int'l order of rainbow girls

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Find Your

Pot of Gold In California Rainbow

What Do You Want To Be Remembered For? By: Colleen Penaluna, Grand Worthy Advisor How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be known as beautiful? Inspiring? Revolutionary? What about helpful, compassionate, or giving? Most likely, you want to be remembered in a positive light. Most would not explain how they hope to leave a legacy of rudeness, cruelty, or intimidation. But you can’t just cross your alized positively. You have to live the way you want to be remembered. People will never forget how you made them feel whether it was good or bad. I’m sure you can name off every person who had a positive impact on your life, and also every person who ever bullied or deeply hurt you. If you are not careful about how you treat others, if you don’t take action; you may end up remembered in are hoping to be immortalized as someone who was kind, charitable and loving, then you must start by treating the world around

you in that way. Our lesson of Immortality reminds us of the importance of how we treat people. At her station, Immortality assures us that while we may all cease to exist in a physical form, the memory of us - of who we were and what we didwill live on. Our words and actions create marks on the world around us - marks that will live on long after we have passed, and ensure the survival of our eternal spirits. And it is up to you whether your marks will be good or bad, if you will be remembered in respect or in infamy. To be remembered, you don’t have to do anything huge or life-altering; you don’t have to be famous, award-winning, or wealthy. You can do something worth remembering simply by serving the people around you. Think of all the inventors, artists, philanthropists, politicians - all those people you read

about in history class that have been immortalized for their impact on the world. Now think of all the parents, teachers, friends who have changed your life, and how you will remember them forever. These ordinary people are just as important as those whose names rest in history books. As famed attorney, soldier and Freemason Albert Pike once said, “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal” Your actions have an impact on the world around you no matter how small those actions may seem. By serving the people around you, you are able to make a positive impact on the lives of those around you, and create a legacy of kindness,

Colleen Penaluna Grand Worthy Advisor

When I think of an ordinary person making a profound difference, I think of our dear Mrs. Martin. She truly lived a life

worth remembering through her generous donation of time, love, and service. Mrs. Martin impacted our entire Masonic family for the better, and she will always be remembered as a true example of a Rainbow Girl. Our actions show the world who we truly are in the end. You cannot go through life and expect to be remembered if you stay on the sidelines. People take notice when you step out of your comfort zone or reach out to make a difference. So offer a kind hand to those around you. Compliment people when you like something they are wearing, or reach out to the kid sitting alone at lunch. What may seem like no big deal can make all the difference to someone around you. Always remember how one woman made all of California Rainbow better through simply being herself and loving those around her, and live the life you would be proud to be remembered for.

Aiding Africa By: Noelle Andrew, Visailia Assembly Nearly every time they get together for a Rainbow event, the members of Visalia Assembly use the phrase, “Be of some service each day.” Who could have predicted that the six word expression would have such a big impact on the girls? This term, one of the girls’ many service projects was to make pillowcase dresses for young girls in Africa. In Africa, girls who own dresses often come from wealthier families. These girls are not often targeted for sexual assault because of their wealthier status. The girls of Visalia Assembly learned that all they

need is a pillowcase to reduce the chances that a poor child in Africa would be targeted by nearly seventy percent. The girls then jumped on the chance to make a difference in someone’s life, and got busy sewing! At 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 3, Katie Sullivan, Worthy Advisor, Noelle Andrew, Charity, and a member of the local Pledge group, Emily Sullivan all met at their lodge to make pillowcase dresses. The girls, along with their Mother Advisor, Mrs. Hopper, and Mr. and Mrs. Rahl, two members of their advisory board, brought several pillowcas-

es as well as some decorative lace and buttons, two sewing machines, needles, scissors, pins, and everything else they thought they could use for their project. They girls got started as soon as they got to the lodge. They were quickly informed on how to cut holes in the fabric for the children’s arms and heads. They also learned how to measure and cut elastic bands for the top of the dress depending on the size of the pillowcase. While they were working, the girls realized that they needed more ribbon to complete

several of their dresses. In a the girls to their local Hobby Lobby© so they could pick up some spools of ribbon, and a needle to replace one that had previously broken. The trip was a quick one, and the girls returned to the lodge in less than a half an hour. Once back at the lodge and sewing once more, the adults agreed it was time for lunch. Mr. Rahl offered to get the girls some Mc Donalds© from the drive thru nearby. All three children ordered a six piece chicken nugget and fries. After making dresses all day,

the food tasted better than ever before, and they even got ice cream for dessert! Yum!!! After eating, the group continued to work on their their dresses. They also began to clean up their area, and pack up all of their materials. In total, the girls and helpful adults made seven dresses for children in Africa - that’s seven girls whose lives could very well be changed, or even saved. What a productive and satisfying day!

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Pot of Gold

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

A Sparkling Message From An Enthusiastic Lady “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahtma Ghandi “Only a life lived in service to others is worth living.” Albert Einstein “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King I share these quotes with you because they have impact. They are words shared with us by leaders whose lives reflected what they said. The words would have little impact if what they did every day did not reflect and attitude and commitment to serve others.

Do you live each day with a focus on serving others? As a society we spend a lot of time speaking about service; service to others, to our community, to our family. In Rainbow our goal is to serve. In the lesson of Service we commit to being of some service each day, to living a life of service. We select themes for our Installations and receptions based on service. We plan days to serve, raise money for organizations that serve and hopefully within our assemblies we serve each other as well. We hear about those who sacrifice to serve others and are amazed by what they do. All is done with the hope that we learn that we can have an impact on the lives of others by how we serve.

Serving in itself is a wonderful gift but if you serve without love then your gift may not be received in the way you intended. Have you ever been waited on by someone in a restaurant or store that had a bad attitude?

They don’t smile, barely say hello and certainly do not seem to do their best when serving you. How about when your Mom asks you to do something and you stomp away mumbling under your breath. Have you ever had your Mom say never mind I will do it myself? I know I have. It is because our attitude will impact how we do the job. The same thing can happen when you serve. If you are there to get rewards for what you do, to hear how wonderful you are for serving – most likely your acts of service are not based on love and the joy of serving. You are too focused on what rewards you will receive not the impact of the service you perform. When we serve with a focus on our rewards then I

believe that you will not have done your best. I believe that the attitude with which you serve can be the most impactful and important part of why you serve. A humble servant works to meet the needs of others at the sacrifice of themselves. When the day arrives and your attitude is not in line with what you are doing be sure to take the focus off yourself and be happy that you have the ability to serve. When we serve we can change our attitude to one of thankfulness and caring. It really is all up to you.

Choose a Life that Matters

By: Kayla Murray, Grand Editor One day it will come to an end, there will be no more sunrises or sunsets. There will be no minutes, hours or days. Everything you collected, whether you treasured it or forgot it will pass on to others. Your wealth, fame, and power will no longer be relevant. It will not matter what you owned. Your grudges, resentment and frustrations will finally disappear. Your ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire. Every win and every loss that seemed so important will fade to nothing. It will not matter where you came

from, what house you lived in, it won’t matter if you were beautiful or brilliant. So what will matter? What will matter will not be the things you bought but, the friendships you built. It will not matter what you got but, what you gave. What will matter is not your level of success but, your significance. Not what you learned but, what you taught. What will matter is every act of service, kindness, and compassion that encouraged others to follow your example. It will not matter how many people you knew but, how many of those

people will feel a lasting loss when you are gone. It will not matter what memories you have but, what memories you left in the minds of those who loved you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered and for what. Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. You won’t wake up one day and suddenly have a meaningful life. It happens by choice. It happens when we choose kindness over hate, it happens when we choose to help others in need, not because we have to but, because we want to.

New Year’s Resolutions

When we are initiated we are told to be of some service each day, that does not mean we have to go and do huge acts of service, it is the little things that matter the most. Simply sharing a smile, or a laugh with a friend that is have a bad day can make all the difference. Living a life of service is living a life that matters, and it is our choice to make sure the life we live does matter.

Official Publication of the Grand Assembly, State of California INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF THE RAINBOW FOR GIRLS. This publication acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, whose seat of authority is at McAlester, Oklahoma, and to the Jurisdiction of California, of who Mrs. Dana Regier is Supreme Deputy, 4745 N. Palm Ave., Fresno, CA 93704, and Colleen Penaluna is Grand Worthy Advisor, 4750 Paula Way Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Kayla Murray, Grand Editor 6116 Preston Circle Rocklin, CA 95765 (send all articles c/o Jan Warney) 2870 Osborne Road, Cameron Park, CA 95682 e-mail:

By: Rachel Trull, Assistant Grand Editor By now you will probably have started and maybe quit your New Year’s resolutions. I know it can be hard because I try them every year and they never work. This year I am going to try my best to be a better person. If I have learned anything in life it’s that if you want something in life you have to work for it. Things in life don’t come for free. If you want something to happen you have to go make it happen. Walt Disney made the film “Snow White”© which was

the first feature-length animated movie ever made. That laid the cornerstone for animated movies since then. Walt Disney also had a dream of making Disneyland© come alive. Disneyland© has now passed its 60th anniversary from when it first opened. On the first day of its opening it did not go well, rides broke down and they didn’t have working water fountains and Walt Disney knew he had to fix it. There are now multiple Disney parks and a new one is being built in

Shanghai. He beat the odds and showed people that doubted him that he was capable. Walt Disney proves that if you want to accomplish anything in life you can. Walt Disney once said “All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them”. I truly believe that if you set your mind to something you can do it. So tell yourself you can do it. If you don’t want to start over don’t stop. Accomplish your goals for 2016!

Rachel Trull Assistant Grand Editor

Rebecca Okin GEC, Grand Circulation Manager, Grand Historian, and Representative to Oregon, Brazil, So. Carolina, and Virginia

Jan Warney Editorial Advisor

Mary Alynn Fallon Business and Circulation Manager

STATE EDITORIAL STAFF Elizabeth Gravitt Kayla Warren Lemon Grove Assembly Diablo Valley Assembly The Pot of Gold (USPS440-180) is published quarterly (June, September, November, February) plus Souvenir Convention Issue during the Easter Vacation week of March or April for $6.00 bulk per year- $9.00 single copy per year for regular editions, by the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. KOP: Mary Alynn Fallon, 7815 Whelan Drive, San Diego, CA 92119 Periodicals postage paid at San Diego, CA, 92199-9996 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Pot of Gold c/o Mary Alynn Fallon, Business and Circulation Manager, 7815 Whelan Drive San Diego, CA 92119-1715

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Pot of Gold

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The L eadership Girls! By: Kayla Warren, Northern Member of the State Editorial Staff of the Pot of Gold Many of you might not know Heidi Johnson. This is way for you to get to know more about our appointed member of the leadership team. She was initiated at Grand Assembly in 2011, so she has been active for more than four years. Heidi joined Rainbow because her mom and aunts were all in Rainbow growing up. She loved hearing the stories about the organization and hearing about the impact it has on everyone’s lives. She has now been a member of Chico-Paradise Assembly for more than four years. She has Drill Leader, Chaplain, Recorder, and has gone up the line. She is going to be entering the station of Worthy Advisor for the fourth

Charity and Worthy Advisor. She has always loved hearing the Initiation speech of Charity and has loved being able to plan the term and events for her assembly has Worthy Advisor. Rainbow has really taught Heidi to become a leader and she enjoys watching the girls in her assembly become leaders also. One of her favorite things that Rainbow has given her is friendships. She never thought that she would be such great friends with girls from other towns. Heidi says, “I am proud to call them my sisters.” Outside of Rainbow, Heidi is currently in her senior year at Durham High School. She is very active in her school in ways such as the High School Scholars Program, Interact, CSF, FFA, and Big Sis Little Sis.

She has also been swimming competitively for 13 years. She also enjoys hanging out with her friends and family, and listening to country music. As her senior year is quickly coming to an end, she has started to plan her future. She plans on attending a four year university. At that university she will double major in elementary education and Spanish. By majoring in these she plans on becoming a kindergarten teacher. Heidi’s Grand Assembly last year was very exciting. Not only was her name called as a member of the state leadership team but she also served as a Grand Marshal. As a member of the leadership team, Heidi has helped plan the leadership summit where she helped run

the dress code round robin table

Heidi Johnson Chico-Paradise Assembly

and the nutrition break out session. She also worked with Becand the application to get girls to join the leadership team. Girls should join the leadership team because they will get a chance to work with some very dynamic women. “Girls will learn communication skills, how to work in a team setting, how to participate in conference calls, and learn to communicate electronically through Google docs and email.” These are all great skills that girls can utilize in their future endeavors. As you can tell, Heidi is very busy with school activities and Rainbow. Yet she always has fun with everything she does and she encourages you all to join the leadership team!

By: Elizabeth Gravitt, Southern Member of the State Editorial Staff of the Pot of Gold A leader is someone that people look to answer questions and give advice. Someone who takes charge and has the ability not always a person who is in a high position like the President. A leader can be any age, gender, or race and may be someone you would not expect. These people are what I call a leader in

disguise. People like a teacher, Mother Advisor, Principal, or even your school Librarian. Leaders are hard working, honest, devoted, reliable, open minded people. We have many leaders in Rainbow, one of which is Becca Holley. Becca is a Leadership Team member and

CA. She is a charismatic fun girl who is a senior at Capo Valley High School. She was initiated

Assembly in Orange County,

project. As a reporter, I have one

Grand Lodge Essay Contest Winner!

Rebecca Holley


By: Sasha Ramos, Grand Service Hello California Rainbow! Have you been feeling cold lately? Well, now that it is fall many of you ladies will be cleaning out your fall and winter clothes that for this new season. I’d like you to consider donating your clothes to homeless shelters or maybe organizations in your towns that do clothing drives so others who cannot afford new clothes can enjoy gently used ones to boost good self-esteem or feeling good about yourself can go a long way and I’m sure someone would love what you don’t anymore! Have you ever thought someone else and yourself at the same time by learning? This is called “service-learning.” As I have learned about it in school,

I began to think about how this can help you ladies. Self-learning is learning about how your actions will affect another person in the process of doing service or after you do service. The learning can be academically, meaning for school or for research, or for personal learning. Learning about what you do can make service more meaningful because you will grow with the connections you make and you will see and know what you are doing for others. You girls can see life through a different perspective or through a different view. I know that service is a great way to help out your community, but you can also help yourself out too. Learning about what you do will make it all that much more special. Until next time!

2009, and has been their Worthy Advisor not once but twice! Becca loves fashion, make up, and pizza. Rainbow has taught her how to run a meeting, speak

question that I never change and always ask of those I interview. “If you could say anything to the Rainbow Girls of California what would it be?” This is what Becca replied. “Enjoy your time in Rainbow, it goes by so fast and the lessons you learn will carry you so far in life.”

By: Lindsea Frisen, Central Coast Assembly Many of our social interactions occur online, from posting statuses on Facebook© and Twitter©, to commenting on a YouTube© video; however, it is almost impossible to avoid seeing some source of negativity. So how can we be a light amidst all this darkness? To learn how to spread positivity on the Internet, people act with such animosity Online. There is a certain appeal to anonymity, either by a literal anonymous option, or by hiding behind an avatar— you can say whatever you want and there are no consequences, no one knows that you were the one who sent that comment. This opens up a “Pandora’s box” of sorts. These negative people, when interacting IRL (in real life), wouldn’t say half the things they post Online, but anonymity serves as the perfect platform to project personal problems onto others. It is actually quite cathartic, and being mean Online can temporarily boost self-esteem. But this feel-

Grand Worthy Advisor Colleen Penaluna Reception February 14th at 1:00pm At Bella Vista High School

ing is short-lived. Psychologists have found that those who are rude on the Internet are likely to become more aggressive in their everyday lives, plus, in general, having a negative outlook on life can considerably shorten your lifespan. Miscommunication, however, is another issue altogether. Sometimes, a comment perceived as rude or offensive is merely a misunderstanding, due to a lack of physical cues otherwise given when faceto-face. The solution to this problem is simple: don’t put up with negativity. At all. If you see a rude comment or status, ignore it. If it is offensive, report it. If a

person is continuously spreading negativity, block them. Negativity cannot be stopped, but choosing to participate in it is exactly that: a choice. Spread positivity instead— think before posting, “could this offend someone?” and if the answer is yes, even if it’s just one person, don’t post it. And if you see someone being bullied online, reach out to them, chances are that ing a virtual battle alone, and just knowing you are there for them can give them the strength to report their problems to someone who can help. Studies have shown that over 50% of teens have been a target of cyberbullying. The same study also says that half of those who are bullied don’t reach out for help. So will you choose to be a bystander, or will you, in the words of Maya Angelou, “be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud?”

Grand Editor Kayla Murray Reception February 6th 2:00pm At 1123 J St, Sacramento, CA Sacramento Masonic Temple

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Pot of Gold

Stinemans Sweethearts

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Continuing Support for Barry R. Kirshner By: The Members of Chico- Paradise Assembly Hey California Rainbow! Chico-Paradise Assembly here bringing you a blast from the past so we can take a closer look at just one of the many organizations we’ve helped in the past few years. A few years back, PGWA Shelby Zimmerman chose the Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary as the Grand Service Project for the Grand year. The Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation and Sanctuary specializes in giving

sick,disabled, and diseased animals the care they need. Most of the animals located there would not be able to survive in the wild, due to their various conditions. Like Samson the lion, who suffers from extreme bone fragility. If he were to be left in the wild, he would not have survived long because his body would not be able to handle the stress. Or Alex the alligator

Chico- Paradise Visits Barry R. Kirshner

who either escaped or was set free from its owner. Alex is losing her eyesight but thanks to Kirshner, is able to live a full and happy life. Because of California Rainbow’s donation, this amazing facility was able to open new enclosures, get better equipment and vehicles to transport their animals. It

may seem like your spare change and hours of service alone won’t really make a difference, and that may be true; but when we come together as one organization with one goal, the possibilities of helping are endless. So, next time your assembly “passes the pig” or starts a coin march, toss in those extra dimes, you never know whose life you’ll save.

A Hello From Adele

By: Alyssa Shook, Roseville- DeRiemer Assembly Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if, after all these years, you still knew what was going on with Roseville-DeRiemer Assembly? Hello, can you hear me? I’m in California, dreaming about how much I missed this assembly, so I decided to take a little rendez-vous (that’s French for “meeting”) with my Rainbow friends. Hello from the other side,

to Roseville DeRiemer’s new Worthy Advisor, Alyssa Shook! The assembly had a fantastic time “watching the world with glittering eyes” and travelling around the world during their Installation of Officers on September 26th. I must have called a thousand times to see when that Installation was…, but when I called, they didn’t seem to be home.


They were probably out bowling to promote Rainbow to new girls. This was a membership activity put on by our Faith, Destiny Morse; I think she did a fantastic job. Well, at least I can say that I tried to contact them! Hello, how are you? Roseville-DeRiemer Assembly is also strengthening their bonds with the local DeMolay chapter; they’ve invited the


Master Councilor (Nick Freeman) to be their Beau. It’s so typical of me to talk about myself, but for once I’d like to talk about him! In the words of Deb Dash, “Gotta love a teenage boy who is willing to wear a tiara.” What I think is amazing is that he chose to wear it! It’s no secret that the both of us are running out of time, but a few quick notes before I say

the opposite of hello (goodbye). Roseville-DeRiemer had a very successful annual summer dinner, raising over $400 for the Grand Service project. We also said “Hello” to a new school year, which means lots more travelling and initiations for the assembly. Goodbye, California Rainbow!


Keeping Up With Lancaster

By: Lucy Kappers, Lancaster Assembly

Hey California Rainbow!!! It’s Lucy from Lancaster Assembly! We have been extremely busy raising money for Grand Service and doing fun trips and fundraisers. This last term I was my Assembly’s Worthy Advisor. For my fun trip we went to a Trampoline Venue where we jumped on trampolines and had a massive amount of fun. Afterwards we went to Ice Cream Parlor where we ate and ate

and ATE lots of ice cream. We have had multiple fundraisers for Grand Service including dinners, bake sales, rummage sales, and a Flush out Cancer Project. (What is Flush out Cancer you ask? Well, our bedazzled toilet can be removed for a fee from your yard---or, you might want to buy insurance so it never appears. Similar to flamingo flocking….but decorating the toilet was WAY more fun!!!) We

also had a Mini Rainbow Camp where we slept outside in tents, reviewed our proficiencies, watched movies on a sheet, and had so much fun. We even had a prospective member come, and were so happy she turned in her application to join us! Also this summer, we traveled to Griffith Observatory, had a Career and College night, went to classes on cooking, car basics, basic cake decorating, and learned to sew

our own pantaloons! WHEW! We had our OV with other Assemblies in our Area. It was so fun, and was an Under the Sea theme. Our Assembly had closing, and we were so happy to see so many guests and to get to talk to the Grand Worthy Advisor and the Supreme Deputy. At the OV, all of the assemblies hosting raised a combined total of over $3,000 for Grand Service (I was so proud!!).Better run and review

A Very Disney© Morning

my work Because, we are also having an Initiation! By the time you read this, two Girls – Kat and Nina –will have joined our assembly. We also have another application, which was just submitted! I cannot wait to talk to all of you lovelies next time and give updates on what our Assembly is doing!!!


By: Zoe Carlin, San Fernando Assembly On October 11, 2015 both San Fernando and Buena Park Assemblies of the International Order of Rainbow Girls participated in the Children’s Hospital of Orange County charity walk . The C.H.O.C. walk is an annual fundraiser to help with their non-profit hospital. Each girl had to collect a minimum of $ 65.00 of pledges in order to participate in this fun event. These two assemblies walked all through

Disneyland before the park opened with thousands of other people. These two assemblies raised over $1500 in doing this event. With their participation, the Assemblies qualified for discounted tickets to Disneyland. San Fernando Asssembly is planning on going back to Disneyland on Sunday, October 25th for a fun trip. This will be a pure day of fun being at “the Happiest Place on Earth.” And by the way, they met

some friendly Disney characters along the way. Way to go girls! San Fernando Assembly has had a very busy summer and early fall. In early October, we had the local Granada Hills Street Fair in which we had an information booth to attract new girls and pledges. We are also doing the ever important Relay for Life event later this month for Make a Difference Day and to honor the memory of Mrs. Sara

Lee Martin. We had the honor of bringing in the flag for the Senior Grand Wardens reception alongside our DeMolay brothers and Jobie sisters. We had a terrific time with our OV visit with an “ Under the Sea “ theme and had fun decorating it. Some of the other activities we were a part of included; volunteering at the Alhiezmers walk, holding a very important youth group discussion night with their local Jobs and

DeMolay about the future of their orders, a fun trip to the California Science Center, a mystery trip to Whimsic Alley (a Harry Potter themed shopping place), and finally attending the Masons 4 Mitts night at the Dodgers game. You have to have a lot of energy to be part of this amazing assembly as there is always a ton of things going on.

Fourth Edition 2015-2016 Pot of Gold

Kistner’s Krew

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Breaking News With Green Valley By: Katie Pewitt, Green Valley Assembly Welcome back to Green Valley Assembly News on channel 220 it’s your host Katie Pewitt. Green Valley has been very busy, we have walked with our four legged friends at a Relay for Life, we have done an electronic recycling, we have recently had an Installation of Officers, and we have also had a couple of Initiations within the last term. We need three more girls to reach ten new members

and then one of our own advisory board members will wear a dress at this coming up Grand Assembly. We are currently getting ready for all of our Grand Officers Receptions; we have been traveling the state to many receptions, Official Visits, and Installations and Initiations in our local area. We have a Bazaar coming up in November, we have done fundraisers, we have sold Jack in the Box coupon books, and we

have also served stated dinners for our masons and helped at their Deep Pit Barbecue. We will be having an Initiation coming up which will mean we would have initiated seven girls this last term. We have many more fundraisers coming up such as, some restaurant fundraisers, a rummage sale, and a yummy bake sale, as well as many more. At the Electronic Recycling fundraiser, we filled a trailer full of computers, printers,

Green Valley Recycling fax machines, TV’s, and many more electronic items. So just be on the lookout for any of our Green Valley girls, and when you see them don’t be afraid to stop

and say hello. Well that’s all for today’s news, Until Next time this is Katie Pewitt signing off of Green Valley news.

Darling Deubler Daises Adventures With Buena Park

By: Elizabeth Guldimann, Buena Park Assembly This term the girls of Buena Park Assembly participated in the CHOC walk at Disneyland©. The girls met at a line officer’s house the night before for a sleepover and to make Mickey ears to wear. Each girl wore polka dotted ears in a different color of the rainbow so they all matched. The next day, the girls got up bright and early to head to Anaheim. Upon our arrival we entered through the main gate. We even met up with San Fernando assembly and

alumni from our assembly. There were celebrity ambassadors among others, and we even saw Ella from BuzzFeed©. We walked throughout Disneyland along a guided path. Then we transferred into California adventure and took another path. Along both routes there were many opportunities for photos to take and characters to meet. Overall, a good time was had by all and we got to make new friendships with some fellow Rainbow Girls.

One Proud Assembly

By: Mariah Selix, Orange Assembly On Saturday October 3rd, 2015 Orange Assembly had celebrated with Melanie Mazet who is Grand Executive Committee Christian Flag Bearer and Representative to Aruba, Florida, and Tennessee in California International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. Her achievements that she has accomplished so far have been great this year, and her being a part of our assembly and representing us while she travels everywhere she goes is

absolutely amazing. Melanie’s reception was absolutely beautiful her dress was stunning and there was not one person that did not have their eyes on her. Seeing her smiling face brightened the room and all of the girls are so proud of everything she has done so far. We are so excited to see what else she accomplishes this year and cannot wait to see how much more she will grow before she shines on the Grand floor at Grand Assembly 2016.


By: Hannah Honore, Citrus Assembly Once again we are amazed at how quickly the time has passed. School is in full swing. The pumpkins and ghosties are out and about and there are a few Christmas decorations peeking out of the corners too! Fall is supposedly here but it’s been hot, hot, hot here in Glendora! What about where you are? We continue to enjoy traveling to different Assemblies for meetings, Installations, receptions & Official Visits! Citrus Assembly recently enjoyed Melanie’s reception in

Orange & Rebecca’s in Lake Forest. We finished up our summer fundraiser for our Grand Service Project and are looking forward to our winter project selling cookie mixes in Mason jars. We enjoyed serving at Wisdom Lodge where they honored our First Responders, always an honor. Another term has passed and we installed Kira McCall as our new Worthy Advisor. The Star Wars© Theme was so much fun! We’re really looking forward to a fun term. Our Faith Potluck was fun and we

have many more projects coming up. Our annual Turkey Dinner is scheduled for November 21st and we’ll have our 1st Lodge sleepover the night before. I know it’s a ploy to be sure that we’re all at the lodge bright and early on Saturday to prepare for the dinner. Shhhh, In addition to our dinner we are selling our cookie jars and See’s Candy©. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, you know where to come!

Season’s Change

By: Natalie Martin, Sunshine Assembly As the season changes (although it’s sometimes hard to tell in Southern California), so does the leadership in our Assemblies. As summer ends, so does the term for Natalie Martin, Worthy Advisor of Sunshine Assembly. It was Natalie’s first term as Worthy Advisor, who planned many activities during the summer. The end of the term held a trip for the assembly up to the high desert where Natalie lives, to see Natalie perform as a Varsity Cheerleader for her high school football game, and then a

slumber party at Natalie’s house. Summer has ended and fall has begun. At the first meeting of the new term, Molly Gapper was installed as Worthy Advisor for her fifth and final time. Molly’s theme was “Life is Beautiful” and the decorations depicted Paris, France. She wore the same dress that she wore for her first Installation as Worthy Advisor a few years ago. Some of the activities planned for this term include the Official Visit of the Grand Worthy Advisor, Molly’s Grand Officer

Reception, and the Reception of the Mother Advisor for Grand Assembly 2016, who is from our District. There will also be a “Mystery Breakfast” planned by the Worthy Associate Advisor, along with fundraisers and fun trips. Although Sunshine Assembly is very small right now, the members are very close, and are renewing their efforts to get new members. As fall turns into winter, and the weather becomes colder, there is a new commitment to “increase the sunshine!” We hope to “be the spark!

Thankful For Pledge! By: Carolyn Davis, State Pledge Director Even though you are reading this after the holidays have ended, I am writing this article the day before Thanksgiving, and so my mind is focused on the many things I am thankful for, even though I am grateful for them all year-round. I’m thankful for all the wonderful Pledge Moms, and adults who support Rainbow and Pledge. Without these wonderful adults, Rainbow would not exist. The time and energy these adults put in to our wonderful organization is making the difference

in the youth of our community and will leave an imprint on the future. As adults, we support Rainbow and Pledge, because we believe that this organization has so much to offer, and that girls are better versions of who they are when they join this wonderful sisterhood. Pledge Moms are extra special because they teach and encourage our Pledge members to become Rainbow members, help them with memory work, come up with great craft ideas, and most of all,

promote service to our community. I am also thankful to have met so many Pledge girls since becoming the Director. Some of these girls I have seen grow from young Pledge members who could barely sit still in their seat, legs swinging because their feet don’t touch the ground, to young teenagers who are getting involved with their assemblies as officers, and even starting into the line as they work toward the goal of being Worthy Advisor. It is so rewarding to see these

girls grow and become leaders. And the skills they are gaining will serve them into adulthood. I am looking forward to when the young pledge girls I met when they were eight become Past Worthy Advisors, Grand Officers, and Majority Members who then will pay it forward and lead this wonderful organization in the years ahead. And I look forward to meeting lots of new Pledge girls and see our membership grow! Pledge girls are full of enthusiasm for all things Pledge

and Rainbow, they are fun to have around, and they are very excited to become Rainbow Girls. If your Assembly doesn’t have a Pledge Group, or if you know an adult who would like to get involved in the Pledge program in California, don’t be afraid to ask, Carolyn Davis (castatepledge@, or Vickie Garcia (

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Pot of Gold

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Announcing Grand Choir Director and Grand Representative to Ohio and Pennsylvania

Julia Holman Heart of the Valley Assembly “Put your faith in what you must believe in. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart, let fate decide to guide these lives we see.” Hello California Rainbow I’m Julia Holman, your Grand Choir Director and Representative to Ohio and Pennsylvania 2016! Perhaps we have met before? Yes, you probably heard me tickling the ivories as Grand Musician and Repre-

sentative to New Jersey and New York 2015. My musical journey continues, as I am overjoyed to be serving as a member of the musical family for Grand Assembly 2016! If all your musical Candyland Dreams came true in 2015, hold on tight because you are going to be dancing in your seat this year! I am Charmed to be leading the Grand Choir this year and maybe you would like to

be a part of it? Or perhaps you’d rather be jamming on your instrument? You take your pick and join the musical family 2016! I welcome you to join Grand Choir, Instrumental Ensemble, and to apply to be the Assistant To The Grand Musician 2016. And don’t forget to bring your musical passion to Music University this year! Music is a bond that connects us all, from your favorite jam,

to singing along with Rainbow sisters on car rides. Music and Rainbow, two worlds, but one family. Follow where the music leads you, because “Somewhere, something is calling for you. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart, let fate decide to guide these lives we see.”

Announcing Grand Treasurer and Grand Representative To Maine and Massachusetts

Hi my name is Emily Brusie and I’m Grand Treasurer and Grand Representative to Maine and Massachusetts. I’ve been a member of Fidelity Assembly since Spring of 2009. I have held the floor offices of Immortally and Drill Leader multiple times, along with holding the office of Love

Emily Brusie Fidelity Assembly

before entering the line starting at Faith where I became Worthy Advisor on February 2nd, 2014. I’m currently going back up the line to become Worthy Advisor again in Fall of 2015. I also was a Talent Page for 2015. Through my busy life with Rainbow I have found a way to have time for School. I am

currently attending my second year at Moorpark Community College. Where I am studying for a degree in Anthropology with a specialization in Anthropology of Religion. After Moorpark College I want to attend Channel Islands where I can study for my Bachelors with a double major in

Theology. I would later like to become an Anthropologist at a Researching Facility and later on become an Anthropology teacher. I’m looking forward to many more year of serving my Assembly as a girl and later on as a Majority Member.

Announcing Grand Musician and Grand Representative To New Jersey and New York

Aloha California Rainbow! I’m Madalyn Muñoz and I am your new Grand Musician and Representative to New Jersey and New York for 2016! Let me tell you a little bit more about my charmingly musical self! I was born on August 2nd, 1997, to my parents Sal and Abby. Being first and only girl of a family with deep roots in Rainbow, all of my aunts and friends of my family were saying that I was the “next little Rainbow Girl,” to which my dad always responded to by saying, “Only if she wants to!” But boy did I ever want to be a Rainbow girl! I was attending my aunts’

installations even before I could walk! There are pictures of me toddling around the assembly room and banquet hall in a walker, practicing my square corners at an early age! But, as I got older, my desire to be in Rainbow only increased. When I was old enough, I was always asked to be the Bible Bearer, and would go home from an Installation and carry my Bible around my house, like I had been instructed to for the Installation, while carefully making sure to square my corners and walk straight and tall. On August 28, 2008, I was finally initiated into Woodland Assembly at age 11, and since then, I have been Drill Leader, Chaplain, gone up the line to be Worthy Advisor three times, and am now currently serving as Musician. Fancy that! I finished up my final year at Woodland High School,

Madalyn Munoz Woodland Assembly

and graduated on June sixth, and started to attend the University of Hawai’i at Hilo in the fall. I am majoring in marine biology in the hopes of working in an aquarium in the curatorial department (working behind the scenes with all of the animals), while conducting research on humpback whale songs and shark communication & navigation. Now for the fun stuff! I am the oldest of three children, and as I have previously stated, I am the only girl. My middle brother, Jacob, is 14 and my youngest brother, Joshua, is six. The three of us are quite the whirlwind when we put our heads together, especially when my dad gets involved! We are always partaking in endless shenanigans that usually leave us with aching sides from too much laughter (but is there really such a thing?). Even though my brothers and I

be at wits end with one another quite frequently, I love them so much and couldn’t ask for better brothers. In my free time, I tend to just be a couch potato and to just relax. I am super involved in everything that I do, from school and swim team, to band and Rainbow. I was in two ensembles at my High School, playing the piano in Jazz Band during zero period, and the bass clarinet in Wind Ensemble, the advanced group, during the last period of the day. So I quite literally started and ended my school day with music. I absolutely LOVE listening to and playing music. I’ve been playing the piano for 13 years, and have been playing the bass clarinet for about eight. Recently, just before Grand Assembly, I had very unique opportunity to travel to New York City to perform, with the Wood-

Announcing Grand Fidelity and Grand Representative To Alaska and Hawaii

Aloha! I am Emily Hunter and I like warm hugs! Rainbow has always been a huge part of my life ever since I was three years old, I have been admiring the girls and wishing I could be a Rainbow Girl. I was initiated into Vacaville Assembly on February 27, 2007 by my older sister. I am a third generation Rainbow girl in my family. My Great Grandma was Mother Advisor for Novato Assembly, my grandma was a

Emily Hunter Vacaville Assembly

Worthy Advisor for Novato and a Mother Advisor for Petaluma, my aunt was Grand Worthy Associate Advisor in 1988 and mother advisor for Lake assembly, and my Bee-uatiful sister was Grand Representative to Washington-Idaho, Australia and the Orient Pacific in 2008. I was installed as Worthy Advisor in October 2013 in Vacaville assembly, I am currently in the line again for a second term. Vacaville assem-

bly is my home sweet home, and I love every minute spending time with my sisters and helping them out with anything! Here are little facts about me outside of Rainbow, I graduated in June 2014 from Will C. Wood high school where I was editor of the yearbook and a part of Link Crew, a leadership group that welcomes up coming freshman into high school. I work at Petco© as a dog trainer and the animal care

taker, I have a huge soft spot for reptiles and dogs. In my spare time, I like to volunteer as a dog trainer at Paws for Healing, a non profit organization where dogs comfort patients in hospitals, and many other facilities. It is an amazing honor to be Grand Fidelity and Representative to Alaska and Hawaii, As well as a Charming Cheetah, I am beyond thrilled to share this amazing year with such amazing girls.

land Honor Band, in the world renowned concert hall Carnegie Hall. It was breath taking knowing that I was playing bass clarinet on the same stage that Leonard Bernstein conducted Candide Suite and where The Beatles performed Love Me Do. Lastly, some random fun facts about me! I play the piano barefoot so that I can feel the brass of the pedal. I love to do anything that involves water; surfing, swimming, scuba diving, wakeboarding, anything! I oppose anything that is the color pink, but my favorite color is blue (navy specifically). I have an adorably bouncy golden retriever puppy named Jack whom I love to death! I also carry around a small Gumby and Pokey action figures that I tend to take pictures of in places that I travel to. So always keep a sharp eye out for those two!

Fourth Edition 2015-2016 Pot of Gold

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Mrs. Garcia’s Area

A Golden Fairytale

By: Emily Plantikow, Golden Star Assembly Hello all, this is Fawn reporting live from fairyland with all the new and magnificent news from those lovely fairies in Golden Star Assembly. They just installed a new fairy leader, Isabella and she made her presence known in a beautiful fairy blue dress at her Installation. Under her charge the girls

will spread their wings and help others in need with a few service projects such as collecting socks and donating to homeless shelters for those cold winter months and will be making warm fuzzy blankets for cats in the humane society shelter. The girls also had a fundraiser selling fresh baked goodies such as bread, pies, and

fruit bars from Dudley’s Bakery from the Julian Mountains. The busy Fairy girl will help serve the masons at their dinners as well. They hope to plan a fun day together hanging out and expanding friendships while being on the lookout for some new fairies to add to our assembly!

Golden Star has a Magical Installation

Surf’s up … Summer’s Over By: Jonelle Claar, Lemon Grove Assembly

Lemon Grove at Their Installation of Officers

Whoa, I can’t believe the summer term is over. Lemon Grove Assembly has done so many fun things. We’ve made so many memories that will last us an eternity. We loved being princesses when we rode a float at the Fourth of July Parade in Coronado. We also learned and experienced so much at the state

instructional in Norwalk. Afterwards, we helped ourselves to a tasty treat at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor. Later that month, we had a “selfie night,” where we all crammed into as many pictures as possible. I am sad that the summer term is over, but with our surfer Worthy Advisor, Lizzie, I’m sure our winter term will be

an eternal summer. Especially with her term motto: “Ride the Tide, No Matter How Rough the Sea.” We can’t wait to join the circle of life at our official visit and celebrate our Grand Confidential Observer and Representative to Kansas and Nebraska Julie Fallon.

A Sister Continues To Rise To The Call of Patriotism By: Aly Eade, Fallbrook Assembly On October 1, 2015, Fallbrook Assembly had a visit from a very special Sister-Hailey Sanders. Hailey has been training with the Navy to become a Master at Arms (law enforcement) officer since May 12, 2015. During the six months away her absence has been felt by all. Hailey visited Fallbrook Assembly while she was on leave before

she shipped out to Bremerton, Washington where she’ll be stationed for her first command position. All kinds of feelings rushed through the girls as they looked on in awe at the amazing person she has become. Although boot camp was challenging and strenuous, Hailey has come out the other side as a strong, sound, and confident young woman.

To see the change in our dear Sister since last we saw her was bittersweet. She has grown so much wiser and is filled with purpose and leadership. We wish she could stay home forever, but we know she is following her dreams and the call of service and patriotism as she continues her endeavors in the Navy.

Fallbrook Assembly with Their Favorite Sailor, Hailey

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Pot of Gold

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Miller’s Area

Sisters or Friends

By: Allison Kowing, Camellia Assembly You sit in the meeting room and play your part as a sister in your Assembly. Then the meeting ends. As you help to clean up, someone you don’t always get along with comes up to you. What do you do? She starts to talk to you, but you just know there will be another disagreement. You two begin another argument, just like the meeting before. We have all been there. We all have that one sister that we don’t always agree with. I’m pretty sure that

even the Charming Grandies have or had someone that they don’t always get along with. But even through the struggles of an argument, even if you think that you are right and they are wrong, you have to remember one thing. These are your sisters, even the one you struggle to get along with. You might not always get along and disagree a lot now, but in the future, these sisters will be your life-long friends. In the darkest of times, they will be your guiding hand. In an assembly of

teen girls, there is bound to be some drama. I mean, that’s the norm, right? But from now on, we should try to break the norm. We should “raise the standards of girlhood each day” as our Ritual says. Even our Ritual is trying to tell us to rise above the drama. So let’s listen to it. Abraham Lincoln said “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” So, I ask you, Sisters or Friends? Why have one, when you could have both?

Busy Bees of Manteca

By: Kendall Harrington, Manteca Assembly Hello California Rainbow. Greeting from the busy bees of Manteca Assembly. Our assembly has continued cleaning our local cemetery each month along with our time we give to our local senior center. They have a monthly pot-luck that we help serve at. We do work hard and we play hard as well. We recently spent the night at the aquarium in Monterey. It was so much fun

sleeping in the jelly shark area. We had such a great time. We also had a progressive dinner and everybody had a great time. For Make a Difference month we are going on a city wide scavenger hunt to collect canned food for our local food bank. We have so many exciting events going on. We have been busy planning the reception for Grand Outer Observer and

Representative to Oklahoma/Texas, Kimberly Stangl. I know she will be absolutely charming! We have also been busy planning the last OV. We hope to see everybody attend “Disneyland Dreams Come Alive with Districts 23 and 25. It will be an amazing time. We sure do have a lot of fun but serving is what Rainbow is truly about.

Placerville Keeps Busy

By: The Members of Placerville Assembly Placerville Assembly is excited to announce that Brooke Politzer is now a member of our Assembly! Brooke was initiated on September 14, 2015 and was installed as Confidential Observer at our “All that Jazz” Installation on October 10, 2015. Brooke is a third generation Rainbow Girl and her favorite color is blue. Worthy Advisor Caitlin Howard had a jewel tone Installation depicting all the styles of Jazz. She received a purple Narwhal as her mascot. We were also honored to help our Masonic Family as part of our Make a Difference event

by hosting a spaghetti feed. We helped Placerville Lodge and El Dorado Foothills Chapter OES raise $4,224.74 for the Boys and Girls Club in Placerville, California. The funds are much needed by the Club for the building of new facilities. The Boys and Girls Club help over 1600 kids in Placerville and our surrounding areas. At any one time, there can be over 350 kids at the Placerville site and they are busting at the seams. We are honored and proud of participating in this event and in helping our community.

Update From Oak Summit

Anything is Possible By: Amanda Ramos, Cloud 7 Assembly I remember when I first joined rainbow, there were so many girls in our assembly that I could barely remember all their names. Over the past few years most of the girls that I have had the honor to call sisters are now gone. Now our assembly instead of having ten girls is down to four and one of them is away at college. It seemed impossible to be able to keep everything running efficiently and well-organized with so few girls. But somehow we have been able to do it, especially with the help from our mother advisor, board members and girls from other assemblies in our district. However, over the past few months, it’s just seemed to be getting

harder and harder to keep it all together. All of the girls are super busy with school, work, and other activities, and we are all “older” members, our youngest member is a senior in high school! We were scared our assembly may close. What would happen in the future when we left for college or received our majority? Will there still be a Cloud 7 Assembly to come home to? These questions loomed over all of our heads and made us wonder what more could we do to find more members. For months, our efforts seemed thwarted, with girls either not being interested or backing out at the last minute. We kept spreading the word at every event, advertising ice cream

socials before our meetings and handing out flyers everywhere we went. Our extra effort and work paid off. On October 26th we initiated three new girls, all 11 years old. Our sisters from Stockton assembly helped out, and all three of them seem super excited to join. We will have one more joining next year and we are looking forward to seeing her initiated at Grand Assembly. It seemed, for a while, that it would be impossible to find any girls interested and willing to become involved in rainbow. But like it says in Job 42:2; “I know that you can do all things, no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

By: Hannah Larsen, Oak Summit Assembly Oak Summit Assembly has had an AMAZING term and year! We have had so many fundraisers and fun events! One of our fun events was our mystery trip….we started in Knights Ferry with a scavenger hunt for items we could find in the area and ended at one of our Advisory Board member’s house, with a BBQ/Swim Party and games! Our assembly also initiated a member in June! How fun is it to get more girls! We have been working really hard at making sure we have plenty of members at our meetings. We have been

very lucky to have 11 sisters show up on a regular basis for our meetings. We have enjoyed serving our Masonic Lodge members each month at their dinners; they are always big supporters of everything we do. We are looking forward to being a part of the last Official Visit this year and have been busy planning for this exciting event. We were pleasantly surprised when we received an invitation to attend a family picnic that our Masons organized. It was very nice to see us all together at one place!

Natoma Having Fun!! By: The Members of Natoma Assembly

Natoma Assembly at Their Official Visit

Natoma Assembly is growing and having lots of fun! We will be installing four girls into our Assembly this month. We will soon have 18 girls in Natoma Assembly. Once we initiate those 18 girls, we will need two more in order to have all of our offices filled. We also have a lot of fun events coming up. We are currently planning our Grand Officer’s reception for Ms. RaeAynna Crenshaw. She is Grand Recorder

and Representative to Maryland and West Virginia. We are also helping Amanda Ruble (Charity of Natoma) to make blankets to support the Grand Service Project. Annaliese Tscheope (Faith of Natoma) is planning an awesome membership event. We will be caroling at the Zoo during the holidays. Alex Harde (Hope of Natoma) has a great fundraising event for the holidays. We will be selling Christmas ornaments.

Also, I am Associate Worthy Advisor this term and will be organizing a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at our Lodge before marching in the Veterans Day Parade. Last but not least, I want to mention our awesome Pledge girls. They are growing and join us in lots of our events. We are lucky to have such energetic girls that are committed and prepared to join Rainbow.

Fourth Edition 2015-2016 Pot of Gold

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Announcing Grand Faith

Josefina Amigo Diablo Valley Assembly

Grab firmly to my hand for its round two on this Charming new Grand year. Hey California Rainbow, I’m Josefina Amigo, but everyone calls me Josie, and I’m your new Grand Faith! Let me tell you a little bit about the Baby of the Line. I live in Antioch and I’m a 2014 graduate of Deer Valley High School. This past year I’ve had the honor of serving California Rainbow as Grand Love and Representative to Indiana and Kentucky with the a Unforgetta-

ble Unicorns. Wanting to put my all during this last year, I decided to take the year off from school. Starting this year though, along with my duties as Grand Faith, I will be attending Los Medanos College, where I will be majoring in International Studies and minoring in Criminal Justice. I hope to pursue a career in the F.B.I and travel the world. I am a big supporter in my church and I am a lector during masses. My family is a big one, I have an older sister, Celestina, who was Grand Nature and Representative to Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota 2012, and two younger sisters, Alejandra, who was recently Grand Page to Sound at Grand Assembly 2015, and Sofia, who had her one year anniversary of being a Rainbow Girl this past Grand Assembly.

My dad, Albert, is my sisters’ and my personal superhero, he has been Rainbow Dad six times and has always been there for us, my mom, Candi, is our support, she goes above and beyond for my sisters and I, and I wouldn’t want anyone else cheering us on through our endeavors, and to top it off we have four crazy dogs. My family started out our adventure in the Masonic Family, when my Grandpa became a Mason at the Scottish Rite in San Francisco. Eventually our journey continued when my older sister Celestina joined Diablo Valley Assembly in Antioch when she was 12 years old. I couldn’t wait to be a Rainbow Girl, so on the night of my 11th birthday, my application was read, balloted and I was initiated. My first office was Nature, and I’ve held every office except

Choir Director and Musician. I’ve served as Worthy Advisor for my assembly three times and I currently hold the office of Recorder. I participated in my assembly’s bow team for three years, was voted to be an Observer Helper for Grand Assembly 2012, I also had the honor to be the Personal Grand Page to the Grand Worthy Advisor in 2013, and I was appointed Grand Love and Representative to Indiana and Kentucky for Grand Assembly 2015! “Small” tidbits about me, I’m a “Disney Freak”, and yes my favorite place to go is Disneyland, isn’t everyone’s? My favorite Disney characters include Mickey Mouse, Tigger, Cinderella, and Peter Pan. My favorite color is Navy Blue, I’m a SF Giants fan, I love food but eat like a bird, I love

all music, especially Pop and Country. I love singing but can’t sing, especially Disney songs! I’m an avid reader and I love to write. I’m a total night-owl, and could sleep all day. I’m not very much a girly-girl, but the tomboy of the family. I love animals. My favorite thing to do is service. That’s why for me, being a Rainbow Girl is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am so honored to be part of this amazing group and represent California Rainbow. I can’t wait to travel and meet the girls of California and see what new things this year brings and see all of your smiling faces. I know that it will truly be a Charming year filled with new memories and many laughs!

Announcing Grand Hope

Trisa Kociemba Chico- Paradise Assembly Hello California Rainbow! My name is Trisa Rose Kociemba and I am your Grand Hope for the Charming Cheetahs of 2016. My Rainbow life began when I “joined” Chico pledge at the age of three. I was initiated at Grand Assembly in 2009 when I was 11 years old. I was nervous to join Rainbow and almost backed out, but my mom told me I had to join for at least a year, knowing that I would fall in love with this wonderful organization and sure enough I did! I have held the offices of Immortality, Chaplain,

Drill Leader, Recorder and am a three time past Worthy Advisor. My first Grand Assembly was in 2005 when I had the opportunity of participating in the Locks of Love hair donation. Besides being with my rainbow sisters and family I participate in high school and travel softball. I am a pitcher and first basemen and have been playing since I was seven years old. In the softball world you may not here me being called Trisa very often as most people refer to me as “TK”. I am also a competitive bowler. Bowling

runs in my family, I started when I was 3 years old and my highest game is a 298. I have been in the Spanish emersion program since kindergarten and am fluent in writing, speaking and reading the Spanish language. I have an older brother, Korbyn Kociemba, Past Master Counselor, and an older sister, Morgan Kociemba, Past Representative to Iowa/Minnesota/Missouri 2006. I love to be creative and artsy at times, my favorite class in school is Stained Glass Design. I have also recently been able to explore my talents

in sewing. My favorite color has bounced around from time to time, but I have ultimately chosen teal as my number one. My favorite music to listen to is country, but you can often find me singing along to any song on the radio no matter the genre and even if I don’t know the lyrics. Don’t be afraid to say hi if you see me around! I love seeing new faces

Announcing Grand Recorder and Grand Representative To Maryland and West Virginia

RaeAynna Crenshaw Natoma Assembly Howdy California Rainbow. My name is RaeAynna Crenshaw, your Grand Recorder and Grand Representative to Maryland and West Virginia. I am extremely honored to serve as a Grand Officer this year. I know this year is going to be a year filled with the best memories. A little about myself; I joined Natoma Assembly at the age 11 on July 2, 2007. I have held the offices of Nature, Drill

Leader, Chaplin, Treasurer, and Recorder. I have gone up the line a couple of times and have held the office of Worthy Advisor about six times. Rainbow has been a huge part of my life since I could remember. My grandmother and all my aunts were a part of Natoma Assembly. Currently I am 18 years old and my birthday is on May 21. I graduated from Casa Roble Fundamental High school in 2014. I am currently attending Sierra College in Rocklin as a

freshman. As of right now I have no idea what I want to do as a career, but I will figure that out eventually. Some of my favorite things are that I love to talk. It doesn’t matter who I’m talking to or what I’m talking about, I love it. Surprisingly when I was younger, I was very shy. I would not talk to anyone if they talked to me. Over the years, as you can see, that changed. I also love to sleep. Anyone that knows me knows that I could sleep all day every

day. Of course, if I could. One of my favorite things to ever do is camping. I usually go camping once a year, in the summer, with my friends and family. I could actually go on and on about the things that I like and or like to do, but these are just a few things about myself. I’m super excited to be a part of this year’s Grand family and to be able to share this experience with the rest of the Charming Cheetahs of 2016.

Announcing Grand Outer Observer and Grand Representative To Oklahoma and Texas

Citizens of Earth, I have come to tell you all you need to know about the new Space Ranger from Planet GOO. Her name is Kim Stangl and she originally hails from Vacaville. Her ship touched down on Earth September 15, 1995. She relocated her headquarters to Modesto in 2013 and now reports to Manteca

Kim Stangl Manteca Assembly

Assembly. In addition to being Grand Outer Observer, she is also Grand Representative to Oklahoma and Texas. This Space Ranger joined Star Command in 2010, serving her first term as Worthy Advisor in the Fall/ Winter of 2011. Her favorite battle station is Hope. Outside of her career at Star Command, Kim

enjoys watching movies, sewing, and doing arts-and-crafts. Our surveillance systems have often observed her coloring with crayons and adding glitter to everyday objects. Behavioral tests show an excessive fondness for cats, especially her own feline companion, Cosmo. She also has two large dogs. She hopes

to someday foster cats that need special care a shelter would not be able to provide. Whether to an Official Visit or to the restaurant at the end of the galaxy, Kim enjoys having travel companions - as long as they don’t mind her singing really loudly and off-key. End Transmission.

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Pot of Gold

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Mrs. Breuer’s Area

By: Members of Redwood City Assembly Hello California Rainbow!! This is Redwood City Assembly and we would like to talk to you about what we have been up to this last month! First weekend of October we had our annual Horses to Horsepower at a local high school where we sold donuts and coffee in the morning and ice cream sandwiches in the afternoon. We saw some

Fundraising Fun

beautiful and very loud cars. One of the categories for an award was the purple cars and that was personally my favorite! All the proceeds that we earned that day will go straight to this year’s Grand Service project the Bay Area Cancer Connections. The following weekend we had a booth at the United Airlines Family day function hosted at the

San Francisco airport. The girls made a spinning wheel where we gave out items like pencils, notepads, water bottles, and packages of tissue all containing contact information to spread the word of Rainbow. By the time the afternoon rolled around we were all out of the items we gave out as well as had collected several contact information on how to

ay ” B e ey! h “T s H y a S

join Rainbow. One of the best parts of the day was hearing about a dozen ladies come up to our booth and tell us about their days of being a Rainbow Girl back in the day. It was cool to hear their memories and that they still kept in touch with girls from their assemblies. It really touched me that no matter how Rainbow was back then and how

Rainbow is today it still gives the same lessons and also gives you girlfriends for life. Happily the month is not over yet and we hope to keep spreading the good word of Rainbow and encouraging girls to join this wonderful and life changing organization! This is Redwood City Assembly and we will talk to you next time! Ta-Ta for now!

Hope For A Cure Pancake Breakfast

By: Members of San Francisco Assembly San Francisco Assembly and Redwood City Assembly participated in the American Cancer Society® Relay for Life® event in Pacifica, California on July 17, 2015. San Francisco Assembly has participated in the Relay for Life® event in Pacifica for over ten years. San Francisco Assembly joins forces with members of District 15 of the Order of the Eastern Star chapters by putting out luminaria bags on the track, placing tea lights in the luminarias so that the luminarias glow at night and removing the luminarias the following morning. The luminarias are white paper bags that are decorated with

various designs and are dedicated in the memory of or in the honor of a person who has been affected by cancer. The girls created a beautiful luminaria in the memory of our dear Mrs. Sara Lee Martin. Rainbow is in charge of making the HOPE sign that is prominently seen in the evening, reminding the participants of that very same sentiment as they walk around the track. The girls worked hard to create the HOPE sign with white paper bags, card board as backing and tea lights. The result is a beautifully lit HOPE sign for a cure for cancer. For the past five years, the

girls of San Francisco and Redwood Assemblies has presented a strand of 1,000 origami cranes to a cancer patient. The cranes represent the wishes of recovery and good health for the person undergoing treatment. The crane recipient literally feels the weight of the well wishes as it is placed on her/his shoulder! The girls work on the origami cranes on their own and in groups with Rainbow adults at informal lunch and/or dinner dates. We have a lot of listening to music, sharing stories and getting to know each other a little better. What a fun way to earn service points!

A Memorable Reward

By: Members of Santa Cruz Assembly Every Disney story has a happy ending. Five Santa Cruz Assembly girls got to Disneyland® by selling sandwiches. All we needed was faith, trust, a little bit of pixie dust, and making and selling a LOT of SANDWICHES. Like all Disney princesses we worked hard for our big adventure! For two terms we attended at least six out of eight meetings, participated in our Service Projects and worked at least one shift in the food booth at each of the five area festivals our assembly participated in. These challenges or “carrots” were set by our Line Officers and approved by our assembly. On November 7th, five out of six eligible members went on the all-expense paid trip to Disneyland®. Each of us contributed a

hundred dollar non-refundable deposit four weeks before the trip. After we departed our deposits were returned to us to spend on food and souvenirs while on our three-day trip. Our favorite memories were watching the “World of Color” water and light show,getting soaking wet riding the Grizzly Rapids ride lots of times and princess hunting. Our Mother Advisor felt “princess stalking” was a more appropriate term to use but this is our story and we are sticking to our version! As an assembly we voted on working the same fund-raiser festivals again this summer so hopefully we can return to Disneyland®. By then, with the help of our Disneyland® “carrot”, we should be able to look at, smell

San Francisco Assembly has been serving the dinners for members of Pacific StarrKing Lodge No. 136 on the first Monday of the month for at least the past 16 years. In appreciation of San Francisco’s dedicated service, Pacific Starr-King Lodge put on a Pancake Breakfast fund-raiser for San Francisco Assembly on June, 20, 2015. The Pacific Starr-King Lodge brothers gave the girls tickets to sell and told them that the Lodge would discount the expense of the food from the total ticket sales. The girls got a chance to introduce themselves to various San Francisco and Peninsula lodges and in turn, these lodge brothers were generous in buying tickets. The day of the breakfast,

veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.” Sue Lovelace, the coordinator of our local chapter has given us a fun and easy pattern to follow. It is all straight stitching so the sewing and ironing goes fairly quickly. The fun part is selecting the colorful red and blue material that makes each square unique. The rewarding part is knowing that we contributed to a beautiful quilt that is going to a service member or veteran and this is our way of thanking them for their service,

sacrifice and valor. As an Assembly, our new goal is to sew enough quilt squares that we will make an entire quilt topper! The minimum size of a QOV is 55” x65”— a generous lap-sized quilt. Once

the Rainbow girls and adults served pancakes, bacon, coffee, juice and fresh fruit all of which was prepared by the Pacific Starr-King Lodge brothers. The girls had sold over $1,600 in tickets and Pacific Starr-King was so impressed by the girls’ efforts that they decided to donate the cost of the breakfast! As a thank you for Pacific Starr-King’s generosity, the girls made a card and dessert. The girls served an angel food cake dessert topped with fresh berries and whipped cream at Pacific Starr-King’s dinner. The Lodge brothers said that they enjoyed working together for San Francisco Assembly and look forward to doing another pancake breakfast fund-raiser next year!

Rainbow Road Trips By: America Ramirez, Santa Cruz Assembly Road trips with my Rainbow sisters at Santa Cruz Assembly are always fun. On our road trips, no matter how long the trip may be, we typically bug each other for at least a few minutes—or longer, all intentionally and in good fun. We tend to laugh a lot, giggles and snorts are also heard. We’ll spend time jamming to our music, singing along to the different songs and artists we like to share with each other. We swap stories and make up new ones about what each of us dream of doing someday. If the

car gets quiet then you know we are fast asleep. The destination isn’t the important part of our car rides, it’s the memories we make along the journey that will remain in our hearts and minds. You know we have a good time together when the girls who live closest to the Masonic Center come on the drive to take the others home who live further away because they don’t want to miss out on the adventure of just being together after a meeting. Whether it’s traveling to Disneyland or across the street from the Lodge we still manage to make amazing memories and have a good time.

a quilt topper is made it is then sent to a QOV Long-armer volunteer who beautifully stitches the front and back of the quilt together using a Long-armer machine. It is then returned to the chapter to be bound, washed, labeled, wrapped in a presentation case and is then ready to be awarded. 122,461 quilts have been presented since 2003 when the Quilts of Valor Foundation was established by a Blue Star Mom in Delaware. We recently learned that the quilt we helped sew quilt squares for last term

will be presented to someone we know and love; a WWII Navy Veteran who has been a longtime Board Member, and one of our Assembly’s greatest supporters! I can’t reveal his name because we don’t know when he will receive this surprise gift. To learn more about Quilts of Valor and how the quilts are awarded, see their website at: http:// If your assembly wants a fun and patriotic service project to participate in, sew quilt squares for a local chapter of the Quilts of Valor Foundation.

Quilts of Service

By: Kaitlyn Calverley, Santa Cruz Assembly Sewing is a life skill that Santa Cruz Assembly is learning and using with love. One of our ongoing service projects is Quilts of Valor®. For the past year we have been helping several of our local Eastern Star members who have formed a chapter of the Quilts of Valor Foundation. To help, we sew quilt squares that the Paradise Park chapter makes into a quilt that is given to a service member or veteran. “The mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover service members and

and handle Tri-tip and Pulled Pork sandwiches again. Our dream is that our friends get tired of hearing about how much fun we had on our trip, join Rainbow, work the festivals with us and we all go on an awesome Disneyland®adventure together. By the way, if you are in the Santa Cruz area, stop by our booth at the Castroville Artichoke Festival the last weekend in May, the Watsonville Strawberry Festival the first weekend in August, the Santa Cruz Greek Festival the second weekend in September, and the Salinas Air Show the last weekend in September. Yes, these festivals are a lot of work but Disneyland® was definitely a memorable reward!

By: Members of San Francisco Assembly

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Pot of Gold

Da Da DA


Serving is Part of Our World

By: Emily Stacey, Vacaville Assembly Hello California Rainbow!! The girls of Vacaville Assembly sure have been busy lately. On Saturday, October 3rd, we had in a Little Mermaid® themed Installation. The meeting room was decked out in “gadgets and gismos a plenty, whosits and whatsits galore,” and of course there were some “thingamabobs” around. Six bubbly girls carried

Afterward, everyone went into the dining room for some rippling refreshments. That sure was a of both Vacaville and Woodland Assemblies performed a joint Initiation, each assembly gaining a new member!! Each one of the girls did a fabulous job, and we are so thankful that our girls and our Sister Assembly could

come together to carry out such a beautiful ceremony. This term is going to be a busy one for Vacaville. We have a lot planned, such as a See’s Candy® Fundraiser, a charity walk in San Francisco, serving masonic dinners, and hopefully a mystery trip to… who knows!! We are super excited to see what this term has in store. So long for now!!

Teachings of Rainbow

By: Dana Moehle, Unity Assembly In Unity Assembly and as any experienced Rainbow Girl knows, service is at the core of the teachings of our organization. Kindness, love, charity, and a strong work ethic are just a few of the qualities which naturally develop from the sturdy foundation formed by a dedication to service on all scales and in all of its forms. It is no surprise, then, that the Masons, the Founders of our Order, would also hold service as the highest and most noble state of human achievement, and acknowledge it as such. Although the real reward is not any material object, it is represented symbolically by the Hiram Award, the highest honor a Master Mason may receive. A lodge may only present this

award once each year, but we at Unity Assembly in Castro Valley recently had the honor to be present for not just one, but

Oakland on September 24th. Live Oak prepared a fantastic dinner, as usual, and our assembly enjoyed being present as guests for this dinner. After dinner, we watched the ceremony of the Hiram Award and listened to the many witty speeches given in honor of Mr. Williams and his commitment to service. The attended was on September 10th at Crow Canyon Lodge, and it was for Mr. Phil Busch.

two Hiram Award presentations to Masons associated with our Assembly. The more recent of the two was for Mr. Phil Williams, a member of our advisory board. It took place at Live Oak Lodge in

in, along with our lodge’s Boy Scout troop, and then served dinner to the large crowd. Unfortunately, we did not get to hear the speeches and witness the ceremony of Mr. Busch’s award, but we enjoyed the event and were very happy for him.

Mighty San Pablo By: Members of San Pablo Assembly OH MY! Well, Toto I don’t think we are in San Pablo Asembly anymore, it looks like we are on the freeway. The adventure down the yellow brick road, ok, the asphalt highway, began early in the morning as we headed to the Leadership Summit. Not knowing exactly what to expect kept the excitement in the car high. Three girls from San Pablo Assembly were headed to Sacramento so we could spend in a day with the Leadership Team. We were really excited to be asked our opinion on topics like Grand Assembly and Dress Code. One of us even learned to change a tire. We have to say, they feed us pretty well too! We ship Summit Again! Next on San Pablo’s calendar was a Brunch. It was not just any old brunch, we

had Monte Cristo sandwiches, eggs, salads and so much more. It was a great fundraiser for our budget. Next time we might be dishing up a spaghetti dinner. Another thing we like to do here in the Emerald City is to serve the Mighty OZ and all his friends. You might know them better as the Worshipful Master and the 50 year pin recipients. We were able to serve their dinner with our Jobs Daughters sisters. Well, it is Installation season again. So after much practicing of ritual work, all the girls that past, were installed for the next term. We have lots of fun things planned. Sewing pillow case dresses, helping a family with food for the holidays, a progressive dinner and of course, planning a Grand

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By: Zoee Simmons, Eden Assembly In Eden Assembly, every girl and assembly has there own little story or fairy tail. After each chapter is done a new one is written and after that another one, the chapters never stop coming but there is a time that comes when you have to leave Rainbow and move on but who says it has to end there. The end is just the beginning, I’m going to tell you a little story called “The Assembly, the Mother Advisor and the Rainbow”. Once upon a time there was an assembly that loved to explore and have lots of fun! One day that assembly met an amazing Mother Advisor that showed them the magical land of the rainbow! Along the way they promoted the assembly by attending the Zucchini festival in Hayward to where every little girl got to make a bracelet and they raised money for the Grand Service project by taking donations for cold water. They served the

Masonic groups, they served for two Masonic Hiram awards one in Oakland and one in Castro Valley and went to the senior ball at the Masonic Home in Union City where everyone had lots of fun. But they didn’t stop there, they worked on their OV, and they also went to the Masons for Mitts San Francisco Giants baseball game, and many other things. The assembly loved Rainbow so much that they never wanted to leave but sadly all stories must come to an end, but all stories can be rewritten. This assembly’s name was Eden. Eden writes its own stories and keeps on going and always has new adventures and new experiences. Make sure you join us next time for another fairy tale from Eden assembly. Remember that every fairy tale has a beginning and an end but they always have a happy ending. The End.

Installations By: Amelia Marceau, Napa Assembly Napa Assembly recently had an Installation with a “Tangled” theme, “Live Each Day, Like It’s Your First Day, Outside the Castle Walls”. Isabelle Grigg’s was installed as Worthy Advisor, and she had a really nice Installation. Her aunt sang ‘I See the Light’ from the Tangled© movie and we had a fun dance after the Installation. On Saturday, October 10th I went to Grand Lodge with Isabelle Griggs and watched Mr. David Perry be installed as Grand Master, father of our Grandie Courtney Perry, GEC,

Color Bearer and Representative to Colorado and Nevada. I thought it was really cool because I’ve never been to anything like that before and it reminded me of Grand Assembly. They They just call off their names and they’re installed. Afterwards there was a long line to greet the new to Mark Hopkins Hotel and had a nice lunch. Our new term is starting off good with a Mystery Trip on October 18th. Fun!

Jungle Cruisin’

By: Kellianne Bryant, Concord Assembly Imagine yourself in a small boat, making its way slowly down a lazy jungle river. You’re surrounded by dangling jungle vines, ferocious beasts, and the savage faces of hidden headhunters. You gaze around, drinking in the scenery, and you hear the soothing voice of your conductor “You know the difference between the alligators and the crocodiles? The alligators are made of plastic and the crocodiles are made of fabulous scenery were great examples of the vibe put off by the

girls of District 17 at their OV on Sunday, September 27th. Their theme, without a doubt, was a fantastic homage to the Jungle Cruise, a popular ride in Disneyland©. The girls at Concord Assembly had a blast getting to paint and assemble heads, river backdrops and other decorations in the dining hall. We also brought an assortment of delicious cupcakes and gave them some very clever jungle-inspired names. But my personal favorite part was getting to write the es-

cort sayings. We used some of the jokes used by the conductors on the actual Jungle Cruise ride. They included things like “I had a English teacher who didn’t listen to me, and now she teaches shorthand”. They went off without a hitch, and the audience gave us a lot of laughs. Overall, the entire OV was amazing. The girls did a fantastic job throughout the day (despite all the monkeying around), and we all had a great time as well.

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Pot of Gold

Fourth Edition 2015-2016

Cheetahlicious Articles

Right Down Rainbow Lane! By: Hailee Haas, Rose Assembly “Here some Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down…Rainbow lane!” The girls of Rose Assembly in Elk Grove have been very busy reaching out to those less fortunate in our community and trying very hard to be the best Santa’s Helpers they can possible be. How you ask? Well let me tell you how it all began. Santa’s sleigh actually began scoping out our assembly at our Installation of Officers on September 27 when our lead “Rudolph”, Cierra Young was installed as Worthy Advisor. Cierra’s love of horses certainly put her in the right place to help the girls of our assembly hitch up to Santa’s sleigh and get it moving in the right direction for the season ahead. Rose Assembly is proud to announce that we have continued to fill our sleigh this year, with six new initiates, and two of those in the fall term

– just in time to become some of Santa’s most special helpers! A feeling of love and service were in the air, so our assembly wasted no time in helping to pull Santa’s sleigh and bring joy and happiness to others less fortunate in our community. One of the first service projects of the season was joining our Elk Grove Masonic Family and helping Elk Grove Lodge clean up a local park and repair the park grounds. It was followed by an amazing BBQ hosted by Elk Grove Lodge. Since many of our members play sports and visit our local parks, this was an extra special service project for all of us and a great way for our Masonic Family to come together and make a difference in our community. Santa would be so proud! Santa’s helpers love to dress up, right? Since our girls needed a little practice in that de-

partment, our assembly dressed in costume and helped hand out candy at the Sacramento Zoo’s “Boo at the Zoo” which provided a safe trick-or-treating spot for kids on the evening of October 30 and 31. We also assisted our Masons of Elk Grove Lodge by helping them with their child ID booth at the Elk Grove Halloween Safety Fair on the morning of October 31. There were lots of smiles, fun, laughter, crazy costumes and of course – candy! What better training for Santa’s helper to get in, and stay, in the mood for a busy season ahead. One of Rose Assembly’s annual service projects at the holidays is making blankets for “Rosie’s Toy Drive.” This is a toy drive that was founded by a Past Grand Faith from our Assembly whose daughter passed away at an early age. She received such amazing love and care from the Sacramento Sutter Hospital staff,

that Rosie’s parents honor her memory each year by decorating their home with Christmas lights ad having a huge open house to collect toys and warm, cuddly blankets for the children at Sutter Hospital. Our Assembly is honored and proud to support a past member of our assembly in such a worthy cause and the girls looks forward to making the tie blankets each year. The girls deliver them on the night of the open house and are always greeted with lots of anticipation of what they have brought and of course, a nice warm mug of cocoa for all of their hard work. And in the end, isn’t it all about the cocoa…and the marshmallows? Rose Assembly loves our Rosette Pledge Group and enjoyed helping them with their term service project of collecting non-perishable food items for the Elk Grove Food Bank. Pledge continued to collect the

food throughout the season and then made the donation after the holiday season when the food bank struggles with continuing to feed the community in need. We cannot wait for our Pledgies to join our sleigh very soon. We know they will make amazing Rainbow Girls! Of course, Santa’s Little Helpers also need to have some fun. Our assembly participated in a “horse themed” Mystery Trip, Christmas Caroling at a local senior convalescent home and face painting for the Scottish Rite Christmas Party. We can tell you that Santa has been very good to the girls of our assembly and he has filled our stockings this year with gifts that cannot be bought or sold. We would love to see our extended Rainbow family at any of meetings or events and hope that you can stop by and join us as we take a sleigh ride of a lifetime!

Chula Vista Is Looking Forward to Santa!

By: Alexis Trickett, Chula Vista Assembly So what happens when you have several enthusiastic girls, a handful of helpful adults, eight jolly Santas and over 5,000 military family members? You have a Santa’s Village event of course. Every year for the last six years, Chula Vista Assembly has joined with the Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) team at 32nd Street Naval Base and participated in their annual Santa’s Village. There are blowup jump houses, carnival rides, bowling, food, and best of all….

SANTA! That is where we get to volunteer. We are in a huge tent with seven or eight pop-up tents set up inside. Each tent has two girls, a professional Santa and an adult assigned to it. At the entrance to the big tent, volunteers from the childcare sites on the various military installations around San Diego do the crowd control. As each of the smaller tent’s girls let them know the tent was ready, they would send a family to that number tent. I wish I had a picture of the kids’

faces every time they walked in and saw Santa. It is great! Not all kids are ready to see Santa, and sometimes there are some reluctant people (moms too!) that have to be coaxed or held during their visit. We help take pictures with Santa. A lot of people send those to family members who are stationed overseas, or who are on deployment. A few people have told me that they use these pictures every year for their Christmas cards. Santa always has a nice gift to give each child

and as they leave the big tent, they receive a free child’s pass to a large entertainment attraction in San Diego that has many marine animals. I think that this is one of the most fun events we volunteer for during the year, plus it gives us a chance to thank the men and women that protect our country and help their families in a small way, even if that is only a photo! Sometimes we get to meet Masons from other states or countries, but we have not

yet met a Rainbow Girl. We do other events during the year with MWR such as the Easter Egg Hunt, the Freedom Festival, and the Fall Festival. One year we even we allowed to take a tour of a real live submarine! I hope that we continue to help MWR with these events. Most of the girls in our Assembly are not from military families and it is a nice thing to help those who help us.

Grand Assembly “A Hollywood Scene In 2016” ~ March 19-22!

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