Complete health insurance for your family

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Complete Health Insurance for Your Family In this season of rising therapeutic costs, Bajaj Allianz's Health GuardFamily Floater Option is the ideal wellbeing assurance for you and your crew. It deals with the costly medicinal treatment brought about amid hospitalization coming about because of genuine ailment or mischance. You need to secure your crew, yet rising therapeutic costs imply that an unexpected mischance or sickness can put your reserve funds - and their future - in peril. Ensure your gang with the Bajaj Allianz Family Health Plan Floater choice. This inside and out health care coverage arrangement covers you and your crew against therapeutic costs, for example, hospitalization, specialist's discussion, demonstrative tests, prescriptions, rescue vehicle, and so forth. Presently you never need to stress over coming up short on money with regards to your gang's treatment.

What Coverage Do I Get? Restorative Expenses During Hospitalization: We will pay the medicinal costs, which are the sensible charges that You fundamentally cause on the counsel of a Doctor, as an in-patient in a Hospital for settlement; Boarding Expenses including patients diet as gave by the clinic/nursing home ; nursing mind; the consideration of therapeutically qualified staff; experiencing restoratively important techniques; medicinal consumables. Pre and Post hospitalization costs Pre-hospitalization: We will pay the costs acquired, in admiration of the medicinal treatment of an Illness amid the back to back 60-day period promptly going before Your admission to Hospital for that Illness, gave that the previously stated 60 day period starts and closures inside of the Policy Period.

Post-hospitalization: We will pay the costs acquired, in admiration of medicinal treatment and vital examinations for a time of upto 90 days after release from a Hospital for restorative treatment identified with the Illness or Accidental Bodily Injury. *However in the event of recharged strategies the pre-hospitalization period might fall in the past strategy period. Crisis Ambulance Charges: If a case is acknowledged, we will likewise pay the sensible expense to a most extreme of Rs 1000 for every substantial hospitalization claim for exchanging you/your relatives named in the calendar to or between Hospitals in the healing centre’s emergency vehicle or in a rescue vehicle gave by any emergency vehicle administration supplier.

Medicinal Check-up: At the end of each consistent time of 4 years amid which you have held Our Health Guard Family Floater approach without making a case you/your relatives named in the calendar might apply to us for a free restorative examination This benefit likewise feats over the family member(s) secured under the strategy. [Source:]

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