Rates for Car Insurance
Your insurance agent hands you a bill for your car insurance. You think that the premium is what you have to pay. Not so fast. Rates for car insurance do not have to be set in stone. Just because you’re insurance agent says that your annual premium is one amount, does not mean that is what you will – or should – be paying. There may be discounts offered by your carrier that your agent has no idea you qualify for. It is your job to stay informed and let him know when you think there’s a discount to be had. There are dozens of ways to cut the rates for car insurance by 20-50%. Yes, that’s right – as much as 50%! All you have to do to get these multiple discounts is to ask your insurer which ones they offer. Then start applying them to your own premium and watch your bill decrease. So, what type of rate-cutting discounts should you be looking for? Here are the most common: Multiple Vehicle Discount: If you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company then you should be getting some sort of discount. Keep in mind that a vehicle can be a car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or other type of motor vehicle Multiple Driver Discount: Families with more than one driver in the house, a discount is offered; especially if you have fewer cars insured than you have drivers. After all, if three of you are drivers and you only have two cars, that means someone will not on the road at all times. – And that means that person can’t get into an accident.