UKHCA Impact statement 2012 2013

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United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) Impact Statement 2012-13

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 i

“ UKHCA has worked hard throughout this year to raise Government and media awareness of the excellent work of homecare providers, the challenges they are facing, the potential impact on clients and the urgent need to turn commissioning around and plan constructively for the demographic changes over the ensuing years.� Bridget Warr, Chief Executive 1 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

Contents 3

Message from the Chair


Message from the Chief Executive


Leadership, profile and influence


Working across the United Kingdom


Costing model


Dementia strategy


Quality enhancement


Membership and membership benefits


A sustainable association - Treasurer’s statement


Officers and staff representing UKHCA’s membership during 2012 – 2013


Extracts from audited accounts


Annual General Meeting 2012

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Message from the Chair This time last year we were fired up with the glorious success of the Olympic and Paralympic games and buoyed with the sense of optimism that brought. It wasn’t long before we were back to earth with a bump and recognition that despite the fervour, the harsh economic realities of life in 2012 Britain remained.

In town halls and health trusts up and down the country our nation’s sporting success was no consolation for the fact that budgets were tightening yet further. Domiciliary care has felt this during the last year. Trading conditions have been tougher and providers have been stretched to breaking point. Media coverage during the past year has been a double-edged sword. Whilst it has been frustrating and disappointing how shortcomings in social care have been seized upon by the press, the media has also helped push the sector up the political agenda. How we care for the country’s older and vulnerable people, and, equally significant from the politicians’ perspective, how we pay for it, are now high-profile topics. Add in to the mix the long-awaited response to the Dilnot

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Commission’s recommendations (which was to water down the original suggestions) and you have a year of some progress in terms of getting the Government to treat social care as a higher priority. This is not before time. If the importance of the care we provide to people was not significant enough then the sector’s economic contribution should surely make Messrs Osbourne, Cable, Pickles, Lamb and Hunt take an interest in working with providers and in supporting and developing the market. Figures released by Skills for Care, estimate that adult social care employs more than 1.5m people in England. That’s more than in construction and in restaurants, cafes and pubs. It puts more than £20bn in to the economy – more than the production and distribution of electricity and gas (£16bn). Those figures should make any Government believe it should work with the sector to invest in its future and grow that contribution, for

the good of the economy and of course, the growing number of people who need care. The independent sector has many suggestions and they should be heard.

also to our President, Lucianne Sawyer, our Ambassadors Yvonne Apsitis (in Wales) and Noni Cobban (in Scotland) and my fellow Board members for their efforts too.

One of the things we have long argued for is greater integration between health and social care. It has always seemed a strange anomaly that the two budgets are handled separately when, at the end of the day, good care is the aim of both. Now the politicians are catching up and falling over themselves to say how vital integration of the two now is. It will be interesting to see how quickly they get round to the practicalities of really integrating the services and we begin to see the benefits.

If I have a parting shot this year it is that we must redouble our efforts to grow our membership. As I said earlier, social care is moving up the political agenda and is starting to get a measure of recognition. We have to capitalise on that and ensure that domiciliary care speaks with a loud and clear voice when important decisions are taken in the coming months and years. We can only do that if we have a strong and growing membership, so I would urge you all to go out and spread the message about the excellent work UKHCA does and encourage others to join us and strengthen our voice.

A big headline grabber this past year was Norman Lamb’s call for providers who do not pay travel to work time to be “named and shamed”. UKHCA argued at the time that, whilst not condoning the practice, we could see why hard-pressed providers, squeezed by tighter and tighter commissioning rates, would cut corners. It is interesting and very welcome, to see suggestions (although they are not yet firm commitments) that the CQC will take on the role of inspecting commissioners too. Maybe then they will get a clearer picture of where the pressures in the sector emanate from.

The final word, though, is left with you, our loyal members. It is the membership that ensures we can confidently speak on behalf of those providers who are genuinely committed to delivering quality, individually focussed services. Thank you for your continued support, we couldn’t achieve anything without you and we look forward to working with you in the years ahead.

This has been a challenging year and I am proud of the way UKHCA has responded. We have continued to support and help our members and to speak up for domiciliary care, at the highest level. I am grateful to Bridget Warr, Peter Randall, Colin Angel, Andrew Heffernan and all the staff for their hard work during the year and

Mike Padgham, Chair

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Message from the Chief Executive It is a privilege to head up our small team of dedicated and hardworking staff, who month after month deliver more than can reasonably be expected of them because they are committed to helping ensure high quality, sustainable homecare is available to help people stay in their homes and communities safely and independently.

The continuing economic challenges are having a major impact on providers of care in the home. Local authority commissioning of services for their citizens is, in many cases, plummeting to being a race to the bottom in terms of cost and time, to the degree that people’s dignity, and even possibly their safety, is at risk in the worst commissioned situations. And yet, our members, day after day, week after week are determined to offer high quality, sensitive care, focussed on the individual. Many are, understandably, planning to turn away from local authority commissioned services in order to maintain their sustainability and deliver what we know clients value most; the same carers arriving reliably and delivering care that promotes their dignity and independence in the way that suits them. UKHCA has worked hard throughout this year to raise Government and media

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awareness of the excellent work of homecare providers, the challenges they are facing, the potential impact on clients and the urgent need to turn commissioning around and plan constructively for the demographic changes over the ensuing years. Our work has been recognised in the media and in Government and we can now be confident that the contribution and voice of homecare will feature in all the current Government’s deliberations, even if the obvious need for additional investment now and in the future is not yet being acknowledged. So, the battle will go on. This report covers our work in each of the four strategic areas. For a copy of our strategy and for information on all aspects of UKHCA’s work, please visit our website at

I Membership and membership benefits Even in such challenging times, our membership has continued to grow and I am delighted that we were able to welcome 300 new members during the year. Coming from across the full spectrum of independent, voluntary and statutory providers the diversity in our membership means that UKHCA is able to genuinely reflect the interests of the whole homecare sector. Over the year we have increased the number and range of membership benefits; all designed to promote quality and efficiency in our members’ operations. (The full report on Membership and member benefits is on page 23). We have sought to keep members engaged with our campaigning activity through involvement in our survey for Care is not a Commodity (see below) and targeted communications from the Chair, as we know that, as a sector, we are stronger when we act together. II Quality enhancement The commitment to delivering high quality services is what differentiates our members from other providers and we have continued to promote the fundamental importance of sustainable homecare services which are tailored to the individual client’s needs, preferences and aspirations. Our programme of workshops has been designed to help providers ensure their staff are well equipped to deliver high quality services and are usually delivered in a way which equips attendees to train up colleagues; the multiplier effect to ensure real value for money. We have also run conferences and introduced members’ sessions to help people to get to know their professional association. As we

grow, I am particularly keen that we remain close to and accessible by our members so that they know what we are doing on their behalf and we can be sure we understand their challenges and aspirations. (The full report on our workshops, conferences and members’ sessions is on pages 19–21). We have been closely involved in the Government’s initiative to promote transparent and accessible information about social care services to the public. The extension of the NHS Choices website to cover social care services opens up significant promotional opportunities for providers, and has enthusiastic support from the Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt, MP. The consensus view is that over 60% of people receiving homecare have significant memory loss or dementia. We are members of the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge Group and The Dementia Alliance and are signatories to the Dementia Pledge. We have delivered support and advice to members in delivering high quality services to people living with dementia. Our Department of Health-funded Dementia Strategy (jointly delivered with Skills for Care) has enabled us to increase our information and support and raise the profile of the importance of homecare in dementia identification and support. (See page 17). Quality is fundamentally influenced by the homecare workforce. We have been actively involved with Skills for Care and Think Local, Act Personal in promoting ways of enhancing recruitment, training and support for homecare workers. Our Disclosure Service (CRB/DBS) has continued to give excellent and cost effective service to a growing number of employers. With the development of the online service, turnaround times have progressively shortened, with a two or three day period not being unusual. (Full report on Page 22).

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III Leadership, profile and influence Over the past eighteen months, we have significantly increased our campaigning activity with national, devolved and local governments. Our pivotal research into providers’ experience of local authority commissioning, “Care is not a Commodity”, which clearly showed the negative impact of increasingly low fees and shortened visit times, has proved fundamental in changing the views of some influential politicians and commissioning bodies. (See page 9). It also led to significantly increased media interest and a much wider recognition that economic constraints and poor commissioning could inevitably lead to risking the dignity, wellbeing and safety of the client. The amount and richness of the information contained in this report continues to impress audiences across the UK and to provide evidence of the need for change in the approach to local authority commissioning. We could not have delivered this without the careful input and commitment of time to completing the survey by over 700 providers of homecare across the UK. Their input enabled us to speak with absolute confidence on their behalf. We also developed, with the help of some members’ finance directors, a costing tool for homecare. I would encourage everyone to use this in tendering as it will help develop trust and openness between committed and responsible local authorities and providers. (A full description of the model and how to access it is on page 16).

IV A sustainable association This has been a challenging year for UKHCA as it has for many of our members. Although we remain on course for our plans for careful growth, our finances were once again very fully stretched and some difficult decisions had to be made. The budget for the current year is built on the need to consolidate and build our reserves, whilst still developing our reach and effectiveness. During the year there were changes on the Board. Heather David left us after 3 years of enthusiastic and committed service on behalf of Band 1 members and John Ivers (vice chair) and Barbara Hobbs stood down as a result of leaving their employment with homecare providers. We thank them all for their extensive contributions to our work. We welcomed Trevor Brocklebank, Max Wurr and Peter King who joined the Board in October 2012, elected by members in Bands 3 and 1 respectively. It is a privilege to head up our small team of dedicated and hardworking staff, who month after month deliver more than can reasonably be expected of them because they are committed to helping ensure high quality, sustainable homecare is available to help people stay in their homes and communities safely and independently.

Bridget Warr, Chief Executive During the year we have engaged extensively with Parliamentarians and senior civil servants over the challenges in delivering homecare and in preparation for the Care Bill. (See the report on page 10).

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“ It is the UKHCA membership that ensures we can confidently speak on behalf of those providers who are genuinely committed to delivering quality, individually focussed services.� Mike Padgham, Chair

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Leadership, profile and influence

Liz Kendall MP, Shadow Minister for Care and Older People, hosted a summit for UKHCA members in the House of Commons, May 2012

UKHCA’s extensive research into the commissioning of state-funded homecare across the UK lead to a highly influential report “Care is not a commodity”. Quoted by BBC’s flag-ship 6pm news broadcast in the run-up to the publication of England’s Care and Support White Paper, the report created the opportunity to present the human impact of councils purchasing increasingly short homecare visits and was instrumental in Government’s commitment to rule out “contracting by the minute”. “Care is not a commodity” strengthened UKHCA’s position for authoritative analysis of the homecare sector, and has enabled UKHCA to represent the sector in national media, including five regional broadcasts on BBC 1’s “Inside Out” series, BBC Radio 4’s “Outsourced” and the national press. The findings also provided opportunities to meet

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“We will rule out crude ‘contracting by the minute’, which can undermine dignity and choice for those who use care and support.” HM Government (2012) Caring for our future: reforming care and support with Government ministers, or their policy advisors, in all four UK administrations. The report was circulated widely to the officers and elected members of every council in England, Wales and Scotland and the Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland, who have also received information about the increasing costs experienced by homecare providers, to strengthen the case for adequate fees. Following last year’s report from the Equality

“UKHCA said that while the Government believed it had taken sufficient steps to ensure there was no shortfall in social care, that was not what its members were saying. UKHCA (2012) suggested that nine in ten providers had received a real-terms decrease in the fees paid by their council…” National Minimum Wage: Low Pay Commission Report 2013 and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the focus on quality and adequacy of homecare services was increased by the Care Quality Commission’s themed inspection programme of 250 domiciliary care agencies. Through active membership of CQC’s Advisory Group, UKHCA was able to influence the final report, increasing the emphasis on good practice. On the date of publication the Association provided extensive public representation on behalf of the sector, including: BBC News Channel; BBC Radio 4’s “Today” programme; Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 and on Radio 5-Live. On the same day, the Association published a detailed briefing to assist UKHCA member organisations assess their individual services against the findings of CQC’s national report. UKHCA’s evidence to the Low Pay Commission was quoted widely in their annual report, providing another occasion to comment on the deteriorating environment experienced by the majority of providers. Guidance to assist members understand the complexities of NMW in the episodic nature of homecare services was developed with assistance from the Association’s legal advisors. This work will be developed during 2013 to provide a selfaudit tool-kit for providers, positioning UKHCA as an organisation committed to supporting the workforce and sustainable homecare services.

UKHCA developed a new on-line Costing Model, launched in 2013. (See page 16). UKHCA has continued to influence the passage of legislation and policy on the reform of social care and long-term funding, both through direct representation with ministers, politicians and policy makers, and through membership of advisory groups and campaigning coalitions, including the Care and Support Alliance and directly with Department of Health. UKHCA gave evidence to the Bill Committee responsible for the passage of the Care and Support Bill through Parliament. Amongst UKHCA members, both the Chief Executive and Chair have begun a series of briefings, in addition to their regular columns in Homecarer magazine, to ensure that our membership are well-informed about

In response to the deteriorating picture of state-funded social care, and responding to allegations of providers’ non-compliance with National Minimum Wage (NMW) Regulations,

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“This alarming report provides yet more evidence that our care system is in crisis, and needs urgent reform... 15-minute home visits are completely inadequate to get very frail older people up, washed, dressed and fed...” Liz Kendall MP, Shadow Minister for Care and Older People, on Care is not a Commodity

work undertaken on their behalf. These are supplemented with regular policy alerts on emerging issues, and are highly valued by members. We remain indebted to the assistance received from representatives of our member organisations who – alongside UKHCA’s Board Members - have assisted and advised us in our campaigning activity over the last year. Members of the executive team continue to be active members of the Care Provider Alliance (a grouping of the ten national social care representative associations) and through the Think Local, Act Personal partnership (TLAP), which brings together commissioners providers and people who use services in a highlyinfluential cross-sector network, well respected by Government and active in promoting the personalisation of social care services. UKHCA’s Chief Executive, Bridget Warr, chairs the selfdirected support stream, and advises on quality and market development.

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The Association continues to influence public consultation exercises with government and regulators. Notably, but by no means limited to, the oversight of market failure (England); the registration of workers and managers (UK-wide); the return of a quality ratings system (England); proposals to require Welshlanguage public services (Wales); integration of health and social care (Scotland); the reform of social care “Transforming Your Care” (Northern Ireland) and the Cavendish Review of worker training and qualifications (England). In the coming year, the Association is committed to even wider reach with national, devolved and local government, and to informing the public of the crucial role that adequately funded homecare services play in delivering high quality social care.

In the coming year, the Association is committed to even wider reach with national, devolved and local government, and to informing the public of the crucial role that adequately funded homecare services play in delivering high quality social care.

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Working across the United Kingdom Scotland


The Scottish Parliament passed the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill in November 2012 and it received Royal Assent in January 2013. UKHCA responded to both the Scottish Government’s national strategy for self-directed support and its consultation on the Draft Bill. UKHCA Scottish Ambassador Noni Cobban gave oral evidence to the Health and Sport Committee on the Bill. Noni was asked about the regulation of personal assistants, self-directed support and outcomes, and the readiness of the voluntary and independent sectors to provide new diverse services.

UKHCA responded to the Care Council for Wales’ (CCW) consultation on a revised version of the Qualification Framework for the Social Care Sector in August 2012. One of the main proposals was to require managers of domiciliary services for adults and children to hold a Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care Services in addition to holding a Degree in Social Work, or one of its predecessor qualifications. In response, we said that guidance does not reflect the changing and increasingly dynamic range of job roles and titles across the domiciliary care sector in Wales. Also, that many domiciliary care agencies in Wales do not have the job roles listed in the guidance and the guidance

The Scottish Government set out its proposals in 2012 to integrate health and social care in Scotland. Proposals include changes to how adult health and social care services are planned and delivered. In response, we supported the principle of closer integration between adult health and social care, and that integrated services are necessary to meet the increasing demands of an ageing population, especially in this time of economic austerity. We also submitted a briefing paper reviewing the benefits of integration and flagging up some of the possible issues arising from this initiative. UKHCA responded to a policy note Scottish Procurement issued in August 2012 about advice it has received from the European Commission on using the public procurement process or public contracts to require contractors to pay their staff a ‘living wage’. In November UKHCA met with Scottish senior civil servants in Edinburgh to discuss the Scottish findings in Care is not a Commodity. 13 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

does not take account of the different types of domiciliary care agencies in Wales: big, small to medium, and franchises. UKHCA Ambassador Yvonne Apsitis and Senior Policy Officer Francis McGlone were invited to visit the offices of the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales to discuss the Commission’s plans for homecare. UKHCA responded to the Welsh Government consultation on the statutory requirement for registered managers of domiciliary care agencies in Wales to register with the Care Council for Wales. This registration requirement came into effect on 28 February 2013. After that date a registered agency risks committing an offence if it appoints a manager not registered with both the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) and the Care Council. There are transitional arrangements for those who are not able

to do this immediately because they do not have the required qualifications. Following representation by UKHCA and members of the Expert Reference Group Domiciliary Care Wales (ERGDCW), the Welsh Government extended the time new and existing managers have to get the qualifications they need to register with CCW.

Manager’ builds on the Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and aims to describe what is expected of Social Care Managers.

UKHCA’s Ambassador in Wales Yvonne Apsitis and UKHCA’s Senior Policy Officer Francis McGlone met with the Welsh Language Commissioner, Meri Huws, about her consultation into standards which public sector bodies and some companies would have to follow. Under these standards, a Welsh speaker could expect to receive correspondence and phone calls in Welsh, along with accessing services, including care services, provided by a Welsh speaker. Firms not complying could be fined. However, it was not clear whether the requirement to apply fully bilingual services would only apply to those private companies and voluntary organisations which receive more than £400k in public money or to all of those with a public authority contract.

Northern Ireland

UKHCA received subsequent clarification from the Commissioner that all qualifying persons who provide services to the public under an agreement or in accordance with arrangements made with a public authority could become subject to standards. Fortunately, the Welsh Language Commissioner’s plans have been rejected by the minister responsible for the language. In February 2013, UKHCA responded to the Care Council for Wales draft practice guidance for social care managers. The ‘Social Care

UKHCA held a well attended conference in September 2012, which amongst others, was addressed by Gwenda Thomas, Deputy Minister for Social Services.

Commissioning continues to be the most significant issue for members in Northern Ireland. We have been working with Board Member Lesley Megarity, the Independent Health & Care Providers (IHCP) and members on a campaign to raise awareness of the commissioning practices used by Trusts in Northern Ireland and affect change for our members. We are currently in the early stages with this activity but hope to improve proposals currently set out by the Belfast and South Eastern Trusts as well as affect a more lasting improvement in commissioning for members. Using evidence from our 2012 commissioning survey and UKHCA Board Member, Lesley Megarity’s, expertise, we responded to two consultations from the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) regarding the future of health and social care in Northern Ireland. First was the consultation on the Transforming Your Care report and second was the ‘Who Cares?’ consultation on long term organisation and funding. We were able to welcome a number of proposals including the emphasis on care in the community with people’s home as the ‘hub of care’. Whilst clearly stating the benefits of homecare and appetite amongst the independent sector to deliver high quality homecare, we also UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 14

emphasised the need to review urgently the funding and commissioning of the sector to ensure capacity to deliver the proposals within TYC in the future. We drew attention to poor commissioning practices such as shortened visit times, reduced number of visits and the threat to client’s safety and dignity. We were also able to highlight the difficult relationship some providers face with their commissioners, reducing price and the potential impact on the already undervalued workforce. UKHCA also surveyed members on the proposals within the ‘Who Cares?’ consultation and we were able to highlight again our concerns over the current funding and commissioning of homecare as well as put forward members’ views and experiences on a number of issues including: information and advice for clients, personalisation, issues with direct payments and priority areas for reform. Again, using the findings from our 2012 commissioning survey and information from members we have been able to gain media coverage as well as responding to stakeholder reports such as the Patient and Client Council report on homecare. We have also responded to two consultations from the NISCC, one on their new fitness to practice model of regulation and one on compulsory registration. We held a successful members’ day which also lead to the creation of an online dementia forum for our members in Northern Ireland.

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Costing model

Homecare providers enter their own cost data into the highlighted fields in the model.

In December 2012 we launched a web-based costing model for homecare providers. This costing model was designed to assist a range of providers, whether large or small, rural or urban, in the calculation of a guide for a realistic price for social care services. The model can be used by providers across the UK for council commissioned and privately funded care.

We have presented the model to the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Resources Network who then referred it to the ADASS Executive where they talked positively about the UKHCA model and we are hopeful that the Executive will encourage local authorities in England to use the model with providers to bring greater consistency and transparency to their tender processes.

The methodology has been developed in collaboration with a panel of finance directors from small and large providers. The model was extensively ‘road tested’ with providers and some local authorities prior to the launch. UKHCA believe that the costing model offers a potentially valuable tool for local authorities and other commissioning bodies to develop a shared understanding of the real costs of providing care with providers in each of their areas.

We continue to liaise with COSLA; ADSS and the Health and Social Care Board in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland respectively, to explore how we can work with them to encourage adoption of the costing model by commissioners.

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Dementia strategy

The Dementia Strategy illustrates how UKHCA will meet these commitments as an association and assist members in achieving quality dementia care. Whilst this Compact applies to England, the principles can be easily applied to the other devolved administrations.

In February 2013 we launched our Dementia strategy to focus on four key work streams:

• Dementia awareness, education, information and resources; • Developing dementia-friendly communities; • Development and delivery of quality homecare services; • Raising the profile and role of homecare providers in dementia. In England, as part of meeting the Prime Minister’s challenge, UKHCA is signed up and committed to the Dementia Care and Support Compact and sits on the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge Group and Dementia Health and Care Champion Group, we also attend the National Dementia Strategy Workforce Advisory Group.

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The homecare sector is often the first to provide a service for people who are showing signs of cognitive impairment, many of whom have not had a diagnosis of dementia. The sector has a vital role to play in meeting the needs of people with dementia and their family carers and in developing a range of innovative approaches and solutions to deliver quality dementia services, from early diagnosis through to end of life care. UKHCA has made a clear commitment to inspire and encourage high quality support for people with dementia and their carers, working with the wider communities, developing partnerships and raising awareness about the homecare sector and what it can provide.

UKHCA has made a clear commitment to inspire and encourage high quality support for people with dementia and their carers, working with the wider communities, developing partnerships and raising awareness about the homecare sector and what it can provide.

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Quality enhancement “I am really pleased with the handbook. As I have just updated policies and procedures, I will have them in the order of the handbook – especially for new staff. I like the easy read of it and the pictures. Well done!”

Conferences and events Our conference in Wales and Open Forum in Northern Ireland were both well attended. At the Welsh conference, members had the opportunity to hear from and question Gwenda Thomas, Deputy Minister for Social Services, on the proposals in the Welsh Government’s White Paper – Sustainable Social Services for Wales. Both events gave members the opportunity to engage with a broad range of speakers from government; regulators and service user representatives. Members were also able to select from workshop sessions offering practical tips and guidance on topics including dementia and regulatory compliance. Feedback from both events was overwhelmingly positive. We are planning to hold a similar conference in England and an

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Open Forum in Scotland during the year to March 2014. Workshops We continue to develop a range of workshops to support members to enhance their care practices; improve their business performance and prepare for regulatory inspections. Over 580 delegates attended a total of 37 workshops held in venues across the country including: Birmingham; Bristol; Cardiff; Edinburgh; London; Manchester; Newcastle; Peterborough; Southampton; Taunton and York on topics and issues including: Improving business performance • CQC inspection preparation • Business planning and policy writing • Complaints and service user engagement • Leadership and management

“This workshop has given me new knowledge and resources and inspired me to take back ideas and skills to ensure my workforce are trained to a high standard.�

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• Performance management • Recruitment and retention • Pensions – new regulations and implications for providers • Selling your business • Tendering Developing care practice • • • • •

End of Life Care Delivering successful training Medication train the trainer Outcomes / personalisation Mental Capacity Act

For 2013 / 14 we have introduced a number of new workshops on topics including Safeguarding and the role of the Registered Manager and will continue to develop workshops on topics that members are asking for. Resources We have undertaken a comprehensive review and update of a number of the most popular publications and resources that we produce to support members and their teams build awareness and expertise in key areas of care practice, including. Medication training resource pack This pack which complements our Medication ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop, has undergone a comprehensive review and update, and contains a complete set of the trainer’s guide; delegate’s workbook; written exercises; competency tests and CD Rom. Infection control pack This pack is designed to help raise awareness of the causes of infection, how it spreads and what can be done to prevent or reduce infection. The programme follows the Skills for Care Infection Control Knowledge Set and has been designed to help run your own in-house infection control programme training.

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Included in the pack are the training guide, written exercises, glossary, frequently asked questions on the UKHCA Helpline, and a CD with electronic versions of the materials. UKHCA Homecare Workers’ Handbook Our handbook for homecare workers has been completely re-written to bring it right up to date. The handbook, which is designed to be easy for careworkers to use, both to complement their training and as a valuable reference book has been available to members from early in the new financial year - 2013 / 14. Training funds Through our partnership agreements with Skills for Care we are able to provide funding support for English members’ vocational staff training. Skills for Care extended our 2011-12 Workforce Development Fund (WDF) to the end of May 2012 and this enabled UKHCA to claim an additional £119,730 for members under this contract. We successfully bid for the 201213 WDF contract which enabled us to claim a further £394,765 for members. In response to the Prime Minister’s dementia challenge Skills for Care launched in July 2012 a Workforce Development Dementia Fund. Once again our bid was accepted in full and as a result we claimed £73,680 to support members’ dementia specific training for their staff. (This funding relates to England only. We regret there is no comparable funding from Skills for Care’s equivalent bodies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Disclosure service The use of the Online Application Service continues to grow with over 50% of applications received every month being processed ‘paperless’. Changes in May by the CRB with a revision of eligible documentation to confirm identity, led us to establish an external verification service for those applicants who were unable to satisfy the document requirement. In December 2012 the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) were merged and renamed the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) resulting in some programming amendments to our online systems and having to seek formal approval of the changes by the Home Office and DBS to ensure security and confidentially is maintained.

“The online application system is so quick and easy to use.”

“Just wanted to say how impressive the service is” Key features • Fully online application process • DBS First applications • User friendly, jargon free, system • Choice of payment methods • All applications checked by the experienced DBS counter signatories Key advantages • No need to send any paperwork for payment online • Full online validation • External identity verification service • All applications transmitted electronically to the DBS • Reduction in application form errors • No postage costs • Reduction in stationery costs

With portability of Disclosures coming into effect during 2013/14 and the update service for individuals being launched, the impact will need to be measured to ensure that the Disclosure Service offers value for money and timely service.

• 50.3% online • 40% returned in less than 2 days • 8 days average return rate Total applications

Total ISA 1st



/DBS 1st

received online




UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 22

Membership and membership benefits During 2012/13 we welcomed 300 new homecare provider branches into membership resulting in a membership base of 2,107 providers, representing around 1 in 3 of all independent and voluntary sector homecare providers across the UK.

“Very helpful – I love belonging to the UKHCA!” We estimate that our member organisations employ over 154,000 homecare workers, who deliver over 2 million hours of care per week for around 167,000 service users, valued at £1.6 billion per annum. New members continue to come from a variety of different providers – from newly formed, single branch independent providers just setting up - to new branches being added to existing member organisations. As such UKHCA’s membership continues to represent the full spectrum of independent, voluntary and statutory homecare providers both large and small - across the entire UK.

“We find your magazine such an interesting read, each edition we find packed with useful information. It is one of a handful of magazines I manage to read front to back and cascade the magazine to each of our managers.” New membership benefits introduced during the past 12 months include a

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group buying scheme, which, recognising the difficult economic environment homecare providers are operating in, offers members access to significant savings on high usage consumable products. In June 2012 we introduced Towergate Patrick as our new preferred insurance provider following a rigorous tender process, during which they demonstrated a real understanding and commitment to the care market. In addition to an enhanced insurance package, UKHCA members benefit from a 10% discount on the non-members’ rate from Towergate. Over the next 12 months we are committed to increasing growth in our membership, as we continue to represent the interests of the sector to Government, service commissioners, regulators, the media and the wider community of stakeholders.

“Thank you for your advice - it was spot on. At times like this I am glad I have our membership, I think I should use you more!” As part of this plan for growth we will seek further membership benefits which can help our members improve their business performance, deliver savings and improve service to clients. In our commercial membership category we have maintained our position from the previous year and will continue to develop this category both in terms of the number of members and the opportunities for involvement in projects supporting provider members.

We estimate that our member organisations employ over 154,000 homecare workers, who deliver over 2 million hours of care per week for around 167,000 service users, valued at ÂŁ1.6 billion per annum.

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 24

A sustainable association - Treasurer’s statement UKHCA has continued to invest in its infrastructure and during 2013 - 2014 will improve its financial standing and add to reserves as a result of benefits gained from the strategic investment programme.

Any report for this period must include reference to the economic environment and contraction of the wider economy. From the Association’s perspective this threw doubt on our projections of increased membership from a reduction in potential recruitment and higher levels of membership attrition, as a result of reduced local authority commissioning rates and also from higher levels of consolidation or business failure. In the event none of these factors has had a significant impact on membership numbers. Given a concerted effort by our membership and marketing department we have in fact increased membership. The impact of cash flow and cost cutting has, however, resulted in lower attendance at conferences and workshops in common with other membership associations, and greater price sensitivity in relation to purchases of resource material.

25 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

In response we have constrained or cut costs and prices where possible and implemented a number of new membership initiatives. Membership fees were increased to support an intensified level of campaigning activity focussing on commissioning practices. Prices for resource packs have been held steady and are about to be aggressively marketed. Additionally we have augmented our workshop calendar to include a series of new workshops topics as requested by members. UKHCA has continued to invest in its infrastructure and during 2013 - 2014 will improve its financial standing and add to reserves as a result of benefits gained from the strategic investment programme. A note of caution however needs to be made at this point. Changes to Skills for Care funding of training subsidies will reduce our ability to capitalise on administration charges as contracts now are

Analysis of Income



2% Membership fees


Disclosure service Commission Resources and events


Advertising 81%

granted on a fixed management fee. We will maintain capacity to ensure that we can continue to provide the excellent contract administration services which we have developed over the last ten years. Disclosure services continue to provide stable income despite changes to legislation that allows limited portability of existing Disclosure certificates. Looking Forward Financial stability, clearly, is a priority for 2013 – 2014. We are ensuring that revenue is enhanced, cost containment continues, and that we diversify our income streams where possible.

Stephen Mills, Treasurer

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 26

Officers and staff representing UKHCA’s membership during 2012 – 2013 Lucianne Sawyer CBE, President • Editorial Board, Community Care Market News • Editorial Board, Journal of Care Services Management • Member TLAP National Market Development Forum

Yvonne Apsitis, Ambassador • WG Social Services Regulation and Inspection White Paper - Policy Group • WG Commissioning and Procurement Task Group • WG Measure on Domiciliary Care Charging Advisory Group • WG Paying for Care Advisory Group • CCW Social Care Managers Development Programme • Member • Member • Member • Member

Expert Reference Group Domiciliary Care Wales Welsh Reablement Alliance Social Care in Partnership S/E Strategic Group Older People and Ageing Research Steering Group

Noni Cobban, Ambassador • Member, UKHCA Scottish Working Group • Council Member Alzheimers Scotland, Chair Service Audit Committee, Member Executive Committee and International Committee • Evidence to Scottish Government Health and Sport Committee Enquiriy into Regulation of Care and Self Directed Support Bill • Non-Executive Director, Highland Home Carers Ltd • Non- Executive Director, Stewartry Care Ltd

27 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

Mike Padgham, Chair • Chair Independent Care Group, York and North Yorkshire • Non-Executive Director, English Community Care Association • Joint Chair, Market Development Board, North Yorkshire • Representative, 5 Nations Forum • Representative TLAP

Stephen Allen, Vice Chair and Chair of Audit and Remuneration Committees • Director, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership

John Ivers, Vice Chair (resigned 24th October 2012) • Member of the “Think Local, Act Personal” (TLAP) Partnership • Trustee of the Saga Respite for Carers Trust

Stephen Mills, Honorary Treasurer • Fellow Chartered Management Accountant

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 28

Lynda Gardner, Honorary Secretary

Heather David, Board Member (resigned 24th October 2012) • Independent sector representative, Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board • Chair, WDSAB training sub committee

Jo Guy, Board Member • National High Level Steering Group Care Ambassadors • Steering Group Care Ambassadors West Yorkshire • West Yorkshire Social Care Network for the sector skills council • Yorkshire Coalition Group

Barbara Hobbs, Co-opted Board Member (resigned 24th October 2012) • Member, RCN Nursing and Care Agency Managers Forum • Member, Chartered Institute of Management • SE LIN Steering Group

29 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

Lesley Megarity, Board Member (Northern Ireland) • Director IHCP • Director Domestic Care Group

Sushil Radia, Board Member • Trustee, Centre for Policy on Ageing (Since September 2012) • Trustee, Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution

Valerie Robson, Board Member (Scotland) • Affiliate member, Chartered Institute of Housing

John Strangwick, Board Member • Director, Surrey Care Association • Director, Skills for Care (National) • Vice Chair, Regional Member, Skills for Care (South East)

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 30

Noel Williams, Board Member (Wales) (resigned 15th April 2013)

Peter King, Board Member (joined 24th October 2012)

Trevor Brocklebank, Board Member (joined 24th October 2012)

Max Wurr, Board Member (joined 24th October 2012)

31 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

Bridget Warr, Chief Executive • Member, TLAP Partnership and Programme Board • Chair, TLAP’s Self Directed Support workstream • Member, Care Provider Alliance • Representative, 5 Nations Care Forum • Member, DH Adult Safeguarding Advisory Board • Member, Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge Group • Member, Developing Markets for Quality and Choice • Member, Care and Support Transformation Group • Representative, Adult Safeguarding Advisory Group (DH)

Peter Randall, Corporate Services Director • Fellow of the Institute of Association Management • National Advisory Committee for Health and Social Care • Your Community Matters Advisory Group

Colin Angel, Policy and Campaigns Director • Social Care Fellow, NICE • Member, Care Provider Alliance • Member of CQC’s national Stakeholder Group • Representative, DH Recruitment and Retention Group • Member, National Market Development Forum • Member, Social Care Advisory Board

Andrew Heffernan, Membership and Marketing Director

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 32

33 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

Extracts from the audited accounts The following pages contain the statutory extracts from the audited accounts and the minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting of United Kingdom Homecare Association Ltd.

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 34

United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited Company Limited by Guarantee Directors' report Year ended 31 March 2013 The directors have pleasure in presenting their report and the audited financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 March 2013. Principal activities and results The principal activity of the company during the year continues to be that of a non-profit making association for the benefit of its members in domiciliary care and the promotion of the highest standards in home care. Membership income has benefited from an increase in fees to cover an increased level of campaigning activity. Disclosure Services continues to provide stable income despite changes to legislation that allows limited portability of existing Disclosure certificates. During the year under review the Association has incurred additional overhead expenditure of some ÂŁ41,000 in respect of redundancy and expenses provision as a result of operational changes to the existing workforce. The Association has secured a three year government related funding contract for administering a training subsidy programme. With this in mind the directors have considered the position regarding the company's ability to continue as a going concern as more fully explained in note 1 to the financial statements. The Association had at the balance sheet date cash in hand and at the bank of ÂŁ275,591 and reserves of ÂŁ79,730. As a result the directors have adopted the going concern basis of accounting and do not consider there are any material uncertainties in this respect. Directors The directors who served the company during the year were as follows: M Padgham J Strangwick S B Allen P Randall L Gardner S C Radia V Robson G B Warr N A Williams J K Guy S A J Mills L C Megarity T J Brocklebank M Wurr P G King B Hobbs H M David J J Ivers

(Appointed 24 October 2012) (Appointed 24 October 2012) (Appointed 24 October 2012) (Resigned 24 October 2012) (Resigned 24 October 2012) (Resigned 24 October 2012)

Subsequent to the balance sheet date, on 7 May 2013, N A Williams resigned as a director and on 18 June 2013 W Rees was appointed as a director. Directors' responsibilities The directors are responsible for preparing the directors' report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). Under company law the directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the surplus or deficit of the company for that year. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: -

select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;


make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

-235 Statutory Accounts UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited Company Limited by Guarantee Directors' report (continued) Year ended 31 March 2013 -

prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Insofar as the directors are aware: -

there is no relevant audit information of which the company's auditor is unaware; and


the directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditor is aware of that information.

Small company provisions This report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions for small companies under Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006. Signed on behalf of the directors S A J Mills Director Approved by the directors on 10 July 2013


Statutory Accounts UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 36

United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited Company Limited by Guarantee Independent auditor's report to the members of United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited Year ended 31 March 2013 We have audited the financial statements of United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited for the year ended 31 March 2013 which comprise the income and expenditure account, balance sheet and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008) (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities). This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Respective responsibilities of directors and auditor As explained more fully in the directors' responsibilities statement set out on pages 2 to 3, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors. Scope of the audit of the financial statements An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the annual report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report. Opinion on financial statements In our opinion the financial statements: give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 March 2013 and of its deficit for the year then ended; have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities; and have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 In our opinion the information given in the directors' report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements. Matters on which we are required to report by exception We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law are not made; or we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit; or the directors were not entitled to prepare the financial statements in accordance with the small companies regime and take advantage of the small companies' exemption in preparing the directors' report. IAN B JOHNSON (Senior Statutory Auditor) for and on behalf of CHANTREY VELLACOTT DFK LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor Reading 15 July 2013

-437 Statutory Accounts UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

United Kingdom Homecare Association Limited Company Limited by Guarantee Balance sheet As at 31 March 2013 Note Fixed assets Tangible assets


Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash at bank


Creditors: amounts falling due within one year


Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities

2013 £ 19,865

11 12

Members' funds




3,680 229,593 275,591

13,523 85,370 263,077











508,864 448,999


Reserves Income and expenditure account

2012 £


361,970 259,690









These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions for small companies under Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 and with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008). These financial statements were approved by the directors and authorised for issue on 10 July 2013, and are signed on their behalf by: S A J Mills Director Company Registration Number: 3083104

The notes on pages 7 to 13 form part of these financial statements.


Statutory Accounts UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 38

Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting of United Kingdom Home Care Association held at the Mercure Holland House Hotel and Spa, Redcliffe Hill, Bristol, BS1 6SQ On Wednesday 24th October 2012 The meeting commenced at 12.51pm 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chairman, Mike Padgham, had received apologies for absence from • • • • • • • • • •

Yvonne Apsitis Lynda Gardner John Ivers Eoin Keogh Philip Parkinson Sushil Radia Valerie Robson Marjorie Smythe Noel Williams Max Wurr

– Ambassador – Oxford Aunts – – – – – – –

Somerset Care Philip Parkinson Homecare Westminster Homecare Border Caring Services Lakeside Care and Support Calon Lan Community Care Ltd City and County Healthcare Group

2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE 2011 AGM In the absence of the Hon Secretary, Lynda Gardner, the Company Secretary, Bridget Warr, commended the Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting. Motion for approval • •

Proposed by Peter King – Kemble Care Seconded by Jo Guy – AJ Group

Declared carried on a show of hands. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF THE ANNUAL IMPACT STATEMENT In the absence of the Vice Chairman, John Ivers, the Company Secretary Bridget Warr, commended the Annual Impact Statement for the period April 2011 to March 2012. Motion for approval • •

Proposed by Steve Allen – Prime Care Community Services Seconded by Barbara Hobbs – Audley Care Ltd

Declared carried on a show of hands.

39 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

4. ELECTION OF NON-EXECUTIVE BOARD DIRECTORS Band 1 There were 9 nominations received by the Hon Secretary, Lynda Gardner, for the 2 available places within Band 1. An election was held and the following were duly elected Lynda Gardner, Oxford Aunts Peter King, Kemble Care Band 2 There were 2 nominations received by the Hon Secretary, Lynda Gardner for the 1 available place within Band 2. An election was held and; Steve Allen – Prime Care Community Services was duly elected. Band 3 There were 2 nominations received by the Hon Secretary, Lynda Gardner, for the 2 available places in Band 3. • •

Trevor Brocklebank Max Wurr

– Home Instead Senior Care – City and County Healthcare Group

Elected unopposed. Scotland There was 1 nomination received by the Hon Secretary, Lynda Gardner, for the available place in Scotland, Valerie Robson, Border Caring Services elected unopposed. 5. APPOINTMENT OF THE AUDITOR The Treasurer, Steve Mills, proposed the appointment of Chantrey Vellacott DFK as auditors for the year 2012/2013 at a fee to be decided by the Board. • •

Proposed by Heather David - Mid Yorkshire Care Seconded by Peter King - Kemble Care

Declared carried on a show of hands. 6. DEBATE OF MOTIONS No motions had been received. The meeting closed at 1.07pm

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 40


41 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14 42

If you have particular needs which make it difficult to read this document, please contact us on 020 8661 8188 or and we will try to find the most suitable format for you.

For more information United Kingdom Homecare Association Ltd (UKHCA) Group House 52 Sutton Court Road Sutton SM1 4SL Telephone: 020 8661 8188 Email: Registered in England, number: 3083104

43 UKHCA Impact Statement 2013-14

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