' 7'»'
wi k
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with YUthlk a e.s.w.
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•~ g
or let me clo it for you, your computer or mine! Latest version supply, install 8 set up '",'l.:"",,-' '
RUPA Ph 9430 9750 • mo b i le 0408 93,8 576 email: rupaOcrystal,corn,au
Notes from the Wings Beloved Friends, it's been almost 4 years now that I have been, first co-editor and then editor 6 p u b l isher, of Osho Wings Newsletter. As suddenly as the Wings has come into mv life, motivating me to learn desktop publishing, it is now mov ing out of my l ife again. In
other words, Osho Wings is looking for a
or publishing team to take over thc newsletter. I have really enjoyed being mid w ife for Osho's vision in the world and to provide a tool to keep our community connected. Although I'm alw avs getting lots of positive feedback about thc Wings, it has been getting i ncreasinglv harder to find people that want tn wri t e articles, intervievvs etc., and express themselves in writing — understandibly so, it is very exposing! Let' s hope someone else or a group of people have luice to keep the Wings going, otherwise v c M ill have to kiss it good-bye for now, until something nciv arises again. If you have any inteiest in taking thc Wings over, contact mc on mandanaQ«hot!inks.net.au or on ph/fax 08-9319 33'10. Thanks for all the support!
Osho West Australia Email List
;i''j1'rid'iii4iif'' oem''i f orii'"-'':-',:-" :.',
Do you want tn send a message to all sannyasins in West Australia on this list? Do vou want to be on thc list'? lt is casv and it is tree. You ran gct on to this list by sending a blaiik message to the folloiving address:
OshoWestAustralia-subscribe Conelist.corn - ',,<.Pv cry-&ednesd@memmeneing+eb 2; + 5 0-pTiT-',,; „. Cost,$10;at.,Kulcha above,'iDome in Fremantic), ~;, V<~~h,>~,gge<ving of„<elf-,di<coUe~l, using crncient-'<:,.:.:+>>",
To send a message to cvcrvbodv on the list, send it to:
Osho WestAustralia@onelist.corn And if, for some strange reason, vou want to rema' e yourself from thc list, send a message to:
. "::;:! ~j~, hite ~Kobe'Kcstistt:,l,,",:I
OshoWestAustralia-unsubscribe ©onelist.corn
,.<~.5cI &ray,"Ave'-'Fremantle, Friday night 7:00 pm;
This system has several advantages, not thc least of which it requires very little work on anvone's part! Your email address is more secure than simplv passing around a list of addresses. It i» also possible for the list moderator to 'lock out' anyone who seriously abuses the system. You can look up old messages, search for themes, and more, bv going to:
g%"4Q~'"rii 3 '-: "'-"-"0> '"')' -"' "'<'. '
"-:"„ ':.'":.(Pi, Ai titiob "'ei:„',7rAit'i''g;::: ':
wvvvKonelist. corn/community/Osho WestAustralia/ Again, the purpose of Osho West Australia Email List is to use it as a medium for us to communicate and
~C 4,~>' k»
inform each other of events, workshops, meditations, celebrations, parties or other relevant. information, but not for general advertising.
PAe g bc'i'--';;,
C lub Zorba New s
•, Personal CounseIIing,-.
lt's time for a change and we are pleased to announce that as of the Year 2000 there will be two Club Zorbas still every second Friday — but with new names and new management structure. Introducing WILD ZORBAS with DJ Suchita starting on Jan 7" 2000 and once a month after that, and ZORBA DANCE CLUB with DJs Susheela and Kaivum starting on Jan 21" 2000 and once a month after that. More varietv, new events, still lots of fun and gi'eat dancing.
• Women's Issues,„''~" ".: -".;;,j';.": ';.',', • Ad d iction Counsel ling:.,'-".,',„''"..7: "q'...>:>,'„, • Spil'itual Guidance .'. <':g ".;,'':,, :<i ',t.: : ".,k'melt<'"th' <e:knower." =-"< '".",.':;i'„'.Uyho -'
Ph 5'4,,,18 35'~5' ;.':.'„<"=;,
Osho Video &. Book Library Would you like to read Osho's words, listen to an audio discourse, watch a Osho video discourse or one of the videos about Osho Commune International? The Osho Video 8z Book I ibrary is being maintained by Ma Dwari in her South Fremantle home and is open to the public every first and third Wednesday of the month from 10am to l pm . For only $15 you can take out as many videos, books and audio tapes for a period of 3 months. Ring Dwari on 9430 9441 for further details. Come and support the Osho Library!
Sidoun Sidoun the German-based international sannyasin software company is on track to set up an Australian (and Australasian) headquarters initially here in I'erth. It is anticipated that by mid-2000 the new international revolutionary e-commerce software product (upon which th» Australian company will be founded) will be fully developed and ready for marketing. Until then, preliminary ground w ork is happening, It is not anticipated that staff will be hired until May ... but stay tuned for developments. I'or all enquiries (or just for a chat) contact Somen at somenQ<> iinet.net.au or 9433 4297.
Osho Celebrations Osho's Birthday celebration was held at Kirana. What a heartful gathering of Osho's friends with a particularly beautiful sounding music group, Osho's
words, again delicious foocl, and the starry night of the Baldivis sky reminding us that it is here arid now what we are looking for. The celebration of the 10'000 Buddhas on Wednesday January 19 will be again held at the Tennisclub in East Fremantle. White Robe Brotherhood, Music Group and dinner, starting at 6:30 pm, See you there!
13A Point St ~ :i<Fremantle •
P h 9 4 3 0 8 8 6 7 ;,
Sono Nliche tl i a'.A<.':::;:.. ';- ':: ' Acupuncture a Chinese Herbal Medicine <; ' Effective foi: back pain, fatigue, menstrual < problems, , d i gestive : d i sorders, s t r ess, '.,' ,, menopause, headaches etc. HBF, Nledlbank and other private health rebates apply. P h' <9430 88 6 7
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~ Ay urv e d ic Massage ."".
:, This ancient technique is invigoraring and lif'e erihanc inq. It involves the.-. use of oil, powder,'";. hands, feet and yoga stretches that together.. rcmove deep energy blocks, clears toxins. tiom the system <arid opens up the body.'
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. Mary Swan ';„Seichlm Healing 6, NLP THe healihg 'of patterri's throu'gh re-alignment and integration. The energy of Seichim then enables change to occur at the cellular.ievel.'„, Ph. 9 3 8 4 0 5 2 Z i . 0 4 1 7 9 3 5 7 0 4 ' -!is"
environment that is cr)nducive to opening Up and supportive of wh atever yuu might be going through. It is simply incredible huw like a prcssure cooker being in the still commune is. Huv< quickly emotions
are triggered, huw instantly nnc's trips are exposed.
by Na Prem Nanee5h art d. @ <magic of coming'I')ack ln the Commune in I)une after an absence of months or years is thc nut knowing just hnlv it w il l bc: each time is su different and I can take nnthing fur granted. Luckily for mc nut only do I have a lnt uf love for the Commune but for India too. There is nothing quite like those first few mi n utes or hours after onc arrives and emerges from the airport into the balmy, tropical night, smelling that certain fragrance that is a mixture nf things like spices, jasmine and urine! And then the ride in the taxi through — if it is the wec hours of the morning as it v(as this time — the relatively quiet, unpeopled streets of Mumbai and then on ancl nn tolv')rcls thc moUBtalns tII voU aI'I Ive. at thc Pnonam restaurant near Lonavla and taste your first cup of piping hnt, sweet chai. But that was all uf three weeks ago and you want tu knulv about what is happening in thc Comm une nnw. There arc lots of people here: Buddha Ha)I, nn this, the first of December, is full. Much loved N i v cdann is herc frr)m Br<evil for the festivities and so wc arc having
I=or example, lately there has been a Ir)t of tn)uble with the computer and printer that I am using, or their electrical supply. And has that pushed my but'tons ITlc1ssIvcly. IndIRB IBcfflclcncy. I Iuw can "they" expect a paper to bc crerllPd If thc cr]LIIpn)PB't 1.'i su slow and unreliable! Why does it take hours to get any help!! I saw mnrc clearly than I ever have ho)v panicked I become when I have nothing tu doand am thrown into thP gclp; hulv I du all I can tu avoid the void! How qu ickly I forget my hu m o u r. Yet all thc frustration and fcd-upness can be dissipated within an instant jusl thn)ugh someone cI'acklng a )nkc. Onc of thc things that keeps Blc cnmlr(g back t'n thc COIBI'BLUlc Is l'hc bell (g constantly engaged and challenged on every level. It is so cnl)ven)ng su Imn)enscly st)mulating. And thc beIB<~ accepted aBd. ycs, Blr)v bc cvcn loved, foI' bc)ng yuUI'self — even on your really "uff" d ays when you'd really prefer tn just creep a.way into a corner and hide until yoU bCgIB tu I'PCI ('VCB t)clif hl.(rncln aga.IB.
We are so sn lucky tn have this gcm of a place still available< .'itlll su Pxt)'avagantly a11vc aBd well and wclcunung!
Lots of love,
pal tlcLllacI Iv fan'tastlc live Bluslc Inus't cvcBIBgs< wllh Iot's
of Oshnba, which has cr)mc to be mv favourite music sn Ivild! Milarepa is also here — and vowing tu gct tu Australia in 2000! !VIiten and I'remal just arrived fnlm GcrIBany. As well uur uw n M a d h un ) is here and played gloriously in Wh ite Robe Broth(.rhor)d recently. My work here was tn bc leading the 40-day Millennium Ivlcditatiun Program starting December 11th. Good that I did some preparatory work before I left Fremantle, because within a couple of days uf arriving I was asked tn take over the Oshu Times too! Su I have spent most of my w a k ing hours up here in my crow's nest of an office — a great place, up on the tup of Mirdad building — lvith the Italian and Hi ndi Oshn Times right door.
" .'PSyC<hOtheral'pj'.;.','"';.,"'-"';:: '.".' " ';;..
Reblalancing,~ '-'" "".- '.; 1 ,
' ',-".'.' '::Ageha R<".g. ARM, PACAMfA
'"-' '."; Ph/fax' 9336 2170 ~
WOrking un t h C TIB (CS BlUSt' Il)erin I ha VC all l'hC
latest gnssip, right? So lct mc take a look thn)ugh all my various b)ts uf papers.... Wc've gol some rcallv interesting people here right Univ allloBg thcITI. Gil Alon, an actor from Israel interested in exploring what he calls the "tw i l i ght zone" bctwccn theatre and meditation and Dayal, a delightful Italian mime artist, comic actor and director. T here's a new program being offered around wo r k : people ale bclng IBvllccl 'l'0 cnrnc stay al' thc cnITUBLUlc fnI' 3-6 IT(nnths. ( D OI Bl l tnl v-st) lc) accnITUTIodat)un Is
provided (but not food) in exchange for work ing — and being worked on through thc wo rk! It's an opportunity to explore issues you might have around w o rk, in an
Creat haircuts, foils, hiilhliI)hta etc.
94 1 8 88l5
N.l'oKR I 4h .
>C,itsQ~Rs SA'-:::: v Qtr LE@ 21 Jan ' ~Souhd 8< Vision' Tour
h e European Union Commissioners have announced that agreement has bccn reached to adopt English as the prcfencd language for European communications, rather th<an German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement <and has accepted a five year phase-in plan for what will be known as EuroEn ~lish. iW In the first year, "s" will bc used instead of thc soft "c". Bivil servants will reseive this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will be replaced with "k". Not onlv will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less let ter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond vear when the troublesome "ph" v'ill bc replaced by "f", This will make words like "fotogr<at" 20 pcrsent shorter. In the third year, publtk akscptanse of the new spelling kan bc expektcd to re<ach the st<age where more komplikated ch<angcs <are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters, which have alw<avs ben a dcterent to <akurate speling. Also, al vvil agre that the horiblc mes of thc silent "e" in thc languag is disgrasful, <and it. >vould go. By the fourth year peopl wil be rcscptiv to steps such as replasing "th" by "z" and "w" by "v". During ze fifz year ze unesesary "o" kan be dtopd frotll vorcls kontattlllag o u s t r n llar cllallges vud of kors be apllcl t'0 ozer kombinations of leters. After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a rcli sensibl riten styl. Zcr vil bc no mor trubl» or difikul tis <and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer. 7e drcm vil finali kum t ru ! <~3
"I:;v.,),5.MAYA",.„GIB.sop..',""";' Osho Craniosacral Balancing. ', +'".,' " + C<ra'nio-Sacra I Bala ncingn" ''l~rt',"",',ts
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PFyo Sann+cls ':C©M ::;;<'i:":-'l"."',:hgHo')rr'I',(fo 'yo'u feel about "4~~'Vhe' ' re' ii Frea? ':.;.-','-,::-'"'"
reflected in those not initiated by Osho but touched by those who are — through our drancc clubs, businesses, many gifted healers, therapists ial'Ld tricnds. More and more the world is meditating and our meditati()n is the woI'lcl.
Swami Anand Sudhir So»>e say that u e nre being sz(>allo>ved hy lhe gre>1t A>rstralian suhurl>ia, rvhile others lhink it's li>ne to move lo By>'or> Bny Lvhere the snnnyns j >rice is fir>lving. Our ce>lire i» closed non, public O»ho Mea'ilnlions are on the decli»e nnd Osho IVings is slnncli»g o» B>ohhly feel ... IVI>r>t is hnyl>ening i » o>r r pre>nanll(' sa»» I/as co>»1>1 >I>I'll >/ nncl ho( v rlo YOU fe('I nhoul it?
Ma Anand Megha Formally I' ve only been in the sannvas c()mmunity tor 3 years now. I have found it to be extremely nourishing and the people I'vc bccn in contact with have c(ll had v ery open h ea1't i ,i o ITLUch 'thrlt' whell I WAS dow n I n
Denmark recently — and they' ve got a wonderful conlITLUBI'I'y theI'e a n r l w a s asked: D o v o U w a.nt to rome rlown here to live, because everything is so beautiful, people arc open hearted?", that I' ve stopped and thought: "No, I' ve got all that in Pcrth and I have that with the sannyas community and it's very beautlf111, Horv is il for you norv lhnl the cr>nlre has closed dorvn? I guess I wasn't surprised that the ccntrr did clr)se. In onc way there was sadness,because I used to love the celebrations there, in another way there is also excitement about thc unknown and w h a t's to unfr)ld and also thc responsibility is back on us as tr) thc energy and where wc direct it. Do you hnve any visions for o>r r sr>»nyas ev>nn>unil I/ herr? Mmmh, how can I have ideas ... (laughing) other(vise I'm living in the future. I guess it )vr)uld bc nice perhaps to have some central po>nt to get together, not necessarily a whole centre. 13ut somehow my feeling is that everything is as it should be, nothing is right, nothing is lvrong, it is just as it should bc ... and that fccls fine to me.
In a lot of ways I feel like our sannvias colT)munity Is being swallowed up by the great collective suburban Australian vacuum and what distinguishes us from thc rest of the world has been in a lot of ways eroded — like this big cultural sponge that sucks up thc sannyas community. And w hat makes us unique and different I know we' ve all got our own inner world - but something collectively has gone astray. And I also feel that a lot ot the altcrnati( e spiritual things that have come al()ng have eroded and watered down Osho s Illcssage aboUt el rllghtcnmcnt. I eople aI'e getting interested what is basically traditional Indian sp11'Ituahty al(d all tl'Lc unlrlU( thing.i that d Ist>ngUIsh Osho trom that crowd are being ignored and forgotten. Something needs to shift in my eyes, but I'm not rluitc sure v(hat and hr)w ... Wake up calls are needed!
Ma Prem Dhyan Well, I' ve only just become a resident of Fremantle. The main reason Icame here was to further enhance my o)vn inner space. Some year» ago I started on the journey of the inner Selt and through most ot this journey I' ve been in India and I felt' lt' was 'I'IIYLc lo come to a community in mv olvn country w h ere I could bc with other people who arc on the same path. I I'eel very strongly that if I'm surrounded by people who have a similar energetic focus, then my li/e beCOI'n( S more enriChed and CXpanded — I' n( etinr>r, C3
merging and melting )vith these other energies. This is really )vhy I came tn Fremantle. On the surface you could say I came bccausc of my friendships, I came because there is a community here, these is all really surface reasons, the truth i» I came t() deepen my experience of thc pa.th, W>'ll> the cenlre l>r ing closed a»rl no cr.ntrr>l yla(e fo>. sr>>'1»L/ns»'>s l'o gather, clo yr»r sl>ll feel l'he suyyr»'t. I thl>(k Inst> tUtlon.i rlcpcnd 011chru elves and on bUIICIIngS, I Cl()IL I .iCC SannyrlS AS dePend ln g On rl
Ma Prem Sono Wc don't wear malas and red clothes anymore and as of recently we don't even have a centre. I see ourselves being in a collective revolution where the structures of the past are outdated and the rules and social ideals of sannyas and community are changing. I celebrate this! We need to open up and change and trust that out of the ashes thc phoenix (vil! arise. Being here in the market plr~ce the community is unlimited. The face of the sannyas community is more subtle, more ordinary, and around Freo is heavily
structure. I see sannyas evolving as a result of one' s ()wn individual search and heightened by the search of others who are living in the close environment. Sr) the fact that there isn't a centre herc docsn't really impact on me b ecause there aI'c place.i whcI'c v()U can B)c(<'t and merge — on Friday night at White Robe is one — it d oesn t actUallv have 'to bc <( t)UIld lng 01' structure b u t really more opp()rtunitics for meditation, For example on thc Ncw Year wc mct for a silent I T(edit<)tlon clt 'I'he be<)eh< and It was ca very beauti fu l w a y to wclc()B(c thc Nc w M L IIC'BBIUB). So I th)nk It' Is those
sorts ()f ()pp()rtuniti(.s, m(<ditations, energetic meetings,
i rrespective of the structure — it is really not important but opportunities to meet so I can expand my energy, This is why I' ve come to Fremantle,
Ma Subhadro The Fremantle sannyas scene...'? Well, it seems like it entered a very quiet phase with the centre not existing anymore. Basically I feel I don't gct to sce as many people but it's also that I' ve entered a more quiet phase myself, not going nut as much and it seems a bit like everybody is more intn their nwn li ttle lives. Would you like fo see fhaf change? Do you have any visions for our corn)r)unify? Well, something has just changed for me around that, For a while I found myself complaining about the saBnyas sccBe being s'tagnclnt ancl thcl't BothlBg Is happening, until I realised that it is exactly what' s happening for me on the inside. I'm nnt very much into being uut there, I'm not even going tu parties or things that are happening. I mean I'd really love tu live in a juicy, alive sannyas community but at the moment that isn't happening, neither outside nor inside ... sn, it's an Idea.
Salami Deva Indivar Indivar, hou< do you see fheFremont'le»ai'inyas coninlunlfy?
They are being the programme, the conditioned egn structure which leads them willy-nilly this way and that way. Tu hear one's nwn inner voice, one needs to be still. So in accordance with this, what is thc community doing? It's not su much the Fremantlc community yuu need, but thc universal community the universal self that is already within you,
The new year has brought very interesting things, and onP of' these is tu provide a space where you can dive deep into thc well of pure being. Hnw this is going tu come about, wc're Bot quito sure, but I' ve consulted a blnke called Mojud whu ended up being a gn>cer in some far distant SanlInaI'kand clncl hP has agI'Ped tu cnn)c to FIcnlclntle and give some indications nn huw to become grocers. Because this is werc we left him, being a gznccr. And you may remember that all sorts of people came beCclUSP hC Wclsn t IUSt rl grncer. II . Wa s a gl'OCPI'
according to the Kidr. So hnw does one cc>ntact the Kidr? We sent across the Sammarkand and Mujud agreed that he is coming, hc is coming very soon and Blcly eVCB aPPerlr at Old I aPa S.
1-le's nof alias te»u» Cl)risl? Nu, nn, he's called Neu-Frcr>, that's he's ncw name, nnt Mujud. So keep on thc look uut for Nco-Freo. This is the biggest, hottest news right from the press ... llaughingl.
Ma Deva Rupa
At a very interesting stage. Why is )f infe)')1»ting? When yuu plant seedlings in this hut weather, what is it votl have to clo? You haz!efo zoafer them. That's right. And w here tu yuu get the water from'? Fro)n zo)fhln.
Nu, it's not within the plant. Not in the beginning, a little is in th» plant, but if the plant only depends on the water which exists within in, what would happen tu the plant ...? lf needs more. Exactly, it needs morc. Where do you get the water from? 1'm fhe one asking the questions ... (laughing) ... you fell me! This is were I see the community ... huw to obtain pure water? Because yuu can't usc nrdinarv salt writer — and voU crln gct plcntv of salt water from the ocean — but the plant v ill die. And so the whole exercise is huw to nbtain water from thc source to water your own li t tle plant. Osho talks about this. That in the beginning ynu can have experiences of satori and so forth, but this is only a glimpse, you have tn nourish these glimpses, you have tu nourish this inner flame and to dn that, ynu need the support of other like minded souls. These are thc real sannyasins, not necessarily following anything except their own inner voice. Now, one nf the things Osho kept saying again and again, "just be ynurself" and the difficulty is that nobodv is being themselves.
Thc I'rcmantle sannyas community is a really important part of mv ongoing journey. I'm really grateful for thc community here. I Irlving run the centre for 5 and. a half years, I learned during that. time not tu have tuo many judgments about what sannyas is, huw exactly a sannyas community should bc and huw things should go, I'm grateful for that experience. I don't find myself comparing it lvith anything else, I just feel pretty glad that I gut it. I guess one of the main things that I'm glad about the celebrations for one and that they continue tu happen — and just that t'eeling of being able tn be with people, There is something different about the way I can be around sannyasins. I feel that they take time tn actually see me ... I feel really seen and recognised, not ncccsslrily catcgnriscd, just people are receptive tn mc, su I feel thc space to be myself. I appreciate dropping dePpeI' In'tu Bly BlcclltatIon when w( g et together ancl meditate in a large group, like at the celcbratiuns. Do ~p~u feel fh'is commun)'fy support.' you in liz!ing on fhe razor's edge? My connection with sannyasins does two things for me. F01' OBP I't helps Blc tu have cl I'e<111l'y chPck what Irly
priorities are. If I get too obsessed with getting my financial trip, or my this or that trip together and I bump Into a saBByasln tn have a cUp uf tPa duwnt'own or at cclcbratznns, I suddenly realise what my pr>orities are. One of the beautiful things rlbotlt' t'his conlnlUnlty herc is that people are doing what they really want tz> do and the priority is tn enjoy life. It is su easy tn put off enjoying life in this moment because vuu'rc going so hard at your gnals,
A strong part nf my (c ontinued on page 14)
sho"::: ori', Commii'i'll and living in the Market Place ...
uddha call( d
Osho, as inore people corrie niid take saii»ltas arid more daIIS t)riss, I/' see)i'is thrit rnn»l/ of iis gi'ozv togetller -sti'oil<,'r'I' arid stroriger zvithoirt eve)i ineetiiig niueii. It seems to ine zvherr
yozr spoke of the 'ihezv CornnzrrnitII' that some/Zola it is an old
his coIHB1UI(ity snngiia.
eornnrzr»i ty of fr ie»ds, I'eiii'iitiiig ngaill t/'ll'oagi'I (toil r lr)z'e air(I Buddha says to hi» disciples to grnce. Thnizk i]olr, Osho. seek threerefuges, When anybody comes t() surrender he has t() surrender lo thrcc things. I-Ie cs, prasad, that's how it is. Many of you have been says: "I surrender to 13uddha, I surrender to sangha, I with me in the past. c iMany ()f you have been surrender to dhamma." Buddha is the alive, the together wl'th each 0'thcl' ill thc past, It Is B Blcctlng of presence herenow, But he xvill not be there always. old friends. You hcavc forg(attcn — I hav(. not forgotten. Sooner or later hc will disappear, just as B lamp And sooner or later you w ill also start rcincmbering. cllsBppeBrs Bnd then v()U cannot flncl whcl'c I'he flelnlc This ncw con1111llnc Is g()lng to bc onc of thc Olclcst has g()nc, Buddha will disappear - this body cannr)t things on the earth, vcrv ancienlmost. And trax cllcrs contain him I'or 1()ng, because the b()dy is mortal and he from different paths have comc is immortal. Thc vehicle is weak, the travellers from different directions vehicle cannot persist for long. cancl d lnlcnslr)ns. Jews BI'c her( Bnd Sooner or later the bod v will fall and the flame will disappear. Then to ,."'..',. Sctnny<a» 's";;:-."'sh©vu'Id ';;-"-' be";:„;> lvlohammcdans alc here Bnd Hindus and Jains and Bud(3hists whom will you surrender? So r.'.,';"'"'available to everybody.'-„.';.":.",.'I and Christian«BBd Taoisls — e)ll P)uddha SBVS, I canl CrCcl'ting a kinds r)f people are herc. All community: the sangha." ff.""'~The' whole courI try,.rnu'st ';'-; cultures are meeting here; all Sangha is a community of those who live with the same attitude, who I'-',";.,he:- able to ' become' '.f,, religir)ns pouring into each other. And a natural synthesis will arise. live B life in common, 1vho cr)mmunc ,"„'„':~::;sannyasins, but that. is-::.''-.."',j~ We are nol creating anv synthesis, with each other. It is a community, a bul it is happening on its olvn. coBIBIUI'll'tv of scckel s OB th(» sa.lHc I',";I:"''p©s»sible oily if yoi'i< c<a ri'<':-,,' The universal man can be born path, a community of those xvhr) have only oul of such 1 commune — the been in love 1vilh thc sanlc 13(ldrlhB.
)',;".,"be.':.';.';,,a '.:,t,; san nba's I'ri:; "'tn' '„'':„'
whose love joins them together.
IHBI'1 Who Will n o l' be ca Chl IStlBB
i ''"ordinary life.'-'."."'':;:;::," .' "'+"' '<:i
Bnd will not bc ci Jc)v Bncl will no t bc a I-Iindu and will not bc Indian Whe'n thC bud dhca Is 'thCI'C yoU Can ,r«',"ll)<r. c . " ,~.-< -,'; . ' .« . . * i)lad will not bc Chulcsc an(3 wIII lo()k at him — he can be helpful, hc I lo't bC Cicrnaan. All bOUndal'ICS circ can guide you, hc can take you oul. of dissolving herc. your misery and darkness — but when And you are ccrtainlv not ncw. You h<avc been hc is gone, then there is only one possibility: you here long enough, y()u have lived long enough. Many should join together to help each other. A fezv >vill bc I many lives you have bccn pIsslng. And yoU hBvc little ahead, a fcw w il l not bc so. A few mav bc lagging brought many riches; vou have brought great heritages behind, a fcw may be marching forcibly, a few may just xvith vou. And once all those heritages are poured into bc fast asleep; but if there is a commun ity, then those onc pool, it will bc onc of thc richest phenomena that 1<vho are lagging behind can also be helped. The has ever happened r)r can ever happen. community can take care Of them: the community can think ab()ut them, can love them, can help them, can Walk without Feet, Fly without Wings, Think without Mind guide them. When a Buddha is alive there is no need, but v hcn 'thc Buddhca is gone a community is the only Thc conlB1UBltv Is a gr(')Up.
refuge. JcsUs wBs crea'ting B coIHBIUnlty. This conllrlUnlty ls nol' l'hc chUrch, f c n l c n ab(»I; this COBIBIUnltv l s B()t a
sect, rcmr.mbcr. This community is a family of f'cllow seekers, not of fellow believers. When vou bclicvc, thc community becomes a sect. When you seek, then it is a community. A commu n ity is an alive phcnomcn()n of those who are all seeking together and helping each () ther.
Come Follow To You, Vol 2, ¹5
clnl"(VBS SlloUICI bC c1VBIIBble to CVCrvbody. The W hOle
country must be able to become sannyasins, but that i» possible only if vou can b(. a sanl"iyasin in ordinarv life — if you can go t() the office, if vou can (vork in a shop, lf yoU can bc I I ' I b()rcl; or B tcBchcr, or I d o c t or, ()I' In ('ng lnCCl" Bnd Still be a S<lnnycaslB.
Become riverlike. 13ccomc a. white cloud fl()ating in thc sky, and let the winds take you wheresoever they take. L)on 'l, (30B t f0110w Bnv I'U les. This Is what I B1can
when I say: 13C a sannyasin. Just be. Your ochre robes, your mala — these are rules. This is a game. This is nut what I mean bv real sannvas. 13ut yuu are su accustomed to games that before I lead you to a rul(..less lif», in the transitory period yuu w iII nccd rules. MovlBg fr'oBI this wol'Id of IUlcs, uf games« tu tlrat world w l t h uUt IUICS and g<IIT)cs, a bl Idge has to bc passed. Your orange clothes, your mala, are just for that transitory period. Yr)u cannot drop rules immediately, so I give yuu ncw rules. 13ut be fully alert that your robes are nut your sannyas, your mala is Bot VOUI" sannyas, ) oUI Bcw name is nut your sannyas. Sannyas will be there when there Is Bo name, when yoU bccoinc Balllclcss. Then there will bc no rules, Then you will be so ordinary, you will not be recognized. Only then...
llvlng ln th(' wuf ld« ln thc market-place, Hc ls But an escapist; hc is nut afraid of the wr)rid. Hc is nut like the vcdantists whu say 'The world is illusory, su we have tu renounce it.' Just sce the ridiculousness uf it. If the world is illusory, what is there to renounce? How can )«OLI fcnuUncc an illusir)n. And not only that, but these
„ pact«
' ') ,<««" '
A Bird on the Wing At9 Osllo, zlz'oil z1d )olz zzcozlztzzlzzlztl/ is ez'Mted otzd foitll it the se('ds of est(lblistzzrze)zt.
hat's true! Whenever there is communion there will be a community. It cannot be avoided c — and there is nu need tu avoid lt, I Invite lt! I have invited you all, I have called you all to be with me, to sharc thc joy that I have found, to share the truth. 13ut there is no cstcabllshITlcnt. Establishment happens only Ivhen the Master is dead. Establishm( nt is when the community nu lunger has any center, only a circumference, A dead community ls )vh<(t an establishment is. I know that whenever a community is born, sooner or later there will bc an establishment, but that does not mean that the community has to be prevented from being born. That will b» like killing a child because if thc child survives then sooner or later hc will have to die — so better kill him now. Why let him live just to die? Everybody knows that everybody is going to die; that does not IT)erin 'that cvcl y child hi)s to bc klll cd. When cl»ath comes it is perfectly okay. The only thing to be remembered is that )vhen the Master is dead, the community should start dispersing; it shr)uld start seeking ancl scalchlBg fof Bcw Masters.
people renounce thc Ivurld, they go tu thc I-Iimalayan caves and they sit there greatly satisfied that they have renounced. What have th»y renounced? If it is illusory, lt canBot: bc rcnuUnccd <slid lf lt ls not' 111Usul'v then yuLI
are a fool to renounce it. Either way it cannot bc renounced. If it is real, there is no way tu renounce it thcre Is nu need either. If I'I' Is Unreal, huw c'1B VOLI renounce it?
Eltl (el' thc Mastcf w i l l l e ave ITlally Mast(.I" s bchlncl hizll,
alive, enlightened... then thc community can still remain a community, it will not become an establishment. It une enlightened person is there then the community is still a commu n i ty; it docs nut matter who the enlightened p»rsun is,
Pbilosophia Ultima 4S y sannyas is far more complex. You have tu live in the market-place and yet live as if yuu werc living In a IBunastcry. Yuu have to accept all the distractions of life and yet remain undistractcd. You have tu be in thc world and not be of it. There is no need to get Iid of any illusion. Illusion is illusion. Knowing it as illusion is enough; there is nu need to gct rid uf it, That's why the Zen Master goes on
The Sun Rises in the Evening lit I
hile I am alive, if yuu allrrw total trust to happen, then voU can B)ovc vvlth ITI» In Bly de<zth too. HUt
if there is a little doubt, you will think, "I3ut I have still nut done many things and I have to live my life. I know that. it is sad that thc master is leaving, and I knu(v it xvould have been far better if h» Ivas alive, but I have ITlany things tu clo, I have to live IBy llfc ... and a thousand and one desires. If there is a little doubt, it will create a thousand and onc desires. 13ut if there is nu doubt, then thc death ut' the master is the must liberating expcricnc» that has ever happen»d un this earth.
The Book of Wisdom 414
ii e ",-',UP. ""-' '"".,=."~,:jf's'sfgip e " N !ille)i'ihium! Are you
Venus is in the Second Ho u se of money, finance, the material plane and morc importantly, our personal value svstcms <And scn.i(. of self wor'th. H<3vc voU noticed hovv oUI' self wol" 1'h stUff gets
Enligh t e n e d
y et~
tran s lated ~ ery quickly
Into dollars and cents? This quote from Osho sums up this quality of Venus In the second house: I are over, the madness subsided, the Y2>< bug has done its thing or not by Bow, Bnd thc New Year/Century / M i l l e nnium Resolutions about your new and better habits lic broken and scattered on the floor, Arc we still here? Are you Enlightened vet'? FIas humanity blown itself up or become awakened in a great orgasmic collective release of ecstasy,love and awareness? I for onc, hope the second is true ... Astrologers are supposed to have some intelligent answers, right? I know no morc than you do about it all, but I just love to have a look at th» planetary picture that presents at this time (at any time, actu<311V) — I admit It, I'm an addict. So, let's look Bt th» Twenty-First Century Chart. This cheart 15 c<1iculatcd for january '1st, 2000, at Midnight for Fremantle — the symbolic moment of thc death of the old century/ m i l l ennium and the birth of the n»w. While it is true that thc Millennium is founded on our modern man-made W»stern calenders, )ve h<3ve all been living with this time system for so long now, th» energy and the collective symbolism is very strong for us, I Ivon't go into cvcry detail of the chart — it
"The first link in lhe chain is self-love. Let us love oiirselves. l et this love be unhi>zdered nnd unconditionnl. IIe zvho ca>>not love himself is incapable of lr)vi>ig others. In the absence of loz e il is irnl)ossible to go beyond the >riundn>ie, the t>l>itsicr>l, a>zd the te>nl>ornh The pozoer r>f lr>zte is the only l>r)wer in >nnn that is ski>it>ral and unearthly." Osho — 1Vin<sts of love ana' Randan> Thin>(,ht ttl
04' 2> 5z
~<r 46'
03' +
iie •!
Jan 1" 2000
08 li
isa igs
L03 l
Fretn<sntle !
„, x i ' -,- 14
i 10
~Y></ «. ~
14" .04"
03 '
( y
would give us <311 brain-str<1in <and a lrllllcnnlUlrl
headache, so here are the most interesting features <35 I see them: Libra is the Rising Sign, or thc Ascendant. P)cautiful. Wonderful. The sign of Libra (at 8 degrees) was rising over the Eastern Horizon at Midnight Bnd so casts it' s energy gently over the chart. Libra is thc sign of balance, h<3rmonv, peace and be<duty <3nd Its ruling planet is Venus, the beautiful goddess of Love. Venus, as the Ruler of the Ascendant, is the ruler of th» chart. Venus rules the heart chakra, and represents bc<3uty, peace, relationship, sensu<3lity and artistic creativity. She entered th» sign of S<agitt<3rius on New Y»ars Eve. Sag as vou probably know is a fire sign with boUnt'lfUl, boisterous, fUB-fillccl CBt'hUslastlc cneI'gv, hope and optimistic visions of the future (fantastic for New, Year's Evc partying). It is also the sign of the spiritual seeker, the restless gipsy soul (travel) and the search for trut'h and meaning. I ooking good.
Scorpio is the sign on the cusp of the second house <3nd its planetary ruler Pluto is in thc second house along with Venus. Thc plot thickens and deepcns and darkcns. And the big news in thc astrological world is th<1t thcIC ls a conjunction of PLLTO and CHIRON at 11 degrees SAGITTARIUS. This last occurred in 1941 in Leo. I'luto is !hc plrlnct of clccp I n tense tIBnsfol ment>on thc1t occUls t'hl'OUgh cl»Bth, volcBBlc CI Up'tlons fro>n thc Undel world and confrontation with our sh<3dow B<3ture Bnd fear of death — we must dive dc»p within Bnd die in so many vvays to w<ake up — the ultim<3te rebirth. Chiron is the Wounded Healer — <3g<3in, healing and cleansing come through exposing the wound and experiencing thc pain, whether it be physical or emotional. Chiron asks that w» feel it all in thc body — to observe and experience our fear and all thc ways we slip out of the body and the present moment, in order to not feel what's <3ctu<311y happening. And wh<3t'5 happening mostly is that we arc
experiencing separation and fear — fear of letting go and opening to thc blissful onencs» of life — this i» the
The',,society has ev'alved materiaIIy,, The moi e
This conjunction in Sagittarius in thc Second House (are you still with us?) embodies these themes of powclful transfnrmati()n of our spiritual beliefs and value systems. It's important to see that Sagittarius is also the sign of religious fanaticism — how arc our fanatical beliefs actually blocking the way to what it is we truly seek? "This is gonna hurt like hell..." sings Sarah
:;"""'"' .material affluen'cehas come, the more, spiritual
McLauchlan, Wc can experience inten»c pain around the shattering of dearly coveted beliefs about thc
':;,"('."; is 'gcing to open. It is not absolutely certain that, . ; ""
splI'ltl1al l()lrrnev
b cl l c f !s t'hclt we h()ld onto rls If thcv
were moBev ln thc bank and lvoUld s<(ve us from the jaws of death. The Second House is where the ego gets attached and identif'ied — then we wander blindly around the rest of the chart trying to find some relief to ()ur problems. This Plutonic ener gy ar o und the second house reinforces what Osho tried to show Us In so nlany ways — there IS NO security. There is only the present moment and a life to be lived. The Moon in Scorpio in thc First I-louse (opposite Saturn in Taurus and Neptune in Aquarius) is significant herc — emotional intensity and the possibility of dissolution (Neptune) of our clinging to earthly attachments (Saturn in Taurus), Moon In a water sign square Neptune all denotes disillusionment, <grief and acute sensitivity within the emotional body and second chakra. Sagittarius is on the cusp of the Third House of communication, and its ruler JUPITER is in Aries in the 7th House ot Relationship — open, direct and oncst coBlmlul)cation ln «II relr'Iti()n»hips 1» fhc wav t o go. Oh SHIT! I n t crcstinglv, thc l3LACK MOO N i s also in Sagittarius in the hard in aspect to Jupitcr bringing out all the hidden unsp()kcn stuff that may have been buried for lifetimes — whatcvcr that is for vou. Share it with others — you' re n()t alone — everyone else feels like vou do! Bring it out of the dark and into the light and fire of Sagittarius (remember, Osho in thc bodv was a Sagittarian — did hc ever back down from speaking his truth?) There are many other areas in the chart wc could explore, but it would take pages to do so. Overall, the fee111(g I g( t froln f h l s ch<11't 1» 'that 1tls csscnticllly
about opening up through relating and sharing — with individuals and humanity generally. With Neptune, U ranus and IVIars in Aquarius, the Aquarian Age l s Upon U) — Osho s vlsl()n of a N c w
M <BB and Wolr(an
is forming. The old rules are dissolving, the divisions bctwccn mcn and women arc changing fast, and we' re all challenged to relate to each other in a new open, creative and honest wav. For thi» chart t() rcallv make sense it needs to be applied t() your own N atal Chart eg which house does thc I'luto/ C h i ron conjunction fall in your chart and
<,":,~'' p<'o<erty'has v< become<clear in contrast; So', on one< "'i:;:r"hranrd i.ichhess - ' on ari oth'er < ha<i'd: a<res'in<In'e'i" ' l,
;,"'.:.-';'poverfy,'.'; It ':hurts! The n ew,..",:'.genei ation.:- is ': '"; ri„,"(-,'" throbbing, and the momer)turn will,giow< more ' ' ' —. „,„... ".,. and more. By the end of this century a g<reat,door'.;;",. -'',, "''"rrran may not miss it '- man may miss it. It is just "<' ''
;;='"'a'ri 'opportunity, a p'ossibility,"'but it h»ass nevtelr''"-.''',' '.-":::,"''' been greater than it is today. •
'~::i) -.";, ';::.. The coming twenty years are going to $e of. -:::."< ,.;""' .'-;; ~' constantly accelerating momentum,,"They wiII, > '.,",' drive' many people crazy because no one wiII be -'-.„,"' ")',';::,",',able ' to live comfortably because a gr'eat lo'ngi'ng' '.;;.j " 'will arise in every soul. It will be almost like fire< ',"",';,';:;':; ;„; (",,'it will burn people. :,'!;,.',"',",: ' Many wii'I go astray. Just trying to find aut, '," -' .; some way, many will find wrong ways, will follow'-,.'-"'„',. '2
'-')""'wrong people, that's natural. When people start " 'I ' 4 «.
' ',:r"' erxploring' they explore in all directions. They' will "':: '
:;; ".':"'explor'e)' in all directions. They 'will exp<lore'", m edi'talion, they will explore drugs too -'because : "'
"'..',i "';>.' one never knows f'rom where the door is going. to " <;"..i
-) open
.'',,'.".",""'',,':;:' &(any will go crazy, because when people', -'':.;:; ,',:,',;.(." ll've in a normal way and no great desire ha6gs"':,.;"„'-", i),."', ","'"o'ver the'm,"'nothing can' drive them"'c'r'azy"'-"bu't", ';,. („i.,":, wh'en a' great' desire arises, it is maddeni'ng'. ':,'"..:.','.'l",:,1>'','
;.'.'",'„"",-,,: j:, Vj'.ry, few.,wi ll,bj age( '<jo,.lo.'nrg.g~;. it,'t$~j,;:;,;; deeply and yet remain sane -,it will be,a tuimojI,"< -.„"'."" "': sucha chaos. But the days are going to.be very,,'. „"e-,'
,'" '>.,'.:.''",thrilling: lt is going to happen more"and' rnore"''-',';'.-:, ;,",', eveiy("day<' '-" more 'and m'i'i'e" pea<prie) 'will be", ;"' „"',":'-' a)crom<'ing'to <recognise'that something«".r<e)m)ains ', ~;
''; 1','," ui <fulf lied and has t<o b'e fulf'illed."'„'.'>')",':+<%: ...,.;;: ".;- ..', ' ;:.:,'': ":;;.' .':;,'.; ",""':Osho - Roots And Wings
docs it form any major aspects to planets in your chart? In this way, y()u'll bc able to see how the symbolic Millennium Chart is activating vour particular journcv.
Happy NewsYeari
.Le&el' to the D
"/Vafurnlly the>e is nobody zuhc> zc>ill criticise /<nninn Maharshi. /le /izzed sile>it/i/, peaceful/i/ — not against rlrii/
by Swami Ar>crnd 5(>d/Tir
Osho '- li'4,.'Category Of His Own "Dr> iiot seelr zvisdorn, just cease tu hold opinio>is." Sosan Having quoted Sosan's sword to the mind, I w il! nnw, display the full nature of my unenlightenment by exploring some of my present opinions. Osho is nnt like any other Master! When I hear him being put in the same box as the var i o u m asqueraders of mastery that prnlifcrate at the moment, I nearly have eclipsions. Even to put Oshn in the same bnx as His contemporary fellow Enlightened Beings is a disturbing concept. Thc fact is that He is different. Whv? Simple... Let it be said in His wo rds: "I am for nrrr>T's spiritual grozvflt, but I u>tdersta»d spiriturtl gvoz(>/IT in its whrzle con/ex/. It is >rut so>nething sepnrnte, one di>ne»siunnl; it is n miilti-dimensional pile>io>ne>ron. lt needs rl revolution in society. It rieeds (T revolution i>t society's ecoriomic, political stvirctures; it needs a trer>zend(>LI» a»d rndicnl chniige in everything thnt has bee>i domi»ntiirg us up to now. We hnve /o create a discontinuity zvith /he past. O>rly /hen n nezL >rt(T>T—a really spiritunl r>tnn, a >rravi of cosmic dimensio>is — cnn be brzvn." Nnt nnc nf Oshn s cnnternpnlBries llas evcil macle thc slightest suggestion of the radical changes needed in society that Osho has spelled out sn clearly. Of course they are all pointing tn spiritual grow th, but none of them have thc courage or the clarity tn name, condemn and rc-vision the very society we live in, I came tn Osho via Wilhelm 14eich — whn apart from being the father of modern body based therapv and the t'irst window tn Tant>a ill tile west, went through some wild and wo nderful political phases, that left him in no doubt as to the emotional diseases of mndern man the kind of social changes that would have to occur if we are tn sul'vlvc and pl'nspcl as B species. I came also to Osho via Gurdjieff. He left nnc in no doubt as tn the nature of nur hypnotic sleep. But he never named the institutions that were rc-inforcing that sleep, nor re-visioned them. IF I wanted a spiritual angel who w<as remnved from society I would have and could have gone clscwhcrc. Tn R<(man Maharshi pcrhBps. Wllat clnes Osho say about Maharshi (the source of most of those presently on the Guru circuit)? This ... "I(n>na>T Ma/in> shi is a mi/stic of the highest quality, buf- n Mrister of t/<e lowest (7iiczlitt/." "He never sni/s nnythi>ig ngairzst any sir perstittc>n, ngai»st a»y /relief tl>rat is based 0» lies. He never criticises any religion, any politic.s. He is»0/ revolufiu»ary. He is not interesfed in trn»sfov>nir>g hu>nan beings, creating n beffev soci ef y."
zzested interc'st, rrc>t in nriy zuay proposing n >tew »tart, n new huinanity. He is fcilfilled nnd contented; /ie is f't»i»bed zvith the Zoo>Id." What about Meher Baba? Nnxv here I have some experience. I recent times nf extreme doubt and despair, usually around my incapacity tn even comprehend Oshn's vision in the whole mad dance of relationship, I have longed tn fall into the loving hands of Mchcr Baba. I 1vrr>te to Oshn about this. Osho was very clear with me. One cannot have two Masters, choose wh(> tn be with. Then be total. With blessings! Osho on Meher Baba: Meher BL>bn is not fi>iished <vith the zvorld i>i flze same sense ns Rn>nnn Mnhnrslii. But he is i>iteresfed 0>ily i» i/our spivitunl grozvth — as tf spiritual gvozczfli is so>nethi>ig separcrfe fro>n the zvhole»tr«cfure uf society, veligiovi, education, pnst, all the t>ndifions, co»ventio>is. SO he rc.>nni»s intc vested irt 1/OEEr spll'!firn/ grozc>fh, btzf spit'i/un/ growl/i Is n co>)l jzlc'x />hc.'>Tr>n'tenor'l — I/ Is cor'r>reef('d ZUE/'h r»nny otller f/'rlflgs. U>T/ess yr>u> co>>dr/loni>rgs nre chnnged, unless your beltef syste>ns nre changed, unless t/our niinr/ is unlzurdened of the pnst — tlrere nre so n«lni/ things to be clenned — o>rli/ then cr>n fhc.' still sr>tall voice of your being be lteard." Oshn tonk B consistent and similar tack with Gurdjicff: Hc'. >s flic' >»us/ LI I'1i(/tie Masfel' tlir/ zvuv/d has eve>" sc'c.*>'I, />Lit his tr»iqueness created a rlista>rce between hint n>rd the riormrzl hurna>rity."
"A»d h» is not interested in ant/ social vevolutiuii. His zvhule i>i/crest cons tc> cvystallise a fezv i>tdivt'dual» wlto zvere courageous e>T(>trglr, to give them thei~ origi>ial face, /0 lielp the>n to Irnozv the ultimate ecstasy thai existence inn4rs available. Buf if is o>rly foi tlie chose fecv." The other possibility is Krishnamurti: "And the fourth vvran, J. Kris/rnnnii~rti, coul(I lirrz>e lzeeii n danger, cuuld hnve been criicifien' — he hnd a far liigher iiltelligence thn>r nny Jesus Christ, n»d fn> i>>Ore infellecfunl gei<ius tha>t any So(rates — but because of cr cert(>in Obsesst'czn, he E>ecn>ne veri/ much ngniirst oign>iisntiun. Hc zvns ngrzinsl nll or(>n»isnfioris. Mat>trail(/ yuu wuulr/ thin/( thnt if he uzas
agnirzst all urganisatiori» then nll urgnni»ntiun» zvuuld hnve bee>T Ll>1 >'loi/c'cl bl/ IEI I' n. I/tit /I>Is <Uns >rot tl'lr' crzsc.', /zc'c'Lus(' T he
never created nnL/ c»ga>risatiuvi of' his czw>r. A single inclividicnl fov >it>'lc'tl/ ylc'rl>'s co>l fit> I loitsli/ zvc'fit (i>'oil>id tlrc' le>or'ld. I (/hc> cares? Sc ven hundred millie>n Catltc>lies are gui»g tu bother abuut n single indizzidual zc hcz is tall i»g ngninst orgn»isations?" The Fact is, I for one was never interested in boLving to anv »Bint. N(zr dr> I feel like I wall t tn bc br>und bv thc etiquette of the Mcw Agc by not saying anvthing against anybodv's ref'ramed belief's and superstitions. The NCLv Agc isn't called Christianity in drag for nothing. I love the devil in my M aster as much as the god. I love the fact that he hammered my Christian cr>nditinning, dared
to confront the fucked-upness of society head-on and who put the whole subject of collective political, spiritual and psychological insanity so clearly on the collective table f' or all to see. And that He articulated a clear and consistent vision of thc New H u m a n ity in response to all the shit — that is still going down. A vision that is still sorely missing in the whole of the w orld nleclIB. Left, Iklght and Ncw A g e . I love it when I hear Osho talking nf thc days in ancient India when dcbatc was such acherished pastime, thBt intelligence got. honed to dtanloncl clarity< then fell via the hear into being. Bestdes Osho, not onc charBctct hBs shown themselves, in the twentieth century, who has taken on this huge task with such B wide sweep of his paintbrush. And the only Master I' ve ever found in the past who dared be so socially radical was the Zen Master, Ikkyu. His life story is worth a read. For all those daring to give Batsang, it's not enough to look like you' ve swallowed the sun and the moon to get this little black duckic in your sway. Have you got the courage to confront the whole society with its blindness? How about us getting some of Osho's hotter ideas back into focus?
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(continued from page 7)
sp i r itual journey has
been to learn how to get my act together on the physical plane in terms ()f finances and health. So not to get a tunnel vision it's great to bc around
&teve s
sannyasins and breathe out and just laugh. That' s the kind of nourishment I gct in this community, like th«rc is a way of living in the moment and getting your trip togcthcr and it is through celebrating. I think we' ve got that here and I'm really grateful for it.
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Ma Anand Asanga When I was in Poona last time I tuned into our situation here in Frcmantlc and I felt that it is very unique. Wc have a network here, vou can almost call it B underground nctw()rk iand we are all connected with each other like a grapevine. It manifests itself in parties or when I go into Fremantle and Bccidcntallv meet sannyasins on the street. I feel this is a community, ()ur kind of commu n i ty and wh en I tUned Int'0 It In I oon1, I't felt jUst right.
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L)o you feel it s«pports yo«on yo«v path? This is up to me ... When I need support and I talk to B ccrtilln pelson I gct cxacHy what I need, I just havP to get. oLlt of Irly own wa v. 13ut I fePI cvcn If t here is a centre I hBvc to gct OUt of nly own w a y and get and ask for what I need. For mc the sannyas community here is absolutely perfect ... +
.Tlii "Fecal MBklng chapatls Is one of IHy fBvoUI It'P. cooking meditations. How w ell they turn out is a real mirror of how present v()u have been. And then you get to eat them!!! Unfortunately not Bll recipes fit into this issu«of the Wings. If you would also like the recipe f()r I'otato MBI'sala, Cucumber 8z COI'Iandel' RBItB and I BI ath<ls, contact me on rupaQA crystal.corn.au
P umpkin &
C o c o nu t C u r r y
1 large onion • 2 Tb sp g hee 4 cups butternut pu m p ki n cut in 25 mm cubes I Ialf B pack( t of I<<cnuk<l coconUt cI'cBnl 1 Tbsp any mcdILUH hot' Incllan stvl(. br()wn (not' yPllolv) curry powder, (Frcmantlc lvfini Market has a nice one) Saut('.. the onions very, very gently till soft and cntirclv transparent. This <will make them very sweet, important for this recipe. Add the curry po w der and the diced pumpkin and stir for s«vcral minutes shll on low heat till the pumpkin is well coated with spices 1nd starting to cook. Grate the coconut cream in and stir tiH it melts clolvn, cover tightly and simmer over a very lolv heat until thc pump kin is well cooked checking frequently to make sure it doesn't stick, Only if necessary add a dash of lvater. Japanese pumpkin isn't suitable for this as it is
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too )vatery and docsn't hold together as well as the butternut. I cooked this in a hcavy saucepan with a heavy well-fitting lid if you don't have one of these you (), ill det'initely need to add the water.
Chapatis MIx a large cup of whole-wheat b)odvn<lnlIC Hour with enough water to make a nice workable dough. If you can, leave the dough to sit for an hour or two or even overnight to allolv it to ripen. This helps the chapatis puff up to leave B pocket and improves the texture of the bread. Divide th« d ()ugh into 8 tn 'lo even lumps and n)11 them into balls. Flatten the balls and roll them out on a Houred surface till they' re about 2 mm thick. Hea'I' a heBvy bilsecl sklllct t() HIc«Bncl ho't 'tl («1 l pl I t In
the first chapati. Cook on the first side for one minute then turn over and s«al the oth«r side. (If your dough is ripen«d you shoukd start to get bubbles in it before v()u turn it over the first tim«). After the second side is seal( cl (ilboUt one nl l n Utc) BHLI voU can pI'ess doiwn on It
wit'h 1 tea-t'owel to encourage a big bubble to form. Another adm i ttcdlv slightly hair-raising way to get the pocket Is to renlove the covPI' I'I'c)nl a gBS Ict B.nd 11ght It at the plpc so voU get B big Hanle I'hen thI'ow the chapati onto the fl am« using a sct ()f tongs t() turn it over after the bubb)e has stBI't('d. If voU halve allowed the dough to sit this sh()uld work really easily but don' t bother trying the flame method if the dough is fresh. T his IHPthod leavPs th( s t ov e a 1«ill nl css bLlt nlil k c s great chapatis, Love
For Rent
Free Housesitting WoUld yoU like to hoUsestt our 3 bed room pLace in East Frcmantle for 1 week f'rom Jan 29 tO Feb 4 clnCI feCd OUI two beautiful cats? Call Son() or Mandana on 9319 3310,
Beautiful Session Room
Holiday Accommodation
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Niral<l and Garbha would like to
Very quiet location, looking onto bush garden. For morc info call Nirmala on 9337 9529.
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Location, Location, Location ! Major river, city And ocean views forever fn)m this glorious 2 story
home in Margaret River. We have a large room with a comfortable queen size bed that overlooks a garden alive with birds. Breakfast and gourmet dinners are availablc. For daily rates please call 08-9758 7656.
E.Freo. Separate ground floor area lvith bcdn)om, bathro()m, huge
lounge, bar, entrance and phone available from March ]st, 2000 for six months orlonger?? Shared kitchen Bncl IIVIBg Areas UpstBII"s. $135 p.w. Call Vimal on 9438 1532. Temporary Accommodation Available on ()ngoing basis for visiting friends or times of transition. Room is available for 2 t() 4 weeks in Hilton, S60. Ring Chandra on 9331 8897 or 041 356 7773. Session Room in F reo At The Healing I'oint, available Sat., Sun &c Mon, Reasonable rent. Cont<let Sono on 9430 8867,
Accommodation Register Are you lo()king for A room or are you looking for someone to sharc your house with? Asanga is keeping an Accommodation Register to help you find a room / r oom m ate. Call Asanga on 9335 6064.
Sessions / Courses
ColourpunctureLevel l Basic seminar, leads to full training, starts Febru<lry in Bunbury, For more CICtclIIS BBCI InfOFITIB tIOB ContclCt
Sim()n Cribb on 08 9791 5544, I Bx: 08 9721 7580. Search internet: Colourpuncturc/ colorpuncture.
Miscellaneous For AII Mechanical repairsand services call Chandra on 9331 8897 or 041 356 7773. Carpentry ilnd BllsccllancoUs I'cnovBtl()1'Is BBcl
home repairs. Call Kerry on 9314 1470 or 0417 99'I 985. Tarpan Electrics Need an electrician? A competent job at the right price. Phone Tarpan on 9314 '1092. Carer Wa n te d in exchange for bodywork. Call Kinara ()n 9319 9368.
RAW-Food Course 4 weeks, indulge in "cn-lightening" rBW cltsh( s Bncl IcBI'n plenty of yummy recipes as an addition to common eating habits, Starts Feb 7js at the Meeting Place, phone Ragini on 9335 9539,
For Sale Cushions For Sale Hand painted, bright colour designs, home studio sales. Call Sudasi on 9331 7657.
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The search has tO begin,". butt if your.'cori tinue searching for
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' will remain in the mind; It is the mind whisTi searches Osho F
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