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OBJECTIVES TO ACHIEVE WITH THE INTEGRATION OF THE STAFF OF MY HOTEL -To reduce the beginning costs, the new worker is less efficient than the experienced one. -To reduce the level of anxiety of the new worker adapting more easily to the new organization and the level of existing staff, because, usually, has insecurities at the beginning. -To communicate to him/her the satisfaction of have him/her in our organization. -The objective of the integration of administrative personnel is to ensure that organizational functions are carried out by qualified personnel who are qualified to fill those positions and willing to do so. -To make him/her feel part of the organization, and that is the reason why exists high implication. -To make understood, as soon as possible, the company objectives to the new worker, how to develop on his/her professional level and on his/her interpersonal relations. -To situate the new employee in front of his/her new job, to know his/her work functions. -To take in him/her effective and cordially.

OBJECTIVES TO ACHIEVE WITH THE INTEGRATION OF THE STAFF OF MY HOTEL Forcing the pace of professional integration may increase staff fluctuation, with negative effects on the company. Integration period for new employees is necessary because they cannot work effectively without probable knowing of the organization and the task complexity makes impossible to fulfill their duties without a prior initiation. The company has its own protocol and way of working established. The worker that is getting into the company has to learn how they work and the way they do everything. At the same time he/she has to learn, the company has to teach him/her, it is their duty. They have to do this because the company does not want them to be lost, or feel that they do not know how to do the different processes and the worker has to learn in order not to dissorganize the work that is doing or that has already been done. As we can see in document 'Florea': 'the new employees should be informed regarding their tasks and their rights. [..] 'Integration can be considered complete when the new employees have reached maximum capacity to perform their tasks'


In this link you can find the report of our host manual, if the link does not link to the page you can also find it separately as a post. VIDEO: we are going to discuss one of the most important communication tools between a company and its employees, the employee handbook. g

MEDIA FORTHE INTEGRATION OF OUR EMPLOYEES Employee motivation is critical to maintaining productivity. There are several factors that influence motivation, including pay, career opportunities and positive relationships with co-workers. Business owners and managers also need to understand the role of communication in employee motivation. Facilitating effective communication can help improve employee motivation in several ways. Information Distribution The company should distribute information that employees consider vital, such as changes in the company's business focus or planned changes in the workforce, unless that information is company confidential.

Relationships A workplace operates on the effective relationships built between employees, managers, departments and all levels of the company. Clear and honest communication helps to encourage and strengthen those relationships, which can assist employees in reaching maximum productivity. Maintaining strong workplace relationships helps employees achieve high levels of productivity and supports staff motivation. Decision-Making A company's decision-making process includes active communication throughout the organization. Employees should be allowed as many ways as possible to offer their ideas and opinions, and be part of the decision-making process. Open communication allows employees to be a part of company decision-making and participate in the company's success.

Improvement Skill set training programs with managers is the way in which most employees receive their career development assistance. If managers are not monitoring employee performance and developing training programs to improve productivity, then the skill sets of the employees begin to suffer. Communication between the employee and manager, as well as the employee and human resources, is critical in developing training programs that improve the employee's job skills and motivate her to succeed.

APROPRIATE COMMUNICATIVE TECNIQUES TO MOTIVATE OUR EMPLEYEES Communicating openly with your employees is a reliable way to motivate them and improve office morale. When the lines of communication are open and your employees feel comfortable with your relationship, their motivation improves. Schedule communication-oriented meetings. A once-a-week meeting with no purpose other than opening lines of communication gives your employees the sense that you care about their opinions and take their input seriously. In these meetings, open the floor to questions, concerns and opinions.

Ask your employees questions. Don't count on them to come to you if they have concerns or need explanations. Instead, ask employees if you can help them with anything. Check in on them after delivering messages or instructions to make sure that they were understood. Show interest in concerns, and show an interest in addressing these concerns. For example, when an employee expresses unhappiness, ask what you can do to help address the issue, or ask for more information about why she's concerned. Your commitment to solving your employees' problems makes them feel taken care of. Offer solutions to the issues that frustrate your employees. Empathizing with your employees, as well as offering a timeline for when their frustrations or concerns will be solved, keeps your relationship positive. Keep communications positive. For example, instead of threatening or scolding an employee for poor performance, offer rewards and opportunities for improvement. When employees feel attacked, motivation suffers, but when offered reward, they may feel galvanized.

INCENTIVE CONCEPT AND ITS TYPES The incentive is the stimulation that is given to an individual for his good performance in any field (work, affective, etc.) with the intention that he strives to maintain it. It is a reward. For the economy, an incentive is a stimulus that is offered to a person or a company with a goal, that is to increase production and to improve performance. -The types of incentives can be classified according to the different ways in which they motivate employees to take a particular action: Monetary These are aspects covered with money or the equivalent that the employee receives for his work.

-Types of Monetary Incentives: Wages : Money received by the employee for services performed for the company. Bonds : Presented by annual premiums (pensions, allowances ...) Commissions : The seller may receive a percentage of the selling price. Team : Members of the group is favored, according to the result of their work. Non Monetary It is the rewards that are unrelated to wages, and also help to motivate the worker by his effort. -Types of non-monetary incentives Social support : Assistance: Security for the employee and his family (insurance, medical assistance ...) Recreational: Conditions of rest and fun (sometimes the family is included)

Training : The organization offers the employee the possibility of training to perform their functions better.


1-Flexible Schedules : Having the option to work a more flexible schedule can help make this a reality. Offer employees the choice of one day a week to work from home whenever possible, or be more lenient to when employees can arrive or go home during the week so they can be more productive. 2- Updated breakroom: It´s a great incentive to give for employees to have a comfortable area where they can enjoy some downtime at lunch or after a touhg meeting. Set up and improved break area that includes soft seating options, a flat screen television, calming lighting , and games for blowing off steam . 3-Company Discounts : Your company is likely to have affiliations with leading retailers and community services that can offer corporate discounts. Why not pass those discounts along to your employees too? Create a list of company discounts and encourage employees to use this as a way to save money while supporting your vendors.

4-Good atmosphere : It´s important to achieve a broad ambient of collaboration and trust in the job. For this reason, we have to take care of the atmosphere and to create a relaxing environment.To be gentle with everybody.If you have to recriminate employees it should be done in private and, if their job must be acknowledged it's recomended to do it in public. VIDEO: Declan Byrne shares some thoughts on the most effective ways to motivate and engage your employees. https://www.yo h?v=nGaq6pnQu1 0&feature=yout

The 5 S`s of the Housekeeping Department

 a) Sort: To Separate all the unneeded things and delete them.  b) Straighten: Order all the essential elements to having an easier way for accessing to them  c) Scrub: clean everything, from goods to the working place.  d) Systematize: Having cleanance routines and check of the places we have clean using a method. F.E: A check list.  e) Standarize: Making regular the four previous steps for building a process.

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