Caroline Lathan-Stiefel Pieces
Caroline Lathan-Stiefel, Batten, 2021, canvas, acrylic, hand-dyed and spray-painted fabric, thread, and wire, 33 x 44 in. $3,600.00
Exhibition Dates: August 14 - October 2, 2021
Pieces Sandler Hudson Gallery is pleased to announce the latest body of work from Pennsylvania artist Caroline Lathan-Stiefel entitled Pieces. The act of making, and process of “piecing” is central to Lathan-Stiefel’s current exhibition. “Piecing” for Caroline LathanStiefel is a conceptually and culturally rich methodology; through the intimate and time-consuming act of cutting and hand-sewing, each stitch becomes important in its own right. Every stitch is thoughtfully handsewn by the artist, each marginally different than the next and all mark the passage of time taken to complete the work. Her finished works are textile structures covered with sewn assemblages of fabric, plastic, wire, and found objects. Always experimenting with craft materials in new and unusual ways, she draws both inspiration and materials from her daily life. Evidence of the world around her manifests within the work as plastic juice bottles, glass science lab containers, family clothing and bedding, private property signs, and refuse discovered on walks through her Pennsylvania borough neighborhood.
Expressway (After NMR), 2021, fabric, wire, and thread, 34.50 x 30 in.
Little Flag #1, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4 x 9 in.
Little Flag #2, 2018-2021,mixed media, 14 x 8.25 in.
Little Flag #3, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4 x 7.5 in.
Little Flag #4, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4 x 8.5 in.
Little Flag #5, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4 x 7.5 in.
Little Flag #6, 2018-2021, mixed media, 5 x 7.5 in.
Little Flag #7, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4 x 8 in.
Little Flag #8, 2018-2021, mixed media, 3.75 x 7.75 in.
Little Flag #9, 2018-2021, mixed media, 4.5 x 8 in.
Chime, 2019-2020, fabric, wire, and thread, 38 x 51.75 in.
Untitled, 2019, fabric, wire, and thread, 10.5 x 13.25 in.
Trove, 2021, fabric, wire, thread, pipe cleaners, and hand-dyed and spray-painted fabric, 37 x 28 in.
Place, 2021, fabric, wire, thread, and hand-dyed and spray-painted fabric, 65 x 76 in.
Wheel Flag, 2019-2021, found objects, wire, plastic from juice and milk containers, fabric, plastic from bags and car parts, and netting, 70 x 100 in.
Jeux, 2021, fabric, wire, pipe cleaners, plastic, netting, and thread, 69 x 45 in.
Banner, 2020, fabric, wire, pipe cleaners, and thread, 34.5 x 30.5 in.
Atrium, 2019, fabric, wire, and thread, 15.75 x 23.75 in.
Drawing #1, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #2, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #3, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #4, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #5, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #6, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #7, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #8, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #9, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #10, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #11, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Drawing #12, 2020-2021, mixed media on paper, 6 x 6 in.
Little Flag #10, 2021, mixed media, 4 x 7.5in.
Batten, 2021, cavas, acrylic, hand-dyed and spray-painted fabric, wire, and thread, 33 x 44 in.
Twining, 2019, fabric, wire, thread, string, and yarn, 13 x 21.75 in.
In the Night, 2021, fabric, wire, thread, and hand-dyed and spray-painted fabric, 48 x 56 in.
Please contact the gallery if you are interested in purchasing or if you have any questions.