School Ties

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ALUMNI NEWS Q & A with Jian “Ray” Qin ’19 benefited so much from these two subjects in my professional development, as well as personal growth. Mathematics and computer science is not just rocket science or quantum physics. Modern finance relies heavily on computer science and mathematics. Modern cognitive science is one of the

Jian (Ray) Qin joined San Domenico as a boarding student in the inaugural coed class of 2019. During his four years at SD, he was a model of leadership, in its truest spirit. Embracing new friends, trying new sports, and sharing personal stories with strength and vulnerability, Ray inspired his fellow students, faculty, and staff. He is currently studying at UC San Diego, double-majoring in Mathematics–Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. Recently, we had a chance to catch up with Ray and get his perspective on the state of STEAM. Q. Why do you cite computer science and mathematics as the foundation for everything these days? A. Computer science and programming language is really a global and universal language, like English. People all over the world understand it and there is no way to not come across it if you work in any STEAM field. Mathematics is the foundation of engineering and technology. From my experience, I have


leading industries in machine learning. Modern art involves many computational tools. When I say computer science and mathematics are really the foundation for everything these days, I mean you would be a better philosopher if you know these two subjects well. Seriously. Q. What inspired you to choose UCSD and the double major? A. UCSD has a large student population and is very strong across multiple fields, both of which were attractive to me. I am fortunate to go to a college that has a lot of resources in fields that I am interested in. I first started out in mechanical engineering and became very interested in engineering software. That passion led me to double-major in mathematics and computer science.

Q. What did you learn at San Domenico — both as a student and as a community member — that has helped you in college thus far? A. At SD I learned that the more you give to your community, the more you get back from it. Likewise, the more you get from your community, the more you should give it. College is a large space and there are so many opportunities and possibilities. The way you remember it in the future will depend exclusively on how you engage with the community while you are here. Q. Have you had any interesting internships or jobs since graduating from San Domenico? A. I have been an instructional assistant at UCSD for more than a year and have assisted in multiple courses, from linear circuits to solid mechanics, engineering graphics and design, etc. These are very enriching opportunities for me. I had a data analysis internship with the Qualcomm Institute and am currently doing an internship with MEDsmart Inc., a San Diego business, focusing on a smart inventory system. I am responsible for analyzing historical data for future prediction, and we are just in time for ordering systems to automate the refill processes in clinics. Just this morning, I finished my last round of interviews and landed a summer internship with a software development company, This is an exciting day for me.

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