Night Vision devices has been very prominent in the field of Military/Defense, the equipment’s such as Night Vision Goggles, Night Vision Binoculars, Night Vision Scopes provide assistance to the solider during dark. Night Vision Devices have successful application in other sectors such as Security, Surveillance, Search and Rescue, etc.
Night vision Devices are categorized under Electro Optic Systems. The market revenue of Night Vision Devices had experienced a significant drop in the year 2013. The global Electro Optics is estimated to grow by 2.98 per cent by 2020. Military is the major industrial user of Night Vision Devices, It is found that US Military budget for the year 2015 is $637 Billion, and various other countries have been investing more on Military equipment’s up-gradation. Japan has projected defense expenditure to be $42 Billion for the year 2015.