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of social form and right


Theoretically, the No-Stop City is based on the idea that advanced technology could eliminate the need for a centralized modern city. This plan visualized a fragment of a metropolis that can be extended infinitely through the addition of homogeneous elements adapted to a variety of uses. Residential units and free-form organic shapes representing parks are placed haphazardly over a grid structure, allowing for a large degree of freedom within a regulated system. Strongly ironic but designed with committed political ingenuity, the proposal questions the normative character of the existing city and defends new conceptions of life as expressed in revolutionary urban form.

No-Stop City performed a scientific analysis of the contemporary urban condition, simultaneously utopian and dystopian, that is, beyond good and evil, employing the ‘abstract, theoretical, and conjectural’ tools of architectural representation. Laissez-faire development and of the Realpolitik assumptions of much design and planning. Several scenario of urban design are highlighted to illustrate their vision and to demystify and critically depict ongoing social problems, slum development as a huge one.





Do you have extra steel sheet? my roof is leaking again

Im looking at the plan of no-stop city, an unbuilt project, is clearly observed that only the things people essentially need throughout the day and natural resources are depicted. Here, in the slum settlement, there is everything one need for living, the dynamism of movement and consumptive pattern is vigorous as they aggregate as a community form

Utopia city where there is freedom and homeogenously featureless element where can be any thing and everywhere they want

OMG! the living condition is so poor and so smelly, there is not even a proper glass for the window The dweller all self-built these cabins with existing material and arranged like a village


DENSER & DENSER, turning into a " vast continuous interior", almost like separated from the real world, present same organizatioin like factory but without options

There is a distinctive segregation between the settlement to the highway and the opposite side of well-conditioned and managed housing estate, the infinitely expanded tactics of the city could only operate within the boundary, becoming unsustinable.

Spaces are available for undetermined activities, I am here just about to get some water

Welcome to the 'interior' warehouse, it is the common ground for making craftsmanship, free to join us!

we should reflect critically for our society as a response to the social deprivation and development of new social form rather than positioning blocks to house people

A new form of territory appeared in MUMBAI Researching environment, common culture, and the city

Last year I visited to Mumbai India and out of curious took a local slum tour. Walking pass the squatter settlements, the tour guide described mercilessly about the ever-expanding poor living conditions. One in six Indians are estimated to be living in slum or squatter settlement in next 10 years, the statistics are frightening yet the slum dweller enjoyed occupying the land, almost forming a micro-climate as a strong community according to the tour guide. It is an extremely out-of-control shanty town, scattered with sewage, daily products, congested with vehicles, people, a very nasty unhygienic condition. Nevertheless, people restore their freedom to express, they find ways to obtain stable electricity, cables and water supply, they share facilities, amenities among. It is for sure questioning the essence of a city, it is 10 social housing block in a row offer a 'better' alternative to the existing realisation of urban environment? No-stop city's vision would be a gesture frivolously developed by the dwellers at the moment, but the universal housing state will replace gradually of the settlement through government redevelopment project.

Under Archizoom critical perspective, there should be a model for understanding the phenomena structuring the city and society, as a "user-negotiated" city, in the language of today "co-created" open city.

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