycling, tennis and volleyball. Plus, four new (and new-ish) sports:

• Breaking (aka breakdancing): A blend of urban street dance and improvisational athleticism. B-boys and b-girls will face off while incorporating “top rock” (moves while standing up), “down rock” (moves on the ground) and “freeze”

(poses held in unusual positions). Athletes are scored on originality, vocabulary (selection of moves), technique, execution and musicality.

• Sport climbing: First seen in the 2020 Toyko Games, sport climbing features bouldering (climbing 4.5-meter walls without ropes in a limited time period), speed (racing up 15-meter walls in 6–7 seconds) and lead (in six minutes, climbing as high as possible up a previously unseen 15-meter wall).

• Skateboarding: As demonstrated in Tokyo 2020, the Paris 2024 skateboarding competitions will include park events (bowl and big air moves) and street events (featuring obstacles like rails, stairs and slopes).

• Surfing: San Diegans may be especially excited for the return of Olympic surfing, introduced in the 2020 Games. Since there’s no surf in Paris, surfers compete at Teahupo’o in Tahiti (part of French Polynesia) while being judged for degree of difficulty, speed, power and flow.

16 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024

Summer Sports Camps

Many local summer camps provide opportunities for kids to experience Olympic sports first-hand. Kids can channel their inner Hawkeye at Archery House summer camp, learn to play table tennis during After School Learning Tree’s summer programs, and sail the ocean blue at the San Diego Yacht Club. Find other options in our Summer Camps & Programs Guide at summer-camps-and-programs.

How to Embrace French Culture in San Diego

From sweet croissants and steaming crepes to seafood bouillabaisse and beef bourguignon, French culture is often defined by its world-class cuisine. To explore the tastes of France in San Diego, visit a local French restaurant

or bakery (we recommend The French Gourmet in Pacific Beach and The French Oven in Scripps Ranch), try your hand at preparing a French dish (quiche lorraine, perhaps?) or simply serve a baguette and brie for a Frenchthemed picnic. Bon appetit!

The House of France in Balboa Park hosts public events throughout the year, including a Bastille Day Lawn Program with music and dance on Sunday, July 14. For more information, visit

More Olympic-Sized Family Fun

• Plan prime-time viewing parties with friends to share your most anticipated events.

• Tour the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center to get an inside look at where Olympic athletes train and dine.

• Host a backyard Olympics competition with your favorite outdoor games. Don’t forget to award medals!

• Study flags of the world through drawing and coloring activities.

• Download a language app like Duolingo to learn words and phrases from a country of interest.

Regardless of how your family experiences the Summer Olympics, be sure to point out that hard work can lead to success not only in sports, but also in school, career, interpersonal relationships and other aspects of life. v

Lisa Pawlak is an award-winning contributing writer who lives in Encinitas with her family.

Images credit: paris-2024


Paralympian Swimmer and World Champion Gold Medalist, Noah Jaffe is 20 and grew up in Carlsbad. Born with cerebral palsy, Jaffe has never let his disability stop him. He started swimming competitively with North Coast Aquatics at age 10, learned that he was eligible for para swimming after watching the 2016 Rio Games, and later swam for San Dieguito Academy. Also possessing an impressive academic record, Jaffe went to UC Berkeley to study biochemistry and prepare for medical school. He is currently on leave while training for the upcoming Games.

At Jaffe’s first World Para Swimming Championship in 2023, he took home four medals in the S8 classification, including a gold (100m freestyle). He is the U.S. record holder in the 50m and 100m freestyle S8 men’s events. This summer, Jaffe hopes to compete in the 400m freestyle, 100m freestyle and 100m butterfly in Paris.

“Getting started with paralympic swimming not only grew my love for the sport, but also helped me see my disability as one of my greatest assets,” Jaffe says. “Sports are for everyone, regardless of ability, so I encourage anyone curious to give it a try!”

To follow Noah’s journey to Paris, tune in to the 2024 U.S. Paralympic Team Trials from June 27–29 in Minneapolis, MN. The 2024 Summer Paralympic Games (also in Paris) take place Aug. 28–Sept. 8.

Olympic Skateboarder, Bryce Wettstein is 20, but she’s been skateboarding in (and out of) Encinitas since she was 5. Wettstein qualified for the Tokyo Games when she was still in high school, experiencing her first thrill of Olympic competition and earning sixth place in Women’s Park Skateboarding. She is participating in two World Skate qualifier events (Shanghai and Budapest) to (hopefully) secure her spot in Paris.

“It’s such an honor to represent my country and have this opportunity to travel all over the world with Team USA support, (along with the support of many other sponsors and my parents), doing what I love,” says Wettstein. Learn more about Bryce in our February 2020 article: san_diego_family_february_2020/26.

To learn more about Team USA athletes, go to For more information on the upcoming Games, visit

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 17
Photo courtesy of Noah Jaffe Photo courtesy of Bryce Wettstein

Urban Hiking with Kids

7 adventurous walks through San Diego

Is your family tired of the same old walking routes, but not quite ready to climb mountains? We get it. Try mixing things up with kid-friendly urban hikes around the county. These easy, mostly flat, paved pathways will get your entire family moving, exploring and generally loving life outdoors.

Grab comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, water bottles and snacks (of course) to experience spectacular ocean views, vast grassy fields, adventurous playgrounds, tasty culinary pitstops,

interactive art installations and happy kids — all summer long!

Bay to Park Paseo

To kick things off, head to the Bay to Park Paseo, a new 1.7-mile walking path downtown along Park Blvd. This innovative route connects two favorite local destinations—San Diego Bay and Balboa Park—with a whole lot of excitement in between.

Walk through 13 unique zones— including Petco Park, San Diego City

College, San Diego High School and the bridge over I-5—to discover 12 impermanent art installations (three more are expected in the coming months). Each piece of art was created with low-cost, short-term and scalable design aspects in mind by volunteer teams of architects, artists and storytellers.

Some installations are interactive; they include QR codes to expand the experience. For example, a QR code at Central Library’s “Before There Were

18 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Photo credit: Ian Patzke Photography

Borders” allows visitors to view images of different animals found in the San Diego-Tijuana region, listen to their names in different native languages, and be directed to related books inside the library.

The innovative route also goes through East Village, a lively area for a bite or beverage. Visit www for a variety of café and restaurant options.

“Everyone involved with Bay to Park Paseo is dedicated to enhancing the public realm by generating more walking, more enjoyment and more feet and eyes on the street,” says Pete Garcia, co-founder of Urban Interventions, the driving force behind the project. “The Bay to Park Paseo experience is free, earth-friendly, engaging and informative.”

Approach the Paseo as a one-way walk in either direction (take the bus or a ride-share back to your starting point) or a round trip loop (3.4 miles total), with free parking available on the Balboa Park end. Consider selftouring in family scavenger hunt style, or take a guided tour on the first or third Saturday of each month through November. For more information, visit

San Diego Bayfront Walk

Explore the many sites of San Diego Bay along this laid-back 1.5-mile waterfront pathway. Take your time to absorb iconic views of downtown San Diego and Coronado while passing cruise ships, the impressive Star of India and historic USS Midway. Don’t miss the boutique-style shops of Seaport Village and a quintessential ice cream stop at Ben and Jerry’s or Seaport Fudge Factory. Continue on the paved walkway around Embarcadero Marina Park North.

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 19
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Photo credit: @SanDiegoEditor

Summer Summer


Seven Bridges Walk

Summer at the Club delivers a complete experience for kids in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Treat your children to the delights of fresh air, exciting outdoor activities, and the opportunity to form new friendships and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime!

*Scholarships available


This unique 6-mile urban hike loops over seven bridges and through Balboa Park, downtown and Hillcrest. The involved bridges include Park Blvd., Cabrillo, First Ave., Quince St., Spruce St. Suspension (the kids will love this one!), Vermont St. and Georgia St. If six miles is too far, consider doing smaller sections and taking an Uber/Lyft back to your starting point. If pushing a stroller or wheelchair, note that some bridges have steps. For a detailed map and walking directions, visit san-diegos-7-bridges-hike.aspx.

Balboa Park Trails

Balboa Park is a good launching point for multiple urban hikes (including Bay to Park Paseo and Seven Bridges) and is home to its own internal trail system. Although some park pathways have dirt trails and difficult hills, there are two easy, hard-surface options found at the Park Blvd. trails gateway. Follow trail markers with a red number 31 for a 3-mile walk past many park sites, including the 1915 Panama California Exposition area. Alternatively, follow trail markers with a purple 32 to explore the 1935 California International Exposition area on a 1.2-mile route. Find more information at

Coronado’s Bayshore Walk

This lovely stretch of Coronado between Tidelands Park and Ferry

20 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
- 8TH

Landing is just under a mile long, offering stunning views of the downtown city skyline, Coronado Bridge and San Diego Bay. Following a scenic stroll, grab lunch at the Ferry Landing or on Orange Ave., explore historic Hotel Del or head to Coronado Beach for some rest and relaxation. Visit to discover more fun activities on Coronado.

North County’s Coastal Rail Trail

This picturesque walking and biking trail runs from Solana Beach to Oceanside, but we’re especially partial to the Encinitas/Cardiff segment between Santa Fe Dr. (near Swami’s Beach) and Chesterfield Dr. (by the Cardiff Kook statue). This 1.3-mile stretch provides unparalleled coastal views, attractive landscaping and an opportunity to stop at VG Donuts, which makes a perfect starting, ending or rest stop. (We recommend the old-fashioned glazed, but you do you!) Bonus: If your kids love trains, this is definitely the best walk in town.

Mission Bay Park

There are lots of walking (and biking) routes along and around Mission Bay, with plenty of grassy areas and playgrounds for the little ones to stop and play. Choose any portion of the 11mile perimeter path around the entire bay, a 5-mile loop around the western portion, or a 4.5-mile jaunt around Fiesta Island (located within the bay). Tecolote Shores on the eastern side of the bay generally offers a good starting area, with access to parking and restrooms. Make sure to bring along a picnic lunch for the perfect family day out. v

Explore traditional hiking trail options around San Diego County at

Lisa Pawlak is an award-winning contributing writer who lives with her family in Encinitas, California.

Creative Summer 2024

Jewelry with Friends, Grossmont Center, La Mesa

Balboa Park Carousel

Built in 1910, the Balboa Park Carousel has brought joy to visitors for more than 100 years!

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 21
(619) 239-0512 x 8 1889 Zoo Place, San Diego BalboaParkCarousel org
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Jewelry Camp
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Part two of our annual summer toy round-up focuses solely on outdoor fun and water play. After all, that’s what summer is all about, right? Check out part one and the entire summer toy guide at kid-tested-toy-product-review.

Faction Skyfire Target Drone

$23.99; 8+

Use Skyfire as a flying target with any gel bead or foam dart blaster as it avoids attack on autopilot—a fun single-player experience. Maximize hits before time runs out on built-in hit detection. Optional: track hits and accuracy with the free Faction Battle App.

Miniland ECO Baby Sand Set

$12.98; 18 mos.–6 yrs.

An adorable set featuring a bucket, shovel, sieve shovel and rake in pastel colors. This durable and eco-friendly product is made of biopolyethylene and recycled polypropylene.

see p. 6

Shorties Golf Set

$169–$199; Ages 2–8

High quality golf clubs made with the same materials as adult clubs, but designed just for kids. Choose from four sizes (Tiny, Tot, Mini or Junior) depending on your child’s height. Three colors available in each size.

NERF Super Soaker

HydroBurst Hose Blaster

$19.99; 6+

Unleash nonstop soaking action with this Blaster and a garden hose. Take backyard battles to another level with two jet modes designed to soak the competition up to 25 feet away.

PoppinColorz Hydra

$34.99; 6+

Just in time for summer shenanigans! This 2-in-1 bubble blaster and water gun includes a rechargeable lithium battery and six bubble packs (four clear and two non-staining colored solutions). No dipping or spills; just magical color bubbles that vanish.

22 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024

Little Tikes Build & Splash

Deluxe Water Table

Easy Store Slide & Explore

$99.99; 1-3 years

Toddlers stay active with this super fun playset, featuring a slide, steps, collapsible tunnel, rotating telescope, steering wheel and more. Bonus: The whole set can be stored inside the blue climbing base!

Obstacle Course Race Set

$69.99; 3+

A fun, customizable set encouraging activity, balance, strength and agility outside or indoors. Includes an adjustable hurdle bar to crawl under or jump over, two hop balls with hand pump, agility rings, adjustable limbo bar and start/finish lines.

$59.99; Ages 1+

Little builders love this all-in-one block building and water play table. The deluxe set (exclusive to Target) includes over 50 accessories: blocks, funnels, boats and more. Perfect for wet outdoor play or dry indoor fun. Remove legs to play on the floor.

4Fun Jumbo Soccer Bounce Ball

$29.99; 3+

Get the whole family involved in epic outdoor play with this ginormous soccer ball that inflates to 30 inches! Durable, UV-resistant material makes it fun to roll, kick, push or bounce. Includes manual air pump.

Indoor/Outdoor 7-Foot

Kids Pickleball Set

$70; 5+

The Move Pickleball Set is designed just for kids! The versatile indoor/ outdoor set features two kid-sized paddles, two rubber silicone balls, a seven-foot net and carrying bag for on-the-go fun.

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 23

JULY National Grilling Month • National Picnic Month • Parks & Recreation Month

monday | 1

Roller Rink at the Del. Experience the ultimate summer vibe at The Del’s retro-inspired roller skating rink. A portion of the proceeds benefit The C4 Foundation, supporting active-duty Navy SEALs and their families. Through Sept. 2. $28 includes skate rental. Hotel del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave.

FREE Summer Reading Program: Read, Renew, Repeat. Complete a combination of 10 books, hours of reading or activities to claim your prizes. Through Aug. 31. Register: kidsandteens/summerreading

FREE Summer Lunch for Youth @ the Library. The Library has partnered with SDUSD to offer free lunches for youth aged 0-18 at select libraries, parks, recreation centers and other community sites in San Diego. Weekdays, through Aug. 2; 12–1 pm. Details: public-library/summerlunch

SeaWorld Summer Spectacular

Interactive experiences, shows, a summer concert series and up-close animal encounters. Through Sept. 2. SeaWorld, Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr.

Nighttime Zoo. Explore the Zoo at night and enjoy a variety of familyfriendly entertainment. Through Sept. 2. San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park.

Summer of Wonder. Nature trail, new exhibits, extended hours, films and more. Through Sept. 2. $14–$24, most activities included with admission. San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park.

LEGO World Parade. Spectacular LEGOthemed floats, dazzling entertainment, colorful costumed characters and more. Daily, included with admission. LEGOLAND California, One LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. Tickets:

Blue Star Museums offers FREE admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve. Through Sept. 2. Details: initiatives/blue-star-museums

LEGOLAND Water Park. Slides, beaches, Build-A-Raft River plus Pirate Reef and LEGO Legends of CHIMA Water Park. Open daily, 10:30 am–5:30 pm. One LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. Tickets:

Sesame Summer Splash. Sun-sational events. Open daily, 10 am–6 pm through Sept. 2. Sesame Place, 2052 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. Tickets:

Dino Valley. An interactive build-and-play area and three roar-some rides including DUPLO Little Dino Trail, Explorer River Quest and Coastersaurus. Open daily. Legoland, One LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. Tickets:

“Octavia E. Butler: Seeding Futures.” An immersive journey into her inspirations and early life designed to inspire. 9 am–4 pm daily (closed Tues.). $20–$24. The New Children’s Museum, 200 W. Island Ave.

24 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
June issue
Still looking for last month’s events? Check out the
edition of our
Don’t forget to call to confirm dates, times and admission prices. Photo courtesy of SeaWorld


Wednesday, July 3

Oceanside Fireworks Display. Gates open at 4 pm with family-friendly activities and food trucks. Fireworks: 9 pm. Parking $15. SoCal Soccer Complex, 3300 El Corazon Dr.

Thursday, July 4

FREE Big Bay Boom Fireworks. Four barges on San Diego Bay. Watch from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, North Embarcadero, Marina District and Coronado Ferry Landing. 9 pm.

Red White & Boom! 3D LEGO brick fireworks viewed with special glasses, themed entertainment, lawn games and more. Included with admission. LEGOLAND, 1 LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. Tickets:

FREE Santee Salutes. Patriotic ceremony, fireworks and more. 2–10 pm. Parking $10. Town Center Community Park East, 550 Park Center Dr.

Spirit of the Fourth. Activities start at 9 am at Webb Park; parade, 3:30 pm; concert, 6 pm. Fireworks, 9 pm at Rancho Bernardo High School, 13010 Paseo Lucido.

July 4th BBQ Dinner & Fireworks

Viewing. Enjoy spectacular fireworks viewing from the McKinney Deck of the 1898 Berkeley. Dinner for purchase. 7–9:30 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. $25. Maritime Museum of San Diego, 1492 N. Harbor Dr.

3rd of July Fireworks Cruise. Watch the impressive fireworks shows all set to a festive soundtrack . 7–10 pm. $45. Departs from the Bahia Resort Hotel or Catamaran Resort.

FREE Mission Bay Fireworks Celebration. The skies will dance with colors and lights, set against the beautiful backdrop of San Diego’s Mission Bay. 9 pm.

FREE Fireworks in El Cajon. Train rides, crafts, live music and more. Starting at 2 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. Kennedy Park, 1675 E. Madison Ave.

FREE San Marcos Red, White and Boom! Carnival games, jumpers and more. Entertainment, 6 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. Bradley Park, 1587 Linda Vista Dr.

Fireworks Spectacular at the Fair. 9 pm. $20–$25; includes fair admission. Corona Grandstand Stage, Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.

4th of July Fireworks. 9 pm. SeaWorld, Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr.

FREE Ramona July 4th Family Picnic & Fireworks Show. 4–9:15 pm; fireworks 9 pm. Olive Peirce Middle School, 1521 Hanson Ln.

Fourth of July Fireworks in Poway. Enjoy two spectacular firework shows as they light up the sky over the Poway High School Stadium ($6, gates open 6 pm for games, activities and more) and Poway Sportsplex (12349 McIvers Ct.). Fireworks, 9 pm.

FREE Coronado Fourth of July. Parade, 10 am; concert, 4 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. Schedule:

FREE Chula Vista 4th Fest & Fireworks. 7–9:30 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center, 2800 Olympic Pkwy.

FREE Lake Murray Fireworks & Music Fest. Music Fest, 11 am–9 pm; fireworks, 9 pm. Lake Murray Community Park, 7001 Murray Park Dr.

FREE 4th of July Extravaganza: Parade & Fireworks. Parade, 10 am at Old Town Temecula, then head to the Ronald Reagan Sports Park for live music, vendors and fun zone. 2–10 pm; fireworks, 9 pm.

FREE Imperial Beach 4th of July Fireworks. 9 pm. Imperial Beach Pier.

4th of July Fireworks Cruise. View SeaWorld’s spectacular Independence Day fireworks. 8–10 pm. Bahia Resort Hotel, Mission Bay. Reservations:

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 25
Photo courtesy of Bahia Resort Hotel

Calendar • July

Color in a New Light. Explore the science of color, light we can see, light we can’t see and darkness. Daily, 10 am–5 pm. Included with admission. $19.95–$24.95. Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park.

Kids Bowl FREE . Two games a day through Aug. 17. Aztec Lanes, 6075 Aztec Cir. Dr. Details and to register:

Hold Fast. Explore our local kelp forests and climate. Daily through Sept.  $19.95–$24.95. Birch Aquarium at Scripps, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla. Advance reservations required:

“Camelot.” Transport yourself to a world of romance, revelry and magic with King Arthur, Guinevere, Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table. Through July 7. North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Dr., Solana Beach. Tickets:

FREE Spreckels Organ Society’s International Summer Organ Festival. Mondays through Sept. 2, 7:30 pm. 2125 Pan American Rd.

Enchanted Wonders Fireworks. A heartfelt video highlighting the past 60 years of SeaWorld will play in sync to nightly fireworks. 10 minutes prior to close, weather permitting. Through Aug. 11. SeaWorld, Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr.

“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” Based on the beloved comic strip. 6 pm. $20. New Village Arts, 2787 State St., Carlsbad.

tuesday | 2

Sunset Luau. Family-friendly event with leis, island music, dance entertainment and more. Tuesdays & Fridays through Aug. 2. 5:30–9 pm. Starting at $58. Catamaran Resort Hotel, 3999 Mission Blvd.

FREE Twilight in the Park Concerts. Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 6:30–7:30 pm. Through Aug. 29. Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park.

wednesday | 3

San Diego County Fair “Let’s Go Retro.” With a nod to nostalgia and a

focus on fun, enjoy live entertainment, rides, games, FunZone, exhibitions, food and more. Through July 7 (closed Mon. & Tues.). 11 am–10 pm. $13–$25; 5 & under free. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.

Movies on the Beach. July 3, 7, 14, 21 & 28. 7:30 pm. $25. Hotel del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave.

FREE Cajon Classic Cruise. Wednesdays through October. 5–7:30 pm. Main & Magnolia, downtown El Cajon.

thursday | 4

Fourth of July

FREE Scripps Ranch 4th of July Parade & Festival. Parade, 10 am from Ironwood to Aviary Dr.; festival, 11 am–1 pm at Hoyt Park, 10800 Canyon Lake Dr.

FREE Old Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration. Celebrate our country’s independence “turn-of-the-20th-centurystyle” with patriotic entertainment, crafts, train displays and old-fashioned games. 10 am–4 pm. Old Poway Park,

26 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024

14134 Midland Rd. Poway.

Crown City Classic. 12K & 5K and kids half mile run along the Coronado Bay. Start & finish at Tidelands Park. $29–$79. Register:

FREE 4th of July Veterans Park Ceremony. Honor those who are currently serving and have selflessly served our country. 11 am. Veterans Park, 14134 Midland Rd., Poway.

July 4th Run & Ride. 10K & 2 mile run or 22.5 mile gravel bike ride. Starting on Red Cedar Dr. & ending at Hoyt Park, Scripps Ranch. Register:

UC Celebration. Run, parade, games, book barn, pancake breakfast and more. Standley Park, 3585 Governor Dr. Details:

FREE Julian’s 4th of July Parade. Theme “Soar Like an Eagle.” Pre-parade activities, 9:30 am; parade, 12 noon. Main St. Details:

FREE Santee Summer Concert Series. Thursdays through Aug. 15, 6:30–8 pm. Town Center Community Park E., 550 Park Center Dr.

FREE Military, Fire & Law Day. Active or retired military, firefighters and law enforcement personnel receive free admission with a valid ID. 10 am–4 pm. The Wave Waterpark, 101 Wave Dr., Vista.

friday | 5

FREE Clairemont Town Square Summer Concerts. Fridays through Aug. 2, 6–9 pm. Clairemont Town Square, 4705 Clairemont Dr.

“Disney’s Finding Nemo, Jr.” A story full of family, friendship and adventure. Through July 14. $20–$22. Casa del Prado Theater, Balboa Park.

This Earth Day we're kicking o a new family friendly event that celebrates our ocean planet’s biodiversity and highlights simple

Padres Home Games. July 5–7 (Star Wars weekend) vs. D-backs, July 9–10 vs. Mariners, July 12–14 vs. Braves & July 30–31 vs. Dodgers. Petco Park. Tickets:

Nat at Night. On Fridays, admission is half-price after 5 pm. Open 10 am–10 pm. Through Aug. 30. $14–$24; 2 & under free. San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park.

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 27 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 2024 Mean Girls Family Mag.pdf 1 5/4/24 5:34 PM
Earth-Friendly Crafts  Activity Stations  Community Art Project LEARN MORE Included with aquarium admission Special Shark Feedings Trivia Nights Kelp Forest Dives Weekend Activations JOIN US IN JULY Included with aquarium admission
steps we all can take make a difference.

FREE TGIF Concerts in the Parks. 6–8 pm. Tonight & July 12: Stagecoach Park (3420 Camino De Los Coches); July 19 & 26: Calavera Hills Community Park (2997 Glasgow Dr.).

Friday Splash. Today & July 19, 4–8 pm; July 12 & 26, 12–4 pm. $12. The Wave Waterpark, 101 Wave Dr., Vista.

Dinner and a Concert. Fridays, 6–8 pm through Sept. 27. Concert is free. Prescott Promenade, downtown El Cajon.

saturday | 6

Summer Jams on Deck. Concerts are free. Saturdays, 5–7 pm. Park entrance fee, $7. Santee Lakes Deck between Lakes 4 & 5, 9310 Fanita Pkwy.

Family Fun at the Rink. Roller skating, live DJs and more. Sat. & Sun. afternoons. $15; includes skates. Ringer’s Roller Rink, 6060 Federal Blvd.

Golden State Train Ride. Enjoy a beautiful ride on the historic San Diego & Arizona Railway. Saturdays, 10:30 am, 1 & 2:30 pm. $14.95–$19.95; 2 & under free. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Campo Depot, 750 Depot St.

Lake Poway Family Campout. Guided evening hikes, campfire with s’mores and more. Bring your own camping equipment. 5 pm–10 am tomorrow. Also July 13 & 27. $66. Lake Poway, 14644 Lake Poway Rd.  Register:

sunday | 7

FREE Summer Sundays at Village Walk. Balloon sculptures, face painting and kids crafts. Today: children’s aprons, July 21: sand art pendants; July 28: ceramic tile coasters. Sundays through July 28. 5–7 pm. Eastlake Pkwy at Miller Dr.

FREE Sundays at Six Summer Concerts. Through July 28, 6–7 pm. Harry Griffen Park, 9550 Milden St., La Mesa.

FREE Poway Summer Concert Series. Sundays, 5:30–7 pm. Tonight & July 21 at Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd. & July 14 & 28 at Lake Poway, 14644 Lake Poway Rd. (parking $10).

FREE Coronado Summer Concert Series. Sundays, 6 pm through Sept. 1 (5 pm starting Aug. 18). Spreckels Park, 601 Orange Ave.

Tanabata Festival. Celebrate the meeting of Orihime and Hikoboshi with kid-friendly games, performances, crafts and food. 10 am–4 pm. $12–$14, 6 & under free. Japanese Friendship Garden, Balboa Park.

monday | 8

The Wave Waterpark. Open daily. $11–$24; 2 & under free. The Wave Waterpark, 101 Wave Dr., Vista.

U-Pick Strawberry Fields. Daily, 9 am–5 pm. Carlsbad Strawberry

Company, Cannon Rd. & I-5.

wednesday | 10

“School of Rock: The Musical.” Select dates through July 27. 8 pm. $15–$60. Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1250 Vale Terrace Dr., Vista.

thursday | 11

FREE Parks After Dark. Live music, games, activities and free meals for kids. Thurs.–Sat. through Aug. 17, 5–8 pm. City Heights (4380 Landis St.), Linda Vista (7064 Levant St.), Memorial (2902 Marcy Ave.) & Skyline Hills (8285 Skyline Dr.). Details:

FREE Flicks at the Fountain. Thursdays through Aug. 8. Seating, 6 pm; movie, 8 pm. Carlsbad Village Assoc., 300 Carlsbad Village Dr.

FREE Concerts at the Cove. Thursdays, 6–7:45 pm. Through Aug. 8. Fletcher Cove Park, 111 S. Sierra Ave., Solana Beach. concerts-cove

Summer Nights at the Garden. Tonight Hullabaloo, 6 pm. Thursdays through July 29. 9 am–8 pm. San Diego Botanic Garden, 300 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas.

Summer Night Fishing. Fish under the stars. Tonight & July 26, 5–11:30 pm. $4 per carload. Permit required. Santee Lakes, 9310 Fanita Pkwy.

28 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Visit for more information. • A credentialed educational partner to assist you • Three-day Hybrid Program or Homeschool Program • Funds for enrichment classes • UC approved high school courses • Field trips, internships, teen club A FREE Personalized Learning School for Grades TK–12 Your Child’s Future Starts Here: Join the TLC Family 844 GO TO TLC (844-468-6852) WASC accredited. Se habla español. Chula Vista • La Mesa • San Diego FLEXIBLE AND SUPPORTIVE Calendar • July


FREE All Inclusive Day of Play & Resource Fair

Kids of all abilities can enjoy activity stations, crafts, games, giveaways and more at this annual event hosted by the Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego. July 12 11 am–2 pm. Miramar Hourglass Recreation Center, 10440 Black Mountain Rd. Register:

Recess at Omas: Fun in the Sun. All things water play. Through July 13. 10 am–4 pm. 14950 El Monte Rd., Lakeside.

FREE Hullabaloo Kids Concert. 10–11 am. Del Mar Highlands Town Center, Upper Plaza, 12925 El Camino Real.


| 12

Night Fishing at Lake Poway. Fridays & Saturdays through Aug. 31, 6–11:30 pm. Adults, $7; youth $3. 14644 Lake Poway Rd.

saturday | 13

Shark Summer. Shark feedings, kelp forest dives, trivia nights and more. Today & tomorrow, July 20–21 & 27–28. $24.95–$29.95. Birch Aquarium at Scripps, 2300 Expedition Way. Reservations required:

FREE East Village Block Party. A walk-through car show, live music, photo opps, local sports teams and more. 10 am–4:30 pm. J St. from 7th–10th Ave. east-village-block-party

KPBS Kids Event. Craft activities and story time with Clifford the Big Red Dog. 10 am-12 noon. $11.50. San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, 320 N. Broadway, Escondido.

FREE Marine Band Summer Concert. Dance to “Sound Strike” - ooh-rah! 7 pm. Piazza della Famiglia, Little Italy.

FREE Movies in the Park: Disney’s “Wish.” 8 pm. Brengle Terrace Park, 1200 Vale Terrace Dr.

Grand Cinema Under the Stars: “Wonka.” 8 pm. $20. Grand Social, 5300 Grand Del Mar Court.

“Tomorrowland” Movie Night. 7 pm. Included with admission, $17–$28. The San Diego Air & Space Museum, Balboa Park.

Kids in the Garden: Nature Drawing & Watercolors. 10 am–12 noon. $5. Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace Dr., Vista. Pre-register at

Boarded! A New Pirate Adventure. A 90-minute on-the-water show featuring a widely creative pirate theatric troupe and sail crew staged aboard the 16th century Spanish galleon San Salvador. 10:30 am & 12:45 pm. $35–$85. Maritime Museum of San Diego, 1492 N. Harbor Dr.

FREE Summer Movies in the Park: “Elemental.” Watch a movie in the pool on inner tubes or rafts. 6:30–10 pm. Poway Community Swim Center, 13094 Civic Center Dr.

sunday | 14

FREE Symphony in the Park. Bring a picnic dinner, blankets and low-back chairs. 6–7:30 pm. Hoyt Park, Scripps Ranch Blvd. & Aviary Dr.

FREE Concerts by the Sea. Familyfriendly concerts at one of California’s most beautiful outdoor venues. Sundays, 3:30–5:30 pm. Through Aug. 4. Scripps Park at La Jolla Cove.

The Storybook Princess Ball. Sing, dance and pose with your favorite princess characters. 9:30 am, 12:30 & 3:30 pm. $52.50–$72.50. Bella Gala Event Venue, Oceanside.

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Today & tomorrow, 8 pm. $39–$59. Epstein Family Amphitheater, UCSD, 3100 Gilman Dr.

thursday | 18

FREE Encinitas Cruise Night. Classic cars, live music and more. 5:30–7:30 pm. S. Coast Hwy. 101 from D St. to K St.

UltraStar Cinemas Discount Thursdays. 50% off all movie tickets and popcorn. 7510 Hazard Center Dr. Showtimes:

July 2024 • SanDiego family .com • 29

friday | 19

“Field of Dreams” in Concert. 7:30 pm. $33 & up. The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, 222 Marina Park Way.

saturday | 20

Pawmicon. Themed photo experiences, games and activities for kids, a trivia competition and more. Benefits Helen Woodward Animal Center pets and programs. 11:30 am–2:30 pm. AleSmith Brewing Company, 9990 AleSmith Ct. Tickets:

“Disney in Concert: The Sound of Magic.” A symphonic celebration of Disney music, animation and memories – a century in the making. 7:30 pm. Starting at $55. The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, 222 Marina Park Way.

Aloha Plunge. Island-themed pool games and activities, inflatables, the splash pad and more. 5–8 pm. $10; 3 & under free. Alga Norte Aquatic Center, 6565 Alicante Rd., Carlsbad. Register:

Opening Day of the Del Mar Racetrack. Gates open at 11:30 am. Thurs.-Sun. through Sept. 8. 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Tickets:

FREE San Diego Pride Festival & Parade. Live performances from over 100+ artists at five entertainment zones. Parade, today 10 am in Hillcrest. Festival, today & tomorrow, 11 am–9 pm at Balboa Park. Schedule:

San Diego Wave Soccer. Cheer on our national women’s soccer team. Today (Torero Stadium) & July 26 (Snapdragon Stadium). 7 pm. Starting at $15. Tickets:

La Vuelta Summer Cruise Nights. Featuring local car clubs. 5–8 pm. Historic Logan Ave., Barrio Logan.

FREE Summer Twilight Walk. Learn about the changes that occur at dusk as the sun goes down. 7:30–9:30 pm. Bushy Hill Dr. & Father Junipero Serra Trail.

Don’t forget to call to confirm dates, times and admission prices.

sunday | 21

FREE Pupologie Cardiff Dog Days of Summer. Features dog contests, dogrelated vendors and more. 10 am–3 pm. Encinitas Community Park, 425 Santa Fe Dr.

wednesday | 24

Westgate’s Superhero Tea. Dress up in your favorite costume. $35–$59. Through July 28, 1–5 pm. Grand Lobby, 1055 2nd Ave. Reservations:

thursday | 25

Comic-Con International: San Diego. The largest comics and pop culture event in the U.S. Through July 28. San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Dr. Tickets and schedule:

“Becoming Betty Boop.” New exhibit showcasing the history and evolution of the iconic cartoon character. Open daily, 10 am–5 pm (closed Wednesdays). Comic-Con Museum, Balboa Park.

friday | 26

FREE Ramona Country Fair. Amusement ride carnival games, live music and more. Today, 4–10 pm, tomorrow & Sunday, 11 am–10 pm. Ramona Outdoor Community Center, 421 Aqua Ln.

FREE Música en la Plaza. Immerse yourself in a celebration of culture and music and enjoy vibrant music under the stars. Last Friday, 7:30 pm  through Sept. 27. California Center for the Arts, Escondido, Lyric Courtyard, 340 Escondido Blvd.

Fun Animal Friday: Scout the Calf with Happy Heart Haven. Story time, hands-on activity and an animal meet-andgreet. 10–11:30 am. San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, 320 N. Broadway, Escondido.

Star of India Family Overnight Experience. Spend a night aboard the 1863 bark Star of India and embark on an imaginary voyage to relive the lives and times of the many emigrant passengers in the Great Age of Sail.  2 pm–tomorrow, 9 am. $125, ages 6 & up. 1492 N. Harbor Dr. Reservations required:

30 • SanDiego family .com • July 2024
Uncover amazing attractions, hidden gems, secret spots and delightful destinations across San Diego! Family Adventures Discovered! Out & About San Diego with Kids! Calendar • July

FREE Dive-In Movie: “Elemental.”

7:30–10 pm. La Mesa Municipal Pool & Spa, 5100 Memorial Dr.

Summer Olympics. Cheer on USA athletes. Through Aug. 11. Paris, France.

“Mean Girls: High School Version.” Learn valuable lessons about authenticity, self-acceptance and the importance of treating others with kindness. Through Aug. 11. $20–$22. Casa del Prado Theater, Balboa Park.

Batman 1989-35th Anniversary Concert. Relive the incredible performances of one of DC comics’ most popular superhero characters, enhanced by a full symphony orchestra. 8–10 pm. Starting at $45. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 3rd Ave.

saturday | 27

FREE Summer Movies in the Park: “Kung Fu Panda 4.” 6:30–9:45 pm. Community Park, 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway.

Sonic Symphony. An immersive live experience that celebrates more than three decades of music from SEGA’s iconic mascot. 8–10 pm. Starting at $55. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 3rd Ave.

Summer Concert Series. 7:30–9 pm. $10. Wood House at Woodland Park, 1148 Rock Springs Rd., San Marcos.

sunday | 28

FREE Arts District Summer Music Series. Outdoor musical performances every fourth Sunday of the month through Sept. 22. 4–7 pm. Liberty Station, North Promenade, 2848 Dewey Rd.

tuesday | 30

“Peter Pan.” Go on a journey from the second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning. Through Aug. 4. Starting at $34. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave.

Want us to spread the news?

Email and include the name of the event or activity, a brief description, event address, date, time, cost, contact number and website. Submission does not guarantee publication. Deadline for the Sept. issue: Aug 1.

Come In, Relax & Enjoy Creating GREAT PARTY PACKAGES! • Birthdays • Scout Troops • Mommy Groups • Kid Camps • Bridal Parties Kids & Adults • No Age Limit • Drop-in or Reserve • No Studio Fees • Fast Turnaround Featured on 4S Ranch/Poway 10445 Craftsman Way SD 92127 (858) 536-6488 Liberty Station 2770 Historic Decatur Rd. Barracks 14 (619) 223-1339

We’re going all out for our 150th anniversary with the most wonder-full summer in our history.

With extended hours, a new exhibit and native plant garden, T. rex roaring into our theater, hands-on activities every weekend, and Nat at Night every Friday, it’s a whole lot of wonderful to fill up a busy, beautiful summer.

Our events are always changing (just like nature herself) so visit for the latest.


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