San Domenico School Annual Report 2016-17

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San Domenico

Annual Report


From the Chair of the Board of Trustees

As I head into my second year

Together, we raised more

as Board Chair, I am inspired

than $1.9 million, nearly half

by our amazing community

of which were Annual Fund

of committed and generous

contributions. Giving at the

individuals who are unwav-

leadership level continued to

ering in their support of our

increase with gifts of $3,000

students and their education.

or more making up over 70%

Your investment and confi-

of the Annual Fund total.

dence helps to ensure San Domenico’s academic excellence and commitment to Dominican values.

Each name listed in this report represents an investment in a child’s education, an investment in an educator, and inspires confidence in

Throughout this report, we honor our generous

the mission of San Domenico School and 167 years

donors and volunteers. Your gifts of time and

of history and forward-looking vision.

resources made a substantial impact to strengthen our capacity as a School.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank our many committed volunteers and donors. Whether you

Last year, you supported San Domenico’s mission

are part of San Domenico’s past, present, or future,

by funding innovative teaching and outstanding

you are a critical member of our community. Your

faculty and staff. Your contributions to scholarships

support is essential to sustaining a community that

made life-changing education accessible to talented

is, and will always be, rooted in Veritas.

students. Gifts to our Virtuoso Program ensured the continued strength of San Domenico’s world-class


strings program. Your support of the Parent Service Association Gala and Fund A Need provided essential resources for daily operations, touching every corner of school life.


San Domenico School

Amy Skewes-Cox ’71

2016-17 Annual Report



Financial Summary Operating Revenues:

β€’Tuition & Fees (77.8%)............................................................$23,038,589 β€’Ancillary (10.1%)..........................................................................$2,978,454 β€’Charitable Contributions (6.4%)............................................ $1,909,364 β€’Investment Appreciation (4.6%)...........................................$1,355,083 β€’Other (1.1%)....................................................................................... $339,982


Total Revenues.................................................................... $29,621,472

Operating Expenses:

β€’Salaries & Benefits (49.7%)...................................................$14,019,722 β€’Financial Aid (18.6%)..................................................................$5,249,728 β€’Program & Student Services (13.3%) .................................$3,751,017 β€’Physical Plant & Depreciation (11.7%) .............................$3,288,302 β€’Plant, Equipment, & Depreciation (6.7%) ........................$1,895,599 Total Expenses..................................................................... $28,204,368

Contribution to reserves .....................................................$1,417,104*

Endowment Status as of June 30, 2017

At the close of the Fiscal Year 2016-17, the average one-year return on the endowment investment was 11.5% and the overall market value reached $13,137,841. p

Gift Summary by Area Annual Fund, Unrestricted (2.6%) ............................................................................................................................ $768,344 Annual Fund, Restricted (.1%) .......................................................................................................................................$33,930 Total Annual Fund (2.7%).......................................................................................................................... $802,274 Endowment & Facilities (1.2%) ................................................................................................................................ $352,776 Virtuoso Program (.7%).................................................................................................................................................. $196,326 Financial Aid (.6%) ........................................................................................................................................................... $176,620 Restricted & Special Gifts (.2%) ....................................................................................................................................$68,670 Sub Total.....................................................................................................................................................$1,596,666 PSA Spring Gala/Auction (gross including Fund A Need) (1.1%) .....................................................$312,698

Total Annual Fund, Restricted Giving & Special Events (6.4%).................................... $1,909,364

*Operating surplus is primarily due to investment appreciation related to the endowment. Every attempt was made to compile as complete and accurate a list as possible. We apologize for any inadvertent omissions that may have occurred.


San Domenico School

2016-17 Annual Report



Veritas Dinner

Celebrate Leadership in Philanthropy The search for Veritas (truth) is the guiding principle of the Dominican Order and the motivating force of Dominican education. The annual Veritas Dinner honors parents, alumni, and friends of San Domenico who help to sustain our mission with generous leadership support. The evening also spotlights the inspirational volunteer involvement of a community leader, or leaders, who exemplify the Dominican spirit of Veritas. This year, San Domenico honored Skip and Julie Spaulding, whose enduring relationship with San Domenico began in 2001. Their three daughters, Katie, Suzanne, and Joan, all attended San Domenico. Skip served on the Board of Trustees for six years, including two years as Board Chair. He worked on the Finance and Master Planning and Facilities Committees, and was a linchpin member of our most recent Strategic Planning Committee for SD2021. During her many years as a San Domenico parent, Julie provided significant volunteer leadership during key times in the growth of our School. She served as a class parent, PSA Vice President for Middle School, and PSA Vice President for Upper School. We are grateful to Skip and Julie for their service, their generosity, and their leadership. They have been wonderful partners as we have worked together to strengthen our School, serve our students, and ensure a bright future for San Domenico.


San Domenico School

2016-17 Annual Report



Symbol Key

The San Domenico Annual Fund


u β– 



Head’s Circle $25,000.00 +

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. ο€₯ Marin Community Foundation Overlook International Foundation Mr. Bruce Raabe & Ms. Sara Wardell-Smith ο€₯ The Wardell-Smith Raabe Family Fund

Mother Mary Goemaere Circle

On behalf of a grateful school community, we thank you, our donors and volunteers, for your generous contributions to the 2016-17 San Domenico Annual Fund. Each and every gift is greatly valued, and contributes to the ongoing legacy of Dominican education at San Domenico School.

Dominic’s Circle

$15,000.00 +

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Chapman Kathryn Bryan Hampton ’71 ο€₯ Mrs. Kathryn B. Niggeman ο€₯ Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Angie D. Taube Mr. Seth B. Taube The Seth & Angie Taube Foundation

$10,000.00 +

Ms. Kendal Agins β—† Mr. & Mrs. James C. Buie, Jr. Ruth Collins ’81 ο€₯ Ruth M. Collins Fund of the Marin Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gassel Mr. Hongwei Li & Ms. Kui Duan Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Snyder ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Toney ο€₯ Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Wolk

Siena Circle $5,000.00 +

Ms. Carolyn E. Alt Mr. & Mrs. David W. Armstrong ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Arsenio II Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Balmaseda Courtney Benoist ’77 & Mr. Jason Fish ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Bizjack Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bland Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Bollini II ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell Heidi Hickingbotham Cary ’61 ] Amy E. Christensen Fund of the Christensen Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Clark II ]

San Domenico School

Middle School Alumni Faculty | Staff Matching Gift Deceased


A San Domenico education guides students toward lives of thoughtful leadership and engaged citizenship, made possible by the philanthropic generosity of our community. Our loyal supporters–parents, trustees, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, foundations, and friends– enable us to sustain the pursuit of excellence rooted in Veritas.


10 Year Society Member

(recognizing 10 or more consecutive years of giving)

Mr. Carson Cox & Ms. Deborah Haase Mr. & Mrs. Drew Curby Mr. & Mrs. Thibault Fulconis Mr. & Mrs. David Grubb ο€₯ Mr. Arno Harris & Ms. Nadine Burke Harris John M. Bryan Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Kevin H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keenley Catherine Bank Kilroy ’88 & Mr. John Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lane ] Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Ludlow ο€₯ Mrs. Janet Pasha ο€₯ ✝ Mary Jane Pasha ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Peltz Mr. & Mrs. Fraser A. Preston Mr. & Mrs. Miles J. Qvale Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Reid, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Reilly ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Carl Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Skip P. Spaulding ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sullivan, Jr. ο€₯ The Arno & Nadine Burke Harris Charitable Fund The Cox Family Fund The Pasha Family Fund The Reid Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Graham Weaver Lisa Howey Wilson ’88

Veritas Circle $3,000.00 +

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Adams Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Berry Ms. Lezley F. Blair Carol Franc Buck ’54 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cooper Mrs. Kristine Werner Curwood & Mr. Matt Curwood ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Doerschlag Mr. & Mrs. William C. Edsall Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Fogarty ο€₯] Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Gerner ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Andy Getsey Mr. & Mrs. Graham E. Guest Mr. Shizhong Han & Mrs. Yanchun Sui Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Hanavan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hansmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Doug J. Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hunsinger

Ana Maria Iturralde-Vazquez ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Mat A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Kaye Kate Supple Klein ’75 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Johann Koehne Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kurtzig Nancy Donnell Lilly ’66 ο€₯ Mr. & Ms. David R. Mandelbrot Mr. Ramsey Masri & Ms. Karla Griffin ] Jodylee Travis Meenaghan ’76 & Mr. James Meenaghan ο€₯ Ms. Tina Mehan Mr. Mike Miskovsk & Ms. Kara Connors Dr. Natalie O’Byrne ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Sean B. O’Reilly Peckie Harris Peters ’77 Genelle Dollarhide Relfe ’49 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Rivers Mr. Amir Sarreshtehdary & Ms. Parisa Sadeghian Amy Skewes-Cox ’71 & Mr. Bob Twiss Mr. David Sohn & Dr. Alison Buist Mr. & Mrs. David E. Spitz Cecily O’Byrne Stock ’77 & Mr. Marcus Stock ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. John F. Strain Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Sugarman Ms. Laila J. Tarraf The Elizabeth Flynn Donor Advised Fund The Flanagan Family Foundation The John & Lisa Strain Family Foundation ] The Longview Foundation The Spitz Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Trimble Mr. & Mrs. William P. White Ms. Beth Flynn & Mr. Richard Wood ]

Angel Circle $500.00 +

Adobe Systems Inc. Sister Susan Allbritton, O.P. Edith Allison ’63 ο€₯ Anonymous (13) ARES Operations LLC Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Aspatore Kirby Atterbury ’61 Auerbach Family Fund Mr. Charles E. Auerbach Dr. & Mrs. William O. Bank Mr. William A. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bartko Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bauman ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr. ο€₯ Ms. Anita Berman Ms. Dina Berman & Ms. Laura Greenwald Margaret Huneke Blaine ’51 Ms. Susan Blair Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Block Mr. & Mrs. James J. Boitano ο€₯ Ms. Margo Bradish Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Ms. Maeve Burke ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cahill, Jr. Mr. Geoffrey Callan & Ms. Hilary Newsom

Marguerite Meuris Casillas ’84 Mr. Daniel Castor & Ms. Jennifer Jerde Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Cerf June Renton Chambers ’45 Charles Schwab Foundation Matching gifts Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Ms. Christine Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Cline Mr. & Mrs. Eric T. Clothier ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Todd Clyde Community Foundation, Sonoma County Mr. & Mrs. Tom Corker Trudi Mumford Costello ’71 Cyndi Kraljev Croff ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Cunningham Clair C. & Claire K. Davis Memorial Fund Judith Riede Dawson ’56 Mr. Mason Day & Ms. Germana Fabbri Mr. & Mrs. Albert DeLima Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dempster Sandy Willard Denn ’57 ο€₯ Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation Sister Margaret Diener, O.P. ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. George P. Dohrmann Dominican Sisters of San Rafael ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Dorfman ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dornbush ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. James E. Douglas ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Douglas ο€₯ β—† Mr. & Mrs. Warren Dowd β—† Mr. John Duncan & Ms. Gillian Libbert ] Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan II Mr. & Mrs. Ben Durham Mr. Jeff Eberhard & Dr. Laura Eberhard Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Erdman Maureen Curtin-Evermann ’63 Nancy Lagomarsino Farrar ’46 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Jay Farrington Mr. & Mrs. Craig Flynn Mr. & Ms. David Fortney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Fruhauf Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Gaenger Mr. Glen Galaich & Ms. Stephanie Goldsborough The Gap Inc. Mr. George Gavros & Dr. Dora Gavros Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ginwala Google Mrs. June Greene Wood Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. Hagan Katharine Hammond ’61 Marilyn Pelissa Harris ’60 Katie Kelly Heath ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Heffernan, Jr. ✝ Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Heffernan ο€₯ Mrs. Lenore Heffernan Ms. Pauline E. Henderson ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Henn Ms. Deborah S. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Karl K. Hoagland III Susan Hoeschler ’72 ο€₯ Barbara Dolter Hogan ’72 ο€₯ Mrs. Marian Hunter Mr. Lee Hutchinson & Ms. Ann Kahn

Molly Keil Hynes ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ivory-Chambers Melanie Jackson ’67 Virginia Stewart Jarvis ’50 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Johnston Amy Clifford Jones ’82 & Mr. Gregory Jones β—† Ms. Margaret Jones Dr. & Mrs. Jay A. Kaiser Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Mr. Igor Kalinichenko & Ms. Evgeniya Voronova Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kaufman Aileen Fitzpatrick Keegan ’52 ο€₯ Gabrielle Keil ’57 ο€₯ Mr. Bruce Keith & Ms. Kimberli Brown Mrs. Nancy Kelleher ο€₯ Holly Creighton Kelly ’88 Sheila Doyle Kiernan ’44

Catherine Davis Marsten ’63 & Mr. David Marsten ο€₯ David & Catherine Marsten Fund of Schwab Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Nick P. Masturzo Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Matthys ] Sister Judy Lu McDonnell, O.P. McGraw Hill Financial Matching Gift Program Mr. Allan McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Scott McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Mollison ο€₯ Mr. & Dr. Marino Monardi Mr. & Mrs. George Morf ο€₯ Anne Baumgartner Morris ’53 Mrs. Janet Mourning Mila Murphy ’67 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Richard Myhre Catharine Atterbury Newbury ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Luke O’Byrne

Hoonae Kim ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kirchner Mr. & Mrs. Noah S. Klein Judith Owens Knight ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Korst Mr. James Korst Mr. Brian Lahart & Ms. Meg Sorota Susan Lang ’61 ο€₯ Marcie Noltner Leach ’61 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Leavitt Jean Bowler Lehmann ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lewis ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Liang Mr. Thung-Ben Lin & Mrs. Shu-Hui Tung LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Louie ] Marsue Cumming MacNicol ’67 Page Mailliard ’78 Ms. Adrienne Mansi Mr. Peter Marks & Ms. Shohreh Daemi ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Russell K. Marne

Mr. Oliver Olson Mary Mariani O’Mara ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Bob O’Meara ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Jim O’Meara ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Neill ο€₯ Marta Osterloh ’66 Louise Fleming Owen ’80 & Mr. Lawson Owen Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E Corporation Foundation Amy Armstrong Phillips ’85 & Mr. Tom Phillips ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Erik S. Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Podboy Joy DeBenedetti Purcell ’54 Theresa Collins Raabe ’81 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ramsey Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56 ο€₯ Barbara Hansen Reding ’63 Leslie Reese ’87 Mr. & Mrs. George Reinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Haydn Reiss Liz Revenko ’87 Laura Revenko ’85

2016-17 Annual Report



Symbol Key Mr. & Mrs. Willem A. Robberts Elizabeth Rogers ’89 Mr. Chris Samway & Mrs. Wendi Schenkler-Samway Mr. Babak S. Sani Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Scales Liz Wilhelm Schott ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Niraj Shah Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Chris Skelton Dr. & Mrs. Charles Skomer Mr. & Ms. Kevin Smead Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Smith Mrs. Shelagh K. Smith Mr. William Smith & Ms. Ann Aylwin Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Sohn Kathleen Alioto Spadaro ’71 Mr. Anthony Spinale & Ms. Angie Schleicher Mr. & Ms. Erik W. Stocker Laura Stockstill ’87 Mr. Matthew J. Strain Stupski Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sunding Mr. & Mrs. Jason N. J. Tavano Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Testa The Dan & Aileen Keegan Family Fund The Glenn & Lori Shannon Family Foundation The Korst Family Fund The Walt Disney Company Foundation The Ranclet S. & Frank M. Bell, Jr. Advised Fund of the Winston-Salem Foundation Nancy Powell Tietz ’67 Mr. Jose Torres Travelers UBS Financial Mr. Robert Vallas & Ms. Kara Weisiger Sister M. Gervaise Valpey, O.P. ο€₯ β–  Visa Giving Station Mr. Eugene Walden & Ms. Stacy Weiss Walden Mr. Baojun Wang & Ms. Li Ren Mr. & Mrs. Peng Wang Wells Fargo Community Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Sam Streich Werback ’68 Eve Gazzola Wertsch ’73 William Blair & Co. LLC Mr. James Williams & Mrs. Carol Lieske Williams Williams-Sonoma Foundation Mr. David Wise ο€₯ β–  Ms. Lee Ann M. Wise Leslie Atterbury Wittkopp ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Woodhead Mr. Wei Wu & Ms. Yanping Ye Mr. & Mrs. Faris Yamini Your Cause Mr. Quansheng Zhou & Ms. Yan Chen

One Community Circle up to $499.00

Anne Mulligan Adams ’71 Ms. Laraine Allen Mr. & Mrs. Randy Altshuler ο€₯ β– 


San Domenico School

Megan Amaral ’01 Mr. Ramin Amirghassemkhany & Ms. Bibi Ansari Elizabeth Bowe Anders ’64 ο€₯ Janet Dalton Andersen ’58 Denise Cain Anderson ’82 Robin Mayrisch Andrae ’66 Anonymous (53) Mr. & Mrs. Albert Aramburu Mr. & Mrs. Pedro A. Arroyo ο€₯ Mrs. Nicole Artiga-Purcell β–  Carolyn Wadleigh Ashby ’62 Becky Sandkuhle Ashley ’67 Gretchen Bach Austin ’54 Autodesk, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Axelsen Susan De Berry Babb ’66 Toni Ransom Babcock ’66 Mr. Dan Babior & Mrs. Lucy Puls β–  Mr. & Mrs. James D. Baigrie Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Bailey β–  Ms. Kali S. Baird β– 

Melinda Borello ’10 β–  Christine Schoenfeld Born ’66 Sister Patricia Boss, O.P. Mary Bos-Witschen ’46 Mr. & Mrs. John Bowermaster β–  Tracy Linsin Bradlee ’92 β—† Ms. Julianne T. Bretan β–  Ms. Suzanne Brice Susan Jones Brooker ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Barrett C. Brown Ms. Doris Brown ο€₯ β–  Mr. Gregory Brown & Ms. Diane Lang Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown Catherine Carney Browning ’71 Ms. Deanna Bruton β–  Ms. Stephanie Buechner β–  Andrew Buie ’09 β—† Ms. Claire L. Bukata β–  Nicole Burkel ’74 Mr. Christopher Caen Ms. Stacey E. Caen Dr. & Mrs. Lundy Campbell β– 

Mary Jane Baird ’58 Marianne Petrini Bales ’62 ο€₯ Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Ms. Andrea Banks β–  Mr. & Mrs. Max Barker β–  Mr. Mark Barrett β–  Annette Batson ’71 Caroline Beard ’65 Mr. Roberto Becerra & Mrs. Adriana Rochin Lauren Becker ’04 Marta Battha Beres ’52 Dr. Joanna M. Berg β–  Mr. Ross Berger & Dr. Melissa Pulling Mr. Steve Bergman β–  Dr. Jason Bermak & Dr. Sarah Polfliet Mr. & Mrs. Jonas Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. John D. Berry β–  Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Berry β–  Jennifer Tomsic Bioche ’85 Mr. Fedrico Biven Ms. Genece L. Blackwell Patti McCarthy Boitano ’67 ο€₯ Anne Bolcom ’70 Ms. Linda Borello & Mr. Mark DeRutte

Serena Campbell ’93 Carolyn Campora ’65 Lillian Fong Carp ’66 Jean Novak Cattaneo ’63 Diana Fong Chan ’58 Mr. & Mrs. James Channon Mr. & Mrs. Mike Chase ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Chiarella ο€₯ Mr. Bill Christmas & Ms. Polly Raye Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Christy β–  Mr. Eugene Chukhlov & Ms. Edith Szendrey β–  Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Churchill β–  Mr. James S. Clapp Ms. Allison Clark Ms. Caitlin Clark β–  Chelsea Clark ’10 Ms. Doree Clark β–  Frances Walker Clark ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Peter Clark Mr. Jason Clarke β–  Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. William Coffer Ms. Deborah C. Coffin


u β– 




10 Year Society Member

(recognizing 10 or more consecutive years of giving)

Middle School Alumni Faculty | Staff Matching Gift Deceased

Nancy Ottinger Coit ’45 Wendy Cole ’74 Louise Carbone Colombatto ’47 ✝ Communitas Christi Peggy Olson Conway ’64 Mrs. Ruthie Conway Susan Wheat Cony ’50 Shawn Sweeney Copenhagen ’84 Dr. & Mrs. Frank T. Corker Ms. Maria Coulson Young Suzanne Torre-Cross ’75 Kathryn Wilmarth Cruice ’72 Ms. Kathryn Cunnyngham Anna Theis Cureton ’55 Mr. H. Terry Cush Alicia Dakin ’75 Mr. John M. Daniel β–  Mrs. Kim D’Arcy & Mr. Barry Price β–  Mr. & Mrs. Kumar I. Dass Natasha Dass ’09 Patricia Suhr Dawson ’51 Antonia De La Guerra ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Henri de Marcellus Lauretta Del Curto ’65 Judith Boss Del Tredici ’60 Ms. Alice Della Santina ο€₯ β–  Ms. Li Delpan Alyza Delpan-Monley ’07 Mr. & Mrs. Rob DeNunzio β–  Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeNunzio Ms. Sasha DePew β–  Louise Lazarus de Vries ’51 Carol Diamond ’77 Lillian Machado Dickson ’50 Tina Kalimos Dietz ’76 Anne Dinkelspiel ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore E. Donaldson β–  Debbie Dondero ’71 Laurie Sweeney Doolittle ’77 ο€₯ Joan Downs ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Dutton Sally Edwards ’66 Ms. Jana Eliasova Nina Escudero-Bailey ’71 Ms. Mary Jean Espulgar-Rowe Mrs. Sara Evans Ms. Sonya Evans & Mr. Antonio Daniel β–  Tara Evans-Boyce ’90 & Mr. Shane Boyce β—† Dr. & Mrs. Jay F. Fairborn ] Lisa Fairchild ’75 Mr. David R. Falkow Margaret Farley ’76 Toni Farrell ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fassberg Maria Fasal Faulconer ’63 ο€₯ Muffie Pennisi Fendler ’66 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. William Fieser Ms. Cecilia Figueroa β– 

Alice Filmer ’73 Sarah Flanagan ’86 β—† Mrs. Dora Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Scott Fletcher ο€₯ β–  Bridget Fahy Flint ’65 ο€₯ Libby Byrne Flynn ’66 Mrs. Emma Forrest β–  Mr. & Mrs. Gregg A. Foster Lynne Foster ’74 Mr. Edward Fowler & Ms. Amy Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. David A. Friend ο€₯ Ms. Tracy Froehlich β–  Ms. Deborah Fugate ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fugazzotto Susan McCarthy Fujita ’65 Mr. Michael Fulton β–  Katherine Fung ’80 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Gale Sarah Gale ’06 Mr. Richard Dieterich & Ms. Kaitlyn Gallagher β–  Mr. Felipe Garces & Mrs. Yurly Grajales Clarice Poirier Gargour ’73 Mrs. Emily Garlock β–  Mr. & Mrs. John Garratt ο€₯ Mrs. Linda Garrison GartnerGroup Inc. Anjelica Gazzano ’97 β—† Jane Gazzola ’76 Mr. & Mrs. David Geffen Mr. Peter Hottenstein & Ms. Brooke Gelber β–  Ms. Zoe Ghazi β–  Patty Waters Ghilarducci ’56 ο€₯ ✝ Ms. Laurie Giesen β–  Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gilmartin β–  Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Ginsberg Louann Giorgi ’83 ο€₯ Carol Krausgrill Gissel ’66 ο€₯ Ms. Susan E. Gladwin Mr. Michael Glass ο€₯ Rev. Vanessa Glass ο€₯ Mr. Timothy Gnatek & Ms. Terry Egan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Goggins ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Goodman Ms. Nancy Goralski β–  Ms. Michal T. Goralsky & Ms. Ellen Cohen Joan Novak Gordon ’60 Ms. Jean M. Gorecki β–  Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grant ο€₯ Dr. & Mrs. Burton Greenberg Ms. Leanne Greentree Ms. Jennifer Grimes β–  Mr. & Mrs. John Grubb Ms. Marlene Gutierrez Ms. Amy Hale β–  Mel Hall ’70 Virginia Dolan Hall ’63 Virginia Giannini Hammerness ’50 ο€₯ Mr. Donovan K. Hamrick β–  Ms. Elizabeth A. Hancock ο€₯ Amy Harms ’96 Joanne Keig Harris ’50 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hartman Laurie Hartmann ’72 Maureen Hartmann ’59 Mary Hawkes ’70 Angele Lewis Hayashi ’66

Mary Hawkins Hayes ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Richmond B. Hazlehurst Mr. & Mrs. Nigel G. Heath Mrs. Liz Held β–  Anne Adams Helms ’52 Carolyn Sharon Heyder ’72 Marianne Nobmann Hitzemann ’75 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. King Hoagland Hoagland Family Foundation Laura Hofmeister ’69 Lynne Nelson Holden ’60 Helen Holden-Gladsky ’71 Mr. Richard Holland & Dr. Gisele Norris Lorna Holt ’91 Kate Abbott Horn ’71 ο€₯ Chloe Horner ’06 Mr. Terry Hoy β–  Ann Huber ’66 Lise Weissich Hudson ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Huffman β–  Martha Heard Hutchings ’67 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hutchinson Carol McCulloch Ingwersen ’58 ο€₯ Intel Corp. Kathleen Mahoney Jablonski ’65 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Brad L. Jackson ο€₯ β–  Terry Jackson ’71 Ms. Sally Jaeger β–  Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jessen β–  Ann Schwarz Johnson ’71 Ms. Claire A. Johnson Lynn Schmitz Johnson ’65 Patti Nicolai Johnstone ’70 Doris Joos ’94 ο€₯ Kaiser Permanente Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kaplan ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Ed Keaney β–  Judith Kehoe ’62 Ms. Suzanne Keith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Kelly β–  Dr. Thomas P. Kenefick Mr. Mirza Khan β–  Ms. Dana C. Kindig β–  Alannah Kinser ’69 Mrs. Robyn M. Klapperich ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Klein, Jr. ο€₯ Kathy Lee Knapp ’73 Ms. Bliss Kok Ms. Kirsten Korn Ms. Ann Krinitsky β–  Barbara Soper Kruger ’77 Michele Williams Kuchta ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kupka Kathern Hayden Kurutz ’70 Mr. Daniel Kushner & Rev. Lauren Ng Mr. Julian Kwasneski & Ms. Lisa Hilgers Mr. Daniel La Russo & Ms. Alison McGrath Kaitlyn Landers ’02 β—† Ms. Julie Lanzarin β–  Ms. Kathy Laughlin & Mr. Jeff Archer β–  Mr. & Mrs. Tony Lazzari Mr. & Mrs. Dan Leach Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leane Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey Lee Ms. Joanne Lee Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lee

Mr. Yuen Lee & Ms. Kristan Ruona Ms. Catherine LeFevre Mr. & Mrs. Jose Leon Padilla β–  Mr. Aran Levasseur β–  Levi Strauss Foundation Matching Gifts Dr. Brian Lewis & Dr. Bobbie Head Rev. Jack R. Lewis Mr. Jerry Liang & Ms. Tina Leung Jain O’Mara Light ’66 Mr. Michael Light Mary Susan Lilley ’65 Ms. Bunny Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Lindsay Martha Hamilton Lindstrom ’61 Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Liu Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lopez β–  Yvonne Lovell-Lawrence ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Reinhard Ludke β– 

Susan Shero Mather ’67 ] Mrs. Sue M. Mayhugh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McCallister ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. McCubbin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. McFadden Ms. Amy McIntosh β–  Mr. & Mrs. Brad McKeague ο€₯ β–  Mr. Dan McKee & Ms. Lori Shanoff Mrs. Veronica McKenna ο€₯ Natasha Smith McKeown ’87 β–  Laine McLaughlin ’66 Ms. Bonnie McMurry Margaret McPherson McNab ’75 ο€₯ Mr. Jeffery McPhail & Ms. Janet Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meckfessel Mary De Martini Mejia ’70 Mr. Michael J. Mello ο€₯ β– 

Mr. Richard Lynch & Mrs. Zuzelin Martin Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lyons ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Tim Maas Mr. Scott Mace Ms. Janis Machado Ms. Shannon Machado β–  Julia Howard Macy ’53 Mr. Jason Mainland & Ms. Priscilla Haag Kathleen Borla Mains ’61 Martha Davies Boyle Mangels ’52 Lexsea Mann ’00 Mr. Jeff Mann & Ms. Elisabeth Blackwell Ms. Kathryn Marshall β–  Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Martel β—† ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin

Mr. Robert Mesarchik & Dr. Kate Brennan Ms. Nancy Meyer β–  Robin Dinkelspiel Miller ’59 Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Miranda Ms. Tor Taylor & Ms. Laurie Monserrat Ms. Allison Moore β–  Mary Ann Dohn Moore ’71 Mr. & Mrs. John Moren β–  Mr. & Mrs. James W. Morris Stephanie O’Byrne Morris ’82 & Dr. Alan Morris β–  Ms. Meagan Motley β–  Carolyn Clifford Mowlds ’71 Mr. Harrison Moye β–  Ms. Joanna Mueller β–  Ms. Lauren Murphy β–  Dr. & Mrs. Prasad A. Murthy

2016-17 Annual Report



Symbol Key Denise Myers ’71 Barbara Bill Nannini ’53 Geraldine Solari Nathan ’56 Ms. Laura Neely β–  Network for Good Ms. Gayle Newman β–  Lorna Fung Ng ’83 ο€₯ Mr. Quang Nguyen & Ms. Phanica Uk Mr. Adam Noah & Dr. Melinda Scully Pierre Noah ’17 β—† Ms. Kim Nobella β–  Ms. Erin Noble β–  Carolyn Knox Noland ’71 Sister M. Brigid Noonan, O.P.

Mr. Wayne Norton Mrs. Teresa A. Notari β–  Mr. & Mrs. Stewart C. Noyce Catherine Oberto ’68 ο€₯ Colleen O’Brien ’71 Mr. Michael P. O’Brien Nancie Veit O’Connell ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Robin S. O’Connell Mrs. Haley O’Malley β–  Rosaleen Doyle O’Neill ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Chris O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Ott Ms. Tammy Ouellette β–  Alba Puente Overgard ’56 Mr. John Paczkowski & Ms. Jennifer Lopez Mr. & Mrs. John R. Paluska Mr. Don Panec & Ms. Susan Mansi Anyra Papsys ’88 Mr. William Richter & Ms. LeaAnne Parlette β–  Diane Johnston Paton ’53 ο€₯ Patricia and Mark Boitano Charitable Fund Virginia Brown Paulsen ’71 Bette Jane Pedroli-Crossley ’67 Olga Wiese Pereira ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Andres H. Perez Mr. & Mrs. David Perkinson Catherine Connor Peters ’69 Debra Peterson ’82 Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips β–  Ms. Amy Pillitteri β–  Mr. Frank Falkenburg & Ms. Kimberly Pinkson β–  Mrs. Ann Pogrel


San Domenico School

Marti Elvebak Porter ’71 Ms. Holly Posner β–  Carol Prince ’63 ο€₯ Barbara Jones Proft ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pulling Susan Rigsbee Purkart ’55 Robin Quigley ’47 ο€₯ Mary Bradley Quinlan ’70 Ms. Hannah Rahill ] Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Rainey Kelly Raitt ’78 Vinette Pennisi Ramsay ’70 ο€₯ Ms. Nancy Ramsey & Mr. Rusty Schwieckart

Random House LLC Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Raven Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ray ] Helen Greeley Recinos ’78 Mary Haynes Redick ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Reeser ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Revenko Libby Reyff ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reyff Stephanie Rice ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Richter ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Ris Alexandra Riveroll ’62 Mr. Daniel Roam & Ms. Isabelle Salvadori Joan Larkins Robertson ’74 ο€₯ Holly Greeff Robinson ’53 ο€₯ Patricia Lyons Robles ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Robley ο€₯ β–  Ann Rogers-Lafranchi ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rohner Christine Rossi ’69 Mr. Robert J. Rossi Lynn Greer Rovegno ’74 Mrs. Denise Y. Ryan ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ryan β–  Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rynbrandt Ms. Mary Salisbury Rhiannon Salter ’05 β–  Siobhan Samija ’86 ο€₯ Nicki Boss Sauer ’62 Cressey Wallace Sayre ’57 ο€₯ Mr. Tim G. Schmidt Katharine Tucker Schoellerman ’64 ο€₯ Ann Sciaroni Schultz ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Sven M. Schunemann Jill Schweizer ’71 Kelly Collins Scoles ’62 Lisa Wolcott Sebastian ’87 Mr. Ian Sethre & Ms. Jill Hoefgen β–  Mr. Matthew Shaffer & Ms. Lisa Anderson Shaffer Kimberly Shannon ’04 Stella Shao ’56 ο€₯ Mr. Eric R. Shapiro ο€₯ Laura Francine Shaw ’65 ο€₯ Caroline Menefee Sheahan ’71 Katharine Akers Sheehan ’72 Ms. Margaret Shimada Cornelia Sias ’66 Margaret Streich Sigley ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Skaggs ο€₯ β–  Mr. & Ms. Stephen Skartvedt Mr. James Skelton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sloan ο€₯ β–  Debby Kocher Smith ’68 Ms. Erica Smith β–  Mr. & Mrs. Greg Smith ο€₯ Sarah Ann Maleady Smith ’75 ο€₯ Maria Marsten Snideman ’90 SoCalGas Cri Cri Solak-Eastin ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Solomon Mr. Jared R. Spires β–  Margo Fairchild Stahl ’71 Mr. Kirk McLaughlin & Ms. Hilary Staples β–  Joan Stevens ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Eric Stover Ms. Karlyn M. Strand ο€₯ β–  Jennifer Lawrence Strohmaier ’68 Ms. Amy C. Strousse β–  Jakki O’Connor Tachiera ’72

Margaret Malley Taddeucci ’57 Maur Bettman Tavernetti ’70 Drs. John & Gabrielle Taylor ο€₯ β—† The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Patricia & Mark Boitano Charitable Fund The Jablonski Family Fund The Johnson Charitable Trust Kathy Futscher Theofel ’73 ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Thompson


u β– 




10 Year Society Member

(recognizing 10 or more consecutive years of giving)

Middle School Alumni Faculty | Staff Matching Gift Deceased

Tilda Muller Thompson ’64 Thea Thompson ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Timpson Deborah Lohse Tobin ’71 Suzanne Tollefson ’80 Mr. Christopher Townsend Kristin Gill Traylor ’66 Wanden Treanor ’73 Amanda Tredinnick ’01 β—† β–  Mr. Scott Tseckares & Ms. Penelope Hondrogen Mr. Thomas P. Tunny Ms. Anna C. Valadao Dr. Andrew Valla & Ms. Paula Glodowski-Valla Mr. & Mrs. Micah G. Van der Ryn Elizabeth McCabe Van Horn ’66 Sister Rosanne Van Housen ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee Kathryn Volovski ’15 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Volovski Barbara Lyle Wallace ’38 Jeanne Bailard Ware ’48 Ms. Laura Webb β–  Susan Clayworth Webb ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Webster Stephanie Wei ’86 ο€₯] Mr. Dirk A. Weiss ο€₯ β–  Ms. Allie Weissman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Wetherall Mr. & Mrs. David Whaley β–  Mr. & Mrs. John Whitman Lynn Lombardi Whittaker ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Wickwire Mr. Robert G. Wilhelm Mrs. Heather Williams Pamela Boyd Williams ’69 ο€₯ Sandra Fly Wong ’66 Ms. Logan Wood & Mr. Paul Brigham ο€₯ Mr. Mukesh Ojha & Mrs. Heather Wright Ojha β–  Terese McChrystal Wright ’47 Marilynn Breckenridge Yarborough ’64 ο€₯ Elsie Yau ’87 Ms. Carina Ybarra β–  Mr. & Mrs. Zein A. Yountchi Joanna Zhang ’17 Mr. Randy Zucker & Ms. Tamara Goldsmith Brenda Daly Zwiefelhofer ’65

Parent Giving

to the San Domenico Annual Fund Thank you to each of our donors and tireless volunteers. Special thanks to our indefatigable Parent Fund Co-Chairs, Kara Connors and Mike Miskovsky, and Annual Fund Class Captains. Gifts to the Annual Fund help close the gap between the costs covered by tuition and the experience San Domenico provides to its students.

Class of 2017

Diane Lang & Gregory Brown Mary & Todd Clyde Deborah Haase & Carson Cox Kim & Mark Dempster Monica & Michael Friedman Adelaide & Thibault Fulconis Leanne Greentree Linda & Chris Henn Deborah S. Herbert Kate Brennan & Robert Mesarchik Carolyn & Fernando Miranda

Lynn & Stewart Noyce Rhonda & Chris O’Reilly Vickie & Sean O’Reilly Louise & Lawson Owen Rachel & John Paluska Emager & Michael Pearce Babak S. Sani Maureen & Greg Smith Ann Aylwin & William Smith Christine & Eric Sohn Lisa & John Strain Matthew Strain Christopher Townsend Faaluga & Micah Van der Ryn Lijun & Peng Wang Li Ren & Baojun Wang David Wise

Class of 2020

Susan E. Gladwin Jana & Zachary Goodman

Anonymous Sjoukje & Eric Axelsen Dina Berman & Laura Greenwald Monica & Pablo Bizjack Lundy & Diane Campbell Jennifer Jerde & Daniel Castor Shino & Jeremy Cline

Robin & Vernon Huffman Catherine & John Kilroy Jill & Gregory Korst Lisa Hilgers & Julian Kwasneski Carrie & Frank Lewis Hongwei Li & Kui Duan Tina Leung & Jerry Liang Katherine & David Llodra Kate Brennan & Robert Mesarchik Nicole & Peter Mollison

Barry Price & Kim D’Arcy Elizabeth & Eric Dorfman Laura & Jeff Eberhard Mary Jean Espulgar-Rowe David Falkow Stacey & Brian Kaplan Linley & Peter Kaye Kimberli Brown & Bruce Keith Kirsten Korn Kristan Ruona & Yuen Lee

Nao Etsuki & Jeffrey Lee Catherine LeFevre Mia & Jeff Ludlow Kina & David Mandelbrot Janet Jennings & Jeffery McPhail Annie & George Morf Phanica Uk & Quang Nguyen Wayne Norton Lisa & Gregory Ott Jennifer Lopez & John Paczkowski Alex & Scott Ray Elisa & Michael Rohner Wendi Schenkler-Samway & Chris Samway Tim Schmidt Christina & Sven Schunemann Susan & Kevin Smead Betsy & Glenn Snyder Gabrielle & John Taylor Penelope Hondrogen & Scott Tseckares Anna C. Valadao Kara Weisiger & Robert Vallas Stacy Weiss Walden & Eugene Walden Alison & Dennis Wetherall Yan Chen & Quansheng Zhou

Class of 2018

Anonymous Allison & Thomas Brown Sharon & William Coffer Beth & Dan Gilmartin Lucienne & Robert Meckfessel Phanica Uk & Quang Nguyen Janine & Jerome Reid, Jr. Isabelle & Daniel Roam Christina & Sven Schunemann Lee Ann M. Wise Tamara Goldsmith & Randy Zucker

Class of 2019

Anonymous Genece Blackwell Caroline & Christopher Bland Diane & Jeffery Cerf Christine Christiansen Allison Clark Laura & Jeff Eberhard

Class of 2021

Anonymous Carolyn E. Alt Elizabeth & David Armstrong Jessica & Michael Berry Stacey E. Caen Christopher Caen Hilary Newsom & Geoffrey Callan

2016-17 Annual Report



Marguerite & Philip Clark Sherri Corker Trista & Tom Corker Kathryn Cunnyngham Germana Fabbri & Mason Day Cindy & Albert DeLima Susan & Ben Durham Valerie & Kevin Erdman London & Jay Fairborn Susanna & Matthew Fassberg Christina & Johnathan Fitzgibbons Evangeline & Peter Fugazzotto Kaitlyn Gallagher & Richard Dieterich Sahar & Andy Getsey Susan & Jay Ginwala Karla Griffin & Ramsey Masri Nadine Burke Harris & Arno Harris Brenda & William Hunsinger Ana & Mat Johnson Ulrike & Johann Koehne Kate & Scott McMillan Jodylee & James Meenaghan Kara Connors & Mike Miskovsky Annie & George Morf Carolyn & Richard Myhre

Adam Noah & Melinda Scully Laurie O’Hara Brenda & Patrick O’Neill Mary Jane Pasha Courtney & John Phillips Kelley & Matthew Podboy Hannah Rahill Shawn & George Reinhardt Nisha & Niraj Shah Maureen & Greg Smith Angie Schleicher & Anthony Spinale Theresa & Dave Sunding Jose Torres Ginger & Daniel Trimble Thomas P. Tunny Cleary & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee Carol & James Williams Holly & Faris Yamini

Class of 2022

Anonymous Jennifer & Roberto Balmaseda Valeria & Jonas Bernstein

Bridget & Robert Cooper Maria Coulson Young Deborah Haase & Carson Cox Suzanne & Chris Doerschlag Elizabeth & Eric Dorfman Sonya Evans & Antonio Daniel Christina & Johnathan Fitzgibbons Heather & Craig Flynn Kelly & Christopher Fogarty Maria & David Fortney Christine & Christopher Fruhauf Kaitlyn Gallagher & Richard Dieterich Elizabeth & James Gassel Dora & George Gavros Michael Glass Vanessa Glass Traci & Richard Goldman Stacie & Daniel Grant Diana & Sam Hagan Pauline Henderson Erika & Karl Hoagland Abby & John Hoffman Gisele Norris & Richard Holland Ann Kahn & Lee Hutchinson Claire A. Johnson

Lezley F. Blair Samantha & Gabriel Block Cindy & Richard Bollini Bruce & Allyn Campbell Edith Szendrey & Eugene Chukhlov Patti & Jeffrey Clark Shino & Jeremy Cline

We view our gift to the Annual Fund as an investment, not a β€œ donation. All of us who make a gift help the school to thrive–for our own children, as well as children who would not otherwise have access to a San Domenico education. A strong school that can help support great families is a worthy investment. - Kevin Keenley, dad to Abigail (8 ) and Callen (4 ) th

Amy & Gregory Jones Stacey & Brian Kaplan Linley & Peter Kaye Diane & Kevin Keenley Kimberli Brown & Bruce Keith Catherine & John Kilroy Sara & Andy Kurtzig Elizabeth & Jeffrey Leane Angela & Stephen Lee Karla Griffin & Ramsey Masri Heidi & Nick Masturzo Carol & Sheldon Matthys Mary & Christopher McFadden Mimi & Robin O’Connell Vickie & Sean O’Reilly Celeste & Andres Perez Heather & Matthew Ramsey Wendi Schenkler-Samway & Chris Samway Robyn & Martin Shore


San Domenico School

Kira & Charles Skomer Kelly & Eric Stover Laila Tarraf Seth Taube Angie Taube Cindy & Graham Weaver Laura & Jeffrey Woodhead

Holly & Faris Yamini

Class of 2023

Anonymous Elizabeth & David Armstrong Karen Stead Baigrie & James Baigrie Nadine & Christopher Berry



Margo Bradish Erika & Todd Chapman Maria Coulson Young Caroline & Warren Dowd Karen & Robert Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Jay Farrington Heather & Craig Flynn Sarah Christine & Gregg Foster Christine & Christopher Fruhauf Stephanie Goldsborough & Glen Galaich Dora & George Gavros Susan & Jay Ginwala Miki Goralsky & Ellie Cohen Koren & John Grubb Emily & Bruce Hanavan Jill Hoefgen & Ian Sethre Brenda & William Hunsinger Carrie & Jonathan Kaufman Lisa Hilgers & Julian Kwasneski

I appreciate SD’s exceptional β€œ I give because program and vibrancy. ” - Kristine Curwood, mom to Ruby Rose (5th)

Meg Sorota & Brian Lahart Nao Etsuki & Jeffrey Lee Angela & Jesse Liu Denise & Edmund Louie Emily & Peter Martin Gail & Tom McCallister Natasha K. McKeown Madhushree & Prasad Murthy Jennifer & Luke O’Byrne Mary Jane Pasha Courtney & John Phillips Shauna Gaus & Erik Pickering Devon & Fraser Preston Zuhra & Haydn Reiss Diane & Carl Shannon Bonnie & David Spitz Lindsey London & Erik Stocker Gary & Valerie Testa Cleary & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee Michelle & William White Belinda & Bradley Wickwire Tina & Gary Wolk

Angie Schleicher & Anthony Spinale Amanda & Andrew Sugarman Seth Taube Angie Taube Ananda & Jason Tavano Cindy & Graham Weaver Logan Wood & Paul Brigham Yanping Ye & Wei Wu

Class of 2025

Anonymous Amy & Drew Curby Kristine Werner Curwood & Matt Curwood Desiree & Rob DeNunzio Tara Evans-Boyce & Shane Boyce Kelly & Christopher Fogarty Elizabeth & James Gassel Brooke Gelber & Peter Hottenstein Emily & Bruce Hanavan

Class of 2024

Anonymous Rachel & Jonathan Aspatore Karen Stead Baigrie & James Baigrie Jessica & Michael Berry Rita & Barrett Brown Edith Szendrey & Eugene Chukhlov Michelle & Kevin Douglas London & Jay Fairborn David Falkow Suzanne & David Friend Adelaide & Thibault Fulconis Sandy & Christopher Gerner Jana & Zachary Goodman Yanchun Sui & Shizhong Han Danielle & Kevin Hansmeyer Shyla & Doug Hendrickson Gisele Norris & Richard Holland Ana & Mat Johnson Amy & Gregory Jones Stacey & Brian Kaplan Lauren Ng & Daniel Kushner Elizabeth & Christopher Lane Jodylee & James Meenaghan Mimi & Robin O’Connell JolΓ©nne & Bob O’Meara Vickie & Sean O’Reilly Courtney & John Phillips Kimberly & Jeff Qvale Kate & Jordan Reeser Julia & Willem Robberts Margaret & Scott Smith

Class of 2026

Bridget & Robert Cooper Heather & Arthur Davis Jana Eliasova Sonya Evans & Antonio Daniel Koren & John Grubb Pauline Henderson Erika & Karl Hoagland Carrie & Jonathan Kaufman Diane & Kevin Keenley Shannon & Jason Kirchner Sara & Andy Kurtzig Alison McGrath & Daniel La Russo Lori Shanoff & Dan McKee Lisa & Marino Monardi Adam Noah & Melinda Scully Jennifer & Luke O’Byrne Susan Mansi & Don Panec Sarah & David Perkinson Lindsey London & Erik Stocker Mindy & David Whaley Lisa & John Whitman Belinda & Bradley Wickwire Heather Wright Ojha & Mukesh Ojha

Class of 2027

Catherine & John Kilroy Angela & Jesse Liu Annie & George Morf LeaAnne A. Parlette & William Richter Celeste & Andres Perez Amy & Tom Phillips Devon & Fraser Preston Kimberly & Jeff Qvale Kira & Charles Skomer Hilary Staples & Kirk McLaughlin Paula Glodowski-Valla & Andrew Valla Tina & Gary Wolk Beth Flynn & Richard Wood

Anonymous Gillian Libbert & John Duncan Marla & William Fieser Jill Hoefgen & Ian Sethre Evgeniya Voronova & Igor Kalinichenko Sharon & Noah Klein Elizabeth & Christopher Lane Lisa & Marino Monardi Sarah & David Perkinson Carrie & Greg Robley Katie & Eric Ryan Diane & Carl Shannon Amanda & Andrew Sugarman Ananda & Jason Tavano Cindy & Graham Weaver Kelly & Aaron Weidner Tina & Gary Wolk Beth Flynn & Richard Wood

Class of 2028

Anonymous Bridget & Robert Cooper Desiree & Rob DeNunzio Suzanne & Chris Doerschlag Heather & Craig Flynn

Danielle & Kevin Hansmeyer Shyla & Doug Hendrickson Linley & Peter Kaye Sara & Andy Kurtzig Zuzelin & Richard Lynch Priscilla Haag & Jason Mainland Sara Wardell-Smith & Bruce Raabe Katie & Eric Ryan Parisa Sadeghian & Amir Sarreshtehdary Margaret & Scott Smith Alison Buist & David Sohn

Class of 2029

Carolyn E. Alt Bibi Ansari & Ramin Amirghassemkhany Anonymous Jason Bermak & Sarah Polfliet Rita & James Channon Mary & Mark Churchill Heather & Arthur Davis Oriana & Carter Edsall Tara Evans-Boyce & Shane Boyce Amy Salisbury & Edward Fowler Elizabeth & James Gassel Robin & Vernon Huffman Kory & David Johnston Sharon & Noah Klein Kate & Jordan Reeser Kristen & Gregory Rivers Lisa Anderson Shaffer & Matthew Shaffer Jennie & Chris Skelton Amanda & Andrew Sugarman Lisa & John Whitman

2016-17 Annual Report



Alumni Giving by Class Year

Thank you to our San Domenico alumni who demonstrated their loyalty to their alma mater with a gift to the Annual Fund in 2016-17. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. Class of ’38

Barbara Lyle Wallace ’38

Class of ’44

Sheila Doyle Kiernan ’44 Barbara Gillilan Ramer ’44

Class of ’45

June Renton Chambers ’45 Nancy Ottinger Coit ’45

Class of ’46

Mary Bos-Witschen ’46 Nancy Lagomarsino Farrar ’46

Class of ’47

Louise Carbone Colombatto ’47 ✝ Robin Quigley ’47 Terese McChrystal Wright ’47

Class of ’53

Julia Howard Macy ’53 Anne Baumgartner Morris ’53 Barbara Bill Nannini ’53 Nancie Veit O’Connell ’53 Diane Johnston Paton ’53 Holly Greeff Robinson ’53

Class of ’54

Gretchen Bach Austin ’54 Carol Franc Buck ’54 Joy DeBenedetti Purcell ’54

Class of ’55

Anna Theis Cureton ’55 Susan Rigsbee Purkart ’55

Class of ’56

Genelle Dollarhide Relfe ’49

Judith Riede Dawson ’56 Patty Waters Ghilarducci ’56 ✝ Geraldine Solari Nathan ’56 Alba Puente Overgard ’56 Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56 Stella Shao ’56 Lynn Lombardi Whittaker ’56

Class of ’50

Class of ’57

Class of ’48

Rosaleen Doyle O’Neill ’48 Jeanne Bailard Ware ’48

Class of ’49

Mary Helen Briscoe ’50 Susan Wheat Cony ’50 Lillian Machado Dickson ’50 Virginia Giannini Hammerness ’50 Joanne Keig Harris ’50 Virginia Stewart Jarvis ’50 Ann Rogers-Lafranchi ’50 Sister Rosanne Van Housen ’50

Class of ’51

Margaret Huneke Blaine ’51 Patricia Suhr Dawson ’51 Louise Lazarus de Vries ’51

Class of ’52

Marta Battha Beres ’52 Anne Adams Helms ’52 Martha Davies Boyle Mangels ’52


San Domenico School

Sandy Willard Denn ’57 Gabrielle Keil ’57 Mary Haynes Redick ’57 Cressey Wallace Sayre ’57 Margaret Malley Taddeucci ’57

Class of ’58

Janet Dalton Andersen ’58 Mary Jane Baird ’58 Diana Fong Chan ’58 Carol McCulloch Ingwersen ’58

Class of ’59

Maureen Hartmann ’59 Molly Keil Hynes ’59 Robin Dinkelspiel Miller ’59 Margaret Streich Sigley ’59

Class of ’60

Judith Boss Del Tredici ’60 Joan Novak Gordon ’60 Marilyn Pelissa Harris ’60 Lynne Nelson Holden ’60

Class of ’61

Kirby Atterbury ’61 Heidi Hickingbotham Cary ’61 Frances Walker Clark ’61 Katharine Hammond ’61 Susan Lang ’61 Marcie Noltner Leach ’61 Martha Hamilton Lindstrom ’61 Kathleen Borla Mains ’61

Class of ’62

Carolyn Wadleigh Ashby ’62 Marianne Petrini Bales ’62 Judith Kehoe ’62 Virginia Sturdevant Lyons ’62 Catharine Atterbury Newbury ’62 Alexandra Riveroll ’62 Nicki Boss Sauer ’62 Kelly Collins Scoles ’62

Class of ’63

Edith Allison ’63 Jean Novak Cattaneo ’63 Maureen Curtin-Evermann ’63 Maria Fasal Faulconer ’63 Virginia Dolan Hall ’63 Catherine Davis Marsten ’63 Carol Prince ’63 Barbara Hansen Reding ’63

Class of ’64

Elizabeth Bowe Anders ’64 Peggy Olson Conway ’64 Patricia Lyons Robles ’64 Katharine Tucker Schoellerman ’64 Tilda Muller Thompson ’64 Marilynn Breckenridge Yarborough ’64

Class of ’65

Caroline Beard ’65 Carolyn Campora ’65 Lauretta Del Curto ’65 Bridget Fahy Flint ’65 Susan McCarthy Fujita ’65 Kathleen Mahoney Jablonski ’65 Lynn Schmitz Johnson ’65 Mary Susan Lilley ’65 Laura Francine Shaw ’65 Brenda Daly Zwiefelhofer ’65

Class of ’66

Robin Mayrisch Andrae ’66 Susan De Berry Babb ’66 Toni Ransom Babcock ’66 Christine Schoenfeld Born ’66 Susan Jones Brooker ’66 Lillian Fong Carp ’66 Sally Edwards ’66 Muffie Pennisi Fendler ’66 Libby Byrne Flynn ’66 Carol Krausgrill Gissel ’66 Angele Lewis Hayashi ’66 Mary Hawkins Hayes ’66

Ann Huber ’66 Judith Owens Knight ’66 Nancy Donnell Lilly ’66 Bunny Lincoln ’66 Laine McLaughlin ’66 Marta Osterloh ’66 Stephanie Rice ’66 Ann Sciaroni Schultz ’66 Cornelia Sias ’66 Kristin Gill Traylor ’66 Elizabeth McCabe Van Horn ’66 Leslie Atterbury Wittkopp ’66 Sandra Fly Wong ’66

Class of ’67

Becky Sandkuhle Ashley ’67 Patti McCarthy Boitano ’67 Martha Heard Hutchings ’67 Melanie Jackson ’67 Marsue Cumming MacNicol ’67 Susan Shero Mather ’67 Mila Murphy ’67 Bette Jane Pedroli-Crossley ’67 Nancy Powell Tietz ’67

Class of ’68

Catherine Oberto ’68 Debby Kocher Smith ’68 Jennifer Lawrence Strohmaier ’68 Sam Streich Werback ’68

Class of ’69

Toni Farrell ’69 Laura Hofmeister ’69 Alannah Kinser ’69 Catherine Connor Peters ’69 Christine Rossi ’69 Pamela Boyd Williams ’69

Class of ’70

Anne Bolcom ’70 Mel Hall ’70 Mary Hawkes ’70 Patti Nicolai Johnstone ’70 Kathern Hayden Kurutz ’70 Mary De Martini Mejia ’70 Mary Bradley Quinlan ’70 Vinette Pennisi Ramsay ’70 Maur Bettman Tavernetti ’70

Class of ’71

Anne Mulligan Adams ’71 Annette Batson ’71 Catherine Carney Browning ’71 Trudi Mumford Costello ’71 Cyndi Kraljev Croff ’71 Antonia De La Guerra ’71 Terrie Di Gangi ’71 Debbie Dondero ’71 Nina Escudero-Bailey ’71 Patricia McColpin Giacomini ’71 Kathryn Bryan Hampton ’71 Katie Kelly Heath ’71 Helen Holden-Gladsky ’71 Kate Abbott Horn ’71 Lise Weissich Hudson ’71 Terry Jackson ’71 Ann Schwarz Johnson ’71 Bliss Kok ’71 Mary Ann Dohn Moore ’71

Carolyn Clifford Mowlds ’71 Denise Myers ’71 Carolyn Knox Noland ’71 Colleen O’Brien ’71 Mary Mariani O’Mara ’71 Virginia Brown Paulsen ’71 Marti Elvebak Porter ’71 Barbara Jones Proft ’71 Jill Schweizer ’71 Caroline Menefee Sheahan ’71 Amy Skewes-Cox ’71 Cri Cri Solak-Eastin ’71 Kathleen Alioto Spadaro ’71 Margo Fairchild Stahl ’71 Joan Stevens ’71 Deborah Lohse Tobin ’71

Class of ’72

Maura O’Connor Buller ’72 Kathryn Wilmarth Cruice ’72 Laurie Hartmann ’72 Carolyn Sharon Heyder ’72 Susan Hoeschler ’72 Barbara Dolter Hogan ’72 Olga Wiese Pereira ’72 Katharine Akers Sheehan ’72 Jakki O’Connor Tachiera ’72

Class of ’75

Suzanne Torre-Cross ’75 Alicia Dakin ’75 Lisa Fairchild ’75 Marianne Nobmann Hitzemann ’75 Hoonae Kim ’75 Kate Supple Klein ’75 Margaret McPherson McNab ’75 Liz Wilhelm Schott ’75 Sarah Ann Maleady Smith ’75 Susan Clayworth Webb ’75

Class of ’76

Tina Kalimos Dietz ’76 Margaret Farley ’76 Jane Gazzola ’76 Jodylee Travis Meenaghan ’76

Class of ’77

Courtney Benoist ’77 Carol Diamond ’77 Laurie Sweeney Doolittle ’77 Barbara Soper Kruger ’77 Yvonne Lovell-Lawrence ’77 Elizabeth Strebl Ochmanek ’77 Peckie Harris Peters ’77 Cecily O’Byrne Stock ’77

Class of ’78

Class of ’73

Alice Filmer ’73 Clarice Poirier Gargour ’73 Carol Jacobs-Courtz ’73 Kathy Lee Knapp ’73 Kathy Futscher Theofel ’73 Wanden Treanor ’73 Eve Gazzola Wertsch ’73

Page Mailliard ’78 Kelly Raitt ’78 Helen Greeley Recinos ’78

Class of ’79

Jean Bowler Lehmann ’79

Class of ’80

Class of ’74

Nicole Burkel ’74 Wendy Cole ’74 Anne Dinkelspiel ’74 Lynne Foster ’74 Joan Larkins Robertson ’74 Lynn Greer Rovegno ’74

Katherine Fung ’80 Louise Fleming Owen ’80 Suzanne Tollefson ’80

Class of ’81

Ruth Collins ’81 Theresa Collins Raabe ’81

Class of ’82

Denise Cain Anderson ’82 Joan Downs ’82 Michele Williams Kuchta ’82 Stephanie O’Byrne Morris ’82 Debra Peterson ’82

Class of ’83

Louann Giorgi ’83 Lorna Fung Ng ’83

Class of ’84

Marguerite Meuris Casillas ’84 Shawn Sweeney Copenhagen ’84 Ana Maria Iturralde-Vazquez ’84 Grace So ’84

Class of ’85

Jennifer Tomsic Bioche ’85 Mary Jane Pasha ’85 Amy Armstrong Phillips ’85 Laura Revenko ’85

Class of ’86

Siobhan Samija ’86 Stephanie Wei ’86

Class of ’87

Angela Macias Helgeson ’87 Natasha Smith McKeown ’87 Leslie Reese ’87 Liz Revenko ’87 Lisa Wolcott Sebastian ’87 Laura Stockstill ’87 Elsie Yau ’87

Class of ’88

Holly Creighton Kelly ’88 Catherine Bank Kilroy ’88 Anyra Papsys ’88 Thea Thompson ’88 Lisa Howey Wilson ’88

Class of ’89

Emager Lacy Pearce ’89

Class of ’90

Maria Marsten Snideman ’90

Class of ’91 Lorna Holt ’91

Class of ’93

Serena Campbell ’93

Class of ’94 Doris Joos ’94

Class of ’96 Amy Harms ’96

Class of ’01

Megan Amaral ’01

Class of ’04

Lauren Becker ’04 Kimberly Shannon ’04

Class of ’05

Rhiannon Salter ’05

Class of ’06

Sarah Gale ’06 Chloe Horner ’06

Class of ’07

Alyza Delpan-Monley ’07

Class of ’09

Natasha Dass ’09

Class of ’10

Melinda Borello ’10

Class of ’12 Libby Reyff ’12

Class of ’15

Kathryn Volovski ’15

A Salute to the Class of 1971 Thank you, Class of 1971, for your tremendous leadership in alumni giving! We wish to recognize the Class of 1971 for their impressive fundraising efforts during 2016, with their gift of nearly $17,000 to the San Domenico Fund, to celebrate their 45th

Class Contributors Anne Mulligan Adams Annette Batson Catherine Carney Browning Trudi Mumford Costello Cyndi Kraljev Croff Antonia De La Guerra Terrie Di Gangi

Debbie Dondero Terrie Di Gangi Nina Escudero-Bailey Patricia McColpin Giacomini Kathryn Bryan Hampton Katie Kelly Heath Helen Holden-Gladsky Kate Abbott Horn Lise Weissich Hudson Terry Jackson

Reunion year. Kathy Bryan Hampton ’71 conceptualized and spearheaded the efforts, and seeded a challenge match gift, inspiring the generosity of her classmates. Ann Schwarz Johnson Bliss Kok Mary Ann Dohn Moore Carolyn Clifford Mowlds Denise Myers Carolyn Knox Noland Colleen O’Brien Mary Mariani O’Mara Virginia Brown Paulsen

Marti Elvebak Porter Barbara Jones Proft Jill Schweizer Caroline Menefee Sheahan Amy Skewes-Cox Cri Cri Solak-Eastin Kathleen Alioto Spadaro Margo Fairchild Stahl Joan Stevens Deborah Lohse Tobin

2016-17 Annual Report



Did You Know? 673


student | teacher ratios K-5

inquisitive young SD minds




of San Domenico faculty hold advanced degrees



species found on our 515-acre campus during the Upper School Bio Blitz research project


rehearsal studios


seat concert hall San Domenico School





service-learning hours that SD students contribute annually

professional music faculty

$13M $



nights of boarding for day school students in grades 9-12


athletics teams


of the Class of 2017 were accepted into one of their top-choice colleges


students of color 2016-17 Annual Report



Foundation Giving Virtuoso Benefactor $1,500.00 +

Founded by Faith Y. France, the Virtuoso Program at San Domenico School celebrated its 40th year as the nation’s leading school-based training program for talented string musicians. Many of our graduates study at premier music conservatories and universities, thriving as active performers, supporters, and lifelong enthusiasts of the arts. The discipline and rigor of the program, led by an extraordinary faculty in a professional environment where students are living, learning, and practicing with other student musicians, provide an unparalleled musical education.

Mr. Bob Battersby Nancy Donnell Lilly ’66 ο€₯ Marin Music Chest, Inc. ο€₯ Ms. Vivienne E. Miller ο€₯ Betsy Wellington Scheuermann ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Tom H. Stone

Virtuoso Patron $500.00 +

Ruth Collins ’81 Mr. W. Kenneth Davis ο€₯ Ms. Faith Y. France Ms. Karen Minot & Mr. Aaron Hershman Mr. Sam Leffler & Cynthia Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Stuart D. Lum Marin Symphony Association Mr. Alan Markle Mrs. Ann Nilsson-Davis San Francisco Opera Guild Marin Chapter ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Alex Slenkin ο€₯ Ms. Melinda Wagner ο€₯

Virtuoso Sponsor $250.00 +

Conductor’s Circle $10,000.00 +

The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation William K. Bowes Jr. Foundation ο€₯

String Quartet League $5,000.00 +

Annenberg Foundation Carol Franc Buck ’54 ο€₯ Frank A. Campini Foundation ο€₯ Bernard Osher Foundation ο€₯


San Domenico School

Theresa Collins Raabe ’81 The Morris Stulsaft Foundation

da Camera Society $2,500.00 +

Anonymous Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56 ο€₯ Rose Creek Fund

Ms. Greta H. Chang Drs. Robert B. & Mary P. Coote ο€₯ Mrs. Joanne C. Dunn Ms. Patricia Elvebak Mrs. Marivi Fornos ο€₯ Dr. Richard E. Grant Shirley Allen Grant ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Humphreys Juniper Networks Foundation Fund Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klett Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kreissler ο€₯ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lin Ms. Lise Nieman Dr. Natalie O’Byrne Annie Roth ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tekiela The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Virtuoso Friend up to $249.00

Mrs. Barbara R. Adams Mr. Aavo Agur Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Angiulo Anonymous

Dr. Joanna M. Berg Gertrude Shepard Bloomer ’42 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Busnardo Ms. Constance Camamis Ms. Susan P. Dunlap Ms. Joan Emerson Mrs. Carol Felton ο€₯ Mr. & Ms. Douglas Francone Mrs. Sarah Fry Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Howell Evelyne Luest Kernis ’75 Mr. William Kerzie Aenea Keyes ’82 Kate Supple Klein ’75 Ms. Ann Krinitsky Mr. & Mrs. Jiin Lai Rev. Jack R. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Mardesich Ms. Marian Marsh Ms. Kathryn Marshall Ms. Maggie McDowell Mrs. Veronica McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Zaven Melikian Mr. Michael J. Mello Ms. Anna Mitchell & Mr. Alan Anderson Penny Nichols ’75 Mrs. Teresa A. Notari Mr. Don Panec & Ms. Susan Mansi Ms. Lisa Phillips Mirah Ray ’15 Mr. Sergei Riabtchenko Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Ris Mr. & Mrs. Art W. Rogers Alice Williams Schroder ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Sven M. Schunemann Mr. & Mrs. Bud Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Christoph Tietze Mrs. Ivy Z. Wellington Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Wells Mr. Andrew Witkowski Vita Yee ’94 Jimi & Sharon Yoloye Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Y. Yu

At San Domenico, foundation support provides critical funding needed for new projects, financial assistance, specific program funding, and improved facilities. We gratefully acknowledge those foundations that provided annual or restricted support during the 2016-17 fiscal year.

Annenberg Foundation Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough Foundation Frank A. Campini Foundation Christensen Family Foundation Community Foundation Sonoma County Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Marin Community Foundation Melmon Foundation Bernard Osher Foundation

Overlook International Foundation Repass-Rodgers Family Foundation Inc. San Francisco Foundation Stupski Foundation The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation The Isabel Allende Foundation The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation The Winston-Salem Foundation William K. Bowes Jr. Foundation

Matching Gifts Gifts to the San Domenico Annual Fund can be increased two or three times if the donor is affiliated with a company that participates in a matching gift program. Inquire with your company for more information about its community relations program. Please consult your company website or with your Human Resources coordinator. Adobe Systems Inc. ARES Operations LLC Autodesk, Inc. Charles Schwab Foundation Matching gifts Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation GartnerGroup Inc. Google Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Levi Strauss Foundation Matching Gifts LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program McGraw Hill Financial Matching Gift Program

PG&E Corporation Foundation Random House LLC - Champion Grants Symantec Corporation Matching Gift and Dollars for Doers Program The Walt Disney Company Foundation Travelers UBS Financial Visa Giving Station Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program William Blair & Co. LLC Williams-Sonoma Foundation

2016-17 Annual Report



Endowment and Special Gifts San Domenico’s endowment, held in trust and invested in perpetuity, generates operating revenue for the School each year. San Domenico endowed funds, made possible through the generosity of donors over the years, support teaching excellence, innovation in programming, and furthering student access to a San Domenico education.

Kathryn Bryan Hampton ’71 Mary Hawkes ’70 Virginia Stewart Jarvis ’50 Mrs. Nancy Kelleher Teresa Rybkowski Klatka ’85 Kaitlyn Landers ’02 Monica Loncola Emily Rowan Manning ’91 Marin Community Foundation Ms. Elyce E. Melmon Melmon Foundation Mrs. Linda Millerick Darby Auerbach Morris ’71 Mrs. Janet Pasha Mr. & Mrs. Zakir H. Qureshi Genelle Dollarhide Relfe ’49 Ann Sciaroni Schultz ’66 Fariba Massoudnia Thomas ’77 TIAA-CREF Trust Company Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Warner Ms. Linda Williams

Sister Maurice Scholarship Fund Ms. Mary Jayne Comey Mr. Steven Seffinger & Ms. Monica Esposito

The Faith Y. France Virtuoso Program Scholarship Endowed Fund Honoring Ms. Faith Y. France

Endowment Fund (Unrestricted)

Monahan Family Fund Honoring Faculty

Julie Davis Butler Fund

Sister Gervaise Scholarship Fund

Mrs. Jeanne Sciutti Capurro

Community Foundation, Sonoma County Maureen Curtin-Evermann ’63 Molly Keil Hynes ’59 Jeanne Poett Leonard ’59 Catherine Davis Marsten ’63 Ms. Judith G. Scotchmoor

Langendorf Fund for Financial Assistance The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation


San Domenico School

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Monahan

Mrs. Audrey Berry Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough Foundation Sarah Nicoud Burns ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Chase Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cummings Mr. & Mrs. George P. Dohrmann Diana Dorinson ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Dutton Libby Byrne Flynn ’66 Sister Barbara Green, O.P. Mrs. Diane Grialou

The Virginia Giannini Hammerness ’50 Virtuoso Scholarship Fund

Virginia Giannini Hammerness ’50

San Domenico Endowed Funds: Alumnae Scholarship Fund Antoinette Maleady Endowment Fund Honoring Faith Y. France Barlow Ferguson Scholarship Fund Beverly Haller Scholarship Fund Board Designated Endowment Buie Family Fund for Faculty Compensation Carol Franc Buck Endowed Scholarship for Virtuoso Program Students Christopher Allen Cook Scholarship Fund Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Endowment Fund Donnell Family Fund for Faculty Compensation Dornbush Family Fund for Faculty Compensation Douglas Family Fund for Faculty Dr. Jessica Shu-Wen Lin Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund - Faculty Compensation Endowment Fund - Financial Aid Endowment Fund (Unrestricted) ISOM Foundation VP Scholar Fund Jennifer Fornos Scholarship John E. & Helen K. Cahill Family Fund Julie Davis Butler Fund Katherine Kennedy Cookson Scholarship Fund Langendorf Fund for Financial Assistance Monahan Family Fund Honoring Faculty Raabe Family General Endowment Fund Richard and Elizabeth McKee Fund Sister Francis de Sales Scholarship Fund Sister Gervaise Scholarship Fund Sister Maurice Scholarship Fund Suzanne Spieker Beaver ’40 Scholarship Fund The Barbara Lee Packer ’64 Scholarship Fund The Dominican Sisters of San Rafael General Endowment Fund The Faith Y. France Virtuoso Program Scholarship Endowed Fund The Fisher Family Fund for the Visual Arts The Herbert M. Hanson Jr. Bequest Fund - Endowment Policy The Janet and Clint Reilly Family Fund at San Domenico The Jean Fox George Scholarship Fund The Joan and Michael Heffernan Family Scholarship Fund The Pasha Family Endowed Fund The Virginia Giannini Hammerness ’50 Virtuoso Scholarship Fund Virtuoso Program Endowment

Special Gifts: Faculty Professional Development Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Mike Chase Mr. & Mrs. Rob G. Lundgren Mr. & Mrs. Terry S. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. James Saunders Fariba Massoudnia Thomas ’77

Scholarship & Financial Aid Contributions Ms. Isabel Allende Mr. Nicolas Frias Allende & Ms. Lori Barra The Isabel Allende Foundation Mrs. Patricia Arrighi Mr. Joseph G. Bristow Mrs. Jeanne Sciutti Capurro Ms. Elaine L. Colombatto Mr. John J. Colombatto Mr. & Mrs. P. Richard Colombatto Dominican Sisters of San Rafael Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hultgren Mrs. Catherine Jackson Ms. Jane D. McClenahan Mr. Peter C. Newell Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Noonan Mrs. Nathalie Richardson San Francisco Foundation The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Jan Hickman West ’53

Program & Facilities Support Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bacchi Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Balmaseda Mr. Thomas F. Carlucci Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Cline Mrs. Jane S. Cobb Mr. Michael Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Goldman Gay Keil ’57 PowerSchool Repass-Rodgers Family Foundation Inc. Sally-Christine Rodgers ’74 Sarah Sanford ’85 Lisa Wolcott Sebastian ’87 Amy Skewes-Cox ’71 Dr. & Dr. Alexander Tagol

2016-17 Annual Report



St. Catherine of Siena Bequest Society The St. Catherine of Siena Bequest Society consists of individuals who have thoughtfully included San Domenico in their estate plans or wills. These gifts of forethought and generosity can take many forms, including bequests, living trusts, wills, and life income plans that name San Domenico as the beneficiary. We extend a very special thank you to these members of the St. Catherine of Siena Bequest Society for their ongoing commitment to the Dominican legacy. These individuals serve as an inspiration for others, understanding the importance of passing the legacy of caring from one generation to another. Kathleen Heffernan † The Charles D. and Frances K. Field Fund Emma Jane Riley Trust †

David and Maureen Rorick Trust † Saul Charitable Remainder Unitrust Mr. Aavo Agur Mr. and Mrs. Peter Altmann †

Mr. Charles E. Auerbach Mr. Thomas H. Bell † Mrs. Mildred Bissinger † Lynn Carrere ’54 Jane Phillips Chamberlain ’39 † Johanna Childhouse ’79 Sally Christian & Dr. Ronald Friedman Robin Cole ’72 Ms. Cathleen Collins Louise Carbone Colombatto ’47 † Ms. Mary Jayne Comey † Dr. Mark S. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Clair Davis † Judith Riede Dawson ’56 Sandy Willard Denn ’57 Christine Dohrmann ’69 Nancy O’Neil Donahue ’44 † Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dornbush Merrilee Gwerder Dowty ’58 Sally Edwards ’66 Leila Emadin ’81 Mrs. Mary Helen Fairchild † Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fillippone Ms. Faith Y. France Jean Fox George ’35 † Patty Waters Ghilarducci ’56 † Shirley Allen Grant ’68 † Lynn Gratonik ’64 Elizabeth Harris Hachman ’88 Beverly Stout Haller ’44† Mr. & Mrs. Herb Hanson† Edith Hofmeister ’83 Clare Bullitt Hokanson ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Humphreys

Molly Keil Hynes ’59 Terry Jackson ’71 Ms. Penelope L. Johnstone Gabrielle Keil ’57 Mrs. Nancy Kelleher Joy Zamoyski Koch ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kreissler Marcie Noltner Leach ’61 Patricia Lee ’88 Mary Susan Lilley ’65 Joan Aubertine Limnell ’47 Noel Noon Love ’47 Mr. & Mrs. Rob G. Lundgren Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Madden Catherine Davis Marsten ’63 Mrs. Leona F. McMonigle † Mr. Charles H. Merrill, Jr. † Barbara Toms Mills ’40 † Mr. & Mrs. Jeffory Morshead Mr. Vince Mueller Dr. Catherine M. Murphy Mrs. Jeanne Murphy † Mila Murphy ’67 Mrs. Kathryn B. Niggeman Marion Noone † Catherine Boyd O’Donnell ’37 † Diane Johnston Paton ’53 Virginia Brown Paulsen ’71 Eleanor Jacobs Piers ’42 † Madeleine Lefevre Powers ’38 Carol Prince ’63 Mary Ann Peck Reich ’55 Genelle Dollarhide Relfe ’49 Joan Smiley Shattuck ’59

Tribute & Memorial Mass Gifts

In Memory of Will Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Heffernan

In Memory of Marian Marie Berringer

All proceeds from the Tribute & Memorial Mass Program directly benefit the scholarship fund at San Domenico School. One Sunday each month for one full year the Community Mass on campus is offered for your specific requests and intentions–whether it be in honor or memory of a friend or family member –for marriage, anniversary, bereavement, birthday, baptism, illness, or special intention.

In Honor of Sister Marie Sagues, O.P. Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56

Sr. M. Bernadette Wombacher, O.P.

In Memory of Sally & Bruce Shafter

In Memory of Jean Pope Carlsmith ’50

In Memory of Paula Sonnenberg

Phoebe Dohrmann Farnam ’50

In Memory of Louise Carbone Colombatto ’47 Mr. Joseph G. Bristow Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hultgren Mrs. Catherine Jackson Ms. Jane D. McClenahan Mrs. Nathalie Richardson

Mrs. Nancy Kelleher

Paula Weaver McGrath ’72 Mrs. Leola Weaver

In Honor of Cecily O’Byrne Stock ’77

Dominican Sisters of San Rafael

In Honor of Sylvia Volpi Catherine Oberto ’68

In Memory of Sister M. Samuel Conlan, O.P.

In Memory of Darrell Lee Washington

In Honor of Faith France

In Memory of Gloria Washington

Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56

Rev. Jack R. Lewis Betty-Jo Charlton Ravitz ’56

Sister M. Annette Sheaffer, O.P.

Sister M. Annette Sheaffer, O.P.

In Memory of Patty Waters Ghilarducci ’56 Dominican Sisters of San Rafael

In Memory of Shirley Allen Grant ’68 Dr. Richard E. Grant

In Memory of Jessica Lin Vita Yee ’94

In Memory of Richard Madden Genelle Dollarhide Relfe ’49

Leaving a Meaningful Legacy

In Memory of Mary Oberto

β€œI believe a great education, like the kind I received at San Domenico during my high school years, is the bedrock of a person’s life,” said Christine Dohrmann ’69 when writing to Sister Gervaise to explain why she chose to include San Domenico in her estate planning. β€œMy four years at SD made a defining impact on my life in that I was able to approach with confidence and curiosity the academic challenges I encountered at U.C. Berkeley. Both of these educational experiences opened doors to


San Domenico School

me that I never could have imagined. I am therefore grateful to be able to β€˜pay it forward’ and support students of the future who are in need of financial aid in order to attend and flourish at San Domenico.”

Catherine Oberto ’68

Alumni who include San Domenico in their wills are continuing the meaningful legacy of learning for future generations of SD students and for that, we are most grateful.

In Memory of Margit Battha Ritchie ’50

In Memory of Gino Reinhart Dr. Natalie O’Byrne

In Memory of Hugo Rinaldi Mr. Michael J. Mello

Phoebe Dohrmann Farnam ’50

In Memory of Haydee Rolin Kathleen Alioto Spadaro ’71

2016-17 Annual Report



2017 PSA Gala Casino Royale

We are grateful to our parents, friends, sponsors, and underwriters who contributed to the success of the 2017 Gala. Together, more than $300,000 was raised for San Domenico School. Thank you to our fabulous event co-chairs, Bridget Cooper and Karen Duncan, for all of the time, creativity, and energy they devoted to make the event such a great success. Alison McGrath & Daniel La Russo Karla Griffin & Ramsey Masri Jodylee Travis Meenaghan ’76 Lynn & Stewart Noyce Rhonda & Chris O’Reilly Peckie Harris Peters ’77 Devon & Fraser Preston Betsy & Glenn Snyder Alison Buist & David Sohn Noellette Tangtrongsakdi Anna C. Valadao Paula Glodowski-Valla & Andrew Valla Beth Flynn & Richard Wood

Kesterson Field – 2017 Fund A Need 2017 Gala Sponsors & Underwriters Able Engineering Services Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Community Counselling Service Co., LLC First Republic Bank Lightning Services, Inc. Marin Country Mart, LLC Sonja & Benjamin Bailey Jennifer & Roberto Balmaseda Cindy & Richard Bollini Ruth Collins ’81 Bridget & Robert Cooper Heather & Arthur Davis Karen & Robert Duncan Valerie & Kevin Erdman Traci & Richard Goldman Stacie & Daniel Grant Danielle & Kevin Hansmeyer Angela & Chris Hart Kari Heiman & Scott Henderson Linley & Peter Kaye


San Domenico School

Lauren & Stephen Adams Sister Susan Allbritton, O.P. Karen Stead Baigrie & James Baigrie Jennifer & Roberto Balmaseda Jason Bermak & Sarah Polfliet Sherri Bihn Caroline & Christopher Bland Cindy & Richard Bollini Mary & Jim Buie Lundy & Diane Campbell Bruce & Allyn Campbell Jeanne Sciutti Capurro Heidi Hickingbotham Cary ’61 Shino & Jeremy Cline Ruth Collins ’81 Bridget & Robert Cooper Sherri Corker Tracy & Howard Cummings Kristine Werner Curwood & Matt Curwood Heather & Arthur Davis Sister Margaret Diener, O.P. Elizabeth & Eric Dorfman Gillian Libbert & John Duncan

Karen & Robert Duncan Oriana & Carter Edsall Jana Eliasova Jenny & Jay Farrington Heather & Craig Flynn Kelly & Christopher Fogarty Sarah Christine & Gregg Foster Suzanne & David Friend Stephanie Goldsborough & Glen Galaich Emily Garlock Elizabeth & James Gassel Liz Gilmartin Susan & Jay Ginwala Traci & Richard Goldman Stacie & Daniel Grant Julie Ansara & Andy Greenberg Jennifer & Graham Guest Diana & Sam Hagan Emily Dolan & Bruce Hanavan Jane & Mike Hartman Anna Heidinger Liz Held Kari Heiman & Scott Henderson Lisa & Jeff Hines Abby & John Hoffman Linley & Peter Kaye Kimberli Brown & Bruce Keith Catherine & John Kilroy Shannon & Jason Kirchner Jill & Gregory Korst Sara & Andy Kurtzig Elizabeth & Christopher Lane Nao Etsuki & Jeffrey Lee Tina Leung & Jerry Liang Zuzelin & Richard Lynch Karla Griffin & Ramsey Masri Carol & Sheldon Matthys Janet Jennings & Jeffery McPhail Jodylee & James Meenaghan Lisa & Marino Monardi Genevieve Marvel & Tyler Olbres Rhonda & Chris O’Reilly Vickie & Sean O’Reilly Lisa & Gregory Ott Louise & Lawson Owen Susan Mansi & Don Panec Megan & Michael Papay Mary Jane Pasha ’85 Emager & Michael Pearce Peckie Harris Peters ’77 Sara Wardell-Smith & Bruce Raabe Alex & Scott Ray Kate & Jordan Reeser Janet & Clinton Reilly Kristen & Gregory Rivers Julia & Willem Robberts Parisa Sadeghian & Amir Sarreshtehdary Kristin & Jason Schlesinger Amy Skewes-Cox ’71 Susan & Kevin Smead

Maureen & Greg Smith Betsy & Glenn Snyder Alison Buist & David Sohn Joanne Kesterson Stevenson ’62 Cecily O’Byrne Stock ’77 Lindsay London & Erik Stocker Amanda & Andrew Sugarman Noellette Tangtrongsakdi Seth Taube Dan & Kathleen Toney Ginger & Daniel Trimble Penelope Hondrogen & Scott Tseckares Katie & Jason Tuttle Sister Gervaise Valpey, O.P. Stacy Weiss Walden & Eugene Walden Cindy & Graham Weaver Lisa & John Whitman David Wise Beth Flynn & Richard Wood Laura & Jeffrey Woodhead Heather Wright Ojha & Mukesh Ojha Luyi Zhang & Yingqi Zhou Symantec Corporation Matching Gift and Dollars for Doers Program - Champion Grants

2017 Gifts in Kind Businesses

Alex’s Dry Cleaning Valet All-Outdoors California Whitewater Rafting AP Luxe Salon Ascend Body Asian Art Museum At the Top Salon Band Works School of Rock Berkeley Rep Beyond the Bottles Book Passage Buena Vista Winery bug-a-lugz Cafe Del Soul California Academy of Sciences California Film Institute Camp K-9 of Marin Central Marin Police Authority Cline Cellars College Prep Marin Comforts Cooper Alley Salon Covenant Winery CycleBar Novato Demo Sport di Pietro Todd Dig Your Garden DJ Chinese Cuisine Dollface Beauty

Education Unlimited Exploratorium Far Niente Winery Galileo Innovation Camps for Kids Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District Greenplay Haney Orthodontics Hearst Castle Hilton Garden Inn Napa Honig Vineyard & Winery HotShot Portraits, LLC I Made It! Glass Creations In-N-Out Burger Inner Image Aesthetics Joshua Ets-Hokin Photography Judy Domenici Image Consultant Katja Tamara Kay Hendricks, Piano Instructor Kenefick Ranch Winery Kentfield Fitness Klappcakes Law Office of Brendan P. Brewer Liam Mayclem Benefit Auctions LinkedIn Literary Masters Loch Lomond Family Dental Ludwig’s Liquor & Smoke Shop Lydia Brown Designs Maisonry Margaret O’Leary Marin Brewing Company Marin Country Mart, LLC Marin MMA Marin Shakespeare Co. Marin Symphony Association Marin YMCA Marinitas Mary Small Photography Mathnasium Mathnasium of San Anselmo McCall River Ranch McInnis Park Golf Center MEGA Gymnastics Michael David Winery Milvali Morton & Bassett Spices Mountain Camp Woodside Moylan’s Brewing Company Mt. Tam Laser and Skin Care Mulberry Street Pizzeria North Block Hotel Nothing Bundt Cakes Novato Pediatric Dentistry Paintball Jungle Peggy Parks Photography Peju Province Winery Pelo Cycling & Fitness Center Planet Granite PlumpJack Group Presidio Bowling Center Ram’s Gate Winery Red and White Fleet Red Dragon Yoga Rent-a-Parent Personnel Restoration Hardware Rising Sun Automotive

Ross Valley Players San Francisco Giants San Francisco Wine Group San Rafael Pacifics Saylor’s Restaurant and Bar Seatrek Sherri’s Champagne Shineology Car Washes Skin Spirit Sol Food Sonoma Raceway Sorella Caffe SoulCycle Marin Sproos Stapleton Ballet The Coffee Roastery The Crucible The Dailey Method The Half Day Cafe The Kleid Design Group The Magic Flute The Marine Mammal Center The Melting Pot

Joanna M. Berg Amy & Mark Blake Caroline & Christopher Bland Cindy & Richard Bollini Melinda Borello ’10 Julianne T. Bretan Allison & Thomas Brown Mary & Jim Buie Jennifer Jerde & Daniel Castor Bridget Chang ’04 Mary & Mark Churchill Patti & Jeffrey Clark Doree Clark Shino & Jeremy Cline Neely Mack-Colmant & Philippe Colmant Bridget & Robert Cooper Sherri Corker Kristine Werner Curwood & Matt Curwood John M. Daniel Heather & Arthur Davis Cindy & Albert DeLima

Thomas Fallon Photography Three Twins Ice Cream Urban Putt UrbanSitter USS Hornet Museum VJB Vineyards & Cellars Wholeself Health Wink Optics

Alice Della Santina Kim & Mark Dempster Dianne & Robert Dornbush Michelle & Kevin Douglas Karen & Robert Duncan Tara Evans-Boyce ’90 Janet & Scott Fletcher Shelley Flint Heather & Craig Flynn Kelly & Christopher Fogarty Emma Forrest Michael Fulton Elizabeth & James Gassel Brooke Gelber & Peter Hottenstein Beth & Dan Gilmartin Traci & Richard Goldman Jana & Zachary Goodman Nancy Goralski Jennifer Grimes


Mary Altshuler Bibi Ansari & Ramin Amirghassemkhany Meredith & Joseph Arsenio Nicole Artiga-Purcell Sjoukje & Eric Axelsen Dan Babior & Lucy Puls Sonja & Benjamin Bailey Jennifer & Roberto Balmaseda

Diana & Sam Hagan Amy Hale Angela & Chris Hart Shyla & Doug Hendrickson Lisa & Jeff Hines Helen Holden-Gladsky ’71 Ryan Hopper Wendy & Robert Jessen Camille B. Johnson Ana & Mat Johnson Catherine & John Kilroy Shannon & Jason Kirchner Jerry Kohler Sara & Andy Kurtzig Jamie A. Kurtzig Lauren Ng & Daniel Kushner Evelyn Lam Elizabeth & Christopher Lane Alan Markle Karla Griffin & Ramsey Masri Heidi & Nick Masturzo Mary & Christopher McFadden Natasha Smith McKeown ’87 Kate & Scott McMillan Evelyn & John Moren Joanna Mueller Lauren Murphy Erick Northroup Jennifer & Luke O’Byrne Louise & Lawson Owen Linda Palermo Susan Mansi & Don Panec Megan & Michael Papay Peckie Harris Peters ’77 Sara Wardell-Smith & Bruce Raabe Janet & Clinton Reilly Zuhra & Haydn Reiss Julia & Willem Robberts Parisa Sadeghian & Amir Sarreshtehdary Kristin & Jason Schlesinger Jill Hoefgen & Ian Sethre Erin & Judd Sher Robyn & Martin Shore Jeff Skaggs Amy Skewes-Cox ’71 Mike & Sue Sloan Margaret & Scott Smith Betsy & Glenn Snyder Alison Buist & David Sohn Christine & Eric Sohn Lindsay London & Erik Stocker Karlyn M. Strand Amanda & Andrew Sugarman Theresa & Dave Sunding Seth Taube Ananda & Jason Tavano Karen & John Taylor Dan & Kathleen Toney Katie & Jason Tuttle Paula Glodowski-Valla & Andrew Valla Matt Walrath Cindy & Graham Weaver Laura Webb Mindy & David Whaley Tina & Gary Wolk Beth Flynn & Richard Wood Yi Jiang & Lehong Xiang Tamara Goldsmith & Randy Zucker

2016-17 Annual Report




1500 Butterfield Road, San Anselmo, CA 94960

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