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Sandra Flores Velázquez :: 8 / Enero / 1986 8 norte 2613 Barrio de Jesús Tlatempa :: San Pedro Cholula. Puebla. Mexico. Tel: 52 222 2473416 :: Cel: +52 222 2075276 :: arq.sandrafv@gmail.com https:// asresearchfv.wixsite.com/asandrafv :: @asandrafv
2004- 2009 BACH Bachelor in Architecture Universidad de las Américas Puebla. 9.2 2012- 2016. MA Master in Antrhopological studies of México. UDLAP 9.0 2008 Social service, Participation in colection of books Colección de arquitectura religiosa, chapther: San Martín Huaquechula, San Andrés Calpan. editado FUDLAP.
Awards and Honours
Courses - MOOCs
Academic research
2007- 3th place. Price of Sketch 07, GVA . National. 2007- Honorific mention. XII Congreso Internacional sobre Conservación de Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Edificado Iberoamericano, “Las normas de Quito” 2009- Selection as represent of UDLAP member in ENEA XXI . 2010- 1th place. Nacional context of video and photography at The World Bank in México at the essay cathegory with the theme of Eco-poor comunity. Eco towns in generetion of the benefit cicle in marginal zones. TechniCity. The Ohio State University. Cities are back in town, urban sociology for a globalizing urban world Ciencias Políticas Paris. Social Entrepreneurship. University of Pensilvania. Exploring Humans’ Space. École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Livable Future Cities. Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Global Environmental Management. Technical University od Denmark (DTU) Methods and Statistics in Social Sciences. Especialization. University of Amsterdam. Designing Cities. University of Pensilvania. Classical Sociological Theory. University of Amsterdam. Management of Urban Infrestructure. EPFL Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies. University Boccon Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art. Museo de Arte Moderno Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender. University of Melbourne. Contemporary Scandinavian Film and Television Culture. University of Copenhage Introduction to Public Speaking. University of Washington Chinese for Beginners. Pekín University Biofractal strategy is a tool for desig activity. This are constitute by tow branches, biological development and fractal geometry, these discipline generate a cicle of design that are recursive and continium for ceate Biofractal structures. Benefit cicle Is a synergy of activities with a beneficial effect in ‘Tepontla’. The phenomenon is fueled by illegal deforestation and marginalized settlements, this is caused risk in the zone and we can propose a benefit cycle. We can generate eco-architecture and friendly strategies, for the reduction of resources explotation, in consecuence less marginalization.
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Profesional Internships ACROSA August 2007 - June 2008. OJTAT May -September 2009 Participation at PSV Puebla Sistema Verde, and it is about of reactivation of public space and design of bamboo furniture and other structures. Assistant Professor FUDLAP: May - November 2010 and August 2013- Actually. I can teach in some classes of university, the participation represent the knowledge that is moving to others minds, where the architecture is structured by social activity too. Under direction of Mtro.José Luis Jaspeado, Dr. Nicolas Lopez Tamayo y Mtro. Horacio Cinto. Architect 2011 November :mod.h house of architectureand and design, is a place to research and spread the architectonic and design strategies, by conferences (Urban rituals space, Kneading Ideas, Entretejido) the important to work with craft techniques, ethnic regions, and the integration of the same in the current design, as detonator strategy for various people. 2016 - Founder of Fundación Miscellanea, in favor of art for everything.
Awards and Honours
Talks & workshop
2013- Fellowship congress: Un millon de jóvenes por México 1MJXM (one million of young people for Mexico) 2014- Fellowship congress: Paralelo 9MX, Cultural gestor and creative entrepreneurship. 2015 National Finalist (last 25) of Hult Price with mod.h equip and Miscelanea project. 2016 Piece selected for exposition of the 9th convocatory adopt y adapt, with the serie “Judge me for the cover, books of personal stories”.
Presentation and Workshops shared with Horacio Cinto Bernal, in representation of mod.h House of Architecture and Design, invited by Mexian Univertities. 2013-2014. Espacios Rituales: (ritual spaces) workshop of 5 días days and presentation of teoric part of Ritual Spaces. URSE. Amasando Ideas: (kneading ideas) presentation about of the contruction an idea and the logical process. UVP. Regresar a los básicos: (back to the basic) is a refletion arround especaculary design and daily design. Miscelánea Creative Business Social Model: Workshop Conference, at 6th International Business Conference “Strategic and Intercultural Art residency and Connection”. UPAEP.
2017 Art residency at SPAR (St Petersburg Art Residency) in St Petersburg, with the research project, “weave and embroidery urban imaginaries” 2017 Workshop at SPAR, “embroidery your own st petersburg imaginaries”. 2017 Art residency and workshop at CASA COLORIDA in Nigrán, Pontevedra, Spain, with the project “exploring and expose imaginaries of territory“ y “Obradoiro- imaxinarios territoriais, creando dende outras perspectivas bordados do territorio”
Research & projects
*Fractal city: Research and analice of recursion in cities, following the principle that society is a fractal body, which generates massive fractal expressions. *Collective imaginaries of habitability: unveiling of abstract images in the groups that define the patterns of habitability. Imaginaries of the territory: exploration and exhibition of abstract images of places we know. *Etretejidos (interwave), project in pro of the craft from Oaxaca women through a big instalation of weave pieces that get interaction with public and environment. Mod.h and team. *Caja errante (errant box), a project that aims to bring artistic expression to many audiences through wandering modules that run through corners where art does not come so easily. *Convocatory for coloring illustration, as coordinator and curator with theme, “how to make art accessible” that was successfully presented in San Pedro Cholula Mexico and St Petersburg Russia, generating interaction between Mexican artists and young Russians.MISC * Project “Oaxacan children acceding to the artistic expression” project of workshops for 406 children of Oaxaca. MISC
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