My Dear Rotary Surat West Family,
I had the first opportunity to Visit the Dhinka Chika Orphanage on 20th July. Observing the little girls living there I felt overwhelmed , how even the small things made them so Happy. We as Rotarians come from the upper echelons of the society. Even after having all the luxuries at our disposal we are still not Content and Crave for more. I feel it is our duty to help those in need and make their life a bit easier. I appreciate the efforts taken by Rtn Ritu Goel and others for organising such a Nice Party for the Girls at Dhinka Chika I also appreciate the contributions made by Our fellow Rotarians for the same Donations made by PP Rtn Bhavesh Shah and Rtn Mukesh Jain needs to be acknowledged too The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi Lets find Our inner self by Loosing Ourself in the Sevice of the community, Be it helping financially, Spending our Valuable time or even small Contributions like donating Old clothes we can do our Bit
Regards Rtn Mausam Jalan Bulletin Editor – Year 2022-23
Installation of Rotract President Aashna Arora and her Team for the Year 2022 -2023 was held on 16th July 2022. Installing Officer – PDG Rtn Devendra Shastri
The Second Half of July Started with a wonderful Service Project executed perfectly by Rtn Ritu Goel.
Pizza Party for the Girls at Dhinka Chika Orphanage on 20th July 2022. Members had Super Fun with the kids.
Lets Meet over Coffee
Rotary is not only about Service to the society. Its also a platform to meet New people and Make New friends Lets start to meet in small Groups and get to know each other more . Exchange Ideas and share our experiences We plan to hold small Group Coffee meets soon
The Tree outside my window… Today, as I stood by my window in Mumbai, for the first time I noticed this beautiful tall Ashoka tree outside. It is over 30 ft tall, standing majestically erect on just one main trunk, crossing the second floor where I live. I could see crows and sparrows sitting on the lush green branches chirping and cawing away and doing all the bird things they do. It was mesmerising. Just opposite my house is a new under construction site. And as I stood there watching the tree and the new half done building in the heavy lashing rains, I started comparing the two. A concrete building gives shelter to people in the form of homes. The tree gives shelter to the birds and the bees. It is where they make their homes. If there were no trees, where would they go? Where would they build their little shelters? For all the huge spaces and shelters that man makes, he is not going to allow the birds and the bees to take refuge there. So nature comes to the rescue. Nature supports man too, but how much does man support nature? By cutting trees to build buildings? The tree needs space for just one stump, but buildings take up huge areas for their foundation, thus killing so many trees. The tree needs nothing more than water to grow. Mother Earth gives it all the nurture it needs and the tree in turn does not burden Mother Earth by laying heavy on her. Instead it branches out as it grows, giving more space to support the creations of nature. We burden Mother Earth with cement,
mud, stones, bricks, metal and more to build our shelters which most of the times support just a few humans. But the tree has no such constraints. Registering the presence of this tree, I also realised that we take all that we have for granted, just as I had taken this tree for granted. It was there since my childhood, but I never really gave its existence a second thought. I just took it for granted as it stood there all thru’
witnessing my journey from childhood to adulthood. I then started reflecting on all the things I have taken for granted, the roof over my head, my parents, my family, my friends, the help I have to make my life easy and so so much more and for the very first time bowed my head with complete gratitude to God, complete forgiveness to those whom I was not forgiving and with complete acceptance to the plan of God and nature I surrendered to whatever will be in the future. I will end with supporting the Rotary initiative to plant more trees and urge you to do the same! Let’s all get together and proudly do so! From the Desk of PP Rtn Geeta Modi
On 27th July 2022 We had Our AG Visit and also an International Speaker Alexandre Neves (Advocate from Brazil) Meet at Amore The evening Began with a Sumptuous Dinner followed by the Introduction of Assistant Governor Shrimati Rachna Maheshwari by Rtn Meeta Kapoor.
Alexandre Neves came to under the Rotary Youth Exchange Program Rtn Dr Vijay Shah & Rtn Shilpa Shah had hosted Young Alexandre at their home in 2003, as a Rotary Exchange Participant. In 2015 when Rtn Shilpa Shah had attended Rotary Convention at Brazil, Alexandre had hosted her. Now after 20 Years Alexandre is Back in India He is an Advocate by profession, an Indian by Heart and has deep passion for Music & Rotary
Rotary Connects us to the World
Understanding Youth Exchange Program for New Rotarians Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries. What are the benefits? Exchange students unlock their true potential to:
Develop lifelong leadership skills Learn a new language and culture Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world Become a global citizen
How long do exchanges last? Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families. Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session. What are the costs? Room and board are provided, as well as any school fees. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for:
Round-trip airfare Travel insurance Travel documents (such as passports and visas) Spending money and any additional travel or tours
How can I apply? Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact your Rotary Club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves
PP Rtn Hitendra Mody is the Chairman for the Youth Exchange Program in our Club. Friends who are interested in knowing more about this program can get in touch with him
25th Marriage Anniversary Celebration
Rotary International President 2022-23 Jennifer Jones and her Husband Nick Krayacich Celebrating their 25th Marriage Anniversary in Traditional Indian Style at Pune.
Being the President of Rotary International, I hope I’ll be able to break many stereotypes involving women holding higher posts. I hope I am able to show the world that I can do better by getting involved to break gender barriers. I want to be an inspiration for younger women who can say ‘If she can do it, so can we,’ said Jennifer Jones, the first woman President elect of Rotary International for the year 2022-23 while speaking during a Press Conference organized by Rotary District 3131 held at J.W. Marriott in Pune on 22.07.2022 Jennifer Jones, who is currently on a tour of India, is the first woman elected President of Rotary International in its 117-year history. Jones would be visiting only 5 Rotary Districts in India out of 39
Plant a tree today, it will help us breathe tomorrow. Trees provide us with oxygen and fresh air and planting them will ensure we have fresh air to breathe in the future.
Friends we have a wonderful fellowship Morning on Sunday 31st July 2022. Tree Plantation& Gau Seva followed by Tasty South Indian Snacks. Please join us in large numbers to support Our Environment .