Going for a ski trip check your travel insurance details first

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Going For a Ski Trip? - Check Your Travel Insurance Details First! With the winter stepping on the way, many of you would be planning ski trips and vacations in the snow. The adrenaline rush of skiing cannot be experienced with any other sport but, figures have suggested that 58 people have died during their skiing and snowboarding holidays in the past four years. There is no denial of the fact that both these sports are risky and could be life threatening. Many reports have proven the severity of the risk associated with skiing and it was found that 118 people were severely injured during Skiing and snowboarding accidents. Apart from these, the survey showed numerous less severely injured Ski enthusiasts. None of us would like to cut short our Ski adventure and rest on a hospital bed. However, research travel association ABTA and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) suggests otherwise.

Both the organizations surveyed around 2,000 people and found that 33% of British snow sports practitioners had not read the small print of their travel insurance and still went on their Skiing trip. In order to encourage responsible travel, Mark Tanzer, ABTA Chief Executive said that "People heading off to the slopes this winter should make sure they are covered by the appropriate travel insurance. Winter-sports holidays often include activities that may not be covered by the usual insurance policies, so we would advise holidaymakers to check that they are covered for everything they plan to do.

He added that "Unfortunately, accidents can happen and can lead to costly medical bills, but having appropriate insurance means people can rest assured that they are adequately covered." To take some concrete measures and to help prevent Ski and snowboarding accidents, ABTA and FCO have teamed up with fivetime Olympian Graham Bell to share his expert tips with the winter sports enthusiasts and help them deal with things with a responsible approach. One must be in shape to face the slopes. Regular workouts that strengthen your core, glutes and quads should be done for weeks before the actual trip. For first timers, the ground rule is to choose a resort that suits beginners. The place should have a nursery area and blue runs.

One must carry a high quality kit with helmet and other safety equipment that would help you deal with things if you plan to explore off-piste terrain. Carrying your EHIC card is important to make sure you get appropriate treatment in Europe. Also, one must stay away from booze as it has a more potent effect at higher altitudes. It is important to stay with the group so as to reduce the chances of getting lost on the slopes.

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