Honey will always complain that

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It should be noted that this story is taken from a true story, and the names used in this story are fictitious. It has been done to protect the confidentiality of the characters involved

Hate me Now, but You’ll love me on my pay day. oney will always complain that, he should rather disappear when he get paid at his workplace. And his wife is adamant that if he continues to drink his money and come home with his salary short of R250.00, his wife took the money and never give him even busfare to go to his workplace.

Apart from having stress of wanting to be loyal to his wife, he can not say “No”to his wife, but keeps on crying and complaining to the friends that, He should rather die than living this kind of life. Rumours are flying that he is too afraid of his wife, and his wife is continuously denying that they are not having a happy relationship in their marriage. Stress levels are getting higher and higher everyday, and he tried to report this to his supervisor, instead the supervisor, told him that, he should be a man not a woman, who always complain all the time.

Another advice from an Employee Assistance Consultant, who then noticed that Honey is perfoming poorly at work, but does not get cooperation from his direct supervisor, and the EAP consultant made an appointment with Honey;s supervisor to discuss these challenges faced by this employee, and it was found that the supervisor had made jokes out of Honey’s problem with other fellow employees, and the supervisor was given a warning, after fellow employees attested to the claim that the supervisor had indeed not shown any leadership and assistance to Honey’s challenges that he was facing. We are always reminded that, No, person will be tolerated when inflicting painful acts with an intention to harm another person. That is sometimes called Sadist behaviour, which is not a good quality of effective leadership, and anyone who had practised sadism, should confess and seek to help people in challenging situations like these. Read more on Sadism, and also visit Google for more info…

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