June 5th, 2017
Taipei Welcomes Musée d’Orsay Masterworks 臺北歡迎奧賽美術館大師名作‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥p. 1
Taipei Welcomes Musée d’Orsay Masterworks by Theodore Pigott, special correspondent In the past, people in Taiwan didn’t have many opportunities to see 19th-century European artwork in person, here in Taiwan. In fact, some Taiwanese art lovers even went so far as to make special trips to the best museums and art galleries in Europe to see the masterworks there. Now, those in Taiwan who enjoy European art from the 19th century are in for a rare treat. An amazing exhibition that celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris has opened in Taipei, and it promises to give people in Taiwan the opportunity to see some of the world’s finest paintings. The Musée d’Orsay opened in Paris in 1986, and it quickly became famous all over the world for its top-notch collection of European paintings. In specific, the Musée d’Orsay focuses on artwork from the 19th century, with its main collection composed of paintings from 1848 to 1914. This exhibition, entitled “Musée d’Orsay: The Aesthetic Worlds of the 19th Century,” will be held at Taiwan’s world-renowned National Palace Museum. It will feature 69 paintings from the Musée d’Orsay’s collection, including such masterworks as The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet, Young Girls at the Piano by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Rest from Work by Vincent Van Gogh, among many others. To ensure the safety of these priceless paintings, the National Palace Museum has set up special security measures. It has also insured the 69 paintings in the exhibition for more than NT$15 billion. Officials from both the National Palace Museum and the Musée d’Orsay expressed their hopes that this exhibition would bring about more cooperation and cultural exchanges between museums in Taiwan and France. They also hoped this exhibition would inspire more people in Taiwan to become interested in learning about European art. In fact, a spokesperson for the National Palace Museum claimed that the museum hoped that this exhibition could bring in more than 300,000 visitors, which would surpass the total number of 230,000 visitors who saw this exhibition in Seoul, South Korea, earlier in 2017.
So, if you like art and want to learn more about European art in the 19th century, or if you simply want to see some of the world’s finest paintings with your own eyes, then be sure to check out “Musée d’Orsay: The Aesthetic Worlds of the 19th Century” at the National Palace Museum. The exhibition will continue until July 24.
) 1. What is the main idea of this passage? (A) A close look at a new exhibition of European masterpieces in Taiwan. (B) A brief art history of paintings in both Europe and Taiwan. (C) An introduction of the most famous paintings in the Musée d’Orsay. (D) A quick look back at the founding of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.
( (
) 2. The word “top-notch” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “________.” (A) extensive (B) private (C) inferior (D) excellent ) 3. According to the passage, which painting you can’t find at the exhibition “Musée d’Orsay: The Aesthetic Worlds of the 19th Century”? (A) Rest from Work. (B) The Gleaners. (C) The Mona Lisa. (D) Young Girls at the Piano. ) 4. How many paintings in total from the Musée d’Orsay would be on display at this exhibition? (A) 15.
(B) 69.
(C) 49.
(D) 150.
) 5. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the exhibition is NOT true? (A) A spokesperson for the National Palace Museum expressed his hope that it could bring in more than 300,000 visitors to the exhibition. (B) The exhibition might help inspire people in Taiwan to learn more about 19th-century European artwork. (C) The National Palace Museum wanted to make a lot of money and sell several of the paintings during the exhibition. (D) Officials from both the National Palace Museum and the Musée d’Orsay hoped that it could encourage more cooperation between museums in Taiwan and France.
1. masterwork [] n. [C] 傑作 The novel The Da Vinci Code is Dan Brown’s masterwork. 2. in person [] phr. 親自 On Valentine’s Day, Mr. Chen always delivers a bunch of flowers to his wife in person. 3. gallery n. [C] 畫廊,美術館 The famous painter will exhibit her oil paintings in the national gallery next month. 4. rare adj. 稀罕的 It is rare for Peter to hang out with his friends. He stays home most of the time. 5. anniversary n. [C] 周年紀念日 ~2~
Mrs. Anderson was really mad at her husband because he had forgotten their 20th wedding anniversary. 6. top-notch adj. 卓越的,一流的 Alex buried himself in his work in order to become a top-notch salesman. 7. compose [] vt. (fml.) 構成,組成 The parent-teacher association is composed of teachers and parents. 8. entitle [] vt. 為…命名 During the holidays, I have read a novel entitled “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” 9. world-renowned adj. 世界知名的 Stephen Hawking is a world-renowned physicist and cosmologist. 10. priceless adj. 貴重的,無價的 The private collector has a priceless collection of antique vases. 11. insure vt. 為…投保 It is important to insure houses against fire, earthquake, and storm damage. 12. cultural adj. 文化上的 The non-profit organization aims to preserve the cultural tradition of Native American tribes. 13. exchange n. [U] 交換,交流 The backpacker helped clean the hotel in exchange for a month’s room and board. 14. spokesperson [] n. [C] 發言人 The spokesperson for the food company claimed that they would give full refunds to those who bought their food products. 15. surpass vt. 超過,勝過 The sales volume of the new product has surpassed all our expectations.
1. Musée d’Orsay[] n. 奧賽美術館 法國的近代藝術博物館,位於巴黎塞納河左岸,在河的對岸是羅浮宮。建於 1900 年,前身是 火車站。1939 年車站關閉,1986 年將其改建成博物館。主要收藏從 1848 年到 1914 年間的繪 畫、雕塑與攝影等作品。 2. Paris [] n. 巴黎 巴黎是法國的首都和最大的城市,也是法國的政治、經濟、文化與藝術中心。 3. aesthetic [] adj. 美的,藝術的 4. National Palace Museum [] n. 國立故宮博物院 國立故宮博物院位於臺北市士林區,外觀為中國宮殿式的建築,館藏許多無價的中華藝術瑰 寶,收藏品涵蓋五千年的中國歷史,數量高達六十五萬多件。 5. the Gleaners [] n. 《拾穗》 《拾穗》這幅畫描繪三名農婦在金黃色麥田撿拾麥穗的情景,充分呈現農民在農忙時期的景 致,也表現出勞動家庭的命運。 6. Jean-François Millet [e] n. 尚.法蘭索瓦·米勒 (1814-1875) ~3~
米勒的作品中常以人物為中心,並以寫實風格描繪農村生活而聞名,是法國最偉大的田園畫家。 7. Young Girls at the Piano [j] n. 《彈鋼琴的少女》 法國印象派畫家雷諾瓦的經典作品之一。在這幅畫中,一名少女一手撫琴、一手翻著樂譜,身 旁站著的女孩斜倚在鋼琴旁、看著樂譜,背景的家具擺設透露出少女們衣食無憂的環境,是描 繪中產階級的代表作。 8. Pierre-Auguste Renoir [] n. 皮耶.奧古斯特.雷諾瓦 (1841-1919) 著名的法國畫家,也是印象派發展史上的領導人物之一。以人物畫出名,人物多呈現豐滿、明 亮的臉和手,畫中也多洋溢著悠閒的氣氛。 9. Rest from Work [] n. 《午睡》 陽光普照的田野,農夫脫下鞋子休憩的畫面,表現出梵谷對家鄉的緬懷與靜謐的心靈。 10. Vincent Van Gogh [] n. 文森·梵谷 (1853-1890) 著名的印象派畫家。最著名的作品多半是在梵谷生前最後二年創作的,期間他飽受精神疾病折 磨,最終選擇自殺身亡。
臺北歡迎奧賽美術館大師名作 臺灣民眾以往並沒有太多在臺灣親眼得見 19 世紀歐洲藝術品的機會。事實上,有些臺灣藝術 愛好者甚至會遠渡重洋造訪歐洲知名博物館和藝廊以為了欣賞大師作品。現在,喜愛 19 世紀歐洲 藝術的臺灣民眾遇上千載難逢的機會。慶祝建館 30 周年的巴黎奧賽美術館在臺北舉辦特展,臺灣 民眾將有機會欣賞到部分世界上最為經典的畫作。 奧賽美術館於 1986 年在巴黎開幕,很快地以頂尖的歐洲名畫收藏享譽全球。具體而言,奧賽 美術館聚焦於 19 世紀藝術品,主要收藏 1848 年到 1914 年之間的畫作。 這場名為「印象·左岸──奧塞美術館 30 週年大展」的展覽將在世界知名的臺灣國立故宮博 物院展出。自奧賽美術館館藏當中精選 69 件畫作,諸多作品包括尚.法蘭索瓦·米勒的《拾穗》、 皮耶.奧古斯特.雷諾瓦的《彈鋼琴的少女》以及文森·梵谷的《午睡》。為了確保這些無價之寶 安全無虞,國立故宮博物院採取特殊的維安措施。同時為展出的 69 件名畫投保逾臺幣 150 億元。 國立故宮博物院和奧賽美術館的官員們都冀望這場特展能夠促成臺灣和法國的博物館更多的 合作和文化交流。他們也希望能讓更多的臺灣民眾有興趣瞭解歐洲藝術。事實上,國立故宮博物 院的發言人表示希望此特展可以吸引超過 30 萬名訪客,超過 2017 年初在南韓首爾展出時的總訪 客人數 23 萬。 所以,如果你愛好藝術且想更進一步了解 19 世紀的歐洲藝術,或者單純想親眼見識大師的曠 世鉅作,千萬別錯過國立故宮博物院的「印象·左岸──奧塞美術館 30 週年大展」。該展覽展期 至 7 月 24 日止。 閱讀測驗解答:1. A
2. D 3. C 4. B
5. C