Words are ideas, a line has the potential to be an idea. An idea starts with a dot, it become a line, sometimes the decisions happen without analysis. it is an intriguing and exciting process to see the evolution of ideas while sketching. the sketches by Sanjay Mohe in this book are undoubtedly beautiful, evocative and powerful products. but you would do them injustice if you only saw them that way and picked up the book merely to leaf through its pages and gaze admiringly at these exquisite illustrations. to grant full value to Mohe’s drawing, this is a book that you must not read only with your eyes: you must read it with your body, for only then will you appreciate the sketches as process. it may seems stranger to speak of reading a book with your body, but sketching is far more then producing a truth of delight in visual form. it is a process of being, a kin aesthetic experience by which you uncover potential in life. if sketches are drawn that way, they must also be appreciated that way. Sketching is a f