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I't'iNGT»ES:..FpO~THgE;,svstflNGS".l"".. Beloved Friends It's definitely been a bit more hectic here m~ than I origi nally bargained for, trying to do both, the Wings and the Red Phone Book. But it's happening and the good news is that O»ho Wings Publication» has been uggraded from a laptop to a real desktop computer, yeah t>'! Now I can see what I'm doing and enjoy the speedy communica tion and the»ea of' information the internet offer» as well. • Ma n i, my faithful partner-in-crime has deserted us all (~8 oh, no!), Thank god M aneesha has stepped in for the time being, so all is well again m'! • The Little Red Phone Book is on the way and comes out April 37th at. the Launch I'arty, don't miss!! • Ag a in I wa nt to invit e everyone tn contribute to the newsletter. Phone, mail, fax
or e-mail me any contributions, be it in the form of ideas or the written word (contact details on page l4). 4
Love .'I ( Ed itor 8 Graphics:Mandana ' I n Ad S ales: M aneesh a Proof Reading: Sono Articles:
Bhavan, D i v yam, Maneesha, Veeten, Vismaya
g ) O SHO is a registered trademark. Photos reprinted by permission of Osho International Foundation. All rights reserved by Copyright Holder.
m~ <~
w~ « m~ v;~ «< ~
meditations rt t l celebt ations workshops library meditation/discourse & m u sic CD's venue 8 s e s s ion t'ooms for hire MEMBERS WANTED!
For program or information: 256 Hampton Rd South F remanlle ph/fax 9336 5090 e-ma i l l e elamed@iinet.net.au
w m«< <
RED PHONE BOOK LAUNCH PARTY S at April 17th • 7 - 1 0 p m at Osho Leela • f re e entry
„refry ", «gf
j~8/.v~if..,. p~fgkgt•,, ." .
Dancing Red Phone Book for $8 Demos with Anudhara 8 V e e t en T ea, Cake 8 C h a t If you' renot there youare square, but you canstill mail order itl SendS10to OshoWings,PO 8ox 977,Freo 6959 • 08-9319 3310 Also available at: Moon Rhythm,Hearts 'n' Halos, TheHealing Point L OshoLeela
wtth Yuthik a ..s.. Gentle, deeply effective badyvvork foil,,<j':::;;.",-"„,; ''Accident 8c Surglca!Traumcr ~,-=',regs~;:<'<'~'~~jn'"' Post Natcil Depression •' Hea'dciches.' );.. rc,j"„','.„, Neck tk Backpain' • Stress • Emotional Trauma,'"'r"';:,",,;,, "';>'j»,',"'rc
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.'...VEEN'EW' ::„",; ' 'ltWf tt'sitI'vns,,Pxnron~vcx -;,i i ~ %PA~~., 'W8>K<'-5"':ki'»'W ': ' "
Fri eveningApril 16th, Sat 17th & Sun 18th • Cost $200 It's wild, it's crazy,it's fun! A weekendtheatre workshopfor every:loset actor and actress. Noexperience necessary. ~~
sv ~ iw'i:,.;:::".~5»' <- «.
;„",,; 'Er, O:.Paaro~vcs TnawI~c E» April 7th - May 14th • Cost S125 An in-clepthweekly theatre training over6 weeksclimaxing in a mind-bogglingperformanceat ClubZorba. kf~i~ k~%%%II»'Pg<g':;, <;<I:;;": '
, ".. @:,44$8.NKWli';:,'-' ' » l@k&~f~ g g » ,+p<j~:.; ~~!l,;"i -;<,"~i,»'< April 23rd, 24th & 25th • Cost5250 Learn theancient shamanicarts of dancingyour poweranimal, soul retrieval, psychichealing anddreamjourneys into the hiddenpowers of your soul. Free Demo on April 17th Osho Leela at 8:30pm
or som e months nov" Osho Lucia centre leaders Susheela and Kaiyum, have been feeling a revamping of the centre is needed, an injection of fresh energy. They ~anted to change the everyday running of the centre to a committee-based venture rather than a responsibility they alone shouldered. Although they felt that a change was needed, an expanded vision of what Osho Leela could be about, just. what that vision might look like was not clear to them. In late February they invited some of those interested in the centre to meet to discuss its future. Bv the second meeting, the idea to hold a general meeting was decided on. The general meeting, open to all sannyasins,isseen as a forum for those who have ideas related to bringing juice to the centre. The date decided on is Sunday April 11th, starting at 10,30 am. The plan is to begin with a short meditation, moving onto a time for sharing, and at its conclusion, adjourning for chai and raisin toast! Which would probablv bring us to 12.30 pm approximately. This feels like an opportunity to get together and "heart-storm"about ways in v»hich we can present. Osho's vision in a way that meets both our needs as sannyasins and those who mav be looking for something and are not even sure what that something is.... S o , guys: Be there or be square!
Piyihotheripy',' """.. -'. ' :;".. '; ",.; :; , : '.' . ," .. ';; "';:" " ." ; +Ad •
:'»<'~ LATlt»tC.CiO tHYO KCSTAsY W5 2 ~
"KV Ã ~:IIM~".i<' ,~""."
Rebilincing: .",'"''
Fri evening May 14th, Sat 15th &,Sun 16th • Cost S250 This group is aplayful journey to moveyoubeyond physical sexand explore orgasmicenergy with othersondexistenceitself. Using wild dance, gibberish, laughter, tantra, psychodramaandshamanic tranceto release
;:, . -:,.:--" »= .,:;:.:,-:.;Ageha -,, ,'. ~,"j~ : . : „:::"; 'AItI(Korin„5ephton):"~
the layers of fears that prevent you from letting go into ecstasy.
R<:a. Z<<RN,RACZ<<W I<»::
,; ..:i: '".,'."".;;",, Ph/faze<,9336 2,$70 .c»
"-.'"O':O'AL'IN'C';.$K$$IQN$ »'»~<!~VS. <' «»'4:.'mI< ., »i
A session using the arts of channelling, psychic surgery ond post-life regression to release your blocked energy into a state of ecstatic health.
'$$ ".,'$$:ggg@5$$jQN,:%YKNIN4$ • TxtZOT RLWDINCzs tL COumCS •
Commencing May 3rd • Cost S15 Aweekly eveninghypnotic journey into the unconsciousto release past-life wounds andexplore the talents of our ancient souls,
I<:-", j®AIIIO': Of HER WAY&'O': OVRRCONR'!STUfef ININO'i:I Qp@:;;:;It.;,*-;.jpj,:.':j„.' 6" '- ':: An Interview w ith Sm Veeten So, Veeten, can you talk a little bit about hom acting is somehom related to past lives, shamanism and ... um ... hom it helped you to talk like a normal human being'P Veeten: I' m g l ad you asked that, because no-one else has ever asked me that question before. And it's true, a cting literally transformed my l ife in a Jeckyl-and-Hyd e fashion at the ripe, pimply-faced sexually frustrated agc of 16. You see, up until that time I was outwardly this stuttering, terrified young man who dreaded facing any
form of human communication that involved speaking or looking into another person's eyes longer than a millisecond. I was that catatonically shy, painfully . 'tive young man who f littered like a wounded shadow through the school hallways and hid be i n is textbooks in rlass from the gut-wrenching terror of being c alled upon by thc tcachcr, "Robert, do you know t h e CB I'tBI Of FI'BBCC?
Ye s < lt S I c1 PB PB PBPca ... Bn r l 11'LV
pa-pas went on like a broken record until I shrunk back in my chair amidst razor-sharp <vaves of adolescent titters and freshly-charged dreams of killing myself. It was not a pleasant time.
nnounshed mncr girl, abandoned Into the arms of a well-meaning if perfectionist, goal-oriented father; never rcaIIy recovered from a 1700's lifetime as an outspoken English Archbishop whose head v, as gul guillotined 0 I n e (wounded w thn>at chakra!) for not sanctifying t he King's out-of-r<>ntn>l libido; or, deep p dow n , I didn't really have anything meaningful so say. But the real truth for me was that I did n't have a clue who I was — so hr>w thc hell could I express myself? Which self? I was this walking ultra-sensitive wound who could feel the slightest emotional tremor in everyone in search of a personality to speak through. And I had none. I was everyone, how, could I be >meone? I was born with an excruriating psychic sensitivity that took me years of misunderstanding an<. social ostracism to realize that very few other people shared, And although it later became a gift, it was a
the neighbourhood dogs at night and practising rituals 1 t At l t e a nm a gic in my bedroom Bs ot >er i d s were plaving baseball and going on first dates. cs. Yct, Yct all a thc while, I was still unable to speak ...
Veeten: We ll one day I stumbled into a high school audition for a play. And w hen the director finally handed me sides of B script and told mc to read anything I liked ... something magical happened! I gr>t u, t ook the script in trembling hands and bcg«an pacing like a raged lion up and dr>wn th» stage, bringing into mv conscious mind a character I'd scen another actor I'crld. Then whaln! I WBs on flic. I I'ccad that PBI"t osscssed by an energy I had always sensed within me but never had the courage to live out, without one s-tammer amm and with a neutron bomb exp osion of psychic energv rippling out from me in <vaves. I was wBs orc'aslnl orgasmic. ci also got the part. lt v'as a miracle. Acting gave me a psychic doorway into the Alice in Wonderland world oi m y unconscious where I could art out im p u lses Bnd heal wounds from my past lives and help me dance rather than fear the po~er of my teeming unconscious. I was hooked and for thc next 12 years. I dn>wncd myself in this lunatic world of make-up-believe, going from acting to directing to finally completing a Master's degree in playwrighting and w i n n ing two West Coast ' >1ting ' cco m p e t i t i ons before I finally took sannyas p 1aywrig
"'«« ' 4
MBStPI'S, PtC. I bPCBIllC «1 teenage Syengc111, hypnOtlSlng
Veeten: No , I was a monumental nerd, socially speaking. In retn>spect you could diagnose my hyper sensitive terror with a variety of psycho babble: my mother died when I was four leaving my deeply
moving towards spirituality.,;4 j Osho
And acting'P
life as an acting, you will start
So ... you mere a ne rd'P
, (Teo me, acting is one of the most spi'ritual professions. And if you take
capacity that tortured me until I finallv learned to pretend to be sr>mconc I was not, bcca use tr> say what I felt to bc true was to be branded "weird". It was a totally upside-dr>wn time for me, where parents and fnends w ere continuously sayineg how n i c e this or that person was, when all I could feel were barbed lightning bolts of hatred bristling around him or her. What to say? As I could find very few friends who shared my inner world I began to spend more and more time in libraries and there discovered my psychic soul-brethren in the invisible but energetically tangible world of' the Occult! I soon became an esoteric junkie and devoured everything on metaphysics, psychism, out-o -t e - -bod y cxppl'lpnces, ITlesIYlel isa>, channelling disembodied
in 1979. And for the last 20 years my love for theatre has somehow merged with my fascination v ith psychic healing and shamanism into leading groups like Wil Child Theatre< Shamanic Journey <and Desirc. For Inc< it s thc easiest and most delightful way to release the Unconscious and find out who you really are, Or aren' t. But either way, it's one hell of a lot of fun! +
: :,.Lif~e lit h a n E n l i g h t e ned M a s t e r 3 books by Oshos Chron.elec fvtaneesha
Bhagudanr Tbe Buddha For Tbe Future PUI e. I 8c qatneeshalfratn
Bbagutan: 12 Da~s That Sboofe Tbe World
,'olt'Otal'L'44i ';::5ess IVAs;;,@tth'",4Mlt vArc jg.,",~. ","'.
Bhagu an: One Man Against Tbe Whole
%Q",fs3spborer:, sg7e@kp ' n44itcttsci@ ":. tran '.s''t„'",")g~'i:",'";i,
lhe vaorlct ioul g 1 ds baay-ieauing ' 'fpt ipcarineprtii l hnt'd found n hvtfi r recorder Ihau giunnundltna lind m uttvhniinudn or ' noert Soera(ep tutd in plato trheii n e nn nippon@, tlriaeephn p cottecnoris u ill iie rtdpttapttrpered fArciraitf litt'.' Os ho
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e'd never met before but I presumed the slim, bald-headed young woman wh n answered the door to the Amsterdam apartment was Turirx Diagnosed only 5 months earlier as having an inoperable brain tumour, she'd learnt that I wo rked a» a meditatir>n counsellor and asked to see me. As she kissed me in greeting she grinned, exclaiming, "Thank goodness someone I can talk to about death!" It was not. that she was alone. But her many friends were busy giving her massages, energy readings, psychic cleansings, aura soma, Reiki, and cnlourpuncturc sessions. Or so diligently decorating her room w it h cry»tais and espousing thc powers of the latest "miracle cures" that they didn't notice that more than anything she wanted to
discuss her fear of dying. n accepting that snmcone we love, c»pccially a parent, is dying wc face the uncomfortable fact r>f nur own mortality, and our feelings of' helplessness -particularly painful when it concerns a person vve love deeply. We rationalise our growing sense of loss and of grief as selfish, and try desperately to bc cheerful. !Reasoning that however sick the other might. be, "while there's life,
.;:~ Iff.you can transform a death into a moment of celebration, you have helped your friend, your mother, your father, your brother, your wife, your husband. You have given them the greatest gift that is possible in existence."
Osho - The Razor'sEdge.. ®,
Osho talking about my father's death.
the separation from his body / m i n d ; the meditatrir v aits for it., voluntarily welcomes it. So the mcditator may be morc comfortable than anynne else in the presence of deat.h. This at-ease-ness provides the unspoken permission for us to accept nur impending demise and tn share both our practical concerns and our deepest fears. We may be ambivalent about dying: onc day accepting it, another, talking of "w hen I get over this." It'» helpful to bc supported through all these changes. As well, the peaceful energy a meditator brings to your bedside will rub off on you. Without your even knovving it, vour breathing will begin tn fall in tune with hers — and the space of conscious relaxatinn is not only very calming, but is the best preparation for dying. It's natural when life is clearly on thc wane to look back and wonder what it was all about: "What did I achieve? Did I mean anything to anyone'? Will I be missed?" Ivluch of our sadness is because the show is over, and we haven't done all we wanted to. Our desires might be quite simple - to be by the»ea at sunset, tn cat a certain fond, tn speak to an old friend, and»n on. Our anguish tno comes through a sense ot' incompletion — that we didn't resolve an ancient hurt v'ith a school friend or former lover, never did apologise for wounds we might have caused. That we haven't really expressed our love
ancl gratitude to those with whom we are snt>mate. there's hope," we bitsy ourselves trying to be useful. Anything to postpone mentioning thc ultimately unpostpnneable. But put your»elf in the place of a dying person: awful lonesome when, more than ever before,ynu need a heart-to-heart vvith thnse ynu love, and they keep shushing you up w it h p l atitudes such as "We' ll fight this thing! You' re going to pull through!" Ynu realise that you' re on your nwn in this, and try to cover up your fears. Needing to sharc, yet concerned that the other won't be able tn handle the truth, everynne valiantly struggles to keep up a charade. editation is similar to death in some ways. 13oth in meditating and dying, the journey is, as Osho calls it, of thc "alone to the alone." ln both, one enters a space of silence and the realm nf the unknnwn, even the unknowable. In both, one needs to let go of the definitions of being a bodv-mind; to drop any notion of control and simply surrender. The dying person resists
g/~ d'~d gg
f'we are helped to live out our desires, encouraged to express nur love, reassured that wc have been lnved, and that nur life has been worthw h i le, when we do leave life as wc have knnwn it, it wiH be with trust. and dignity, with grace ancl gratitude. If meditation ha» become a familiar experience, nnc that is welcomed and enjoyed, our body-leaving will be tntally transformed. All of these ways of supporting another will be tempered accnrding to the carer's comfort level around death and thc openness/awareness of the person dying. While we want the best for those v e love - in death as in life — it i» their death, after all, and it wo uld be inappropriate at least, and intrusive at worst, to impose on anyone our own version of "the right way of dy i ng." We can bc reassured that, without a doubt, sooner or l ater we will have a chance to do it our w av ! +
If there are enough interested p«<oplc — a minimum of l0 Man«~ha would behappy tn run a group on "Death k Dying". Enquiries on 9335 6298.
'-.".Osha C'i'anno j~'aci al,8ata'rtcirt9;,„" (1cn(lc l)callng l?Oclyivork f()l' l1('.lid(lcllcs, l)ack neck pain, n)lgralncy colo(lon ll
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Osho's Dream at Conscious Living E~po We ve been offered the opportun)ty to run a full o sho Meditation pr()gra)rlrne at the Conscious Llvlng Expo on May 21, 22 6 23. We will be
Setchirrt,pealing,/ N LP Practitioner:: . The hea'ling IOf''patterns through re;alignment and integration, Tt)e energy ' of Seichim theri enatates change to occur at the celiular level. „;,:, ...;;;,>,s
Ph 9 38 4 0522 ":"~ '-"0+1'7 935 204
running three meditations a day, which will be Sufi Dancing, No-Dimensions and Kundalini. We will be also demonstrating on the stage what we' re up to. Things are still in the formative stage, so come to the General Centre Meeting at O sho Leeia on April 'll fo r m o re
,„, „...I
'-',,;,'05HCI,',5:.bREAC M;,:,:i information and your input. See you at the expo, we need your supportive presence!
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Beloved Oeho
A fcw months ago my friend Bnd I were visiting his dying father. His body was about finished. To most people hc was indifferent; but when everyone left hc suddenly opened his eyes and told us," I feel like I have hvo bodies; one body is sick and the other is completely healthy." We told him, "That's right! The healthy body is the real ynu, »u strly with that one."He said, "Okay," and CIo»n3 his eyes. As we sat vl~th him, thc sick energy around the hospital Kd changed. We couldn't believe this ncw energy; it was as if we were in darshan lvlth VOU... sUch beBU'tlfUI sllcncc, AftPI we left hc improved fnr as Ivhile, v <ent home and died peacefully in his bcxI.
good itcp tu tell him, "You are the
It w<1» a
healthier br)d y." The second»tcp woUld. hrlvp bcpn to tell him, "You are the witness of b(.)th thc bodies; the body that is dying is physical, and the body that you
are feeling is The experience that you went through allvays is possible when someone is dying. All that is required is a little alertness. The man whu was dying was Blvale nnt much av(arene»s is needed for this experience. At the moment of death your physical body and your spiritual body start separating. Ordinarily, they are su involved with each other that you don't feel their separation. But at the moment of death, just befnre death happens, both the bodies start getting unidentified with each other. Now their ly l y » arc going tu bc different; the physical body is going to the
physical elements, and the spiritual bndy is on its pilgrimage onwards, tu B n(.w birth, in a new form, in a new womb. If the person is a little alert he can see it himself, and because yuu said. to him that. the healthier body is you, and the body that is sick and dying is nut you.... In those moments, tu trust is very easy because it is happening just before the eyes of the person himself; hc cannot identify w ith the body that is falling apart, and he can immediately recognize the fact that he is the healthier one, the deeper one. But you could have helped the man even a little morc — this was good, but nut good enough. Fvcn this experience nf the man, of getting unidentified (1, ith the physical body, immediately changed the energy in the room; it became silent, peaceful. But if ynu had lcrlrncd thc art uf huw to help a dying man, you w o ul d nr)t have stopped where you stopped. A second thing lvas rlbsuIUtcly necessary t'0 tpll hIIB becBU»e Ile wB» IB rl trusting »tate — everybody is, at the moment nf death. It is life lvhich creates problem» and doubts and postpnnements, but clcB'th has Bn t'IB1P to pos'tpunP. ThP. man cannot say, "I will try to see," or, "I will sec tomorrow." He has tn do it right now,, this very moment, because even the next moment is not certain, Most probably he is not. going tr)»urvivc. And w hat is hc going to lose by trusting? Death anyway, is going tn take a(vay everything, Su the fear of trust is not there; time tu think about it is not there. And a clarity is there that the physical body is getting farther and farther
healthy is
psychological. But who are yuu? You can see both the bodies... certainly you must be the third; you cannot be one of these twn." Th1» Is thr', whole plnccss of thc bBIdu. Only IB Tibet have they developed the art of dying. While the whnle world has been trving tn develop the art of living, Tibet is the only country in the world w h ich has dcvclnpcd the whole »cicncc and art of dving. Thev call it thc bardn.
If you had told thc person, "1 his is good that you have taken one step, yuu are out of the physical body; bUt Bolv voU hrlve got identified with the psychological body. YOU Bre nut even that; yuu arc only alvareness, a pure cun»ciuu»nc»», a perceptivity...." If you could have helped thP peI'snn tn un d erstrlnd thBt h(< I» Bc(ther thl» body nor that body, but »r)mething bodiless, formless, <1 pure cun»ciou»nc»»,then hi» death would have been a totally different phenomenon. Yuu saw the change of energy; yr)u would have scen another change uf cnergv. Yuu saw silence descending; yuu mould have scen music also, a certain dancing energy also, a certain fragrance filling the whole space. And the man's face would have shown a Bew phenomenon — the aura of light. If he had t'aken the second step also, then his death would have been thc la»t death. In the bardu they call it "the great death," because now he will not bc born into another form, into another ilnprisonmcnt; nuw hc will remain in thc eternal, in the oceanic consciousness that fills the whole univcr»c, n remember it — it may happen tu many of you. You may bc with a friend or w it h a relative, your Irluthcl; yoUI fBthcI. Wh ll c t l lPv Bl c clylng, help thPnl tn r ealize hvo things: first, they are not thc physical body — v«hich is very»im plc for a dying man to recognize. Second — lvhich is a little difficult, but if the man is able tn recngnize the first, there is a possibility nf the second I'ecugnltlun tuu — 'thBt ynU arP. But even the second buriy;
you are beyond both the bodies. You are pure freedom Ilnd pUI'('. Consctousncss,
If he had taken the second step, then you would h clvc sc(.n cl nllraclc hclppcnlng Bround h i m something, not just silence, but something more alive, something belnnging to eternity, tn immnrtality. And all ()f ynu who werc present there would have bccn overwhelmed w) I'h gI'Btlt'UCIP thBt thts dPBth has not' been a time oi nlourning, but it has become a moment of celebrati()n. If you can transform a death into a moment of celebration you have helped your friend, your mother, your father, your brother, your wife, your husband. You have given them thc greatest gift that is possible in existence. And close to death it is very easy. The child is nnt even worried about life or death; hc has nn concern. The young man is ton inv()lved in biological games, in
"Death knocking on the door is one of the greatest opportunities of life - the greatest, the suprememost opportunity. There is only one thing that can compete with it a little, that is love. But it can compete with it only a little..y '~"-„ :+ ~''
eath knocking on the door is one of the greatest. opportunities of life — the greatest, the suprememost opportunity. There is nnly one thing that ran compete with it a little, that is love. But it can compete with it only a little. When death knocks at the door, it depends on how vou react tn it. If you can react in a friendly way, in a receptive mood, death can bc transformed into eternal life, If you cling to life, you are posscsscd by it; then you missed ()ne opportunity more. Death is going to happen tn cvcrybndy — what excuse it takes is irrelevant. Hodgkin's ()r hiccups, it doesn't matter; those are just excuses. Death comes and death comes absolutely.Excuse or no excuse, itcomes. In fact it enters your system the very moment wc arc born. Since that time we start dying. And it is good that it comes like a shock, because many people die slowly, slolvly. They never become aware and they cannot use the oppnrtunity. People dic in their beds; slowly, slowly they disappear in parts. JVlm2 you v'ill be dying wholesale. Ynu can usc the opportunity because it is there and now you know it. And you can transcend it too. Thc very shock can be a turnabout, a mutation. Use this shock joyously: dance and sing, and continue to meditate. If ynu can die meditatively, lovingly, rejoicingly... hallelujah in y()ur
heel I' t!
Osho-Letgo! ambitions, in becoming richer, in becoming powerful, in having more prestige; he has no time to think of eternal ciucstlons. Hut at the moment of. death, just before death is going to happen, you dr)n't have any ambition. And Ivhether you are rich or poor makes no difference; whether you afe a criminal ()r a saint makes no difference. Death takes you beyond all discriminations nf life and beyond all stupid games of life. l)ut rather than helping people, people destroy that bPcluttful nl n nl c nt, It Is thc nl ost pfPCIQUs In a
man's whole life. Even if he has lived one hundred years, this is the must precious moment. l3ut people start crying and
weeping and showing their sympathy, saying, "This is very untimely, it should not happen." Or they start c()nsnling the person, saying, "Don't be worried., thc doctors are saying that you will be saved." ThcsP arc Bll foollshncssPs. Even 'thc dnctol s play a part in these stupid things. They don't teII you that your death has come. They avoid the subject; they go on giving ynu hope. They say, "Don't be worried, you will be saved," knovving perfectly well that thc man is g()ing tn dic. They arc giving him a false consolation, nnt knowing that this i» the moment when he should be made fully aware nf death — so acutely and so impeccably aware that pure consciousness is cxpcricnccd. That moment has become a moment of gfPBt vlctoly. Now t h cl c Is no death foI' hlITl, but only
eternal life." Osho - The Razor's Edge, Chapter 43
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space. Meanwhile she was terribly uncomfortable and was in a lot of pain and it wasn't until 6:30 am, about. 8 hours later, until they f'inally cleared the legal documents to be able to give her morphine for her pain. So all night wc sat there while she was going through bouts of agony,
What were the circumstances around your mother's death? Visma ya : It w a s t otally traumatic. I was very shocked about how unsupported a dying person is in thc public health system, so much, that it has left a real desire within me to bring more support to that stage of life.
Did she die in the hospital? Yes, she was admitted to the hospital the week before and then she discharged herself and stopped taking medication, because she somehow knew she was going. Then onc night Divyam rang to tell me that hcr breathing had changed. Iwent over and because we knew she didn't really want to be in thc hospital, we decided to call the locum, Throughout the whole evening the doctor had a very disconcerting attitude towards u», who were not tamiliar w ith being around somebody dying. There wasn't much support for us, as relatives, or our efforts to support our mother in her dying proce»». We also didn't really know if she was d ying, Death is such a final thing and we did n' t know i f she had one day or two w eeks left. The doctor advised u» to bring her to the hospital, although when asked if she wa» close 'to dvlrlg h c was vcl y VBgUc Bnd IUst said shc wa» very sick and probably she would dic soon. Because her breathing kept changing again and again and she was in a lot of pain, we dccidcd tn take her to the hospital. As we got out of thc ambulance the d river told me, "If I w ere you I w o u l d n' t w ait un t i l someone is that sick to bring her to the hospital", which struck me as a insensitive thing to say to someone in a situation like that. Shc was admitted into the emergency ward at Frcmantle Hospital where she stayed all night. We were actually not invited into the emergency room, but we felt very strange not being with her so vve managed to get our»elves in, politely, »o we could sit with her. Divyam : It w a s n 't so politely... (laughing) ... we really pushed our way through. To»cc someone that you really love going into a speedy place like that, with all these tluorcsccnt lights and tubes, people constantly being wheeled in and out, Wc just stood there for tcn minutes and thought, "Right, wc are going in there! It doc»n't matter how we gct in!" An d w e di d gct in . Visma ya : So wc f o u nd h er in this big open room, kind of like a dormitory, with only a thin curtain as a sound shield. And there was a faulty cardiac machine right next to her that every three minute made this dreadfully piercing»ound. So we sat there for about an hour and »lowly plotted ilM ay B't trvlng to get her a morc private
Was she actually conscious throughout this? Visma y a : Sh e was conscious. It is kind of hard to define in a situation like that. Some things she was incredibly coherent about. I'eople have asked us if she died a peaceful death. Hcr death w<as so unique, it wa» just how shc lived, it was dramatic, very dramatic and that's how she lived hcr life and it was her way of dyi ng. To be with her and vrith my own uncomfortableness of thc unknown, of not knowing what to do and wanting to do everything we could for hcr. And again and again coming up against the legal system, the rules and forms, And not being able to give her something for her pain wh.ich is why we went to the hospital. Divyam : Ye a h, like Vismaya said, she died as she lived, very dramatically, It was unique. For 14 hours she fought the pain and she made this incredibly animalistic kind of sound that came right out of the depth of hcr
belly. You mean a pain sound? Yeah, it was a pain sound... For 14 hours she just fought to hang on and we saw her in her total rawncss. And for me it was a feeling of again being blessed by hcr,
because we had been throughout our lives.. and also we' ve been cursed by her... Somehow we got this gift of her absolute... soul... o r » o m c thing. And bccau»c thc three of us arc»o conncctcd it was a really uplifting experience on one level. I'm not very good w ith death and I think I was in shock. But we w ent into this totally different state with her, like Bn altered state. About half way through the night Visi started saying to hcr, "go for the light mum, go for the light" around that time her eyes went up and they were looking up for the rest of the time before she died, that' s when this altered state occurred. That's really when we actually realized that she wa» dying soon, and also with thc help of a male nurse, who was obviously a buddhist, rvho confirmed this for us. So wc did w h atever wc could. We made her comfortable Bnd we held hcr, I started talking to her about some of the things we had done together, some of the holidays we had been on together „. Visma ya : (l a u g h i n g) ... yes, first I had to laugh when I heard Divi talking about holidays, but I felt really
grateful that Divi was there. It was such an experience together and I couldn't have been truly myself in that situation if it hadn't been for Divi and vice versa. I felt so much in the present ... just tntally in the present.
Did you feel her leaving the body? Vismaya : Go i n g back to the beginning.â&#x20AC;&#x17E;A f t e r the f'irst hour of us being in this noisy emergency ward, they gave us acubicle down at the very end, which was more private and protected and we all felt more at ease. We gnt into the hospital at IO pm but we didn' t really know until 4 am that shc would bc dying soon. So we were basically waiting around to get the legal papers sorted out for the morphine. We also had tn make a decision whether we wanted the doctors to go in with intrusive medical procedures or if we just wanted to keep her on maintenance medical care. So with the help nf Ted, the nurse, we decided not to have intrusive medical procedures. That was a very confronting decision to make. Sn around 6:30 am the papers for the morphine came through and Ted came and got usand wc wheeled mum through the emergency room tn bring her upstairs into a private room, And at that point her breathing changed again. As we were waiting for the last of the papers, we were standing right under some bright lights. So we wheeled her away from the lights and that's when I thought she took her last breath. Divi and I actually are of different opinion on that. Divi thought shc took her last breath in the lift. I heard it said before and it sounds like such a cliche, but a look of pure joy just spread over her face. Divyam: At t h a t point in the lift we knew she had gone and we were crying, laughing and sobbing all at the same time. Because she was such a traveller and she was always on the move. And she was half in the lift and half out of it, when I thought she took the last breath. And there we were ascending in the lift just as she was leaving her body! It was sn uniquely her. Vismaya : Te d w as really beautiful, he was really there fnr us. When we arrived in the room, it really clicked for us, that she left her bndy, because all the machines were taken awav. So we placed her on the bed and she looked just beautiful.
Did you feel her spirit in the room? Vismaya : I h o n estly don't know if I felt. her spirit there. The nnly thing I can say it that when she did take her last breath there was certainly some kind of sense of
Vismaya : Th e c ontrast was sn great. All night she was fighting her pain, which kept her there and when she did die there was a lovely smile all over her face. And the aftercare was really beautiful. They allowed us to wash her and put make-up on her and gave us everything we needed. They alsogave us lots of time to be m ith her, which I think was also a result of us pushing aII night and our constant presence with her.
How is for you now to have lost both your parents? Divyam: Th is is 6 weeks now since mum died. And I' ve been through an incredible process with this. Our father died a long time ago, Yes, it was a freeing experience in some way and I did also feel the aloneness for a while, but at the same time I have Vismaya and all my sannyasin friends, especially my girlfriends and sannyas and I feel loved and well supported. Also throughout this time we received a lot of loving phone calls, which wc weren't really able to return because of the intensity of the situation, but we really felt the support. I'm feeling the loss of mum a lot in the last couple of weeks, the loss of her as a unique being and thc
reLationship we had. We' ve had an intense and dramatic history with mu m t h rnughout nur lifetime and also an incredible bond. Visma ya : Be c a use she was in pain for about 3 months before she died I feel a relief that she has left her body. And a lot of processing is going on for me as well. When I connect. with her in my heart, I feel more love now than I' ve ever felt before, So in a sense it has released something. Our last words to her were: "Thank you so, so much for sharing this night with us. Sharing your guts, something so real..." And something else I' ve connected with over the last fern weeks is the enormous mystery that surrounds us. Someone can actually just disappear. To scc someone through to thegate and wave goodbye and then just to continue on living is such a connection to something bigger.
Has this experience changed something in you? Divyam: Absolutely. I' ve never really been that close to death before. Now death has become a part of my living, where as before I knew about it but I hadn' t experienced it. It definitely changed something for me.
somethingotherwordly ... Has being meditator helped you in this ee Divyam, how was it for you after she left her body? Divyam: I w a s awestruck and totally overwhelmed by what ever energy was in that room. I don't know whether it was hcr soul nr whatever it was... there was something thereâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;, And meanwhile family had arrived and we all sat with her for a long, long time afterwards. I can't really describe it. All I know is that I felt I was in the presence of something that was out of this world. I actually thought shc had a very cheeky grin on her face, too.
Vismaya: Throughout the whole night of mum leaving her body I felt Osho with mc in my heart, just totally there with me. just the watchfulness, being able to watch and be, being able to suppnrt and shower mum with our love, knowing that death isn' t something to avoid. This understanding has been passed on to mc through this experience and through being a sannyasin and I feel something of this will carry nn in me, and also something abnut nnt being so identif'ied with my ow n stuff. + Inte r view by Alandana
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;;q, )Bhavan, what w'ere the ~~/~;(~;."â&#x20AC;&#x17E;5:.-.p cir<cumsIf jpcgp;,of@our fattier"ii'~ $>l Bhavan' Hc c l)ed about a IT(nnth ago. He had emphysema and had been ill for some time, but I'm also realizing that I hadn't really acknowledged the fact that hc was pn)bably dying soon, At Christ)rkas time when I went dow n tn Espcrance to sce him hc was on oxygen all the time. And w hen a fcw w eeks later I got a phone call from my brother-ln-law t'o come down I w a s quite shocked. By that stage he mas virtually bed-ridden and obviously critically ill. He had a great dislike of doctors and hospitals and his one ivish was that he'd die at home, and my mo ther suppnrted him in that.
Was he still conscious when you arrived'? Bhavan: Ye s and hc didn 't appear to bc in pain and mas quite ronscious and alert and in manv w ays quite strong. His voice was very strong, his grip was very strong and he knew exactly what hc wanted and what hc didn't want and put it out, wh ich I f'nund quite amazing. Part of thc whole story is also that I' ve got tw<o
sisters and one of them, Judy, had become B bit estranged through something that happened between us. Su there was this anxiety about hcr coming over frr)m Sydney and how the wh ole familv scenario would bc. Sn when I arrived my father said: "If I hang on long ennugh I' ll be able to see Judy." It tunk her 24 hours to get there which felt like an eternity, because he mas constantly
looking Bt his watch ancl asking whB.t the time mas.
because hc didn't mant us tr) think that he would be favouring any one of us. Sn Bt one point mhcn we lvcre all sitting there, assembled like dutiful daughters, he would all nf a sudden say: "I think it's time for chocolate now!" Su we dutifully each ate B pl(-.'cc nf chocnlBte Bnd he even had twu! (laughing)... The humour he had just really amazed anri surprised me. Just the ability to jnke in this situation, mhich was almost out of char<aeter, berause he divasa very stern man. But there was also an incredible goodness about him and the essenrc of that goodness just really shone through.
How was it w hen he left his body? Bhavan: On t h e last day, I got a phone call and rushed over. As it turned out he had about. Bn hour to live. Hc just acknowledged us mhen we walked in and smiled and he vvas struggling to breathe. That hour just seemed to gn by incredibly quick. And lve just sat with him and sponge(3. hllTI Bnd wet. his lips, but then hc didn't avant anybody touching him. Up un til then he had wanted that contact. And I just. got this strong sense of an incredible concentration, uf him having tu du something on his own and he didn't w ant anv distractinns. There mas such a sense of transition and continuity, that in fBct It tonk sr)me time before I rcallzPd that hc mas no longer in his body. So I think the grieving and sense ofloss could be somewhere down the linc, because of this continuity. I don't quite know hum to put it, but his essence was still there.
Did you feel to speak to him after he left his ~
When she finally arrived, all the stuff that had been between us just totally dropped away and I was so relieved to see hcr. Alsr) Judy and my other sister Sue had been estranged for a long time. There we were the three of us suddenly thromn into the situation of nursing our father. It was a really amazing time for us and we would find ourselves sitting, talking and laughing together in the lr)unge room an d su dd enly he'd call us in tu chat with us. And then again we ivnuld be in tears together and hugging each other. It was an incredibly opening Bncl bunrling tlrne, in some wBys reBlly PxtrBordinary and in other lvays also very ordinary and mundane. Life just goes on even if there is B person dying in the next room!
Bhavan: Wc were all very much aware of his presence. My mother sat with him all day and we came in and uut. She was just incredibly grateful. It (vas just sn unexpected for hcr to be able tn dn that. I don't suppose any uf us thought through w hat this process might be like, but I guess we imagined he'd be whipped away. It vvas such B trPBt Bnd sn healing 'tu sit with him Bnd talk to him and touch him for those 12 hours afterwards. My sister and I helped the nurse, which we called at. that point, tn wash and dress him and to find clothes which hc would have liked to have lvurn, which was such a beautiful and hnnuuring process.
Did you find the experience transformative?
Bhavan: Th is sounds a bit cliched, but in a way it was su inspirational thc way he was dying, he was so emphatic about lvhat he manted and lvhat lvas right for him, that I gained an inrredible strength from it. I'm sort nf taking on my boss at thc moment...(laughing)... big time.... I'I' was IUst sUch a lesson lt get tmg whBt yoU m<1nt in life and being single minded about it. What I'm left with apart from that strength is also an incredible love and warmth and a feeling uf his presence and a closeness, and all of that a lot more than lvhen he mas in his body. It's like something's dropped away and something beautiful remains. And we' re all IPft m)th sUch Bn Incredible gratltucle. And the other side r)f that mas that we all were total and gave a hundred percent of r)ur time, so we knew me had done everything and it gave us such a sense of cnmplctiun and satisfaction, leaving us with nr) regrets whatsoever. It felt like such a healing process. + Interview by S o n o
Bhavan: Yes absolutely. I' ve never experienced death before in such closeness. And suddenly here I mas doing things if I had thought about I mould n't have been able tn du. And also just tn observe him, It mas just like everything had dropped amav. All the personality stuff was sort of gone and there rvas just incredible love, that vvas the feeling throughout the whole time.
So the changes in him were quite significant? Bhavan: Hc w a s just incredibly accepting uf his death and I'd always thought he mould be fearful and difficult. He was reassuring us and mas making jnkes, There merc some really funny situations. I-Ie liked Magnum ice cream, So he'6 bc lying thcrc gasping for air and then he would suddenly say: "I'd l ike an ice rrcam now," Su wc'd dutifu lly cut up some ice cream and mould feed it tu him. He also always ~ anted to see us together
How does this experience impact your life now?
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N atara j
Osho Leela
9336 5090
7:00 — FJ:()0 pm
White Robe Brotherhood
59 Wray Aye
9430 5509
6:40 — 7:45 pm
White Robe Brotherhood
Osho Leela
9336 5090
11am — 12: l5 pm
Satsang (monthly)
Osho 1 cela
9336 5090
4:00 — 6:00 pm
Full Circle
1<TR FM 92.1
don't miss
';g.. 'L%:„,'Gl'AR„'-"'iP
Meditating just for the joy ofi t ~!
7 - W ild Child Performance Training v ith Veeten see ad page 3,
Tibetan Pulsing clears out the blockages and short circuits in the nervous system which interfere with our meditation. The only side etfect is getting healthy.
'16'" - Wild Child Theatre Performance sec ad page 3. 17~ - Little Red Phone Book Launch Party at Osho Lecla. Dancing, Demos, Phone Book Launch and lots of fun. Don't miss.. Saturday 7-10pm.
9433 21$4 9 336 176 $
'l9'" - Breath Evenings with Dhyan see ad page 2.
23"' - Shamanic Journey
biuc.izxÃ~liil I f'.~ 'I ',.":.:,",
CRAp H I CS', ',y,"/II;;,.-",:;
with Veetcn see ad page 3.
24'" - Macrobiotic Cooking classes withSahaja. See ad page 5. 27~ - Introduction to M e d itation at Osho Leela, 7-9 pm.
29~ - Health Repress with. Sono, see ad page 5.
:, itsflytpps@,br9chuI;es, %~ acts,:~)qe~++pjrjj@(;"-:.";<$y' ~~ r x Pht@F93'I'0 33'I'k:;~'m~nctan'i@hotftnks".nk8a~~:,';p>'; 1 " - Full Moon Breath N i g h t with Dhyan. See ad page 2.
3" - Past I.ife Regression Evenings Distributing to you: Osho Books, Audio Discourses Music form the World of Osho Osho's Discourses 5. Meditations Osho Tarot Cards OSHO TIMES Sales fk Subscriptions Booking Agent for Pune Groups h
with Vceten see acl page 3.
14'" - Orgasm with Veeten see ad page 3. 25'" - Introduction to M e d itation at Osho Leela, 7-9 pm.
Shnhide PO Box 702 Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Ph/fax (02) 6684 5533
30 -
Fu ll Moon Breath Night
with Dhyan. See ad page 2. P
please phone before foxing
19'" - Macrobiotic Cooking classes withSahaja. See ad page 5.
Gandharva Ph. 9331 5660
29~ - Full Moon Breath Night with Dhyan. See ad page 2. 29'" - Introduction to M e d itation at Osho Leela, 7-9 pm.
Upcoming O ctober - Satori w ith G a n g a from Poona. 7-day residential Meditation 1'rocess. For more info phone Ageha on 9336 2170.
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