Sandriduberry photoshop intoductory

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1. The deadline to submit assignments is usually Sunday at 11:59pm. 2. Describe how you would submit assignments to the instructor? All assignments must be uploaded to and to receive full credit the student must send the link of the uploaded files to the instructor’s BHCC email using the student’s BHCC email. 3. A student submits an assignment 3 days late. Full credit for the assignment is 100%. Based on the lateness policy in the Syllabus, what point deductions may be applied to the assignment grade? A student will be deducted 15 points if an assignment is submitted the day after the due date, the following days would be an additional 2 points each day. For an assignment 3 days late, the student would be deducted a total of 19 points. 4. If an emergency will prevent you from completing assignments before the deadline, you should contact the instructor and discuss a solution. 5. How is Attendance determined and what percentage of your final grade is Attendance? Students should log in and participate regularly, trying to devote at least and hour, not logging in for more than 3 days should be coordinated with the instructor. Attendance is 40% of final grade. 6. To receive full credit for your Discussion Board Participation, you are required to respond to the discussion 3 times on 3 different days. Initial response should be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59pm, second and third responses to classmate’s post should be done by Saturday at 11:59pm. 7. Why is it important to participate in the Discussion Board? To stimulate conversation, share ideas and feedback as well as it is 40% of the final grade. 8. What is the breakdown of your Final grade? 40% class attendance and participation (1200 total), 40% assignments (1200 total), 10% midterm project (100 total) and 10% final project (100 total). Based on that breakdown, calculate the final number (%) and letter grade for a student in this class that received the following totals at the end of the semester: 1100 (assignments); 1300 (discussion); 89 (Midterm) and 93 (Final). Assignments 36.6%; Discussion 43.3%; Midterm 8.9%; Final 9.3%, Grade 98.1% (A). 9. How would you check your grade for each assignment? Click the grade link on the left menu of moodle. 10. My activated BHCC email address is and the class instructor’s BHCC email is If I need to reach the instructor with a quick question or class related issue, I can text him at 8579199488. 11. Write a minimum 100 word mission statement which will guide you as you continue the semester. I, Sandri Duberry, aim to do my best academically and in a timely manner as well as improve my skills. Completing all of my assignments and preparing myself for any challenges that I will come across in the future and overcome them to the best of my ability. To do so, I will set a goal and thrive to achieve it through any necessary technique needed. My goal is to learn as much as I can and to utilize what I learn in whatever manner that may occur to make personal growth and additional skills needed in my everyday life.

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