giving and receiving; supported by meditation and interspersed with an enormous amount of laughter and fun. "What a loving way to learn, receive and give, it really touches the core," was one appreciation, and
Into Your Hands
I Lay Ny Being A group of people, from varied backgrounds, met together recently at Osho Kirana, Baldivis,
for the first Western Australia
another,"the best course I have
based Osho CranioSacral
ever been on!" The whole was enhanced for everyone with the beauty of the environment provided and the surrounding countryside at the height of spring flowering. Perfect for walks and a group visit to nearby wetlands one evening. ."If I would not have come for the training, I would certainly have come for the food," was an apt summation of the art of the two cooks, who excelled themselves with exquisite taste sensations. "I have never felt so feminine," said one of
Balancing Traming, Level I.
Sabah, who conveyed the training, having previously taught in Poona, and with six years e xperience working with th i s system; describes Osho CranioSacral Balancing as "freeing blocks in the cranio sacral system through very precise and deep work on the head, the meninges and the fascia — the whole system can regenerate itself and fundamental healing happens. 'Healing from the Core'." "A new and subtle approach to healing was taught with a loving combination of experience and information" was one of the member of the group's receival of Sabah's skilful facilitation. The sensitive pacing of the training enabled everyone to enjoy the learning, the experience of
o ps from the ® i e s s Hi beloveds, Again waves of doubt have swept through the corners of our minds, only to remind each other and ourselves that: "Netw or k ing that' s what we' re about!" Or is it the invisible silver thread that spins and weaves all of our hearts together' Experimenting with the front page was a passion, consuming Mandana's days and nights. And if you d i d n' t get a call from Susheela this time, it's because she just didn't w ant to make ONE MORE CALL!! LOVE
s Ad~
the cooks (male!). As the understanding deepened of the work, and people felt the changes in their systems, more was heard in describing this experience. "A gentle touch for a powerful healing", "A t o t ally unwinding experience." "I feel great, my membranes have finally l et go!" Those of the group wh o had worked with people in a 'hands-on' situation before, enjoyed the aspect of facilitation by 'non-doing' to bring to their work in the future. Perhaps the last comment, which provoked gales of laughter, best sums up the whole training: (I am) "complete: I can't think straight!" "' by Ma Deva Darshan
The Osho Wings Team: Publisher; Editor: Graphics & Layout: And the much appreciated;
Susheela, Mandana Mandana, Susheela Mandana Folding Team
OSHO is a registered Trademark. Photos reprinted by permission of Osho International Foundation. All rights reserved by Copyright Holder.
See(a MEDITATION CENTRE Kundaiini Meditation Mo-Fri 5:15 — 6:15 pm
msvwvx szsstomS March 1997
in Fremantle & Baldivis
Evening Satsang with The Master — starting soon!
Introductory evenings
"tPIorkshop Space &
Thu.16th Jan/6th Feb 97
Session Room
Please phone for brochure.
available for rent
Dynamic happening in "97!! ~ ~
, 4 %g
8®5®5i K4;lvf%' pNetitiofteif k' fr'aiYi'ei Tel;(09) $24 1'421'oF -4809612
3 Mouat St, 2nd Floor Ph/Fax 336 5090
Osho %Sings — NovlDec
to all l'rom us3 here at Osho Kirana. Just wanted to give an update on how things are progressing and blossoming out here amidst the green trelds (yes very much so at this time of the year) and macadamia
blossoms (we' re working up to a good crop this year). Slowly, a small community/commune seems to be establishing itself, l t h ink I can
speak for all of us here in saying that we all gct a lot of joy from living, working, meditating and playing together . One thing which helped bring us together was the birth of the 'floating crew' - i.e. we all spend Wednesday afternoons together working on some project — onc week it was landscaping Satycn and Sabah's new garden, the next it was sprucing up 'Lily's', the Bed and Breakfast and Health Retreat.
We have great fun and welcome anyone who would like to join us.
We alsonow have Satsang every evening from 6.30 -7.30 pm and Dynamic daily. There's nothing like meditating together to keep us flowing with ourselves and our master.
We' ve had several people visiting for short-term stays and retreats which has felt very good, As we don't have so many groups happening over the summer months, we would
C entr e
like to have more short-term visitors - come for a night, a week or more. Come for
evening satsang and stay over, or come for longer and join in our activities or give yourself a retreat — anything is possible!
Meditation and Transformation
Well done to Susheela and Kayum for creating the new 'Leela' centre — we look forward
to working hand in hand — keep the energy flowing.
203 Doghill Rd. Baldivis 6171 T el 5 2 4 1 4 2 1 Fax 524 1 0 16
P.S. Don't forget Big Birthday Party for Osho 11.Dec. 6.30 pm
"Yoga has eight limbs"
Monica Gauci 8r Prarnata P.O. Box 162, Mosman Park 6012
Tel. 385 4743
(Yogasutra il, 29) Learn this ancient sequence of postures, synchronising movement, consciousness and the senses, using breath as the integrating link between body and mind,
Beginners Course: Mon/Wed/Fri mornings 6:30-8:00 am Commencing Nov 18th for 4 weeks No experience necessary, booking essential.
Mysore-style Classes: Tues & Thurs mornings 6:30 am for experienced students
Venue: Leela Meditation Centre, 3 Mouat St, Fremantle
+QQ,we ajar Qpdatjrrg recur.:,"+tie,phoit@bookl",' ':„"„. pi'.l', ~
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Box 977, Fremantle 6160
by Suchita
T his month's guest on Full Circle's Juiciest is
Dr Michael Vesselago, a medical doctor who lives in Canada. He was set to have a normal conservative career as a doctor until, soon after graduating, he was posted to work on an Indian reservation and found that in order to effectively treat the people on the reservation, he had to work with the traditional Indian medicine man. This experience opened his awareness to more than just the physical realities of life and he saw the power of ritual and community, Later he was literally dragged along to a Transcendental Meditation evening and went on to spend time with M aharishi Mahesh Yogi. So while he continued his "normal" m e d ical practice, his inner journey continued, with the result of gradually incorporating his understandings of the spiritual with helping people with their physical diseases; he practices on the cutting edge of mind-body medicine, combining the world of emotion and spirit w it h science. SUCHITA: Can you share with us, given your experience of treating many people with many illnesses, what are some
principles of wellbeing for all of us? DR VESSELAGO: These days I emphasise the importance of exercise far more. It has a lot of resonance deep into the soul and the spirit; the moving of the body in a rhythmic, harmonious, sustained, repetitive, total body-movement way affects the soul and the spirit. This is not just aerobic exercise, this resonates deeply into the soul and the spirit, when you do regular exercise in this way. At the same time, it depends on how you exercise. If you do it in an obsessive, time-orientated, aggressive way it has a negative value. But if you exercise mindfully, you' re allowing your attention to rest fully in the e x p erience of your body moving, whether you have a comfortable sensation here or an uncomfortable sensation there. At the same time your awareness is engaged in the environment around you, and appreciating, if you are outside, the trees, the leaves, the flowers, the stones under your feet, the sense of the grass, the blue sky - engaging with the senses sens-uous ie, fully sensing experience. Then the exercise takes on this full resonance into the soul and the spirit. I teach all my patients about min d f u l ness, breathing and meditation. Because breathing mind f u lly, breathing fully down in y ou r body, so that you fill both your abdomen and chest, makes an enormous difference to our health on many levels. It's not just a question of oxygen, it's been demonstrated on a scientific basis to change the way the nervous system functions when you breathe "properly" ie. with f ull breathing in and a full emptying of the lungs, with a conscious awareness of your breathing. On the scientific level again, this brings a relaxation response - decreased blood pressure, decreased heart rate, decreased output of stress-related hormones and increased output of chemicals from the imm une system. And you can be aware of your breathing no matter what you are doing, and in so far as I'm aware of my breathing, I'm grounded in the present, in the HERE and
NOW, I'm less likely to get off on my own ego trips, and
so the breathing serves me in many different ways. So the more you do these things on a regular, daily, repetitive basis, then more you' re going to chronically turn the nervous system and the imm une system into a healthier direction, regardless of the level of ease or dis ease you are enjoying or not enjoying. The other big area affecting our health and wellbeing is relationship. Relationship has a very profound and measurable effect on the dis-ease or ease of the body. One of the best examples of this are the results of a big epidemiological study in the US on heart disease called the Framingham study. There was one town that stood out because it didn't have the incidence of heart disease that all the surrounding ones did, and the people there ate the same diet, had the same level of exercise, smoked as much and had other similar risk factors. The only difference the researchers found in this particular town was that it was a close knit community w it h close family relationships that had stayed intact after emigrating from Italy. Thirty years later the researchers went back, and the community had dispersed and they had the same incidence of heart disease as everyone else. Having a close knit community pr otects you from heart disease. SUCHITA: And love, love protects you fmm heart' disease, and disease generally? DR V ESSELAGO: Yes, but love isn't a scientific term Suchita! But yes, love is what we are talking about. Really all this science comes down to love. Love changes the physiology, love strengthens the immune system science is there now! Love influences disease. In a study of people with A I DS, those who went out and served as volunteers for other people, lived three times longer than those who didn' t. Being of loving service has been shown to have a positive influence on the most deadly disease we know. And watch out for picnic deficiency. If you' ve got picnic deficiency you are going to have trouble managing y ou r d i sease. You' ve got to have an abundance of picnics,you' ve got to have an abundance of delightful experiences in your life to stay healthy and/or m anage a disease. SUCHITA: Mi n d fulness, conscious breathing, relaxation and love are all spiritual terms that you' re relating to our health
and well being?
DR V ESSELAGO: Yes! But these things have been talked about for centuries and nobody has listened. The fact that we can now talk about mi n d f u l ness, conscious breathing, relaxation and love in scientific as well as spiritual terms and make sense of them in scientific terms, I hope means we can start to promote these things to make productive and progressive changes in our health care systems. Of course Dr Vesselago had lots more juicy things to share, but that's all for this issue. Copies of this interview, and any others on Full Circle, are available
(331 2252). Remember to tune in on Full Circle, every Sunday on ... o.
l l
Osho Win gs — Nov/Dec
~rc u'pc '~, '
a- " z e ~
"A ', ,',:.,:,;=.'.:.,:.'i - .;!@; -"'
Sammasati Sundays
Friday Nigbt Darsban
NIGHT to come and sit silently with others. A night to evoke the presence of the Master. A one-hour silent sitting every Friday 74pm at The Osho Institute for the Miraculous at 59 Wray Avenue, Fremantle.. Please wear white robe. No charge.
COME spend a Sunday sitting, watching and walking with the furry friends of the forest, the tall jarrah trees and the blackboys at the Osho Kharabat. We will be practising the ancient Buddhist meditation also known as Insight Meditation. A silent day to be alone with yourself, with the support of other meditators 8E nature. Cost:$30. Tea,fruit and biscuits and meditation cusbions provided. Bring a picnic lunch and a tou el for a lunchtime soak in tbe bot tub.. Limited to 14 people. Bookings necessary,Phone: 430 5509,
...FOR THOSE WHO APPRECIATE only the highest quality organic and biodynamic food prepared in an atmosphere of love and awareness,please join us for dinner on Monday, December 2nd at 6:00pm. The venue is 59 Wray Avenue. The cost is $15 and booking is
Practitioner Training with Indjvar
necessary, Phone 418 5103. x.
THIS IS AN INITIAL 3-MONTII TRAINING in the methods and techniques of the 3rd Psychology. It will include the so-called normal therapeutic interventions for ego-mind conflicts, and how to go beyond such conflicts, It wilt run March through May, 1997. Phone430 5509for brocbure.
Cooking Mlhole4 Matual Foods Fo 44enl the Sod)r, Mind 4 Moo/s with Snhetje fI Saturdays9.30am-noon beginsDecember7th. Phone4185103for brochure.
cr ' .'"'"+ggP4 j ~~ p g,
E'xperience th e JVTractic
I R. I- M A N T L L' 6 I 6 2
": v>PP ~,err' '6 tarot Keadings i Crystals
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Don'0let a chanoe like this go by
rtga,.judas n!rjjie'4
Aura Soma Colour Therapy
Splr! I(i't jgdjtl'QC'ts~g:@ging
Energy Balance Massage 1
(using Aura Soma oils)
Specialised:Ir''I'IIIejAtfonship Issues
Read ing/ H e aling
Precise a'nfI';$'i'i)fessfonai t9 years of experience
Phone Vismaya for bookings or a free brochure aa6 1126
'carot gags Osho 'Ti mes Osho gooks i5 A'ulcc geng Shui e r r o r s dr Crgstais fxescue Remedy
i 6 4 2
~',I'TV ifv
/yern tones Pendulums 'jewel/er g Pfusic igooks Cards Posters 'Tarot' Cards
3 3 6
Cail Asanga &&san BOY
s I!'
.' 'Vsk'." ' @i "In'ar~j'a4
Rara Cafe
vtvg OO~ ~s
3 3 HIG H
g(ytvo • New Lunch Time 5ummer Menu
• A- la-Carte Evening Menu
• Fine Vegetarian Cuisine
p rem a n t l e j l t a r k e t s •
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Shop (Ogl 43O iVOP
0/ji ce(G9) r30 8280
Osho Wings - Novloec
Pho~e: 335 6118
' •
Service 8 Tune Brakes 8 Repairs
by Mandana Along with the structure of a room, f u r n i t ure placement strongly determines how the Chi flows throughout a room. It is t herefore a powerful and fun w ay to create more abundance and harmony in our li ves. The three most important factors are the placement of your bed, desk and stove.
Ring Anagara workshop - 4304133 a/h - 339 2245
Unit 1, 10 Strang St South Fremantle
Bed Positioning Our bed, the place where we rest, relax and recharge our batteries is of utter importance and its position is crucial to our overall wellbeing. Ideally the bed should be positioned diagonally opposite the door as this creates a nice balance, enabling o u to get a good view of the door, without being "h i t " y the Chi C entering the room. Good examples are:
International Speaker, Author 'I'herapist RT.'i (US) k Clairvoyant
Available furr Clairvoyant ('/uidance Readings Hodywork, Triggerpoint Magnetic Therapy, Floe,er Essence Past Life Regression 8r Past Life Information Dynamic Spiritual/Personal Development Programs
Call 514 7800
m o bil e 0419-950019
If for some reason, the bed cannot be positioned this way, a mirror can often be used to cure the existing problem. Here are some examples:
/ / / /
, mirror
mirror ~Âť
/ / /
/ /
OFFICES â&#x20AC;&#x201D; SHOWROOMS - HOUSEHOLDS Although the use of a mirror can be beneficial in some cases, generally speaking mir r o rs activate Chi which is not so compatible with the restful energy of a bedroom, use therefore sparingly. A mi r ror placed at the foot of a bed is considered unfavourable and should be removed or at least covered at night. Also avoid placing your bed directly opposite the door with your feet pointing at the door. If absolutely unavoidable hang a crystal ball or vvindchime between the foot of the bed and the door. The bed should also not be placed directly opposite a bathroom door. Ceiling beams above the bed are considered unfavourable as well, especially when crossing the body, as they can cause physical health problems in the area of crossing. If unavoidable, try to drape and soften the beam with some nice fabric or sari. Finally remove, if possible, any protruding or
P h : 3 8 2 4 136
@ .:/ P~/ig~tt>i.;',QI", ' ~r.
sharp angles or objects pointing at your bed, as they channel aggressive Chi (Sha Chi) at you. Sleep tight ... '" References: Interior Design with Feng Shui, Sarah Rossbach - Century Paperback The Western Guide to Feng Shui, Terah K. Cogins - Hay House Inc. Practical Applications of Feng Shui, Lillian Too - Konsep Books
-.A~k Treinefiin tention t hour of eerinft attention
4S4 2409
Osho Win gs - 1 VovlDec
@ BFD A BREAKFAST AIVD HL'ALTH RFTREAT with swimming pool and tennis courts
21.3 Dog h il l R d . B a l d i v i s 6 1.7 1 T el: (09) 524 162 0
F a x 524 1016 .Ãs
(P "Bed a Breakfast package" I
Relax and be cared -for at very reasonable prices. Evening meals are also available by arrangement.
y g
® 2-5 Day 'Health Retreat" N ut r i t i o n , M e d i t a t i o n a n d K x e r c i s e Upon an initial health assessment, a meditation and relaxation programme is arranged together with tantalizing vegetarian cuisine to refresh and rejuvenate yourself. Accommodation in beautiful country house on 20 acres. For individuals or small groups.
(09) 524 1620
Please call Poonam for enquiries and bookings:
Prana ttealing with -~"" " """-.->" lrl
Pragl'ta '..~"~I s4 "'4 A powerful. gentle tleoling Cxperience Netophrlsical Reading 6 energy Work
- Connecting
— Through The tlcart
'J; Q3
0 l
REFLEXOLOGY METAM O R P H OSIS COLO U R CO D IN G For sessions 0 classes phone;
Ph. H 5
60 64
con c . avail
ggorpc g E
~ •
4 34 2 4 0 9
Live Music!! Thursday - Sunday 7 International Menu Sundays c
Osho Wings - N o v / D e c
Readings 8 much more...
MRIDULA 335 8925
5 G eo rge S t . eeet., East. Fre m o nt.le,
Check out ourNew Expanded Venue ll 'ELEPHONE: H9 6352
Vatayana, what brought you to Australia? I am visiting Osho Centres through out the world. I have visited 25 centres in Europe and Am erica and now I am here. I see the need to come to the centres, as we can not always expect people to rome to Poona. I want to connect with people and share what is going on in the Poona commune. I have not come to check or control the Centres. Each centre is very ind i v i d ual and has its own responsibilities. And yet for example when we were meditating last night in satsang I had to open my eyes and double check where was I? Poona?, Australia? there is no difference, the buddhafield is growing all over this
You are a member of the Inner Circle since 5 years. Who makes the decisions for the Commune? The Inner Cirrle, which still consists of 21 people, takes care of the material body of Osho's work. The commune itself is one part and international v "ork another part. The Inner Cirrle deals with very practical issues for example: Where are we going to expand next? What are we going to do with Osho's books and tapes etc.'? Very practiral things which I like very much. Every decision has to be unanimous.
Are there any expansion plans? More property in Koregaon Park?
What are the requirements to visit the Commune in Poona?
you look closely you can imagine which area could be next... There is something in the pipeline to say the least.
As you might know, about 2 years ago the ashram was
Also there is the Mahakashapa property wh ir h we have acquired about 2 years ago, which stretches into an non足 residential area, giving us more scope for buildings, I
(Giggles) I can not really say anything official here but if
threatened to be closed by the local politicians and the police force of Poona because we got associated with drug parties that were going on at the time. For us this was a real wake up call and we had to look more carefully into who was coming here and why? We had to make it very clear that the ashram is a place for meditation and we had to make sure that this was the interest of the people who came here. More control on the gate, stricter check in rulings etr. Now after about two years we are able to make it easy for people again who want to visit the ashram. You still have to go through registration but from then on you are basically inside the ashram. We found that the consciousness of people and their awareness has grown so much that we have the feeling that everybody wh o w a nts to be here comes for meditation and shows a great deal of responsibility for the place. Are there any restrictions for people with Hepatitis C '?
think we will probably develop this part into what Osho has called a "Modern Dharamsala", self-contained bungalows or flats, but we still need permission and in India everything takes a lot of time. What is the main trend for people to come to Poona these days? Our experience is what people like are the meditations. Meditative therapies like NO M I N D , M Y STIC ROSE and BORN AGAI N are the best booked groups. Many people come simply to relax or come for holidays. They might take some individual sessions or small groups. Also Buddhahall is full every night for Wh ite Robe Brotherhood and the 3 day meditation camps are very popular. That shows a clear trend towards meditation. How is the food in the Ashram' ?
We had to go through a very interesting period before we decided not to check for, or put any restrictions on people who have Hepatitis C. Over the past year we
(Much laughter) I love the food in the Ashram. As we are producing more fresh foods on our farm, vve are able to serve clean and fresh salads of all kinds every day and that is quite something being in the middle of India.
tested about 3000 people of 45 different nationalities who lived and visited the commune and found that the virus did not get transmitted wi thin the commune. I feel we are even on top of this situation due to our existing safe sex AIDS precautions which Osho had put into
We even have ice cream. Not to forget our menus are truly international. For example our people from the far east Koreans, Taiwanese and Japanese have taken on their own projects of putting on the most delicious oriental food. And of course there are Italian nights with
place since 1985.
Pasta or Pizza, you name it.
Osho Wings - Novloec
What are your plans to get Osho's work out into the world? Since we had established Osho London, a very classy high profile show/ m e d i tation-room in the Centre of I ondon and now Osho America in Phoenix, Arizona where we store most of Osho's English language books we have had incredible interest from big international publishing houses like Bertelsmann, Sony for CDs, St. Martins USA, Boxtry. The good thing is that they come to us now, we don't have to run after them anymore. Through their marketing system you can find Osho's books now everywhere in the world. Osho is really everywhere, even on the internet and I heard you can not only listen to his voice but also soon there will be Oshn Videos on the Net. Osho is really expanding in a big way . Is the Ashram completely run by sannyasins or do you employ people from outside?
r~~ +e -+~ lw~g~ &leMcgtrz jKO 50 REMOVE 14E BARRIERS
We employ about 200 Indian workers from gardening to plumbing but on Sundays we make it a point that the Ashram is completely run by all residents and visitors so everybody jumps in, washing dishes, peeling onions, cleaning etc, More and more people enjoy ~orking here and we have to employ less and less people from outside. We will probably have to a lways farm out some specialty work li k e airconditioning or electricals. We have established a f loating pool of people whn want to wor k occasionally. You just sign up in the morning and the crew moves to where ever they are needed for the day, that's a very juicy department, easy and spontaneous. Further more all group participants have some hours ot' work-meditation built into their
Fxpt RiENTiAl As>Ieolo(;y Al(".4EMICAl Rl CIRESSION
Ph. )0> 8$92
MOW>W Ot.OO S oteoitg hours:Inontues wedhei loanf-<pm Blotsloam- 7pfn .
st 9Rfn - 2 30pffi
group program. How is Poona's infrastructure keeping up with such large numbers of visitors to the Commune? Over the last two years many apartment buildings have gnne up in the Knregaon Park and there are plans for two or three more hotels close to the Ashram. Even with all the construction going on, around here there still seems to be enough greenery tn enjoy. Of course iun our peak season December/January accommodation for visitors is ai ways tight. I expect that this year we will be very full, due to Osho being out there so much through his books and his people. Thank you Vatayana, it was a pleasure to have you here.
retalefsot wIIo)etocdttodoIts, ol'Jalllc and
fr itqvegetIles, ~rains,paslas,
tahiniS etc I~ Wwg Ave,Fremetle
Osho Wings - 1Vovloec
tafe-away food tnado IIailg onoor lIrenIises phone335gqg5
I have only just arrived here, the train was five hours late. You ~anted me to wr ite as soon as I got here so I am doing so. Throughout the journey 1 thought of you and of the tears falling from your eyes. Nothing in this world is more sacred than tears of love and joy. S uch tears, so pure, are not of this worl d . Though part of the body, they express something which is not. Whatever can I give you in return .
Mind is localization of consciousness, and it can be localized in any part of the body. Ordinarily we have localized it in the head but other cultures and other civilization in the past have tried other parts of the body also, and on other planets there are beings with other parts of their bodies working as their minds, but whatsoever may be the partchosen localization of consciousness means its freezing, and whenever it ceases to flow freely as is needed it is no more consciousness in its suchness. Meditation means: consciousness in its suchness, so let it flow th r oughout the totality of your being and you will have a feeling of aliveness which is never known and felt by localized consciousness. Whenever there is localization of consciousness the part in which the localization happens becomes tense and diseased and the remainder of the body becomes a dead weight. But with meditative consciousness or flowing consciousness everything changes completely: the whole body becomes alive, sensitive and aware and consequently weightless. Then there is no centre for tensions to exist and accumulate because they cannot exist without frozen blocks of consciousness. The flowing, the moving, consciousness washes then out constantly w ith every movement, and when the ~ h ole body is alive only then you begin to feel the cosmic consciousness all around you, How can a frozen consciousness, and that too surrounded by a dead body, feel the cosmic'
ACupof '' Tea Lett.rs writk;n btt
to disciples nnd friends from 1962 to 1971
LNlc. Life is an infinite mystery, therefore those who are filled wi th knowledge are deprived of life. I.ife becomes known only to the mnocent, to those whose intuition is not c o v ered with the dust of knowledge.
Love. Man is free to decide, but not free not to decide because not to decide is to decide, to waver is to decide, to postpone and evade decision is to decide. There is no escape: one must say yes or no. And there are a thousand ways of saying no, only one way of say yes, and no way of not saying anything at all. This is the human situation and the seeker of truth must be aware of it otherwise life is wasted unnecessarily. A single moment lost cannot be regained a nd we have wasted so many lives so decide to decide, and decide to transform and transcend, With the decision comes crystallization and then one is ready to take the jump into the unknown.
Love. I am very glad to have received your letter. Anxieties in life exist but there is no need to worry about them. Worrying stems not from the anxieties but from our attitude towards them. To be anxious or not is always our open choice. It is not that a non-anxious mind is free of anxieties anxieties are there, t hey are an unavoidable part of life but it does not burden itself with them. Such a person always sees beyond them; d ark nights surround him t o o but his eyes look to the rising sun and therefore his soul is never drowned in darkness and this alone is enough that the soul be not drowned in darkness. T he body is bound to drown in i t in fact it already has, Those who are condemned to die live their lives in darkness; only the dealthless have their lives rooted in the light Blessings to the children and regards to all.
Osho Wings — 1VovlDec
.+.":,'-:„;-„GissI 1e S Sessions/Courses Homoeopathy Treats the person not the disease. Fix the essence from which comes physical and emotional harmony. Special offer - 30% discount on consultation! Phone Subhagi on 339 5651, AVATAR's Empowerment is not about ego and pride, it is about joy in all existence. Like a good friend, it is there in your life to tap you on the shoulder when you are getting carried away with too much self importance, or getting too set in your own way, or stuck in a broken record. It is there whenever you want to re-create your life and return to source. - For more info call Pameo on 336 3656. Neuro Linguistic Programming Counselling Sessions with Pranava. Introductory N.L.P. workshop on Sat Nov 30, 1pm 5pm, cost $30. Equiries 284 3109.
Full Moon Gourmet Muesli for that blissful, delicious and satisfying breakfast. - Order yours now on 314 5661. Home deliveries or avaiible at Abhi's Bread Shop.
Beautiful Residential Space in Osho Kirana available from Nov 10. Phone Sindhu on 524 1016.
Need A Break In The Country' ? Look no further! Sw Deva Nishakar manages theBusselton Backpackers Hostel and offers half price accomodation to Friends of Osho and free to friends of his (bookings permitting). Phone me on 097 542 763 to confirm dates. Prices from $6 per night.
Planning a trip to India and want to stay healthy, or not feeling well since your last visit overseas'? The simple solution, NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract prevents and eliminates giardia, amoebas, kills candida and relieves allergies and hayfever. For more info ring Bono at The Healing Point on 430 8867.
Miscellaneous For Rent
Abhi's Bread Shop NOW OPEN! for retail, Sun/Tues/Thurs 12 noon - 6 pm, 270 South Tce, South Fremantle. Offering a variety of Sourdough breads. Home delivery also available, phone 430 4373. Try our new Banana/Date Loaf!!
Country Retreat! Relax in beautiful surroundings in Margaret River. Accomodation at Healing Centre, Sauna 8 Pool available, $18 single / $30 double. X-mas Holidaysbook whole venue incl. house, suit 10 people. For more information ring Jennie on
Osho's Books, Music and Discourses wanted to buy. "Poona One" my favourite. Call Sarjan on 014 882 343.
097-572 041.
For Sale Going to India or have just returned? Eliminate all parasites with the 'zapper' easily and chemicallly free. Phone Franco on 339 8084
Large Room in Sannyas House, available for short stay. $15 per night or $80 per week. Swimming Pool. Panasonic Electronic Typewriter with memory, exc.cond. $120 ONO. Ring Anudhara on
Singing Meditation with Pranava Open on-goingTuesday nights commencing Nov 12,7-8pm at Leela Meditation Centre, cost $3. Enquiries 284 3109.
337 3140.
sa rhar each mamenr becomes golden and your whole life becomes
a senes of golden mamenrs. Such a person never dies because he has rhe Midas rauch Wharever he rouches becomes golden Osho - Gold Nuggers
Osho Wings — Novloec
Your Inne r
by Michael Premananda
lindness/unawareness creates bondage, and an
expanding conscious heart creates bliss. Who is it that ran convert this blindness projected outward into bliss within? When we look for love outside ourselves we are projecting. We are usually drawn to certain people because they share similar qualities to our inner lover, or "the beloved" as Osho phrased. If I am in tune with my own l ov in gness I am less likely to project my needs onto somebody else. The more in tune I am with myself, the more I attract like energy from others. Inner lover work gets you in touch w ith your own unique spectrum of loving. This love ran have all kinds of different aspects and qualities â&#x20AC;&#x201D; from friendship to pure heartfulness, to the whole realm of the romantic and the erotic. It all depends on the r ichness of your inner wor l d . elating can become more conscious, affecting the enflre quality of the way you relate. In working in deep trance with the inner lover, I have discovered that for each of us there is a special kind of "beloved" who fits us perfectly - from a certain type of body, of touching, of making love; as well as intuition and being silent. Even if someone cannot get any visual details, the feeling that happens sooner or later, as they learn to tune in, is that of unconditional acceptance and love. It is mysterious. Often in work w i t h p eople, they can' t get visual with the inner mate, for a while, it it just a feeling, such a good, peaceful, loved feeling ... a warm ... Ahhh Yes! feeling. And there's no more than that (though that's enough) for a long time. To get any sort of specific communication, other than feeling, often takes a while. Any w o rds â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the level of the mind may not happen for a long time. Eventually how ever, your inner lover can be a guide to any relationship issues, issues of the heart. He/ she can make you aware of what's yours and what isn' t, if you are projecting, or if it is your partner, and/o r p r o v ide guidance in how to follow your truth in relating. There may even be a variety of inner lovers, or they may shapeshift. It took me a year of being with my i n ner lover in trance work before she even began to commun icate, telepathically, and another year to find that she can be cheeky and
playful. Inner lover work frees up the energy that is so locked into need, desire and manipulation. And over a period of time you can clearly see the difference between your inner lover and your outer lover. You begin to acknowledge the individuality of your partner. It becomes harder to blame. Inside we do know w hat kind of outer lover we want, in all aspects, whether consciously or unconsciously. Where does the image and sense of the inner lover come from? I feel it comes from our longing to get back home to the ~ o n der, bliss, Totality of Being. The inner lover. comes as the perfect reflection of who we are as a soul and psyche, from our accumulated experiences in other lives, levels and existences, whether past, present or future. The inner lover is the reflection of the ongoing process of who we truly are, the rivering of our hearts. This is why the inner lover is so unique for each of us. Our other half is inside of us. It just needs development and consciousness, for it ch anges as we change in our ability to love, express and be intimate.
ften an inner lover is deficient in some ways, just as our capacity to be intimate can be wounded, distant, afraid. As we remove the barriers to our hearts and are open, vulnerable and present, we enter our wholeness, shining and fulf i lled, Accessing the inner lover in regressed states is powerful and .is always revealing and intimate. It opens a pathway to the power of the unconscious levels of feeling and heartfulness, and allows our personality and imagination space to play in our own in ner richness. Before we might get to this point, the inner mate is a most practical source of insight and support, and feeling connection to the chaos and confusion that can happen in relating. Of course for many, an ongoing healing process is needed to nurture and give space to their growing heart ... Much of our uniqueness is reflected in our "beloved", including the degree to which we feel safe to love and be loved and all the means and ways we go about it ... A woman eventually comes into more of her innate strength as she merges and develops an energetic connecflon with her amer lover, and a man moves into his heart and softness â&#x20AC;&#x201D; yet each benefits from a new kind of intelligence which is usually foreign to his or her external nature. Communion happens when we merge with the inner lover; an energetic brightness and wholeness. It is mysterious. Being in the pure heart, resounding out from the centre of this heart. The end of duality. Bliss ...
Communion happens when we merge with the inner lover; an energetic brightness and wholeness.
Michael Premanando has practiced Alchemical Hypnotherapy in the USA for the last 5 years, in addition to Experiential Astrology. He is a member of the Alchemy Center of Transformation in Boulder, Colorado and has recently moved to Fremantle. For more information see ad on page 9. '"
Osho W in gs - N o v i D e c
'74e; % '
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Seaweeds - T r e a sures OR The Sea Sea vegetables, ~hose powers are still little noticed in the Western world, have been drawn upon for thousands of years in the East, for their ability to promote longevity and beauty and preventing disease. Is it the fact that a human foetus develops a saline solution or that our blood has almost the same composition as sea water, that these wonderful plants are such an excellent source of food and medicine for us'? Seaweeds are well known for their extreme richness m minerals, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids and are a particularly good source of iodine, calcium and iron. Generally speaking, seaweeds contain 10-20 times the minerals of land plants and hijiki, arame and wakame, for example, each contain more than 10 times the calcium of milk. The lists of comparison of the mineral riches of seaweeds versus other mineral-rich foods are countless, and so are their many healing proper ties. Seaweeds detoxify, remove residues of radiation, alkalize the blood, improve vvater metabolism, cleanse the lymphatic system, soften hardened masses in the body, alleviate liver stagnancy, benefit the thyroid, lower colesterol, transform phlegm and assist in weight loss. Seaweeds strengthen the body's defenses and bones and teeth. They also promote healthy, beautiful hair and prevent its loss, and help provide a clear complexion and a soft and wrinkle-free face. Although it is important that seaweeds are
Osho Wings — Novloec
Af'je!ee, IGA8
Ph 430 5553 Fax 336 2097
harvested from clean waters, it is good to know that they don't simply absorb and concentrate toxins, but rather have the ability to transform heavy metals, converting them into harmless salts and excreting them from the body. Many people think of 'fishy' taste when they hear seaweeds, but as a matter of fact, seaweeds can be easily incorporated into our diets in small, but effective amounts, without overpowering the taste of other foods. For example, soak a small amount of arame or hijiki and add it to your stir-fry. It will not only enhance the nutritional value of your meal, but pleases the eye with beautiful black speckles. Snip some wakame into your soups, stews and broths, or cut the much tougher kombu w ith scissors into stripes and add them to your beans, enhancing their flavour and digestability. Or how about a nori roll with rice (brown of course) and a filling of your choice, instead of the old boring sandwich'? - M u ch fun and "bon appetite" as you open up the treasure chest of the sea. 4+ by Sono Michetti B.Ac., Acupuncturist & Diet Counsellor
What is the most funkiest or most enjoyable job you' ve ever hade Swami Anand Kundan In 1976, I was traveling overland on my first trip to India, and I got a job driving a Mercedes from M u n ich to Teheran. I was traveling in a convoy of cars which consisted of 3 Peugeots, 2 Mercedes and a BMW. We were told we w o ul d be staying in hotels etc. all the way, but dur ing the whole trip we slept in the cars and had only 2 baths, including one in a river. My gir l f riend had come along for the ride and to be able to translate between me and the Iranian bosses. A particular highlight of this journey was, when we stopped one night somewhere out in the middle of the desert. At the time I was already involved in doing T' ai Chi exercises and my fellow travelers asked me to show them some exercises. So I put on the Kundalini M ed itation tape and right there we all started shaking and dancing and then somebody else put on some pop music and we continue to dance under the desert sky.
the staff was able to ignore a female, however there was a noticable discomfort and agitation at my male presence.
Ma Yoga Kana The funkiest job I recall was playing poker for a casino in Kathmandu. It was the early 70's and I was broke and needed to make some money but I wanted to stay in Asia, rather than returning to the west. The only job that I seemed able to get at the time was in the casmo. With great reluctance I decided to give it a go. It was nocturnal work from 8pm un ti l 4am and at the end of my shift I was dr iven home in the casino's limo. My f i rst job there was selling Keno tickets. After a few weeks it was apparent that I wasn't very suited to this. The manager called me into the office and suggested I learn how to play poker. So my job became playing poker for the house which meant making up the numbers at the tables.
When leaving the job, I played, using my own money and won ... Yippee!
Ma Gyan Yuthika During my d ays as a producer and presenter of the daily morn ing interview program for the ABC, I tried to liven up the show a bit and get away from serious subjects like science and politics etc. and started to go out into the fields with a big heavy Nagra tape recorder strapped over my shoulder. Some exciting and wonderful m om ents included: Thinking of the old Orson Welles film, 'The Third M a n', I went down the sewerage system of Perth. Down into a big stone arched
chamber complete with gold plaque, where I interviewed the sewerage engineer. I walked through the underground of East Perth recording the sounds of water (because Perth was built on swamps and lakes) and I broadcast the sounds of running water against the Harry Lime theme. On another occasion, I went to K unnunarra with the late Dame Mary M i l l er (Elizabeth Durack) to record the first of a series of funded Aboriginal Corroborrees. The Aborigines came in by train from the Northern Territory, South Australia and West Australia. Rain broke out, so nothing happened for a few weeks and we were in the mud and cold. Getting started, I set up my stainless steel microphone and imm ediately one of the camp dogs came sniffing around and lifted his leg right on the microphone. He went off yelping and everyone thought this was hilariously funny.
Swami Chandresh I had a job watering pot plants for a company who distributed plants into offices all around Perth. I would go into the offices and take the plants' temperatures and gauge their water requirements. However I was fired from this job as I was not the right sex. When ~ o r k ing in conference room, during business meetings,
Ma Prem Solara In the early 80's Pinocchio night club had amateur stripnights. The deal was that we danced for 3 minutes and got paid $100. I drove up on my m o t orbike and parked near the entrance so I could make a quick get away and I wore a mask over my eyes as a disguise (in case my grandmother found out). I was so nervous that I skulled a few of the free champagnes they were handing out, I was
relying on my dancing to be my redeeming feature but due to the champagne I could hardly move my legs. So one minute of dancing, one minute to take of my clothes and one minute dancing around nude. It all flashed by so quickly, I hardly noticed it. At the end of the dance I was handed 2 crisp $50 notes and thought to myself that this was the easiest money I'd ever earned.
Swami Sudhiro The funkiest job I recall was as a live-in housekeeper for a couple of gay guys in Sydney. They wanted a straight guy so there would be no relationship problems. They owned a beautiful large property in the western suburbs, with horses and a large swimming pool. Very ritzy!! The couple had a business in Sydney, so they were away most of the day and spent a lot of their t:ime on the weekends show jump i ng, so I had lots of time to myself to enjoy the pool and the property. My duties included all those house wife things like cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing and many an afternoon was spent ironing, while watching the weekly soapies. It was a great experience because I had the feeling and experience of living in great wealth without the trappings that go along with it .
Thanks for sharing! Osho W in gs - N o v l D e c
t, ",,'-:-a en ar November
24- Sammasati Sundays with Indivar at Osho Kharabat,
11 - Osho Theatre Ensemble presents 'Out Of Our Tree' at the Fremantle Festival. 10pm, Moores Building, Henry St, Fremantle.
29- C lub Zorba
15- Club Zorba.
2 - Macrobiotic Dinner with Sahaja at 59 Wray Ave.
17- Zennis Day at Osho Kirana. Cost $40, bring your own lunch and a set of tennis balls.
11 - Osho Birthday Celebration, Discourse, Supper and Party, starting 6:30pm at Osho Kirana. 13 - C lub Zorba
22- Sa mmasati Sundayswith Indivar at Osho Kharabat. 27- C lub Zo rba
7- Ma c robiotic Cooking Course with Sahaja, see ad page 5.
hen I was living and work ing in the commune in Poona for 18 months, it was part of Osho's directions that the workers sat up the front in the meeting of the White Robe Brotherhood, and that we participate in high energy dancing before the silent
sitting, My first reactions, now that Osho had left his body, was that these people were goodie-goodies and still playing the game of being important in the hierarchy of the ashram. Anyway, I found myself going to White Robe every night and sitting up the front and being deeply grateful to our beloved Zen master for making me sit still and silently for those 2 hours each night, remembering the hard times of past lives as a meditator and understanding my resistance which slowly transformed into a quiet anticipation each day of being able to sit, not only with myself, but with the collective pool and be joyfully at home. On returning to Fremantlc I used to sit 'religiously' at 7pm by myself because there was no group meditation happening. Slowly, slowly, social engagements, movies, TV etc. took over and the most convenient time to sit was early in the morning before the busyness of the day. Recently, Vatayana, representing Global Connections in Poona, visited here and passed on whatever she could about what is happening in other parts of the world as part of Osho's vision.
We had a beautiful day together and she suggested that here at Osho Kirana we could do Evening Satsang with the Master. (It was Osho's wish that his sannyasins
would meet at 7pm, wherever they are in the world, and dance for 10 mins, sit in silence for 10 mins and then discourse, white robes not compulsory.) Of course we had objections - dinner, wrong time, what about movies, other engagements! She left it with us! The days after she departed, I felt the flavour of meditation, the connection with Poona Buddhafield and at 7pm I wanted to close my eyes. Now at Osho Kirana Meditation Centre we all find ourselves busy doing our own thing as well as the communal thing, and we each fit our meditations into our own schedule. However, everyone had a YES to this Evening Satsang, so now it is happening and it feels very whole in our connection with each other and with Osho. I wanted to share this to remind others how great it is to meditate together, and to show the resistance that the mind can throw up to keep us from something that is so nourlshlIlg. Now we have Osho Kirana and Leela Meditation Centre in Freo as great venues to meditate together, so don't forget to take your mind there sometimes to have a little holiday. It is such a joy! Love SEE P46sc Sc~ d y cf.
n â&#x20AC;˘ oiin ~s
6:0 0 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 7:00 am
Dynamic Meditation
Fremantle Ed Centr e
335 3445
7:00- 8:00 pm
5 9 Wray Ave, Fremantle
fr e e
430 5509
7:00 - 9:00 pm
White Robe Brotherhood
O sho Kiran a
524 1421
Osho Wings - Novioec
... danae all night to musie with passion and soul!!!
Fremnntle Club, Bannister Street, 8!rm - I2em
'i t i s a bsol~telp I'vv/possible fov a saint to be a rascal — bet a vascal can be a saint. Os/to —gold JV uggets
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