【末世小酒館】Rap 歌者、現場電音和鍵盤 李婉菁 音樂創作 | 張睿銓 歌詞 | 楊政諺 現場電音 | Edwin Kenzo Huet 混音
Free your mind, free your mind tonight Drink, drink to life, drink to life tonight Faded neon sign, lines of lies, bloodshot eyes So long, my pain, my pain 打開我的目睛 深深吸一口氣 吐一口氣 我看到一個紅色的世界 查埔打查某 查某打查埔 查埔打查埔 查某打查某 電視攏總看得到 畜牲老爸無心無肝欺負他的查某子 變態好生天良盡失虐待他的老母 學生在教室槍殺同窗和先生 神棍強姦信徒 還叫人相信他的善良 那是什麼款的信仰?美國人和賓拉登 手抱聖經和可蘭經講仁愛慈悲 蓋頭蓋臉 拿刀拿槍 流血流滴 放火燒厝 殺你老爸 打你老母 在聖土上在黑白侮 天頂的日頭消失無影 七月的天空霜雪盡飛 空氣稀微 是誰在無情把我們放棄? 囡仔在哭 你耳朵摀著攏無聽到—— 什麼聲?你耳朵摀著攏無聽到 什麼聲?你耳朵摀著攏無聽到 什麼聲?你耳朵摀著攏無聽到 什麼聲?你耳朵摀著攏無聽到
電∼流行音 主辦:中華民國電腦音樂學會 贊助:國藝會、台北市文化局 時間:2017.06.02(週五) 19:30 地點:國立台灣藝術教育館南海劇場
My friend's a teacher. Sylvie wears this black T-shirt Bought from Reporters without Borders, recorders of marauders It's five handcuffs joined above 2008 Pay online, and your shipment arrives in fourteen days But when I'm placing an order on this free-speech website It's taken over by the interface in Chinese Simplified Propaganda's never simplified, can only be vandalized I orchestrate lyrical drive-bys Blacklisted writers ain't woke up from the abyss How much of your justice was purchased by those in mists? Sonic death threats received 'cause she says "Shame on the police" Intelligence is openly silenced by violence on reprise Rich folks and politicians perform intercourse on TV Metaphors that tease me accept the passports of them landlords Granted entry to my country self-willingly spelled backward The benumbed wolf in the Arctic licks the blade that protrudes from the snow Suicide show. Tongue cut, feast of blood, body picked up By hunters who hide to maintain the status quo Gunshots heard from the other side of the war zone Thousands of kilos away but near like a ring tone Freedom of speech becomes a figure of speech, shown By the greed of a leech and a dog on a leash Free your mind, free your mind tonight Drink, drink to life, drink to life tonight Faded neon sign, lines of lies, bloodshot eyes So long, my friend, my friend