Ajrakh Print Suits Online

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Sangisathi Charitable Foundation

SSethnics by Sangisathi Charitable Foundation is a charitable, social and religious organisation aimed at preserving the traditional art forms of India.



Ajrak AjrakHand HandBlock BlockPrinting Printing

Ajrakh Ajrakhisisaahandblock handblockprinting printingtechnique technique from fromKutch Kutchin inGujarat. Gujarat.Involving Involvingaarange range of ofgeometrical geometricaland andfloral floralmotifs motifsin inthe the modern moderndays days--ajrakh ajrakhisisbecoming becoming increasingly increasinglypopular popularamongst amongstthe thepeople people who whovalue valuesustainability. sustainability.Due Dueto toits its vegetable vegetabledyes dyesajrakh ajrakhisisfairly fairlysober sober compared comparedto tothe thechemically chemicallydyed dyed alternatives. alternatives.

Grey Ajrakh Triple Block Rayon Fabric

Ajrakh Print Suits Online Ajrakh Ajrakhisisusually usuallyfound foundin inKutch Kutch(Gujarat) (Gujarat) and andBarmer Barmer(Rajasthan). (Rajasthan).Woodblock Woodblockstamps stamps are areused usedto tocreate createdifferent differentgeometric geometric patterns patternsthat thatare aretransferred transferredonto ontothe thefabric fabric using natural dyes, including vegetable using natural dyes, including vegetableand and mineral mineraldyes. dyes.The Themost mostcommon commoncolours colours used usedinclude includeblue, blue,red, red,black, black,yellow yellowand and green. green.One Oneof ofthe themost mostcommon commondyes dyesused used for forthis thistype typeof ofprinting printingisisindigo. indigo.Ajrak Ajrakhas has been beendated datedback backto toMohenjo-daro, Mohenjo-daro,where wherethe the kings kingsand androyals royalshave havebeen beenshown shownwearing wearing similar similarprints printsto tothose thoseobserved observedin inajrak ajrak patterns patternstoday. today.The Thebeauty beautyof ofajrak ajrakisisin inits its simplistic simplisticyet yetelegant elegantpatterns patternsand andnatural natural texture. texture.This Thisisishandblock handblockprint printfabric fabricwith with natural naturaldyes dyesso sosmall smalldifferences differencesin incolour colour and andirregularities irregularitiesin inprints printsare arenormal normaland and the thebeauty beautyof ofthe theart. art.

Brown BrownAjrakh AjrakhCotton CottonUnstitched UnstitchedSuit Suit With WithNeck NeckBlock Block

Ajrakh Ajrakh Kurtis Kurtis Online Online

Brown BrownAjrakh AjrakhCotton CottonKurti KurtiWith With Neck NeckBlock Block

Cream Ajrakh Cotton Kurti With Neck Cream Ajrakh Cotton Block Kurti With Neck Block

Contact Us Sangisathi Charitable Foundation 56/1C, 56/1C,SSK-1 K-1compound, compound,Dewas DewasNaka, Naka, (MP) (MP)Indore Indore--452010 452010 +91-7694841878 +91-7694841878 info@ssethnics.com info@ssethnics.com https://www.ssethnics.com/ https://www.ssethnics.com/

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