TheSuperDentistsSaveHalloween.comMoredetailstocome since the program started!!

October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 3

in every issue Inside articles Volume 41 • Number 7 • October 2022 40 YEARS Since 1982 • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • 40 YEARS 40 YEARS 4 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022 Winner 10 Publisher’s Letter and Our San Diego Families Local families share their Halloween photos 12 Short & Sweet News | Notes | Tips 24 October Calendar “Live” dinosaurs and a plethora of fall and Halloween fun! 14 Happy Fall, Ya’ll A month of harvest happiness 18 Learn to Code What’s in it for the kids 22 Pigs, Goats and Chickens, Oh My! Local spots to visit farm animals 30 Let the “Ghoul” Times Roll Fun new projects and awesome Halloween treats On the Cover: Cover kid Reid of Linda Vista (age 4) is excited to go trick-or-treating and decorate Halloween-themed sweets with his family! Cover photo: All Colors Photography SAN DIEGO FAMILY COVER KIDS ProgramsAfterschoolGuide2022 Visit SanDiegoFamily.com KesslerJenofcourtesyPhoto

Get to know SanDiegoFamily.com, where you’ll discover these articles and a plethora of awesomeness for parents.

To enter these contests, visit SanDiegoFamily.com, go to “Contests,” then “This Month’s Contests.”
Celebrate the spooky season at the San Diego Zoo with HalGLOWeen!

This Halloween season, monsters are running wild atLEGOLAND® California Resort! Every Saturday throughOctober 29 and on Sunday, October 30, the Park will transforminto the ultimate family Halloween celebration – Brick-or-Treat.Guests will enjoy treat stations, new family-friendly entertainment,and the premiere of the new, thrilling 4D movie: “The GreatMonster Chase!” Enter for your chance to win a 4-pack of ticketsto LEGOLAND California Resort Contest ends Oct. 27.
THIS!WINthe web
Each weekend—Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, October 1–29 —step into a world of glowing, glimmering color for a night full of tricks and treats. Get your BOO-gie on amongst billions of bubbles as a live DJ spins all the spookiest tunes. See your favorite wildlife in a whole new light with special presentations from the wildlife care team. Plus check out the maestro of fun himself, Dr. Zoolittle! Kids 11 and under enter free. Enter for your chance to win a 4-pack of tickets to the San Diego Zoo. Contest ends Oct. 13.
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Can’t find what you’re looking for on our website? Enter key words in the search bar and browse our articles. San FamilyDiegoMagazineSDFamilySanDiegoFamily sandiegofamilymagazineSanDiegoFamily 6 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022 AfterschoolResources: Activities • Choosing Martial Arts for Kids • Why Music Education Matters Family Travel • All Aboard! Where to Ride the Rails in California Resources: Education • Raising Avid Readers • 25 Activities that Help Kids with Math

October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 7 Chula Vista Pediatric 397 E St., Ste. A, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: 619-425-9930 Otay Lakes Pediatric 2452 Fenton St., Ste.104, Chula Vista, CA 91914 Phone: 619-271-7778 San Marcos Pediatric 555 S Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Ste. 101, San Marcos, CA 92078 Phone: 760-510-6750


Publisher/Editor in Chief Sharon Bay sharon@SanDiegoFamily.com
Find editorial guidelines at SanDiegoFamily.com (“Editorial” at the bottom of the home page). Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Distribution Locations Pick up a free copy of this month’s issue at Albertsons, select Vons and CVS stores and select public libraries throughout the county. • In-home Respite care ( ages 3 and up) HQ1492 • Senior care (private pay) • Child care • Transport services • Sibling care ($4 per child - private pay) • 20% discount to our client’s family and or to active duty military Veteran-Owned • HQ1492 Spring10225(619)439-7289www.365homecareca.comAustinDr.suite208Valley,CA91978 Care-givers that come to you Experienced Caregivers • Caregivers are FBI & D.O.J cleared • CPR and first aid certified • Car ins, Licensed and bonded
Editorial/Administrative Assistant Adrienne Sigeti family@SanDiegoFamily.comDesign

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Editorial Guidelines
TM Out & About with Kids! San Diego SAN DIEGO FAMILY COVER KIDS 8 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Calendar Editor Linda Bay events@SanDiegoFamily.com
Managing Editor Lisa Gipson editor@SanDiegoFamily.com

Cover photo: All Colors Photography

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Tony Andrews 619-685-6977 • tony2018@SanDiegoFamily.com
FILE NAME GET AN ENERGY ASSIST Save 30% on your energy bill Learn more and see if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE Everyone can use an energy assist once in a while. That’s why SDG&E offers CARE — a discount program providing savings on your energy bill. Eligibility is determined by household income and the number of people in your home. Applying is easy and confidential. ©2022 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SDGE_Print_CARE_SDFamilyMagazine.indd 1 6/29/22 10:49 AM ScrippsBallet.com/Academy858.586.7834 Join Us this School Year and Experience the DIFFERENCE! *Free Ballet Shoes when you register with a friend. New Students Only Serving the San Diego Community since 1987! The NutcrackerDance & Theatre Lessons BALLETFREESHOES* expires11/1/22 SCRIPPS PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY OFFICIAL SCHOOL OF THE SCRIPPS BALLET THEATRE
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San Diego Family Magazine is published monthly by San Diego Family Magazine LLC. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication.

Business Manager
Sharon Bay sharon@SanDiegoFamily.com

Our San DiegoFamilies HallOOOOween!Happy
Happy Halloween from Team Patel: Dylan (11), Duran, Kiran and Maya (7) of Rancho Peñasquitos. “After the year we’ve had, we all deserve a trophy!” says Kiran. “This costume is dedicated to my Dad. Never give up and always have hope.” #cancersucks

Mission Statement
October is always a fun month. Fall is here, the 100-degree weather is behind us, it now feels like autumn, at least on the day I am writing this.
granddaughter Sydney trick-ortreating; she was about 3 years old and was dressed as a witch. At one house, there was a girl in front of her who was also a witch; as she went up the steps, the family at the door said, “Oh, you’re a scary witch!” Then Sydney went up the steps and said, “I’m the cute witch.” The family agreed. Whatever costume the kids choose, enjoy the night and be safe. Go out with them and enjoy being together as a family.
Doug, Terry, Heather and 5-year-old Emily of Santee get a kick out of dressing up for Halloween. “It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus,” they say.

Main Office: 1475 Sixth Avenue, Fifth Floor, San Diego, CA 92101
The Diep Family of 4S Ranch dress as characters from Beauty and the Beast : Elizabeth as Belle (of the village), seeThuanasOliver6-week-oldasGaston,2-year-oldEmilyPrincessBelle,asBeast,andtheirdogBellaasSultan.“Justwaittowhatwehaveinstoreforthisyear!”saysElizabeth.

To enhance the quality of life for San Diego County families by providing information and resources that support the importance and pleasure of parenting.
Halloween isn’t until Oct. 31, but there are fun things to do all month long. This month’s issue (including the calendar of events) is loaded with fall and Halloween activities. I love the non-scary events for the little ones and the Halloween costume ideas from local families. More ideas can be found at www.sandiegofamily.com.Manyyearsago,Itookmy
Thanks to everyone who shared their family Halloween costume photos! Find one more on p. 17 and even more inspiration from locals at diy-halloween-costume.seasonal-happenings/.com/things-to-do/www.sandiegofamily
The kids are settled in school and may want to join afterschool activities. If they aren’t coding, we have a great article that discusses the benefits of learning it, including good job opportunities now and in the future. Read about it on page 18.

10 • SanDiego family .com • October sharon@sandiegofamily.com2022 Publisher’s Letter

Email: family@SanDiegoFamily.com
Phone: 619-685-6970 Fax: 619-685-6978
Did you know that one in every two families has a pet in their home? I was in 4-H as a kid, so I always had calves during the spring and summer, exhibiting them at the county fair. It was a great learning experience! Maybe you don’t have a big backyard or aren’t able to keep pets for other reasons. Check out Jennifer Burman’s article on p. 22 to find out where you can take kids to touch, feed and care for animals.
Shivan and Pooja Desai of 4S Ranch with their little one. “Halloween is such a magical time for our littles,” says Pooja. “Dressing up and being a part of their imagination is priceless!”

October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 11 The Collins Family of Santee celebrate their first Halloween with baby Jack dressing as characters from their favorite movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Jack as Jack Skellington; Patsy as Sally and Mike as Oogie Boogie.
• FREE Family Hay Rides through the Pumpkin Field • FREE animal area, meet and take photos with: – Wilbur and Babe the pigs – Rudy and Snowy the goats • FREE entry to the Pumpkin Field • Fall scented candles and cinnamon brooms available • Enjoy fresh Julian Apple Cider at the farm • Huge, Hay Maze only $7 • Kid’s Hay Play Area • Fun Photo Cutouts • Popcorn Pumpkin Patch! The Ultimate Pumpkin Patch at the Family Christmas Tree Farm Start a New, Fun,Tradition!Family OCTOBER: Thurs.–Fri. 12 pm–9 pm Sat.–Sun. 10 am–9 pm Hay rides end before sundown around 6pm. GrowingSunflowerMusic!GiantKits!AskAbouttheDrillBitPumpkinGutter! www.FamilyChristmasTreeFarm.com300PepperDrive•ElCajon•619-448-5331 More than 20 varieties of Pumpkins in all sizes, including: Royal Blue, Cinderella, White and Warty Goblin Hay ScavengerMazeHuntwithTreats! Cashless payments only, accepted at farm.

Gaby’s Latin American Kitchen by Gaby Melian is a wonderful introduction to Latin American culture and cuisine for young chefsin-training. The book is packed with tips and anecdotes, traditional recipes, and plenty of terms in both English and Spanish. Kids will love learning to make Arepas Con Queso (corn cakes with cheese) from Colombia, Empanadas de Pollo (chicken turnovers) from Argentina, Pastel de Tres Leches con Coco (three milks cake with coconut) from Mexico and much more.

Free Tutoring Now Available
Hispanic Heritage Month is still being observed through Oct. 15. Visit

If your family hasn’t scheduled flu shots yet, now is a good time to make an appointment. It takes about two weeks for immunity to develop, so getting vaccinated early in fall is recommended. Visit the County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency’s website to find a nearby flu vaccine location and be sure to reach out to your family physician with questions. Visit www.sandiegocounty.gov and put “flu shots” in the search bar.
TerraCycle and SOLO have partnered to create the free Solo Cup Recycling Program. Simply mail in used #6 rigid plastic cups (they don’t need to be Solo brand) using a prepaid shipping label and TerraCycle will turn them into new products! This would be a great project for a family, youth organization or anyone wanting to make the world a better place. Learn more brigades/solo-r-cup-brigade-r.www.terracycle.com/en-US/at
Lisa Gipson
Help reduce the stigma associated with mental health challenges by checking in with those around you and engaging in open and honest conversations. Find resources for yourself and loved ones at www.Up2SD.org.

Do the kids need help with homework? All California students in grades K–12 now have access to free online tutoring through the California State Library and HelpNow, a live homework assistance platform. Tutors can help with a variety of subjects via live audio. They do not provide answers; they offer guidance as students work through assignments. All tutors are required to have a bachelor’s degree and pass a background check. Learn more at to-libraries/online-tutoring.www.library.ca.gov/services/

Time for Flu Shots
Help RecyclingWanted:Plastic Cups

12 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022 Short & Sweet
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 13 619-209-2990 www.urchinrock.com•HollowayZenabyPhoto Get in the pool today! FREE Introductory Lesson* *Check for available times & enroll today. • Peace of Mind • Confidence • Great Exercise • So much FUN! www.aquapros.org • Infant to adult • 3-to-1 teacherstudent/ratio • Warm 90o indoor pool CELEBRATING! AQUA PROS SWIM SCHOOL MCCRESEARCH.COM(619)349-4808 HAVE A CHILD WITH MIGRAINES OR SUFFERING CONSTIPATION?FROM Learn more about pediatric studies at MCCR Visit to learn more. Keep Moving Women’s Health Forward! Women’s Health Care Research is seeking volunteers to participate in various research studies: • HPV • Birth Control • Uterine Fibroids • Yeast Infection • Vaccine Research Studies and More! Qualified participants will receive: • Study-related medical exams at no cost • Study-related medications at no cost • Access to board-certified medical professionals • Compensation of up to $750 for time and travel Healthy Kids.Happy Parents. Our only priority is your child’s health. That’s why parents count on Children’s Physicians Medical Group. In partnership with Rady Children’s Health Network, CPMG brings you the most comprehensive pediatric health care in San Diego County. We’re the region’s only pediatric medical network specializing in children’s health. From babies to teens, we’re there for you in a big way. /cpmgsandiegoor in partnership with www.cpmgsandiego.com • 1-877-276-4543

Invite friends over for a hot chocolate bar on a cool evening. Include peppermint sticks, chocolate-covered spoons, whipped cream and marshmallows.
It’s pumpkin season! Make pumpkin bread or cupcakes and give them to neighbors just because. Find our favorite pumpkin recipes in our round-up of Pumpkiny Goodness Readwww.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-do/dining-and-recipes.atthearticle
Learning with Pumpkins for fun with little ones—pumpkin games, pumpkin math, pumpkin science and more. happenings/learning-with-pumpkins.www.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-do/seasonal-
The excitement surrounding the arrival of Fall never gets old. I welcome it with open arms—cooler temperatures, pumpkins, glorious colors, falling leaves, baking, hot apple cider, cozy slippers, comfort food in the slow cooker and Halloween—plus Thanksgiving is just on the horizon. There is no shortage of opportunities to spend quality time with your family, as you’ll see throughout this issue. Below are ideas from our staff on fun ways to commemorate this wonderful season, Halloween and Día de los Muertos. Happy Fall,
A month of happinessharvest

Take kids on neighborhooda leaf hunt to see how many different leaves you find. Little ones can make a counting book with one large leaf on the first page, two on the next, then three, etc. Older children can identify leaves and put them in a nature journal or create unique leaf art.

Bushels of Fall Fun
Photos courtesy of @SanDiegoAdventureKids
Gather events.morecalendar15).GardensVistaFestival(Oct.atscarecrowcreationyourconsideryardtofamilyonescarecrowandunwantedsomeclothescreatea(orforeachmember)decorateyourorporch.Or,enteringone-of-a-kindinthecontestBatesNutFarm8)ortheFallatAltaBotanical(Oct.Fliptoourtolearnaboutthese

14 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Head to Julian for fall fun! Tour a mine, pan for gold, sip locally made apple cider, eat lunch on Main Street, and indulge in a slice of apple pie. Be sure to stop at Dudley’s for fresh bread on the way. Learn more at www.visitjulian.com.

Have a Día de los Muertos celebration!
Grab a buddy and make your way through a straw or corn maze. Find San Diego’s corn mazes listed usingtaggingphotosHalloweenoncream,Diego!searchingEmbarkin-san-diego.do/seasonal-happenings/corn-mazes-www.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-atonapumpkindessertquest,forthebesttreatsinSanTrypumpkinmilkshakes,ice-pie,cheesecake,lattes,etc.Goyourpumpkinadventurewearingcostumes,ifyoudare.Share(andresults)withusonIGby@sandiegofamilymagazineand#ShareSanDiegoFamily.
Visit a public altar at El Campo Santo Cemetery in San Diego’s Old Town on Oct. 29 and 30. Flip to our calendar for more Día de los Muertos events in San Diego.


Watch the movie Coco and enjoy Mexican foods or themed treats. Find Day of the Dead craft projects crafts-for-kids/dia-de-los-muertos-nicho.www.sandiegofamily.com/for-the-kids/away.to(Nov.Inday-of-the-dead-crafts-recipes.seasonal-happenings/dia-de-muertos-www.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-do/atpreparationforDíadelosMuertos1&2),makenichosoraltarshonorlovedoneswhohavepassedFindinstructionsfornichosat

Pose for a photo with Miguel from Coco during meet-and-greetscharacter at Plaza de la Familia in Disney’s California Adventure, where Día de los Muertos is being celebrated now through Nov. 2.

October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 15
Celebrate Día de los Muertos
BOO your neighbors! Participate in this kind-hearted activity by leaving surprise treats for friends. Start early so friends have time to “BOO” others, if they choose. Get all the details (and free printables) neighbors-free-printable.to-do/seasonal-happenings/boo-www.sandiegofamily.com/things-at

HappyBOO’d!We’vewww.SanDiegoFamily.combeenHalloween!www.SanDiegoFamily.com Poem written by Lisa Gipson, managing editor of San Diego Family Magazine. Do not remove SDFM’s name from this page; or copy, share, reproduce, distribute or publish the poem elsewhere without giving credit to San Diego Family Magazine. All right reserved. 1. Make two copies of each page. 2. Place the “We’ve been BOO’d” sign on your door or front window (so others know you’ve already been BOO’d). 3. Within two days, do a “doorbell ditch” with treats (or a themed gift) and one copy of both pages to two different neighbors who haven’t been BOO’d yet. 4. Have fun and don’t get caught! You’ve been BOO’d! It’s surely been a scary year, That’s why we’re spreading Halloween cheer! Secret friends have left a treat For an awesome family who can’t be beat. Everyone’s spirits need a lift, Please join the fun and leave a gift For your neighbor or a friend; Keep it going—don’t let it end! You have two days to ring their bell, Keep it secret—don’t you tell! Happy Halloween! Make Eyeball Hot Cocoa Bombs with the kids. If the spooky bloodshot look is a bit much, omit the red so they look like the eye of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. Visit www.theseasidebaker.com for recipe and instructions. Howl-oweenHappy theseasidebaker.comcredit:Photo 16 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Visit a local pumpkin patch or farm such as Goff Family Pumpkin Patch and Pumpkin Station, which has several locations throughout the county. Each one offers unique attractions, rides or events. Flip to page 26 for more info. Host a pumpkin carving party. Be sure to provide plenty of table space (inside or out) and take photos of everyone’s final creations! Hand out prizes for the scariest, funniest or most creative pumpkins. Prefer not to do any carving? Find great no-carve pumpkin decorating ideas games-for-kids.crafts-for-kids/13-halloween-party-www.sandiegofamily.com/for-the-kids/andfuncarskids.participateAskcrafts-for-kids/diy-halloween-treats.www.sandiegofamily.com/for-the-kids/(forPrintS’mores,Jack-o-LanternclassmatesMakeofTrolleyDiegoTakepumpkin-decorating.do/seasonal-happenings/no-carve-www.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-atolderkids(13+)onaspookySanadventuresuchastheOldTownGhostTourorawalk-throughtheWhaleyHouseinOldTown.FallorHalloweentreatbagsforandfriends.ChoosefromBags,miniSpookyGhostPoopandmore.ourawesomebaggietagsfree)andgetinstructionsatneighborsifthey’dliketoinatrunk-or-treatfortheEncouragethemtodecoratetheirandhandouttreatsorsetupaactivityorgame. Choosegamesactivitiesfromourlistat
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 17 Plan an epic family Halloween costume and dress up together. Not sure where to start? Flip to page 10 to see what a few local families have done, then visit withHosticingstructure;grahamhauntedGetthemedwhereClueDisney’sHostfamiliesinspiration.to-do/seasonal-happeningswww.sandiegofamily.com/things-formoreTherearesomanycleverinSanDiego!agamenight.Bobforapples,playTheHauntedMansiongame,ormakeyourownPictionarygameeachteammakesHalloween-cardsfortheotherteam.thekidstogethertomakeediblehousesusingchocolatecrackersorcookiesforthethendecoratewithroyalandcandy.anot-so-scarymoviemarathonkid-friendlyclassicssuchas Casper (PG), The Haunted Mansion (PG), Hocus Pocus (PG), Hotel Transylvania (PG), Halloweentown (TV movie) and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (not rated). v Flip to “Let the Ghoul Times Roll” on page 30 for more ideas. Lisa Gipson is the managing editor of San Diego Family. The Schwartz Family of 4S Ranch J.T., Natalie, Bradley (6), Kai (3) and Scarlett (2) (760) 603-9608 · www.Carlsbadstrawberrycompany.com Open Daily 9am–6pm •Food•Games•Corn Maze•BounceLand Pony Rides•Tractor Rides•Lavender Fields •Marigold Fields•Photo Ops•Giant Pumpkins •Sheep & Goat Petting Area Haunted Corn Maze opens 10/1/22 Fridays and Saturdays 7pm-10pm – Pet Friendly! –Carlsbad Pumpkin Patch & Fall Festival at the Carlsbad Strawberry Fields Cannon Rd & Interstate 5 8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 Tel (858) 452-3030 • Fax (858) 777-9199 • www.bethmontessori.com Jewish Montessori Preschool in La Jolla Classes are filling up quickly! For more information, contact us at (858) 452-3030 or info@bethmontessori.com Beth Montessori adheres to the principles of Association Montessori International (AMI) • Children ages 9 months to 6 years • Proven Montessori Method and Philosophy • Learning through hands-on experience • Integrated secular and Judaic curriculum • Bilingual Program • Skilled teachers, trained in early childhood development • Secured, state-of-the-art facilities Serving Allied Gardens, San Carlos, Del Cerro Easy Access for SDSU www.CanyonRimCC.com 6801 Easton Court San Diego, CA 92120 Lic#376600450 Kindergarten teachers love students from our programs! “Dedicated to the individuality of children.” ✓ Serving Ages 2 - 6 (Diapers OK) ✓ 2, 3, 4 & 5 Day Schedules ✓ Full Day Enrichment Program ✓ 3 Large, Beautiful Playgrounds ✓ Loving, Caring and Secure Environment Canyon Rim Children's Center Schedule a tour now: (619) 287-6767

coding because it allows them to be creative, have fun and make content (versus consume it). To create something on a screen, like a game, involves logical thinking and problem solving. How do you make a tank game? First, you move the tank diagonally; then you work on firing. Kids are fascinated by how they can use code to change colors and graphics on the screen to whatever they choose.
Coding is one of the most demanded skills in the workplace today in IT and non-tech organizations.

Coding translates instructions and processes into a computing language, which allows people to create apps, websites, video games, online shops and so much more. Coding is communication (words and phrases) for machines—it’s like learning a different language. Common coding languages include JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP, Ruby, Java, Rust, Swift and Hack.
Sequential thinking and attention to detail are important life applications that help make wellrounded students. “For kids, learning to code isn’t about the actual technology or coding languages,” says Hansel Lynn, founder/CEO of The Coder School, which has three locations in San Diego County. “Coding is about logic. To speak to a computer, you must give precise step-by-step instructions.”Childrenlove
“Coding is how a person creates a set of instructions for a computer,” says Lynn. “Anything that has a computer had a coder write instructions to tell it what to do. That includes smartphones, cars, TVs, even your refrigerator and alarm clock,” says Lynn.
Coding has changed the way people live and interact with each other and plays a major role in the development of today’s world. Do you want directions to a tasty burger near you? Coding makes it possible. Do you love watching your favorite movies on Netflix (even on your phone)? It’s brought to you by coding. Are you looking for a job online? Coding helps with that as well. Coding enables tasks to be done faster, easier, and more efficiently than human labor, but people are needed to learn and implement it.
critical thinking skills, creative problem-solving, paying attention to details and important lessons in teamwork.
cont. on p. 20
What Exactly is Coding?
Around 51 percent of schools offer computer science and coding classes to kids during school or as afterschool programs. There are also a number of independent coding programs offered afterResearchschool.shows that when kids learn to code, it’s about much more than computers and future careers. Learning to code offers significant cognitive benefits that stick with kids into adulthood:

“Problem solving and logic skills are required to code a game, but they are also required when kids plan an art project, build a model, or use adult skills such as making a schedule or even sales,” says Lynn.
18 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Why kids may want to LearnCodeto
Megan Woolsey
Coding Builds Cognitive Skills

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October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 19

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It’s time to press play. Join us today sdgirlscouts.org/discoverat Fun with friends. New GirlYou’reMakingadventures.adifference.readytogoandScoutsisreadyforyou. “A learning environment that balances the physical, cognitive, creative, social & emotional needs of your child.” Leaders in Early Childhood Education Since 1970 376600498Lic.# 858-755-8338 13692 Mango Drive, Del Mar ToursSchedulingforthe2022-2023SchoolYear Celebrating 52 years Visit our www.delmarhillsnurseryschool.comwebsite Come In, Relax & EnjoyGREATCreatingPARTYPACKAGES! • Birthdays • Scout Troops • Mommy Groups • Kid Camps • Bridal Parties Liberty Station 2770 Historic Decatur Rd. Barracks 14 (619) www.thehotspotstudio.com223-1339 Kids & Adults • No Age Limit • Drop-in or Reserve • No Studio Fees • Fast Turnaround Featured on See website g

Common planning options include:

Mance Law PC is a woman-founded, client-centered estate planning and special needs planning law firm. Attorney Michelle Mance is here to assist with planning for your family’s future and to provide peace of mind.

There is no “end date” to coding— there is always more to learn. Like writing, sports or music, coding is a lifelong journey of learning and crafting
20 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Megan Woolsey is a freelance Carlsbad her

Clearing Up Misconceptions
Kids don’t have to love math or be a gamer to enjoy coding. Coding is problem-solving that involves some multiplying and adding, but it’s not necessary to love math. It’s more important to be logical and capable of
husband, teenage triplets and their big sister. √ “A ofFutureStudentMontessoriisaCitizentheWorld” North County Coastal ENCINITAS COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Preschool/Elementary/MiddleLic.#372005943TwoLocationsinEncinitas Encinitas 760-942-1111 www.ecdschools.org San Diego Coastal BETH MONTESSORI Infants/Toddler/Preschool/KindergartenLic.#3767004968660GilmanDr.,LaJolla92037-2202 La Jolla 858-452-3030 MISSIONwww.bethmontessori.comBAYMONTESSORIACADEMY Preschool/Elementary Lic. #372005444 • AMS Affiliated School 2640 Soderblom Ave., San Diego 92122 La Jolla, Pacific Beach, University City 858-457-5895 www.mbmacademy.com MontessoritheDiscoverWorldof Discover the world of sharks, seadragons and, now, Little Blue Penguins. Annual memberships include year-round visits plus discounts on tours, events,summer camps and more! Membership DIVE INTO
Coding Offers Job or Career Support
According to Lynn, students who pursue a computer science degree will be in high demand when they graduate because more and more jobs and people use computers for everyday working and living, but there are never enough people to code programs and apps. Kids can take all they have learned in coding and pursue a part-time job or full-time career with those skills (but only if they’re passionate about it).
Coding is more like writing than math. “Coding is an art form, not an equation,” says Lynn. “Someone can code 100 different ways with the same result.
There are over 1.9 billion websites on the internet today, all powered by programming language. It is estimated that we can expect to see over 20 billion devices in use in the coming years. Kids who learn to code can be part of the future of creation while also learning vital critical thinking and practical life skills. v

When considering coding as an afterschool activity, many parents may assume it’s a gateway to computer science only, but coding is used in countless professional applications. Engineers, graphic designers, web developers, financial analysts and CEOs use coding, restaurants need coding to build websites, teachers can use it for grading, and more.
writer living in
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 21 URBAN DISCOVERY PROVIDES AN INNOVATIVE, PROJECT-BASED APPROACH TO LEARNING. WITH COMPREHENSIVE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMING INCLUDING: THE ARTS, DESIGN, STEAM + PE. FALL OF 2022: WE ARE OFFERING TK FOR ALL STUDENTS TURNING 4 YRS. BY 9/1/22 SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! URBAN DISCOVERY SCHOOLS DESIGNED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE SERVING T/K - 5th 6th - 12th APPLY NOW FOR 2022-23 URBANSD.COM | 619.788.4668 Inspiring curious minds to think deeply & live courageously. Founded in 1980, The Rhoades School provides an academically advanced education for San Diego’s gifted students. Our Preschool prepares young children to be lifelong learners, and Lower School emphasizes personal attention and a robust curriculum. Our rigorous Middle School prepares advanced learners for success in High School and beyond. JOIN US FOR AN OPEN HOUSE - Saturday, October 29 Pre-register online today! NEW PRESCHOOL! 2.5 Years to Pre-K 520 Balour Dr Encinitas ©2022 Spring Education Group, Inc License #: 376105104 760-436-1102 | RhoadesSchool.com LOWER SCHOOL Transitional K to Grade 5 141 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 6 to 8 910 Encinitas Blvd Encinitas

Explore this 20-acre haven that is home to more than 200 animals. For an additional fee, pick an animal enclosure (mini horses and goats, sheep and mini donkeys, and others) to get closer to your favorite animals and learn from experienced animal keepers. Also available: 90-minute guided tours and “Be a Keeper for the Day,” a unique experience allowing participants to help animal keepers with daily duties.
22 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
This season, fall in love with friendly farm critters, big and small, at these local spots that offer hands-on experiences for families. Get your cuddle fix (or the ultimate selfie shot) as you get some one-on-one time with adorable horses, mini pigs, goats, ducks, cows, alpacas and more.

NatureChildren’sRetreat A Simpler Time Alpaca Ranch Happy Heart HavenDaviesBarbaracredit:PhotoHavenHeartHappyofcourtesyPhotoPhotocourtesyofJenKessler

Children’s Nature Retreat www.childrensnatureretreat.orgAlpine
Happy Heart Haven Valley www.thehappyhearthaven.comCenter
Get up close and personal with over 30 farm animals through private or group tours (up to 10 people). Or, become a behind-the-scenes farmer for an evening and help put the animals to bed with the Goodnight Farm experience (up to 6 people). Collect food at the barn, feed each animal until everyone is safely put away for the evening. Special event this month: The Great Pumpkin Hunt – Sat., Oct. 29. One-hour sessions at 9 am or 12 pm include games, animal interactions, crafts and more.
Oasis Camel Dairy www.cameldairy.comRamona
Take a private tour of this alpaca ranch that packs a lot of fun! Spend time with gentle alpacas and learn how to care for them, tour a fiber mill where alpaca yarn is made, and start your Christmas shopping early by browsing their boutique featuring clothing, accessories and one-ofa-kind alpaca products (they even have cute alpaca ornaments) made from soft alpaca fiber. Tours are by appointment, Mon.-Sat.
Jennifer Burman
Have a hump-mazing time at this family farm for camel lovers, young and old. Open farm tours include a live show where you can meet captivating parrots and the farm’s biggest camel, plus an opportunity to feed the camels and mini sheep. After the tour, browse their shop filled with unique finds (from camel milk chocolate to camel milk bath bombs) or go on a camel ride (ages 4+). Tours available on select Sat. & Sun., starting at 12 pm.
Sand n’ Straw Community Farm www.sandnstraw.comVista
Take a guided tour where you can learn about regenerative agriculture as you explore ponds, a food forest,
Pigs, Goats and Chickens, Oh My! Fun spots to visit farm animals
A Simpler Time Alpaca Ranch El www.asimplertimestore.comCajon
10 SDJT The SpongeBob Musical ad, Family Mag.pdf 1 9/8/22 1:03 PMPacific Southwest Railway Museum www.PSRM.org
seasonal creeks and more. Be sure to add an animal visit to your tour for an opportunity to pet and feed pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens and ducks. Also, get the chance to purchase a variety of farm-grown produce to take home. Tours available every Tues. & Fri., 3 pm.
SoCal Mini Pigs Valley www.socalminipigs.comCenter
SoCal Pigs
Fridays at 7pm. Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm.
ASL-Interpreted performance Saturday, November 12 at 2pm.

Take a 45 minute train ride departing from the Campo Depot. Saturdays & Sundays October 8-31 • 4 Trains Daily

Jennifer Burman is a freelance writer and mom of two.
A JT Premiere! Recommended for ALL Ages.
Costumes Encouraged, Visit the Pumpkin Patch, & Receive a Goodie Bag!
Tours available Fri., 10 am; Sat. & Sun. (except Oct. 22), 10 am & 12 pm. v

October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 23

Sugar Sweet Farm www.sugarsweetfarm.comEncinitas
Visit the farm store, petting zoo and playground (free) Monday through Saturday, where you can say hello to goats, sheep, a cow, turkeys, and get a chance to feed chickens. For even more fun, schedule an egg-citing weekend tour for your family, scout troop, homeschool or youth group! Check out an egg-washing demonstration, learn about regenerative farming and how to decode egg labels, and see how the farm’s hens are raised in a pasture environment. Tours begin the first week of Oct.
Lots of cool seasonal activities are in store including a petting zoo where you can meet Percy the Cow, donkeys Joey and Chewy, Bubba the Pig, as well as goats, lambs and chickens. Also, a rock-climbing wall, axe throwing, cider apple press demonstrations and tractor-pulled hay rides.
Treat the family to a hands-on, educational private tour where participants come face to face with llamas, chickens, miniature horses and goats, a miniature potbellied pig and more. Also offers special Halloween Goat Yoga events for adults and children, ages 9+.
Happy www.happy-hens.comRamonaHens
Julian Farm & Orchard Santa www.julianfarmandorchard.comYsabel

Get ready for an overdose of cuteness courtesy of the Mini Pig & Farm Friends Experience where you can spend an hour with mini pigs, sheep, chickens, mini goats, a mini horse and ducks. Learn all about these animals, feed them and give the piggies a few belly rubs!
TICKETS $16-$18 Call 619 -239 8355 or visit JuniorTheatre.com

| 1
Old Town Haunted Walking Tour. Just the right amount of historically accurate events and humor. Fri.–Sun., 6:30 & 8:30 pm. $20–$25. 2454 Heritage Park Row, Old www.hauntedsdoldtowntours.comTown.
Padres Home Games. Today & tomorrow vs. White Sox and Oct. 3–5 vs. Giants. Petco Park. Tickets: www.padres.com
Oktoberfest: Family Fall Festival. German food, Kids Zone, pumpkin patch and more. 12–8 pm. $5–$55; 5 & under free. Carlsbad Strawberry Company, 1050 Cannon Rd. www.rotaryoktoberfest.org
Family Safety Day “Hanging with Heroes.” Information covering everything from CPR to Cyber Safety, all while having fun. 10 am–1 pm. Starting at $10 per family. AleSmith Brewing, 9990 AleSmith diego-events-outdoor-activitieshttps://sandiego.momcollective.com/san-Ct.
SeaWorld Spooktacular. Dance party, scavenger hunt, trick-or-treating and more. Weekends through Oct. 31, 10 am–6 pm. Included with admission. Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr. www.seaworldsandiego.comTickets:
Beachside Fall Fest at Belmont Park. Pumpkin patch, free trick-or-treating (Sundays), rides and more. Through Oct. 31. 3146 Mission Blvd. Tickets: www.belmontpark.com
Halloween Safety Month • Breast Cancer Awareness Month • Eat Better, Eat
OCTOBER Together
FREE La Mesa Oktoberfest. Kids activities, German food, games and more. Today, 10 am–10 pm & tomorrow, 12–8 pm. La Mesa Blvd. www.lamesaoktoberfest.org
Kids FREE October. Kids can enjoy free admission to dozens of museums and other family-friendly attractions throughout San Diego County. Up to two kids (ages 12 & under) for every adult ticket purchased. www.sandiegomuseumcouncil.orgDetails:
FREE Rendezvous in Poway. Pan for gold, experience western re-enactors and mock train robberies. Today, 10 am–4 pm & tomorrow, 10 am–2 pm. Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd. www.poway.org
HalGLOWeen at the San Diego Zoo. Wildlife 2920ThroughSun.,tastic” entertainmentencounters, “fang-andfestivities. Fri.–5–9pm.Zooopen9am–9pm.Oct.29.Includedwithadmission.ZooDr.www.sdzwa.org
Julian Autumn Jubilee. Hayride, petting zoo and more. Weekends through Oct. 30. Sat., 10 am–5 pm & Sun., 11 am–5 pm. $20–$25. Fort Cross, 4425 Hwy. 78, Santa Ysabel. www.fortcross.com
“Cats.” An extraordinary tribe of cats gathers for its annual ball. Today & tomorrow. Starting at $35. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave. Tickets & showtimes: www.broadwaysd.com
Still looking for last month’s events? Check out the digital edition of our September issue at SanDiegoFamily.com
Jurassic World: The Exhibition Walk through “Jurassic World” gates, explore themed environments and encounter life-sized Velociraptors, a Brachiosaurus, and the most fearsome dinosaur, the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex. Opens Oct. 21. $24.50–$44.50. Westfield Mission Valley Mall, 1748 Camino Del Rio www.jurassicworldexhibition.com/N.sandiego

24 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
Oct. 29, 3–9 pm, plus Oct. 30, 2–8 pm. Included with admission. LEGOLAND, 1 LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. www.legoland.com
Don’t forget to call to confirm dates, times and admission saturdayprices.
Brick-or-Treat Presents Monster Party. Trick-or-treating, live entertainment, LEGO characters and more. Saturdays through
The Count’s Halloween Spooktacular. Come in costume for not-too-spooky fun with trick-or-treating, Halloween-themed shows, parade and more. Weekends through Oct. 30, 10 am–6 pm. Sesame Place, 2052 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. www.sesameplacesandiego.comTickets:
wednesday | 5

Harvest Festival. Kid zone, fun stage acts and more. Today & tomorrow, 10 am–5 pm; Oct. 9, 10 am–4 pm. $4–$9; 12 & under free. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. www.harvestfestival.com
FREE Hispanic Heritage Month Fiesta. Cultural performances, crafts and games. 10 am–2 pm. Logan Heights Library, 567 S. 28th St. event/hispanic-heritage-month-fiestahttps://sandiego.librarymarket.com/
Super Hero Obstacle Race. Dress up like super heroes and run through a super hero-themed 2K obstacle course. 8–10 am. $25. Alga Norte Community Park, 6565 Alicante Rd., Carlsbad. Register: www.carlsbadca.gov
saturday | 8
Little Engineers Fall: STEAM. Focus on engineering, problem solving, design and more. Wednesdays, 9–10 am. $23. San Diego Air & Space Museum, Balboa Park. www.sandiegoairandspace.org
Autumn Festival at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Not-so-scary scarecrows, a-MAZE-ing adventure maze, jamboree country dance party and more. Weekends through Oct. 30. 9 am–7 pm. 15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd., Escondido. www.sdzwa.org
FREE Sunday Fun-Day. Hullabaloo concert Sundays, 11–11:45 am; Magical Meet & Greets Sundays, 11 am–2 pm. Westfield North County, 272 E. Via Rancho Pkwy., Escondido. www.westfield.com
Beyster Family Little Blue Penguins. Daily, 9 am–5 pm. $19.95–$24.95; 2 & under free. Birch Aquarium at Scripps, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla. Reservations www.aquarium.ucsd.edurequired:

friday | 7

tuesday | 4
LEGOLAND 4D Movie: “The Great Monster Chase!” This not-so-spooky flick features exciting special effects which include wind, bubbles, water and more. Daily, included with admission. 1 LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. www.legoland.com
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 25

Pumpkin Express. Train rides, pumpkin patch, haunted trail and more. Weekends: 10:30 am, 11:45 am, 1:45 pm, 3 pm. $7–$30. 750 Depot St., Campo. www.psrm.org
Breathing Room at the New Children’s Museum. Calming colors and hanging textile sculptures allow visitors to slow down and relax. Daily 9 am–4 pm; closed Tues. $10–$15. 200 W. Island Ave. www.thinkplaycreate.org
Champions of Magic Tour. Five worldclass illusionists perform incredible interactive illusions. 3 & 7:30 pm. Starting at $28.50. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. www.championsofmagic.co.uk
Super Dentist Flossing Event. Help The Super Dentists break the Guinness World Record for most people flossing simultaneously. Includes a T-shirt, products and a ticket to the Padres game. 10 am. Petco Park. For details and to register, email: karen.arreola@thesuperdentists.com.

Scarecrow Contest. Bring your scarecrow to the pumpkin patch from 1-5 pm, Oct. 7 or before 10 am today. 10 am–1 pm. Parking $8. Bates Nut Farm, 15954 Woods Valley Rd., Valley Center. www.batesnutfarm.biz
sunday | 2
monday | 3
Pumpkin Plunge. Spooky fun with floating obstacles, pool activities and games with prizes. 5 pm. $10; 3 & under free. Alga Norte Aquatic Center, 6565 Alicante Rd., Carlsbad. www.carlsbadca.gov
FREE Pumpkin Station. Pumpkins, rides, petting zoo and more. Through Oct. 31. Sun.–Thurs., 9 am–7 pm; Fri. & Sat., 9 am–9 pm. 3 locations: Del Mar, 15555 Jimmy Durante Blvd.; Mission Valley, 1750 Camino Del Rio N.; Plaza Bonita, 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd., National City. www.pumpkinstation.com
tuesday | 11
Don’t forget to call to confirm dates, times and admission saturdayprices.
FREE U-Pick Pumpkin Patch at The Farm Stand West. Through Oct. 31. Visit website for times. 2115 Miller Ave., Escondido. www.thefarmstandwest.com
FREE Pumpkin Patch at Summers Past Farms. Pumpkins, corn maze & hay fort. Through Oct. 31; closed Mon.–Wed. 15602 Olde Hwy., 80, Flinn Springs. www.summerspastfarms.com
Find our full list of pumpkin patches at things-to-do/seasonal-happenings/pumpkin-patches-in-san-diego.www.sandiegofamily.com/
26 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
thursday | 13
FREE Family Christmas Tree Farm Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins, hay rides, hay bale maze and more. Through Oct. 31. Thurs.–Fri., 12–9 pm; Sat.–Sun., 10 am–9 pm. 300 Pepper Dr., El Cajon. www.familychristmastreefarm.com
FREE Halloween in the Park. Trick-ortreating, spooky trail walk, “Coco” and more. 4–8 pm. Live Oak County Park, 2746 Reche Rd., Fallbrook. www.sdparks.org
SnakeSmart. Conquer your fear of snakes while learning about how snakes benefit our ecosystem. 9:30–11:30 am. For ages 5 & up. $30. Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Rd., Rancho Santa Fe. www.animalcenter.org
Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Rd., Rancho Santa Fe. www.animalcenter.org/education
FREE Haunted Trail Hike. Thrills and chills await those who dare to take on this fun, family-friendly walk through the
FREE Goff Family Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins, lawn games, photo ops and more. Through Oct. 31. Sun.–Thurs., 9 am–8 pm, Fri. & Sat., 9 am–9 pm. 2830 Perry Rd., Liberty Station. www.gofffamilypumpkinpatch.com
FREE Harvest Fest San Marcos. Kids zone, live entertainment and more. 9 am–5 pm. Via Vera Cruz, between San Marcos Blvd. & Grand www.sanmarcoschamber.comAve.
FREE La Jolla Art & Wine Festival. Geppetto’s Toys Family Art Center, entertainment and more. Today & tomorrow. 10 am–6 pm. Girard Ave. www.ljawf.com
Autumn Harvest Teas. A special Harvestthemed Tea. 11:30 am, 1 & 2:30 pm. $9.95–$32.95. Through Oct. 17. Julian Tea & Cottage Arts, 2124 Third St., Julian. Reservations required: www.juliantea.com
Howl-o-Ween Harvest Family Festival. Interact with awesome animals, pick a mini pumpkin and entry into the midnight mystery lab. Today, Oct. 22, 29 & 30. 9 am–1 pm. $50 for 4 tickets.
Pumpkin Patches
FREE Piñata Art with Art Smarts. Learn how to draw a 3-D piñata. For ages 5–11. 5–6 pm. Valencia Park/ Malcolm X Library, 5148 Market create-it-pinata-art-art-smartshttps://sandiego.librarymarket.com/event/St.
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Fall Harvest Festival. Showcasing local artisans. 9 am–4 pm. City Farmers Nursery, 3110 www.cityfarmersnursery.comEuclid.
FREE Fall Fun Festival. Scarecrow contest, kids crafts & activities and more. 10 am–3 pm. Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace Dr., www.altavistabotanicalgardens.orgVista.
Calendar • October
Sunday Science Club: Magic for Muggles. Students, grades 5–8, use science to reproduce the magic of your favorite wizards from books and movies. Girls only, 10 am–12 noon; all scientists, 1–3 pm. $15. Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park. www.fleetscience.org
“Hotel Transylvania.” The story of Count Dracula, the owner of the Hotel Transylvania where the world’s monsters can take a rest from human civilization. 1 pm. $11.75–$24.50. Rooftop Cinema Club Embarcadero, Manchester Grand Hyatt, 1 Market Pl. Full www.rooftopcinemaclub.comschedule:
Julian Farm & Orchard Pumpkin Patch. Fri.-Sun., 10 am–4 pm. 4381 Julian Hwy., Santa Ysabel. www.julianfarmandorchard.com
Carlsbad Pumpkin Patch. Tractor rides, corn maze, pumpkins and more. Through Nov. 8, 9 am–6 pm. Admission, $6; 5 & under free. Fee for activities. 1050 Cannon Rd. www.carlsbadstrawberrycompany.com
sunday | 9
FREE Mountain Valley Ranch Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins, corn maze, corn cannon and more. Daily, 9 am–6 pm. 842 Hwy. 78, Ramona. www.mountainvalleyranch.com
FREE Pumpkin Station Farms. Stroll through a live pumpkin patch with corn maze and hayrides. 2 locations: Rancho Bernardo, 13421 Highland Valley Rd. (9 am–6 pm through Oct. 13; Oct. 14–31, 9 am–7 pm) & Bonita, 5354 Sweetwater Rd. (9 am–6 pm through Oct. 13; Oct. 14–31, 9 am–9 pm). www.pumpkinstation.com
Antique Engine & Tractor Show. Today, tomorrow, Oct. 22–23. 9 am–4 pm. $3–$5; 5 & under free. Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum, 2040 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista. Details: www.agsem.org
FREE Movie in the Park: “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Movie starts at sunset. MacArthur Park, 4900 Memorial Dr. www.lamesaparks.org

Sunset Special Train Ride. Enjoy a sunset ride through East County’s rugged backcountry. Saturdays, 6:30 pm. $9–$18; 2 & under free. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Campo Depot, 750 Depot St. www.psrm.org
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 27

sunday | 16
tuesday | 18
Visit our new sensory friendly installation Breathing Room! thinkplaycreate.org

Haunted Ghost Town. A 25-minute spine-chilling tour of the pranks and secrets of the departed. Today, tomorrow, and Oct. 28–30. Family-friendly tours, 5:30–6:30 pm; scary tours 6:30–9:30 pm. $10–$20. Heritage Ranch, 450 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas. www.sdheritage.org
woods. 7–9 pm. Dos Picos County Park, 17953 Dos Picos Park Rd., Ramona. www.sdparks.org
FREE Not-So-Scary Eco Festival. Interactive activities, craft-making and live animal encounters. 10 am–1 pm. San Dieguito County Park, 1628 Lomas Santa Fe Dr., Del Mar. www.thenaturecollective.org
FREE Grand Ave Festival. Creative Kids Corner, Art in the Garden, robotic team demos and more. 9 am–5 pm. Grand Ave. from Escondido Blvd. to www.greaterescondido.orgIvy.
FREE Sugar Skulls. Learn how to make Sugar Skulls with artists of Back from Tomboctou. For ages 5–11. 5–6 pm. Valencia Park/Malcolm X Library, 5148 Market create-it-sugar-skulls-back-tomboctouhttps://sandiego.librarymarket.com/event/St.
friday | 21
Belmont Park 5K and All Wheels Welcome Cruise. Run or ride through Belmont Park and up and down the boardwalk. Wristband grants rides at Belmont Park after race. 8 am–3 pm. $45–$50. 3146 Mission Blvd. www.raceroster.com
FREE Halloween Carnival. 11 am–4 pm. Miramar Ranch Elementary School,
“The SpongeBob Musical.” SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face the annihilation of their undersea world. Through Nov. 13. Casa del Prado Theater, Balboa Park. Tickets: www.juniortheatre.com

Spooky Campover. Camp out and sleep under the stars with the animals. Includes campfire songs, pumpkin carving and a Halloween costume contest. 3 pm to tomorrow, 10 am. $55–$80; under 3 free. Lions Tigers & Bears, 24402 Martin Way, Alpine. https://bit.ly/SpookyCampoverTickets:
FREE “Ghostbusters: Afterlife.” Pre-show family activities. 6 pm. Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific www.summermoviesinthepark.comHwy.
28 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022 Calendar • October
Once Upon a Hallowe’en. Haunted house, carnival games and more. 4:30–8:30 pm. Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland
Jurassic World: The Exhibition. See pullout on page 24.
FREE Borrego Days Desert Festival. Expanded kids zone, food and more. Today, 9:45 am–6 pm & tomorrow, 10 am–3 pm. Christmas Circle on Palm Canyon Dr., Borrego Springs. Details: www.borregodays.com
FREE Family Arts & Literacy Nights. San Diego Ballet presents “The Jungle Book,” an art project for the entire family and a free book for each household. 6:30–8 pm. Salvation Army Kroc Center, 6605 University https://sd.kroccenter.org/kroc-san-diego/Ave.
wednesday | 26
Skyline Dr. recreation/centers/recctr/mlkwww.sandiego.gov/park-and-
FREE Trick-or-Treat on India Street. Little witches and monsters get Halloween treats from participating Little Italy businesses. 5:30–7:30 pm. Maps available at the Piazza della Famiglia, India & W. Date St. www.littleitalysd.com
Dia de los Muertos at Guajome Adobe. Altars, arts & crafts and more. 10 am–4 pm. $2–$4; 3 & under free. 2210 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista. www.sdparks.org
Movie Night at the Pumpkin Patch: “Hocus Pocus.” Bring a blanket and chairs. Opens 5:45 pm; movie, 6:30 pm. $4. 2830 Perry Rd., Liberty www.gofffamilypumpkinpatch.comStation.
FREE Fallbrook Harvest Faire. Crafts, pumpkin contests, scarecrows and more. 9 am–4 pm. Main www.fallbrookchamberofcommerce.orgAve.
thursday | 27
sunday | 23
FREE Oceanside Dia de los Muertos Festival. Altars, chalk cemetery, kids activities and more. 10 am–5 pm. Downtown www.friendsofoceansidediadelosmuertos.orgOceanside.
FREE Halloween Festival. Trick-ortreating, costume contest, crafts and more. 3:30–5:30 pm. Fallbrook Community Center, 341 Heald Ln., Fallbrook. www.sdparks.org
Pumpkin Patch. Music, crafts, inflatables and “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” after sunset. 2–5 pm. Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific Hwy. www.sdparks.org
FREE Cajon Classic Cruise: Trunk or Treat. Cars, candy, fun and entertainment. 5–8 pm. Main St. & Magnolia Ave., El Cajon. www.cajonclassiccruise.org
Parents Night Out. Games, relays, ninja courses and more. Pizza included. $40. For ages 3–10. 5:30–8:30 pm. My Gym, 12222 Poway Rd., Poway. www.mygym.com/poway
saturday | 22
San Diego Gulls. Season opener vs. Ontario Reign: rally towel & light-up wristband giveaway. Also Oct. 26 vs. Eagles. 7 pm. Pechanga Arena, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd. Tickets: www.sandiegogulls.com
saturday | 29
FREE Monster Mash Carnival. Games, arts & crafts, costume contest and more. 4–6 pm. Paradise Hills, 6610 Potomac centers/recctr/paradisewww.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/St.
The Super Dentists Spooktacular. Costume contest, carnival games, goody bags, music and more. See details on page 2. 11 am–1 pm. 9737 Aero Dr. www.facebook.com/TheSuperDentistsRSVP:
Hoot, Howl & Prowl. Wear your costumes for after-dark adventures through the Reserve. 5:30–7:15 pm. $5. Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, 16275 Espola Rd., Poway. www.poway.org
FREE HauntFest on Main. Pumpkin patch, Kidz zone, costume contest, carnival rides and more. 4–9 pm. Downtown El Cajon. www.hauntfest.org
Want us to spread the news? Email events@sandiegofamily.com and include the name of the event or activity, a brief description, event address, date, time, cost, contact number and website. Submission does not guarantee publication. Deadline for the Dec. issue: Nov. 1.

FREE Halloween Spooktacular & Soap Box Race. An inclusive day of races and trick-or-treating from Best S.T.E.P Forward. 11 am–1 pm. Brawley Cattle Call Arena, Cattle Call Dr., www.beststepforward.orgBrawley.
sunday | 30
October 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 29

Howl-o-Ween 5K Mutt Run/Walk. Costume contest, music and more. 8:30 am–1 pm. $50–$65. Road Runner Sports, 5553 Copley Dr. www.labsandmore.orgRegister:

FREE Encinitas Dia de los Muertos. Ballet folklorico dancers, Mariachi bands and more. 12–4 pm. Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Dr. www.encinitasarts.org
Mt. Carmel Battle of the Bands. Parade, field show and more. 1–8:15 pm. Mt. Carmel High School, 9550 Carmel Mtn. Rd. www.mchsbandtournament.comSchedule:
FREE Dia de los Muertos Old Town. Altars, face painting, crafts and more. Today, tomorrow & Nov. 2. Details: www.dayofthedeadsd.com
The Bridge of Pinacate: A Haunted Railway Experience. Themed theatrical event performed on a moving train. 6, 7:30 & 9 pm. $15–$25; under 2 free. Southern California Railway Museum, 2201 S. “A” St., Perris. www.socalrailway.org

Día de los Muertos Celebration. San Diego Symphony presents an evening honoring Latinx music and culture, and memorializing those who have passed on. 6 pm. Starting at $20. The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, 222 Marina Park Way. www.theshell.org
monday | 31

Happy Halloween!

Visit our online calendar to find businesses that are participating in free trick-or-treat events today!

Let the Ghoul Times Roll !
Photo credit: Alyssa Navapanich
Find instructions for everything on this page in our round-up of Halloween Fun www.sandiegofamily.com/things-atto-do/seasonal-happenings/halloween-round-up.
Lisa Gipson
If you enjoy Halloween festivities as much as we do (the cute ones, not the super scary ones), you’ll agree that the treats and projects on this page are absolutely fa-BOO-lous! Let the ghoul times roll!

Make spooky (or adorable) Halloween luminaries to cast a glow on your patio or walkway or to create a festive table centerpiece. Set aside a few empty jars (any size), wash thoroughly and craft away. Our Art with Alyssa columnist provides instructions for this frighteningly easy project.

Ghoul Ghoul
30 • SanDiego family .com • October 2022
These gourd-geous truffles from local food blogger, The Seaside Baker, are not only delicious, they’re also simple to make! Made with cookies and cream cheese, there is no baking required. Fun to decorate with the kids and a delight to eat, give as gifts or serve at a party. Find recipe and directions at www.TheSeasideBaker.com.

Continue the DIY fun by making Harry Potterinspired potion bottles. It’s a great group activity at a Halloween party or at home with the family. Turn repurposed bottles of various shapes and sizes into spooky (or not-so-spooky) props to decorate the house or porch. We’ve created awesome potion bottle labels you can print for free!

Juanita Nuñez San

Melissa Rains
Sweetwater Union High School District
Jacqueline Ma Aimee McCoy Poway Unified School District

Stephanie Cluxton

Del Mar Union School District

CELEBRATE OUR LOCAL TEACHERS “COXBroughtSALUTEPRESENTS:TOTEACHERS”toyoubySanDiegoCountyCreditUnion Learn more about the teachers at salutetoteachersSD.com | #coxsalute TeachersSantoCongratulationsthe2022-23DiegoCountyoftheYear YurView Channel 4 SpectrumCox/ OctoberSunday, 2 9 p.m.

Visitforwww.pumpkinstation.comdirectionsandoperatinghoursforeachlocation ONE TRAINFREERIDEwiththiscoupon One to a customer. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Must meet height and/or age restrictions. Pumpkin Station! A WONDERLAND OF FUN • Ride ticket packages available at great savings • No admission charge with giant slides, rides, petting zoo and thousands of pumpkins to choose from! WESTFIELDLOCATIONSMISSIONVALLEY (off Camino Del Rio North next to Broken Yolk Restaurant) WESTFIELD PLAZA BONITA (off Ring Rd. & Sweetwater Rd. – National City) DEL MAR (off Jimmy Durante Blvd. across from race track) RANCHO BERNARDO PUMPKIN FARM 13421 Highland Valley Road Escondido, 92128 BONITA PUMPKIN FARM 5354 Sweetwater Rd., Bonita 91902 NOW OPEN! 5