Osho Wings vol 4 nr 3

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N ET S L E ' T T E R F 速 R 0 / E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A

A Moment

of I n d u l g e n c e . . .

H aving m ad e m y s el f a c u p o f w e l l e a r n e d c offee, I sit a t t h e k i t c hen t a bl e w i t h O s h o Wings in front of me. Quietly anticipating the words I am about to read, my b o d y's energy b egins t o q u i e te n a s w e l l . A h ! ! ! w a s h i n g , folding clothes, hanging out yet another load, quickly disappear into the past. Just some of m y m an y t a l e n t s!!! A s I r e a d f r o m p a g e t o p age, m y m ind f l i p s b ack to t h e E nlightenmen t D a y Ce l e b r a t io n a t O sh o Kirarra, I stop reading as I come to realize that I would like to share a few precious moments, ones that I wiII never forget, my w i tnessing of m y son an d s t e p d a u g h t e r ' s i n i t i a t ion i n t o sannyas. So I write „. M y m i n d i s circling and swirling around the memories, the witnessing o f Sw am i D h y a n S a n d esh a n d M a Gy a n Y ashu i n t o s a n n y as . T h o u g h t s o f j o y o u s c elebration and l o v i n g l a u g h ter b u b b led u p i nside m e a s m y te ar s fl ow e d fr e e l y . H umbleness an d d i v i n e r e l e ase ab ou n d ed and overflowed as I let go to the soft energy of

our beloved Osho. The moment had arrived. Yashu's serenity, Sandesh's excitement, their malas lying on their chests, I was swept away on a tid e o f t e ar s an d l a u g h t er, w i t n essing s uch a celebration o f l o ve . Sandesh w ep t i n m y ar ms, a s I h e l d a n d c a r e ssed hi s s i l k y black hair, my li t tle sannyasin. Yashu took me in her arms and held m e t i gh t as we swayed t o th e m u s i c . I k n e w w i th i n m e th at a momentous happening had j ust taken place, m uch of w h i c h I a m s t i l l f e e l i ng, f iv e d a y s later, and will, I'm sure, continue to impact on m e f o r e t e r n i t y , A s I si t h er e w r i t i n g , overlooking th e beautiful Stoneville valley, I know I'm t r uly blessed. Thank you Osho.

Beloved Friends, Wow, this time the coming together of the Wings has been so juicy. People coming forw ard left and right with stuff to w r i te, ideas for Dare To Share, doing interviews, spontaneous contributions being faxed through. I love it, it all comes irr, flows through my hands into the keyboard and mysteriously lands in everybody' s mailbox, how exciting! Thanks for all the little notes of appreciation, I o f ten do forget when I sit alone on my computer that whatever I put into it is read by hundreds of people. Also this time has been very different for m e because I participated in the AWA K EN I N G group during my busiest Wings time. I'm immensely happy I allowed myself to lay aside the work (and along with it my Sw iss work ethics!) and do something so beautiful and powerful for myself. I feel grateful for the group, all its facilitators and participants (I felt like we blew the roof off of Kirana hall), to Osho Kirana k crew, and to OSHO, our beloved Master, who created such a beautiful Buddhafield, which I feel excited to contribute to by creating this newsletter. Thanks heaps to everybody wh o helped and I hope you all enjoy this issue. It is a bit more provocative then usual, but feel free to respond and we can always have one of those "Letters to the Editor" columns that most mags h ave. LOV E OSHO is a registered Trademark. Photos reprinted by permission of Osho International Foundation. All rights reserved by Copyright Holder.

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Os ho Wings — Mn~/ June

G roup Da t es: M a tI 24 6 2 5 V enue: Shant i Ret r ea t C e n t r e

Cost: $488 per couple d


9 Wed. evenings beginning Map 21

Venue: To be announced Cost: $278 ($225 if p r e p a id ) i i i '. ;

Introd u c t o r y Evening

to be announced Group Da t es: July 12 — 19 Venue: Osho K.irana Cost: $2888 '4


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Septem b e r / O c t o ber '97 I ntrod u c t o r y Evening 6 G r o u p D a t e s

to be announced Cost: $388 J. 4'

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+ops cs lfocc2 cllL(cgooA 5'OLD QgeccLjlg lfotc'E (LfeP DO YOU N O T ICE YO URSELF

• R epeating the same patte r ns in your r e l a t i onships again and a g ai n? • Sabotaging yourself in your career?

• Depressed, anxious, hopeless? • Wondering if your actions are coming from your own choice? • F eeling t h a t t h e r e i s a n u n i . ived p a s s i on in y o u ? T he roots of t h ese b e h a viours an d f e e l i ngs ar e l i k ely t o b e f o u n d i n w h a t y o u e xperienced as a c h i l d . During chii.dhood you ar e a t y o u r m o s t v u l n e r a b le , h e l p l ess, and d e p e n d e nt . IF the environment in w h ic h yo u a r e r a i se d d o e s no t p r o v id e s u f f i c i ent a m o u nt s of u nconditional. love and t o t a l a c c e p t a nc e o f t h e r a d i a n t u n i q u e b e in g yo u a r e , i t b ecomes impossible t o m a i n t ai n c o n t ac t w i t h y ou r Essential Self. Instead, you a d op t t h e

moods, traits, feei.ing states, and beliefs of your parents as a strategy to get their love. T his adoption co n t i n ues long p ast t h e t i m e w he n c h i l d h ood e n d s an d i s r e p e a t e d t hroughout your l i f e u n t i l i t i s u n r a v e l le d a t i t s s o u r c e . • RETURN TO Y O U R ESSENCE e L E ARN TO L OVE THE MAGI C AL CHILD WITHIN YOU • FIND A DEEPER CAPACITY FOR INTIMA CY • CO M E T O P E A CE WITH Y O UR PARENTS T he Chil.dhood Decondit io ning I n t e nsive is a s t r o n g 8 - d a y r e s i d e n t ia l g r o u p i n w h i c h y ou can r e g ain t h e c o n n e c t ion w it h t h e Essential Self t h a t w a s l ost i n c h i l d h o o d .

Ey the tcme you Avve )EvisheA t4s avoca',the love a gatv ~cfog youvsetf ~LQ Rave beau~.

Osho Wings — March(Apnea


was filled with nervous excitement as I boarded the p lane for Pune on Xmas day. Not know in g if I w o u l d have my worst fears realised and want to come back or perhaps have a wonderful time and never want to come home. All I knew was I had to return to the Buddhafield. Deep questions about my relationship to Osho and sannyas had been troubling me for years ever since I returned to using my b i rth name Kerrelee, When I took sannyas in September 1982, I was burning inside with an intense desire to find enlightenment. Finding Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was the greatest thing that ever happened to me and it was with great joy and surrender that I lovingly

experiences, too many to mention here. I was delighted to see Osho's dream coming true - reflected in the beauty of the Ashram and his sannyasins. What a

beautiful place! I was warmly welcomed by friends the moment I arrived and w i t hin ho urs of walking through the gates was struck by the awesome energy of the buddhafield. I soon found my self in Buddha Hall in front of Osho's picture soaking up his presence and crying buckets of tears. The dam finally broke.

became his disciple. For several yearsI immersed myself in sannyas life, traveled back and forth to Oregon, become involved in commune life, explored the fascinating world of sex, love, relationship, did groups and discovered meditation.


wonderful time 'rich' w it h experiences I will never regret. Then came the time of t he 'Sheila Regime' which many of us wi l l never forget.. Where some of our most powerful lessons were learnt in some of the most painful ways about not giving our p o wer away. Unfortunately many of these experiences left me very angry, hurt and confused about what I had got involved with and I fnund a lot nf conflict and rebellion arising in me to not go 'along with th i n gs' in the form of surrender I had known. I felt angry at Osho and betrayed that someone I loved and trusted could allow Sheila to have so much power and cause sn much damage. Consequently with a heart full of pain and mind fui! of confusion I changed names again, remarried and threw myself into a demanding business which kept me busy for several years. I continued wi th my spiritual search and still felt on the 'inside' a sannyasin in my values and my l ove for Osho continued, but it was tn be some years before my trust was healed and restored. I continued to socialise with

a t to say about 'Path of Love'? By now you w i l l have heard what a fantastic process this is from others and how magical and transformational it is. For me I had a chance to continue to expose and heal my wounds I'd been carrying, in an atmosphere of great love and acceptance and also heal many other issues. Yes, it was like taking sannyas all over again and I can truly say my fire is burning bright and strong again. I can totally recommend this group to any seeker as a great gift to yourself, But most importantly I rediscovered my deep love and connection with Osho and the gratitude I feel cannot be expressed in words but only felt with my heart. I also participated in another exquisite group "Neo Channelling" led by the beautiful Italian born Jyoti. Here I reconnected with the beauty of receptivity,

my sannyasin friends but kept to the 'outside' ring of

femininity, deep spaces of silence, bmer wisdom, my


love for God and this gift called life.


ow I am back and very Pune 're-energized' I have also found a new close friend and business partner in Swami Jagna who has come to Fremantle to share his work, wisdom and w a r mth w i t h us and feel very excited to be assisting in bringing these wonderful groups to town. To all my wo n d erful friends whn have kept their hearts and friendship open tn me all these years a big, big thank you! I love and value each and everyone of ynu.

few months before I left for Pune I had hit a bout of strong depression about where I was in my spiritual quest. What had happened to that 25 year old whose desire for enlightenment, when taking sannyas, was so intense, she was willing to sacrifice everything to find it. Now l i v ing a comfortable somewhat 'yupp ie' lifestyle, the fire needed stoking. I bought an Osho Times, read and heard a little about this new group called 'Path of Love' and thought,"now t h at's for me!" What an understatement that turned out to be. To cut a long story short, my tw o m o n ths in Pune turned out to be two of the best months of my life and existence showered on me. I had won d erful


IKACo] [D)速'v~'QoQQopjlpglQo([j Osho Wings - M a y / June

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Osho Wings — May/ June

happened in ancient times, it tends to be a perenniel story that is coded with almost like time-release capsules, coded with things to come. Thus for example in many emerging aboriginal my ths it is the tale of the dreamtime returning, and that we are being re-seeded from the deep world w it h the new greening, the new o pportunities for the new w o r l d .

by Suchita Of all the hundreds of people I have interviewed over the past 3 years, there are a few that really stand out, One of my earliest interviews was with Dr Jean Houston, an anthropologist, who has worked for many years in association with UNICEF and author of many books including "The Possible Human", and colleague of mythologist joseph 'follow

your bliss' Campbell and Margaret Mead. My interview with this remarkable woman remains one of my most outstanding

because of her effect on me. I arrived for my interview up at Yanchep stressed out and late (after having been stuck in

peak hour traffic and getting lost in the wilds of Yanchep after dark) and nervous about interviewing such an awesome woman, putting pressure on myself to ask 'the ultimate questions' and with my recording equipment all of a sudden

not working.She hadjustfinished a we ekend workshop and gave me her only interview while in Perth (choosing me over Philip Adams on Radio National across Australia - a woman of great taste and judgement!). Anyway, the recording equipment miraculously started working as I relaxed myself and in the rniddle of the interview I realised I was in bliss, that my whole space had transformed, j ust sitting and talking to this woman,

SUCHITA" .Can you explain the connection between mythology, consciousness and transformation and how that relates to us as individuals' ?



JEAN H O U S T ON : We l l y ou see Suchita, myth seems to be built into the very structure of consciousness. I' ve worked with 3 thousand research subjects at my foundation and also at this point perhaps w ell over a million seminar pa r t i c p i ants around the world over the last 30 years, and we find that beneath the surface crust o f consciousness everyone is filled wi t h mythical stories and legends. We seem to be almost buttered out of stories. I mean tap into anybody and you have wise old men, wise old women, death and resurrection, rites of passage, tremendous journeys of the soul, Whether they are seen internally through images or whether they come out of dreams and visions or whether they come out of the knowings of the ways in wh ich the personal particulars of our lives are woven into these grand stories of the personal universals. We would have to say that myth is the secret coding of t he human being, that myth in fact is the DNA of th e human psyche. Often people find both, their meaning and destiny by findmg the larger story of wh ich they are a part. Too many people have given up too early in their lives, they' ve lost their story, and when you lose your story you fall into a sense of utter diminshment and you don't care. Whole countries can lose their story, can lose their myth. Now w h a t I'm f i n d ing happening around the world, especially in in d i genous cultures like the Native Americans and the Aboriginal people or the Maoris, is that their great stories, their great myths are coming back after centuries of repression. Because a story is not simply a story about something that

Myth is rising in our time because, frankly, most of us are educated from about the year 1920, we' re not educated for the incredible complexity of modern times. And we need to be, in a sense, retrained by these larger dimensions of consciousness, by these deeper stories, The new myths are saying that the world is moving into a planetary civilisation with a high individuation of culture, cultures are becoming more so they are not becoming less, but they are being interlinked in great new patterns of connections. The emergence of women into full partnership with men and the whole domain of human affairs has resulted in the return of Goddess archetypes and Goddess myths, great women's stories are emerging again. And of course the revolution in our un d erstandings of the human capacities, we are suddenly able to become who and what we are, and this is rendering us mythic. I mean we are becoming in our times what our ancestors 400 years ago thought the gods were, we are living out the godly lives. And so we have to expand the myths so they can accommodate these larger worlds we are living in. So I think that is why myth is

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rising. My old friend and colleague Joseph Campbell was absolutely convinced that it was in the regrowing of the myths from the depths of the unconscious where they reside, that people are really going to come into their own.

Now I have just finished a seminar here with about 130 people and I took as the myth the great myth of the twentieth century, The Wizard of Oz, because it really speaks to our condition. It tells about a young girl who is living in an outmoded condition in dreary grey bleak Kansas, and nobody understands her and she is on the brmk of adolescence, she is about to leave her childhood behind and clearly she needs something extraordinary to happen. And w hat happens is a cyclone which blows her and her house into another realm. And it is there that she enters into an incredible technicolour world of so much magic and mystery, excitement and adventure, adequate to her heroine's journey, to really leap, to really lead her into a deeper richer understanding of herself. But she still wants to go home, so she is told to go and see the great one who lives at the core of this higher kingdom wh o is called the Wizard of Oz. And on the way she meets three representatives of the vegetable, the animal and the mineral k i n g d om. The representative of the vegetable kingdom is of course the poor old scarecrow, who feels that his head is stuffed with hay and he needs a brain. Well that's us, many of us feel so disempowered as to Osho Wings — May/june

Individual Sessions

T IIIS is a 12-week course dealing with on-going problems in everyday life. iVot only will this be a support, but it will also be an opportunity to look at the source of these conflicts and tensions. In so doing, the enhanced awareness will bring a natural resolution. In addition, methods and techniques will bc offered in order to bring about reduction of stress in relationships and everyday hfe

LDlVAR continues to be available for individual and couples sessions. Rebates from private medical funds are available. Phone 430 5509. Ma Prem Yuthika has recently returned from Poona. She is an experienced Cranial-Sacral Therapist and is now availablc for sessions. Phone 335 6353 or 430 5509.


The lntensivcs will bc offered on Wednesday or Thursday nights from 7-9pm and is a closed group limited to 14 people. Cost is

$240 for thc group, and they will begin thc first week in July.

CcokincI W'hole 4 M n h r rn l F e e ds To %keel the Sc o p(,Mind L M o o d s with >aheje

Friday Night Darsban


A ivttGHT to come snd sit silently with others. n night to evoke thc presence of the Master. A one-hour silent sitting every Friday



Fhone/Fax 418 5103 for brochw e

7-8pm at59 Wray Avenue, Frcmantle. Please wear white robe.

our intelligence and the reason is because most of us have very different kinds of minds, we are snow flaky, that how different we are from each other — some people think in images, some people think in w o rds, some, like the scarecrow, think kinesthetically. We need programmes in education where we put art right back in the centre of the curriculum w h ere it belongs, so that the kids who do not learn to read in verbal linear analytical ways, can learn it through dancing and singing, they can leam fraction by weaving. We have to make education total, so that all parts of the brain-mind, the many different frames of mind are educated, and that's the mystic story of the scarecrow who during the story is allowed to use his many frames of mind. And then of course they meet the disempowered heart in the form of tin man who is immensely romantic and sentimental, but feels he lacks a heart. And this again speaks to so many of us, who have such a rich emotional palette but often in our society that is kept repressed and is not allowed to express itself. So we need to work with the larger expressions of the emotional palette so we can play on the million keys of emotional sensibility that we have. And then there is the disempowered courage in the form of the cowardly lion. And so many people have been stopped by their fears. In my work I try to re-empower people to see that their lives are part of. the larger story, so they can see how they can become the possible human and often the myth tells them where the next possibilities are, and they go back into the society and they have the courage and the gumption to make the difference.

Osho Wings - M a y l J u ne

SUCHlTA: What consequences do you see in the rising of the myths of the indigenous

people's JEAN HOUSTON: Something I am finding happening is that the Aboriginal people, indigenous people are rising aII over the world and they are beginning to interconnect. There are green tendrils of culture reaching out, supporting each other, It's like they are growing a new culture, that is both what it was, the genius of the previous culture, but it is also reaching out to other indigenous people. It's almost like its forming on top of the monolithic, dying, decaying Western civilisation of the old industrial culture, which has so many cracks and pathologies m it. If you go into the jungles of South America you see incredible jungle growth over these old ancient powerful cities, and it' s almost like there is a new greening power, greening networks and tendrils of these basic cultures formmg over the decline of these Western - derived cultures. Now this does not mean the Western cultures are going to die altogether, it's just. that they' re going to become manure, so to speak, for something very rich and strange that is rising, The earth herself seems to have a voice in it saying "It is time for the people with the deep knowledge to emerge again, and to retrain those who have grown autistic in the mechanistic waltzing materialism of the Western tech cultures".

The entire interview with Dr Jean Houston and many other interesting interviews are available on cassette. Phone 331 2252 for info.:

After living in Poona for many years Maneesha isnow h'ving and Toorking in the West.





HOW ARE YOU FINDING BEING BACK? MANEESHA: I d o n ' t really think of myself as being back, I'm passing through. It's not frightfully achve sannyas-wise, here. I'm comparing w ith Europe which is really juicy. In Italy particularly there are new centres springing up everywhere — three in just one year. I spent many months there last year and I'm g oing there shortly for four months. People there are so thirsty to meditate and hear stories about being with Osho.

WHY DO YOU THINK IT IS DIFFERENT HERE? MANEESHA: Someone who's been away for a few years said that Australians and New Z ealanders are not so group minded. Maybe it's a weather thing. A ustralians are so laidback. I don't know w h y t h a t point hasn't been reached with A u s tralian sannyasins. It seems if you' re intelligent you reach a certain level of material acquisition and realize that's not really it. Then you look inwards. That's what's happened in Am e rica to a lot of people. It doesn't seem to have happened here yet. I ask myself what's different between here and America and I think it's that spectator sort of mind, not jumping in, just observing, If that is right it's a great pity Australian sannyasms haven't been able to jump out of that conditioning because Australians who tend to spend a long time in Poona are very active.

WHAT'S HAPPENING IN POONA AT THE MOMENT? MANEESHA: There's a new programme being offered in these months — a Samadhi Retreat. It involves meditating in the Samadhi for 5 1/ 2 h o urs a day. The new building we' ve bought in w hat was No. 3 Koregoan Park is going to become a Vipassana Retreat. People can meditate in one of those rooms all day and have their food brought to them. They go to Dynamic and White Robe and then back to their room. It' s interesting that both these new programmes are around meditation. This does seem to be the direction that Osho indicated we'd move in, Med itations seem to be the things people are more and more attracted to,

HOW WAS IT FOR YOU BEING IN POONA THIS TIME' ? MANEESHA: For. me personally w h a t's endlessly fascinating about Poona is though I lived there for fifteen years and though I come back at the end of every year having been out in the wo r ld, I can never take it for granted. It's always different. It's not like going to your mu m' s place where you know how it' s going to be, It's so freeing to feel that you can be a different person every time you go there. And I am ! This time I did Work M e d i t ation. Another time I was counselling Ragavira as he was dying of brain cancer. I always get my buttons pushed which is great because out in the world I tend to get treated very beautifully INTREPID REPO RTER and made a bit of a FOR THE O SH O


FRIE NDS IS THERE A TYPE OF A PERSON THAT SEEMS TO BE TAKING SANNYAS NOW? MANEESHA: A lot of professional people are taking sannyas in very large numbers. People now are attracted for more pure reasons. When I went there in 1974 a lot of us were drawn because it was so glamorous living in In d ia. It was just after Haight­ Ashbury and at the tail end of the hippy m o v ement., People would call in to Poona on the way to and from Goa. It all fitted very much into the free love thing going on out in the world. For me Osho as a being was e xtraordinarily attractive and I don't know i f w o u l d have taken sannyas not having known h im . Those of us attracted in the 70's were perhaps more immature and less integrated than those coming now.

WHAT TYPE OF WORK ARE YOU DOING AT THE MOMENT? MANEESHA: In the last year I' ve dropped the title of Transition Mi d w i f e and call my w or k Transformative Living. It's about bringing meditation to living, dying, work and relationship. My feeling is also to move towards working w it h the non-sannyasin public. So many people are looking for something and they don' t know what it is. In New Zealand before I came here I had a client who was getting very anxious at work, She's an older woman who has gone back to work in a travel agency and she has a lot of anxiety around using the telephone. She was also having trouble with a very dismissive supervisor. I taught her Hara Breathing and told her this was bound to affect how people respond to her. When she came back, everything had changed and she couldn't believe it. I aLso taught her a Buddhist technique about being aware. She taught it to her seven y ear old daughter who later told her " M u m m y t h a t meditation really wor ks!" I love stories like that. People are so appreciative. I was curious about whether the methods would stand up to the real world because they were given to sannyasins. They stand up beautifully.

ANYTHING ELSE YOU'S LIKE TO SHARE WITH US? MANEESHA: I' ve been working on collecting the meditations Osho left us in darshan diaries and discourse books and so fax I' ve found 300 and I'm not finished. It's an absolute goldmine! I work on it in between groups and whenever I have time. As I' ve been compiling the meditations they began to fall into natural categories — Breath, Relaxation, Heart, Death, Light, Sex, Chakras, Self-Nature, Being in the Here and Now. The commune probably w o n' t ever publish this compilation because Osho's insistence has always been that his books should be kept in pr int and compilations given secondary consideration. I feel really passionate about this, so I' ll be making spiral bound copies when I flnlsh

O sho Wings - M a y l f u n e

Beloved Osho, Why am I so afraid of women'?

because the more people participate in each other' s

lives, the more joy arises. People are looking very sad. They have become very~Qi Even in crowds people are lonely because ever y' i p a fraid of everybody else. Even ii people are aigi'j~ p to e ach other, they are holding themselver g<+l~go so much so that their

11 men are afraid of women, and all women are afraid of men. They have good reasons to mistrust each other, since they have been trained from early years to be enemies of each other. They are not born tct, . ' be enemies, but they achieve enmity. And after about twenty years of such training in being afraid of each other they are supposed to marry one day and find complete trust in each other. All this for a five rupee marriage licence? Twenty I A

years training of being

afraid of each other... In a

'i s A


r.,'41,"„,' ' "

ec ,' . ' " ' Wrd. A hard crust surrounds Sr'around their being. So even when m'e'ee'$' '' . . ' ' : r ea l m e eting. People hold hands

but those hanA:~ ",'cold, no love is flowing. They hug each other, yM oi i e s clash with each other, but the heart remain@f~@way.


a highe ~ gP, a much higher-order value. ', 5, 'Psychologists have been doing much

,, ~,

H ig h e r

sixty, seventy-year life, one

third of your life, and th e

N e e d

most delicate and sensitive "r part of your life... Psychologists say a man learns fifty percent of his whole life' s learning by the time he is seven. In the remairuge;s~ /g sixtythrec years hc will learn only fifty perpen ''

Fifty percent is learned by the time you arp~,p<,„' 'I",iP, the time you are twenty almost eighty perj'~ g ',"" learned. You have become fixed, hard. Distrus'ta ' " ';been taught to you. The boys have been told, "Avoid girls, they are dangerous." The girls have been told, "Avoid boys, they a re nasty, they will do something evil to you." An d then after this complete conditioning of twenty years­ just think, twenty years of constantly being taught by the parents, by the school, by the college, by the university, by the church, by the priest — one day suddenly how can you drop this twenty years of conditioning'? is question arises c again and again. So many people come and tell me that they are afraid of women. Women tell me they are afraid of men. You were not born afraid. Otherwise no man would enter into a woman's womb. If he was really afraind then no woman would be conceived, because shc can be conceived only through a man. You were not afraid in your beginnings. A child is born simply unafraid. Then we teach him fear and we condition his mind. This has to be dropped. This has driven people almost neurotic. Then people fight, then they arc constantly fighting - husbands and wives constantly fighting. And they are worried about why they go on fighting. And all relationships turn sour. Why does ithappen? You have been poisoned, and you have to consciously drop that conditioning. Otherwise you will remain afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of in a man or a woman. They are just like you — just as much in need of love as you are, hankering just as much to join hands with you as you are hankering. They want to participate in your life, They want others to participate in their lives ­

Osho Wings — Mayl june

e, 'po love. Love is a great need, just

as fo : ~jj>~ e e d . Food is lower need, love is


ork on children who were brought ~ "~ & o u t a n y l o ve. Almost fifty percent die if ey are brought up w i t h out any love. Almost fifty percent of children die if they are brought up without love; within two years they die. They are given good food, nourishment, every scientific care, but mechanically. The nurse comes, gives a bath, feeds them; every care is taken, but no human love. The nurse will not hug them close to her heart. The nurse will not give her warm body to the child; warmth is not given, Within two years fifty percent of those children die. And this is strange, because there is no visible reason why they die. They were perfectly healthy, the body was

going perfectly well, they were not ill or anything, but suddenly, for no reason at all, they start dying. ,C

nd the remaining fif ty percent are in more trouble than those who die. Those who die are more intelligent. Those who survive become neurotic, schizophrenic, psychotic, because no love has showered on them, Love makes you one piece, It is like glue - it glues you together. They are falling into fragments. There is nothing to hold them together, no vision of life, no experience of love - nothing to hold them together. Their lives seem meaningless, so many of them turn neurotic, many of them become criminals. Because love makes a person creative, if love is missing then a person becomes destructive.

OSHO - The Secrefs Of Secrefs Vol. II


disillusioned, despairing, not knowing if I would ever find the doorway I had been seeking for decades. All those years of having to wait had whetted my desire, so by the time I took sannyas I was burning. I told Osho, "I'm here for 6 months, I want to move really fast, I'm w i l l in g to face anything, let's see what you' ve got." As I connected with Osho's energy I could

a in

not stop laughing hysterically as if I


ommon is the experience of sannyasins going to San Diego for the 'Miracle of Love' Intensive, dropping sannyas and acknowledging Kalindi as their Master, To my knowledge, I am the first to have done it. backwards, from San Diego to Pune. This pleases me, somehow there is a place in me that relaxes when I am doing things differently than everyone else.

had been let in on a great Cosmic Joke. I was given the name Blissful Aw akening,

pparently Osho liked the challenge. Rafia, Turiya

and Vasumati, who I had met in San Diego during their Intensives, arrived with a fax from Kalindi giving enthusiastic support for bringing the 'Path of Love' to the Buddhafield. I was invited to help facilitate the group which delighted me and gave me a place to I first saw Osho on video in 1976 and imm ediately wa s p ar ti c i p a te. So here I was, asannyasin for 2 weeks, captivated, not by anything he said, but by thos e h el p i n g l e a d th e hottest group in the Commune, graceful, elegant hands. At that time in my l ife my w if e stan d i n g i n f r ont of group leaders, directors of schools, and I were pregnant, I was beginning my career as a 20 y ear s a n n y asins, waitingfor someone to ask the F ischer-Hoffmann therapist, and so I was moving in a m agi c q u e s t ion, "An d h o w long have you been a direction incompatible with going to Ind ia. I sannyasin?" Well, the began reading his books, listening to discourses, question never came, they took me to their hearts, living with sannyasins, and doing meditations. I involved myself in various spiritual disciplines, trusted me, the group was was with Oscar Ichazo and Arica for many years, ," . .g'088'' right'I j"'WiH be"See n "'' a huge success and I was but again and again would experience Osho as taken right to the heart of the Commune. I felt the one who spoke most clearly to me, whose ':.~ :-'"~ "'.;,".'-:g QS ASGARD.. welcomed, appreciated, breadth of wisdom took my b reath away.

.like I had found my


n 1992 I participated in the 'M i r acle of Love' Intensive and found it to be an exceptionally pow erfu l , transformative work. I became deeply involved in staffing the Intensives, leading groups in the follow-up programme, attending all the meditations. The work was serious and intense, and despite some contradictions, I dived in and for tw o and a half years it became my life, As time went on, these contradictions did not resolve but became larger despite repeated attempts to see them as my 'resistance' or 'concepts'. I resigned my positions and took a leave of absence from the work to sort out what was true for me. It was during this time that I realized I was at last being called to Pune. I arrived at the commune in the dark night of my

soul. I had left my former life behind and was

family. The rest of my stay in Pune was a delight. I loved the meditations and the groups, met delightful women, drove a motorcycle to Goa, won serious rupees in the Italian poker game, feeling like Osho had rolled out the red carpet to welcome me.


returned the follow ing season and I'm hooked. And now existence has led me to Fremantle, where I am feeling the same welcome and doors opening for me without effort. Like the Prodigal Son regaled with celebration upon returning home after many years, I too am now a feaster at this delicious banquet that is sannyas.

by Swami Anand Jagna

Osho Wings - M a y / J une

oneness, where there is no beginning and no end, harmony and love, centering and the moment.



o 0





o •




andala 1s a sanskr i t w or d which means centre, circumference or magic circle. 1 he Mandala is an ancient symbol of the concentric circles, which can be found in nature in the growth rings of a tree and the erosion patterns on rock, soil or wood; the symmetry of a sunflower evolving from the centre with each tiny dot of pollen spiralling out to the circumference; the energy spring from the smallest DNA to spiralling galaxies. To be present to the wonder of any of these artfully ordered forms amongst the chaos is to find the still point and the miracle of existence. Mandalas have been created by humans since we have been carving in rocks; the concentric circles of the Australian Aborigines; the stone circles decorated with interlocking scroll loops by the ancient people of Furope, five thousand years ago; the tradihonal circular paintings created as a meditation by Tibetan Buddhist monks. Possibly the mandala is part of our collective wisdom expressing our understanding of wholeness,

Nalini Holz and M u d ita Bray are holding a Mandala Painting Workshop. They sparked together in Osho Theatre production of 'Out Of Our Tree' as the Laurel and Hardy couple of Claude and Mr Goldblum. The joy of playing together inspired them to unify their resources. Nalini trained and worked as a glass painter in Europe and USA, as well as costume and set design and her flair as a hairdresser. Mudita graduated from Curtin University v ith a degree in Fine Arts and has been exhibiting her paintings, installations and videos since 1995. They have both been involved with meditation and the human growth movement since the late 1970's.

tr • I.'8 '

The workshop will be an opportunity to paint, meditate and explore your unique creative self in an easy, joyful way. Coming closer to the centre as you complete your mandala. For further details see calendar ad page 15. 4+

man, a~lian, a ".'::"';,'.~j~"'~~",~~+e journey oontinues and after ~~hit~ thee C'Jrltn n takes 'german and a sannyasi@,:;~" ;'j,, :a big fathavana oigar,lights up has a pW and throws the restout."' ; Were trayelling On a train;" ill";".".';OF the WindOW.cWhat did yOu da that' AW" Ort'eS fhe SannyaSin After a while the Scotsman pulls out a botffe oF M year' old whiskey -'=:".;:„"welf" answers the cuban, "in my oountry we haveso many oigdrsr „,",' fakeS a.gOOdSWig and thrOWSthe ttattfe Out OP the WindOW. 'What '.;„':, j;.";,;".,that fhiS iS the Only Way tOSmake them,"""" ~r' .": did yOuda that Arr aSkS fhe SannyaSin. "We((" SayS the SOOtSman,',"~'r::it~; Trte SannyaSin then threW the German Out OF the WindOW.;""'-'' "."' ",-'

"in my oountry we have rivers op so year old whiskey,":,;;;,,,;"-",",'-,',"," ';"" ' ' .'.:.'.:,"',".'i'",;~~„:"","i~N'-:'.;i:,.;; ';;"'i'",'„",rt!~f~-". '.i't Fresh from the 8uddh@ietd I,~

Osho Mings Price List Full page 260 x184mm $165 Half page 12 8 x184mm S 98 Quarter page 128x90mm S 65 Business card 9 0x60mm;. $30 Minicard'-.. :' . " .' 40x60mm:~' $20 Classifieds 8t,,:,'.:;::.';:,-.,' '~'""."„".: ~:,,::-' @' '­ '

Tr'ave lling to India 71 • We specialize in fares to India


Calendar:;:; "-..,< ,:,':,',,30'yvasr'dss~'. S j'10

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Osho Wings - M a y / J trne

Precise and professional i9 years of expenence

'.:-'"- "QfHAT-"$ HRI*PENING" HERE AND': WOOMP. WONIEN, e .:~~~~~ ~ ~ : :~m>wv~~~ ~ what d o y o u h a v e t o s ay t o t h e MEN in t h i s co m m u n i t y' ~ ~ '.

MEN, m~ x e~ wm ~amm~w ~ ~ w hat d o y o u h a v e t o s a y t o t h e WOMEN i n t h i s co m m u n i t y'F ~

Ma Deva Anupo

Swami A n a n d V i m u k t a

I'd like to get to know you better. Do some groups, guys. Stop talking about it and just do it.

All these gorgeous women in Fremantle stop complaining there are no available guys and enjoy yourselves.

Ma P rem Yat r a

Swami P rem G a n d h a r v a

Get off your asses, stop blaming the women, a nd own your ow n t r i p s.

Ma Sunder Arjuna

I refuse to wear the cultural blame of all mankind for its injustice to womankind. It' s tragic to see men and ~ omen who fly the flag of revenge.

When I go to Zorbas, I never expect to find any juicy men.

Swami S atye n

Ma An u r ag S u d a s i I find many deep, juicy women in Fremantle. I wish men would relate to me with more respect, instead of only as a sex object.

Christine f rom 'H e a r t s 'n H a i o s ' The men around Fremantle are cowards in love. I don't think they' re courageous. It takes guts to go into feelings, to handle a woman of strength. It's hard to find a man not afraid to match a woman's passion.

Nla D eva S an m a t i 1.

W h e n y o u ' re out on a date, don' t check out all. the other women. Pretend they don't exist.


M ak e y o u r w o m a n feel like she's the best lover you ever had.


W ea r a n i r oned shirt when you take her out.


Rem e m b er, diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Wear long skirts more often.

Swami A n a n d P r a v i n o What the women around here are doing is

great. They' re breaking a lot of new ground, being very courageous, creative and adventurous. Keep going for it !

Swami Pranava What to say to the women? I'm glad they' re there.

Swami D e va S u p a r n a It is rare to meet a woman who admits the female shadow, It is easy to acknowledge the lover and nurturer, but not so easy to admit the narcissism, the aggressive use of sexual power, the psychic gelding of men and the use of ego-centred webs of the emotional body to masquerade as the heart.

Swami A n a n d J a g n a Deep, juicy, strong and ripe with life.

Ma S ubha d r o

Swami B o d hi P r e m

Where are you guys when things get juicy, a live and daring? I wish more of you wo u l d wake up, come alive, take some risks and give your juice. Let's play!

I followed my heart down u n d e r It truly did f ill me w it h w o n d er The ~omen in Freo Like to do it in trio And their love was like lightening and thunder

Ma De va R a s iia What men? Where are the men?

Tha n k s

f o r sh a r l n g i r ' ~R;' Âťi! ''""Ck'4~t'~!'.:~'"."~l'4'4'.:",4'::::"'-':i:~i'4'"':, ÂŤ,'"';i-";;",::~<"':4"-"".,".":"",.<;

WOW, I guess the questions and answers are getting hotter now! NE X T iS S U E : Me n , what do you have to say to the men in this communi ty? / W o m en, what do you have to say to the women in this commun i ty? DA R E T O S H A R E an d w r i t e to: O s ho Wings, PO Box 977, Fremantle 6160

or ph/fax on (09) 319 3310. Osho Wings - M a y / J une

<><)> ~'~br'®~F js

Distributing to you: Osho Books, Audio Discourses Music form the World of Osho

Osho's Discourses & Meditations Osho Tarot Cards

OSHO TIMES Sales & Subscriptions Booking Agent for Pune Groups


Yes! In retrospect I guess I have always been a seeker, My form of seeking turned into travelling the world and by the age of 301 had visited over 20 countries! I first met sannyasins here in Freo about eight

Lot 2, Coopers Lane, PO Box 702 Muiiumbimby NSW 2482 Tei (066) 845 533 • Fax (066) 845 581

E-mail: oshoOom.corn.au

years ago. I really enjoyed hanging out with these new friends, going to Club Red, etc, but I never reaiily had any contact with Osho — no books, videos or anything. Looking back, I remember thinking that t hese people (sannyasins) "needed" this "religion" ­ and I felt no such need. However ever since those first sannyasin friends it seemed wherever I went I met more! Four years ago, in England, a friend asked me to look after his flat while he went to Pune. It was there that I had my first real taste of Osho. Nipun's flat was full of Osho books, OTI's, meditation tapes, videos, etc — and I got 'stuck in'! One day I was listening to an incredibly beautiful discourse where Osho answers the question "What is Sannyas?" As I listened to His reply it was like He was seducmg me,



Gandharva Ph. 382 4136

melting me, so that my eyes filled with tears and I

fell into my heart space for maybe the first time. At one point He said: "... become a Sannyasin because ... this is beautiful!" And m y heart said "YES" (even though my head went bananas with a million reasons not to). Within a few weeks I was in Pune. I sat before Zareen and became one of His disciples, although hearing Him talk of the devotee, I reckon I'm one of them! The whole 'happening' of becoming a Sannyasin has been the most amazing, transforming, wonderful thing I' ve ever experienced and I am ever grateful to our incomparable Master.

Service & Tune Brakes 8 Repairs

TFN AtlTow

Thank y ou O s h o

Ring Anagara Osho Wings will be featuring a sannyas story in every issue. Contact Ma Shanti Unmani on 041 214 81.66, if you would like to share your story.

,";z1 Jhj",.i>' ixihile rerently pa«c p~'g

r 0

Unit 1, 10 Strang St South Fremantie

workshop - 430 4133 a/h - 339 2245

Finally a Hairdresser whohasTIME for you I


s ace for the v/e f' orthe group,for»e p Q that reminded me macle me fee( s e, s. surrouncled me, tha d lf -impo to o beyond my se -i sed limitation . hu andNick for creating Osho d for seekers, a spir' ua o also to the rana e to ortin the work. I invite everyone d ",::, take aclvantageof the cI rig ht here atourfront d diveinside an e i oo dee experiences poWerful to share the p liFe. cia With friends in your every y iF .

Specializing in stylish cuts Osho Wings -

M a y / June

4N 2409 13


Room in Share House

Firewood For Sale

Phone Dharmraj on 335 2435,

Outrageously cheap at $40 per tonne. Free delivery. Ecologically sound. Call Pallav 418 7024 or

015 989 485. Melatonin Slow Release Formula for insomnia with many other

in Beaconsfield. $60 per week,

SESSIONS Astrology, Voice Dialogue and the Enneagramme. You are the

Room For Rent in beautiful, renovated Character Home in

White Gum Valley — Freo. $80 including all bills. Call Pameo on 336 3656 or Sarita on 336 3932.

greatest adventure on the planet. Phone Sudhir to reassure you on that, 336 1501.

Lovely A-Frame for Rent


Pycnogenol 1/2 price. Quality

at Osho Kirana. $100 per week all incl. Phone Sindhu on 524 1016,

Abhi's Bread Shop

American products. Unbeatable prices. Dhyan Sarah 316 1097.

Large Space (2 adjoining rooms)

benefits. Mexican Wild Yam, DHEA precursor. Pinebark

Mazda Capella Sedan good condition, reliable, available

July, $1000. Call Sono on 319 3310. Toyota Corolla 1984 Stationwagon very good condition, selling beginning of June. Well cared for. $3400 ONO. Phone Kundan on 339 4636.

FOR RENT FOR HIRE Honda Prelude Sporty car all mod.cons., economical on petrol, $60 per week. Available after 27 May. Phone Tarpan on 314 1092.

Room For Rent incl. separate office space in nice house in East Fremantle, $80 per week. Avail. from mid July to end December. Phone Sono on 319 3310.

Cute 2 bedroom Hide Away Cottage — $140 furnished per week. Available 1/ 6 / 9 7 for approx. 5 months - 18 Hale St, opposite Beaconsfield Primary School. Phone Vimal on 336 3558

for rent - suitable office, bodywork etc. Comfortable house, lovely garden. Contact Anagara or Mayo on 339 2245.

O pen for retail Sun/ Tues/ T h u r s 12 noon - 6 pm, 270 South Tce, Sth Fremantle. Offering a variety of Sourdough breads. Home delivery also available. Phone 430 4373.

Real Estate ... If you' re looking to Session Rooms for Rent a t 'The Healing Point'. Part/ f u l l time, beginning May and June. Established, professional clinic in central Fremantle. Beautiful working environment, reasonable rent. Phone Sono on 430 8867.

buy or sell, Yatra is back from Pune full of energy and ready to work with y ou. I can show you any property on the market even if it is listed with another agent, just call me first! Phone 337 1336 a/h or 0414 352 141.

Housesit / Rent - nice furnished

Wanted Person for Home

house in South Fremantle, Mid

Delivery Bread Round for Abh i 's Bread Shop. Half day per week, for details phone 430 4373.

July to November (possibly longer). One bedroom available. Person must be clean and

responsible. Rent (negotiable) plus

Desktop Publisher wanted

utilities. Phone Archan on 335 3729.

Preferably on Mac/ Q u a r kXPress for part-time project. For more details phone andana on 319 3310,

Country Retreati Relax in beautiful surroundings in Margaret River, Accommodation at Healing Centre; Sauna 8z Pool

available, $18 single / $30 double. For more information ring Jennie on 097-572 04'1.



6:00- 7:00 am

Dynamic Meditation

Osho Kirana

524 '1421

Daily M-F

6:00 - 7:00 pm


Osho Kirana

524 1421

5:15 - 6:15 pm

Kundalini Meditation

Leela Meditation Centre


336 5090


6:00 - 7:00 am

Dynamic Meditation

Leela Meditation Centre


336 5090


7:00 — 8:00 pm

59 Wray Ave, Fremantle


430 5509


6:30 - 8:00 pm

Darshan Live Music Satsang

Leela Meditation Centre


336 5 0 90

W EEKLY O N G O I N G S Osho Wings - M a y / June



21 - The Enneagram with Jagna,

8 - Psychic Palm Reading Course with Pramada, see ad page 5.

23-27- Psychic Massage wi th

Indivar. Wed or Thurs nights.

Pramada at Osho Kirana, see ad

See ad page 7.

see ad on page 5.

2/3 - 12-Week Intensives with

page 5.

8 - Health Express

12-19 - Childhood Deconditioning Intensive with Jagna, see ad on page 3.

A profound Health Programme, offering a 10-day Cleansing Diet, Individual Health Consultation, Health Education Classes, Personalized Diet Plan, Healing Exercises and Meditation. Cost $175/150 conc. $90 for repeats. A fantastic programme for. anyone who wishes to create a more balanced and healthy life style. Phone Sono on 430 8867.

24 - Pastlife Healing. For more



10 - Macrobiotic Cooking Course with Sahaja, see ad on page 7.

7-8 - Meditation Camp with Aloka, see ad page 5.

Aug 9 - Macrobiotic Cooking

10 - Introduction to Psychic

20 - World Wide Osho Mystic Rose see ad page 5.

Massage w ith Pramada, see ad

page 5.

information and brochure phone Charyo on 337 4985 or Dhara on 331 4212,

24/25 - The Shared Heart with Jagna, see ad on page 3.

and Projection. For more information and brochure phone Charyo on 337 4985 or Dhara on 331 4212,

1ll - Meditation Day with Aloka at Leela Meditation Centre.

16 -18 - Mandala Painting Workshop with Mudita and Nalini (see article on page 11). Friday night — Sunday afternoon. Discover your unique creative spirit in a joyful, accepting environment. $190, materials supplied, no experience necessary. Phone 337 4059 or 434 2409,

. ..mov e t o

Experience — 2 Saturdays of learning the basics of Osho Rebalancing. Hands-on deep­ tissue work, joint release and body analysis will be included in this workshop, as well 'as experiencing your feelings through your body w ith gu ided body awareness exercises, active mediations and movement. The mind can understand what the body feels. With Vimukta and Ageha, 9am to 5pm in Fremantle. Ph. 336 2170.


Course with Sahaja, see ad on page 7. Aug 13-17 The Primal Process

Aug 22-24 The Tantra Intensive with Halima from Poona. Call 336 2170 for a detailed brochure or information.

Sept/Oct M ens Quest with Jagna, See ad on page 3. Oct Health Express Spring Cleaning! Diet and Rejuvenating programme. Get fit for summer! Phone Sono 430 8867.


t h e r h y t h m d ance t o t h e b e a t

f ill y ou r b ody w i t h p assion 4, heat ! ! ! F. VF.R Y 2%D


DJ K aiyum M a y 30, June 27 DJ Shuchita May 16, June 13 Fremantle Club gpm -12pm Members k,their guests

Osho Wings — May/June

at Osho Leela. W h i te Robe Brotherhood, supper k M u s ic


21+ 28 - The Osho Rebalancing

10/11 - Understanding Power

20 - Master's Day Celebration

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