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AIA San Diego Commi1ee on the Environment (COTE) cote-‐ www.aiasandiego/org/commi3ee-‐cote-‐sd
AIA SDAT Sustainable Design Assistance Team PB/MB Mission Bay October 2013
Water quality/quanHty
Public Spaces
Flooding and Drought
Sense of community/ place
Traffic CongesHon
Transit and Land Use
Pedestrial/bicycle opHons
Energy Efficiency
Wildlife habitat/wetlands
FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL: cote-‐ Web Page:‐environment-‐ cote-‐sd Facebook: SDAT, AIASD COTE
Historic Preservation and Sustainability & Case Study
Alison Whitelaw FAIA Platt/Whitelaw Architects, Inc.
Platt/Whitelaw Architects, Inc.!
Historic Preservation is Green
Reusing exis;ng buildings is good for the economy, the community and the environment. Building reuse almost always offers environmental savings over demoliHon and new construcHon Building reuse creates more and be1er paying jobs than new construcHon RehabilitaHon projects keep more dollars circulaHng in the local economy Residents, businesses and tourists are drawn to communiHes that retain their disHncHve character and heritage
The Greenest Building: Quan3fying the Value of Building Reuse -‐ Preserva3on Green Lab, NTHP 2011
Platt/Whitelaw Architects, Inc.!
Sustainable North Park Main Street History of the project Main Street designaHon 1996 State Historic PreservaHon Officer Wayne Donaldson FAIA Challenge to NPMS 2009 Early stakeholder acHvity Pro bono effort Grant funding
Sustainable North Park Main Street History of the project North Park Main Street designaHon 1996 State Historic PreservaHon Officer Wayne Donaldson FAIA Challenge to NPMS 2009 Early stakeholder acHvity Pro bono effort Design Professionals NSAD Graduates Gallery Exhibit
Sustainable North Park Main Street Vision for the project Maintain cultural and historic integrity of the built & social environment Increase resource efficiency and conservaHon Increase internal community connecHvity Provide the seang for a sustainable green economy
Sustainable North Park Main Street Strategies and Interven;ons Energy interven;on E-‐1 Energy Efficient Laundry E-‐2 Storefornt Shading E-‐3 Air InfiltraHon & InsulaHon E-‐4 Energy Efficient Kitchen E-‐5 Applied Window Film E-‐6 Green Roof E-‐7 Solar Tubes & Sktlights E-‐8 Vent Stacks E-‐9 Cool Roof E-‐10 Mechanical System Tenant Opera;on interven;on TO-‐1 Preferable Products TO-‐2 ComposHng CoOp TO-‐3 Take-‐Out Food TO-‐4 Recycling TO-‐5 ValidaHons & Discounts
Water interven;on W-‐1 Water Efficient Laundry W-‐2 Graywater System W-‐3 Water Efficient Kitchen W-‐4 Water Efficient Fixtures W-‐5 Permeable Surface W-‐6 Green Roof W-‐7 Curb Bioswales W-‐8 Porous Asphalt W-‐9 Rainwater Cistern Open Space interven;on OS-‐1 Electric Vehicle StaHons OS-‐2 Curb Cuts & Pop Outs OS-‐4 Pedestrian-‐Scale LighHng OS-‐5 Wall Mural OS-‐6 Bike Corral OS-‐7 Tree Wells OS-‐8 Dumpster Shed OS-‐9 Midblock Crossing OS-‐10 Infrastructure for Decor OS-‐11 Street Benches
Sustainable North Park Main Street Sample Applica;ons
Sustainable North Park Main Street Energy  modeling Â
Sustainable North Park Main Street
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study History Fijy three year old building Neighborhood grocery store Changed uses Storefront improvement 2000
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Exis;ng building 50 x 100-‐feet Basic interior demoliHon Original structure revealed Design challenges: Daylight Natural venHlaHon
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Improvements Energy efficient envelope Roof sourced: Daylight Fresh air Low parHHons Interior windows Energy efficient systems Materials selecHon criteria
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Improvements Materials selecHon criteria Simple finishes Recycled content Recyclable Rapidly renewable sources Low maintenance & replacement Low embodied energy No toxic emissions
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Improvements Energy efficiency: Fresh air intake Skylights & light tubes Energy efficient HVAC Energy efficient lights
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study
Improvements Natural Light & VenHlaHon Roof sourced Daylight Fresh air Displacement venHlaHon Ceiling fans Whole house exhaust
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Improvements Cool Roof InsulaHon: Polyurethane foam CoaHng: Elastomeric Fresh air intake Skylights & light tubes Whole house exhaust
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study Improvements Photovoltaics: Energy usage 75 kBtu/yr PV system 9.45 kW DC raHng 42 mulH crystalline cell panels, roof mounted 7.5 year payback Generates approx 50% of load
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study
Energy Star ra;ng Energy performance raHng 93/100 51% be1er than naHonal average
Sustainable North Park Main Street Case study A work in progress Sign – reclaimed materials Storefront glazing issues Storm water collecHon system On-‐site harvest
SNPMS Introduces…
North Park EcoDistrict
Add picture of street trees, bike repair image fr. NPMS office, and Fl St. Apt
How we’ll measure progress… • Capturing Case Studies • NP EcoDistrict Documentary Creation • Benchmarking Carbon Footprint of NP
Fostering a community effort‌ What resources would you use? What concepts resonate with you? What one feature would you like to see in North Park? Text in: 619-403-9208
Communities and culture have historically formed around economic centers. Because commerce is the engine of our communities, businesses are critical champions of a truly impactful sustainability effort. ~Paraphrased from Ecology of Commerce, Paul Hawken