Indian ocean

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MARITIME TRADE Algoa Bay an entry to Oriental wealth and an economic brother to COEGA


Indian connection

National Ports Authority moves almost of its infrastructure to COEGA IDZ, new business focus and new opportunities.


rom as far as the arrival of the British Settlers to the Algoa Bay in 1820, preceded by the numerous landings on the shores of the eastern coastal plains, and the neighbourhood of Cape Recife, such had proven to the world and the navigators that, this coastal line of the Benguela Current, warm as it feels; hasn’t been left out from the givings of wealth by the divine Master, that, this part of the world should at least produce some maritime food for the survival of the land and sea creatures in times of need.

The advent of Coega Industrial Development Zone projects, and business initiatives proves to all of the seafarers and the maritime entrepreneurs that, the tactical positioning of the Coega IDZ on the South Eastern coast of the African continent, creates a gateway to the Western world through the strategic place our Coega IDZ is occupying,. Services of different sectors are offered as follows:

     

Automotive Agro-processing Chemicals General Manufacturing Business Process Outsourcing Energy

A 60 hectare container terminal for transhipment which is located almost in the middle of Cape Town and Durban and is approximately 20Km from the Port Elizabeth habour (an Automotive Transhipment Hub for Sub Saharan Africa)

Coega (Port of Ngqurha) is a Container Transhipment Hub for Sub Saharan Africa, where lines from East and West Africa and traffic from South America Asia and Europe are handled in bulk, and the current capacity is 2 million Teu (foot equivalent units) in 4 berths. The depth of the port is between 16-18 metres accommodating new generation vessels.

Needless to highlight the easiness of the burdened pirate-infested Mediterranean sea route via Suez Canal to the Eastern world, for Coega habour is the direct competitor to the Alexadria IDZ in Egypt, and almost the giant port and the colossal belly to house huge deep-sea-water vessels, as a loader and the off-loader zone at the same time. The JIT (Just In Time) world class on and of loading timings, certify this positioning of our world class deep-sea-water port, has not only convinced the international traders and franchiser-franchisor interactions, of its economical viability and ableness of our region to make a change, not only for the Eastern Cape, but the country in particular, and lastly the SADEC, NEPAD, and the entire continent of Africa. Coega IDZ inclusive of the port became the biggest budgeted project for South Africa after Apartheid, almost R10billion has been invested by Transnet National Port Authority for the development of Port of Ngqurha, which is under the operations of Transnet Port Terminals.,

Port Of East London is amongst the busy ports of the Eastern cape, and is dubbed as a customer centric, diverse cargo port, also like Port Elizabeth is an automotive based port that is linked to automotive manufacturing plants. Berthing on arriving and linked to an efficient terminal and stevedores with an intermodal links for fast turnaround times to meet international standards and demands. An investment protocol to an extent that, politics are the determinant factor, as to who has to be the benefactor on the scales of dividends; between the country and the individual in bidding for share, and such bargaining protocols are oozing what has been the last taste of true revolution for economic transformation and change, to eradicate the last vestiges of colonial rule at our political midst.

Radical transformation of our economy, should at least be similar to a somewhat “Capsizing Move” from pirates in the Mediterranean sea and the Suez Canal, to seek freer and fairer transactions via Coega instead., rather than cracking the national skull by striving to eradicate pirates within the government of South Africa today. As Professor Hains, of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has warned, in the launch of the Eastern Cape Maritime Conference 2013 in Boardwalk that, “When the sea becomes

troubled or dry, and can not produce, we, all going to suffer and die” even if I’did not quote him verbatim, but the gist of his utterances, were pointing to the preservation of the sea and maritime life. Effective leadership with economic acumen, should be sourced in for the next twenty years of the crippled South African economy to ensure that; 1. The Eastern Cape province will focus on the thorough analysis of the EC Prov SWOT Analysis. 2. To foster a spirit of identification within the South Africans, not to promote Ëthnicity, but to foster a sense of identity, before claiming to be South African. 3. Makhe sikhangele izizalwane nabazali bethu ukuba bakweyiphi imeko. 4. Can we learn from the saying “Charity begins at home” 5. No one will help us, but ourselves…


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