14 minute read


Elaboración casera de hachís

Saca provecho a los restos de tu cosecha haciendo hachís. Llena un tercio del contenedor con el material picado.

Si tienes un exceso de materia vegetal después de la cosecha, hacer hachís es una forma estupenda de darle uso. La técnica mostrada aquí es popular entre los conocedores del norte de California.

1. Empezamos el proceso picando las hojas anchas y los recortes que han estado congelados en bloque desde la cosecha. Este material se pica en trozos de 2 cm usando un cuchillo chuletero afilado o una hoja serrada. Esto facilita la separación de los tricomas de la materia vegetal.

2. Llena un tercio del contenedor con el material picado. Cubre la hierba con agua.

3. Cubre las hojas con agua. Añade el agua justa para cubrir el material; más agua dará lugar a trabajo extra luego, al tener que eliminarla.

Agitación de la mezcla. 4. Cuando el agua cubra la hierba, añade hielo a la mezcla. Se emplearon 9 kilos de hielo para los 115 litros del contenedor.

5. Utiliza un taladro industrial con una vara mezcladora de 75 cm de largo y 1 cm de grosor especial para material espeso a la hora de agitar el material. También puede usarse una varilla mezcladora para pintura. Nuestra vara tiene una forma similar a los pedales de las bicicletas de carreras. (Un taladro

Se añade hielo al contenedor.

Se precisa un taladro potente.

Troceando la marihuana congelada con un cuchillo afilado Hierba picada de camino al primer contenedor. Se forma espuma sobre la superficie

La hierba empapada se sacude vigorosamente sobre el contenedor.

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LEDs emit very little heat and can be placed very close to the plants. The light spreads at a 120° angle. This LED from Maxx Power has a built in digital driver that monitors the power going to the bulbs 100 times a second and adjusts accordingly to ensure that maximum output is being achieved.

LEDs are powered by either a transformer or a digital driver. Transformers are similar to old-style magnetic ballasts for HID units; they use more energy than digital controllers and produce heat that may need to be dissipated. This is a small consideration compared to the heat HPS lamps produce, which has to be vented. LED lamps emit virtually no heat, so they can be placed very close to the garden and are not encumbered with tubes for air or water cooling, heavy ventilation, or any of the other problems or inconveniences of HID lamps. Light from LEDs can be combined with HPS and MH lamps, so there is no reason to scrap your digital HID lamp. Adding LEDs to your other lights increas-es the amount of light delivered to the gar-den. For instance, a garden using a 400w HPS can be increased to the equivalent of 600 watts using 100 watts of LEDs. Adding 300 watts of LEDs creates the equivalent

tems because each diode emits light in an unusually narrow spectrum. The minerals used to make it determine the spectrum the diode emits. HID lamps emit most of their light in spectrums that are not very useful to the plant. With LEDs, fixtures can be designed to provide the plants with exactly the spectrum that they need for maximum growth.

By tailoring the diodes’ light spec-trum to plant requirements, LEDs can be more efficient PAR producers. HPS lamps deliver more total light per watt of input, but LEDs are twice as efficient in PAR light per watt as HPS lamps. That means a 200w LED lamp can be substituted for a 400w HPS lamp, and the 300w LED lamps can be substituted for 600w HPS lamps. The first generations of LED lamps did not emit an intense-enough light to support either active vegetative growth or flowering, but modern fixtures, which use higher-capacity diodes, have solved those early problems. Higher quality systems use mostly red light along with some blue. Just as with any other product, manufacturers’ standards differ. A few manufacturers add the green light NASA has shown to be effective with plants, and amber is also sometimes added. Most manufacturers include a few white light emitters in their units. These diodes actually emit a combination of red, green, and blue spectrums, which com-bine to appear white. White lights help to both supply useful wavelengths for the plants and soften the eerie purple color generated by the combination of red and blue light. Luckily, the spectrum range is usually wider than the band that is guar-anteed for each emitter. of a 1000w HID system. An advantage of using a combination of HPS and LED lights is that you can ensure that you are providing all the spectrums that plants need to thrive. If more HID lamps rather than LEDs are used, they add PAR light, but most of the increase is in the yellow spectrum. Adding red and blue LEDs instead increases PAR light, but not in the yellow spectrum.

LEDs are convenient to use because they are lightweight highly efficient light producers, and emit far less heat than HPS lamps. They are small, so they are easy to install. The Stealth LED™ grow light has a 50,000 hour lifetime and reduces energy consumption as compared with HPS or MH systems by 60-70%. 120 | MARIJU ANA GROWER’S HAND BOOK


LED fixtures are more expensive than HID lights, but they save money in the long run:

LED lamps use less than half the electricity of HIDs per unit of PAR light produced. At $.10 a kilowatt, LEDs will save $215 per year when compared to the cost of running a 1000w HID twelve hours a day. LEDs last longer than HID bulbs. LEDs need little to no cooling equipment, in contrast to HIDs that require air or water cooling, ventilation systems, or air condi-tioners. LIG HT HYDROPONICS eastern U.S., and other areas, there may be no need to irrigate plants at all or to use it as just a supplement to natural sources.In areas where there is a summer drought such as parts of southern Europe and the North American west, irrigation is required or the plants will die. Outdoor plants and gardens can be irrigated using a hose that fills a trough reservoir, using a gravity powered canal that delivers water to a group of plants or most efficiently using a drip system. Overhead watering is very inefficient because of loss to evaporation and the shotgun approach of delivering water in areas where there are no crop roots. Once the plants are flowering, overhead water is dangerous to the buds which are susceptible to attack by mold when moisture is present.

DRIP SYSTEMS OUTDOORS Drip irrigation is a 90% more efficient method of delivering water to plants outdoors than other methods. That is much higher than flooding an area using a hose, or overhead spraying. The result is more water delivered to the root zone than any other watering system. Drip irrigation has other benefits that make it useful. It is easy to install, easy to design and is in-expensive. For even distribution, use a water soaker hose, which “leaks” water through its porous material. Drip systems use pressure from the public water system, gravity or a pump to deliver water where it is wsanted. Spaghetti lines tap off a main delivery line that is connected to the water source. An emitter on the other end of the spaghetti line controls the rate at which water flows. As with other plumbing systems there are all kinds of accessories to deal with problems that may be encountered by plants or gardens. Some of these are gardens located on different levels, remote gardens and different size plants with varying water needs. The plants can be fertilized using a fertilizer siphon placed in the water line. INDICA Irrigation systems vary tremendously in their complexity resulting from the tasks they are designed to accomplish. Store bought kits are suitable for most backyard gardens. Even simpler is the pinhole pail or bag irrigation. A container is filled with water. The water slowly drips to the desired area through small holes drilled or pierced into the reservoir. It delivers water slowly to the plant so that little is lost. 292 | MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOKIndica plants developed in central Asia between the 25th and 35th latitudes, where the weather is changeable. Drought one year may be followed by cloudy, rainy or sunny weather. For the population to continue, the plant group needed different individuals that survive and even MARIJUANA G ROWER’S HANDBOOK | 293

INDICAS, SATIVAS, E TC . thrive under those specific conditions. Thus, in any season, no matter what the weather, some plants will do better than others. Indicas, including Kush varieties, have broad general characteristics: they mature early, have compact short branches and wide, short leaves which are dark green, sometimes tinged purple. Their buds are HYDROPONICS


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estándar no tiene la potencia suficiente para esta mezcla helada.) El objetivo es separar los tricomas de la materia vegetal mediante una agitación vigorosa. Todo este material necesitó una batida de unos 20 minutos. La duración depende de la cantidad de material. No hay que preocuparse si es preciso agitar durante más tiempo.

6. Al batir el agua, se crea espuma. No contiene tricomas por lo que se recoge y se descarta.

7. El siguiente paso consiste en eliminar agua de la materia vegetal mediante un colador. Ésta es la parte realmente trabajosa del proceso, ya que hay que remover el agua de manera vigorosa a medida que se retira la hierba empapada y se vacía en el cubo de la basura.

8. Puedes deshacerte de la materia vegetal restante, o usarla para cocinar.

9. Una vez que ha drenado el agua del material, éste se enjuaga con agua limpia para que los tricomas que quedan en la hierba se agreguen al líquido.

10. Cuando el material sólido se ha retirado del líquido, pasamos a filtrar los tricomas. Se usan dos filtros. La malla se encaja dentro del segundo contenedor a modo de bolsa, con la parte de arriba abrazando la pared del contenedor.

11. Encima del contenedor, se colocó una malla de agujeros grandes montada en un marco. Al pasar el agua del primer contenedor al segundo, este filtro retiene todo el material de mayor tamaño que hay en la mezcla, dejando únicamente los finos cristales en el agua que pasa a la malla en forma de bolsa alargada. La hierba usada. Aún contiene tricomas y puede emplearse para cocinar o hacer bebidas Drenar y enjuagar hasta que el agua corra limpia para asegurar que los tricomas pasan al líquido

El agua se vierte a través de la malla superior, que filtra las partículas gruesas

12. La mezcla de agua y cristales se hace pasar a través del filtro de arriba hasta un “calcetín” grande de malla cosido en casa, el cual se encuentra dentro del segundo contenedor. Los agujeros son demasiado pequeños para que se cuelen los cristales, así que los cristales de hachís se recogen en el calcetín. El calcetín es levantado El calcetín de malla hecho a medida con bolsa de recogida se instala en el contenedor La mezcla de agua y cristales se recoge en la bolsa calcetín La mezcla de agua y cristales se recoge en la bolsa calcetín



despacio del contenedor, dejando que drene el agua.

Por último, el agua restante se elimina exprimiendo la mezcla a través del calcetín.

La producción fue un buen puñado de hachís dorado y muy puro. Llevó unos días que el hachís se secara por completo al aire libre. Por fortuna, podía fumarse tan pronto como estuvo terminado. Es importante ser cuidadoso al manejar este hachís fresco, ya que resulta muy pegajoso, y se pega a las manos cuando se toca. Fue puesto en un contenedor de cristal por seguridad.

El humo era muy puro y expansivo. A menos que la inhalación sea seguida por una rápida exhalación, antes de la gran expansión, pueden ocurrir fuertes ataques de tos.

¡Felices elaboraciones de hachís!

Puedes ver cómo se hizo este hachís en YouTube: http://youtu.be/l84fsPZ _ Poc

Aunque el hachís esté mojado y sea muy pegajoso, ya está listo para fumar. Tiene un gusto fuerte y fresco, como una especie de “vino nuevo” .


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