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Vice presidency for academic affairs Services and support for EPFL staff

2011 has been a year of change for the Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs (VPAA), and many services for professors and teaching staff are now under the same roof: Nathalie Pichard has joined me as Deputy Secretary General; Hubert Girault is the new Dean of the Bachelors and Masters School; the department of International Relations (with Stefan Morgenthaler taking over as the new Dean) and the Center for Cooperation now form an integral part of the VPAA. This new structure will support EPFL’s endeavors to continue to grow globally and act as a facilitator in relation building between developing and industrialized countries. The EPFL-led RESCIF project, which brings together 14 Technical Institutes from a wide range of French-speaking countries, is a strong example of our school’s commitment to building a global network that aims to improve the livelihood of the world community through exchange and dialogue. EPFL is continuing to excel in research collaborations – two of the six recently announced EU Flagship pilots are led by EPFL. By early next year, we will know whether Guardian Angels and Human Brain Project have been chosen for the billion Euro research grant. We are also entering an exciting time with regards to investment for research and technology transfer in the energy sector. The current debate on Switzerland’s energy policy could open the door for research opportunities and innovation, and EPFL will take a leading role. We recognize that as an academic, you are under growing administrative pressure to combine the worlds of research and teaching. Moreover, we are in an age of constant evolution in terms of teaching techniques and technologies, and the expectations of students, future employers and society in general are ever-increasing. With the launch of the Teaching Bridge project, we aim to provide you with the tools and the space you need to ensure the next generation of EPFL graduates can compete on the world stage. We hope this booklet will assist you in your many different roles at EPFL. VPAA’s goal, as well as the other Vice-Presidencies, is to support you in your everyday life. For your research, the VPAA continues to provide a raft of services to assist you in all aspects of grant application and administration and, whether in the lab, classroom or elsewhere, our aim is to enable you to remain at the top of your chosen field of research. Philippe Gillet Vice President for Academic Affairs

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VICE PRESIDENCY Philippe Gillet Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA)

Nathalie Pichard Deputy Secretary General for Academic Affairs

Contacts Philippe Gillet: Céline Dupuy (assistant) – celine.dupuy@epfl.ch Nathalie Pichard: Isabelle Tuor (assistant) – isabelle.tuor@epfl.ch Finance: Rossana Papaux – rossana.papaux@epfl.ch vpaa@epfl.ch

Special Projects Isabelle Cahour – isabelle.cahour@epfl.ch Pascal Vuilliomenet (Teaching Bridge) – pascal.vuilliomenet@epfl.ch

http:// vpaa.epfl.ch

FACULTY AFFAIRs Hassan Sadeghi Head The Faculty Affairs office is responsible for the nomination process for EPFL professors and their integration into the campus community. Professors can consult the FA office for any issue regarding their employment situation or academic promotion.


ACCREDITATION & QUALITY ASSURANCE Responsible for the evaluation and accreditation of the Schools and Institution with national and international bodies, the activities of this group focus on Quality Assurance for the Bologna Process, and the recognition of EPFL diplomas within Europe and internationally. We will soon be conducting three satisfaction surveys with students, senior scientists and PhD students.

Michel Jaccard Head


EDUCATION : Bachelors & Masters Programs Hubert Girault Dean The BAMA Dean’s Office develops and coordinates EPFL’s educational strategy at the Bachelors and Masters levels. It handles the academic aspects of the Bachelors, Masters and Cours de Mathématiques Spéciales (CMS) programs, and coordinates the associated regulation and practical aspects. It also handles inter-institutional coordination in Switzerland (CRUS and ETH Zurich), as well as the promotion of the BA/MA programs.

What’s new? Teaching Bridge: Creation of a new transdisciplinary teaching space adapted to the latest pedagogical approaches integrating coursework, simulation, lab experiments, and interactive and group work. Phasing in of professional internships (mandatory for all engineering students from Autumn 2011).


Creation of 6-month sabbaticals for high school teachers in EPFL laboratories. A new preparatory year to be introduced for the 2013-2014 academic year and a new Bachelors cycle to be in place by 2014. 84 merit-based scholarships awarded in 2011.

EDUCATION : Doctoral School Jacques Giovanola Dean The Doctoral School implements What’s new? and continuously develops an The “Discussion Points” document is innovative doctoral program of now available, with the aim of facilitathe highest scientific and acadeting the relationship between the PhD mic standards. It aims to recruit student and his/her thesis advisor. the best students, to develop their potential though an excellent eduA new thesis cover design. cation and to follow their impact beyond EPFL. A thesis template available for PhD students The Doctoral School also deals (optional). with the promotion of the program and the coordination of inter-institutional and international doctoral initiatives.


EDUCATION : Continuing Education Giorgio Margaritondo Dean

What’s new? The Foundation for Continuing Education encourages and facilitates the creation of university-level continuing education programs in the fields of expertise at UNIL and EPFL, and orients the educational offering to potential students according to their needs.

Professors and other EPFL teaching staff can now be paid privately for teaching Continuing Education programs. A new infrastructure and new classrooms in the Innovation Square are available for the use of EPFL professors and teaching staff. A professional service is available that advises and assists professors and teaching staff in designing, promoting, administrating, and handling logistics and evaluations for the continuing education classes they teach.


EDUCATION : Education Office (DAF) Daniel Chuard Delegate

The Education Office (DAF) manages and coordinates the activities of the various services and groups that are involved in education, for both EPFL students and teaching staff. It provides the necessary resources for carrying out the educational strategies defined by the Deans.

What’s new? Creation of a housing office with the goal of increasing the housing offer for students (including PhD students). Improved accessibility to all legal texts associated with education, via the Polylex portal.


Teaching overview (synthesis of changes in teaching). Analysis of evaluations received and students’ grades.

Registrar’s office (SAC)

Jean-Paul Festeau

Student Affairs and Career Center (CC) Exchanges (SAE)

Catherine Vinckenbosch

Student Desk

Alexandra Benoît

Philippe Ory

Bachelor Programs Promotion

Maya Fruehauf

IS-Academia and statistics (OGIF)

Scientific Information and Library (SISB)

Laurent Ramelet

David Aymonin

(from 1.10.2011)

(until 30.9.2011)

Legal Department

Denise Flury Poffet

Frédéric George

Student Associations Management

Antoine Brunner

Joint EPFL-UniL Services: EPFL Language Center (UniL service), UniL-EPFL Sports Office and Chaplaincy


(Pedagogical Research and Support)

Pierre Dillenbourg Director

CRAFT contributes to the quality of an EPFL education by providing educational activities, advice, evaluation and support for teaching staff. In parallel, CRAFT also conducts research in education and associated fields.

What’s new?

Pedagogical follow-up of new courses or new professors. Using «Personal Response Systems» (or ‘clickers’) in teaching. Enhancing first year problem sessions with tutoring groups. Video recording an entire course (e.g. 14 X 2 h).


RESEARCH Benoît Deveaud-Plédran Dean

Kukhwan Mieusset Delegate

Research Office The research office manages and coordinates the activities of the various services and groups that support research at EPFL, and executes the strategy chosen by the Dean of Research.

With the support of the Research Commission, also appointed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Office of the Dean of Research actively participates in defining EPFL’s research strategy and coordinates its execution.


What’s new? Kukhwan Mieusset will start on September 1, 2011, replacing Gérald Parisod, who is retiring.


Research Office Grants Office The Grants Office supports EPFL in its mission to undertake research at the highest level. We provide information and pre-award administrative support, and we are responsible for disseminating EPFL’s Research Policy to Faculty.

What’s new? Luciana Vaccaro

Pre-award support for all projects with “non-profit” public and private funding. Approval of all contracts, grants etc.; administration of the institutional signature (including public groups that were formerly the responsibility of TTO and SRI). Overall responsibility for EU funding programs (FP7): pre-award, award, postaward, and negotiation of “consortium agreements” (formerly the responsibility of TTO and SRI). Administration of the “grants” database: uploading proposals and decisions to open fund accounts).


Office for Funding and Acquisition of Scientific Equipment

Interinstitutional Projects Office (CPI) The CPI collaborates closely with EPFL services to assist research programs in many areas including: financial and administrative assistance, public communication, educational activities, and technology transfer with industrial partners.

Jean-Bernard Luther The Office for Funding and Acquisition of Scientific Equipment provides start-up funding for equipment for new labs as well as renewal of existing material.

Sandra Pochon

What’s new? 4th call for proposals for the National Research Poles (PRN) 2 FET Flagship Pilots led by EPFL



Cooperation & Development Center UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development Jean-Claude Bolay Director

What’s new? The Center promotes and coordinates scientific cooperation activities within EPFL. It is responsible for strengthening the partnerships with institutions in emerging and developing countries.


Establishment of the Center for Cooperation & Development, integrating the UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development. Managing the French-speaking network of excellence in engineering RESCIF. Creating a Bachelors and Masters course in the CDH, “Science, Technology and Development,” led by the UNESCO Chair. 2nd International UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development Conference scheduled for May, 2012.

Research, education, advisory and informational activities : Establishment and management of research programs (bilateral SER programs with India, Brazil and Chili, Indo-Swiss collaboration in Biotechnology, DDC-EPFL grants, Seed-Money program).

Supervision of research projects in the Center for Cooperation & Development (immigration; scientific diasporas & development -in India, South Africa, Colombia, Moldavia; Infor4Dourou – sustainable water management in Burkina Faso)

Creation of interdisciplinary EPFL projects that prioritize development.

Advice and support for creating cooperation projects

Certificates of Advanced Studies: Project management for development projects; Disaster risk reduction (CDRR)

Educational advising for students preparing Master’s and PhD Theses.

INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Stephan Morgenthaler Dean

Antoine Fromentin Delegate The Office of the Dean for International Affairs and its operational unit (RI) facilitate and develop EPFL’s international mission through the creation of partnerships with international centers of academic excellence. It provides support to EPFL faculty and researchers in order to facilitate cross-border scientific collaboration and enable academic exchange programs. At the student level, RI works to promote EPFL programs worldwide and to attract the brightest overseas students. It also provides opportunities for EPFL students to study in other leading universities and aims to reach out to EPFL alumni living abroad. The RI team welcomes many international delegations to the EPFL campus and provides a key contribution towards EPFL’s globalization and its growing reputation as a major international educational and research hub.


On THE WEB All this information is available on the web, via thematic portals : http://is-academia.ch http://teaching.epfl.ch

For teaching


For research


Legislation & legal


International issues


Human Resources and campus life



Created for JSP / September 1-2, 2011 Copyright: VPAA@epfl.ch Project: VPAA/mediacom Design & printing: Reprographie EPFL French version available online: vpaa.epfl.ch

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