The AP and Honors Advantage

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San Domenico School Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors Courses As a college preparatory school that values innovation, excellence in education, and the social and emotional well-being of our students, San Domenico and our leadership team have carefully considered both the potential advantages and possible drawbacks of AP classes. We maintain a commitment to redefining the metrics of achievement to include purpose and meaning, not just college placement. We also believe that AP and Honors coursework can be a valuable addition

SD students are not only enrolling in AP classes—they are excelling. On average,

⅔ of our students earn a 4 or 5 on AP exams, with the most common score— and highest possible score—being a 5.

93% of San Domenico students pass AP exams. California’s average pass rate is 45% and the national average is 60%.

to the academic course of study for many of

We have seen a 65% enrollment increase

our students. We hope that the following

in the AP courses offered over the past five

information will help to answer your

years at SD, in no small part because of the

questions so you find the right educational

reports we receive from alumni on how AP

path for you, your learning style, your

and Honors courses helped them.

goals, and your family. Many colleges and universities allow you to apply for higher class placement after doing well in AP classes. For some students, this means saving money by entering college as a sophomore; for others it is the opportunity to more quickly delve into

areas of interest and take a wider range of college coursework. We are not just preparing students to be accepted into college, but also, to succeed

in college by having the skills, the ability, and the courage to embrace challenge.


MYTH AP classes are not progressive, do not engage students in “deep learning,” only teach to the test, and are not as valuable as other types of honors classes.

which are part of the breadth requirement at

most universities

“My AP classes were some of the most exhilarating classes I took during high school and the teachers were some of the most inspiring,” says Kwan L. ’19. “They also made me feel ready to take on classes at UC Berkeley with excited confidence rather than nerves.” We know that succeeding with college curriculum and securing a rewarding job in a quickly changing world requires a strong skill set to synthesize large amounts of information and distill critical points. When taught well, AP classes can help prepare young people with these skills.

May result in “advanced standing” allowing you to register for courses early

Our AP teachers do not “teach to a test,” however, they do teach to a standard. It is a standard that asks students to dig deep academically, to think outside the box, and to delve into content that challenges and inspires them. The curriculum covered in our AP classes mirrors the course work found in introductory college courses, and provides a level of rigor that many of our students desire. And while these courses are indeed rigorous, our students continually report how much they enjoy the freedom to explore content on a deeper level while being supported and encouraged by their teachers. They feel prepared to manage a breadth of material and appreciate that teachers find ways to teach both experientially and creatively. Rather than “a march to the test” approach, students appreciate that classes incorporate field work, field trips, music, poetry, digital and visual art, collaborative group projects, and more! SD’s small class sizes, the 80-minute block schedule, and our extensive campus–sometimes referred to as a living laboratory–provide the ideal backdrop for students to experience the depth, innovation, breadth, and a pace typically associated with APs.

Prepare you for introductory survey courses

Allow you to waive out of some introductory

courses which then opens up your schedule to

take more interesting courses

Qualify you for special programs such as peer tutoring

Allow you to engage in an extra internship,

have more options to study abroad, or even

graduate early

AP and Honors courses can increase a student’s

chances of being accepted into a preferred college

or university, boost their GPA

MYTH Most colleges don’t give you credit for AP classes. AP classes are designed to resemble introductory college courses, and more than 4,200 colleges and universities give credit for passing scores on AP tests. In their college planning, we encourage students to search the AP Credit Policy at the schools to which they are applying. Harvard accepted 8,000 AP exams in their incoming freshman class, UNC-Chapel Hill accepted 13,000 AP exams, and UC Berkeley accepted 20,000 AP exams. These schools want to know that incoming freshmen are prepared to thrive in college-level classes and they know that students who can manage AP and Honors level classes in high school are equipped with the tools for success as freshmen in college.

MYTH AP classes are stressful and part of the “race to nowhere.” It is true that AP and Honors classes are not for everyone. They are rigorous and challenging, and that is why they are called advanced. Before SD students are accepted into AP and Honors classes they work with their teachers, mentors, and college counselor to select the appropriate classes to help them meet their future goals; sometimes that includes AP and Honors classes and sometimes it does not. The goal is always finding the balance of right-fit and appropriate challenge, and for many students, a few well-chosen AP courses can be part of a well-rounded high school education and can give them enhanced opportunities once they enter college.

Ultimately, while AP and Honors coursework certainly prepares students for college, we believe that the passion that is ignited and the life skills that are gleaned are the most compelling reasons to offer these classes. We’re proud that at SD, AP and Honors classes are not only manageable, but also fun, dynamic, and engaging opportunities for students to grow and learn!

Which AP and Honors classes are offered at San Domenico? At SD, we are proud to offer 28 AP and Honors classes for students in our high school program. For interested students, these are rich opportunities to develop superb literacy, inquiry, and presentation skills. The following AP and Honors classes are offered at SD:


The four AP classes I took at SD allowed me to have more college credits than other students. Since registration is prioritized by unit number, I was always able to register for classes earlier

ENGLISH ● AP English Literature and Composition ● AP English Language and Composition ● English 10 Honors

than my peers, and get the classes that I

MATH ● PreCalculus Honors ● AP Calculus (AB) ● AP Calculus (BC) ● AP Statistics ● Multivariable Calculus

waive out of some required classes. Taking AP

wanted. It also helped me to fulfill my double degree requirement (150 units) faster, and Lit also qualified me for a job as a high school English tutor at Loyola Marymount’s Upward Bound program.

SCIENCE ● AP Computer Science Principles ● AP Computer Science A ● Chemistry Honors ● AP Chemistry ● AP Biology ● AP Environmental Science ● AP Physics C: Mechanics ● AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism ● AP Psychology

-YINING W. ’14

SOCIAL STUDIES ● AP United States History ● AP Human Geography ● AP Macroeconomics ● AP Microeconomics

For more information on course guidance or AP or Honors classes at SD, please contact Dean of Academics, Caitlin Clark at or 415.258.1990 x1893

I particularly loved the strong connections with my AP teachers at San Domenico. They were the hardest classes I took but it was worth it because it allowed me to then study abroad for six months as part of my college experience, without worrying if the classes I took while

abroad would transfer.

THE ARTS ● AP Music Theory ● Theater Honors ● AP 2-D Art and Design ● AP 3-D Art and Design LANGUAGES ● AP Chinese Language and Culture ● AP Spanish Language and Culture ● Advanced Seminar in Spanish

-ERIN W. ’15

AP Spanish got me out of the language requirement at University of Michigan all

together. This freed up a large amount of Our son’s AP credits earned at San Domenico

time and space in my schedule so I had more

meant he was classified as a sophomore in his

room to take classes I was interested in, with

first semester at UC Berkeley. Because of his

professors I wanted. Reflecting on some of my

credits, he was able to bypass freshman survey

favorite projects in my AP classes, I have to say

classes and take upper level courses in his areas

that I loved Ms. Evans’s final project where we

of interest, with a lot more flexibility and range

had creative freedom and I got to bake a cake

in his choices.

to discuss The Hours!


-EVELYN W. ’17

Exceptional Education and a Sense of Purpose





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