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Health & Safety

generosity of all members of our community. In addition to the Annual Fund (see below), we have had special campaigns over the course of our history that have allowed us to finish our building (Light the Way and Building Friends), launch our Friends Community Scholars program (Building Friends), seed our first endowed fund, the Cathy Hunter Fund for the Future, and establish our first general school endowment fund (Friends Forward). Our school community has enthusiastically and generously supported these efforts, investing in Friends to make it the school that it is today.

Annual Fund – The Annual Fund is a community-wide fundraiser in which all Friends families, trustees, faculty, and staff participate. As a young school, we rely on gifts to the Annual Fund to help us attract and retain our excellent faculty and staff, fund our Adjustable Tuition program, purchase classroom materials, and maintain our physical space. Our goal each year is 100% participation from all community members—something that we have achieved virtually every year since we opened. Parent volunteers from the Annual Fund committee help us with this year-long effort, launched at Back-to-School Night. Gifts of all sizes are gratefully received and carefully stewarded. Please contact the Development Office with any questions regarding the Annual Fund.

48 Hours for Friends & Blue Party – Each spring, our community comes together for Blue Party, our annual all-school celebration. Together with 48 Hours for Friends—our two-day fundraiser for the Adjustable Tuition program—Blue Party celebrates our community and commitment to Quaker values.

Keeping Us Informed – When there’s been a change or important event in your family (illness, parent out of town, trouble sleeping, relative visiting, new baby, move, etc.) please let your child’s teacher or advisor know. We can help your child through a rough patch (or happy tumult) if the lines of communication are open. If you have a concern about your child, talk to his/her teacher. For miscellaneous changes in schedule—appointments, changes in pick-up or drop-off schedule—please email attendance@sffriendsschool.org as well as your child’s teacher or send in a handwritten note. Your child’s teacher will call you or send an email if there is a question about your child’s work or play at school. There is always a lot of information about school activities on the Parent Portal and the website. We deeply value effective and child-supportive communication, honor the importance of

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