Check before purchasing cheap travel insurance

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Check before Purchasing Cheap Travel Insurance In this day and age, travel abroad is no longer domain of the elite. Modern technological advances in transportation and communication have turned this once rarefied dream into one that average people can have within their reach. In fact, travel abroad has become one of the things many people consider when making their yearly plans, making sure to fit it into their budgets and schedules, even going so far as to making travel part of their household insurance policies. Purchasing an annual policy for all travel makes sense in many cases, however, for those who can only afford the time and expense of travelling once a year, cheap travel insurance is definitely the right choice.

Not only is a cheap travel insurance policy more cost efficient than a blanket policy, it can be configured to needs specific to your trip, in addition to the more standard protections such as trip cancellation and baggage loss coverage. For example, if you’re going diving in the Caribbean, you may find out too late that your annual blanket coverage does not cover such ‘adventure travel’ activities. In travel, research is key to getting the best value for your buck, and this includes proper coverage. Being aware of a few details can help ensure you have the right policy for your needs.

Pre-existing conditions One of the biggest issues when it comes claims with regards to travel insurance is the failure of the client to disclose pre-existing conditions, which are generally not covered by blanket policies. Always discuss preexisting conditions with your insurance provider when purchasing a policy.

Existing coverage One of the best ways to save money is to check your other policies for existing coverage. For example, credit card companies often include damage and loss protection for travel-related gadgets such as cameras, which may mean that you could leave your camera off your travel cover if you so choose.

Political climate of your destination This may seem like a weird thing to have to know before going on holiday, but knowing the political climate of your destination will not only help you plan which topics and areas to avoid during your trip, but will help you decide on extra precautions you may want to take. Generally, single trip travel insurance policies have built-in coverage in case of war or acts of terrorism. with your provider. Patrick Chong is the Managing Director of Insure more. We provide low cost travel insurance and offer a range of policies including travel insurance, annual, multi-trip and family cover. For all your travel cover needs, Insure more can help you in the quickest and most costefficient way. [Source:]

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