An empty Space to fill curated by william downs
Jason Sweet, Then and Now, 2020 mild steel, cement, enamel paint, and patina, 32 x 30.50 x 2 in. $2,800.00
Exhibition Dates: December 18, 2021- January 15, 2022
An empty Space to fill Sandler Hudson Gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming group show curated by represented artist William Downs. Sandler Hudson Gallery is an empty space where I’m bringing together a group of artists from all over the United States that I’ve met through my travels or who are within a five mile radius of my life. An empty space is a place where artists feel with their thoughts, dreams, anxieties, emotions, and compositions. An empty space is where an artist creates their magic. Mark-making and color is used by all of these artists as a way of channeling their physical and mental gestures into work that makes you feel something. The show will include work from the following artists: Krista Clark (Atlanta) Elizabeth Ferrill (Colorado) Michael Jones (Atlanta) Gracelee Lawrence (New York) Derek Lerner (New York) Michi Meko (Atlanta) Michael Reese (Atlanta) Marc Andre Robinson (New York) Tim Short (Atlanta) Jason Sweet (Atlanta) Scott Taylor (Los Angeles)
Krista Clark, Untited, 2021, pastel, graphite, and plastic fecing, 44 x 30 in.
Krista Clark, Untitled Red Line Series, 2019, paper, graphite, pastel, and ruler, 44 x 30 in.
Elizabeth Ferrill, California Dreamin, 2019, gouache on paper, 8 x 8 in.
Michael Reese, L’ESSENCE DE LA BEAUTÉ ET DU VOL 2, 2021, cyanotype on watercolor paper,
20 x 25.50 in.
Michael Jones, Invisible Hands I, 2021, mixed media, marker, spray paint, pencil, glitter, and acrylic paint on paper 24 x 21 in.
Michi Meko, The Get Down$, 2019, gold leaf, acrylic paint, chalk, and colored pencil, 60 x 20 in.
Derek Lerner, Asvirus 135, 2021, ink on paper, 24 x 36 in.
Jason Sweet, Then and Now, 2020, mild steel, cement, enamel paint, and patina, 32 x 30.50 x 2 in. $2,800.00
Tim Short, After 1000 years, 2019, oil on canvas, 72 x 34 x 1.25 in.
Gracelee Lawrence, Massaged into Existence, 2021, silk polylactic acid 3D print, 14 x 10 x 10 in.
Gracelee Lawrence, Sensitized to Objecthood, 2020, silk polylactic acid 3D print, 4.75 x 7 x 3.50 in.
Gracelee Lawrence, Massaged into Existence, 2021, silk polylactic acid 3D print, 4 x 3.50 x 3.75 in.
Gracelee Lawrence, Massaged into Existence, 2021, silk polylactic acid 3D print, 6.50 x 4.50 x 4.50 in.
Gracelee Lawrence, The Gentle, Toneless Sound that Weaves Us Together, silk polylactic acid 3D print, 3.75 x 4.50 x 4.50 in.
Michael Jones, Invisible Hands II, 2021, mixed media, marker, spray paint, pencil, glitter, and acrylic paint on paper 24 x 21.50 in.
Marc Andre Robinson, Untitled I, 2021, inkwash on paper, 30 x 22.50 in.
Marc Andre Robinson, Untitled II, 2021, inkwash on paper, 30 x 22.50 in.
Scott Taylor, NW11, 2021, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in.
Please contact the gallery if you are interested in purchasing or if you have any questions.