Osho Wings vol 2 nr 7

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our IHHi.'I' belH(' ls

ilothing but the inne? sky. CIOEIds come And go,

planets are born and disappear, stars arise and die, and the inner sky I e?nains the sa?ne, untoliched, unta?'nished, iinscarred. N e call that I)'Ine1' ski/ sBkshtn/ the wltl'less, AHd that ls the whole goal of

?nedl tat ion. 0 lrl, en jol/ l l'ie I n? Ier»ky.

Re?ne?nber, whatsoever you can see, igou are not it. YOEI ci11'l, see thoElghts/

then you are not thouglit»; you can see your feelings, then youare not your feelings; yOEi CAH See yoIII d?'earns,

desi I es, Ine?nories, i?Hagi nations, prof ection), tl'lel'I l/ou A?'eHot the?n. Go on eli?niriatiiig all that you can see. Thl'.H olll'. day a l I elnertdl?us ?no??'IeH t a? is('.s,

the nlost significant mo?nent of one s life,

when the?eis nothing left to be rejected, II the seen has disappeared A?Id Only the seer is there.

The seer is the e?npty sky. 'lo kno?0 it is to be fearles», aild to krii?w it is to be fiill of love. lo knoloi t i » to be God,i» to hei?n?nortal

OsHo Meditation, t' he First and l,ast Freedom

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