WHEN CHILDRENANXIETYHAVE AND HOWHELPTO IT’S APPLE-PICKING TIME! ACTIVITIESAFTERSCHOOLGUIDE School is in Session SanDiego family.com September 2022 • FREE • Set kids up for success • The 4-1-1 on school meals • Teach kids leadership skills

Kids Go FREE to SeaWorld Get your kids’ costumes ready for SeaWorld Spooktacular! Enjoy not-too-spooky fun with all sorts of colorful characters, an exciting trick-or-treating candy trail, fall-flavored food & beverages, amazing animals, thrilling coasters and so much more. SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPT. 17-OCT. 31 Kids FREE admission is valid for children ages 3-9 only. One free child admission per purchase of a full-paid adult ticket. Restrictions may apply. © 2022 SEAWORLD PARKS & ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Offer Valid Now – October 31, 2022 One FREE child admission per purchase of a full-paid adult ticket scan this code or seaworldsandiego.com/visit:KidsFree for information and to obtain offer

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in every issue Inside articles Volume 41 • Number 6 • September 2022 40 YEARS Since 1982 • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • 40 YEARS 40 YEARS 4 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 10 Publisher’s Letter and Our San Diego Families Local kids who love to read 12 Short & Sweet News | Notes | Tips 24 September Calendar Bushels of family fun as we head into Fall! ProgramsAfterschoolGuide2022 Visit SanDiegoFamily.com On the Cover: This month we offer tips and information to help parents navigate the new school year. @littledotmemoriescredit:Photo 14 Go Back to School in Style Products that put the cool in school 16 Elementary School Ready Setting kids up for success 18 Time for Lunch The 4-1-1 on school meals 20 How to Instill Leadership Qualities in Kids Life skills that serve children well 22 When Children Have Anxiety Common symptoms and how to help 26 It’s Apple Picking Time Local orchards opening this month 30 Apple Cider Cake Plus, just for parents -- apple cider sangria!


Photo: Marsida Salku @raisinghowells
Fun activity for Hispanic Heritage Month!(starts 9-15)
SanDiegofamily.com To enter these contests, visit SanDiegoFamily.com, THIS!WIN Follow Us: on the web Get to know SanDiegoFamily.com, where you’ll discover these articles and a plethora of awesomeness for parents. Can’t find what you’re looking for on our website? Enter key words in the search bar and browse our articles. San FamilyDiegoMagazineSDFamilySanDiegoFamily sandiegofamilymagazineSanDiegoFamily 6 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 For the Kids: Crafts for Kids • Make Alebrijes, Mexican Folk Art Sculptures Parenting • Healthy Risk-Taking Helps Kids Thrive • Back-to-School Tips that Help Families Establish a Routine AfterschoolResources: Activities • San Diego Robotics Programs for Kids • Competitive Swimming 101 Take the family and escape to Loews Coronado Bay Resort for a weekend getaway. Located on a private 15-acre peninsula surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and Coronado Bay, the family-friendly resort is located minutes from downtown. Resort amenities include direct access to the pristine Silver Strand State Beach, three tennis courts, Movies by the Bay, panoramic views of the San Diego-Coronado Bay and more. The resort’s signature Crown Landing restaurant shines a spotlight on San Diego’s unique character and Enterflavors.towin an overnight stay* for a family of 4 at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort plus dinner for 4 at the Crown Landing restaurant. Contest ends September 29. *Restrictions may apply.

September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 7 FLUORIDE!!!!!

TM Out & About with Kids! San Diego SAN DIEGO FAMILY COVER KIDS 8 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 Editorial Publisher/Editor in Chief Sharon Bay sharon@SanDiegoFamily.com Managing Editor Lisa Gipson editor@SanDiegoFamily.com Calendar Editor Linda Bay events@SanDiegoFamily.com Editorial/Administrative Assistant Adrienne Sigeti family@SanDiegoFamily.comDesign Graphic Design Rik Thiesfeld rik@SanDiegoFamily.com Cover photo: Envato Elements Editorial Guidelines Find editorial guidelines at SanDiegoFamily.com (“Editorial” at the bottom of the home page). Submission does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Distribution Locations Pick up a free copy of this month’s issue at Albertsons, select Vons and CVS stores and select public libraries throughout the county. PLAY IT SAFE Call 911 if you see a downed power line. Downed power lines are a serious situation that requires immediate attention. If you happen to see one, you and those around you may be in danger. Keep yourself and your community safe by picking up the phone and calling 911 right away. Visit sdge.com/safety to learn more. DATE JOB PUB/DATETITLEJOBTYPECOLOR APPROVAL/DATE __________________ ©2022 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. SDGE_Print_DownedPowerLine_SDFamilyMagazine.indd 1 3/4/22 3:12 PM

SanDiegofamily.com Member of Distribution Audited by September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 9 Business Business Manager Larry Bay larry@SanDiegoFamily.com Marketing Director Michele Hancock michele@SanDiegoFamily.com Accounting family@SanDiegoFamily.com Circulation Sharon Bay sharon@SanDiegoFamily.com Printing Publication Printers Corp. Advertising/Marketing Connect your business to families throughout San Diego County! Advertising/Marketing Representatives Tony Andrews 619-685-6977 • tony2018@SanDiegoFamily.com Point Loma, Pacific Beach, La Jolla, North County Coastal Giovanni Baldan 619-685-6987 • giovanni@SanDiegoFamily.com South Bay, San Diego Downtown, Uptown 619-685-6970 • family@SanDiegoFamily.com All other areas San Diego Family Magazine is published monthly by San Diego Family Magazine LLC. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication. Common planning options include: • Wills • Trusts • Powers of Attorney • Naming guardians for minor children • Special Needs Trusts • Conservatorships Mance Law PC is a woman-founded, client-centered estate planning and special needs planning law firm. Attorney Michelle Mance is here to assist with planning for your family’s future and to provide peace of mind. michelle@mancelawpc.com • 619-369-5760 www.mancelawpc.com 2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92106 Neighborhood House Association Head Start offers center-based early childhood care and education that includes nutritious meals, health screenings, family support and more! Not comfortable leaving your little one? Our home-based program may be just right for you! Head Start is a registered trademark of HHS; license 3766000282. Transportation information: sdmts.com or 619-233-3004 for bus/trolley routes & schedules. No child will be discriminated against because of race, nationality, or religion. Pregnant or have a child under 5 years? Receive CalFresh, CalWorks or SSI? Experiencing homelessness, caring for a foster child, or have a child with a disability? Apply today by calling 858-873-5145 or visit www.neighborhoodhouse.org. JAYDEN S BREAKTHROUGH: He finished his school work without a meltdown. Strategic Brain Training Personalized Programs Measured Outcomes Backed by SResearch an Diego I Chula Vista I Encinitas BrainBalanceSanDiego.com (858) 324-5545 Hablamos Español Focus | Regulation | Anxiety Memory | Reading | Learning Sensory Processing | Relationships Kids | Teens | Adults Making Breakthroughs Possible

10 • SanDiego family .com • September sharon@sandiegofamily.com2022 Publisher’s Letter Main Office: 1475 Sixth Avenue, Fifth Floor, San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: 619-685-6970 Fax: 619-685-6978 Email: family@SanDiegoFamily.com Mission Statement To enhance the quality of life for San Diego County families by providing information and resources that support the importance and pleasure of parenting. Our San Diego Families Hooray for an SchoolIn-PersonYear!
Most schools are back in session, in-person and without mask requirements. The kids may already be in a routine, but we offer excellent tips to set kids up for success this year. Find them on page 16. Keep reading books, even if it isn’t a school assignment. Reading opens up the world to all. New this year, every public school in California will offer free breakfast and lunch to students. Many students are hungry when they go to school. Contributing writer Anne Malinoski investigated what happened with school meals last year and what changes are being made. Are students receiving enough protein to fill them up? Carbohydrates, sugars and starches don’t fill tummies for long. Let’s give school food services a chance to provide kids what they like and need. A good testimonial to what kids will eat is to check how much food is being thrown away. Some kids are natural leaders, others may need help learning leadership skills. Parents can be great teachers and offer opportunities to help kids grow. Read tips on page 20 to help build important skills. It’s apple picking time! San Diego Family has confirmed which apple farms offer pick-your-own-apple opportunities this month. Flip to our calendar to find the list. Maybe a trip to the orchards will inspire you to make the Apple Cider Cake on page 30 or some of the other recipes in our Apple Recipe Round-Up at www.sandiegofamily.com (under things to do, dining & recipes). Enjoy the beginning of the school year!
We love to see kids reading! Thank you to everyone who shared their photos with us. Three-year-old Ellie of Fallbrook reads her favorite bedtime story Tonka: Fire Truck to the Rescue with her nana, Robin Bartee. Mateo (6) of Chula Vista receives his prize bag from Chula Vista Library for reading 10 books and completing the summer reading program.

September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 11 Four-year-old Mia of Santee loves going to the library after ballet class to read her favorite Disney books. Sisters Kayla (2) and Olivia (5) at San Marcos Library, where they love to read books and listen to the trains go by. Rocco (6) of Point Loma read 10 books for San Diego Family’s reading contest and won tickets to UltraStar Cinemas! It’s never too early to start a healthy adventure with your little one! Find books about health, nutrition & well-being for all ages. “A ofFutureStudentMontessoriisaCitizentheWorld” North County Coastal ENCINITAS COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Preschool/Elementary/MiddleLic.#372005943TwoLocationsinEncinitas Encinitas 760-942-1111 www.ecdschools.org San Diego Coastal BETH MONTESSORI Infants/Toddler/Preschool/KindergartenLic.#3767004968660GilmanDr.,LaJolla92037-2202 La Jolla 858-452-3030 MISSIONwww.bethmontessori.comBAYMONTESSORIACADEMY Preschool/Elementary Lic. #372005444 • AMS Affiliated School 2640 Soderblom Ave., San Diego 92122 La Jolla, Pacific Beach, University City 858-457-5895 www.mbmacademy.com MontessoritheDiscoverWorldof

Here’s a great idea to kick off the new school year—surprise kids with a schultuete! The festive paper “cone” filled with school supplies and treats is a fun, centuries-old tradition of German families. Learn how to make a schultuete at Kids already know the importance of eating and shopping local—now join the movement to GIVE locally. San Diego Gives is shining a light on the tremendous work of nonprofits throughout the county in a 24-hour event on Sept. 8. Every dollar of each donation stays local to help our community. If your “jam” is supporting children with disabilities or fostering inclusivity, please consider donating on Sept. 8 to our own nonprofit, the Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego, which annually hosts four fabulous free events for local families and publishes the award-winning annual magazine Flourishing Families (also free).
kids/crafts-for-kids/first-day-of-school-craftwww.sandiegofamily.com/for-the-.Asthesunsetsonsummer,don’tforgettopickuptheneweditionof Out & About with
Make your donation Diego.Resource-Foundation-Of-San-organization/Special-Needs-www.sandiegogives.org/atThankyou!
for 275+ ideas for family fun all year! Find a pick-up location magazines/pick-up-a-copywww.sandiegofamily.com/at or access the digital edition out-about.www.sandiegofamily.com/things-to-do/at Wanted: Photos of Awesome Family Halloween Costumes Does your family love to dress up for Halloween? We’d love to see your photos for a chance to be included in our October issue. Please send clear photos to editor@sandiegofamily.com; be sure to include the following: • Names of people in photo • Ages of kids in photo • Area of San Diego County your family lives • One sentence about the photo • Put “Halloween” in the subject line • Deadline: Sept. 10 You
Colorful Curly Haired Crafts for Kids by Cheryl Gavrielides
Fun Painting Projects for Kids by Louise McMullen, creator of Messy Little Monster MontesSidneycredit:Photo
12 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 Short & Sweet Lisa Gipson
The GetsEverybodyAnxiousActivityBook by Jordan Reid and Erin Williams contains fun, quirky activities and strategieshelpfulfor kids who feel overwhelmed, scared andWithnervous.limited access to art programs at school, it’s important to expose children to the arts in an afterschool program or at home. Here are two wonderful books that encourage creativity while exploring color, texture, and a variety of materials and artistic methods.
Editor’s Picks

Go Back to School in Style Snack’n’Go & Snack’n’Go Duo $11.99 - $15.99; RollEatUSA.com Here are some of our favorite new products for back to school. See the full list (and other product reviews) tested-toy-product-review.www.sandiegofamily.com/for-the-kids/kid-at Kids Backpacks by Dabbawalla $45; DabbawallaBags.com Llamas Lunch Bag $22.95 - $28.95; MyFunkins.ca Who Runs the World? Lunch Box $24.99; KidsCrafts.org My First Pac Pac $65; Miniware.com Natural Fiber Travel Cutlery Set $7.99; Minimalbottle.com Zoo or Spark Style Big Kid Backpacks $28 - $30; SkipHop.com Spark Style Stainless Steel Straw Bottle $18; SkipHop.com Silicone Bento Box $25; TheDearestGrey.co The Very Hungry Caterpillar Be Kind Lunch Bag $34.95; MyFunkins.ca 14 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022

September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 15 Essential Note Taking Supplies $20; FaberCastell.com FriXion Light Pastel Highlighters $6.97; PowerToThePen.com Branded Weekly Calendar $12.99; Tempaper.com 8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 Tel (858) 452-3030 • Fax (858) 777-9199 • www.bethmontessori.com Jewish Montessori Preschool in La Jolla Classes are filling up quickly! For more information, contact us at (858) 452-3030 or info@bethmontessori.com Beth Montessori adheres to the principles of Association Montessori International (AMI) • Children ages 9 months to 6 years • Proven Montessori Method and Philosophy • Learning through hands-on experience • Integrated secular and Judaic curriculum • Bilingual Program • Skilled teachers, trained in early childhood development • Secured, state-of-the-art facilities Educating students 2 years old through 6th grade for over 50 years Plan Now for SchoolNewtheYear! info@mbmacademy.com www.mbmacademy.com 2640 Soderblom Ave San Diego, CA 92122 Mission MontessoriBayAcademy Email us to set up an onsite tour and experience our proven, individualized method in creating life-long learners. Check our website for our outstanding test scores! Serving Allied Gardens, San Carlos, Del Cerro Easy Access for SDSU www.CanyonRimCC.com 6801 Easton Court San Diego, CA 92120 Lic#376600450 Kindergarten teachers love students from our programs! “Dedicated to the individuality of children.” ✓ Serving Ages 2 - 6 (Diapers OK) ✓ 2, 3, 4 & 5 Day Schedules ✓ Full Day Enrichment Program ✓ 3 Large, Beautiful Playgrounds ✓ Loving, Caring and Secure Environment Canyon Rim Children's Center Schedule a tour now: (619) 287-6767

“Reading to children teaches them many things that adults take for granted,” says Melissa Taylor, an education expert and author of the blog Imagination Soup. “Kids learn basics such as how to hold a book, left to right reading, wondering what will happen next and discovering new words.” Read every day, read lots of different things, and ask kids frequent questions to mimic what the teacher does at school.
For more information on how to establish a routine, read our article, “Back-to-School Tips that Help Families Establish a Routine”
quiet workspace with all necessary supplies. Make yourself available to explain assignment instructions, offer guidance, answer questions and review completed work. Resist the urge to provide correct answers or complete assignments yourself. Learning from mistakes is part of the process. Just like watering plants and doing household chores, give kids the chance to learn from their mistakes with homework. It’ll make them more accountable and self-reliant.
Read more about why turning mistakes into growth opportunities is so important in our article, “How and Why to Develop Growth Mindset in Kids” www.sandiegofamily.com/parenting/athow-and-why-to-develop-growth-mindset-in-kids.
16 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022
Setting kids up for success
Create Home Routines You can promote self-reliance by creating home routines that kids are expected to follow. “If children know that every morning there’s a particular routine for getting ready, then they can [learn to] do it,” says Donna Adkins of GreatSchools, an online education resource. “If your child knows the bedtime routine is to take a bath, brush teeth, read a story and get into bed, then it’s easier for the child to do it independently.” To help kids with morning and evening routines, create a to-do chart of their tasks (using pictures for young kids).
Tanni Haas, Ph.D.
The first day of school is an exciting time for most children (and a milestone for some). How do parents prepare kids for all the exciting things they’re supposed to learn and master in school? Here’s what the experts say: Promote Self-Reliance Once kids hit first grade, they are expected to become increasingly selfreliant. You can help by letting them take more risks and learn from their mistakes. “Ifthere’s
An important area where students are expected to become increasingly selfreliant is homework. Support kids by providing a good study environment, including a well-lit, comfortable and
Read Books Make reading an important part of your family’s life. Get library cards for your kids and read to them (or with them) daily.
Help with Homework
For example, if you want to teach kids how to water houseplants, don’t rake them over the coals because the water overflows from the pots. Thank them for trying their best; then encourage them to use a little less water next time.
a new task to accomplish, wait as long as possible before stepping in to help,” says Amanda Morin, senior expert at Understood, a nonprofit that supports people with learning and thinking differences, “and always reward the effort, not just the success. Reinforcing the ‘you can do it’ approach at home will help children be more comfortable with new responsibilities at school,” she says.

September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 17
to eat lunch,
“A learning environment that balances the physical, cognitive, creative, social & emotional needs of your child.” Leaders in Early Childhood Education Since 1970 376600498Lic.# 858-755-8338 13692 Mango Drive, Del Mar ToursSchedulingforthe2022-2023SchoolYear Celebrating 52 years Visit our www.delmarhillsnurseryschool.comwebsite URBAN DISCOVERY PROVIDES AN INNOVATIVE, PROJECT-BASED APPROACH TO LEARNING. WITH COMPREHENSIVE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMING INCLUDING: THE ARTS, DESIGN, STEAM + PE. FALL OF 2022: WE ARE OFFERING TK FOR ALL STUDENTS TURNING 4 YRS. BY 9/1/22 SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! URBAN DISCOVERY SCHOOLS DESIGNED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE SERVING T/K - 5th 6th - 12th APPLY NOW FOR 2022-23 URBANSD.COM | 619.788.4668 practical things such as how to get
school orientation,
Talk About School Support your children by making time to talk to them every day about school. According to experts at KidsHealth , when kids know parents are interested in their academic lives, they’ll take school seriously as well. Listen carefully, make eye contact and avoid multitasking. In other words, give them your undivided attention. Good times for such conversations are during afterschool snack, at the dinner table or before bed. On weekends, try talking when you’re going somewhere in the car. Build Self-Confidence Sometimes kids are anxious about starting school. This may especially be true if they’ve moved to a different school, but these days there are many reasons for anxiousness. To reduce anxiety and help kids be more self-confident, take them to school orientation, if offered. According to Dr. Amie Duncan, a child psychologist, young students are often anxious about to bathroom, where or how to get to a locker. If there’s no formal see if there’s an opportunity to meet the teacher in visit the school grounds on own or set up play dates classmates to establish familiarity. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast Students need a nutritious breakfast every morning to have brain fuel for all the things they’re about to learn. Experts say that kids who eat breakfast consistently are less likely to be absent from school, make fewer trips to the school nurse, and do better academically. What should you give your hard-working students for breakfast? Foods that are rich in fiber, protein, and whole grains and low in added sugar are best. Try eggs, oatmeal, yogurt with fruits and nuts, or wholegrain toast with peanut better. v Tanni Haas, Ph.D. is a college professor and freelance writer.

Keyson has seen teachers bring in snacks and food for students who don’t eat the cafeteria food. “They spend their own money to ensure students are eating,” she says. “Teenagers are notoriously hungry all the time and are regularly leaving the class to investigate vending machines or find alternatives from the teachers they know have stashes in their classrooms.”
The 4-1-1 on school meals Starting this fall, California’s Universal Meals Program will offer free breakfast and lunch to all students in public schools, regardless of eligibility. family
.com • September 2022
Dietary guidelines for school meals are established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), including daily targets for calories, sodium and fat. A variety of produce must always be offered. “We can only give students one slice of pizza, but they have pretty much unlimited access to fruits and vegetables,” says Scimone. “But that’s not what they want—and one slice of pizza is not going to fill up a big high school football player.”
“I’m a huge advocate for free meals for all at school and it has been a lifesaver for so many families,” says Maxime Keyson, who is both a parent and substitute teacher in the Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD). “As for the quality of the food, it’s pretty shocking.”
For these reasons, a consistent school nutrition program can help every student onStartingcampus. this fall, California’s Universal Meals Program will offer free breakfast and lunch to all students in public schools, regardless of eligibility.
Keyson has some rather sobering reports with regard to her son’s school meal options. She also expressed concern that the district’s daily calorie allotments were insufficient for teenagers, leaving many high school students still hungry.
Anne Malinoski 18 • SanDiego
Vince Scimone, Food Service Director at GUHSD, understands the concern.
Parents will recall that free meals were available last school year as part of a federal pandemic relief effort. California was the first state to make universal meals permanent.
Time for Lunch
Studies have shown that kids who eat breakfast and lunch do better academically, have better attendance and visit the school nurse less often. Inadequate nutrition can lead to fatigue, headaches and tummy aches—not to mention behavioral problems that can disrupt learning for the entire classroom.

According to Melanie Moyer, Menu Systems Development Dietitian for San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD), some parents who experienced school meals for the first time were displeased with the menu offerings. She explained that staffing shortages, pandemic restrictions and supply chain problems had all converged to create exceptional challenges. The takeaway is to have patience (and send extra food, if needed) as school districts work to support the students while following USDA“Lastmandates.schoolyear was very atypical and is not a reflection of what a normal school year looks like when it comes to school food,” Moyer says. “We plan to start this new school year by bringing salad bars back, featuring more locallysourced produce, more scratch cooking and variety at lunch, along with a vegetarian or plant-forward entrée offeredInterestingdaily.” enough, there are no USDA guidelines for students’ daily sugar intake—and parents have criticized school offerings like cinnamon rolls and colorful namebrand yogurts.
“We choose to get our fruits and vegetables locally sourced, and organic when possible,” says Mary Tyranski, an SDUSD registered dietitian. “We believe in California food for California kids. We have great relationships with our local farmers that have continued to provide for our students throughout theNutritionpandemic.” guidelines are updated frequently, and there are a few changes this year. There are new, tighter limits on sodium intake over the course of a school week. Additionally, only 80 percent of grains offered are required to be whole grain rich. The remaining 20 percent must be enriched.
“The biggest impact for SDUSD with the new guidelines is allowing us some liberty to offer grains, such as a tortilla to be enriched only and not wholegrain rich,” says Moyer. “Tortillas are a popular item amongst students, and an enriched tortilla is more widely accepted. This will be one of the biggest changes in the menus for this next school year when serving burritos.”
Chula Vista • La Mesa • San Diego (Clairemont)
Tyranski asked for patience in the coming year. While there are excellent plans in place to improve the school lunch experience, there are also some big challenges to overcome. “I think it is important for our customers to know that we always welcome feedback,” she says. “Constructive criticism allows us to learn, grow and make positive changes.” Withany luck, school cafeterias will continue to get better and reach more children with tasty, nutritious meals at no cost. v
Thankfully, this hasn’t been everyone’s experience. “I was surprised how much my kids enjoyed school meals last year,” said a Santee mom of two, who asked to remain anonymous due to her close work relationship with her district. “A few of the lunches are junky and disappointing. But my kids have also tried healthy things that they’d never eat if I packed them. School lunches have improved a lot since I was in school!”
“I think it’s important to note that the yogurt we serve to students is formulated for K–12 with less sugar,” says Moyer. You may recognize the brand name, but “it’s not the same yogurt found on grocery store shelves.” School menu planners walk a fine line. They need to provide meals that a large population of children will eat, while also meeting strict nutrition specifications. When possible, specialists also try to favor food produced locally. For the last 15 years, California’s Farm to School program has fostered relationships with local farmers to procure locally grown produce for student meals.
Anne Malinoski is a contributing writer and mother of two boys. She lives in Santee.
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 19
Learn more and sign up for a virtual information session at www.learningchoice.org or call 844 GO TO TLC (844-468-6852)
Last year school districts saw a dramatic uptick in students utilizing school meals. According to Scimone, Santana High School went from serving 200 meals per day to 1,300 meals per day while the GUHSD simultaneously lost a third of their food service staff.
As a public hybrid homeschool, we offer families the flexibility of homeschooling, with the support and community of a school. Our teachers are caring, our community is small, and our model is personalized. at The LearningAcademyChoice A FREE Public Charter School for Grades K–12 WASC accredited. Se habla español.
Begin Your Journey

Not every child is a born leader, but every child can learn (and benefit from) leadership skills, even if there is no desire to lead anyone or anything.
What’s the most important part of communication? Listening! Encourage children to practice listening, speaking in front of others, and expressing frustrations in a healthy way. Have children order their own food at restaurants, encourage them to approach coaches or teachers when there is a problem, and teach them to ask questions after listening to a friend.
Be a Team Player
Our world is made up of many different backgrounds, experiences and
Kids who have well developed leadership skills are more confident and responsible, and are not afraid to make mistakes. They learn creative coping skills, the art of compromise, empathy towards others and good decisionmaking skills. Whether leadership comes naturally to your children or could use some work, parents can help develop and teach these important qualities which will serve them well in the years to come. Here is how to instill leadership qualities in children.
You may have a child who prefers to work independently of others, but take note: Participating in school projects, team sports, clubs, choir and other group activities help kids practice communication skills and learn patience and selflessness as they work together towards a common goal. These are invaluable life skills.
Value Diversity
Parents can demonstrate to kids what a good leader looks like by being optimistic, treating people fairly, choosing to do the right thing, and by being a good listener. Kids will start to learn these skills by modeling your good example.
Set an Example
Set Kids Up for Success Build confidence by encouraging kids to participate in activities where they have natural strengths and talent. Assist kids with projects just enough to help them succeed, but allow them to do the majority of the decision-making and work. Rewarding experiences like these help kids become more willing to venture out of their comfort zones and even help others.
Leadership Qualities in Kids Sarah Lyons
How to Instill
Build Communication Skills
Admit Mistakes Integrity, humility, empathy and respect are wonderful characteristics for any individual, young or old. Encourage these qualities by talking through situations where they were (or were not) utilized well. Use your own experiences as an example. Ask your children how they would handle a situation differently and why. Praise them when they make good decisions and provide encouragement where needed.
20 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022

• Academic Teams or Clubs Academic teams or clubs such as robotics, mathletes, speech and debate, National Honors Society and science club are great ways to build skills and confidence in areas that interest kids, but also provide leadership skills they can use in college and the workforce.
• Scouts —Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts provide opportunities to work as a team and individually while helping others, often in a diverse environment. They participate in volunteer work, team building, mentoring, skillbuilding and more.
• Volunteer Work—Giving the gift of time and service helps kids learn to put others first, work on projects for the greater good and develop a good work ethic.
• Music and Arts —Choir, orchestra, band and theater also offer the benefits of working as a group toward a common goal.
• Student Government Student council or government helps kids learn to build speaking and negotiating skills.
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 21
Sarah Lyons is a freelance writer and mom of six, including triplets. She enjoys writing, reading, and spending time outside with her kids.
When children have large projects to complete, encourage them to map out a plan for getting it done on-time. Create steps and set goals to accomplish smaller parts to meet the deadline. Good project management skills will serve individuals well in the future.
Virtual LITTLE FISH COMIC BOOK STUDIOCLASSESHELDIN-STUDIO AND ONLINE! SIGN UP FOR OUR SCHOOLAFTER PROGRAMS! (619) 356.1103 • WWW.LILFISH.US Specifically for students aged 7-11, this class focuses on the creation, magic and collaboration of comics! Spots are limited so email us today to hold a spot! KIDSYOURWILL LOVE IT! We are currently registering for the 2022-2023 school year! We’d love for your child (age 2 - 5) to join us. Please reach out for a tour and registration form. email: preschool@stbartschurch.org website: www.stbartspreschool.org
• Team Sports —Being part of a team helps kids learn to work as a group and understand the art of leading and following others.
Ask for Help Knowing when to problem solve and when to ask for guidance is a skill that many parents are still learning! It’s almost always best to start with trying to work through issues, but teach kids it’s OK to ask for help, if needed.
contributions. Help kids to learn about other cultures and abilities (and to place value in how people can contribute) by practicing this as a family. Differences—and appreciating them in others—are what make stronger teams.
Kids can learn to stand up to peers who are singled out or viewed as different from others.
part-time jobs such as yardwork, pet care or babysitting.
Teach Time Management
Develop Good Work Habits
• Starting a Club —If your child is interested in something specific, other kids their age probably are as well. Starting a club is a great way to learn how to develop leadership with others who share common interests.
Kids who have responsibilities at a young age are better prepared to assist or lead others. Assign chores to children as part of a working family unit. Encourage older kids to build leadership skills and work ethic by volunteering or doing
As children develop leadership skills, it’s important—for you and them—to understand that they will not always be in charge. Good leaders build up and encourage others. Being respectful in a group and willing to listen and compromise are also ways to lead others. Whether your children are natural leaders or great teammates, these qualities will serve them well in the future.
In-Studio and
It’s also important to offer help (or a listening ear) to peers. Lead by example and be encouraging and helpful.

before taking a test, making a presentation in front of the class or trying out for a team?
The CDC reports that 9.4 percent of children ages 3–17 were diagnosed with anxiety in 2016-2019. That’s 5.8 million kids. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of kids with andisorderanxietyhasundoubtedlyincreased.
When Children Have Anxiety 22 • SanDiego
My daughter was 9 years old when she had her first panic attack. She was trembling, out of breath and her heart was pounding. These symptoms persisted for almost 10 minutes and nothing I said or did could help her calm down. Because these symptoms occurred before her performance in a class play, I dismissed the episode as stageWhenfright. she suffered the same symptoms a short time later, before a party at her school, I realized something was wrong. Especially when she told me what triggered her intense physical symptoms: She could not stop worrying that something bad would happen to me as I drove to her school.
Some children, though, feel worry or fear constantly. According to the Mayo Clinic, anxiety disorders involve intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Such feelings of anxiety and panic can interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger and can last a long time.
Katy M. Clark
.com • September 2022
After visiting the pediatrician, my daughter was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She now sees a therapist and takes medication. She joined an anxiety disorder support group at her school, connecting with peers who understand what she’s going through. I also found support talking to other parents of children with anxiety disorders, making me feel less alone. Having some anxiety is normal for most kids. After all, what child doesn’t feel anxious family

www.urchinrock.com•HollowayZenabyPhoto Get in the pool today! FREE Introductory Lesson* *Check for available times & enroll today. • Peace of Mind • Confidence • Great Exercise • So much FUN! www.aquapros.org • Infant to adult • 3-to-1 teacherstudent/ratio • Warm 90o indoor pool CELEBRATING! AQUA PROS SWIM SCHOOL www.sandiegofamily.com/out-and-about Stay & FamilyPlayFun 275+ Awesome Attractions, Secret Spots and Delightful Destinations right here in our community! Out & About with Kids! San Diego
According to the CDC and WebMD, the most typical symptoms of anxiety disorders in children include: Expressing worry or fear on most days (for weeks at a time) Trouble sleeping, which may manifest in your child seeming sleepy or tired during the day Difficulty concentrating or thinking about a problem over and over again Unusually irritable and angry Headaches Stomachaches Avoiding school or friends because worries are overwhelming Trouble calming down after leaving a parent or loved one, or extreme
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 23
According to Jon Pak, executive director of Brain Balance San Diego in Carmel Mountain, things such as sensory processing, retained primitive reflexes and general imbalances in development can lead to anxiety or other regulation challenges.
According to WebMD, the most common anxiety disorders in kids include the following:
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is constant worrying about a lot of different things out of proportion to the actual circumstance. Panic disorders are characterized by sudden, intense fear that leaves a child feeling physically overwhelmed and out of control, even when there is no danger. Separation anxiety is the fear that something bad will happen to a parent or loved one when the child is separated from them. Separation anxiety is a normal developmental phase for babies and toddlers, but not necessarily for older children. Social anxiety is extreme anxiety and fear of being embarrassed in social situations, like talking with classmates or answering a question in class. It is more than simple shyness.
Parents should let children know they are available to listen and be ready to do so whenever they are ready to talk. Kids with anxiety may be reluctant to share thoughts and feelings for fear of being misunderstood. Anxietyisatreatable, manageable condition. As parents, we can help kids receive the tools, support and love they need to live healthy lives. v
Katy M. Clark is a writer and mom of two who celebrates her imperfections on her blog Experienced Bad Mom.
How to Help The CDC recommends talking to your healthcare provider as a first step. A primary care doctor or mental health specialist can evaluate your child and ensure that your child’s symptoms are caused by anxiety and not another condition, such as trauma.
Anxiety Symptoms
To explore the root cause of a child’s anxious behavior, www.brainbalancecenters.com. visit
Types of Anxiety in Children
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication are the most accepted treatments to help children overcome severe anxiety according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. CBT teaches skills and tools to help children feel less anxious and fearful. Through CBT, my daughter learned to utilize tools like a “worry box.” She writes down her worry on a piece of paper, then stuffs the paper in a box. It is a tangible way to release fear. Prescription medication may help. If this route is chosen, parents should work closely with a healthcare provider to manage the use of medication and monitor the child’s response.

Don’t forget to call to confirm dates, times and admission thursdayprices.
First Responders FREE. Those working in fire, law enforcement, search & rescue, paramedics/EMTs, hospital workers, and security personnel receive free admission all month with up to 3 guests. Tues.–Sun., 11 am–4 pm. San Diego Model Railroad Museum, Balboa Park. www.sdmrm.org Blue Star Museums offers FREE admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families. Through Sept. 5. blue-star-museumswww.arts.gov/initiatives/ Del Mar Racetrack. Thurs.–Sun. through Sept. 11. 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Tickets: www.delmarracing.com
FREE Hullabaloo Kids Concert. 10 am. Del Mar Highlands Town Center, upper plaza, 12925 El Camino www.delmarhighlandstowncenter.comReal. Nighttime Zoo. Live entertainment and an opportunity to see wildlife from a different perspective. Through Sept. 5, 9 am–9 pm. San Diego Zoo, 2920 Zoo Dr. www.sandiegozoowildlifealliance.orgTickets:
24 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 Still looking for last month’s events? Check out the digital edition of our August issue at SanDiegoFamily.comSEPTEMBER Baby Safety Month • National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month • National Library Card Sign-up Month
Disney’s “The Lion King.” Through Sept. 11. Starting at $25. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave. For tickets and showtimes visit www.broadwaysd.com. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The merriment unfolds in an enchanted forest where fairies play tricks on unsuspecting lovers. Through Sept. 4. The Old Globe, Balboa Park. Tickets: www.theoldglobe.org
Snow: Tiny Crystals, Global Impact. Explore the vital role that snow plays in our global climate system through exciting interactives. Open daily, 10 am–5 pm. Through Sept. 5. Included with admission. $18.95–$21.95; 2 & under free. Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park. www.fleetscience.org friday | 2 FREE Música en la Plaza. Music and dancing in the Lyric Courtyard. Fridays, FREE Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon Watch 70 surfing dogs compete for “Top Surf Dog” with a canine costume contest, a dog agility course, crafts and more. Sept. 18, 8 am. Del Mar Dog Beach. www.animalcenter.org
7:30 pm. California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd. www.artcenter.org Ignite Fireworks at SeaWorld. Through Sept. 5. Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr. www.seaworldsandiego.com Kids Night Out. Games, arts and crafts, movies and more. 4:30–9 pm. For grades 1–5. $20. Mickey Cafagna Community Center-Oak Hall, 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway. Registration required: www.poway.org “The Piano Men: Beatles Edition.” Classic Beatles hits played on two grand pianos. Tonight, 7:30 pm; tomorrow, 2 & 7:30 pm; Sept. 4, 2 pm. $35–$65. California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd. www.artcenter.org Whale Watching. Search for Blue Whales, Minke Whales, Fin Whales and more. Today, tomorrow & Sept. 5, 9 am–1 pm. Starting at $60; 3 & under free. Pier Two, 970 N. Harbor Dr. www.cityexperiences.com Night Fishing at Lake Poway. Today & tomorrow, 6–11:30 pm. $3–$7; 7 & under free with paid permit. 14644 Lake Poway Rd. www.poway.org FREE Arts District Outdoor Summer Music Series. 5–8 pm. Carruth Cellars, Plaza 17, Liberty www.libertystation.comStation. Sunset Luaus on the Bay. A familyfriendly event with authentic island music and entertainment. 6–9 pm. $49–$89. Catamaran Resort Hotel, 3999 Mission www.catamaranresort.com/sunset-luausBlvd. FREE Barona Powwow. Gourd dancing, a drum contest and more. Through Sept. 4. Barona Sports Complex, 1095 Barona Rd., Lakeside. www.sctca.net saturday | 3 SDSU Aztec Football Home Games. Cheer on the Aztecs in their new stadium. Today vs. Arizona, 12:30 pm; Sept. 10 vs. Idaho State & Sept. 24 vs. Toledo. Snapdragon Stadium, 2101 Stadium Way. Tickets: www.goaztecs.com Julian Grape Stomp Festa. Kick off your shoes and let grapes squish beneath your feet. 11 am–5 pm. $20. Menghini Winery, 1150 Julian Orchards Dr. www.visitjulian.com
| 1

It’s time to press play. Join us today sdgirlscouts.org/discoverat Fun with friends. New GirlYou’reMakingadventures.adifference.readytogoandScoutsisreadyforyou.
Family Fun Day at the Racetrack. free attractions including face painters, game zone, inflatables, rock climbing and more. Gates open at 11 am. Free admission for 17 & under accompanied by a parent or guardian. Del Mar Racetrack, Seaside Cabana, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Tickets: www.delmarracing.com
Oasis Camel Foundation & Dairy Farm Tour. Live animal show, camel rides and more. Today, Sept. 10 & 17, 12–2 pm. $3–$15. 26757 Hwy. 78, Ramona. www.visitjulian.com Boarded: A Pirate Adventure. Be sworn in as part of the ship’s crew, swab the deck and learn other pirate skills. Adults, $60; 12 & under, $25. Maritime Museum of San Diego, 1492 N. Harbor Dr. www.sdmaritime.org
Golden State Train Ride. Ride on the historic San Diego & Arizona Railway. Saturdays & Sundays; 10:30 & 11:45 am & 2 pm. $9–$18; under 3 free. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Campo Depot, 750 Depot St. www.psrm.org sunday | 4 FREE Coronado Summer Concert Series. 5 pm. Spreckels Park, 601 Orange Ave. www.coronadoconcert.com
FREE Vista Rod Run. and specialty cars, music and more. 9 am–2 pm. 307 Main St., downtown 2022-registration-324366648377www.eventbrite.com/e/32nd-vista-rod-run-Vista.
tuesday | 6 Beyster Family Little Blue Penguins. Follow the world’s smallest penguins on their journey from hatchlings to adults. Open daily, 9 am–5 pm. $19.95–$24.95; 2 & under free. Birch Aquarium at Scripps, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla. Reservations required: www.aquarium.ucsd.edu Spider-Man: Beyond AmazingThe Exhibition. Immerse yourself in this exhibition that brings the web-slinger’s entire storied history to life. Open daily, 10 am–6 pm. $18–$30; 3 & under free. Comic-Con Museum, Balboa www.comic-con.org/museumPark.
Sunset Special Train Ride. Enjoy a sunset ride through East County’s rugged backcountry. Saturdays, 6:30 pm. $9–$18; 2 & under free. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Campo Depot, 750 Depot St. www.psrm.org Movies on the Beach: “Wizard of Oz.” 8 pm. $25. Del Beach, 1500 Orange Ave., Coronado. Reservations required: www.hoteldel.com
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 25
monday | 5 Labor Day Padres Home Games. Sept. 5–7 vs. D-Backs, Sept. 9–11 & Sept. 27–29 vs. Dodgers, Sept. 20–22 vs. Cardinals & Sept. 30 vs. White Sox. Petco Park. Tickets: www.padres.com Padres Movie on the Field. Watch Disney’s Frozen II on the field after the Padres play the Diamondbacks at 3:40 pm. Starting at $25. Petco Park. www.padres.com Oceanside Labor Day Pier Swim. 7 am–12 noon. $70; benefits Oceanside Swim Club scholarships. The Strand N., Oceanside. www.labordaypierswim.com
FREE Hawaiian Plumeria Festival. Live entertainment, flower show and more. Today & tomorrow, 10 am–4 pm. Casa del Prado, Balboa www.plumeriafestival.comPark.
Sensory Friendly Mornings. families with children on the spectrum or with sensory sensitivities. Today & Sept. 18, 10 am–12 pm. $11.50; under 1 free. San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, 320 N. Broadway, Escondido. www.sdcdm.org

FREE Movies in the Park: “Encanto.”
FREE Escondido Grape Day Festival. Grape stomping, music, games and more. 10 am–4 pm. 321 N. www.grapedayfest.comBroadway. 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. Climb 110 floors, the same number as the twin towers while wearing the name and photo of a fallen Emergency Responder. 8 am. $45–$90; funds benefit FirefighterAid. San Diego Hilton Bayfront, 1 Park Blvd. www.sandiegostairclimb.com
Sesame Place San Diego. 18 Sesame Street-themed rides and exciting water attractions. Weekends, 10 am–6 pm. $64.99; under 2 free. 2052 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. www.sesameplacesandiego.comTickets: FREE Accessibility Mornings at The New Children’s Museum. Provides access for families who would benefit from a sensory-friendly experience and quieter setting. 8–9 am. 200 W. Island Ave. www.thinkplaycreate.org
Tonight, 6:30 pm at Spring Valley County Park, 8735 Jamacha Blvd.; tomorrow, 7:30 pm at Colina Del Sol Swimming Pool, 4150 54th Pl.; Sept. 23, 5 pm at Presidio Rec. Center, 2811 Jackson St. Full www.summermoviesinthepark.comschedule: saturday |
Lake Poway Fall Camping Series. Set up your tent and explore the park. Today, 1 pm to tomorrow at 10 am. Also, Sept. 23. $26 per car. 14644 Lake Poway Rd. www.poway.org
26 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 Calendar • September
FREE Days at Balboa Park. Park museums offer free admission Tuesdays on a rotating basis throughout the month to residents of the City and County of San Diego, and to active military personnel and their dependents. For schedule visit www.balboapark.org.
Now is the time to plan your family’s
Julian Farm and Orchard
FREE San Marcos Movie in the Park: “Encanto.” Bring chair or blanket, popcorn provided. Pre-show activities, 6:30 pm; movie at dusk. Richmar Park, 110 Richmar Ave. www.san-marcos.net
Summer Concerts in the Garden: “Betamaxx.” 6–9:15 pm. $10. Wood House at Woodland Park, 1148 Rock Springs Rd., San Marcos. www.san-marcos.net
Saturdayswww.3803wynolaroad.comandSundaysfrom 9 am-2 pm, starting Aug. 27–28. Volcan Valley Apple Farm Apple picking starts in early September. Follow on FB and IG @ volcanvalleyapplefarm for updates. Photo credit: @littledotmemories
Bunks Across America Build Day. Volunteer for the largest bed building event in a single day. North Coast Church, 2405 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista. www.shpbeds.org/chapter/ca-san-diego-n/Register: sunday | 11 FREE Symphony in the Park. 6 pm. Hoyt Park, Scripps Ranch Blvd. & Aviary Dr. www.symphonyinthepark.org Sunday Science Club: Icy Explorations. Explore ice properties, examine how frost forms and more. For grades 5–8. Girls only, 10 am-12 noon; all scientists, 1–3 pm. $15. Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park. www.fleetscience.org Classic Albums Live Performs “The Beatles: Let It Be.” 7:30 pm. Starting at $40. The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, 222 Marina Park Way. Full schedule: www.theshell.org Padres KidsFest. Inflatables, games, face painters, balloon artists and other kid-friendly activities. Festivities start 11:10 am, Gallagher Square. Padres vs. Dodgers, 1:10 pm. Petco Park. Tickets: www.padres.com thursday | 15 FREE Encinitas Cruise Night. Historic cars, live music and more. 5:30 –7:30 pm. S. Coast Hwy. 101 from D to K St. www.encinitas101.com Breathing Room at the New Children’s Museum. Calming colors and hanging textile sculptures allow visitors to slow down and relax. Daily, 9 am–4 pm, closed Tues. $10–$15. 200 W. Island Ave. www.thinkplaycreate.org
Local Apple Orchards Open for Picking
Fridaywww.julianfarmandorchard.comthruSunday,startingSept. 9. Peacefield Orchard
u-pick apple adventure in Julian! Check websites or social media pages for important up-todate information. Apples and Art Orchards becashstartingForwww.applesandartorchards.comgroupsof20ormoreonly;Sept.10.$15perbag;andVenmoonly.Guestsmustvaccinatedandboosted. Crosscut Farm and Orchard onlineintroapplefeeU-pickcrosscutfarmwww.crosscutfarm.wixsite.com/dates:Sept.10–18.Entryincludesparking,picnicsite,ciderpressingdemoandtoapplefarming.Prepaidreservationsonly.
friday | 9
FREE Clairemont Family Day. Carnival rides, entertainment and more. 8 am–4 pm. South Clairemont Rec Center, 3605 Clairemont www.clairemontfamilyday.comDr. Family Movie Night: “Up.” Moviethemed games, bounce house, crafts and more starting at 5 pm, movie starts at dusk. Activity wristband, $5. Stagecoach Community Park, lower park, 3420 Camino de los Coches. Register: www.carlsbadconnect.org
Beachside Fall Fest. The ultimate fall experience with trick-or-treating, pumpkins, live music and more. Through Oct. 31. Belmont Park, 3146 Mission Blvd. Details: www.belmontpark.com

friday | 16 FREE Mexican Independence Day Celebration. Fun family event hosted by House of Mexico. 6–8 pm. Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa www.houseofmexico.netPark.
FREE DogFest San Diego. Festivities, music, food and more. 11 am–4 pm. Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific www.canine.org/dogfestsandiegoHwy.
Brick-or-Treat Presents Monster Party. Tons of candy, an all-new show line up, LEGO characters and more. Saturdays through Oct. 29, 3–9 pm & Oct. 30, 2–8 pm. Included with admission. LEGOLAND, 1 LEGOLAND Dr., Carlsbad. www.legoland.com San Diego Wave Soccer. Cheer on our national women’s soccer team. Today vs. Angel City FC and Sept. 30 vs. North Carolina Courage. 7 pm. Starting at $10. Snapdragon Stadium, 2101 Stadium Way. Tickets: www.sandiegowavefc.com Vista Viking Festival. Viking Village & Marketplace, live entertainment, kid zone and more. Today, 10 am–8 pm & tomorrow, 10 am–6 pm. Norway Hall Cultural Center, 2006 E. Vista Way. $5–$20. www.vistavikingfestival.com (619) www.thehotspotstudio.com223-1339
Tony/Sept 2022/cr Come In, Relax & Enjoy Creating Liberty Station 2770 Historic Decatur Rd. Barracks 14
GREATPACKAGES!PARTY • Birthdays • Scout Troops • Mommy Groups • Kid Camps • Bridal Parties Kids & Adults • No Age Limit • Drop-in or Reserve • No Studio Fees • Fast Turnaround Featured on See website ScrippsBallet.com/Academy858.586.7834 Join Us this School Year and Experience the DIFFERENCE! *Free Ballet Shoes when you register with a friend. New Students Only Serving the San Diego Community since 1987! The NutcrackerDance & Theatre Lessons BALLETFREESHOES* expires10/1/22 SCRIPPS PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY OFFICIAL SCHOOL OF THE SCRIPPS BALLET THEATRE Sign up for our eNewsletter and see what's happening in the parenting community, discover top parenting hacks and check out things to do with the fam. Plus, you will receive our monthly digital issue packed with more info, tips and family fun! We’ll keep you in the loop! FREE Subscribe!to
Fiestas Patrias. Celebrate Mexican Independence Day in Old Town and experience the rich and diverse culture of Mexico and California. www.oldtownsandiegoguide.comDetails:
saturday | 17 FREE Coastal Cleanup Day. Join I Love a Clean San Diego and protect our oceans from litter and debris. 9 am–12 noon. For site locations visit www.cleanupday.org. Museum Day. FREE admission to local participating museums. For list and to download a ticket www.smithsonianmag.com/museumday.visit
FREE Oceanside Harbor Days. Arts & craft exhibits, family activities and more. Today & tomorrow, 9 am–5 pm. Oceanside Harbor. www.oceansidechamber.com
FREE Super Girl Surf Pro. All-female surfing event, music festival and more. Through Sept. 18, 8 am–7 pm. Oceanside Pier. www.supergirlsurfpro.com
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 27

28 • SanDiego family .com •
sunday | 18 Pumpkin Patch at Carlsbad Strawberry Company. Tractor rides, pumpkins, corn maze and more. Through Nov. 8, 9 am–6 pm. Admission, $5; fee for activities. 1050 Cannon Rd. www.carlsbadstrawberrycompany.com monday | 19 FREE In the Park Series: Rocks and Fossils. Find buried treasure, bug out with creepy crawly friends or rock out with fossils. 10 am–12 noon. Community Park Open Play Area, 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway. www.poway.org wednesday | 21 Paws & Pages. Read to animals in a nonjudgemental environment. For grades 1–5. 5–6 pm. $12. Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Rd., Rancho Santa Fe. www.animalcenter.org thursday | 22 Apple Time Teas. An apple-themed version of the classic tea. 11:30 am, 1 & 2:30 pm. $9.95–$32.95. Through Sept. 26. Julian Tea & Cottage Arts, 2124 Third St., Julian. Reservations required: www.juliantea.com friday | 23 MCAS Miramar Air Show. This year’s theme is “Marines: Fight, Evolve, Win.” Through Sept. 25, 8 am–5 pm. Starting at $9. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Miramar Way. www.miramarairshow.com Movies in the Park: “Soul.” Games and more, movie starts at sunset. La Mesita Park, 8855 Dallas St. www.lamesaparks.org Parents Night Out at My Gym. Games, ninja courses, team-building activities and more. Tonight & Sept. 23, 5:30–8:30 pm. For ages 3–10. $40. 12222 Poway Rd. #18–19, Poway. www.mygym.com/poway
Weekends through Oct. 31, 10 am–6 pm. Included with admission. Interstate 5, exit SeaWorld Dr. www.seaworldsandiego.comTickets: Teen Splash Bash. Water games, inflatable obstacle course and more. 5–9 pm. $5. Mickey Cafagna Community Center, 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway. Registration required: www.poway.org
September 2022 SeaWorld Spooktacular. Dance party, scavenger hunt, trick-or-treating and more.
The Count’s Halloween Spooktacular. Come in costume for not-too-spooky fun with trick-or-treating, Halloween-themed shows, a Halloween Parade and more. Through Oct. 30. Weekends, 10 am–6 pm. 2052 Entertainment Cir., Chula Tickets: www.sesameplacesandiego.comVista.
Pumpkin Patch at Bates Nut Farm. Tractor hayrides, straw maze,
Rising Together Living Your Dreams Benefit Concert. Music performed by service members, veterans and community talent. 6–8 pm. $15–$30. Encinitas Elk Lodge, 1393 Windsor Rd. www.resoundingjoyinc.org
pumpkins and more. Through Oct. 31. 15954 Woods Valley Rd., Valley Center. www.batesnutfarm.biz
Accessibility Mornings at the Fleet. Families who benefit from a lowsensory experience can enjoy exhibit galleries in a quieter setting and a special IMAX film screening (lights on and a lower volume). 9–11 am. Free admission for one guest and one chaperone. Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park. www.fleetscience.org

FREE Pumpkin Station Farms. Stroll through a live pumpkin patch with corn maze and hayrides. 9 am–6 pm. 2 locations: Rancho Bernardo, 13421 Highland Valley Rd. & Bonita, 5354 Sweetwater Rd. www.pumpkinstation.com
FREE Mountain Valley Ranch Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins, corn maze, corn cannon and more. Open daily, 9 am–6 pm. 842 Hwy. 78, www.mountainvalleyranch.comRamona. sunday | 25 FREE Encinitas Oktoberfest. Live music, dancing, food, carnival rides and more. 10 am–6 pm. Mountain Vista www.encinitasoktoberfest.comDr. FREE Spreckels Organ Society Concerts. Sundays, 2–3 pm. Pavilion-Pan American Pl., Balboa Park. www.balboaparkconcerts.org tuesday | 27 “Cats.” An extraordinary tribe of cats gathers for its annual ball. Through Oct. 2. Starting at $35. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave. Tickets and showtimes: www.broadwaysd.com
FREE La Mesa Oktoberfest. Kids activities, German food, games and more. Today, 4–10 pm; tomorrow, 10 am–10 pm; Oct. 2, 12–8 pm. La Mesa www.lamesaoktoberfest.orgBlvd.
September 2022 • SanDiego family .com • 29
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FREE ArtWalk Carlsbad. Explore different facets of art while enjoying the beautiful views. Today, 11 am–6 pm & tomorrow, 10 am–5 pm. Armada Dr. off Palomar Airport Rd. www.artwalksandiego.org/carlsbad
Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party Lights Up. Watch Monster Trucks in the dark. Today, 12:30 & 7:30 pm (Crash Zone 10 am & 5 pm); tomorrow, 2:30 pm (Crash Zone 12 noon). Pechanga Arena, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd. www.hotwheelsmonstertruckslive.com Tickets:
FREE Adams Avenue Street Fair. 70 musical acts on four stages, food, arts and crafts booths and more. Today, 10 am–10 pm & tomorrow, 10 am–6 www.adamsavenuestreetfair.compm.
FREE Pacific Islander Festival. Entertainment, food, music and crafts. Today & tomorrow, 8 am–4 pm. Ski Beach along Mission Bay. www.pifasandiego.com
saturday | 24 SnakeSmart. Conquer your fear of snakes while learning how they benefit our ecosystem. 9:30–11:30 am. Ages 5 & up, $30. Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Rd., Rancho Santa Fe. www.animalcenter.org
Fun Animal Friday. Story time, craft and more. 10 am–12 noon. Included with admission. $11.50; under 1 free. San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, 320 N. Broadway, Escondido. www.sdcdm.org Oktoberfest. Authentic German food, music and more. Today through Oct. 2 & Oct. 7–9. Fri., 4–10 pm; Sat., 12–10 pm; Sun., 12–9 pm. German American Societies of San Diego, 1017 S. Mollison. Ave., El Cajon. www.germanclubsandiego.orgTickets: Fiesta in the Park. Live Latin music, fun activities and more. 4:30–6:30 pm before Padres vs. White Sox game. Gallagher Square, Petco Park. Tickets: www.padres.com Find more family happenings at www.sandiegofamily.com. Want us to spread the news? Email events@sandiegofamily.com and include the name of the event or activity, a brief description, event address, date, time, cost, contact number and website. Submission does not guarantee publication. Deadline for the Nov issue: Oct 1.
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Order Online at JuniorTheatre.com Or Call 619-239-8355 GROUP RATES AVAILABLE
Oma’s Pumpkin Patch. Wagon rides, cottonseed mountain, pumpkins and more. Through Oct. 29. Tues.,–Sat., 10 am– 7 pm; closed Sundays & Mondays. $11–$21; wagon ride $5. 14919 El Monte Rd., Lakeside. Online reservations required: www.omasfamilyfarm.com thursday | 29 FREE Pumpkin Patch at Summers Past Farms. Wander through the pumpkin patch and pick your favorite pumpkin. Featuring a small corn maze and hay fort. Through Oct. 31. 15602 Olde Hwy., 80, Flinn Springs. www.summerspastfarms.com friday | 30 FREE Pumpkin Station. Pumpkins, inflatable play centers, game zones and more. Through Oct. 31. Sun.–Thurs., 9 am–7 pm; Fri. & Sat., 9 am–9 pm. 3 locations: Del Mar, 15555 Jimmy Durante Blvd.; Mission Valley, 1750 Camino Del Rio N.; Plaza Bonita, 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd., National City. www.pumpkinstation.com

30 • SanDiego family .com • September 2022 Fall arrives Sept. 22, in all its glory of colors and flavors. Visions of apples, pears and pumpkins are almost enough to make us forget it still feels like summer. Almost. While we wait for fall temperatures to arrive, schedule a family trip to an apple farm this month (see orchards on page 26). Then make this ingredient!featuringfallIt’sofThecomplimentsciderwithAppleamazingCiderCakecinnamonfrosting,ofSeasideBakerOceanside.theperfectconfection,asecret Apple Cider Cake Find more Fall goodness at www.TheSeasideBaker.com. Photo credit: The Seaside Baker. Just Parentsfor The Seaside Baker also shares her recipe for Apple Cider Sangria, which was a hit at her andyear.celebrationFriendsgivinglastIt’srefreshingdelicious! Find both recipes in our Apple Recipe Round-Up www.sandiegofamily.com/atthings-to-do/dining-and-recipes/apple-recipe-round-up.

*additional upcharge for D-BOX motion-enhanced seats movie release dates subject to change Mission Valley’s Lowest Price $10 7510 Hazard Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92108 • Free Underground Parking • UltraStarMovies.com All EveryShowtimesDay Will 100% be going back! AC on point, leather seats with arm rests that lift up, best popcorn I’ve ever had (seriously! ask for extra butter and you won’t be disappointed) and happy hour beers Tickets+popcorn+2 beers=just the cost of admission at AMC Never stepping foot in an AMC again in my life because of this place! Google Review: Kevin C. Great value movie theater The service was great and the seats were comfortable! Google Review: Melanie B. Always $10 for a ticket no matter what movie t is or when it comes out And for once the food is reasonably priced! I go about once a week! Go enjoy a movie and not worry about break ng the bank! Google Review: Aisha S. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum 750 Depot St, Campo, CA www.PSRM.org RIDE RAILS! Sunset Train Special! Saturday, July 24th Golden State trains run every Saturday & Sunday School, Pumpkin, North Pole & Bunny trains, Private Charters, Engineer for an hour, Cab Rides (most trains) Sunset Train Special! every Saturday evening through September Golden State trains run every Saturday & Sunday School, Pumpkin, North Pole & Bunny Trains, Private Charters, Engineer for an hour, Cab Rides (on most trains) MEET THE MEET THE BEYSTER FAMILY LITTLE BLUEnowPENGUINSoPenMEET THE