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 Qualities of us - the next generational leaders  Diamonds  Being single and happy on Valentine's Day

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great rewards. Madness is commonly defined as doing the same thing over and over and expec ng a changed outcome that is what we have to try by all means to avoid.

BY Sanjay B. Patel (Sanjspira on –“Born to Inspire you reach your Desire”)

We have begun the year with more fears of moun ng economic pressures worsened by company closures and deteriora ng business. Central to solving this dilemma are leaders who possess transforma onal skills. Without sa sfactory leadership foresight within companies improves and inherent limita ons hindering business survival then prosperity and dominance will triumph. Foresight is a fundamental principle in presenta on of shareholders value. We should learn and become be er of shareholders value. We should learn and become be er predictors of business outcomes which would currently make us worthy business pathologists. Business foresight and deliberate naviga on are tools to avert business ship wrecks and in this genera on I am living in, I have seen and heard enough of those shipwrecks. We need good corporate governance policies combined with outstanding transforma onal leaders. Today's leaders are sa sfactory leaders.

Looking at parastatals like ZIFA,ZBC,ZESA and ZUPCO just to men on but a few, How many of you my age(21) can boldly stand and raise up an energe c ,enthusias c and unafraid hand, with an affirma ve statement like“I can”If the na onal government adver sed the posts of the ZBC CEO and PSMAS CEO to you the youth. I would definitely do so, because they are virtually no encouraging developmental structures in place, barring any hope for a be er future in such organiza ons. That indeed is the sad reality but not the future reflec on. Reflect on the following a country filled with people (individuals like myself) who have a mentality that says “I have recovered from the worst infla on figures in history”. I took over, started, fought for and built businesses in the most difficult of world economic environments “.I turned that economy around”. Let's enjoy our tough mes fight and face them and achieve victory!!! Rise up Zimbabwe!!! viva the entrepreneurial Chimurenga begins with you and I. I stands for influence and Inspira onal in Leadership terms. Currently in our organiza ons and socie es are leaders respected, trusted or even admired. Are leaders Influen al, Inspira onal and Innova ve? The answer is NO! Once again. Hence, what then can you and I do? You and I can begin a new Entrepreneurial genera on, what quali es would I want to have within me which make me Influen al and Inspira onal ,and that would give me the innova on to take over a dead parastatal like ZBC and PSMAS back to being a na onal pride. Firstly ,we cannot predict the future with certainty ,we s ll have to plan for it ,using exper se and knowledge ,we must prepare or possibili es and look beyond the uncertain es in order to be successful .Challenges we face require us to be innova ve ,it requires a tenacity and crea vity to bootstrap a business when loans are not readily available ,it also means an ability to not take”no” for an answer and to find a solu on that works ,even if that solu on is out of the ordinary or breaks a few social norms along the way for example Econet”s ecocash solu on. A difficult world teaches us the meaning of failure, which is never pleasant, but it is the tenacity that recovery from failure brings in

Transforma onal leaders goal is to transform people and organiza ons, engaging them in mind and heart, vision and enlargement, insight and understanding, clarify purposes, make behavior congruent with believes principles or values and bring about changes that are permanent ,self‐ perpetua ng and momentum building. It is comprised of four dimensions –idealized influence, inspira onal, mo va on, intellectual s mula on and individualized considera on. In order to be respected, trusted and admired, leadership should always consider followers needs and ensure consistency in their conduct, always possess their ability to inspire followers by personal mo va on not through coercion enhancing business performance. They should provide meaning, challenge ini a ve and persistence, when coupled with the quality of being sociable evidenced by promo on of par cipa on and co‐ coopera veness, stupendous results will undeniably be achieved. (continued on page 3)

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orporate governance refers to a trend towards greater corporate responsibili es and the conduct of business within acceptable ethical standards. Transparency, accountability and openness in repor ng and disclosure of informa on, both opera onal and financial, are interna onally accepted to be vital to the prac ce of good corporate governance. Effec ve corporate governance in the public sector means that public officials must demonstrate. Compliance with the following characteris cs: ∙ Persons with knowledge ,ability and commitment to fulfill their responsibili es ∙ Clear understanding of their purpose and whose interests they rep‐resent. ∙ Full understanding of objec ves and strategies of the departments ∙ Understanding and do everything objec ves are met and opera onal performance is higher than sa sfactory ∙ They fulfill their accountability obliga ons to those whose interests they represent by regularly and adequately repor ng on their departments ac vi es and effec veness. We as the new entrepreneurial genera on need to be given a chance ,to become public officers and hold such posts rekindling a greater na on ,I believe I am ready to lead my na on. Rise up the entrepreneurial genera on!! Together we make a na onal difference.

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Valen ne's Day is the annual commemora on of love celebrated on the 14th of February. It was created by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD to pay tribute to the Chris an martyrs named Valen ne. Although it is s ll o en permi ed, the religious observance of the day was deleted by Pope Paul VI from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969.Valen ne's Day was first related to roman c love by Geoffrey Chaucer during the Middle Ages. Un l the 19th century handwri en valen nes were o en given rather than modern mass‐produced gree ng cards, gi s of chocolates and flowers. Symbols of modern Valen ne's Day include heart shapes, figures of winged Cupid, and doves.The aura dispersed during Valen ne's Day is felt by everyone. In as much as Valen ne's Day is well known as a day for couples to express how much they enjoy their loved ones' company, quirky habits and those li le things they do for each other on a day‐to‐ day basis; you could use some of our ps on how to spend the day if you are SINGLE and you don't have a partner on Valen ne's day. 1.Make it a night in to avoid seeing all the couples packing the restaurants .Spoil yourself. rent your favourite movies and pig out on junk food. Think of something you can do to keep your mind off of spending Valen ne's day alone. Do something that makes you happy. Make the best of Valen ne's, even if you are spending it alone.

2.If you don't spend it alone, Invite someone you like, to hang out with you on Valen nes Day. It could be invi ng all your single friends (male and female) over for dinner and movies. Another way to spend it with your single friends is to go shopping, then go out to dinner at a nice restaurant and end the day buying yourselves a beau ful bouquet of flowers, rent a movie, sip some wine, and all night girl/boy talk un l you crash. Being together in this casual atmosphere

is relaxing, so you won't be tense or feeling alone. Plus, it is easy to just be yourselves 3.Treat yourself to a spa day. Get a massage, a facial, or a pedicure – alone or with some friends. Make yourself feel special and pampered! 4.Take small Valen ne treats to a children's home. Find out ahead of me how many orphans there are, and purchase (or make) accordingly. Even very inexpensive items are appreciated. This is a great way to show love and get your mind off of yourself!

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5.Got nieces or nephews? Be the "cool aunt/uncle" and volunteer to baby sit. Take the kids to an indoor playground, and then go out to eat junk their parents never let them have. They'll love you forever! 6. Get out of town! Plan a special trip to some place you've always wanted to visit. It could be something as drama c as a cruise or as simple as a day trip‐ enjoy being able to just do something you and only you want to do. 7.If you are traveling or live far away, call a good friend or take me to write them a le er through an email. If you don't have anyone to be in touch with, consider visi ng a nursing home or finding an online singles chat. Things to Remember: Do not feel bad when you see couples in love on Valen ne's day, for this will never bring anyone into your life. Be happy for them! Good feelings are contagious. My p for surviving the Valen ne's Day holiday is, to spend as much me with family and friends as possible. Valen ne's day doesn't mean a day of celebra ng with your significant other, it's about spending the day with the people you love or care about. Have coffee with your mom, or a friend who is also single. It's a nice feeling at the end of the day knowing you spent your Valen ne's day with a person you cared about. Always keep your chin up and never forget that there are plenty of other singles out there. New uses for everyday things ‐ Lemons are generally known for their tradi onal uses of soothing sore throats and adding plenty of flavor to some of our favorite recipes. However, applica ons for lemons seem to have diversified The following list, will most definitely encourage you to want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24‐7. 1. Freshen the Fridge Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab

lemon juice on a co on ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell. 2. High Blood Pressure Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness. 3. Prevent Cauliflower From Turning Brown Cauliflower tend to turn brown with even the slightest cooking. You can make sure the white vegetables stay white by squeezing a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice on them before hea ng. 4. Mental Health Lemon water can also prep up your mood and relieve you from depression and stress. Long distance walkers and world travelers as well as explorers look upon the lemon as a Godsend. When fa gue begins, a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top. Quick ac ng medicine it is, giving almost unbelievable refreshments. 5. Refresh Cu ng Boards No wonder your kitchen cu ng board smells! A er all, you use it to chop onions, crush garlic, and prepare fish. To get rid of the smell and help sani ze the cu ng board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bo le. 6. Respiratory Problems Lemon water can reduce phlegm; and can also help you breathe properly and aids a person suffering with asthma. More ps watch this space for more COMPILED BY JUDIE EM

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DIAMONDS Wri en by Sanjay Bharatbhai Patel (“ Sanjspira on‐ Born to inspire you reach your desire”) The diamond industry in Zimbabwe has been es mated to be worth billions, and what more could we achieve as a country should we focus on value addi on instead of just focusing on explora on and mining. This industry is a call for innova ve entrepreneurs and SMEs to play a major role along the whole chain of diamond. The value chain begins with explora on where explora on costs are high however the poten al profits are great, secondly mining where significant opportuni es do exist for entrepreneurial Zimbabweans to set up given their ability to acquire needed capital ,thirdly ,sor ng and grading, fourthly ,cu ng and polishing ,fi h stage is selling to the jewelers who then make finished products with them, at this stage the global value chain of a diamond is 320% ,very beneficial to any na on. Value addi on is the enhancement a company or country gives its product or service before offering the product to the client base. The process entails changing the physical appearance of a product to make it a rac ve, appe zing to the eye, which then s rs the brain to a p p re c i ate a n d e n c e p ro s p e c ve consumers to willingly purchase it at a compe ve price. Therefore our diamonds must be refined before we market them.

Miners make the gem available for whatever purpose. Their core interest is focused on returns to keep themselves a float. Whatever happens to the rough diamonds is non‐concern of their business.The fundamental ques ons are: How many people can they employ? Currently and How many industries can benefit directly or indirectly under such circumstances? A local vibrant diamond industry is needed. At the moment 90% of the rough diamonds are expected to various parts of the world, especially Europe and Asian markets. This country contributes about 25% of the rough diamond on the global market. In the recipient countries diamond industries are benefi ng as well as their up and down stream industries. Their economies, poli cal front, and provision of social services are all on the upward trend. However, se ng up a viable diamond industry locally would certainly threaten countries which are currently buying our rough diamond to face collapse. The other scenario entails stopping the exporta on of rough diamonds completely to pave way for “Value Addi on” purposes or possibly just a small percentage can be exported. It is true Zimbabwe desperately needs cash, but we should not completely bow‐ down to despera on and sell our rough diamonds, but rather have the pa ence to add value and focus on the future and prosperity. Zimbabwe has to be bold and create a viable model to realize the best out of its natural resources. The benefits are enormous for everyone to enjoy.

The efforts and impact can best be illustrated by two scenarios: firstly, the exporta on of rough diamond which is unpolished or uncut .The second, paving way for value addi on and expor ng a very small percentage of diamonds.

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