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of digital nomadism As Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the world, a group of humans-digital nomads appeared to be mentally, emotionally, economically coped with the pandemic. Japanese author Tsugio Makimoto coined the idea of work-anywhere lifestyle in his book DIGITAL NOMAD in 1997. Due to the forces of social media, emergence of gig economy, extreme ease of air travel and rise in property/ living cost, led to the presence of co-living and co-working trend. The change in lifestyle has become an unavoidable global movement and shifting of "living ecosystem" are crucial for post-pandemic future.


Archigram narrated a society of services, drew their attention from popular culture, consumer society, new computer technologies, space exploration, image of science fiction, reflecting the transformation architecturally and spatially through their renowned works of INSTANT CITY in 1969-70, WALKING CITY in 1964 and PLUG-IN CITY in 1964-65. The adaptability, expandability and fluidity of infrastructure and servicing prophetically suitable. Exemplary of alternatives to traditional rigid city planning.

FIG.12 Micro-mobility as imagined by Italian magazine La Domenica del Corriere in December 1962, photo-shopped with people wearing mask during the quarantine period.

Emerged as the provocative and performative avant garde group, few decades later, Archigram prophesied the future and can be seen as the several trends that define the metropolitan experience. Taking traits of countercultural sensibility, interest in nomadism, debts to visionary predecessors and derided for their futuristic fivolity of art and architetcure to keep pace with products, lifestyles and machinery.

The important lesson is the temptation Archigram pursed metaphorically and satirically. It can be either a thought-provoking inquiry about increasing mobility and questioning about the flaws in metropolis or the relation to the surrounding environment

The ability of a city to change, in space and time, in the virtual realm and interactions with the physical world.

FIG.13 Peter Cook's Instant CIty project

REVISITED PACKAGE for modern digitally nomadic lifestyle

WHERE/WHEN INSTANT CITY anywhere, post-panedmic time

WHO DIGITAL NOMADS, anyone registered WHY commute, but self-isolating with laptops location-independent live on earth, work in cloud met co-workers,contractor,customers, suppliers in person, but online office space,few

digital nomads live like travel bloggers,work

from home 9-to-5 grind, self-isolation eat, sleep, work and talk to people online need space to meet-up/hold event need shipping, blogging, affiliate marketing, freelancing, consulting,investing HOW remote togetherness, thanks to technology information overload

WHAT Architecture/infrastructure disappears, giving way to the image, the event and audiovisual presentations, to gadgets and other environmental simulators.

Instant city is a physically and emotionally nomadic city, the result of an approach to a philosophical dilemma concerning architecture which Archigram play and experiment with. Idea of a “traveling metropolis,” a package that temporarily infiltrates a community. This city superimposes, time to time there will be new spaces for communication onto the existing land. This audiovisual environment (omnipresence of signs/advertisement board/screens of decorated shed in city), together with mobile objects (1airships 2hot air balloons with 3tents, 4pods 5mobile homes and associated with technological objects (6 gantry cranes7refineries and 8robots) creates a city that consumes information, moves and changes.

Instant city arrives at certain location, infiltrates and create an event, it moves and give rise to ephemeral city. 25 years before the birth of the Internet: scenario of network, flow, and vector of information, intertwining the dispersed urban fragments, an incident in time and space. In the dialectic between permanent and transitory, mobile and ephemeral, Instant City embodies the utopian vision of architecture freed from its foundations, of a flying and aerial city, which transforms architecture into a situation, into a reactive environment. Architecture appears both as a consumer object and as the creation of an artificial environment.

In the information ages, is about the ultimate expression of urban system where there is no longer differentiation between work space and leisure space , at the minimal condition, the network and paradigmatic shift of virtual/technological influence are asking for an informational, interactive, factual city. We no longer presented or fit as a consumer objectification, but we see ourselves as data, as John may claimed the "post-orthographic system" of data-processing or generative digitalisation radically changed the logic of media-technical gestures. The world is experiencing more screening imagery or representational sensibility in media format with the proliferation of VR, AR technologies, the instant access and engagement to information and images will enable a new form of cultural production and socio-political reaction



FIG.14 Event-based instant city in digital device interface+VR


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With the experience of anguish makes its first appearance in modern form generated by the anonymity of the person in the Carceri

A universe of empty signs is place of total disorder. The only course left will be to utilize as a new system that which in Piranesi's work is ANGUISHED ANTICIPATION What are the reasons behind the physical world we built? If we dismissed the ideal of utopia for liveable of being or becoming liveable? Do we continue to be at the mercy of opposites?

2 City as Park?

a city is like a forest, thus the distribution of a city is like that of a park. But the city is not like a park, is no longer natural. If to go back to a balance between the true organic and non-organic, then the way to build should be a reflection of human nature instead of towards becoming the ideal of utopia

city is a hybrid of hyper-human-nature formulated by machine and human. Both the rise in irrational and rational architecture and scientific focus of the Enlightenment, then influenced Thomas Jefferson;s ideals for architecture in early America

3PLAN The Enlightenment belief of city as nature, observed ways in which spaces are not doomed to be empty and devoid, but the society now is the agglomeration and reinforcement of political and economic issues. Anonymity replaced by participation and emptiness filled in by pop-up, nomadic, instant ideas. The paradigm shifts from the creation of objects towards the emphasis of process and continuation thereof. Criticism, problematic and the drama of utopia were the basic elements forming the genesis of the modern movement. FREEDOM, INTEGRATION AND COLLECTIVE PARTICIPATION 4 Juxtaposition That was the long way from late BAROQUE precept of Unlike the realist, utopianist challenged the given real and condition perceived as problematic and reactionary idea projected into a timeless idealization, the criticism of modernist experiments, according to Tafuri, due to its failure in responding to the question, merely projected as a social instrument for pacification notably in the wake of war and economic repercussion at the 1920s.

Georg Simmel discussed increasingly homogeneous subjects and objectified metropolitan experience circulated in a homologous manner, resemblance to the circulation of money economy in the city under capitalist logic and disrupted the essence of the blasé attitude towards engage

ment with the environment. 5MEDIUM In using expressive aesthetic means like collage, montage, and assemblage, avant-garde exacerbated the metropolitan qualities to project the ‘shock’ confronted in the city. In other words, they tried to counteract the passivity of the flaneur and subvert the blasé attitude into their interpretation of effective



5HILBERSEIMER To seek a critical engagement with the city, the system of construction,- constructed the formal language of ‘typical forms’ of ‘metropolitan architecture’, internalized the ‘shock of the metropolis’, a new form of subjective experience as a result of the rapid expansion and transformative trajectory of the society.

Walter Benjamin’s anticipation on the trajectory of technological production mode in the concept of the dissolution of the aura. The liberation of art can be observed for increasingly collective and individual responses from the metropolitan experience to the ever-expanding publication of the Internet, allowing the overwhelming reproduction and progressive expression of information.

6 CITYagain Under the theme of rationalism and utopia alongside with the landscape and its contradictions. There is a convertion from the creation of object passively to the emphasis of process and continuation thereof. THE ROLE OF THE ARCHITECT IS IN AN ORGANIZING MANNER THAN THE PRODUCER decomposing any ideological complexity, suggesting the call for ‘new subject, new orders, new content, new actors, new aim and new analytical tools. Tafuri appreciated the process and continuation thereof and hence the ongoing operations of objectification within. Suffice to say, Tafuri pointed out the ineffectiveness of utopian ideology against the rationalizing forces of architectural production, bring forth his pessimistic attitude towards architectural practice as the fact that it is embedded in the social, political, economic contexts, leaving no interruption to the means of production, after all, not purely establishing the architectural ideology. UTOPIA URBAN TOTALITY Behaviourism exploring the non-places Inequality and fragmentation of "community" Authority and



INERTIA Due to acceleration of social ,economic and spatial transformation


FIG.15 Aldo Rossi's watercolor of death of architecture Rossi echoed the diagnosis of Tafurian notion of apocalyptical end of architecture, expressing the nihilistic views towards the utopian ideologies which utterly influenced by unorthodox Marxian dialectical analysis in disapproval of the possibility of utopia in the time of the capital


ist period control

cyborgs,telepresence, Bit

Virtual spaces and materialized form

Apocalypse what is the future? By relating to 1960/70s, radical utopian advocacy appeared to become valid in respect to the new technologies like media, computer as a capacity for imaging different future and as a rebel against formalized capitalism. John May acknowledged the importance of engaging with the psychosocial implication of imaging in the context of cultural signalization and new technical phenomena.

The “post-orthographic” system of data-processing or generative digitalization radically changed the way of architecture involving the logic of media-technical gestures, we now experience imagery and representational sensibility in media format which is obvious to evolve with the proliferation of VR, AR technologies radically in a utopian vision.

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